Here we shall discuss the law of cosmic flows and dynamism and thus discuss the cosmic flow and cosmic dynamism and its relation to the running of the macrocosmic creation …
Regarding above figure …
Above figure shows various microcosm’s (shown at bottom of above image) and with each having their own etheric cords which are connected to the etheric cords of their own respective principals (shown as cords in upper part of the figure) that also exist within the greater macrocosm …
Irrespective of the fact that microcosm’s may seem to be different from each other and thus may be seemingly independently existing from each other, yet from the point of view of the etheric fields that are emanated by each microcosm, there remains an eternal coexistence within each of them and where this co-existence is also on a cosmic level, i.e. across the entire macrocosmic creation …
This topic continues from the previous one of “First desire of nature, … Original desire of microcosm, … Original cause of allness” … This topic also relates to an earlier topic of “principle of eternal evolution” in addition to relating to another earlier topic of “Principle of eternal existence” … And this topic is also related to another earlier one that had the header of “Principle of dependent origination” …
AA) …
Four states of macrocosm … The place of cosmic flows and dynamism …
Prior we enter into the discussions of this topic, we would need to discuss the four states of macrocosm … This is because, only within the macrocosm do the flows and dynamism exist …
In an earlier topic of “As IT furthered ITself”, we had discussed that the macrocosm is existent within its four states … These four states of macrocosm were told as follows …
- Unbegun macrocosm … This is the original macrocosm, prior any of the other three below listed states of macrocosm were originated … This is a non-lighted macrocosm i.e. it is a dark macrocosm, within whose envelopes everything is begun and then the begun states continues to exist within the envelopes of the same unbegun macrocosm … It was within this unbegun state of macrocosm, that the other three below listed primary states of macrocosm were begun and have been existent within the same envelopes of the unbegun macrocosm …
And within these four macrocosmic states, everything that is as an animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate macrocosm eventually exists …
Since it is the eternal unbegun state of macrocosm, so it also cannot ever end and thus is is the eternal macrocosm (Sanatan Brahmand) …
As also, since prior the begun states of macrocosm came into being, the unbegun was all that was as the macrocosm, so this unbegun macrocosm is also the original macrocosm (Prathamik Brahmand) …
As also, since it eventually was within the unbegun that everything was begun as a macrocosm and microcosm and since the unbegun never even began even when everything was begun within its envelopes, so the unbegun state of macrocosm also remained as the eternal unbegun …
As also, since the unbegun was subtler than the begun states of macrocosm, so the unbegun was also pervading (permeating) the begun states of macrocosm and microcosm …
So basis above paragraphs, since the unbegun was anyways present within the begun (as the permeator or pervader of all that was begun), so the unbegun never even found a need to begin separately from all that was begun as microcosm and macrocosm … And this is also the reason for the unbegun to never even find a need to begin within the Makers Makings and this in turn makes the unbegun to remain as the eternal unbegun state of macrocosm and which is even when, the unbegun anyways is present within each begun and simultaneously the begun anyways rests within the envelopes of the unbegun macrocosm …
Thus, the eternal unbegun state of macrocosm, which as such is a non-lighted state of macrocosm within whose envelopes all that is begun, eventually is begun and continues to exist, so we see that all light rests within a non-lighted state of macrocosm …
And simultaneously with above, since the unbegun is also the pervader (permeator) of all that is begun, so the unbegun anyways exists within all that is begun and thus the need for the unbegun to begin separately from all that was begun within the Maker’s Makings never even manifested … And this is what has kept the unbegun as the eternally unbegun macrocosm even when all that is begun eventually has only begun within its envelopes …
As also, since the unbegun has stayed as the unbegun during the entirety of timeless and fathomless time spans of existence of the Makers Makings, so when any aspirant evolved to the unbegun macrocosm, then because the unbegun is free of birth and death, so that aspirant also attains to an acyclic mode of existence … Thus, acyclic existence that is told in various lore’s, where an eternal body (i.e. a birth-less and death-less body) is attained by that aspirant, is also related to the unbegun macrocosm …
Proceeding further …
And since the unbegun macrocosm is a part of the four primary macrocosmic states (which as such are being discussed here), so the unbegun definitely doesn’t denote a final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha as told in Vedas) …
That final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) can only be within that state, which stays in a full, final and permanent isolation from all that ever is within the Maker’s Makings, including the four states of macrocosm which are being discussed here” …
Thus, basis above the eternal body as is told in various lore’s that came by during the last 9000+ years of cyclic sleep of the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatana Dharma) also doesn’t denote that state of being finally liberated which as such is told as Kaivalya in Vedas and also in various Yoga Tantra …
Acyclic existence is a part of evolutionary existence and thus is also falls in the purviews of the earlier discussed “principle of evolution” and also comes under the purviews of another discussed “principle of eternal existence” … And as a matter of fact, the term, eternal existence is primarily related to the unbegun or eternal macrocosm …
Proceeding further …
As a matter of fact, regarding the unbegun macrocosm …
- It it has not even begun, then how can it ever end …
- Since it is the eternal unborn, so it can only remain in a state of eternal freedom from death … How can that which is not even born, ever die … And this is the reason for Vedic sages to say “The macrocosm is eternally existent” as all such statements eventually refer to the unbegun macrocosm within those pervadement and envelopment the other three macrocosmic states and all microcosms, eventually exist …
- Thus, even when it exists, yet being the eternal unbegun, it also remains in an eternal freedom from death … And this is what makes it to denote an acyclic state of existence i.e. an existence which is free of birth and death … And it is to this state of macrocosm, that the concepts of god granting an eternally deathless body, eventually relate …
- But the unbegun doesn’t denote a state of perfect isolation from allness and thus is definitely does not denote a final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) …
- In Vedas, the unbegun macrocosm is to whom the concept of Pashupatinath Loka (i.e. the Lord of macrocosmic speciology) relates … And Pashupatinath Loka also happens to be the heaven of God of Christianity who as such is related to the Aghora face of Lord Pashupatinath … This Aghora face of Lord Pashupatinath is also directly related to and also is one of the many-many self-manifestations of Aghora face of Shiva and which itself is one of the five faces of the Vedic Shaiva concept of five faces of Sadashiva (i.e. Pancha Mukha Sadashiva) … Thus, in a nutshell, Christianity related to Aghora face of Sadashiva and thus is a Shaiva Marg (i.e. it is a part of the vast number of ways of path of Lord Shiva) …
Proceeding further …
- The macro-neutral macrocosm … This is the macro-equanimous macrocosm and has been named such because it stays in equanimity to both the begun and unbegun macrocosm’s … This is of a diamond white color and it relates to Brahmaloka (i.e. the Pristine Abode of the creator of allness) … Anything that touches it, immediately becomes arrived at its sameness i.e. if any microcosm touches this macro-neutral macrocosmic flows and dynamism, then it would immediately enter into sameness of its macro-equanimity i.e. equanimity towards allness and her each part … This macro-equanimous or macro-neutral macrocosm, is an intrinsic part of the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (i.e. the abode of creator of allness) …
- The inertial macrocosm … This exists within the unbegun macrocosm and it is like countless specs of non-lighted microscopic mattered specs that by themselves are naught but highly compressed energy … When this highly compressed microscopic specs of matter expands, then it is capable of creating a world out of itself …
This is why the Vedic sages had told, that, prior to origination of macrocosm, that macrocosm was of the size which was like the tip of a pinhead … And from this tip of pinhead like states of macrocosm, was originated everything that we know as macrocosm and microcosm … This is a non-lighted matter which is present everywhere in the universe i.e. it exists in all worlds, planes of existence (Galaxy, etc.) and within the entire universe and yet stays invisible to naked eye (But it is visible through subtle means, including of subtle travels or astral travels) …
All energy that we know of within a universe, is of this non-lighted matter (or Inert matter or inertial masses) that is floating all over the place within the entire universe … Each Galaxy is also surrounded by this non-lighted inertial mass and thus the edges of each galaxy also have a somewhat dark blue (navy blue) hue and thus this Inertial macrocosm is also related to the Aghora face of Sadashiva (or Aghora face of Shiva) only …
- The begun macrocosm … This is the macrocosmic matrix or the innermost part of the macrocosmic creation … This is the cyclic existence i.e. the macrocosmic state where there is birth, temporary existence within that born state and thence a stage of rollover (i.e. death or de-incarnation) from that born state … This is what is termed as Bhavsagar in Vedic lore and the same is also the one whom Sages from across paths had termed as Samsara (or Sansara) … All that is seen to be born, right from the universe, plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.), worlds and all inhabitants of these states (or in other words, all microcosm’s which reside in these states) are eventually resting within this begun macrocosm … And it is within this state of macrocosm, that variety of flows and dynamism get generated by these microcosm who rest in it and thence this dynamism also gets propagated to all other macrocosmic states … This is the macrocosm which also has its vast hierarchies of gross and subtlety …
And finally for this part of the topic …
Since each of these four macrocosmic states actually are naught but like larger sized microcosm’s (i.e. they are like larger microcosm’s), so when we view them in independence to each other, then they also are seen to be like microcosmic states only, but very large sized …
Note: Now somebody would say, that the relation of other two cardinal faces of Sadashiva (i.e. the east facing, shining golden colored face which is also addressed as Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva and the north facing grey colored or smoke colored Vamadeva face of Sadashiva) to the macrocosm is not told above, which as such is correct, because I have kept it hidden due to nonness of need to describe them within this discussion … And the same is also done for the central upward looking (i.e. skyward liking) Ishana face of Sadashiva as there really is no need to discuss it in above discussion …
Definition of macrocosmic creation from a subtle point of view …
The macrocosmic creation could be thus defined …
Sum totality or entire corpus of microcosms that have begun within the Makers Makings, is what the macrocosmic creation actually is
So basis above, all that was begun within the Makers Makings, was the microcosm and where these microcosm also had all sorts of their their hierarchies, like those of gross-subtle, lesser-larger, smaller-bigger, lower-higher, lesser-greater, physical-non physical-divine-impressional and were also related to other types of hierarchies like those of good-better-best, bad-worse-worst, earthly realm-heaven-hell, God-Satan, etc-etc,. …
But in reality, there is nothing like a macrocosm that exists separately from the corpus of microcosm’s that exist within the Makersmakings … And due to this reason, the macrocosm is naught but the corpus of microcosm’s that have begun within the Makersmakings …
And since the macrocosm itself is existent in its subtle impressional state (Sukshma Samskarik Awastha of Brahmand) within each microcosm and where that subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sukshma Samskarik Brahmand) by itself, is the original macrocosm that was originated out of the Ichha Shakti (divinity of desires) of the creator of allness, so in reality to separate the macrocosm from microcosm is an utter impossibility …
