Here we discuss the principle of eternal evolution, and where the word eternal means, that which is timeless as far as its beginning is concerned and also is fathomless as far as its end is concerned … Unless the aspirant goes beyond evolution and its principle (Evolution principle), eternity would be all that would be of evolutionary process of that aspirant …
AA) …
Definition of origination of allness … And definition of evolution …
Everything is a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the ever-same attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahm or Para Brahman) …
Thus, it eventually is the ever-same Brahman, whose has self-expressed ITself as everything that is here, beyond and the same Para Brahman is also all that is beyond all beyond (and from whom all that is here and beyond as the Makers Makings had self manifested as IT’s own self-expression) …
That Brahm is also the one who is beyond all beyond because it is attributeless and is also the infinite who is beyond its own self-expressed state (i.e. IT is also beyond allness and her each part) …
So, basis above …
- As a self-expresser of allness and her each part, i.e. self-expresser of entirety of all that is as macrocosm and microcosm (or in other words, self-expresser of all that is as Brahmanda and Pinda), Brahman is that which is beyond all that is beyond allness and her each part …
- As as the allness and her each part (i.e. all that is here or beyond) which itself is the state of self-manifestation of the self-expresser of allness (I.e. Brahman or Brahm), that same Brahman is as IT’s own self expression and thus in such a state, Brahman itself is all that is self-expressed by IT as microcosm and macrocosm (or Pinda and Brahmanda) …
So, basis above …
- As a self-expresser of allness, Brahman is beyond its self-expression, i.e. Brahman is beyond both microcosm and macrocosm (or Pinda and Brahmand) …
- And as the self-expressed, which itself is Brahman’s self-expression as macrocosm and microcosm (i.e. Brahmand and Pinda), Brahman itself is its own self-expression …
- This is because, the self-expressed (i.e. each microcosm and the entire macrocosm) cannot ever be different from its self-expresser (i.e. Brahman) and this itself is because the self-expression (macrocosm and microcosm) is an intrinsic part of the self-expresser (Brahman) … This is where Advaita Vedanta (i.e. absolute non-dualism of Vedas) is rooted in and unless this aspect is there, the non-dualism in its absolute state, would only end up in all sorts of perils …
- As also is a matter of fact, that, the self-expression is always proceeding towards its own self-expresser and thus the entirety of Makers Makings is proceeding towards Brahman only … This itself is because, the part always proceeds towards its greater wholeness (or the drop always proceeds towards the ocean only) …
AA-1) …
Definition of origination …
Basis above, we come to the definition of origination of all that is as allness of Maker’s Makings …
Path by which Brahman self expresses ITself as allness, is origination of allness
Notes on above definition of origination of allness:
So basis above, in reality, allness is also naught but Brahman (i.e. Absolute being or Parabrahman) and this is why Brahma Sutras (i.e. Vedanta) has also subtly states as follows …
Prakriti is Brahman
Above literally means …
Creation is the creator … Creator is the creation
Creator itself is self-manifested as IT’s own creation
Creation is an expansion of the creator as It’s own creation
Since the creation is inclusive of the process of creation, so due to this fact, above statements also mean as follows …
Creation process is the creator … Creator itself is manifested as creation process
Since the creator itself is as the creation and creation process, so this is why the creation and creation process are also as eternal as the creator of allness …
AA-2) …
Definition of evolution …
And further to above, we shall now further this discussion on the definition of evolution …
Path which leads the self-expressed states to their self-expresser, is evolution
And where …
- The self-expresser of allness and her each part (I.e. Pinda and Brahmanda) is the ever-same attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
- The self-expressed is all that is as allness of Makers Makings and which includes the entire macrocosm (Brahmanda or multi-universe) and its each lesser or larger and lower or greater microcosm (Pinda) …
And it eventually is within the purviews of this primary path (i.e. of evolution), that, all that is self-expressed by the self-expresser of allness, is proceeding … And where it really doesn’t matter what path any microcosm follows during any point of time of its evolutionary process because eventually everything is proceeding to the same absolute being … The paths may be different, but the end result would only be as a union to the same supreme being (Parambrahma) …
Thus, basis above … At any point of time or stage of evolutionary process of any microcosm, irrespective of which path any microcosm (self-expressed state) may seem to be proceeding in, each microcosm is ultimately within the same path, which eventually would make it merge to its own original self-expresser (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahm) …
BB) …
Principle of eternal evolution and beyond …
Thus, basis above …
- Within the vast number of aspects and ways that the path of this principle of eternal evolution proceeds within the supreme genius that itself is of the Maker’s Makings, the final stage of evolutionary process of any microcosm (say, a drop) would only be where that drop would self-realize that its own innermost essence (Atman) is none other than the ever-same ocean infinite (Brahman) …
- This path is through the some stages, first of which is of a self-realization, that, microcosm is macrocosm (i.e. the Pinda is Brahmand) …
- And thence is the further self-realization, that, both eventually are the self expression of the ever-same innermost essence (Atma) of the aspirant who self-realizes this fact i.e. the aspirant self-realizes that allness itself is none other than a self-expression of his (or her) Atman …
- And then is the further stage, where that aspirant knows that his (or her) own innermost essence (i.e. the aspirants Atma) itself is the essence of allness (i.e. Brahma) …
Thus, in simple words …
- The path of progress of this principle of eternal evolution would eventually lead to the ever-same-end stage of self-realization and where that aspirant knows, that his (or her) Atma is Brahma …
- Thus, this finality of this principle of eternal evolution is only ending within the same self-realization, that the ancient Vedic sages had told as Atman is Brahman …
- And since above self-realization is what the Vedic sages had told through the Vedic Mahavakya (i.e. Vedic sages had told through Vedic great statement, or Vedic mega statement or Vedic universal statements), so the end stage of this path of progress within the principle of eternal evolution, is also not any different from what is already told in Maha Vakya of Vedas, like those of Soham (which means as “I Am He or So Am I or He is Me”), Aham Brahmasmi (which means as “I Am That or I Am Absolute”), Tat Tvam Asi (Which means as “You Are That or Thou Art that”) and Ayam Atma Brahma (which means as “This soul is That Brahman or Atman is Brahman or simply, This is That”) …
BB-1) …
Base of Evolutionary process … End of evolutionary process …
Since everything is a self-expression of that ever-same Brahman, so everything is naught but Parabrahman in IT’s own ever-differing manifestation … Due to this reason, all that is here or beyond, is the ever-same Parabrahman only … And due to this reason, all that is visible as form and formless, is also the ever-same Para Brahman itself … This is why Vedic sages had stated as follows …
Which means …
Everywhere, everything, and everyone verily is Brahman
And which also means …
Everything is Brahman … Brahman is all that is … Allness verily is Brahman
As discussed above, in reality, origination of anything is nothing but the same Para Brahman self-manifesting ITself as that thing (or entity) …
So, basis this fact, when through our own eye of self-knowledge, we view the entire corpus of allness and her each part, then we also find, that in reality, everything is one and the same Brahman, but where Brahman also has IT’s own ever-differing and thus ever-changeful self-manifested self-presence within and as allness and as all parts of allness …
So, in reality within all these close to infinite number of originated microcosm’s (which also include Gods of form and formless states) only Brahman is the uniting aspect …
Thus, unless the fullness of Brahman, is considered in a scripture (and one’s ways of life), unity within humanity and humanities unity to all parts of macrocosmic speciology would always be in peril … Unless this aspect is complied with, incompleteness of unity of humanity to all that is as macrocosm and macrocosmic speciology, would always be there …
Unless unity is in a state of fullness as stated here, the later stage of detachment would also not be to the entirety of (or allness of) Maker’s Makings and in such a case of incompleteness of fullness of unity, fullness of a final detachment would also not be possible (how can you be detached to something, unless you are aware of your attachment to that thing) … And in fullness of detachment to allness, the next stage of going beyond entirety of evolution and existence would also not be complete … In absence of such a condition, the final liberation (that was termed as Kaivalya Moksha by Vedic sages) would also not be possible to enter into and which would only lead to continuity of that aspirant within this principle and thus would also be leading to an endless bondage …
Note: Kaivalya Moksha (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha) means, a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part … Unless the aspirant is isolated from allness and her each part, what liberation is being talked about … And this fullness of isolation also means, isolation from all gross, subtle, divine and impressional realms and their controllers (Gods, etc.) …
Note: Fullness of Brahman … As used in above explanation means as the three primary aspects of Brahman, which are as follows …
- Saguna Sakara … This means that which is in an attributed form … Or in other words, that which holds attributes and also has a form …
- Saguna Nirakara … This means that which is in an attributed formless condition … Or in other words, that which holds attributes and is also formless …
- Nirguna Nirakara … This means as that which is attributeless formless … Or in other words, that which is attributeless and is also formless and where if the word formless is used with the word attributeless, then it only ends up making that formless to be none other than the infinite …
