Here we discuss the law of constancy of cosmic corpus (law of cosmic constancy and which also relates to cosmic energy and cosmic mass) and the Law of eternal change of parts of corpus … This means that even when parts of allness keep changeful, yet the corpus of macrocosmic creation stays within its eternal constancy …
This law of constancy of cosmic corpus can also be termed as Law of constancy of cosmic mass, Law of constancy of corpus of cosmic flows and dynamism, Law of constancy of cosmic energy and also as Law of sameness of cosmic corpus …
And the other law which as such is of Law of eternal change of parts of corpus can also be termed as Law of eternal change of parts of cosmic corpus, Law of ever changeful state of allness, Law of ever change of parts of allness, Law of eternal change of all that is within the macrocosm, Law of eternal change of microcosms and the Law of ever changeful state of flows and dynamism … This law is also related to an earlier discussion that had the header of “Change is the only constant” …
This topic continues from the previous one that had the header of “Law of cosmic flows and dynamism” …
AA) …
Law of eternal constancy of cosmic corpus of flows and dynamism …
This law could be thus told …
Irrespective of changes that take place within individual microcosm’s, the macrocosmic corpus stays in an eternally constant state
And from the point of view of flows and dynamism, this law could also be told as follows …
Irrespective of excess and under’s in individual states, the corpus of flows and dynamism of macrocosmic creation stays eternally constant
And from the point of view of evolutionary process, this law could be told as follows …
Irrespective of changes in evolutionary standings of microcosms, the corpus of macrocosmic creation stays in its eternal sameness
Thus, basis above, any incremental state of evolutionary standing of any microcosm within the macrocosmic hierarchy, which in turn leads to an incremental state of its flows and dynamisms within microcosm’s, doesn’t lead to any change in macrocosmic corpus …
Proceeding further …
Irrespective of who or what exists anywhere in the macrocosmic creation and their ever changeful evolutionary standings within the macrocosmic hierarchy, even when there may be an excess or under of flows and dynamism at one or more places (or points or in one or more microcosm’s) within the cosmic creation, yet the entire corpus of flows and dynamism within the macrocosmic creation remains in an eternally constant state …
Thus basis above … As far as the totality of flows and dynamism of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. multi-universe) are concerned, they are eternally constant …
And where this eternal constancy of the entire corpus, is irrespective of what happens or doesn’t happen to any individual state and any individual corpus that exists within the macrocosmic creation …
And where this eternal constancy is also not affected by the effects of principle of eternal evolution upon all these individual states (i.e. individualities and individual corpuses) … Thus, even when evolution leads to buildup (increment) of flows and dynamism within the evolving microcosm’s, yet the total corpus of flows and dynamism of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation, remains eternally constant …
This eternal constancy of macrocosmic corpus of flows and dynamism, is also there when states of existences keep within the cycles of existence … This means, that, within the macrocosmic creation, even when something is taking birth and simultaneously, something else is also dying, yet all this doesn’t change the macrocosmic corpus of flows and dynamism …
And because the totality of corpus of flows and dynamism remain the same, so the total corpus of cosmic mass is also constant …
AA-1) …
Explaining law of constancy of cosmic corpus … Law of cosmic corpus constancy …
Thus, basis above stated law …
- Irrespective of who or what is born or dies and irrespective of what or who is manifested or un-manifested anywhere within the cosmic creation, the net corpus of flows and dynamism (and thus the cosmic mass) within the multi-universe is eternally constant …
- Irrespective of what or who evolves to a higher level within the cosmic hierarchies and thus ends up manifesting a larger quantum of flows and dynamism within its own etheric (evolution is also related to incremental state of flows and dynamism), yet the net corpus of flows and dynamism (and thus the net mass of cosmic creation) within the multi-universe stays eternally constant …
- Irrespective of what or who is liberated from the entire macrocosmic creation and thus such an entity is no longer present (or resting) within the purviews of the macrocosmic creation, yet the macrocosmic corpus remains the same as it eternally has been till then …
AA-2) …
Even liberation (or exit from allness) doesn’t lead to change in cosmic corpus …
This is as an explanation of the last bullet point as stated above …
First is the brief description of process of entry of soul into the Makers Makings …
- When a soul takes its first (or original) birth, then it taken in (or adopts) all of the primary aspects of the macrocosmic creation, so as to come in sameness to the macrocosmic creation within which that soul would be residing after taking birth …