So, since the macrocosm in its original subtle impressional state is present within each microcosm and simultaneously, the microcosm also resides within the envelope of the greater manifest state of the same macrocosm, so this is why the Vedic sages had thus told …
Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde
Which means as …
As is microcosm So is the macrocosm, As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm
Basically this was told because, the microcosm is a microcosmic self-manifestation of the greater macrocosm and where that macrocosm has its presence within and out (i.e. inside of and out of) of each microcosm … Just like a drop remains as an intrinsic part of the ocean from where it evaporated into the state of a drop, so is the relation of each microcosm to the macrocosm …
Thus in reality, there is nothing like duality (or dual nature of existence) of microcosm’s and macrocosm, as they eventually are one and the same …
Proceeding further …
And due to all above discussions, in above definition, the term “macrocosm” has not even been used, even when the finally defined state is naught but the macrocosm (macrocosmic creation) itself …
This is how any aspirant would eventually self-realize, but after the stage where that aspirant’s consciousness (Chetna) goes beyond the universe and thence it sees the universe from a state where is rests out of the envelopes of the universe … At this state, the universe would also look like a microcosmic state only and whose form is of a Shivalingam …
Thus, only after this stage of travel of aspirant’s consciousness to a state that is beyond the envelope of a universe (where that aspirants physical vehicle resides at the time of this self-realization), would that aspirant realize that the universe itself is a microcosm that is of the shape of a Lingam … And this self-realization was also discussed in an earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond” and this state of self-realization was also depicted in the first painted sketch of that topic which describes that all universes are of the shape of a Shiva Linga itself …
BB) …
Regarding emanation of flow and dynamism …
Each microcosm (as defined above) who exists within the macrocosmic creation emanates a “subtle flow” out of itself and this flow is emanated into that part of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. the world and plane of existence) within which that microcosm resides at that time …
And then through that part of macrocosmic creation where an aspirant resides and thence emanated its own flows into it, this emanated flow and dynamism can even travel and reach other parts of the macrocosmic creation … This is what maintains the dynamicity of the macrocosmic creation …
And since the emanated flows and dynamism are also ever-changeful, so this is what maintains the ever changeful state of dynamicity of the macrocosmic creation …
And since the types of these emanated flows and dynamism of microcosm’s are also as per the evolutionary standing of microcosm’s, so this is what maintains the evolutionary hierarchy of all that exists within the macrocosmic creation, which itself is in addition to maintaining the hierarchy of states of existences that exist within the macrocosmic creation …
BB-1) …
Reason for emanation of flows and dynamism by the microcosm’s …
These flows and dynamism are primarily emanated due to following reasons …
- Desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds of animated microcosm’s … Each animate microcosm emanates flows out of itself and the main reason for these emanations are as told here …
- Motions of inanimate microcosms and their eternally changeful states …
- Origination and dissolutions of any microcosm …
- Ever changeful state of energies that get compressed to originate various types of matter and then the progress of these mattered states and finally the process of return back of matter to its original energy state … This also means that the entirety of origination, existence, evolutionary process and dissolution of matter and mattered states leads to the discussed emanations of flows and dynamism from them …
- Paths of texts (scriptures) also emanates its own specific flows and dynamism …
- Disasters that happen at cyclic intervals and which itself are a part of the eternal rejuvenation process of Makers Makings, also contribute to emanation of these ever changeful state of flows and dynamism …
- Etc-etc., …
BB-2) …
Gross and subtle flows and evolutionary hierarchy of microcosmic states …
As is the evolutionary standing of the microcosm within the Makers Makings, so are the types and quantum’s of its emanated flows … This aspect could be thus described …
- Higher is the evolutionary standing of a microcosm within the macrocosmic hierarchy, subtler would be its emanated flows and dynamism …
- Lower is the evolutionary standing of a microcosm within the macrocosmic hierarchy, grosser would be its emanated flows and dynamism …
- Subtler flows have a higher expanse as compared to grosser flows … Thus, subtler flows end up reaching higher levels of macrocosmic hierarchy … Due to this reason, higher is the inner subtlety (i.e. higher is ones oneness towards allness and her each part) of an aspirant (or microcosm) subtler would be its emanated flows, which would in turn lead to entering of these flows and dynamism into higher levels of macrocosmic hierarchy and which would in turn denote a higher state of evolution of such an aspirant (microcosm) …
- Thus, those aspirants who rest in a greater oneness towards allness and her each part (i.e. higher aspect of Brahmand Dharana), are emanating a subtler flows out of their own microcosm, which in turn makes them to get connected to a much higher level of macrocosmic hierarchy and which in turn leads to their higher state of evolution (evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchy) …
- Thus, higher is the aspect of oneness towards allness and her each part (or simply, Dharana which relates to Brahmand) which is related to, subtler would ones emanated flow and dynamism be and higher shall ones evolutionary status be, within the macrocosmic hierarchy …
- Due to this reason, the types (subtle or gross) of emanated flows of a microcosm are directly proportional to the evolutionary standing of that microcosm within the macrocosmic hierarchy …
CC) …
Net neutrality of the final macrocosmic resultant of flows and dynamism …
As a matter of fact …
- No two microcosms can ever be at the exactly same level within the macrocosmic hierarchy … This itself is due to the fact, that sameness of any type is also deemed as a stagnation from the macrocosmic point of view … This fact would be discussed in a later topic of “Law of sameness, Law of non sameness, Law of stagnation” …
- So due to above reason, no two microcosm can ever be emanating the exactly same type and quantum of flows from themselves … And this is what leads to a state, where no two microcosm can ever be within an exact sameness of any type, to each other …
Now basis above, we proceed further …
Even when no microcosm emanates the same flow as is emanated by any other microcosm, and which itself is due to the fact that no microcosm ever resting at the same evolutionary hierarchy that is of any other microcosm, so the entire corpus of emanated flows and dynamism of the macrocosmic creation, are resting in a highly pluralistic nature …
And as all the microcosms are also resting within the purviews of the macrocosmic principle (of eternal evolution), so their evolutionary state is also ever changeful and which in turn leads to a state where their emanated flows also keep changeful as far as their types (subtlety and grossness) and quantum’s are concerned … So, this in turn leads to a highly state of the corpus of all flows that are emanated out of all microcosm’s that exist within the Makers Makings …
And simultaneously with above, from within that ever changeful entire corpus of flows and dynamism that is emanated out of each microcosm, the final resultant of macrocosmic creation is always maintained in a state of perfect equanimity towards all emanated flows and dynamism of individual microcosm’s that exist within any part or state of existence of the Makers Makings …
Thus basis above discussions, even when no microcosm has ever emanated exactly same type and quantum of flows and dynamism as was emanated by any other microcosm during history of existence of the macrocosmic creation, yet the final resultant of the entire corpus of flows and dynamism that is emanated by any microcosm and at any point of times of its eternal evolutionary existence is also such, that, this final macrocosmic resultant is always in a state of perfect macro-equanimity (i.e. equanimity towards allness and her each part) …
Above also means, that irrespective of the differences of ways of life and walks of life of any microcosm that has begun within the Makers Makings and also irrespective of the corresponding differences of their emanated flows and dynamism, their emanated flows and dynamism would only be such that their differences neutralize within the final macrocosmic resultant and which in turn becomes the reason for that final macrocosmic resultant to always remain in a state of perfect macro-equanimity towards all individualities and corpuses of microcosm’s that exist within the Makers Makings …
CC-1) …
Macro-equanimity of final resultant of flows and dynamism as path of liberation from cyclic existence …
This discussion is in continuation with above …
Even when there are varied flows and dynamism emanated by varied microcosm’s, yet they all serve the same cosmic system of flows and dynamism and assist in maintaining the final macrocosmic resultant (of flows and dynamism) in a state of perfect macro-equanimity …
And this is even when, individualities which make this macrocosmic system, are non-equanimous as far as their own emanated individualities of flows and dynamism are concerned …
Thus, even when individualities are not resting in a perfect equanimity towards allness and her each part, yet their final resultant is only based in a perfect macro-equanimity …
Proceeding further …
This part is to discuss adoption of macro-neutrality as path of liberation … So please note this carefully, as it is written basis my own experiences of entering into those states, that are beyond the begun macrocosm (or cyclic existence or Samsara) …
When the ratios of equanimity quotient of any microcosm to the macro-equanimous macrocosmic resultant becomes unity (1), then that microcosm qualifies to exit out of the entirety of cyclic existence (Samsara) …
Or in other words,
Just-prior the microcosm finally qualifies to exit out of the cyclic existence (or macrocosmic matrix or begun macrocosm or Samsara), the ratio of equanimity quotient of any microcosm to the macro-equanimous macrocosmic resultant is always having a value of unity (1)
Above also means …
Unless the path that rests in a inner-state of being macro-equanimous towards allness and her each part, is adopted, the doorway of a final exit from the begun macrocosm would never open up for the aspirant
And this was also the reason for Samta (equanimity towards allness) to be a part of any path which relates to Yoga Tantra … This was why accomplished Yogi’s had laid down the concept of Samta (equanimity) within their knowledge systems (Vedas and Yoga Tantra) …
CC-2) …
Quantum of macro-equanimity is directly proportional to ones evolutionary standing … Perfection within macro-equanimity denotes exit from cyclic existence …
Quantum of inner equanimity of any microcosm is directly proportional its own evolutionary standings within the macrocosmic hierarchies …
If higher evolved is a microcosm, then closer would its own emanated flows be to macro-equanimity as is of the final macro-neutral resultant of the macrocosmic creation …
Thus, if the path of evolution of a microcosm is leading to macro-equanimity (Samta or Sarva Samta) or is related to macro-neutrality (i.e. is related to a state of resting in neutrality towards all that ever is), then that path is also leading to a higher evolved state in addition to leading to a final exit from the entire cyclic existence (begun macrocosm or macrocosmic matrix or Samsara) … And this is why the concept of equanimity has always been a part of Vedas and systems of Yoga Tantra …
Note: Macro-equanimity is of a diamond white color and thus, it eventually denotes Sadyojata face of Shiva, who in Vedic lore is also the one addressed as the “pristine world of the creator of allness (i.e. Brahma Loka)” …
DD) …
Law of cosmic flows and dynamism …
This law could be thus told …
Eternally changeful state of flows and dynamism of the cosmic creation and their final macro-neutrality only leads to an eternal constancy of their totality
Thus, basis above discussions and this above defined law …
- On an individual microcosmic level, the emanated flows of each microcosm are ever changeful …
- On a final level as is within the macrocosmic resultant of flows and dynamism, the emanated flows are always maintained in their macro-equanimity towards all flows and dynamism of individual microcosms and their corpuses (a corpus is like all those who reside within a world or plane of existence) …