- In above three primary types, the first two denote the primary aspects of self expression of Brahman … And the third (or lattermost one) is denoting the self-expresser of allness (or Brahman) itself … And where the first two are also proceeding towards the lattermost one (i.e. Nirguna Nirakaar) or original aspect of Brahman …
Proceeding further …
As also, since everything is proceeding to their own ever-same self-expresser (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman) who also denotes the final union that is ever possible to be accomplished, so that Brahman, is also denoting the finality of union (Yoga) …
And since everything is evolving (within the purviews of this principle of eternal evolution), so eventually, everything that is as microcosm and macrocosm, would also be merging to the ever-same Brahman (attributeless infinite being) …
Thus, irrespective of the path of evolution and the “process of union (or Yoga Tantra)” that anyone may adopt at any point or stage of their own evolutionary process, the end result would only be as a union to Brahman …
And thus, Brahman is also denoting the finality of Yoga Tantra (systems of union) because the finality of the term union only relates to the accomplishment of union to Brahman and this is what was subtly told through Mahavakya of Vedas (Vedic great statements) … The the self-realization of the innermost essence of the Vedic Mahavakya (Vedic great statements or Vedic mega statements or Vedic universal statements) also denotes the accomplishment of Kaivalya (or Moksha) …
Proceeding further …
As also since the finality (Brahman, as discussed above) is also that state which was prior to origination of anything (because everything self-originates out of Brahman itself, so Brahman is the originality that was prior the origination of anything) and since everything that is begun, is also resting within this principle of evolution, so that finality (Brahman) is also the one which is well beyond the entire process of evolution …
As also, since evolution is only within the purviews of all that is self-expressed (i.e. entirety of Maker’s Makings), so when any aspirant self-realizes that finality (Brahman) that itself is beyond Maker’s Makings, then that aspirant also goes beyond this principle of eternal evolution …
That which goes beyond this principle of eternal evolution, also goes beyond all states, conditions and aspects of bondage … This state of going beyond evolution, is also the one which is called as Kaivalya Moksha within the Vedic lore …
Note: Kaivalya Moksha (or simply Kaivalya or Moksha or Keval) means a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part, which itself denotes the stage of final liberation (i.e. an emancipated state of the aspirant, which in Vaidik Sanskrit texts is also called as Keval Gyan) …
All originated microcosm’s are only proceeding to their ever-same attributeless infinite original source (i.e. Brahman) from where they were originally self-originated as a self-expressions of that original source (i.e. Brahman) …
And where this path of progress is also like the path of a drop which is always moving towards the ocean and where this statement is irrespective of whether that drop is as a standalone drop of water or is as moisture or as a cloud or as a little stream of water or is as a pond of water or is even as a river …
In the final end, all drops only enter the same ocean from where they had started their temporary journey as a drop and the same is applicable for each microcosm that has ever originated and thence resides within the purviews of the Makers Makings …
Above itself is because of the fact, that, each part always moves towards its own greater wholeness which itself is the source of origination of that part, and where that origination itself is either as an individual part or as a corpus of various parts (like individual microcosm’s that rest within the entire macrocosm or like individual cells that rest within the physical vehicle) …
And on similar lines, each microcosm is also moving to its original source, who itself is Brahman infinite and this statement is irrespective of who that part may be and which direction (way of life) it may be resting in at any point of time (or stage of its evolutionary process) …
Proceeding further to discuss evolution and that which is beyond it …
The entirety of path of progress of the originated entities that keeps taking them towards their own originator, so as to finally make them unite back to their own originator, is what evolution means …
And when the microcosm (drop) finally merges to its own original source (ocean infinite or Brahman) then this stage also denotes the final end of its evolutionary process …
And it is after this stage of self-realization of the final union to Brahman, that the microcosm realizes that there is nothing else to be ever achieved in any pending future and thus, this is also the stage where that microcosm goes beyond the purviews of the principle of eternal evolution …
It is at this stage that the microcosm (aspirant) also realizes … That it ever was union to Brahman even when it did not know about this fact due to absence of self-realization of this fact … Thus, the aspirant also knows, that only when one self realizes this fact, does one know it and once this is known, then the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings are no longer applicable to that aspirant and due to this reason, such an aspirant also moves beyond the principle of eternal evolution and also moves beyond the principle of eternal existence in addition to going beyond the principle of dependent origination and its law of cause and effect (and also beyond the law of reverse effect) …
Note: Unless you go beyond evolutionary process, how can you be deemed to be beyond the principle of evolution … Unless you merge to the source which was existent prior to the origination of allness and her any part (including you), how can you go to that stage which is beyond evolution and its principle … Thus, only after union of your own innermost essence (Atman) to the innermost essence of allness (Brahman) can you escape out of the principle of eternal evolution …
CC) …
Universal process … Evolutionary process … One process there only is
The paths of this evolutionary process are variable … This variation of paths of evolutionary progress is because it depends upon the evolutionary needs of an entity …
And since there actually are many entities and there also are many many aspects of macrocosmic hierarchy and since no single entity can ever be at the same evolutionary level as any other entity who is existing within any level of the entirety of macrocosmic hierarchies, so there also cannot ever be one single evolutionary process (or path of evolution or text or scripture or anything else) for all of the microcosm’s that have begun within the Makers Makings …
So, as are the specific needs of one’s own evolutionary process, so is the reason for ones birth (actually, rebirth) and where this rebirth is also such that it eventually takes that entity to that specific world and plane of existence (which can be a gross, subtle, divine or even an impressional one) where its current evolutionary requirements are met …
And it is due to this reason, that, within that world system also, there are varied codes of various societies and lands, paths (faiths, scriptures, etc.) … All these variations render the fulfillment of specific evolutionary needs of entities and it is as per these specific evolutionary needs that any entity returns back within one of these lands and systems so as to follow them (or not follow them or reject them), all of which are chosen as per its own evolutionary requirements and as per its own stage of evolutionary existence within the Makers Makings …
Thus, all of these returns (rebirths across various realms of Makers Makings) are also to serve those specific requirements as are of the current stage of evolutionary process … And depending upon ones evolutionary needs, the entity returns back to a specific world, which has a specific system (way of life, faith etc.) and into a specific land of that world whose codes (laws, etc.) can serve the current requirements of its own evolutionary process …
In addition to these main variations within a world, there also are other variations, like, specific family values, mother’s evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies (which can best serve that returning entity, if it returns back through that mother’s womb), ancestral lineage of father, laws of a land where that entity would be returning back in a physical bodied form, beliefs and faith of the family of return (family where that entity takes rebirth), family lineage and impressional aspects (Parivarik Samskara), etc., …
Note: So basis above, those who go beyond family lineages, ancestral lineages, specific laws of a land, specific requirements of an individual world, and thus such ones have nothing to do or gain from that world (where such things matter) are also the ones who cannot take birth from the womb of a physically present mother of that world …
Note continues: And at the same time, such ones (i.e. ones who have gone beyond) can also be made to return back to that world whenever the need of their return is felt by the cosmic divinities … But these returns are to make these beyond ones to do those specific jobs, about which the worlds inhabitants have no knowledge and thus the worlds inhabitants are incapable to do those jobs … And such returns (of those who return back from beyond states of existence) are always as per the call of a cycle of time i.e. such ones, who have nothing more to do or gain from a world, can only return return back as per the requirements of an incoming cycle of time (or wheel of time or Kaalchakra) … And due to being further than the aspects of that world where they are returned back (as per the call of an incoming time cycle or wheel of time) they also cannot take birth from the womb of a physically present mother … Thus such ones always return back by the process of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit texts was also termed as Parkaya Pravesh and in layman terms, the same aspect is also the one which is called as a virgin birth …
Proceeding further …
But irrespective of these variations of world, lands, systems and other lineages in which an entity returns back and where this return back is also to serve its own evolutionary requirements (that are of its current high evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies), one thing is common …
