Principle of interdependent origination (or principle of dependent origination) is of a very vast scope as far as its applicability stands within the Makings of Maker … But here we shall mostly discuss its end stage, i.e. interdependent origination and its law (or cause and effect, which includes the law of reverse effect) as a path of liberation … This is because any other applicability of it, holds no consequence due to it leading to an endless bondage … And since this principle of dependent origination is also related to the stages of evolution, which itself are transiting through those vast numbers of countless macrocosmic hierarchical evolutionary states, so the discussion of its applicability on evolutionary process, could not have been ignored here …
So, as far as I am concerned, rest all what the present day teachers are talking regarding this principle and its law, is only leading to an utterly nonsensical stage of endless-bondage, which was not why the self realized, all realized sages had told about this principle and its law … When we don’t use something in a way, in which it was meant to be utilized by the sage who gave it, then the teacher and his (or her) clan, only ends up losing his (or her) dynastic lineage and land … Many examples of severe consequences of this non compliance are already visible in this world … One must never use a macrocosmic principle or law in a way, that is not in line with what it was meant to be used and non compliance to this aspect only leads to loss of one’s and ones lineage’s hierarchical standing in the world …
This happens to be one of the primary principles of all gross and subtle states of all that is as Brahmand (macrocosm) and it’s each microcosm (Pinda) …
This is first amongst this series of topics on interdependent origination and its law of cause and effect …
Original base of interdependence is original self-expression of Brahman … Shunya Brahman …
Everything needs a base to originate …
Above statement is also applicable to the base which is as a base to originate anything …
And when we study this interdependence of bases upon their predecessor bases, then this study ultimately leads to the original self expression of the attributeless infinite being (who in Vedas is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm, in addition to being simply called as Brahman) … This original base is of Shunya Brahman, who as such is that zero infinity (Shunya Ananta), that by itself is the infinite zero (Ananta Shunya) …
And since Shunya Brahman is naught but the original self expression of Parabrahman, so eventually (or finally) the base only relates to Parambrahma (Para Brahman) … But at the same time, since Brahman can never be a base due to it being attributeless infinite (Nirguna Nirakara), so due to this reason, Brahman can never be considered as the original base of anything, even when it really is … This itself is due to the fact, that Brahman, who itself is baseless (devoid of a base) and rootless (devoid of a root of itself), can never be considered as a base or root of anything, even when it really is …
Due to this reason, the real base can only be the original self expression of Brahman, which as such is none other than Shunya Brahman (I.e. the zero infinity, who by itself is the infinite zero) …
And since what is called as Shunya Brahman, is also the same as who is addressed as Panch Mukha Sadashiva (five faces of Sadashiva) in addition to being addressed as Sriman Naaraayana (great grandfather of allness) and as Bhagwan Vishvakarman in addition to being called as Virat Parabrahman Sadashiva and as Sadashiva, so this by itself is the reason for these names to be called as original bases of allness of Maker’s Makings …
Nirgun Brahma (attributeless infinite being or Brahman) not being as a base of anything is due to the fact, that Brahman is baseless (Niradhara) and this is also so due to the fact, that the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) can only be as a silently detached and distant witness of all, even when Nirguna Brahman (attributeless being) permeates (pervades) and envelopes all due to IT being the innermost essence of allness and her each part …
So even when baseless and rootles Brahman is the original base (Aadhaar) of all, yet due to it being attributeless (Nirguna) and infinite (Ananta), it can never be taken as the base of anything …
And since that Brahman is the timeless and eternal being whose timeline of origin or end cannot ever be calculated, so IT also becomes as the causeless cause of all, in addition to being the original baseless base of all that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings … And yet to consider it as a base, would only be foolish due to the fact, that Brahman is a perfectly detached, self luminous silent witness of all (Sarva Sakshi) that ever is as Makers Makings …
So due to this reason, the original base of allness, is considered as the original self expression of Brahman, which as such is as Shunya Brahman and who is as the zero which is infinite (or Shunya Ananta) and simultaneously also is as the infinite which itself is zero (Anant Shunya) … Or in other words, within Shunya Brahman, emptiness is full (infinite) and simultaneously, infinite is empty …
Note: Mathematical symbol of infinity also denotes Shunya Brahman and not Brahman as Brahman is devoid of allness, including symbols and this is even when IT permeates and envelopes allness due to which Brahman is within every part of Makers Makings (including the aspirant and as the aspirants Atma) and allness itself is residing within the envelope of Brahman …