- And yet, when we study the totality of cosmic flows and dynamism across the eternity of existence of the Makers Makings, the the flows and dynamisms of this total corpus of allness is also found to be resting in a state of eternal constancy (of their totality of corpus) …
EE) …
Emanated flow and dynamism exist within Ether or Akasha Mahabhuta …
All these emanated flows and dynamism are in fact existent within ether … This English language word of “Ether (or Aether) is what was told by Vedic sages as Akasha Mahabhuta (and which means as “macro-elemental space or macro-elemental infinite sky or space element) …
The ether (or Akasha Mahabhoot) is also one of the four primary dimensions (or in other words, Ether is also one of the Chatush Ayama) of the Maker’s Makings …
The primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation is of time (Kaal) and it is to this dimension that the other three macrocosmic primary dimensions (of Disha or direction, Dasha or state and space or ether or Akasha) eventually relate … We had discussed this fact in an earlier series of earlier topics that related to the knowledge of eternal cycle of time (or knowledge of the eternally moving wheel of time or Kaalchakra), so I won’t be repeating that same thing here … And we had also stated there, that basis this knowledge of the eternal cyclic nature of the wheel of time (or in other words, the eternal cyclic nature of time or Kaal Chakra), any cosmic value can be derived by utilizing an appropriate Vedic concept … In fact, this was also subtly told fact in the topic of “Unity principle” …
And in that series of topics of the eternally moving cyclic nature of time (or the eternally moving and ever-repeating state of the wheel of time or Kala Chakra), we had also stated that the “unitary values of Ether (i.e. unitary value of space)” are inversely proportional to the unitary values of time … Thus, the unitary values of space expand when the unitary value of time contract (as is the case within the present stage of the cycle of precession of equinoxes of the earth’s axis) … Thus, in that topic we had also told that “the celestial time” which as such is the time that is taken to complete one degree of the axial precession of earth’s axis, is the basis of all concepts that relate to any calculation within the knowledge of cyclic nature of time (or in other words, the knowledge which relates to the eternally cyclic state of progress of the wheel of time or Kalchakra) …
And with above as a base, we proceed further to discuss Akasha (Ether) and that too in its omnipresent state …
- Ether (Akash Mahabhuta) is an omnipresent entity …
- Within the microcosm, that ether (Aether) exists as Ghatakash … Ghatakash is made up of two words, Ghat which means a earthen pot and which symbolizes the physical vehicle (or any microcosm) and Akasha means ether … Thus, Ghatakash literally means, ether of the earthen pot like physical body (or any microcosm) …
- And beyond the microcosm and within the greater macrocosm (in whose envelopes each microcosm rests), that ether is told as the Mahakash … Mahakash is made up of two words, first of which is of Maha which means Great and the second word is of Akasha which means Aether … Thus, the word Mahakash means the ether of unlimited proportions (as the macrocosmic creation is not limited to thisness or thatness due to it being as a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the limitless and thus fathomless supreme being or Brahman) …
Note: In the language of Sanskrit that is used in Vedic lore, when we use the “Maha, which means great”, then that Maha only means supreme (or Param) … This is because, within the Vedic lore, there can never be two greats (or two Maha) at the same time and yet both be able to remain within the purviews of the term Maha … If there happen to be two greats, then none of them would fit in the definition of the word great (or Maha) and thus in such a case, both would be anything but great (Maha) in the real sense … Thus, as far as the Vedic Samskrit language is concerned, if anything (or anyone or any state) is told by utilizing the world Maha (great), then that Great only means supreme being (Parambrahma) … So, the word Mahakash also means, “Ether in its supreme or limitless state” … As also in Vedas, the word supreme literally refers to the undefined and thus indescribable and yet realizable state of the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) and it is due to this reason, the Mahakasha (Great ether or limitless space) is also a synonym of the same attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahman or simply, Para Brahman) …
And it is within this great (or limitless) space (or Ether) that all flows and dynamism that are ever emanated by any microcosm, eventually exist …
EE-1) …
Unrestricted state of travel of emanated flows and dynamism …
There is only one cosmic system of which everything is a part and thus the cosmic flows and dynamism that are emanated out of any greater or smaller microcosm are not limited by anything, like an individual state … So, due to this reason, these emanated flows and dynamism can also traverse the entire macrocosmic creation in an unrestricted way, but yet dependent upon their type (grossness and subtlety) …
Thus even when these emanated flows and dynamism are unrestricted, yet due to their own types (i.e. grossness and subtlety), the flows cannot enter into those states of existences, which as such are subtler than them … This limitation is as per the principle of cosmic hygiene which we have already discussed earlier on in this text …
But at the same time, when these flows and dynamism are emanated, then they (i.e. the emanated flows and dynamism) can travel unrestrictedly across the macrocosmic creation with the only limitation, that when they (i.e. the emanated flows and dynamism) would be travelling those states of existences which are subtler than them, then these emanated flows and dynamism won’t be associating to those states …
And in such a case, when these emanated flows and dynamism traverse states of existences which are subtler than them, then even when they can traverse those states, yet these flows and dynamism, yet they (i.e. the emanated flows and dynamism) won’t be associating to those states and thus wouldn’t affect the characteristics of those subtler states of existences … This is because, the grosser rests within the pervadement and envelope of the subtler and yet the grosser doesn’t know the subtler … The grosser can only associate to its own grosser as the subtler is a subtler only if it stays detached from the grosser … If the subtler associates to the grosser, then that subtler would lose its subtlety and become of the same state as the grosser …
Thus, basis above …
- The subtler is always in a state of detached to the grosser … And this is even when the subtler is pervading and enveloping the grosser …
- And the grosser is always trying to associate to the subtler due to the effects of the principle of evolution on the grosser … This trying to associate to the subtler is because, subtlety denotes a higher state of evolution and since everything is evolving, so everything has ever been trying to associate (or unite to) its own pervader and enveloper, i.e. the subtler …
And above discussed facts are what places some limitation on association of the grosser flows when they transit the subtler states of existence … And this is also the reason for the fact, that, even when the emanated flows and dynamism of each microcosm “may” traverse the entire macrocosmic creation, yet when they traverse those states of existences which are subtler than them, then they won’t be able to associate to them … And as a matter of fact, of the grosser tries to unite to the subtler, then that subtler would be like a subtle wall in front of the grosser and this is even when the subtler is actually present within the grosser (because subtler pervades or permeates the grosser) in addition to the subtler also enveloping the grosser (because subtler has a higher spread per its unit mass, so it also envelopes the grosser due to it having a higher subtlety bandwidth, within which the bandwidth of the grosser eventually rests) …
Thus basis above,
Irrespective of who resides where, the flows and dynamism that are generated (actually emanated) by any microcosm and macrocosmic state, can travel anywhere within the entire macrocosmic creation, because the cosmic system is free of individualities of aspects, even when varied types of individual states and aspects are the one which eventually make it …
So, as far as the cosmic flows and dynamism are concerned, they are not limited to aspects that relate to who, where and when they were originated or emanated from … Ultimately there is only one cosmic system which seemingly has many parts and yet from the point of view of energy and its divinities, there really is no division …
EE-2) …
Possibility of transfer of flows and dynamism across the macrocosmic creation
This part is in continuation with above discussion …
Each microcosm has its own etheric cord which is connected to its own macrocosmic plane and where this connection itself is to and through that planes etheric cord … Thus, the etheric fields which are emanated out of any microcosm, eventually connect that microcosm to its own macrocosmic principal state and where this connection is also through that macrocosmic principal’s etheric cord …
This etheric system of macrocosm and microcosm is also such that each of these cords (or microcosm’s and macrocosmic states) are intertwined with each other and this intertwining of cords is also in such a way that the flows and dynamism of macrocosm and microcosm can be transferred anywhere within this cosmic etheric system, which itself is the basis the effects of the currently discussed law of cosmic flows and dynamism …
Thus, from the point of view of the etheric field, irrespective of where any entity may reside within the macrocosmic creation, it eternally is co-existing with all others and this in turn causes a dependence of each microcosm to each other microcosm and and their further dependence to the greater macrocosm within whose envelopes all the microcosm’s eventually reside irrespective of their state of existence or their standings within the macrocosmic hierarchy (of grossness and subtlety) …
FF) …
Origination and dissolution of worlds, planes of existence is due to microcosmic flow and dynamism … The corpus of all microcosm’s is the creator …
As these flows get emanated, then at times there manifests an excess of quantum of these emanated specific types of flows and dynamism at one point of the macrocosmic creation and simultaneously there also is an under of these specific types of flows and dynamism at another point of the macrocosmic creation …
And over a certain larger time frame, as this excess at one point and a corresponding under of another type builds up and if other types of flows also come by to increase that excess even further and to a point, that these emanated flows and dynamism start getting compressed, then from the same excess is self-manifested the inert matter (or inertial mass) but after that excesses of flows and dynamism gets compressed to a state, which is enough to bring it to a state of high quantum of compression that is needed to self-manifest that vast quantum of flow and dynamism into the state of inert matter (i.e. non lighted specs of inertial masses are formed at that point of macrocosmic space) …
Thus, the non lighted inert matter (inertial masses) is nothing but a very-highly compressed state of these flows and dynamism that earlier on were emanated by the microcosm’s who exist within the Makers Makings …
And as long as external forces (of these emanated flows and dynamism) keep acting upon the inert matter, that inert matter keeps within its compressed state … But there also are times, when due to the unrestricted travel aspect of these flows and dynamism, these external forces are reduced … This leads to emanation of vast quantum of energies (flows and dynamism) from those inert matters upon which such a reduction of external forces is there …
And if this reduction is sudden, then as the energies (i.e. the earlier compressed state of flows and dynamism) are released from that inert matter, these energies enter into the macrocosmic creation, and also ultimately travel the entire macrocosmic creation … And then there is another point in space where they accumulate and the same process is repeated …
As a matter of fact …
- If the compression of these emanated flows and dynamism is vast and also sudden, then inert matter forms and where that non-lighted inert matter is nothing but a highly compressed energy … These vast numbers of non-lighted inertial masses also flow from one point to another in the macrocosmic creation and are seen like a non-lighted flow which moves pretty slowly across the macrocosmic space …
- And contrary to above bullet point, if the compression of these emanated flows and dynamism is vast, but not sudden then matter of various types is formed, which ultimately unites to each other to originate a world or plane of existence from within itself … And where matter is basically a vast quantum of energy that though has gotten compressed, but its compression was not sudden enough to make it into a highly compressed state of inert matter …