This common part is that during each return back (or cases where one doesn’t return back and thus one continues to stay within the subtle or spirit or even in one of the divine realms) is that, no entity has ever returned back to a physical realm (or continued to stay within the subtler realms) if it doesn’t serve its own evolutionary requirements that are of its current stage of evolutionary process …
And whenever these returns happen (or if they don’t happen), then these all are resting within one or another of the evolutionary needs of that entity who returns back to any gross or subtle or divine world … And the same aspect is also applicable to every other entity who has ever returned back to any physical, subtle or even divine realms (Or has not returned back to any of these realms due to there being no such need of returning back) …
As long as an entity can have an evolutionary gain from entering into a realm of existence, it would be returning back to that realm of existence … The same is applicable to all entries (or returns) to any of the physical, subtle and divine realms because unless one can gain something out of such returns (including the gains of one’s evolutionary standing), no soul would ever return back to any realm that is existent within the Makers Makings …
Unless one can have evolutionary gains by returning back to a realm of existence, the return back to that realm of existence is never possible and thus, if someone has returned back to this or any other beyond realms, then it means that the entity had something to gain from such a return back …
Note: However above paragraph is not applicable to those returns that are from beyond the entirety of Makers Makings and where that returned entity (of the state that is beyond the entirety of Makers Makings) has only returned back because of the call of an incoming cycle of time (so as to lay down the subtle foundation of that incoming time cycle or Kaal Chakra) and where that return only happened because of request from pristine divinities of Makers Makings … Thus, even those entities who have gone beyond the entirety of evolution and existence, can return back to a lower world (like this one) but even when they return back, they have no evolutionary gains from such returns … This is because once you have gone beyond evolution, then there is no way you can be associated to it … Plus evolution is a one way love affair and thus it has nothing like falling to a lower level after you have already gone beyond it … Due to this reason, the principle of eternal evolution is ever upwardly in its effects as once you have crossed a stage of evolution, you can never fall back or regress back to that or a further lower evolutionary standing …
Proceeding further …
And the very fact that the return is to gain something, is proving the evolutionary needs of that entity and which itself proves, that the entity has still not gone beyond the entirety of evolutionary process (and thus has still not attained its final liberation or Kaivalya) …
Thus in reality, it eventually is due to the specific requirements of each returners evolutionary needs, that any return happens at such a time …
So, in the reality of things, there only is the ever-same process of evolution, that is the reason for any return and this statement is applicable to each returner, irrespective of whether that returner is an ordinarily evolving entity or even a highly evolved one (like a high saint, preacher, prophet, etc.) …
Other than an Avatar (a direct descent of the attributeless infinite being within a human or any other form) and the return of an entity who returns from beyond the entirety of states of existences within the Makers Makings, all other returners have ever returned back as per what is discussed here …
Only when an entity goes beyond the entirety of evolutionary process, can that entity enter into a stage, from where no further return back can never be possible (this is what was told as final liberation or Kaivalya or Moksha by Vedic sages) … But such ones (who have gone beyond the entirety of evolutionary process and thus are resting in Keval or isolation from allness and her each part) may also return back if their returns are needed by the original pristine divinities and where such returns can only be if the jobs which they need to do are such that they are beyond the capabilities of even the Gods (and Satan’s) of that world where such returns take place …
Thus, when such entities of beyond (i.e. beyond the the Makers Makings) return back to a world, then all Gods (and Satan’s) of that world also come by to assist that entity of beyond … This is because these Gods know, that the entity of beyond has only be recalled back by the divinities of Makers Makings to do those jobs, which as such are beyond their (gods) capabilities …
And this is why, when any entity of beyond the Makers Makings is recalled back by cosmic divinities (or is made to return back to a lower world like this one), then all Vedic Devi and Devata also begin leaving their temples and then they keep returning back on earth … And as these Devi and Deva keep leaving their temples (to return back to earth), then their temples also begin having some problems like lightening strikes on temples, breaking up of parts of temples, fires in their temples, unethical practices in temples (like fighting in priests, suicides in temples), vandalizing of their statues, destruction of temples, deaths of devotees in the premises of temples, natural calamities in temple area, corruption of traditional practices, secularism entering into these temples which as such were places of timeless tradition (and thus were definitely not secular), secular governments taking over functioning of these traditional temples and thus corrupting their practices, devotees going to temples as tourists and not pilgrims, etc., …
Proceeding further …
Irrespective of what path or way of life any returned entity may adopt, all these are only serving its own specific requirements and where these requirements itself are as per demands of the current stage of evolutionary process of that returning entity …
And this is why, in reality, there only is the “one process of evolution” within all processes and paths that ever are or could ever be … And this process itself is the universal process within whose purviews all that has ever begun and is present within any realm of the Makers Makings, is eventually resting in (or related to) …
This “one process that only is, of evolution”, is also as eternal as the Makers Makings because this universal process started with the original origination of the Makers Makings … Thus, as soon as the Maker had commenced its Makings, the universal process (i.e. one process there only is, of evolution of all that is ever begun within the Makers Makings) was also started …
And it eventually is this universal process that is running (in a hidden state) within all that ever are as paths of evolution, systems of evolution (beliefs, faiths etc.) and ways of life of all that has ever begun within the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings … Thus, in reality, there is nothing that doesn’t fall within the purviews of effects of this universal process (of evolution) …
Thus, it eventually is the same “one process that only is as evolution” which is present in all the variations of evolutionary process (i.e. in all paths, beliefs, faiths, systems, codes of evolution, etc.) … And due to this reason, irrespective of what path anyone may follow as any point of time of his (or her) evolutionary progress and irrespective of which gross, subtle or divine plane of existence that person (or entity) may be resting at that time, it eventually is the same “one process there only is as evolution” that is served by that microcosm (or entity or aspirant) … It is within the purviews of this universal process, that each microcosm acts …
Those who understand this aspect of presence of the same “one process of evolution” within all evolutionary paths that ever are or could ever be within any part of the Makersmakings, always enter into macro-equanimity i.e. equanimity towards allness (or equanimity towards all) … Such aspirants thus attain to a state of perfect equanimity towards the entirety of macrocosmic evolutionary hierarchy … This is also the stage where the universal process loses its individuality of evolutionary aspects because it becomes devoid of its hierarchy and which itself is due to entering into a state of perfect macro-equanimity towards the entirety of macrocosmic evolutionary hierarchy …
DD) …
Evolution … Conscious evolution …
One cannot correct something wrong unless one has consciously known its wrongness … One cannot know its wrongness unless one has gained access of that specific knowledge which relates to its wrongness … One cannot even gain wisdom, if one is not ready to consciously evolve … Unconscious evolution is the path of ignorance … Ignorance is the reason for an endless continuity within this discussed principle, of eternal evolution …
Principle of eternal evolution is one of the main principles of the macrocosm and at the same time, it has its roots in ignorance … But at the same time, without ignorance, what good would be the value of the word, evolution …
Everything animate or inanimate is evolving … Flora and fauna (including mankind), processes and codes of societies, science as we know, laws of a land, medicine, aspects of security and safety of life, values of any kind, perceptible knowledge (I mean except self-knowledge), each microcosm (i.e. each animate, inanimate, supra-animate and supra-inanimate entity) and the entire macrocosm, are all within the principle of eternal evolution and where this process of evolution is only taking them to the one whose self-expression they eventually are …
Above also means, that, irrespective of all these variations of evolutionary paths which itself are as per the specific evolutionary needs of microcosm’s that exist within the Makers Makings, all these are finally leading to and would be ending within the ever-same attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahm or simply Brahm) itself …
That which is evolving is always changeful, internally and externally … That which is changeful (due to being within the process of evolution) also undergoes through cyclic amendments (of its codes, processes and every other aspect) …
And contrary to above … That which has already gone past the process of evolution, is the one who remains as the eternally unchangeful one … That which is the eternally unchangeful is naught but the attributeless infinite (Nirguna Nirakaar) whom the ancient Vedic sages had addressed as Brahman, Parabrahman, Sat Chit Ananda, etc., … Thus, those who go beyond evolution, know themselves as Brahman as Brahman alone is the changeless one …
Proceeding further …