Everything needs a base to originate … Each base is dependent upon the ever-same original base …
This principle is applicable to “all that ever is, all that apparently is during any of the triple times, all that is believed as not and all that apparently or non-apparently is not” …
Everything which has ever originated has eternally needed a base to originate and the same need (or aspect) is also required during each subsequent re-beginning of any entity as always is after it enters into the next phase (and/or incarnation) of its existence, that could either be here or could even be in beyond realms …
And all these cycles of birth, temporary existence in that incarnated state and then the stage of a roll over (or simply, death) which leads to further re-beginning (further re-beginning that is told here as death from this physical plane, is also a rebirth in spirit realms) are also dependent upon the original beginning of that entity (or microcosm) by which it had originally started off its existence within the Maker’s Makings … And where that original beginning had taken place countless eons and further countless eons ago …
Thus, during subsequent re-beginnings as are after any rollover (or dissolution of an incarnated state or simply death) of any entity, there needs to be an intrinsic support from the same original base as was when that microcosm had originally started off (or originally begun as a microcosm) within the supreme genius of Makersmakings and this itself is in addition to the support from all other bases that ever were till then and during each earlier incarnation (and including the current base of that re-begun incarnation and which itself is as the previous incarnation’s merit) …
Thus, the same original base eternally remains within each apparent base that is ever utilized to re-originate any microcosm and this is how it ever is during the course of entire cycles of existence of any microcosm which has ever begun within the supreme genius, as is of the Makersmakings …
Above also means, that, for any microcosm whom we may observe at any point of time, there always are aspects of series of hierarchical bases (which were utilized in earlier incarnations of that microcosm) and which itself are present within the base that is as the apparent or current base of origination of that microcosm within its present incarnation …
And where those entire series of bases are eventually related to the same original base (i.e. original self-expression of Brahman or Shunya Brahman) that was originally utilized by an entity (microcosm), so as to begin as a microcosm in the first place …
And this original base (Shunya Brahman or Sadashiva) has ever remained as the original base of each further re-beginning (re-incarnation or re-manifestation) that was ever attained by any microcosm during the entirety of history of the Makersmakings …
Thus, the apparent base also has its own base, which itself has also had its own earlier base and all these series of bases (or each earlier incarnation or manifestation of any microcosm) are also active within the base that is used to originate anything at any point of time … And where all these series of bases, itself relate to the original base of Shunya Brahman, i.e. the original self expression of Brahman …
So, basis above, a support is always there from the bases that have ever been as “bases of the present and earlier bases” which led to an arrival at the currently apparent base from where the presently apparent (or originated) microcosm has manifested … This is what was told as merits (Karma) which as such are categorized in four aspects …
- Kriyaman Karma … That karma which is currently undergoing …
- Agami Karma … That Karma which is due to be undergone in future …
- Sanchit Karma … That Karma which was ever undergone in any past and thus has kept accumulating till now (and where that “now” is also ever changeful only) …
- Prarabdha Karma … That Karma which is destined and is that part of Sanchit Karma, which has become as destiny of the present incarnation of the aspirant (or microcosm) …
- Thus, we we see these four aspects of Karma, which as such are the base of any microcosm, we also find that eventually all these are in one way or another related to the Sanchit Karma (accumulated merit) and due to this reason, Sanchit Karma is the primary one amongst these four types of Karmic bases …
And where that original base (Shunya Brahman or Sriman Naaraayana) is also the original base for self-manifestation of the creator of allness (I.e. Pitamah Brahma or simply, Prajapati) and also his divine abode (I.e. Brahmaloka) …
And when we reflect upon above for the stage (or time) of original origination of the macrocosm and her each microcosm, then we also know that this interdependence of origination is naught but continuing since the timeless eternity of the Maker’s Makings …
This continuity has eternally been there to originate the microcosm’s and that too, right from the time of their original origination within the Maker’s Makings (i.e. when the Maker had just about started off to self manifest the Makers Makings, through his divinity of desires, or Ichha Shakti) …
Proceeding further …