- And where, both these types of matter (i.e. inert matter and other matter) are naught but energy aspect of the earlier flows and dynamism that were emanated by microcosm’s that exist within the Makers Makings …
- And also where, both these types of matter and their root, i.e. energy aspect of the earlier emanated flows and dynamism of microcosm’s that exist within the macrocosmic creation, are interconvertible …
- Every type of microcosm emanates this flows and dynamism … Thus, this emanation is right from the grosser mattered states (i.e. inanimate microcosm’s), to animated microcosm’s to divine supra-animate microcosm’s (Gods and their heavens, etc.) and are also from supra-animate aspects like paths of texts (scriptures, etc.) …
Thus in reality, the the corpus of microcosm’s from whom these flows and dynamism had emanated, itself are the reason for continuous origination and dissolution of anything … And this itself makes the corpus of microcosm’s to be the creator of allness, as far as cycles of originations and dissolutions of anything is concerned … And where from a physical or gross worldly point of view …
- Origination of anything (matter or mattered states) is when energies get compressed …
- And dissolution of anything (matter or mattered states) is when matter begins returning back to its energy state …
- And both these are dependent upon the emanations of each microcosm that exists within the macrocosmic creation … And due to this reason, the corpus of all microcosm’s that have ever begun and thence started resting within the Makers Makings, are in one way or another responsible for all that happens within the Makers Makings … And this was why the Vedic sages had also stated the same, but through their variable ways and statements that eventually “each aspirant itself is the creator, preserver and destroyer” of allness and/or her each part …
- And this itself was the basis of the propagation of concept of cause and effect (i.e. the deeds and their fruits ) and its governing principle (i.e. principle of interdependent origination) and where the term origination also includes the process of cyclic rejuvenation and rejuvenative-destruction that all parts of allness are ultimately subjected to and that to, irrespective of which world or plane they may reside …
FF-1) …
Excess and under of flows … And their balance …
If there is any excess or under of flows and dynamism within any microcosm or a macrocosmic state, then these can always be balanced due to the fact, that in reality of this system of cosmic flows and dynamism, it actually is one single entity and this is even when on a physical level, we may see its varied parts …
Wherever there manifests an excess, then these excesses begin traveling to the nearest state which has an under of flows and dynamism and … And where this kind of balance is a continuous process …
It is due to this continuous process of balance of excess and under’s of flows and dynamism, that the cosmic system is kept continuously and eternally dynamic …
But at the same time, during a Sandhikaal (intermediary time span of change of ages), some higher amount of deviation is always there in the harmony of this system of balance and this is what leads to a widespread state of chaos during any Sandhi Kala (intermediary time span of change of ages) …
FF-2) …
Limitation of an etheric cord … Limitations of a worlds etheric …
Each etheric field, including that of a world, a plane of existence and universe has a limitation as far as the amount of flows and dynamism handling capability is concerned … This limitation is also of three types …
- Total amount of flow and dynamism that can be handled during its entire existence … This is the total capacity of any etheric field …
- Total amount of flows and dynamism that it can handle at any single moment of time … This is the instantaneous capacity of any etheric field …
- Total number of flows and dynamism that it can handle during any single cycle of time (Kala Chakra) … This is the cyclic capacity of any etheric field …
All these capacities are dependent upon the evolutionary standing of that etheric cord and which itself is within the macrocosmic matrix that these etherics of all microcosm’s eventually form …
Expanding the last amongst above bullet points …
Thus, basis above it is clear that depending upon the cycle of time (or wheel of time) is this limitation … And due to this reason, this limitation is a separate amount for each of below listed age cycles …
- Human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra or cycle of human ages) …
- Divine age cycle (cycle of divine ages or a Deva Yuga Chakra or a Mahayuga Chakra) …
- Solar cycle i.e. cycle of sun’s revolutions around the center point of milky way, or in other words the revolution of sun in its path that rests within the Milky way galaxy, which is also termed as a Galactic year … And this part of the concept also includes that of a Surya Samvatsara, which in some texts is also termed as a Mahakalpa (Mahakalpa means a great day of Brahma, which has a time span of 25.92 billion human solar years as per the middle unitary value of time of the cycle of axial precession of earth’s axis (which is also termed as the cycle of precession of equinoxes of earth’s axis or Agragaman Chakra or the Ahaata Chakra) …
- Age of Manu (i.e. cycle of ages that relate to father of macrocosmic speciology or simply, a Manvantara) …
- Cycle of a single day time of Brahma, which in Sanskrit lore’s is also termed as a Brahma Kalpa …
- Cycle of a year of Brahma i.e. the cycles of Brahma Varsha … And thus this amount also relates to the cycles of Brahma’s (i.e. lifetimes of a Brahma) …
And whenever any etheric capacity that relates to any of the above cycles of time (Kaalchakra or wheel of time) gets exceeded, then chaos of varied forms gets manifested within the world …
Proceeding further …
Due to the above discussed limitations of each etheric, including the etheric field of a world or plane of existence, whenever any of these limits get exceeded, then varied aspects of Speciological (including manmade), natural, impressional and divine types of chaos always gets manifested …
However, even when all above limits of etheric handling capacity are applicable, yet the primary reason for a manifestation of a continuous state of chaos, is mostly rooted in instantaneous capacity (i.e. the capacity to handle flow and dynamism in a single moment is what ultimately becomes the deciding factor of the final limit) …
FF-3) …
Gross and subtle flows is propagated within purviews of three qualities …
These emanated flows and dynamism can also be categorized into two broad types …
- Gross flows and dynamism …
- Subtle flows and dynamism …
Gross is that flow and dynamism which is heavier per unit volume of it … Subtle is that flow and dynamism which is lighter per unit volume of it …
A gross type of flow traverses lesser distances as compared to the subtle … Gross is mostly in physical worlds or around them and subtle extends to a much larger distances within the Makers Makings …
As compared to subtle, gross has a higher compression of flow within it … The gross also has a lesser bandwidth or expanse to which it can be projected whilst it travels … The gross also has a lesser density and thus is also affects lesser amount of microcosm’s that come around its path of travel … The gross is of a blue color and subtle of a red color …
The gross flow which as such is of a blue color, relates to Tamoguna (Tamoguna is the quality of inertial component of the three attributes or Triguna of Mother nature or Ma Prakriti) … And on the contrary the subtle flow which has a reddish color, relates to Rajoguna (Rajoguna is the quality of expansive component of the three attributes or Triguna of Mother Nature or Maa Prakriti) … And in its higher of all subtlety, the subtle flow eventually relates to Sattva Guna (the quality of neutrality of the macrocosmic creation) … These three cosmic attributes are also termed as Tri Guna in Vedic Sanskrit texts … Thus, eventually is it within the purviews of these three qualities (Triguna) of Mother nature (or Ma Prakriti) that the flow and dynamism gets propagated within the macrocosmic creation and it is due to this reason, that Vedic sages had told that eventually everything rests in Triguna only (i.e. everything rests within the purviews of the three attributes or three qualities of Mother Nature) …
Except when an age is resting in its Sandhi (intermediary time of change of an age), above stated aspect or three qualities is mostly maintained in that state of perfection (perfection is also as per what is apt for that age cycle) … But when the Samdhi (Sandhikaal) arrives, then it always becomes uncertain and thus the chaos is always there during those time spans when the process of change of ages is underway …
FF-4) …
Gross flows (or lower types of flows) during change of an age cycle in a world …
Whenever an age cycle changes, then the divinities and thus flows and dynamism of the two ages (i.e. the age which is exiting out and the age which is setting in) always meet each other … This leads to subtle collisions of their flows and dynamism, which in turn becomes the reason for higher grossness of flows and dynamism at those times when an age cycle is turning (i.e. during the time span of a Sandhikala, or the intermediary times span that comes during the process of change of ages) …
Due to collisions, some compressions always happen in these flows and dynamism of the two age cycles which are turning and this is what leads to a state where these flows and dynamism always become gross within the world … This leads to all sorts of lower desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds to get manifested within the inhabitants of that world and this ultimately leads to a twofold chaos within the world, which ultimately spreads into all ways and walks of life of inhabitants of that world …
This twofold is chaos is as follows …
Internal chaos due to manifestation of grosser flows and dynamism … This is within the divinities (flows and dynamism) that are eternally present inside the physical vehicle of the inhabitants of that world … This leads to a stage where due to the call of time (Kaal) and its eternal cycles (Kaalchakra or eternal wheel of time), the inner divinities that are present within each microcosm who reside on that world, get enveloped by ignorance that relates to the divinity of the real (Atman) which itself is present in the aspirants physical vehicle and which further leads to a chaos which relates to the Pancha Kosha (i.e. the five sheaths as told in Vedic lore) and which ultimately ends up as follows …
- Chaos which relates to the proper workings of Annamaya Kosha (i.e. the food sheath or the physical body) … This leads to spread of various diseases in that world, which include those of Sandhikaal (i.e. diseases of Sandhikaal) and it also includes lifestyle diseases that also become rampant at such times … Ultimately is leads to a stage of globally present chaos for a certain amount of time that comes by during stage of change of age cycles …
- The chaos which relates to workings of Vital air sheath (which in Sanskrit texts is also termed as Pranamaye Kosha or Pranamaya Kosha) … This leads to a state where five vital airs (Panch Prana) and their five sub vital airs (Panch Upa-Prana) get afflicted by the effects of time and thus they become erratic in their workings … This, leads to nervous energy related problems and which ultimately leads to the below listed chaos …
- The chaos which relates to the Mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha) … This leads to all sorts of lower desires, thoughts, emotions and ultimately lower deeds (deeds that relate to self-satiation, self-gain, greed, breaking of normal norms of ways of life, acceptance of all sorts of weird things as normal, etc.) … This is the one which spreads the chaos exponentially …
- The chaos which relates to the knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaya Kosha) … This is where all sorts of divisive interpretations of even authentic knowledge systems come by and this in turn becomes the reason for above stated chaos of mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha), which in turn becomes the reason for above stated chaos of the vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) and eventually becomes the reason for the chaos of physical vehicle (i.e. Annamaya Kosha or food sheath) as have been discussed in above bullet points … Thus, ultimately it is the chaos which is caused by deviated interpretations of knowledge (and its texts) that leads to deviation of those extremely subtle knowledge flows (and dynamism) within the knowledge sheath (i.e. knowledge based chaos) of aspirants and this is what ultimately becomes the reason for furthering of chaos within the other four sheaths … And this is why, during change of an age cycle, knowledge of even authentic scriptures always gets corrupted and which ultimately leads to divisions of humanity, which further becomes the reason for spread of chaos within all ways and walks of life of the speciology that rests upon the world where the age is turning …
