Here we shall discuss the Law of cosmic hygiene (or Law of macrocosmic hygiene or Law of universal hygiene) … This is also a universal law by which the cosmic creation maintains the specific requirements that relate to independent existence of her various states from each other and which is even when these various states are also dependent upon each other as far as their survival is concerned …
If this Law was not there, then there would have been an intermixing of aspects of various states which would have only led to a cosmic chaos or chaos that would have been of a universal nature … So this Law can also be termed as Law of independent existence of cosmic states and it can also be teemed as the Law of prevention of cosmic chaos …
This law is a within the purviews of the principle of eternal evolution … And additionally, this law is also within the purviews and scopes of applicability of the principle of eternal existence …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Law of physical vehicle” …
Definition of Law of cosmic hygiene …
This law could be thus defined …
Unless it falls within the subtlety bandwidth of a state, it cannot enter that state
And thus, basis this law …
To self-realize a beyond realm, our inner subtlety has to be in sameness to it
And above also means …
Unless your inner subtlety is of sameness to a beyond realm, you can neither self-realize nor enter into that beyond realm
And this law also refers to the fact, that …
To self-realize anything beyond, the requirement of our inner subtlety being in sameness to that beyond state, stands paramount
And this law also refers to …
The fact fact that an aspirant has self-realized something beyond the realm of its present existence means that the aspirant already rests in that beyond realm of existence even when that aspirant may seem to be residing here (on this physical or gross world or realm) …
Explaining the law of cosmic (or universal) hygiene …
Unless something comes within the vibratory or subtlety bandwidth of a state of existence, it would never be able to self-realize that state of existence … Unless something is self-realized, it also cannot be resided in …
Thus basis above …
To enter into any state of existence, the subtlety of that entity (or person or microcosm) must be within the upper and lower limits of subtlety bandwidth of that state of existence …
Thus, to enter into any state of existence, the microcosm’s inner subtlety shall have to be such that it falls within the upper and lower extremes of the subtlety bandwidth of that state of existence …
Application of Law of cosmic hygiene to self-realizations and higher abilities …
Unless an aspirant is having an inner subtlety that is within the lower and upper limits of subtlety bandwidth of a beyond state, that aspirant can never self-realize that state … Unless a state that is beyond (this physical realm) is self-realized, one cannot even enter into that beyond state of existence …
Thus basis above …
- If an aspirant has self-realized a beyond state of existence (like a divine plane or heaven) even whilst that aspirant is physically present within this gross world, then this also means that the aspirant actually subtly resides within that beyond state even when that aspirant may seem to be present within this physical world and is still holding a physical vehicle …
- Such an aspirant would also be holding abilities that relate to that beyond state of existence (beyond realm, like a heaven, etc.) …
- Due to above reason, all paranormal abilities which some persons hold within this world and whilst they still are within their gross physical form (or a physical vehicle) are a proof that they actually have connected to and thus are already residing within that beyond realm, to which their abilities eventually relate …
Explaining Law of macrocosmic hygiene …
Cosmic hygiene refers to the intrinsic capacity of the macrocosmic matrix to firstly ensure that any aspirant who escapes (or evolved beyond) a world or plane of existence or even the universe is of such an inner purity (subtlety) that when that aspirant enters into that which is beyond these states of existences, that aspirant wouldn’t end up corrupting that states vibrations …
Thus, this law also ensures that the vibrations and vibratory bandwidths of various states of macrocosmic creation are maintained in their independence to each other and never can the vibrations of any state get mixed up with those of another or incompatible state of existence …
And above is even when every state of existence is resting within the principle of dependent origination and thus each state of dependent upon the other state and as long as these states of existences exist …
This law thus ensures that even when every state of existence is dependent upon the other state at some point of time of its existence and evolution, yet the vibrations of all these states of existence remain free of such mixing and thus stay independent of each other … And this is what maintains their specific hygiene …
Thus, to enter into a divine world, our inner subtlety also has to be in sameness to that divine world and which also means, that our own subtle vibrations have to be within the purviews of the lower and upper limits of subtlety bandwidth of that divine world …
Law of cosmic hygiene, evolutionary process and entry into higher realms …
As a matter of fact …
- If our own inner subtlety is lower than the lowermost limit of subtlety bandwidth of a divine world, then when we try to approach that divine world, the subtler vibrations of that divine world would be like a subtle wall in front of us … And in such a case, we won’t be able to gain an entry into that divine world …
- And on contrary to above, if our own inner subtlety is higher than the subtlety bandwidth of another realm of existence, and in such a case when we try to approach and enter that grosser realm of existence, then we would actually be pervading (permeating) that realm of existence and thus wouldn’t be able to reside upon it …
- Thus, basis above, the very fact that any microcosm exists within a realm of existence is a proof that its (microcosm’s) inner subtlety is within the lowermost and uppermost limits of subtlety bandwidth of the state of existence (where it resides at that time) …