Thus, basis above, what you see as you, is also having a timeless history which itself is as old as the same original base (i.e. Shunya Brahman or Pancha Mukha Sadashiva) who by itself ever-was, ever-is and shall ever-remain as the original base of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation (i.e. the entire macrocosm) …
Support is always from the whole and is never from individualities …
The originated entities whether animate or inanimate derive their support from the whole and thus this support also is also from the which have been transited through so as to reach the present incarnated (or manifested) state of that entity … The phrase entire corpus of the bases eventually means, all the bases of all earlier incarnations (or manifestations) that ever were during eternity of existence of a microcosm and where all these bases are eternally and subtly present within the current base of origination of the microcosm …
Thus, then we consider the entire corpus of bases and their apparent and non-apparent support, then these are like a single whole which accounts for all that has happened since eternity of cycles of existence that have been passed so as to reach the presently incarnated (or manifested or apparent) state of the microcosm …
So due to this reason, even when the other earlier bases are not apparent, but still their subtle (or in other words, non apparent or hidden) presence if always there during any process of re-origination (or reincarnation) of any microcosm …
And the same fact is also fully applicable to each desire, thought, emotion and deed that any microcosm may undergo (or do) during the entirety of time spans of it’s cyclic existence within the Samsara (macrocosmic matrix or begun macrocosm) …
Thus basis above, even when these subtle (or hidden) bases may not seem apparent, yet the fact does not change from what it ever is and has also ever remained, that the base which is utilized to re-originate any microcosm (in any different incarnation or manifested state) derives its support from all the other bases which were utilized to keep originating (or better if we say, keep re-originating it) it during the entirety of course of its cyclic existence that has been passed till it’s currently incarnated state … This itself is within the range of discussion upon the principle of this chapter (i.e. interdependent origination) …
And the same fact is also applicable to the evolutionary process of any microcosm because the process of evolution during any incarnation of any microcosm is also dependent upon all those series of bases (which itself are right from the original base of Shunya Brahman or Panch Brahma or Sadashiva) that were passed through during the entire course of evolution of any microcosm (or aspirant) so as to make it arrive at its present evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies …
Thus, whatever base may be used to evolve to a higher evolutionary standing, that base has within itself the subtler aspects or subtle states (or non apparent or hidden aspects) of all the other bases which were utilized to evolve and reach the present evolutionary standing … This also denotes the principle of our discussion i.e. interdependent origination (or dependent origination) …
Not accounting for all earlier bases and original base is reason for cyclic chaos …
As such, whenever any system does not regard the authenticity of the original system (which itself was of Shunya Brahman or zero infinite which itself is infinite zero) that originally was as the original base of evolution of all that has begun within the Makers Makings, then that system is also unable to relate to it’s own eternity that has already been passed and thus is already gone by and due to this reason, such a system has always has a stated an end time (or end of time) of itself … And to ensure its incompleteness doesn’t come to fore, such systems are also very binding on their followers due to being highly individualistic (monotheistic) in their natures …
And since individualism is against the intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist state of processes of the macrocosmic creation, within which that individualism, its centered entity (godhead), its propagator (prophet, etc.), its text (scripture) and followers itself rest, so no individualism has ever been able to rest on any world till the timeless and fathomless eternity of the Maker’s Makings …
And this non-compliance is what makes it (i.e. that individualistic system or path or faith) to always hold an end of time theory (of itself or the world on which it gets manifested) and where that theory is also incorporated into that system, right from the time of its origination (within a world) itself …
And due to these mentioned reason, since individualism fails to come in perfect synchronism with the macrocosmic creation, within which that system itself rests, so individualism also remains with no choice but to be cyclically chaotic, i.e. it always has endlessly alternating cycles of chaos and peace and where these cycles of chaos and peace also continue until that individualism is present in that world (where it had manifested a few centuries or millenniums ago) …