Inanimate entities also evolve … Inanimate entities are like our regulating laws, codes of conduct, desires, thoughts and ideas, deeds, codes of society … All these are continuously evolving and thus we see amendments in them … Amendments denote a changeful state and thus they also prove that the law is also within the same evolutionary process, that itself is a part of this currently discussed principle of eternal evolution …
Supra-animate entities also evolve … Supra-animate entities are like Gods and Satan’s and their texts … Thus, as are the requirements of a cycle of time, so is the advent scriptures that relate to specific supra-animate entities (Gods, etc.) and thence as that cycle of time (Kalchakra) progresses, these scriptures are also amended accordingly …
No human law can ever be absolutely unchanging and all the cyclic amendments which come by are only proving that these laws are still evolving … Due to this reason, all those who say, that, the law of a land (or book) is absolute are basically living in a fools paradise as there is nothing which can escape out of the principle of eternal evolution especially when it is still present in (or is acting within) any part of the macrocosmic creation … Only the laws of Makers Makings are absolute and that too only within their principle component and not in the component of their process because the macrocosmic process is eternally changeful …
Eventually when humanity and their Gods (Gods are also evolving beings only) evolve to a stage which makes them enter into the changeless infinite being (I.e. Brahman), then only can the unchangeful principles of macrocosm be known to them, and that too in their utter unchangeful states … And even when this would be seen as a fact, yet the processes of these principles would be found to be changeful because the process can never be in an eternal sameness …
Principle component of the cosmic laws are also changeless, and this is even when their constants are eternally changeful … Thus, those sciences who state the term constant (like constants of physics, etc.) are also not right as there can never be anything like a constant within the ever changeful state of Maker’s Makings … The only thing constant in the universe, is change … Since within the macrocosmic creation, change is the only constant, so due to this reason, in reality, there is nothing like a constant as is used in modern sciences (like constants of physics, etc.) … Even the basic constant as used in modern sciences, i.e. speed of light, is eternally changeful and this change is also dependent upon the celestial time i.e. time that is taken by earth’s axis to move through one degree precession of equinoxes and which in this text has been named as the unitary value of time …
All these so called constants are eventually related to the unitary values of the Chatush Ayam (i.e. four primary macrocosmic dimensions) which are of …
- Time … Or Kaal … The knowledge of which is of two aspects … First is the knowledge of the wheel of time or the eternally moving cycle of time or Kaal Chakra and thus this knowledge also relates to the units of time (or unit values of time or celestial time that is applicable to a world) … And the second aspect of this knowledge of time, is of the knowledge of the finality of time, which as such is the timeless beginningless and thus endless eternity of time …
- Direction … Or Disha … Within the universal process (i.e. one process that only is, as evolution), the word direction also means as way of life (or path of life, which may or may not relates to codes of a scripture) … This knowledge is also of two types … First is of the wheel of ways of life (or cycles of ways of life and their cyclic changes) and second is of the path of the omnidirectional being, which as such is the innermost essence of the microcosm (i.e. it is the Atman of the aspirant) and which itself is the same as the innermost essence of allness (i.e. it is the ever-same Brahman) … And where the fullness of direction is relating to omni-directionality and thus it is also relating to the fullness of Maker’s Makings, which itself makes it based upon the fullness of pluralistic yet monist ways of life of Makers Makings … Within this realm of existence, as far as the ways of life are concerned, the dimension of direction is directly related to and dependent upon the solar cycle i.e. the stage of revolution of sun around the center of Milky way galaxy and thus the dimension of direction (or ways of life) is directly related to the stage of progress of Galactic year and this is in addition to being related to the stage of progress of earth’s axial precession cycle (i.e. cycle of precession of equinoxes of earths axis) …
- State … Or Dasha … This is of grossness or subtlety and where subtlety eventually relates to the impressional realms and not to this gross or physical planetary system and where the subtler also permeates the grosser in addition to enveloping it (i.e. i.e. subtler also envelopes the grosser) … This knowledge is also of two aspects … First is of individual states of existence and second is of the finality of state which as such is of omnipresence and which itself is of the Supreme being (Param Brahma) …
- Space … Or Akasha (or Ether) … This knowledge is also of two types … First relates to the unitary value of space (and where these unitary value of space or the unit value of Akasha Mahabhuta are also dependent upon the unitary value of the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings, i.e. unitary value of time) … And second is of the infinite aspect of space and which as such is directly denoting the originality (and finality of self-realization also) and which itself is related to the Absolute being (Para Brahman) …
Unless as a minimum, all above are somehow accounted for in the path of evolution, that path of evolution would only be leading to an unconscious state of one’s evolutionary process …
Unless the path of evolution is related to ways of functioning of these four primary dimensions (Chatush Ayaam) of the Makers Makings, in which everything exists and evolves, the evolutionary path would never be of conscious evolution …
Unless the conscious aspect of evolution is accounted for, no entity can ever get out of ignorance … And this is why, during those extremely ancient and already forgotten times as were of my much earlier incarnations and also of my further transmigrated incarnations (i.e. incarnations that are achieved by adopting the path of transmigration of soul) sages used to have paths that related to meditation upon one of the five elements (Panch Mahabhuta), one of the three attributes (Triguna) and all other aspects of Mother nature (Maa Prakriti) because this led to a state of entering into divinities of Makers Makings and thus entering into a conscious aspect of evolution …
But because during this currently underway degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga), humanity has already forgotten these ways of evolutionary progress, so unconscious evolution is all that is visible as their evolutionary paths and this statement is irrespective of what or who they believe in or worship … There is no God who has ever had the capability to deliver conscious evolutionary paths because they all need a surrender and thus, all those so called divine and Godly paths that came by during the last about 5100+ years of Kaliyuga are only related to unconscious evolution …
Unless you follow the ancient paths that relate to the pristine divinities of Mother Nature, conscious evolution would only remain as a distant dream … This is because, none of these Gods and their scriptures (paths) have ever held the capability to lead you to anything that is related to conscious evolution … And this is why, all these paths of Gods are also a reason for cycles of chaos and peace and this is how it is in any of the worlds where these so called Godly paths (and their scriptures) are present …
So, if humanity wants to enter into conscious evolutionary paths, then the only option is to leave this nonsense of scriptures of egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) and enter into those aspects that relate to meditations on pristine divinities of Mother nature (Ma Prakriti) …
And as a matter of fact … Since the incoming human age cycle (Manav Yuga) is of the golden age of man (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga or Human age of truth) which as such would be as the age of sages (Guru Yuga), so during the coming times of that age of sages (Guru Yuga), in addition to these godly paths, there also would be paths of conscious evolution which as such would be related to pristine divinities of Mother nature (Prakriti) … And at the same time, the paths of Egoistic gods (Abhimani Devata) would be totally missing during that incoming human golden age cycle (or human age of truth or the age where the truth shall reveal itself to humans) …
EE) …
Decay is also a part of evolutionary process … Real nextness …
This physical body also evolves and this evolution also continues after it dies … A body which is decaying is also evolving under the purviews of this principle …
Decay is also a part of the vast process of evolution, which itself is based upon an intrinsic real-nextness that ultimately takes the decayed physical vehicle to its original elemental state …
Decay of older laws (of lands and societies) is also a process of evolution, which in turn leads to adoption of newer and better ones, that are more apt during the thenness of times …
Decay of older redundant systems of society in turn gives way to evolution of newer better systems which are more apt to those times when such an evolution of those systems (and microcosm’s who relate to or would be relating to those systems) is arrived after its manifestation is deemed necessary from an evolutionary point of view by the macrocosmic creation …
Thus, those who say that such and such book is the word of God and thus is written in stone and this is even when that book was actually written by a human being, are basically living in a fool’s paradise … And this fact is always proved, when that book of a so called god starts to become a reason of chaos (fighting’s, arguments, wars, etc.) … There is no book of any God, which has not become the reason for cyclic manifestation of chaos and this itself is because there is no God who is capable of granting anyone the path of conscious evolution (all Gods and their scriptures only grant paths of unconscious evolution and which itself is the reason for these books becoming reasons for cycles of chaos and peace within the world) …
And because these scriptures are also resting within the principle of our discussion, so every book, including of these so called Gods is amended as per the amended evolutionary need of societies of those times and if a book fails to comply to this, then it eventually is evicted out of that world …