- Chaos which relates to the Anandamaya Kosha (which in English can also be termed as Bliss sheath) … Anandmaye Kosha or Bliss sheath is also termed as the causal body, in addition to being termed as the sheath of mother nature within each aspirant, the four fold inner subtle tool (i.e. Antahkarana Chatushtaya) and the sheath of primordial ignorance … This sheath has four parts which are in the form of four Lingam shaped orbs … These four orbs are as as follows … The orb of Mind (i.e. the Orb of Manas), the orb of Knowledge (i.e. the Orb of Buddhi), the consciousness orb (i.e. the orb of Chitta) and finally the orb of I’ness (i.e. Orb of Ahamkara) … So, when this sheath enters into chaos, then since it is the sheath of primordial ignorance also, so ignorance that relates to the reality of eternal presence of divinity within each microcosm, is also arrived at and this further becomes the reason for all above stated deviations and their consequent chaotic states …
All above lead to very individualistic (concentrated or gross) flows to get emanated out of majority of microcosm’s (aspirants) and which in turn lead to a deviation from the intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist flows of the macrocosmic creation, within which these microcosm’s reside … This deviation from the pluralistic monism of the macrocosmic creation, is what leads to a furthering of chaos and its entry into the outer world, whose inhabitants have deviated as per above discussions …
External chaos due to manifestation of grosser flows and dynamism … i.e. chaos that is present in the outer world, which also includes the elements (environmental or natural chaos) … When the vessel like physical body (and also the other four amongst the five Vedic sheaths) gets filled up fully with all sorts of deviated (or self serving or individualistic) flows and dynamism, which relate to deviated desires, thoughts, emotions and finally deeds, then that deviation of flows and dynamism eventually fills up these five sheaths … Once the vessel of these five sheaths get filled up by such deviations, then it also begins spilling into the outer worlds …
This is what leads to cycles of chaos across lands of that planet and where that chaos ultimately enters into all ways and walks of life of humanity …
And as far as the current stage of change of human ages (Manav Yuga) is concerned, the same aspect is also seen to be happening as if now … And as this process of change of human ages (Manav Yuga) continues, humanity would feel that chaos sooner than what they imagine to be the time of its manifestation … Due to the change of ages, human civilization of this planet is already standing on the brink of that chaos (as the time when I write this paragraph) …
Proceeding further …
Those who suspect whatever is told here should study the history that has been since the Sandhikaal of the present human age started on/around 1758 AD (Plus or minus 2.7 years) …
And if they are still not satisfied, then I can only suggest that they wait till the time span that would come after 2022.97 AD (i.e. after 26 to 28 December of 2022 AD) when even the mind-blind would know what a change of age actually is and what these inner and outer flows and dynamism can cause as a chaos within a world (but only after the inner flows are already deviated to a state which is beyond the critical quantum of deviation that can be tolerated by the worlds etheric, in which that part of macrocosmic speciology resides at that stage of time) …
FF-5) …
Collision of divinities (flows and dynamism) of ages during change of age …
Each cycle of time (i.e. each age cycle) has its own specific divinities and thus also has its own specific flows and dynamism …
During change of ages, there is always a collision of these divinities of age cycles because during change of any age, the incoming age cycle’s divinities (i.e. flows and dynamism of that incoming age cycle) always try to push out the already existent divinities (i.e. flows and dynamism of the ending age cycle) of the cycle of time that is underway at that time and has also been underway for a considerable amount of time and thus, its specific divinities are already well established in that world …
So, whenever any age is changing to the next age cycle, then the divinities (of flows and dynamism) of these two ages always collide with each other and where this collision also takes place during the intermediary time span (i.e. Sandhikala) of the ending and next age cycles … And this collision of flows and dynamism of the two age cycles is what leads to a vast manifestation of varied types of chaos, that ultimately enter into all ways and walks of life of all parts of cosmic speciology which are inhabiting that world (where the age is changing) …
And since as of now when I write this part of the text, this world has already entered into the final stages of this process of change of ages, so very soon this chaos would get manifested in this world and where initially it would be an internal chaos (i.e. an inner chaos within the inhabitants of this world, which ultimately would make them more violent and deviated from the correct way of life) and this internal chaos would eventually get over spilled into the outer world system (outer environment) …
FF-6) …
Gross and subtle flows …
The flows and dynamism which gets emanated out of each microcosm, is primarily of two types …
- Gross flows and dynamism …
- Subtle flows and dynamism …
Note: Just for your knowledge, humans reside at the uppermost level of evolutionary hierarchy of this part of the macrocosmic creation … That part of speciology who rests at the upper levels of macrocosmic evolutionary hierarchy is supposed to generate the most subtle flow and dynamism and this is why that part of cosmic speciology was made to reside upon the world … Thus, humanity was only evolved so as to generate subtle flows and dynamism i.e. that uncompressed (or subtle) state of dynamism and flow which was based upon oneness to allness and her each part, was to be generated by humanity as a whole and this is why, within this part of the macrocosmic creation, humans were evolved and made to reside …
Note continues: And this origination of human microcosm was also to ensure that its emanated flows and dynamism (which each microcosm eventually projects into the greater macrocosmic creation) were of such higher subtlety, that they could even compensate all other gross flows and dynamism that were emanated by all other lower (or gross) that were and could ever be emanated by all other lower parts of macrocosmic speciology … And to ensure this state of subtlety of flows and dynamism, Vedas (Vedic ways of life or ways of life of Sanatana Dharma) were installed in this world soon after the start of the present Brahma Kalpa, about 1.96+ billion human solar years ago (this figure is as per middle stage of unitary value of time, because this middle time unit is the one that has always been used in Vedic calculations) …
Note continues: And if humanity doesn’t comply to this primary requirement of maintenance of subtlety of their emanated flows and dynamism (for which they were originated and placed within this part of the macrocosmic creation), then the very reason for existence of humanity would fail … When this happens, then humanity would need to be taught a lesson, which in turn would get manifested through a wide spread chaos, that relates to manmade, natural and also to those divine aspects …
Note continues: But at the same time, a deviation always takes place during the Sandhikaal (or intermediary time span) of change of ages and when this deviation happens, then all sorts of chaos come by, due to which a major part of human race is extinguished … During the end of Satyuga, this deviation had happened, so at that time, a major part of cosmic speciology which inhabited this world at that stage of time, was extinguished … During the end of Tretayuga also, the same thing happened and so was the case during the end of Dwaparyuga about 5100 years back … And as of now this world has again reached the state of end of presently underway divine degenerate age cycle (Kaliyuga), so the deviations from correct ways of life, inner and outer chaos (as discussed above) has again started and this would also lead to a stage where a major portion of humanity would be exiting out of this world, pretty soon and prior the onset of Guru Yuga, on/around 2082 AD, +/- 2.7 years and a further +/- 27 years …
With above as a base, we shall discuss these two types of flows and dynamism …
Gross flows and dynamism … This gets arrived when humanity as a whole enters into individualism of sorts … Individualism means any kind of monotheism, but not limited to aspects like religious, geographical, geopolitical, political, geological, economic, safety and security, social, societal, cultural, racial, and also that which relates to color, creed, sex, etc., … This grossness of flows and dynamism is due to the fact that individualism is against the subtle flows that are emanated whilst resting within the pluralistic yet monist ways of life of the macrocosmic creation …
When humans who are living within the envelope of cosmic creation (whose ways of life are based upon pluralistic monism) end up adopting individualistic ways of life, then their flows and dynamism becomes gross …
This grossness is due to the ways of life of humanity (who gets based within individualistic ways of life) and where the ways of life itself are deemed to be going against the intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of macrocosmic creation and this is what cuts-off humanity from the macrocosmic creation within whose envelopes they themselves are residing at that time … When such a stage arrives, then the deviated humanity as a whole is deemed like a foreign body within the cosmic body of the macrocosmic creation and as this stage continues, the divinities of macrocosmic creation, ultimately take their necessary action, which as such is only leading to exit of that deviated humanity from that world (where they reside at that time) …
This leads to humans turning further individualistic, which in turn leads to emanation of those flows which are no longer in sync with the flows of the macrocosmic creation … Individualism leads to grosser state of flows and dynamism to get emanated out of humanity, which in turn cuts of humanity from the macrocosmic pluralistic yet monist and thus much subtler flows and dynamism … And deviation from the subtlety of flows and dynamism becomes a reason for chaos …
Subtle flows and dynamism … That emanated flow of a microcosm, which is based upon oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. it is based upon Brahmand Dharana) is what the finality of subtlety actually means …
Thus, the subtlety quotient of emanated flows and dynamism by any microcosm, is directly dependent upon the amount of (or percentage of) Brahmand Dharana (an inner oneness to allness and her each part) in which that microcosm (or aspirant or human or any other part of macrocosmic speciology) is based …
Higher is ones inner oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. higher is the quotient of one’s inner Brahmand Dharana), subtler would be the flow and dynamism that one would be emanating within the macrocosmic creation …
FF-7) …
Subtlety and grossness of emanated flows and evolutionary standing …
Higher is one’s inner oneness to allness and her each part, higher is the subtlety of emanated flows … Higher is the subtlety of these emanated flows and dynamism, higher is the reach of those emanated flows within the higher of macrocosmic evolutionary hierarchies …
Higher is the reach of those emanated flows within the macrocosmic hierarchies, higher is the evolutionary standing deemed from the macrocosmic point of view … Higher is the macrocosmic evolutionary standing of any aspirant, more capable is that aspirant of bringing about an evolutionary change (i.e. change in ways of life) within a world …
And vice versa of above discussions is also true …
FF-8) …
Higher is the grossness of emanated flows and dynamism, higher is the chaos …
As a matter of fact …
- Types and quantum of chaos that comes during an age cycle, is directly proportional to the amount of deviation from subtle pluralistic yet monist macrocosmic flows and dynamism …
- The finality of pluralistic monism that relates to the ways of life of macrocosmic creation, is only attainable after the aspirant enters into oneness to allness and her each part …
- Above also means, that, only after attainment of fullness of Brahmand Dharana, can the aspirant enter into perfection of pluralistic monism that itself relates to the ways of life of the Maker’s Makings …
- And only after the aspirant enters into perfection of pluralistic monism of the ways of life of the Makers Makings, can the finality of subtlety of flows and dynamism be accomplished by that aspirant …
Any deviation from this stated subtlety of flows would only lead to a corresponding quantum of inner and outer chaos and where the quantum of that chaos that would be seen within the ways and walks of life of inhabitants of a world, would also be directly proportional to the quantum of deviation from Brahmand Dharana (i.e. an inner oneness to allness and her each part) …