Due to this reason, there is no world where individualism exists and these cycles of peace and chaos are not there … Within every individualistic system, all this nonsense is only due to not accounting for the original base and also not accounting for all previous bases (i.e. which itself are subtly present within the present base) that were utilized as a base for the process of interdependent origination which led to the present base from where it has currently originated as an individualistic system … This is why, individualism never has a concept of reincarnation, cyclic nature of time (Kaalchakra or wheel of time) and even if it is there, it is an incomplete one and thus is as good as absent …
This cyclic chaos is because of loss of and thus absence of fullness of its inner dynamism (loss of flows to the earlier bases and also to the original base and the original beginning) which itself is due to delinking of its path and practices to the original base that originally was as the reason of its original beginning within the supreme genius that itself is of the Maker’s Makings …
And due to this loss, of contact to the entire series of bases until the original base, the evolutionary contact to the entire entire evolutionary process is also not there … This loss of contact also leads to a state of cycles of chaos and peace within all such individualistic systems and due to this reason of non compliance to the entirety of our discussed principle (interdependent origination), individualism (monotheism) of any sort, can never hold a capability to lead to a state of long lasting peace upon the world …
The macrocosmic nature is pluralistic in her each state as she has so many individualities within her and each is given a space to progress of evolve as per its then realness of evolutionary process …
Thus, even when she seems to be individualistic (monotheistic) when we consider her individual states, yet she never is such in her reality which itself is as the pluralistic nature of her allness … And thus any belief, system, faith, codes of conduct and procedures that does not account for this reality of macrocosmic nature, are actually going against the basic tenet of mother nature itself … Such systems shall never lead to a long lasting peace …
Individualism (monotheism) is not just related to religions … It also relates to geographies (nationalities, etc.), economics (capitalism, etc.), social structures, political and geopolitical aspects, health systems, military or security aspects, cultural factors and aspects that relate to color, creed, race, sex, etc. … More is any system individualistic, more is it deviated from the pluralistic monism of macrocosmic creation and thus, more shall be the frequency and type of chaos that such a system (or faith) would cause upon the world … Higher is individualism within any system, more chaotic it would be seen to be during its longer time span of presence within the world and this itself is due to it being more distant from pluralistic monism of macrocosmic nature, which itself becomes the reason for its higher binding nature (on its adherents) and all this is due to its lesser synchronism with the fuller requirements of the principle of our discussion …
And contrary to above paragraph … More is a system pluralistic and monist, more peaceful would be seen to be in the longer run of time … This is as, in such a system there is an inner accounting for the basis fact of Maker’s Makings, that, all paths lead to the same home, and which itself becomes the reason for uniting all parts of allness (including all parts of that system) instead of dividing them (as always is within any individualistic or monotheistic system) which invariably say, that it you don’t believe their scripture, Godhead and path, then you shall be domed to eternal hell and which as such is an utter lie when we consider the allness of Maker’s Makings, within which all systems, faiths, their scriptures, gods, propagators and followers eventually reside …
And due to not accounting for the fullness of supreme genius of the Maker (i.e. Makers Makings), such individualistic systems also remain with no choice but to be devoid of long lasting peace … Thus, individualism has never been not can it ever be as a path of long lasting peace in the world …
Note: Since we already are living in the process of change of the presently underway divine degenerate age and since the next human age cycle (which as such is of the human golden age or Guru Yuga) whose divinities are soon going to get manifested within this divine degenerate age cycle itself, so as the divinities of that age of sages (Guru Yuga) keep entering this world, all individualism shall also keep getting into more and more chaos and eventually when the Guru Yuga (human golden age cycle) finally manifests within the present divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) itself, all these individualistic systems would go missing from this world …
Note continues: Thus, we actually are living in the end time of all individualism and simultaneously, this world system is also living in the beginning stages of the incoming human golden age cycle (Manav Satyuga) which would be having a time span of about 10 millenniums and which shall only be running within the much longer time span (of 432 millenniums) of the presently underway divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) …
Note continues: That human golden age, which runs within the longer time spans of a divine degenerate age, is an age of sages (Guru Yuga) and in any of the ages of sages, the worlds inhabitants always broadly adhere to the codes which were discussed in an earlier topic of “systems of Guru Yuga” …