Such a choice always comes at the change of an age cycle and irrespective of whether that change of an age cycle is of a human age (or Manav Yuga) or of a divine age (Deva Yuga or a Maha Yuga) or is any other age cycle like that of a Age of a Manu (Manvantara), etc., …
Note: As of now, many religions claim that their book cannot be amended … So mark my words, that during the coming future which as such is pretty close from the nowness of now when I write this part of the text, it would be the followers of such religions who would be becoming instruments of the coming chaos … The human age cycle (Manav Yuga) in which all these books and their knowledge was given is already coming to an end and the incoming human golden age cycle (or the age of sages or Guru Yuga) whose divinities would very soon be entering this world, doesn’t even relate to the scriptures that came by during the last about 9000 odd years …
Note continues: When the cycles of times (or age cycles) change, then the divinities of the incoming age cycle push out the divinities of the outgoing age cycle … This leads to a collision between the divinities of these two age cycles and this collision of these divinities becomes the reason for a widespread state of chaos which is manmade, natural and also of a divine nature … This world is already entering into this state where the divinities of the presently underway age cycle would begin colliding with the divinities of the incoming age cycle and thus as of now when I write this topic (in 2010 AD), this world is already standing on the brink of the chaos that is subtly referred here and where this chaos would start sometime around the time when there shall be an onset of the fourth amongst the diseases of Sandhikaal of this ending human age (i.e. on/around 2020.24 AD, +/- 2.7 months) … And since during change of any season, people of that area (where the season changes) fall sick with a flu type of disease, so would be the case in this change of age where a flu would come on a world scale … This flu would lead to all sorts of chaos, starting with health then economics, then military and political and ultimately a worldwide social chaos whose root would be of food problems … And ultimately as the divinities of the incoming age cycle enter this world, then all present systems of humanity (including but not limited to economics, geopolitics, geological, politics, military and security, safety and health, social and civilizational, societal and cultural, would be dumped by humanity itself … And thence humanity would adopt those newer ways of life, that are related to and thus are apt for the incoming Manav Satyuga (human age of truth) …
Note continues: As the divinities of that incoming golden age of man (or age of sages or Guru Yuga) keep entering this world in an ever higher amount, then either these present day Godly scriptures would be amended or they would be extinguished as there would be no third choice in that coming time … And since the incoming human age cycle (of Manav Satyuga or human golden age or Human age of truth or Guru Yuga or age of sages or Manav Kritayuga, call it whatever you want) doesn’t even relate to any aspect of individualism (i.e. the incoming human age cycle doesn’t relate to monotheism of any kind, be it religious, geographical, political, geopolitical, economic, social, cultural, societal, military and security, health and safety, etc.), so as the divinities of the incoming age cycle keep entering this world in their ever higher amounts, then that at such stages of change of age, these followers of individualism would keep leading to an incremental state of chaos, which ultimately would spread to all ways and walks of life prior humanity realizes its folly of following that, which is no longer applicable to that incoming human age cycle (human golden age or human age of truth) …
Note continues: And it is at that time, humanity would begin entering into a way of life that relates to pluralistic monism and which itself are of the divinities of Makers Makings and which as such is a Vedic way of life … Even though the next human age cycle is purely a Vedic age, but the deviated humanity of today, would never believe it as of now … And at the same time, they ultimately would change to those Vedic ways of life, but only after they have been repeatedly hammered from all aspects and sides … Present day humans need that hammering, which ultimately would lead to exit of majority of humanity from this world and once the age changes, then that minority amongst the present day humanity who would be remaining here, would be the ones who would amend their ways to the requirements of the incoming human age … In that incoming human age, there would be nothing like monotheistic religions and their corrupted self-serving and thus greedy individualistic ways of life of today … And thus, basis this fact, as of now individualism (monotheism of any type) is already breathing its last breath within the current precession cycle (i.e. within the current cycle of precession of equinoxes of the earth’s axis) … And mark these words, that, during the coming decades, all monotheism would be completely vanished from this world and also forgotten in such a way, as if it were not even existent in any history …
Resuming again …
The amendments of codes of regulatory conducts, systems of society, reforms of procedures is after all an evolution only and this is especially so when we see this in its intrinsic fuller sense and this process of reform is also such, that, it stays in line with the current evolutionary standing and needs of the members of societies of such times (when these amendments happen) …
Thus, reforms of codes etc., is also as per the current evolutionary standing of the society as a whole (i.e. the society who would be coming under purviews of that amended state) …
All evolutionary codes (including any code of any land) are arrived so as to fulfill the evolutionary requirements of a group or society and where this evolution is also following the path of real-nextness …
And all this is to make the group (or entire society) continue in its eternal evolutionary journey, which itself is leading them to their “ever real next stage of evolution i.e. the stage that is to rightly be from their current evolutionary standing” …
This process of evolution leads to a state where the present has to be partly or fully let go (as the case may be within one’s evolutionary process) so as to reach that real next stage of evolutionary standing …This let go of the present, is also due to nonness of benefits of applicability of the present state for the then (or incoming) stage of evolutionary progress …
FF) …
Evolution is always upwardly … There is nothing like regression …
Evolution may also be believed as upwards or downwards (i.e. evolution and regression) but suchness is only a matter of personal perspective of an individual, a community or a society (or even the case of inhabitants of an entire world) because eventually suchness is only based within relativities and hierarchies, which itself are unreal due to being based within those vast ever-changeful aspects of hierarchies of macrocosmic creation …
As also a fact, that with ignorance (of the real and where the real is devoid of relativities and hierarchies) as its principal base, evolution could never be any other than an ever changing entity as far as its manifestation as a higher or lower state is concerned …
Evolutionary process is based within desires … Thus, whenever we see any inanimate entity (like laws, procedures, codes of conduct etc.) evolving, then the reason for such a change (or evolution) is also seen to be firmly resting in the desire of change (of present state) in majority of the inhabitants of a land (or country or the world or even a system or way of life) … This desire may not be told, but it would be visible within the critical mass of impressions of that group, society or even that worlds inhabitants …
Note: Whatever anyone desires, thinks about or acts for, generates a subtle seeded impression (Beeja Roopi Samsara) within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya or bliss sheath or bliss body or Anandamaya Kosha) of that aspirant … And since the consciousness orb (of Antahkarana or causal body) any microcosm, is an unbroken partless part of the cosmic plane of consciousness, so the same seed like impression which is generated in the consciousness orb of causal body (Anandamaya Kosha) of that aspirant, is also reflected within the consciousness plane of that world (Bhu Chitta or Prithvi Chitta) … And whenever these impressions reach their critical quantum (i.e. the amount or mass which would lead to a manifestation of that desired state in the physical realms), then that aspects which was desired for (and thus is also reflected within the generated impressions that have reached their critical mass), would get manifested in the physical realms …
Note continues: The same principle is also applicable for metaphysical aspects such as divine codes of a faith, belief, God and Satan (or a belief) because these entities are also within the parameters of the same principles, process and laws and thus are definitely not out of it (or in other words, these entities are not beyond these principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings) … So, even the divine realms have their own consciousness planes which also are as unbroken partless-parts of the same macrocosmic consciousness (plane of consciousness of the macrocosmic creation) …
Note continues: There is nothing which can ever get manifested anywhere in the Maker’s Makings, unless its manifestation is desired for at an earlier stage of time and where this manifestation is also after the critical quantum of its impressional mass has already been arrived … Unless this critical quantum is arrived, whatever is desired, thought of and worked for, would never get manifested anywhere and/or for anyone … Manifestation of desired state is what was known as Dharana Siddhi during those long gone and already forgotten ancient times as were of my previous incarnations and also those further series of transmigrated incarnations that have also happened (or passed through) till now …
Note continues: But at the same time, these desires are also resting within the purviews of the principle of eternal evolution and thus are also resting within the purviews of the currently discussed fact, that evolution (including of desires) is always upwardly (or towards an ever higher subtlety) and thus this evolutionary state of desires is also towards an ever higher aspect of “oneness to allness” … Those who don’t believe what is written here, would see it happening in this world, but after humanity has passed through that chaos, which always is manifested during that stage of time, which as such is the intermediary time (i.e. Sandhikaal) during the process of change of ages …