Thus, higher is the loss of subtlety in relation to final state of subtlety of flows and dynamism (as is of the path of Brahmand Dharana), higher would be grossness of flows and dynamism that would be emanated by the inhabitants of a world (including by humanity as a whole) …
And in such a case of higher grossness of emanated flows and dynamism, higher would be the presence of chaos across the ways and walks of life of inhabitants of that world (including that world’s human inhabitants) …
And since as of now, this deviation is already approaching its critical limit (of macrocosmic tolerance), so very soon the chaos which is referred to in this discussion, would be seen in this world … I say this basis my travel to almost all lands of this planet during the last few decades and observing humanity there and where that observation was from both a gross and a subtle point of view …
FF-9) …
Grossness and subtlety of emanated flows and relation to human population …
Gross flow and dynamism is gross only because it is based upon individualism instead of pluralistic monism … Pluralistic monism which itself is the eternal way of life (i.e. eternal Dharma) of the Makersmakings, in turn denotes the higher of all subtler flows and dynamism that any microcosm could ever emanate within the begun macrocosm (i.e. cyclic existence or Samsara or macrocosmic matrix) …
As a matter of fact …
- Grossness is a compressed state and thus has a limited bandwidth of subtlety … Due to its limited bandwidth, it also has a limited reach as far as its reach within the higher realms of macrocosm is concerned … Due to this compressed and thus grosser state, these grosser flow and dynamism cannot enter into all hierarchical parts of the macrocosmic creation … And due to its limited bandwidth, it also occupies a lesser space within the macrocosmic space, which also means that grossness has no capability to be omnipresent across the macrocosmic creation … This means, that a grosser flow and dynamism can never be seen across all states of the macrocosmic creation and that too, at the same time …
- And contrary to above … Subtlety is an uncompressed state (expanded state) and thus it has a higher bandwidth … Due to its higher (or greater) bandwidth, it also has the capability to be present (or seen) across more number of macrocosmic states and that too, at the same time … Thus, a subtler flow and dynamism can traverse greater lengths of the macrocosm as compared to grosser flow and dynamism …
- And that subtlety of flows and dynamism, whose perfect emanation only happens after an aspirant rests in perfection of Brahmand Dharana (i.e. a perfect inner oneness to allness and her each part) is naught but a universal flow and thus it can enter into and would also be seen within all states of the macrocosm and that too, at the same time … And due to its much higher bandwidth, it also occupies the entire macrocosmic space and thus is also seen to be omnipresent across the macrocosmic creation … This means, that the extremely subtle flow and dynamism which gets emanated by resting in perfection of Brahmand Dharana, would be found to be present across all states of the macrocosm and that too, at the same time …
Now with above as a base …
- We had discussed earlier, that each world has a specific etheric capacity and where that capacity is also of the aspects that we had discussed earlier on in this topic …
- And where that etheric capacity is also dependent upon the evolutionary standing of that world within the macrocosmic hierarchies …
- Thus higher worlds have a larger etheric capacity … And vice versa is the case, when we consider lower worlds (like this planet earth) …
- Thus, basis above, as compared to a higher world (say a divine world or a Deva Loka or even a world where accomplished sages reside, which as such is termed as a Siddha Loka) there is a higher chance of a lower world’s etheric field getting fully utilized …
Thus, basis above …
Case 1 … Considering subtlety and ways of life, as is when majority of the worlds inhabitants are based upon a higher aspect of oneness to allness …
- Since subtlety has a higher bandwidth (or simply, the width of effectiveness of subtlety is higher or in other words, the volume of space that is occupied by unity mass of subtlety, is higher), so a single subtle flow would also end up utilizing a higher quantum of etheric field of a world …
- Thus, a lesser reserve capacity would remain in the worlds etheric after a highly evolved one enters that world system and this itself is because a higher evolved one has a subtler emanated flow from himself (or herself) which would occupy a higher quantum of that worlds reserve etheric capacity (or etheric field space) …
- Thus basis above stated fact … A lesser number of inhabitants who are based upon subtler ways of life (due to these persons resting in a higher quantum of oneness to allness), would end up utilizing a the entire capacity of a worlds etheric field …
- Thus, when humanity enters into those subtle ways of life, then the need of their higher population is no longer there to utilize the worlds capacity to its optimum limit … This also means, that when humanity gets based upon subtle ways of life, then human population would not be as high (as it now is due to humanity mostly resting in individualistic and thus grosser ways of life) …
- This also means, that with lesser number of aspirants who relate to subtler ways of life, the worlds etheric capacity would get fully used up (or in other words, with lesser number of higher evolved ones residing in a world, the worlds etheric field would be fully used up) … And in such a case, the need for a higher population of humans would also not be there … So in such a case, there also would be many humans, who would be natural celibates …
- Thus, when humanity as a whole gets based in subtlety, then the etheric capacity of that world (where that humanity resides) gets fully utilized, even when lesser number of humans residing upon that world …
- And this also means, that when subtler ways of life get manifested upon a world and thence also get adopted by the inhabitants of that world, then that world doesn’t really need a larger population on it because a lesser number of population is sufficient to keep the utilization of that worlds etheric capacity to its fullest optimum limit …
- So due to this reason, as the humans keep adopting subtler ways of life, that relates to oneness towards allness and her each part, then their population also keeps falling in that world …
Case 2 … Now considering grossness of flows and dynamism and individualistic ways of life …
- And on contrary to above discussed case 1 … When humanity as a whole is based upon a higher grossness (i.e. humans are mostly based upon individualism or individualistic ways of life and thus their emanated flows are grosser and thus are of lesser bandwidth), then a larger number of human population is needed to fully utilize the worlds etheric capacity and thus bring it to its optimum utilization …
- This in turn leads to a state, where human population keeps increasing as the grosser ways of life keep getting rampant upon that world …
So basis above two cases (i.e. Case 1 and Case 2) …
- When the ways of life of humanity as a whole are subtler, i.e. humanity as a whole is based upon ways of life that relate to pluralistic monism of the macrocosmic creation and/or the ways of life are relates to a certain higher quantum of Brahmand Dharana (i.e. based upon oneness to allness and her each part), then the emanated flows and dynamism of humanity are subtler (i.e. they have a larger bandwidth of subtlety) …
- And in such a case, the optimum limit of that worlds etheric capacity can be reached with lesser number of human population …
- Thus in such a case, that world etheric doesn’t need a large number of human population so as to fully utilize its etheric field capacity to its optimum limit …
- And on contrary to above … When the ways of life of humanity as a whole are grosser, i.e. humanity as a whole is based upon individualistic ways of life (or mostly self serving ways of life), then the world needs a larger number of human population to keep its etheric capacity used up to its optimum limit …
Thus, basis above ..
- The world’s population is less whenever the ways of life of humanity are subtler … This also means, that when majority of humans begin resting in a higher quantum of their own “inner oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. the the ways of life of humanity are “closer to” what the fullness of application and meaning of the phrase “Brahmand Dharana” actually means), then on that world, a lesser number of humans can make that world’s etheric field reach its fuller or optimum utilization (i.e. optimum utilization of that worlds etheric field can be achieved by lesser number of humans residing on that world) …
- And on contrary to above … When ways of life of humanity are grosser and thus are based upon individualistic (monotheistic) philosophies and their deviated ways of life, then due to grosser emanated flows and dynamism, which in turn have a lesser bandwidth, the worlds etheric field would only end up needing a larger number of human population to make its etheric capacity reach its optimum limit of utilization …
- And this is why, when humanity gets based within individualistic self serving ways of life (that relate to greed of more and also that endlessness of ever moreness of this or that gets manifested within humanity), then that worlds population also keeps increasing as the individualistic ways of life keep expanding on that world … And vice versa of this fact, which relates to subtler ways of life, is also true …
- So this also means, that when the world’s population is already very high (as it now is in this world), then it means that majority of the worlds inhabitants are engaged in grossness related ways of life …
- And since grossness of ways of life, only leads to getting into all sorts of individualistic ways of life, so in a such a state, emanation of grosser flows and dynamism from such a worlds inhabitants is all that would be happening … And which in turn would be the primary reason for recurring chaos, within all walks of life that are present on that world …
Relating above to Kaliyuga (degenerate age) and Satyuga (golden age) …
- Since Kaliyuga is an age of grossness and thus is also an age of recurring chaos, so human population is always higher during Kaliyuga …
- And vice versa is during a Satyuga (Golden age), which as such is an age of subtlety and thus is also an age of an “almost absence” of chaos and due to mostly subtler emanations, there also is a lesser (number of) human population in the world …
Above in relation to the Coming change of age and reduction of human population …
Since as of now, Kaliyuga (degenerate age) is already breathing its last breath and since the next age is of Manav Satyuga (which as such would be an age of sages or Guru Yuga), so as the Sandhikaal (intermediary time between these two ages) sets in, the human population increase begins … And as the Sandhikaal progresses and thence it also expands its lower (or gross or degenerate) effects, the population explosion is also seen in that world … The Sandhikaal of the presently ending human age had commenced on/around 1758 AD, +/- 2.7 years and this was also the stage of industrial revolution setting in this world …
And this population explosion is due to the fact, that many souls of beyond worlds (realms) wish to enter that world so as to witness the process of change of age … All souls who had taken birth within that world during the time span of the then ending age cycle, invariably begin returning back to the world during the time spans of Sandhikaal and which itself is to witness the process of change of ages …
This population explosion always takes place and also continues until the end of first half of the last phase of that Sandhikaal finally arrives (this stage is around 2028 AD, +/- 2.7 years) … And to ensure this entry of awaiting souls in that world, sexual desires also exceed phenomenally during that Sandhikaal … And this is what happened during the last three centuries, after the Sandhikaal of this currently ending human age cycle had started on/around 1758 AD (Plus/minus 2.7 years) … The effects of this increase of sexual desire also expanded in the stage of time when the past phase of this Sandhikaal had commenced on/around 1974 AD (+/- 2.7 years) …
Since Sandhikaal is the grossest time period, so the population explosion is also needed to ensure competition across fields and walks of life of humanity … This leads to a state where humanity gets based upon an ever higher individualism and which further leads to an ever higher deviation from the pluralistic monist ways of life of the macrocosmic creation … And this in turn becomes the reason for an ever expanding chaos during the time span of progress of each Sandhikaal of each age cycle, that ever was or could ever be in any future …