Note continues: Within that incoming Guru Yuga (age of sages) and every other Guru Yuga that has ever been or could ever be, Sages of Sadashiva keep coming by and where the inauguration of that age of sages is always by a sage who descends into the world from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva and thus he eventually would be known as the Sage from Maheshwara (or in other words, he can also be addressed as the Sage from Tatpurusha) … That sage would ultimately be known the Sthapak of Guru Yuga and due to what he would do to lay down the subtle yet strong foundation of that Guru Yuga, he would also be addressed as Mahatam (Great darkness) and due to this reason, he would be naught but as a manifestation of great darkness who comes by in a human form, so as to end the darkness of divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. end of Kaliyuga) as poison only kills poison …
Note continues: And thus he would be nothing but the “warrior of zero infinite” which itself is the infinite zeroness of allness and due to this reason, he would also be addressed as warrior of Shunya Brahman … He would be like Shunya Brahman in a human form (i.e. he would be like the Saguna Sakara Awastha of Shunya Brahman itself) and since, Shunya Brahman is naught but Naaraayana, so he would be nothing but the human manifestation of Sriman Naaraayana ITself …
Flexibility of ways of life and long lasting peace within pluralistic monism is rooted in dependent origination …
Individualism is never flexible as it always has a threat of it’s extinction right from the time it originates … Thus, such systems are more binding … A binding system eventually binds the boundless mind … A bound mind eventually gets its natural flows and dynamism (which relate to allness) stagnated … Stagnation of flows and dynamism leads to their volcanic eruption … Volcanic eruption of inner flows and dynamism within any system, always leads to widespread chaos …
All systems that don’t believe in fullness of dependent origination (i.e. they don’t account for all the earlier bases) are always having cycles of such chaos, due to reasons stated here …
And on the contrary, pluralistic monism which eventually relates to the statement, all roads lead to same home, is flexible due to accepting others as valid paths and ways of progress …
And this itself is rooted in the fact, that it rests within and upon the entirety of fullness of principle of interdependent origination, as is discussed here, which itself makes it account for all earlier bases and stages of evolution, right from the original base of Shunya Brahman …
Proceeding further …
So, unless interdependence of origination of anything and its evolutionary process is considered, and thus all those earlier bases which led to an arrival at the base of the current systems origination and its evolutionary standing within the cosmic hierarchies, are considered within the current system itself (i.e. these earlier based are considered as the current system’s forefathers and also accounted for within the ways of life and texts of that system) that current system would be eventually arrived at its individuality towards allness itself and in such a state of its individual-duality towards allness, that system shall only cause cyclic stages of peace and chaos during the longer time spans of its existence within the world …
Should someone not believe this discussion, then I suggest that that just look at the history of this planet as was during the last 4 to 5 millenniums or close to this time span, as this was after individualism (monotheism) had finally established its roots within this world …
Proceeding further …
All cosmic laws are eventually based on one or another cosmic principle and the principle which is the principal base for the laws in question, is in turn the root cause of the law in its current state of manifestation (after its origination) …
No law can ever get manifested without the base, that itself is rendered by its own governing principle … So each law had its governing principle and where that principle itself is the principal base of that law … This fact is applicable to all cosmic and manmade laws (including manmade scriptures that came by during the last few millenniums) …
And also that, it ever is this principal base which manifests as a link to all the bases, all of which are silently or subtly residing within the same principal base and which itself is within its oneness to all that is an any other base (non apparent base) that ever was so as to make it manifest as the current base …
Each base that is used to draft any law, is having a series of other bases hidden within it … As such, unless a law takes reference (i.e. subtly accounts) for and from all these previous bases, that law would also become a reason for cyclic chaos, even when it may seem to be stopping or restricting chaos …
And due to this reason, all such incomplete laws always need cyclic amendments and they also end up having varied variety of interpretations, especially when we see their existence over a certain longer period of time …
And on contrary to above paragraph, cosmic laws being universal in their natures, have never needed amendments … This universal nature of cosmic laws is due to the fact, that they primarily relate to the root principle of themselves and not to any of the other later bases, as are related by manmade laws (including most of those laws that are stated in manmade religious scriptural nonsense, that only leads to cyclic stages of chaos and peace due to an unavoidable one-upmanship that invariably is present in such manmade nonsense, which somehow are called laws of this or that land or faith or aspect) …