Note continues: And since as of now, this world is already resting in the lattermost stage of this Sandhi Kala (intermediary time between any two ages), so that chaos which is subtly discussed here, is also just around the corner … And after passing through that incoming vast and diversified state of chaos, which would be manmade, natural and divine, ultimately humanity would also begin having those desires, that lead to manifestations of systems and ways of life of incoming human age cycle (i.e. systems of Guru Yuga) in this world … And such desires would also be because they would have realized the need to change their present ways of life (i.e. monotheistic or individualistic ways of life), to the ways of life of the incoming human age cycle (i.e. ways of life that relate to pluralistic monism of Makers Makings and thus Vedic ways of life) … And this would also be within the purviews of the present discussion, that evolution is always upwardly (and that, there is nothing like a regression when we see this fact from within that vast applicability of the currently discussed principle of eternal evolution …
GG) …
Evolution of individuals and the corpus (of individualities) is interlinked …
There is nothing which has ever begun within the genius of Makers Makings, that is not evolving … Thus, whether we accept this or not, in reality everything and everyone is evolving … This evolution is also towards the ever-same attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahman) …
As the individualities which make a corpus (like citizens of a nation, followers of a belief or adherents of a code of conduct or a system, members of a faith, humans that make humanity as a whole, etc.) evolve, then simultaneously with this individual evolution, their entire corpus also keeps evolving …
So, due to this reason, it is never possible to separate the evolutionary process and accomplishments of an individual from that of the corpus of which that individual is an intrinsic part … This aspect is applicable to each stage of evolution of each individual and is also applicable to the entire corpus of those individuals (who are a part of that corpus) …
Thus, basis above … All those systems where competition is considered as the key to success, are not based within the purviews of this principle, especially when we see that the success of anyone is only due to another person’s failure … These kind of systems eventually leads to temporary deviation in evolutionary process, as they ultimately lead to an inter chaos (within competing entities) which eventually spills out in the outer worlds …
Unless this part is kept in mind, the degeneration of that worlds inhabitants can never be stopped and where that degeneration would also be seen across all those ways of life, which are based upon the deviation of this told fact …
Unless the human systems are such, that evolution of an individual leads to evolution of the entire humanity and also its vice-versa state, this aspect would never be complied … But to get to this state, intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist ways of life would have to be adopted …
HH) …
Eternal evolution, cyclic existence, acyclic existence … And final liberation …
But, the very basis that everything, everyone is evolving simultaneously does not mean that all will be evolved sooner than what is possible within the purviews of this principle (of eternal evolution) …
Evolution is not based on any rocket science … It is a slow process and the end point remains far until the reason of existence of dualities, relativities, hierarchies and thus their non-reality is known …
Evolution is also multi-world, multi-planic, multi-universal and multi-dimensional, so due to this reason, it cannot take place in any way that would be any lesser than a time span that runs into eons and further eons because to traverse all these multi-aspects would take its time …
So, all those teachers of today (and earlier times, where some ignorant fools wrote certain texts which told, that there was neither a previous state of existence and/or evolution nor would there be any further after completing the present incarnation) are basically living in a fool’s paradise …
And all those who claim a faster (quicker) evolution by following such and such paths and/or texts, etc., are also living in a fool’s paradise …
Note: But since the degenerate age cycle (Kaliyuga) is already ending, so during that incoming human age cycle (i.e. Age of sages or Human golden age or Human age of truth), such systems of fool’s paradises would also become non-existent …
Note continues: During the incoming human age cycle (of Guru Yuga) newer paths which would be established would totally discount the present day paths that eventually relate to self-gain, self-satiation (material and immaterial gains for oneself or ones family or ones organization) in the name of religion, ways of life and philosophies …
Note continues: That incoming human age, would be devoid of all such nonsensical aspects, to which the divine degenerate age (Kaliyuga) has been relating ever since its advent around 5100+ years back … But the process of this nonsense had actually started even prior to this stated time … This start of non-sensical systems in this world was when the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatana Dharma) went into her cyclic sleep of about 9000 years (this sleep of the great grandmother of all philosophies is always there during each cycle of precession of equinoxes of the earth’s axis) … Within the present precession cycle, the stage of the great grandmother of all philosophies entering into her cyclic sleep was around 6990 BC (+/- 2.7 years) … This year was when the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) lay down on her eternal bed of time and she took about 108 further years to enter into her sleep …
Note continues: But as of now, this time span of Precessional sleep that is of about 9000 years (during each cycle of axial precession of earth’s axis) is already coming to an end and due to this reason, during the coming years, all systems that came by during the last about 9000 years of sleep of this great grandmother (Sanatan Dharma or simply, Dharma), would also be reaching their end stages of existence …
Resuming again from where we had last left …
And since no physical vehicle can last till that vast time span (of eons and more) which is needed to comply to the entirety of aspects of this principle of eternal evolution, and also since no physical vehicle is able to traverse those multiples of worlds, planes, universes and dimensions that are needed to be experienced and evolved from within the purviews of the currently discussed principle, so series of reincarnations across the worlds, planes and universes is what remains as the only option …
And also a fact, that, irrespective of apparent breaks that are visible during this process of reincarnation, the evolution continues in an unbroken manner, and this by itself is to satisfy the fullness and wholeness of the macrocosmic evolutionary process, which itself is universal (i.e. multi-world, multi-planic, multi-universal and thus is multi-dimensional) …
The origination of cyclic existence (or Samsara or begun macrocosm or macrocosmic matrix) which makes a microcosm transit across across all gross and subtle and divine worlds, planes and universes was only there to satisfy this requirement of principle of eternal evolution, which as such is related to the multi-world, multi-planic, multi-universal component of Makers Makings …
Unless there are direct experiences (after one enters in each of the states of existence) and thence the aspirant self-realizes their non-reality (i.e. non real nature of these states of existences) so as to let go of them, and thence evolve to the real next state of existence, that is beyond (the earlier let gone state of existence), the fullness of aspects of this currently discussed principle would never be complied with …
Thus, the same principle of eternal evolution which is also related to evolution through all parts of allness, was also the basis of need for origination of a cyclic mode of existence (i.e. cycles of existence, which ultimately leads to direct experiences of all states, modes and conditions of existence as the aspirant keeps taking birth across all the realms of Makers Makings) …
And since the cyclic mode of existence (as is within the begun macrocosm or macrocosmic matrix) is only leading to its real-next stage, which itself is of acyclic mode of existence (i.e. in which we get an eternal body which is free of birth and death), so even acyclic existence is not free of this discussed principle … Even within acyclic existence (which itself is within the original macrocosm or eternal macrocosm or unbegun macrocosm) this principle (or eternal evolution) is applicable …
Since this principle (of eternal evolution) is also based upon real-nextness of evolutionary states which would be attained to during the course of any microcosm’s evolutionary process, so this principle (of eternal evolution) also rests within the earlier discussed principle of interdependent origination …
As also, since that earlier discussed principle (of dependent origination) is also directly linked to the law of cause and effect, so even within an acyclic mode of existence (where we attain an eternal body, which is free of birth and death), the aspirant continues within deeds and thus also keeps reaping corresponding fruits and due to this reason, that aspirant continues within what is known as Karma and Karma Phala (deeds and fruits) …
But since the final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha) only denotes a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part, which also includes an isolation from all cause and effects (i.e. Karma and Karma Phala), and since in acyclic existence, the freedom from cause and effect is not there, so due to this reason, acyclic existence doesn’t denote the final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha or simply, Keval) … Thus, all those scriptures which state that God would grant a deathless body (eternal body) are also not denoting the final aspect of liberation, which as such is told as Kaivalya in Vedas and Yoga Tantra …
The evolutionary process which starts within cyclic existence, moves into acyclic existence … But at the same time, that acyclic existence is definitely not denoting the stage of final emancipation (Keval or Kaivalya or Moksha or Nirvana) …
Acyclic existence is a part of the four states of macrocosm, and within the macrocosm there is nothing like a final liberation (Keval or Kaivalya or Moksha or Nirvana) …
Final liberation is nothing to do with any of the four states of macrocosm which were discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT furthered ITself” …