- After the soul adopts these cosmic aspects (so as to originally enter into the purviews of the Maker’s Makings), then only can that soul become capable to reside within the purviews of the macrocosmic creation … Prior to this stage, since that soul holds nothing that relates to the macrocosmic creation, so it also cannot reside within the macrocosmic creation …
- If above is not done, and yet that soul enters into the macrocosmic creation, then that soul would be like a foreign body within the cosmic bodied state of the macrocosmic creation … And this foreign body like soul, would eventually neither be happy during its stay within the cosmic creation nor would it be able to comply with the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings and in such a case, it would also not be able to fully associate to the macrocosmic creation, within whose envelopes it has then entered … This would lead to a state of severe sufferings for that soul …
- When we enter the earth, we need an earthly body to experience the conditions here … But this entry upon earth is a much later state of existence as the original stage of entering into existence is when we originally (initially) enter into the purviews of the Makers Makings … This is the stage, when out soul adopts the primary cosmic aspects, so as to bring itself in harmony to the macrocosmic creation, within whose envelopes it is entering into …
- And since this adoption is inwardly, so these cosmic aspects are also present within that soul’s adopted body (physical body) … Thus after a soul enters into the Makers Makings, the entirety of Makers Makings are present within that soul’s adopted body (to know the term body, see the principle of physical vehicle as was discussed earlier on) …
- And simultaneously with above, since that adopted physical vehicle resides within the vast envelopes of the macrocosmic creation, so the same macrocosmic creation which is within the physical body is also the one within whose envelopes that physical vehicle resides … This is how it is, as long that soul rests within the purviews of the macrocosmic creation …
Thus, when a soul rests within any of the states of existence that rest within the macrocosmic creation, then that macrocosmic creation is also present within the physical vehicle that the soul adopts so as to enter into a state of existence … And this stage continues until that souls evolves to a state from where it can qualify to finally exit out of the entirety of Makers Makings and whose process is as described below …
Proceeding further …
Discussing the process of exit of soul (I.e. final liberation) from the macrocosmic creation …
- When we evolutionarily qualify to fully, finally and permanently exit out of allness of Maker’s Makings, then during the process of exit, whatever we had originally adopted and later on gained from out stay within the Makers Makings, is let go by us …
- Thus, during the process of final liberation, all that was originally adopted by a soul so as to enter into the Makers Makings and all that was gained by that soul during its long time span of existence within the purviews of Makers Makings, is let go off by that soul …
- And where this let go also leads that detached aspect to enter into its respective macrocosmic principal state (i.e. the cosmic state to which it really belongs) …
- Thus when we initially enter into and thence evolve within the purviews of Makers Makings, and finally when we qualify to exit out of the entirety of Makers Makings, then all that was of the Makers Makings is returned back to the same Makers Makings, by us …
- And above is what keeps the cosmic corpus (and thus the cosmic flows and dynamism) in an eternally constant value and which itself is the same value that was when the Makersmakings were originally originated …
- No soul have ever been able to take anything that was of the Makers Makings, with itself during the process if its final liberation … All that is of the Makers Makings (which includes ones evolutionary status, flow and dynamism capability, abilities including of divine realms, etc) is returned back to the same Makers Makings …
- So, a soul enters into the Makers Makings whilst free of Makers Makings and then it adopts cosmic aspects so as to make it come in harmony with the macrocosmic creation in which it is about to enter … And that soul keeps itself associated to these cosmic aspects until its exists within the Makers Makings and where this association is only until it finally evolves to a state from where it eventually becomes evolutionarily qualified to exit out of the entirety of Makers Makings …
- And when that soul finally exits out of the entirety of cosmic creation, then during the process of this final exit from allness, that soul again returns the entirety of macrocosmic states which till this stage were associated to by that soul (so as to make it stay in harmony with the Makers Makings) …
- This return back of cosmic states which were associated by that soul, is also to their respective macrocosmic principal states, all of which exist within the purviews of the same Makers Makings …
AA-3) …
Continuing with above explanation of law of sameness of cosmic corpus …