And thus a base which manifests as the principal base for originating anything and at any timeframe, is subtly holding in itself, all the bases which earlier were (as bases of previous evolutionary cycles) and thus these earlier bases have also remained as hierarchical principals of the present base and where these bases are also residing within that apparent principal base that is present seen as the base of origination or evolutionary progress of the entity …
These other bases are also present within their ever higher hierarchical detachments to the current base, and this detachment is due to their higher subtleties and thus these bases could also be arrived at (or self realized by an aspirant) with practices and systems that relate to this self kind of realization (of those series of bases until the principal base, all of which are residing within the currently apparent base that led to origination of the presently manifested or incarnated entity) …
Those laws which do not account for this fact, always need cyclic amendments and where these amendments also come by after a chaotic situation manifests due to not accounting for this fact of presence of hierarchies of earlier bases within the present base of origination and evolution of a law …
Interdependent origination and evolutionary real nextness …
On similar lines is the process of cellular origination …
The cell which divides to form another cell is the principal base for the other cell which is being interdependently originated from it and where that parental cell is the one which then is acting as the principal base for its own further progeny …
This principal base which is the dividing cell (parental cell) is also having support from its own earlier principal sources, which as such are the principal bases in their hierarchy of subtleties or grossness (i.e. of higher or lower vibrations) and also the hierarchies of parent and child, and which includes until the endlessness of what would be written as great-great grandchild and the great-great grandparent … And also endlessly beyond, but until Shunya Brahman …
This in turn makes each earlier base to be as the principal base to evolve from, so as to arrive at any current state that is apparent …
Thus, when we consider the series of originations and evolutionary stages that were passed so as to reach the present stage of existence and evolutionary standing of anything that has ever begun as a microcosm within the Makers Makings, then the real-nextness of originations and evolutionary process can never be ignored … This is how it always is whenever we consider any presently originated (or apparent present) entity in its wholeness of existence …
And this is what eventual leads to a conclusion, that each previous level of evolution is naught but the principal base of the origination of the present entity … And this in turn proves the applicability of the principle of interdependent origination, in addition to proving the applicability of this principle during the process of evolution of any microcosm, which in turn leads to a direct cognition of the fullness of applicability of this principle of interdependent evolution …
This as such ends up making the interdependence to remain between each subsequent higher and its consequent ever higher … This itself is within their interdependence of ‘evolve from’ and ‘evolve to’ respectively and that too, until eternity of their existence that has already been passed till then and that too, until such time that the aspirant goes beyond the principles of interdependence itself, but so far as as its existence (origination) and progress (evolution) are concerned …
Within the process of evolution of each microcosm, because the evolutionary process of macrocosm maintains its sameness across its entirety of expanses as far as compliance to this discussed principle is concerned, so irrespective of the current evolutionary standing of the microcosm within the macrocosmic hierarchies, this discussed principle acts in its sameness across the entire macrocosm and its each microcosm …
As also, as far as the applicability of this principle is concerned, it doesn’t become a hampering one as long as stages of evolution are maintained in their real-nextness and that to, in such a way that the condition of “next of nextness” of evolution doesn’t arrive during ones evolutionary process …
So, when compliance is maintained to this principle, then the aspirants evolutionary process can also speed up and thus, within that same incarnation, the aspirant can also end up completing the job, which as such would have taken many incarnations …
Evolutionary process has no shortcuts and thus no “next of nextness (or in other words, jumping of real next’s)” is allowed … As long as this aspect can be maintained, the evolutionary process of an aspirant would only end up coming in line with the discussed principle and thus would be speeded up without even compromising this prime requirement of macrocosm, which itself relates to the proper maintenance of real nextness of evolutionary stages by each microcosm that has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