Thus, basis above, neither does cyclic existence nor does acyclic existence (i.e. when we get an eternal body denote the finality of liberation, that was told as Kaivalya and which means a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part … And because these two (cyclic and acyclic existence) don’t denote that final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha), so they also don’t denote the stage of going beyond the principles, process and laws of macrocosm (including the currently discussed principle of eternal evolution) …
HH-1) …
Return back from acyclic existence to cyclic existence is also part of evolution …
Even those highly evolved sages, who rest in acyclic existence can be made to return back, so as to do specific acts that may be necessary to pave way for the next stage of evolutionary process of the inhabitants of a world …
But at the same time, as told above, such sages (of acyclic mode of existence) only return back to do those specific jobs, which itself are required to be done at that time, and which itself are as per the call of the next cycle of time (i.e. these jobs are needed as per the incoming cycle of time or Kala Chakra) …
Thus, such sages, who though are free of birth and death (as they rest within an acyclic mode of existence) always return back whenever any human age cycle (i.e. Manav Yuga) is changing to the next age human cycle (or next Manav Yuga Chakra) and thus such returns from acyclic to cyclic existence are also as per the call of a cycle of time (or as per that specific stage of the ever moving wheel of time) …
But since acyclic existence from where such sages return back, doesn’t denote the final liberation, so these sages of acyclic existence never render the path of final liberation (i.e. path of a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) as they themselves have still not reached the finality …
When an aspirant has still not reached that final liberation, then how can that aspirant render a path to it … To render the path of final liberation, one has to be liberated in the first place, isn’t it? …
And this is why, the knowledge systems of such sages always have a concept of future return of that sage (or even of some other sage) … However this aspect is not applicable to an Avatara (a direct descent of the absolute being, in a human or any other form) …
And due to this reason, such sages (of acyclic existence) only render the path to one or another of those vast numbers of divine world of an egoistic god (or Abhimani Devata Loka) …
As also, since the paths of Abhimani Devata (egoistic God) is always based upon supremacy of that God, so due to this reason, such returners from acyclic existence always lay down monotheistic paths (paths of individualism) which itself become reasons for an endless state of cyclic chaos in the world …
During history of existence of the Makersmakings, there has never been a case where a sage returned back from acyclic existence and yet could render the path or way of life that was related to pluralistic monism (i.e. Vedic way of life) … The path of pluralistic monism (Vedic way of life) is always rendered by a sage, who has already gone beyond both cyclic and acyclic existences and has also gone beyond emanatory mode of existence, that is within emptiness (Shunya Tattva or primordial nature or Shunyata) …
Such sages of acyclic existence always return back during the changes that come within human age cycles (Manav Yuga) and especially when that human age cycle is to run within the longer time spans of a divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) … This is why, such sages of acyclic existence mostly return back during the time spans of a divine degenerate age (Kaliyuga) and not during other better ages … And since these sages of acyclic existence can only render paths of Egoistic Gods and their divine realms (heavens), so their paths are also based upon one or another aspect of individual-dualism (monotheism) due to which their rendered paths always have an aspect of cyclic manifestation of chaos in them …
And when the human golden age (Manav Satyuga) which runs within the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) and which as such is an age of sages (or Guru Yuga) is about to come by within a world, then all such monotheistic paths (monotheism of any sort) always start becoming chaotic because the Guru Yuga (human age of truth) is nowhere related to monotheism of any sort …
This chaos ultimately leads to an end of monotheism, because individualism has no place within any Guru Yuga (Age of sages or golden age of humanity, which runs within a divine degenerate age cycle) … This chaos is also a part of this discussed principle of eternal evolution …
All these returns (or highly evolved sages who rest in acyclic existence) are also as per the same principle of eternal evolution, because these sages who return back from acyclic existence are definitely not those who have gone “beyond evolution and its principle” … Their temporary returns to cyclic existence are also based upon their own needs of evolution, which itself is as per the currently discussed principle (of eternal evolution) … And I say so, basis my own experiences that have already had during my own timeless existence, so this is not some bookish nonsense …
Even the second coming that is talked about, would be based upon the same reason as discussed here …
And irrespective of what anybody may believe, these returns also continue until an aspirant (including these sages who return back as per the call of a cycle of time or the eternally moving wheel of time) finally enters into a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. an isolation from the entirety of Maker’s Makings) …
Proceeding further …
As are the requirements of an incoming cycle of time, so is the basis of a highly evolved sage of beyond realms getting chosen to return back to cyclic existence (say a world, like this one) and thence lay down a very subtle yet strong foundation of the systems of the incoming age cycle … And this return also adds to the Karma of that returned sage and thus ultimately is a part of his own evolutionary process …
But there have also been cases where sages had returned back from those realms which are free (or are beyond) of both cyclic and acyclic existence … Such sages are those who return back from one of the five faces of Sadashiva (i.e. Panch Mukha Shiva) and that too through the process of transmigration of soul (which in many Sanskrit knowledge systems is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh) …
Proceeding further …
Thus, even those aspirants who are considered as wise ones of much beyond realms, have many a times returned back to cyclic existence (or Sansara) and this return back continues in one world or another and in their one form or another (i.e. within a grosser or subtler state) and until that aspirant goes beyond this discussed principle (of eternal evolution) that aspirant also keeps within the purviews of the law of cause and effect and its governing principle (of interdependent origination) …
Thus, unless the basis of existence within any state of macrocosm and the entire evolutionary process is already self-realized as untrue and which itself is through ones self-realization of this evolutionary process being based within those ever changeful and thus unreal hierarchies and relativities of Makers Makings, nobody (including those believed greater entities of any scripture) can ever exit out of existence …
And in such a state, such believed greater entities also remain with no choice but to stay within this principle of eternal evolution, which itself becomes the reason for their cyclic returns within one or another of the lower worlds (like this one) within the Makers Makings …
Once a aspirant has realized the non-reality of evolutionary existence of all there ever is, and has also self-realized the basis of existence of all that is still not manifested, as untrue, then only would the reason for a future return back into grosser, subtler and those divine realms of existence, cease for that aspirant …
Thus, those aspirants who have already gone beyond the principle of our discussion, would also be the ones who would be standing beyond all divine worlds of both the egoistic and non-egoistic gods (i.e. they would be resting beyond all realms of Abhimani Devata and also beyond realms of Anabhimani Devata) …
Until this discussed aspect is arrived at by an aspirant, irrespective of who or what that aspirant may be believed to be and by anyone, his (or her) evolution continues and thus such an aspirant continues to rest within the purviews of this macrocosmic principle (or eternal evolution) … The entire monotheism, their Gods (and Satan too), their propagators are within the purviews of this principle … Thus, what we believe of such greater ones is not how and what they actually are when we see the fullness of ever-changeful hierarchies of the Makersmakings …
As long as an aspirant has returned back and even if that return back is to lay down the subtle foundation of an incoming age cycle (which can be a human age or Manav Yuga or even a divine age or Deva Yuga), from the macrocosmic point of view, that aspirant is only deemed to be resting within the principle and process of eternal evolution … And this is irrespective of what that aspirant may be believed to be within any system and by his (or her) followers …
However above is not applicable to an Avatar (direct descent of the supreme being in a human or any other form) … And above also “may or may not” be applicable to the sages of Sadashiva … And due to this reason, above paragraph “may or may not” be applicable to the sage from Maheshwara who comes by from east facing (or east looking) Tatpurusha face of Shiva, so as to lay down the subtle yet strong foundation of an incoming Guru Yuga and also those sages from Sadashiva who come by to continue that Guru Yuga … In this discussion, I wrote “may or may not” because this is how it is for any of the sages of Sadashiva, as these sages can self-choose (or be made to choose) to rest or not rest within the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …
What a group of humanity (or even the humanity of a world) believes about anyone’s evolutionary standing is immaterial from the macrocosmic point of view, and thus, if who they believe about is still resting within the principle of our discussion, then that person is still evolving and thus is still not yet liberated …
Whenever such non-liberated ones come by, then they always lay down individualistic paths (monotheistic paths i.e. paths of egoistic Gods) and not paths that are related to intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of the macrocosmic creation …
Proceeding further …