This requirement of process of exit of a microcosm and yet the state of maintenance of constancy of cosmic corpus, is what leads to an auto-manifestation of Siddha bodies (Siddha Sharira) within the exiting aspirant …
And where these Siddha bodies eventually are denoting the macrocosmic states that are present within the microcosmic physical vehicle of that exiting aspirant …
And after these Siddha bodies (Siddha Sharira) get auto-manifested within the physical vehicle of that aspirant who is exiting out of the entirety of Makers Makings, then these Siddha bodies also begin to automatically enter into their respective cosmic principal states (i.e. they enter into their respective Siddha worlds) and they eventually merge to their respective macrocosmic principal states and thence also eternally rest there …
And only after the entirety of macrocosmic states which are within an aspirant (and are as these Siddha bodies) have been fully detached (due to their merger to their respective macrocosmic principal states) does that aspirant qualify to go beyond the entirety of Makers Makings …
Thus, basis all above, following is what comes to fore as far as the applicability of this law of constancy of cosmic corpus stands during eternity …
- During initial entry of a soul, the soul adopts macrocosmic aspects prior it enters into the Makersmakings … Thus, since the process of initial entry of a soul is within the Makers Makings and so is the adoption of macrocosmic aspects, so the macrocosmic corpus remains the same …
- During the process of evolution of the soul, as that soul keeps gaining an ever higher evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies, it also keeps activating these initially adopted macrocosmic aspects (which it has originally adopted to initially come within the purviews of the Maker’s Makings) … So, since these aspects are adopted from the Maker’s Makings within whose purviews that soul resides all through its evolutionary process, thus the macrocosmic corpus doesn’t change … This is because, such a state of holding an ever higher macrocosmic corpus (during the process of evolution) is like transfer of aspects from the Makers Makings to the soul and since the soul is continuing to exist within the purviews of Makersmakings, so the macrocosmic corpus cannot even change (How can it change when it is like a transfer from the macrocosm to the evolving soul and that too whilst the soul is still living within the envelopes and thus purviews of the same Makers Makings) …
- And even during the path of final exit from allness (i.e. path of final liberation or Muktimarg), what was of the macrocosmic creation, is always returned back to the same macrocosmic creation prior the soul exits out of it (i.e. exits out of the macrocosmic creation) … So, even the process of exit doesn’t lead to any loss of the macrocosmic corpus … Thus, even the process of exit doesn’t lead to any change of macrocosmic corpus and this is because of the fact, that during the process of final exit from the entirety of Makers Makings, all that was of the makers Makings is returned back to the same Makers Makings and thus, this also keeps the entirety of corpus of Makers Makings in a state of eternal constancy …
- Thus, basis above, neither does the initial entry of a soul within the Makers Makings, nor does the evolution of that soul and nor even does the final exit of the soul from the Makers Makings ever lead to change in macrocosmic corpus …
- And the same fact is also applicable to each microcosm, right from an atom, to the universe …
- And this fact of there being an eternal constancy of cosmic corpus also includes all that is as a microcosm, right from all animate and inanimate microcosm’s and until all supra-inanimate and supra-animate microcosm’s … This law also acts in sameness upon all that has begun and thence has rested within the purviews of Makers Makings …
Thus basis above, as far as any microcosm is concerned, neither does its initial entry nor its evolution nor even does the process of its final exit from allness, ever lead to any change in macrocosmic corpus … This fact could be thus described …
When all that is of the Makers Makings within any microcosm (i.e. any aspirant), becomes absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principals, then only does the aspirant qualify to walk alone, so as to go beyond the entirety of Makers Makings
And only after above walk completes, does that microcosm enter into the final freedom from allness and her each part, which as such is termed as Kaivalya Moksha in Vedas
Thus basis above, the macrocosmic corpus of flows and dynamism (and thus macrocosmic mass) cannot even change during any beginning or ending (i.e. destruction and dissolution or death) of any microcosm … And where the term microcosm includes everything, everyone and right from an atom (or cell) and until the universe and it also accounts for all that is animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate microcosm’s …
BB) …
Cosmic flow and dynamism … Destruction, dissolution, beginning of worlds …
From the point of view of cosmic flows and dynamism, any state of destruction and/or dissolution and beginning and/or re-beginning of a newer world (or plane of existence or universe) happens whenever …
- A sudden excess or under of flows and dynamism manifests within a part of the universe or the universe itself …