As also, since each microcosm is a part of the same macrocosm, so the same principles, process and laws are applicable in sameness to each microcosm that has ever begun within the Makersmakings and this fact is also irrespective of whether that microcosm is existent (or originated or manifested or incarnated) in a form or is resting in a formless state …
This aspect is also the same as was discussed in an earlier topic, that had the header of universal nature of cosmic laws … This principle is also applicable to all physical and beyond physical realms, and as long as they rest within any part of the Maker’s Makings …
Principle of real-nextness is a part of principle of interdependent origination …
Real nextness of evolution could be compared to a ladder of evolution where each step is so far that only one step could be climbed at any single time, but provided excessive use of will power is not there …
However, depending on the commitment of an aspirant, even the full ladder is possible to climb in just one incarnation or one gross lifespan on a grosser world (like this planet) …
There is no shortcut to upward climb and evolutionary position of an aspirant, but at the same time, ones stationing on each of the steps is a primary requirement so as to comply to the macrocosmic requirement of maintenance of real nextness of evolution …
The experience of stationing upon each step of the evolutionary ladder is required because this is the only way to reach the top in this ladder without compromising on the macrocosmic requirement of a correct maintenance of real nextness of origination and evolution and where this evolutionary ladder is also generated by the ‘one process there only is, as evolution’…
Each step of this evolutionary ladder, is as principal to its further next, and just as any other step also is to its next … As also, each step that is now, has within it the subtler essence of experiences that relate to all previous steps which were transited through, so as to arrive at the current step (or current evolutionary standing) …
Due to this reason, even when someone may not believe to be associated to the earlier evolutionary states (or previous steps of this evolutionary ladder) these steps eternally remain within the current step (or current evolutionary standing) that is arrived at by the aspirant …
Due to this reason, your present incarnation (i.e. your origination as a human microcosm) and your current evolutionary standing, is also having subtler aspects that are related to your previous incarnations (which could have even been in other realms) and their then evolutionary standings …
As also, even your presently originated state and evolutionary status is interdependent upon those series of incarnations and their previous evolutionary stages that have already been passed by you, so as to reach to your present one, yet all these earlier stages remain hidden within your present and thus are not knowable, but unless you meditate on this discussed fact …
And this dependence continues until you reach the final doorway of exit from Maker’s Makings and which itself is through the last pathless partless path, which as such is termed as Brahmanpath …
But until any aspirant finally reaches an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to enter into the last path (Brahmpath), the macrocosmic requirement of proper maintenance of real nextness of evolution would need to be complied with or else if the ‘next of nextness’ (jumping a few real next’s) is arrived at, then a return back to those earlier jumped states, so as to clear their stagnated real next’s, shall eventually be there for that aspirant …
This is because the macrocosmic matrix is very firm on maintenance of ‘real nextness’ of origination and evolution by each microcosm which has ever begun … And since real nextness is also a part of the vast scopes and applicability of this discussed principle, so this also proves the firmness of the macrocosm as far as compliance to the discussed principle is concerned …
Proceeding further …
That last path (Brahma Path) is also entered into by residing within the essence of the wise words, that there eventually is ‘nothing to do, nowhere to go, nobody to be’… And if this essence is firmly resided in, then at this time, an aspirant lets go of allness itself and thence the need of evolutionary process itself ends for such an aspirant … But this stage can only be arrived at (or entered into) if the aspirant begins walking within that which in an earlier topic was told as the inward path of “Myself within Myself” …
Non compliance to real nextness of interdependent origination and evolution leads to subtle shocks …
To understand this, let’s just consider a reciprocal case of an astronaut and a deep sea diver …
No astronaut or deep-sea diver cannot be directly sent on the moon or for saturation diving … There needs to be a prior acclimatization of low gravity (lesser gravity of space for an astronaut) and higher pressure (for a deep sea diver) …
And then there also needs to be a period of re-acclimatization to the atmosphere when the diver surfaces or astronaut returns back to earth … This example also shows the necessity of maintenance of real nextness and that too for survival itself …
As far as real nextness stands, there are no shortcuts to it, here or there or anywhere else … Any shortcut of prior and after acclimatization (in our discussed examples) would lead to shocks and possible de-incarnation of that astronaut or diver …