And on contrary to above … If such a returner is from one of the five faces of Sadashiva or he (or she) has returned from Kaivalya itself, then he (or she) would only lay down path of final liberation (final isolation from allness) … And since that final isolation is free of egoistic and non-egoistic Gods) and is also free of their divine planes (heavens), so such a path would only be based upon ones own innermost essence (Atman) being none other than the final essence of allness (Brahman) i.e. that path would be of Atman is Brahman …
And this would be in addition to the fact, that the path of such a sage would also be based upon the fact, that, each microcosm is having the entire macrocosm within it (i.e. the path would be of “Pinda is Brahmanda”) and where that macrocosm is also within its subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) …
And because such a path is free of both egoism (of egoistic gods) and non-egoism (or non egoistic gods), so it would also be free of their divine planes (heavens) and their divine plays (i.e. all divisive nonsense) … And due to being such, these paths would also be uniting all parts of allness to each other in addition to uniting allness to her each part and vice versa …
Any other than path of above paragraphs, would become the instrument of repeated cyclic state of chaos and peace within the world … Such paths (or cycles of chaos and peace) are always established by sages who return back from acyclic existence and not by those sages who are self-realized and all-realized ones (i.e. Sages from one of the five faces of Shiva) … How can someone who has still not attained to the finality of liberation (Kaivalya), describe that finality or render the correct path to it …
Since Kaliyuga is supposed to be an age of recurring cycles of chaos and peace, so most of the paths which are laid down are by sages from acyclic existence … And since such sages of acyclic existence don’t really know Kaivalya Moksha (i.e. full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part), so they also don’t know the pluralistic monist ways of macrocosmic creation, due to which their laid down paths are always related to one or another of the divine worlds of egoistic gods and which itself makes Kaliyuga to be none other than an age of recurring chaos …
II) …
All Gods and their heavens are within this principle of eternal evolution …
A fully liberated one (i.e. a Kaivalya Mukta or a Muktatma) doesn’t relate to anything like scriptures, aspects of Godliness (or even Satanic aspects), a propagator of a faith, heavens (or hells) because a Muktatma stands beyond the entirety of such nonsensical aspects … A Muktatma knows the fact, that, his (or her) Atman is Brahman …
Thus, a fully liberated one (Mukta Atma) neither relates to deeds not to fruits of such deeds, as he (or she) stands beyond their scopes and applications …
This is because, a fully liberated one (i.e. A Mukta Atma) is already that sage, who has gone beyond allness and her each part and thus such a sage also cannot be related to any nonsensical aspect, as told in any scripture that came by during the last 5100+ years of Kaliyuga …
Thus, such a sage also cannot be the one who grants anything other than the path to a final liberation (i.e. of Kaivalya or Moksha or Keval) … And since such a path is of one’s own soul (As told in the earlier given Atmavani) so it also has no centered entity (i.e. it has no relation to any God or Satan, their heavens or hells and it also has nothing to do with any scripture whatsoever and whosoever) … Such a sage only walks the path to Brahmatva (oneness to Brahma) … There is also nothing like Good or bad for such a sage as he stands beyond all suchness (of dualities) …
But since these Gods are still centering a belief unto themselves and are also related to one or another of those scriptures, and this itself is in addition to being granters of all sorts of good or bad fruits, so they can never be considered to be fully liberated (i.e. resting in Kaivalya Moksha) due to not being beyond deeds and fruits (Cause and effects) …
It doesn’t matter how great any of these believed greater entities may be considered in a system (or scripture), because the fact still remains, that, if it has still not gone beyond the entirety of principles, process and laws of Makers Makings, then it still is not a fully liberated one (Kaivalya Mukta) …
And if such an entity renders the path to final liberation (Mukti), then that path would only become the reason for those endlessly repeating cycles of chaos and peace …
As a matter of scriptural fact …
What use are scriptures, ways or paths to those who have already gone beyond
And what use are all these texts to those who have still not begun in their path
Thus, basis above …
Those who talk scriptures (including Gods), have still not gone beyond them
What use is listening (adhering) to such ignorant ones, is what I sometimes think
And as a matter of historical fact …
Those who rest in ways of scriptures, still don’t know what is beyond them
What good can such ones do to humanity as a whole, is what I sometimes think
Note: Those whose opinions differ from what is told here, are advised to see condition of humanity during the last few millenniums … Wars, conquests, slavery, rape of women and children, discrimination of all sorts and consequent cycles of chaos and thence some temporary peace, is all that these egoistic or monotheistic Gods (and their reciprocal aspects, i.e. Satan) have caused within this world …
And as a matter of fact regarding scriptures that came by during the last few millenniums is …
Ways of attaining liberation while alive (Jivanmukti) is absent in scriptures
What use is liberation after death (i.e. Videhamukti), is what I sometimes think
And as a further matter of fact regarding paths of evolution …
The path which doesn’t lead to Jeevanmukti, is not a path of fullness
What use can such incomplete paths be, is what is sometimes think about
Note: In the ways of live of scriptures that came by during the last few millenniums, this absence of concepts and paths which lead to attainment of being a Jivanmukta (i.e. liberated whilst alive) is what leads to concepts of paths which lead to attainment of Videhamukti (liberated upon de-incarnation) … And even worse is the stage, where the death also doesn’t lead to a direct liberation … I say so because most scriptures that came by after the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatana Dharma) went into her cyclic sleep of about 9 millenniums (i.e. since 6990 BC), also say that their de-incarnated aspirants shall also have to wait till the end of time so as to be judged, prior they would be granted liberation by their believed greater entity (God of that scripture) … Well, this is like making an aspirant wait endlessly, even when the wait could have been avoided by adopting the paths of the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatana Dharma) , that also incorporate aspects of Jeevanmukti (i.e. one who is liberated whilst still alive) … Absence of such paths, lead to an inner chaos (soul based chaos) as the soul knows, the truth of Jivanmukti, even when we don’t accept it in our ways of live (or our scriptures) … This is what becomes a reason for cycles of chaos and peace within all those paths, that are devoid of concepts of Jeevanmukti (liberation whilst still incarnated) …
JJ) …
Principle of evolution and path of fullness of allness …
As a matter of fact …
- Unless an aspirant has already evolved past all states of evolution, the final exit from allness is still an impossibility …
- To evolve beyond something, one needs to detach to that thing …
- To be able to detach to anything, a prior union to that thing must be known (self-realized) by that aspirant …
- Thus, prior detachment to anything, is always the stage of self-realization of union to that thing …
- Due to this, if one has to be fully liberated (i.e. fully detached from allness and her each part), a prior union to allness and her each part is a must … Thus, Brahmand Yoga (union to allness of Maker’s Makings) is a must prior Kaivalya (final liberation which itself is as a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) …
- And to enter into Brahmand Yoga (union to allness), the path can only be of Brahmand Dharana (i.e. an inner oneness to allness), of the aspirant …
- Since the final stage of is absence of Yoga (union), so this is what was termed as Ayoga in Jainism … Thus, in Jain philosophy, it is stated that the Tirthankara who is resting in a final detachment from allness (i.e. Kaivalya, which itself is told as Keval in Jainism) is the final stage … Keval is nothing but detachment from allness, which itself is the stage of going beyond union (Yoga) and which as such is termed as Ayoga …
- Ayoga which denotes Keval (isolation from allness) is the stage that is beyond our discussed principle (of eternal evolution) … And this is what was told as Kaivalya in Vedas and Yoga …
But to attain to that Keval, one would need to know one’s union to allness, prior one can detach from allness so as to enter into Keval and where that path of detachment can also not be anything other than that of Ayoga (detachment from allness and her each part) …
To know this union to allness, the fullness of allness would have to be united to … Prior being detached from allness, union to allness has to be known … And where this detachment to allness, is also including detachment to the principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings (and thus it also includes detachment or going beyond the discussed principle of eternal evolution) …
Due to this reason, the principle of eternal evolution can never be related to anything that is other than a path of fullness of allness … Unless this fullness of allness (allness also includes her each part) is accounted for in the path, the final exit (final liberation), which also includes the stage of exit from our currently discussed principle, would only remain a distant dream …
As a matter of fact, since the principles, process and laws that are discussed here are naught but having a cosmic applicability (universal applicability), so the path of these also cannot ever be any other than that of an utter fullness and where that fullness can only be arrived at when allness (and her each part) is considered as being naught but one or another of those vast countless number of self-expressions, self-manifestations and self presence of the ever-same supreme being (Param Brahma or Para Brahman) … Thus the principle of our discussion essentially is a Vedantic principle and this is especially so when we see its applicability to the entirety of evolutionary process and the final stage that itself is of going beyond the entirety of evolution itself (i.e. the finality of Kaivalya Moksha) …
Continues …