To accommodate that higher population with subtler ways of life and thus subtler emanation of flows and dynamism, is not possible (by the worlds etheric field) … So, since the worlds etheric field cannot accommodate such a higher population unless the ways of life of that population turn grosser (or their emanated flows and dynamism become of lesser subtlety bandwidth), so grossness has to increase in the ways of life to accommodate those large number of souls who have projected their requests within that worlds etheric field (i.e. requests that relate to taking birth on that world) …
And since grossness can only increase with expansion of individualistic and thus self serving and deviated ways of life, so this is also what always happens during each Sandhikaal …
And since individualism which leads to emanation of grosser flows and dynamism, can only only lead to chaos, so as the population increases during Sandhikaal, the chaos also keeps expanding until it enters into all ways and walks of life of humanity …
At the time, when I write above few paragraphs, this stage is already around the corner (i.e. I see it coming after a study of this world’s etheric field and its utterly gross flows and dynamism) …
Continuing further with above discussion …
And when that Sandhikaal is about to end (i.e. that Sandhikaal is about to reach the last 54 years of its end stage), then the human population always begins reducing just prior to this time …
For the present Sandhikaal (i.e. Yuga Sandhi), these last 54 years would be starting on/around 2028.74 AD, plus/minus 2.7 years …
Above also means, that from 2026.04 AD (or January of 2026 AD), until 2031.44 AD (i.e. May of 2031 AD), this world would be facing that, which even our forefathers had not imagined …
And this would also be a time of a sudden and severe reduction of this world’s population and where this reduction would slowly begin and would be seen to be in stages and from a time span that would be about 9 years prior and after to the stated year of 2028.74 AD (i.e. it would begin on/around the latter half of of 2019 AD and continue till about end of 2037 AD) … And only after this would the things start easing out as far as the difficulties of life are concerned …
This reduction would be because, on/around 2028.74 AD is the stage, when Satyuga divinities (i.e. divinities of the incoming golden age cycle) would “just about begin” superseding over the degenerate divinities of the presently ending degenerate age cycle (i.e. presently ending Kaliyuga) …
And within 2.7 years of this time (i.e. on either side of 2028.74 AD), humans would either voluntarily begin reducing their population or this if this volunteering doesn’t happen on a large scale, then this worlds etheric field would have no option, but to end a large part of humanity …
This ending would be through chaos, which would be manmade, natural, impressional and would also be related to divine aspects …
This is because, requirements of a cycle of time (i.e. the wheel of time or Kaalchakra) always supersedes over all other requirements (human, natural and divine requirements as told in your scriptures) …
And thus when a new cycle of time (a new age cycle) is about to arrive in a world, eviction of the unwanted part, always happens … By unwanted part, I mean, an unwanted system, text, ways of life and population) …
Time (Kaal) whose Lord is Mahakala (Great time or eternal time) and whose divinity is Ma Mahakali (i.e. pristine divinity of the lord of eternity) is the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation … The requirements of a cycle of time (in our present case, the incoming cycle of time which as such is of golden age) always supersede any other manmade, scriptural, natural and divine requirements …
Thus, when something is needed in a cycle of time, then all forces of Makers Makings unite to assist the Lord of time (Mahakaal Shiva) and its eternal divinity (which as such is addressed as Ma Mahakaali) in bringing about that change of age …
Prior I proceed any further with this discussion … All that is discussed here or anywhere in this entire category (or series) of topics on “Principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings”, including this discussed stage of chaos taking place very soon, is resting within the purviews of our currently discussed law, i.e. the law of cosmic flow and dynamism …
So basis above,
As the currently underway Sandhikaal (i.e. the intermediary time between the currently ending Kaliyuga and incoming Sat Yuga) progresses closer to and beyond 2028.74 AD, the human population in this world would also keep reducing … This is because, this world has already “almost” reached that stage which would be termed as the “necessary eviction of the unwanted” … And where the term unwanted, only relates to the incoming age cycle and not to the present running (and already ending) cycle of human ages (i.e. the presently ending Manav Yuga Chakra) …
As such and basis above, since who or what is deemed unwanted is as per the requirements (or divinities) of the next age cycle (i.e. Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga) and not from the presently ending age cycle (of Kaliyuga), so it eventually would be thus only when the process of eviction cuts in its staged manner, which though would seem intermittent, but it actually would be continuous if we consider all ways of life that relate to aspects like geographies, geopolitics, geology, economic, social, societal, cultural, military, health, safety and all others …
And when this process completes, then the entire grossness of flows and dynamism would be ended and thence slowly substituted by subtler flows and dynamism (and thus ways of life that relate to pluralistic monism and higher aspects of oneness to allness) … To ensure this, would be staged arrival of higher evolved ones in this world …
GG) …
The coming times … And higher evolved ones …
Since coming times are of chaos, and since chaos is something that always happens during change of ages (as is the case of now) so a vast number of human population would get evicted out of this world during that coming chaos of change of ages … But this eviction would be in stages and not all of it would be at the same time …
As this certain higher eviction of this world’s population happens in a staged manner, then one or another higher soul would get space within this world’s etheric field …
When a large number of humans who rest within grosser ways of life, get evicted out of a world, then to substitute this sudden loss of flows and dynamism within the worlds etheric field (due to exit of a large number of humanity), a highly evolved one who can do this substitution of loss of flows and dynamism (within the worlds etheric) is always chosen to enter that world … Or as another option, a highly evolved one who is already present in that world (is already incarnated in that world) but has not managed to reach his (or her) fuller etheric flows and dynamism, due to no space available in that worlds etheric field, would get the etheric space to increase his (or her) flows to a higher value and where this value is also dependent upon the availability of reserve capacity in that worlds etheric field … Both these options can be utilized and which itself is to ensure that the worlds etheric field is kept at its optimum limits even when the process of eviction of the unwanted is taking place in that world …
The highly-subtle etheric flows and dynamism of a single highly evolved one, can substitute for loss of flows of a large number of lower evolved ones who get evicted from the world …
Thus, when that mass eviction happens at a place, then due to the suddenly built up reserve capacity in that worlds etheric field, a higher evolved one can always find some etheric reserve space (within that world etheric field where some major eviction has taken place) and which as such is sufficient form him (or her) to just about enter into that world system (i.e. take birth upon that world) … Or an another option, a highly evolved one who is already present in that world and is awaiting a suitable opportunity to increase his (or her) flows and dynamism to a higher value, would get the necessary etheric space after the process of eviction of mass population cuts in that world … Within the present stage of change of ages, that highly evolved one who is referred in these discussions, is already present in this world and thus during the coming mass evictions of humanity, he would also be getting opportunity to increase his flows and dynamism … And only after this increase, would he be deciding to come in front of the world (as until this stage, he would stay hidden in the world) …
Note: Refer to the earlier topics of Sage from Maheshwara and also another earlier told topic where we had also addressed that highly evolved sage (who is already present in this world) as Yuga Sthapak of the incoming Guru Yuga and also refer to another topic where we had also addressed the same Sage of Tatpurusha as warrior of Maha Tamas (or the warrior of Maha Shunya) …
As that higher evolved one enters the world system (or as another option if he is already present in that world, then he slowly begins presenting himself in front of the world), then due to his (or her) much higher quantum (or subtler) flows and dynamism and thus higher bandwidth of flows and dynamism, that reserve capacity can get filled up (or be brought to its optimum limit by that higher one alone) … Such a stage always arrives after a sudden exit of large number of worlds inhabitants takes place and where the sudden exit exit leads to a sudden build up of under’s within the worlds etheric flows (which itself is due to large number of inhabitants of that world getting evicted from that world) … This is why many scriptures say, that, it would only be after a great disaster (i.e. great chaos) that their higher evolved one would present himself in front of others and the reason for such statements is also as told here …
Higher evolved is that person, whose emanated flows are extremely subtle and thus his flows also have a higher bandwidth and thus a single highly evolved one, can compensate for etheric loss that is caused by exit of a large number of evolving inhabitants of that world … Inhabitants of that world are not just humans, but of all forms of life which are stationary, which crawl, which walk on earth, which swim and which fly …
Thus, basis above paragraphs, all parts of macrocosmic speciology that are present on that world, are the inhabitants of that world and this due to this reason, this term “inhabitant of a world” also includes vegetation … Thus, during the process of change of present age, whenever the macrocosmic divinities need to make space for that highly evolved one (who is already present in this world) so that highly evolved one can increase his flows and dynamism, then there also would be a vast nature of destruction of vegetation on this planet … And all this would only be to have that vast reserve capacity in the worlds etheric field, so that the highly evolved one who as of now is already present upon this world and yet he is in a hidden state due to nonness of availability of capacity in this worlds etheric field, is provided the necessary etheric reserve capacity so he can increase his flows and dynamism and thus become capable to do that job, for which he had entered this world (i.e. bring about the human golden age) …
As also a fact, that prior to rise (or coming to fore) of that highly evolved one in that world (i.e. after he has already entered that world a few years ago and is awaiting a suitable time to present himself or herself in front of others), there always is a stage of food crisis, where nature either stops vegetation or destroys it to a large extent and this process usually takes a few years … Loss of this part of macrocosmic speciology of a world, is what leads to a large buildup of reserve etheric capacity in that world … So, due to this reason, this world would definitely witness fires in in those parts where vegetation is abundant and I mostly see this happening in Europe, Australia and US continent (i.e. the developed world because humanity of this part of the world, is majorly deviated as of now and where this deviation is also due to being based in a weird state of materialism) …
And since the coming higher one, whose rise is awaited as of now (when I write this paragraph) is to be on/around 2023 to 2025 AD, so prior to and during this time, whatever is written above, would begin happening and would also increase the chaos exponentially …
And this would also be to ensure availability of reserve capacity (in this worlds etheric field) for that greater one, who though is already present in this world, but has still not had the opportunity (this opportunity is to be from within this world’s etheric field’s reserve capacity) to build up his inner flows and dynamism to those high levels that itself are needed for him to execute those jobs for which he had entered this world by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit lore’s, is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh) …
That higher one (who is discussed above) is the Sage of Maheshvara (i.e. the sage who has returned from the realms of the Great lord of allness) and whose Shakti (divinity) is the one whom Vedic sages had addressed as Trikaali Shakti (i.e. the universal divinity of the triple times and where triple times mean, all that was as any past, all that is as the ever-changeful present and all that would ever be in any future) …