The same is applicable during the eternal evolution of any aspirant (or microcosm) because until an inner sameness of the aspirant to that state is arrived at, that aspirant cannot even enter that state of existence …
And the same is when any higher realization takes place, because until there is an inner sameness of the aspirant to the state that is to be self-realized, is arrived at, that state can never be realized by that aspirant …
The same is when any aspirant enters any of the states or realms of existence during the course of its eternal evolution, because to enter that realm or state of existence, an inner sameness of that aspirant to that state or realm of existence, is a pre-requisite as per this macrocosmic and thus universal Law …
Universal nature of law of cosmic hygiene …
This hygiene is maintained for each world and plane of existence within a universal sphere and is such, that, if an aspirant is to escape from (or evolve beyond) a lower plane of existence and thus evolve to a higher plane of existence, then also that aspirant must be of a sameness of state to the plane of existence where it has to arrive, or else that aspirant cannot even enter that higher plane of existence … Thus, this law is also falling within the principle of eternal evolution and in addition to this, it also falls within the eternal existence principle …
Proceeding further …
When any aspirant has arrived at an inner-sameness of state to the higher plane of existence, then the lower plane of existence (where the aspirant or beingness currently resides and evolves) also cannot stop that aspirant from exiting out of its vibratory bandwidth and this itself is because, such an aspirant has already attained to a higher stature (or higher subtlety) as compared to the lower plane of existence where that aspirant was residing till then …
At this state of higher evolution (higher is in comparison to the plane of existence where that aspirant resides at that time), the aspirant is no longer pervaded (permeated) by that lower planes vibratory fields … At this state, it is the reverse that happens, i.e. the aspirants higher subtlety begins pervading (permeating) that planes vibratory fields and thus the plane loses its hold upon that aspirant …
Note: The pervader (i.e. permeator) resides within the pervaded (permeated) and thus is the controller of the permeated (pervaded) entity … This can be understood by a simple example, that the mind resides within the physical body and is also the controller of the thoughts and actions of the physical body and in this example also, the mind is doing so, because it is the pervader (or permeator) of the physical body …
Proceeding further …
When such an aspirant who has attained a higher inner subtlety as compared to the realm of existence where that aspirant is residing, finally begins exiting out of that plane of existence, then that lower plane of existence (where the aspirant is then residing) cannot even stop that aspirant from exiting out of its purviews (and controls) … This is because of the fact, that the aspirant being subtler than the plane of existence, only becomes as the controller of that plane of existence (instead of the earlier condition that was prior that aspirant had attained to a higher subtlety, where that plane was controlling the aspirant) … And in such a case, the divinities of that plane of existence also remain with no choice but to grant right to free passage to that aspirant so that aspirant can enter into that plane or realm of existence, where its own inner subtlety is within the lowermost and uppermost levels of subtlety bandwidth of that plane or realm of existence …
Entry into higher realms by bypassing the law of cosmic hygiene …
If any aspirant through some supersonic evolutionary system tries to bypass this law of macrocosmic hygiene, then chaos is what would get manifested within that aspirants five Vedic sheaths (i.e. Vedic Panch Kosha, which we have already discussed earlier on) …
This condition would lead to severe shocks to the evolutionary process of that aspirant and where these evolutionary shock may even be to that extent, that the evolutionary process may even temporarily stop for that aspirant …
Proceeding further …
Those aspirants who in history have tried to bypass this law of cosmic hygiene and thence have managed to enter into some beyond state even prior they were evolutionarily ready to do so, invariably term that beyond state of existence as a wrathful one … This has been the primary reason for some states to be termed as wrathful by such aspirants …
If any aspirant correctly complies to the real nextness of his (or her) evolutionary process and thus also ends up complying to the law which is being discussed here, then for such an aspirant, no state can ever be seen or realized as wrathful … The very reason that some aspirant have termed certain states as wrathful is because they did not fully comply to whatever is told here …
Note: All terms like peaceful and wrathful deities are a proof of the fact that the realizer of these states had not arrived at equanimity to allness (i.e. Sarva Samta) … And if the term wrathful is used for any state, then it only indicates that the one who realized that state had in fact realized it prior that realizer had even arrived at an inner sameness to that state and which itself denotes bypassing of the law that is being discussed here and which also denotes non compliance towards requirements of evolutionary real nextness, for which the macrocosmic nature is very firm as far as ensuring its compliance is concerned … Thus, all knowledge systems which use such a term like wrathful for anything or anyone, only prove the evolutionary standing of the one who gave that wisdom was not even apt to enter that state which is termed wrathful …
Law of cosmic hygiene and maintenance of vibratory independence of states …
This law also ensures that the fundamental vibratory essence or subtlety of a world, plane of existence or even the universal sphere, is maintained till eternity and this is even when everything that is a part of macrocosmic nature, is within the path of an eternal upward evolution …