- If this excess and/or under of flows and dynamism is to such a large extent that it can never be handled by the worlds etheric field at any single point of time or single point of its state (or its evolution), then in such a case, that world is destroyed … The same discussion is also applicable to each of the planes of existence (Galaxies, etc.) and also to the universe … And the same is also applicable to each microcosm and irrespective of whether that microcosm resides here or rests within those beyond states of existences …
- As also, if that built up excess and/or under of flows and dynamism is so sudden and is also of such a vast quantum, that it can never be handled by the worlds etheric field at any single point of time or any single state (or its evolution), then in such a case, due to suddenness of such large proportions of change of flows and dynamism, that world invariably is completely dissoluted (i.e. dissolved into its own cause) … Most of dissolutions of anything only happen due to the suddenness of change of types and quantum of flows and dynamism within a microcosm …
- In either of above cases, the death of a world or plane of existence (like a galaxy) or a universe, would only lead to its rebirth after a period of rest … Thus, in either of above cases, the world or plane or universe doesn’t even enter into its finally liberated state and thus, it would definitely be returning back to form, at some later stage of time … And when it returns back, then it would also continue to evolve, exactly from the stage (or point of evolution) from where it had last left its process of evolution (because it had gotten destroyed or dissoluted) …
- And if this excess or under of flows and dynamism is built up at that evolutionary standing from where the existence of macrocosm itself is absent (i.e. at the last point of evolution that is ever possible within the Maker’s Makings), then that microcosm also remains with no choice but to enter into the process of auto-detachment from allness, which itself leads to its final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) …
- And as another option, that microcosm may choose to be existent out of the universe (i.e. the universe within which it was residing all this whilst when it had evolved to such a high evolutionary standing) and thence exist out of that universe, but as a mega-evolved one … But this discussion on mega evolved ones can only be taken up in a later topic because this discussion is beyond the scopes of the present one …
BB-1) …
Applicability of above discussion to a world system …
When a large number of inhabitants of a world get suddenly evicted out (due to a natural or manmade calamity), then a sudden vacuum of flows and dynamism gets manifested in that world … To compensate for this sudden manifestation of under’s of flows and dynamism within it and as fast as possible, the worlds etheric does the following …
- Place additional souls within that worlds subtle component, who would in time take birth on that world …
- Lift up souls from the graves and make them enter that worlds subtle component … This would be happening in coming times …
- Manifest a sudden unity between the survivors and all other inhabitants of that world and make them assist the ones who live at that place of calamity … This is why there is a sudden rush of volunteers after every larger tragedy … This stage leads to a sudden oneness to manifest within the worlds inhabitants and since after manifestation of this oneness, subtler flows get emanated by such worlds inhabitants and into the worlds etheric field, so this also assists to fill the vacuum of flows and dynamism which has gotten manifested after a mass exit of inhabitants of that world (or from a larger land of that world) as always is during any greater natural or manmade tragedy …
Note: Oneness leads to higher subtlety of emanated flows and dynamism from those who rest in that oneness … Thus, if after a larger tragedy at a place in that world, large number of world’s inhabitants come in oneness (to assist those in need), then this also leads to a higher subtlety of their emanated flows and dynamism and where this emanation itself proceeds from that worlds inhabitants and into that worlds etheric … Since subtlety has a higher bandwidth, so a single subtle flow can also compensate for the loss of many other gross flows (which had taken place as the inhabitants of a land entered into a great tragedy which led to loss of their lives in large numbers and which led to a sudden under of flows and dynamism within that worlds etheric field …
Note continues: Thus, basis above, since the subtler emanated flows have a higher bandwidth, so, the oneness which manifests within the worlds inhabitants and towards the ones in need (after that tragedy) also assists in filling in that sudden vacuum of flows that arrives after a great tragedy has taken place …
- Within the subtle component of that world, place a highly evolved soul whose etheric field is large enough to substitute the loss of flows and dynamism that is caused due to mass exit of evolving ones and their much lesser etheric fields during that earlier tragedy (which could be manmade, natural or could even be a divine tragedy) …