And he would also be the Yuga Sthapak i.e. the sage who would install a subtle yet strong foundation of the incoming human age of truth (Manav Kritayuga or Manav Satyuga or the human golden age) which as such would be like an age of sages …
And where these sages, on whose names this coming human age cycle would be known, would also be entering this lower realm (i.e. planet earth) in stages during future times and where their descent into this earthly gross realm would also be from one of the five faces of Sadashiva … And due to this stated reason, all these sages would ultimately be known as Sages of Sadashiva …
And that incoming human golden age cycle which would be installed by one of such sages (i.e. the sage from Maheshwara or Sage from Tatpurusha) would eventually be known as an age of sages (or Guru Yuga) … And mark my words, no power can stop the initial advent of pristine divinities of this incoming Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) after 2028 AD (plus/minus 2.7 years) in this world …
GG-1) …
Change of ages, Change of cosmic flows and dynamism and advent of Kalastra …
When an age is changing, then the flows and dynamism of the ending age and the incoming age meet each other … This leads to their collision … Collision of divinities of the two ages, always leads to a subtle chaos, which as times progress, eventually manifests as a gross or physical chaos … And as times progress, this chaos ultimately spreads into all ways and walks of life of cosmic speciology, that inhabits who planet where the age is turning to the next one …
Prior to this time, Mother nature (Ma Prakriti) who by herself is the first and full self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the attributeless infinite being (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahman or simply, Para Brahman) and who herself is the pristine divinity (Param Shakti or supreme power), wife (Ardhangani) and the foremost messenger (Dooti) of the absolute being (Param Brahma or Para Brahman) always places an animate microcosm on that world (i.e. a human being), who himself is her weapon of time (Kalastra) in a human form …
The mother nature (Ma Prakriti) has never shared the knowledge and use of this Kalastra (weapon of time) with anyone else (including any God) … And she uses it only during the lattermost phase of the Sandhikala (i.e. she uses this weapon of time within the lattermost stage of progress of the intermediary time between change of ages) …
And since nobody but her knows the functions of the Kala Astra (weapon of time) who is also present upon that world (but in a hidden state until she finally decides to use him and thus bring him to fore), so when she uses it, no power can ever counteract the effects of that Kala Astra …
And this is why, when mother nature (Maa Prakriti) finally begins utilizing her Kaalastra (time as a weapon) who is also incarnated upon that world, long time prior to this stage when Ma Prakriti finally uses him, no power (no God or Satan, no divine or other beings and nobody else) can ever counteract it … And since this weapon of mother nature (i.e. time as a weapon) cannot ever be counteracted, so the process of change of ages is also happens in an unrestricted manner after mother nature decided to use her Kalastra (i.e. time as a weapon in the form of that sage who becomes the Kalastra) …
And from within the utilization of that Kaal Astra, who himself is present in that world and that too in an animate form (human or any other form, as the case may be), are emanated vast quantum’s of divinities that are related to the next age cycle (i.e. incoming age cycle) … And where these divinities are also as vast quantum’s of emanated flows and dynamism, which ultimately supersede and take over that world’s already existent flows and dynamism (that are of the ending age cycle) …
Thus, this leads to a vast change in flows and dynamism of that world and ultimately brings the flows and dynamism to the state that must be within the next age cycle …
So, basically that Kalastra is a Shakta inwardly i.e. he shall primarily (inwardly) have to be a worshiper of Devi (or divine mother of allness) and his path can only be as stated below …
Inward a Shakta … Outward a Shaiva … In the world a Vaishnava
Note on above statement: The word “Shakta” means worshipper of Devi or or Shakti or mother of allness or pristine divinity of the absolute being (Param Brahma) and this also denotes Tirodhaan Krityam (i.e. divinity or divine acts of veiling) … The word Shaiva means, worshipper of Lord Shiva or the Lord of eternal auspiciousness and this denotes the Samhara Krityam (divinity or divine acts of rejuvenative-destruction) … And the word “Vaishnava” means worshipper of Sriman Narayana (Sri Vishnu) and this also denotes the Stithi Krityam (i.e. divinity or divine acts of supreme preservation) …
And if that Kalastra also happens to be acting as the warrior of Mahatam (i.e. warrior of great darkness or Warrior of Mahashunya) in addition to being the sage of Maheshvara (i.e. Sage from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) who also is the Yuga Sthapak (i.e. one who installs the subtle yet strong foundation of the Guru Yuga), then he would come under a path that could be thus told …
Inward an Atmana … Outward a Sarva … And in the multi-universe a Brahmana
Note on above statement … The word Atmana means “that who is like Atma and Atma Shakti” in a human form … The word Sarva means, “one who is allness and its divinity” in a human form … And the word Brahmana means, “one who is knower and is also resting within the Absolute being (Brahman)” and thus such a sage is also the knower of the innermost essence (Atman) that it within him and which itself is known as the essence of allness (Brahm) …
The advent of Kalastra is only governed by Mother nature because he is as her (i.e. Mother nature’s) weapon of time, and that too, in his human form …
GG-2) …
Sufferings experienced by greater ones who enter a lower world …
Since the greater one is not from that lower (physical or gross or earthly) realm in which he enters, so due to this reason, that greater one can never manifest his full capacity in the world in which he descends (i.e. takes an Avatar) which could either be as per the call of a cycle of time or could be due to buildup of impressional requests (these are generated through divine intervention requests by the inhabitants of a world) …
And because such ones can never reach their full etheric capacity, so such ones always enter into some sufferings of sufferings during their stay in that lower realm (or world system) …
Note: To understand this state of the higher one not able to reach his optimum etheric capacity, imagine a vehicle that has a speed of 100 Kilometers per hour, has 10 gears but only runs in the first or second gear and thus ultimately its machinery due to underutilization of its capacity, would always have some problems … The same thing (suffering of one or another sort) always happens with every highly evolved (or greater) one, who enters a lower world …
This inability to build up their fuller etheric capacity is due to the fact that the etheric capacity of a gross or lower world (like this planet earth) has no capability to hold that vast bandwidth of flows and dynamism as is within the fuller capacity of etheric fields of a highly evolved sage of beyond realms (like the sage of Maheshvara who was briefly discussed earlier on in this topic) …
And it eventually is due to nonness of availability of fullness of their etheric capacity whilst they rest in a lower realm of existence, such sages always undergo through a certain amount of suffering …
This suffering can also come from the inhabitants of that world, and thus to prevent this kind of suffering, such ones always keep hidden (disguised) whilst they await their time of rise in that world and until the stage of executing their jobs for which they had entered that world, finally arrives …
They always enter the world through either of two options as these are the only options that remain available to them (as far as entering a lower realm is concerned) …
- Direct manifestation … This option is utilized is when the time needed to do a job is less …
- Transmigration of souls … Parkaya Pravesh … This path of entry into a world is adopted, when the time needed to execute a job is more …
And because they don’t really belong to that lower world (where they have entered only to execute certain jobs, which cannot be executed by anyone else who resides in the gross or subtle realms that surround that physical world), so such sages also mostly keep aloof (except with their closest families and friends, who also are only one or two and thus during their stay within a lower world, they keep away from the deviated sounds of human civilizations of that time) …
And this is also due to the fact, that due to nonness of fuller flows and dynamism (which must be as per their actual evolutionary capacity) being adopted by them, they most rest in isolation from all others who inhabit that world (including ways of life, scriptures and gods of that time) …
Such ones eventually walk the inward path, which rests within the essence of the wise words, that “There eventually is nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” and due to their path being an inward one (i.e. the path of Atma Gyan or self-realization), they also remain with no choice but to walk within the essence of the phrase “Myself in Myself” … As also a fact, that since this inward moving path of “Myself within Myself” is also the same path that is followed by Rudra Deva (Rudra Deva is also the one who also walks the path of “Himself in Himself” only), so as far as their ways of life that are apparent are concerned, these sages are outwardly like a “Shaiva (one who walks the path of Shiva or supreme auspiciousness)” …
All this is to prevent others to know about them or their whereabouts and this hidden stage also continues until the worlds etheric field has that reserve capacity available in it, which they can utilize to build up their inner flows and dynamism to a level that is as a “bare minimum” to execute those jobs for which they had entered that lower world through either of the two ways as have been stated above …
And until such a stage as is told in above paragraph arrives, a certain higher amount of suffering would definitely be experienced by them …
And even after this stage, because their fuller etheric capability can never be taken in stride by the world etheric field (in which they have entered to do specific jobs), so these sufferings would continue … As they keep getting to an ever higher flow and dynamism (due to availability of a reserve etheric capacity in that world) then even when their sufferings would be lesser (after they keep building up their flows and dynamism) as compared to the earlier stage (when the world didn’t have that reserve capacity and thus they couldn’t build up their flows and dynamism), yet because their fuller capacity can never be built up, so some sufferings would continue for these highly evolved sages and as long as they rest in that lower world … Thus, even when they build up their etheric flows and dynamism (i.e. they build up their etheric capacity), but because no lower world has ever had the capability to hold the higher flows and dynamism of such highly evolved sages, so what capacity eventually gets built up is actually an iota of what the reality of etheric capacity of such highly evolved sages … And due to nonness of fullness of their flows and dynamism within their etheric fields (which itself is due to nonness of capacity of the lower world to hold their fuller flows), some suffering is always there for such sages and as long as they stay within such lower world …
Thus, basis above … During the timeless history of macrocosmic existence, there has never been any higher evolved one, who had entered a lower world and yet not had suffered due to that inner vacuum of flows and dynamism which is always there due to absence of capability of that lower worlds etheric field, to hold that vast etheric field which actually is the real capability of a highly evolved sage of those beyond realms … And this suffering is even higher for Sages from Sadashiva because their intrinsic capability is well beyond all imaginations of humanity of this lower realm of existence …
And as a matter of fact, if a sage from Sadashiva builds up his (or her) etheric capacity to its fullest (that itself is as per his current evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies), then because the world would have no capacity to hold it, so the entire world system would collapse and eventually get devoid of all forms of life …
So, it is due to this reason, one or another of these highly evolved sages always build up their entire capacity, but only when the destined time span of end of that world system (and its galaxy) has arrived …
In any case other than what is told here, such vast build up of etheric capacity can never be done by any highly evolved one …
In a later topic discuss we would discuss about two primary types of mega-evolved ones (i.e. mega evolved beings) … So, as far as this part of the discussion stands, I shall have to end it and proceed to its next …
Continues …