As such when a world or plane evolves, then its intrinsic vibrations also change and due to this reason, this principle of hygiene is also resting within the purviews of eternal evolution principle (we have discussed this principle already) …
As also, when a plane evolves, then that planic hygiene criterion is subtler than what was of that plane at its earlier (lower) evolutionary standing … And after this evolution takes a world or plane to its higher evolutionary standing, then the earlier criterion of hygiene also changes to its higher (subtler) state and thus if any future aspirant (microcosm) has to enter that state of existence, then that aspirant (microcosm) has to hold a correspondingly higher subtlety so as to enter that state … This also means, that during the eternity of existence of Makers Makings, the criterion of subtlety that are applicable to any world or plane of existence, keep changing to an ever higher subtlety … And this also means, that if the rate of evolutionary progress of an aspirant is lower than the rate of evolutionary progress of a state of existence, then even when that aspirant may have evolved beyond that state of existence, yet that aspirant can still return back to that earlier state of existence is its (aspirants) inner subtlety again starts to come within the subtlety bandwidth of that plane of existence …
So, evolving from a state or realm of existence doesn’t guarantee a nonness of return to that same state at any future time span and this is especially so, if the rate of evolutionary progress of an aspirant is lower than the rate of evolutionary progress (and thus attainment of an ever higher subtlety) of a state or realm of existence … Thus, it is also due to this law of cosmic hygiene that highly evolved ones of earlier times have also entered back to this lower world because their evolutionary rate of progress being lower that the plane of existence, only ending up bring their own inner subtlety to a state which was within the subtlety bandwidth of this realm of existence …
Wise words as a path of escaping the effects of Law of cosmic hygiene …
Thus basis above …
- The only guarantee of permanently exiting out of this law of cosmic hygiene is to enter into a state of Poorna Sannyasa (full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) and which as such is termed as Kaivalya and Moksha by Vedic sages …
- Other than above, there is no other way to permanently go beyond the effects of this law of macrocosmic hygiene …
- This exit from all modes of existence (i.e. isolation from allness or Kaivalya or Moksha) is very easily possible if the essence of the wise words i.e. there is ‘nowhere to go, nothing to do, nowhere to be’ is resided in … This essence of wise words can also make an aspirant escape the entirety of Makers Makings …
Application of law of cosmic hygiene to final liberation …
The absolute being (Param Brahma) is attributeless and infinite … So, unless we self-realize our own inner attributelessness, that itself is of our own innermost essence (Atman), and which itself is none other than the attributeless infinite being (Para Brahman), we would never be self realize their unity (i.e. self-realize the fact of Atma is Brahma and which itself is the same as self-realization of the fact, that Atman is Brahman) …
Unless this is self-realized (directly cognized) by us, we would never be able to enter into Kaivalya (final liberation) …
But when already within Kaivalya (final liberation, which is also termed as Moksha), since none of the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings are applicable, so this law of cosmic hygiene would also not be applicable to us …
And yet, to enter (i.e. attain to through self-realization) that finally liberated state (or Kaivalya Moksha), the aspirant has ever had to comply to the law of cosmic hygiene as is being discussed here …
And due to this reason, even when the finality of this law of macrocosmic hygiene is leading to attainment of Kaivalya, yet Kaivalya is beyond this law …
Naimittika Pralaya is the stage of non-compliance to law of cosmic hygiene …
Collisions of galaxies during the time span of night of Brahma (i.e. during the period of Brahma Ratri) is also due to the fact that there is a mixing up of divinities (subtleties or energies) of the two galaxies …
During the time span of a day time of Brahma (i.e. Brahma Kalpa) no non compliance to the law of cosmic hygiene can ever take place … But when the stage of night of Brahma (or Brahma Ratri) arrives, then because the creator (Brahma) sleeps, some mixing up of the divinities (or energies of states) is always there … And this is what leads to galactic collisions …
It is at this state that there always are collisions of galaxies (and where these galactic collisions are also including the cyclic collision of of Milky way galaxy) with other galaxies and which we have already discussed within the earlier topic of Naimittika Pralaya …
Thus, as long as Brahma keeps awake within a galaxy (i.e. during the time span of a Kalpa of Brahma), no non-compliance to this law can ever be seen towards this law of macrocosmic hygiene … And when Brahma sleeps within a Galaxy, then this non compliance cannot even be avoided … And this is what leads to collisions of galaxies where Brahma has entered into a state of sleep …
Proceeding further …
And since different Galaxies have different time spans of originations, so different galaxies also have different stages of Brahma Kalpa (day time of Brahma) and Brahma Ratri (night time of Brahma) and whenever the night time of Brahma arrives on that Galaxy, then that galaxy always enters into the state of Naimittika Pralaya i.e. all galaxies of a universe don’t enter into Naimittika Pralay at the same time-span …
Depending upon which galaxy is originated at what stage, is what decides a day of Brahma that is applicable to that galaxy and since galaxies are originated at different times and their spans, so stages of Naimittika Pralay that are applicable to various galaxies are also not at the same time …
Continues …