The same shocks are there within the subtle body, if there are any shortcuts taken during climbing of the evolutionary ladder (i.e. during the evolutionary process and as an aspirant keeps evolving to its next higher state of evolution) …
And it eventually is the non compliance to this requirement of maintenance of real nextness of one’s evolutionary process (that has been right from the time when the aspirant had originally originated as a microcosm within the Makers Makings) that most of the aspirants who end up entering into self realization, never survive those severe effects of that process (i.e. they invariably de-incarnate during that process or soon afterwards) of self realization …
All this is due to those subtle shocks that come by due to non compliance to the macrocosmic requirement of dependent origination and evolution and where this non compliance could have been accumulated in previous incarnations also …
Of those very few aspirants, who self realize, a very less percentage have maintained an evolutionary process, that is free of (or, more or less free of) next of nextness of evolution and these are the ones who survive that severity of self realization and thence tell the path to it … These are also the ones, who have maintained correctness to the principle of interdependent origination and have also maintained its correctness as far as their evolutionary process is concerned …
All rungs of evolutionary ladder are principal bases to their real next rungs …
Nothing can evolve to a higher level if it is not presently at a relative lower, so the present level is actually the principal base for the next relatively higher state of evolution …
As also the next higher evolutionary standing, itself is the principal base for the successive real next state of evolution …
As each state is basically its own predecessor and its own successor due to all these resting within their eternal oneness (eternal oneness is where the aspects of the predecessor and successor end and where each state is assisting the ever real next state silently and where this assistance is even there when it is not known to the evolving microcosm or aspirant) …
And within the purviews of this principle, even when all states are in their individuality, yet they are also interdependent on each other for their very origination and evolution, and which itself is whilst all eventually are as perspective predecessors and successors to one another …
And there also are no shortcuts in any form or aspect (or impressional state or path or dimensions) as far as this principle stands in relation to its own inter and intra hierarchical subtleties and this is how it ever is while all these states are resting within any part of the macrocosmic matrix (or cyclic existence or begun macrocosm) …
As also a fact that this macrocosmic matrix (or cyclic existence or Samsara) which is the principle base of existence of any evolving microcosm, is also the principal base for exiting from it …
And thus each microcosm which began (under flows and dynamicity as are of the macrocosmic matrix) has had to eventually reside within the macrocosmic matrix (Samsara or begun macrocosm or cyclic existence) so as to evolve till a state, where the need to stay any longer within these individualities of flows and dynamism, is not even there …
Thus, cyclic existence is the path to acyclic existence (i.e. freedom from birth and death and where the aspirant keeps existing endlessly) … And due to this reason, the cyclic existence (or Samsara) is also the evolutionary base for entering into (or evolving to) acyclic mode of existence (which itself is within the unbegun macrocosm or eternal macrocosm) …
As also, unless an aspirant appreciates the fact that relates to unity among interdependent originated states and thus unity of real nextness of stages of evolutionary process, oneness to the entirety of cyclic existence cannot even manifest for that aspirant and in absence of suchness of oneness, path to entry into (evolving to) acyclic mode of existence (i.e. an existence which is free of birth and death of ones physical vehicle) would not even open up in its fullness …
And all this also has to follow the real nextness of evolutionary process or else the final exit from cyclic existence would always remain in uncertainty …
Process of evolution is reciprocal to the process of evolution … And both are interdependent whilst based upon real nextness …
Process of evolution is reciprocal of process of origination … Though this reciprocal aspect, is not exactly reciprocal …
Origination happens from the original subtlety to the later arrived grossness … And on contrary, evolution happens from the present grossness to the original subtlety …
Subtler is the originator of grossness … So, during evolutionary process of any gross (physically manifested) entity, that entity is only enroute to its original subtler parental counterpart … And where both these paths of origination and evolution have also been maintaining their real nextness (though not exactly, or else nothing would be within cyclic existence, as all originated entities would only end up being eternal if there is a perfect maintenance of real nextness during their origination process) …
And both these processes (or origination and evolution) maintain themselves within the discussed principle (of dependent origination) which in turn requires a perfect maintenance of real nextness, so as to finally exit out of cyclic mode of existence (which itself is within the begun macrocosm or Sansara) …
Continues …