Note: This is how very highly evolved souls can enter a world after the eviction of large number of evolving ones from that world (during a large scale tragedy) has taken place because this mass eviction leads to a sudden build up of reserve capacity within that worlds etheric fields, and which in turn renders the necessary space for the larger subtlety and quantum of flows and dynamism of a highly evolved one to make it enter the lower world … This is what would be happening during the future times, when the process of change of ages begins reaching the stage of a final end of this Sandhikaal and when manmade, natural and divine interventions would lead to large scale tragic events here (i.e. on this planet) …
- And compensate those loss of flows that would take place in this worlds etheric (due to eviction of large number of inhabitants of this world), these higher souls would be made to enter this world (because their etheric fields and thus the flows and dynamism of a higher soul can compensate for many-many etheric losses that are caused by eviction of lower evolved or evolving inhabitants of that world) …
- Or as a last option … That highly evolved one who is already present in that world and who has not been able to increase his etheric flows to their higher limits (i.e. closer to his optimum etheric capacity) and which as such would also save him from his current sufferings, would get the necessary reserve etheric capacity within the etheric of that world, and thus he could also suddenly expand his etheric capacity to a level that the worlds etheric field reserve capacity allows at that time …
Note: This is why many scriptures say, that the awaited one would enter this world and stay hidden and would only come to fore (i.e. rise in front of others) during the progress a great future disaster …
Note continues: And some stupid ones, also say, that to bring him to fore, they must lead to a wide spread state of chaos … But this is not right as no manmade chaos can ever lead to build up of that much reserve capacity within the worlds etheric field which actually is needed by a highly evolved one, so as to make his flows and dynamism to reach that state which is sufficient to make him begin his jobs (for which he had earlier on entered that world and has been awaiting till then) … To build such a reserve capacity for such a highly evolved one, who though has entered that world but has still not reached that higher (and thus subtler) etheric level of flows and dynamism that are necessary to make him commence his jobs in that world, it has to be a combination of manmade, natural and divine chaos (and thus, only manmade chaos is not sufficient) …
And all this is also a part of the Law of flows and dynamism, in addition to being a part of the currently discussed Law of constancy of macrocosmic corpus and also the law of ever changeful state of flows and dynamism (and thus is a part of the below discussed, Law of eternal change of parts of allness) …
CC) …
Law of eternal change of parts of allness … Ever changeful state of cosmic creation and her ever changeful flows and dynamism …
As far as any of the lesser or larger parts of macrocosmic creation are concerned, everything is in an ever changeful state and thus as far as the individualities which make the macrocosmic creation are concerned, an eternal change is the only eternal constant … And yet even when this eternal change of individualities which exist within the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Multi-universe) is a fact, yet the totality of corpus of the macrocosmic creation has ever remained in its sameness since the eternity of her beginning within the supreme genius of Makers Makings and this is also how it would stay in any future from now …
Above fact is because of the following …
- Without the constancy of her entire corpus, she would never remain eternal because to remain eternal, constancy of corpus is a primary requirement …
- And at the same time, without these ever changeful individualistic flows and dynamism of her microcosm’s (i.e. right from an atom to the universe), the macrocosmic creation would be unable to survive that eternity even if she manages to exist within her eternal state (due to above bullet point) …
And due to this reason, following is a matter of fact as far as the macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm is concerned …
An eternal change is the only eternal constant
And where this change also has to be within the types and quantum of flows and dynamism of all that is a part of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. this ever-changeful state is within all parts of macrocosmic speciology, right from an atom and until the universe) …
And this also means, that, as far as the macrocosmic creation is concerned, she can never arrive at sameness of her any now, to her any earlier nowness that ever was during her entire history of existence …
This non sameness that is ever there within the macrocosmic creation and her each part, is also maintained through these ever changeful flows and dynamism and which itself are as per the law that is being discussed here … And this is also why the principle of evolution is there within the Makers Makings as this principle also assists in maintaining an ever changeful state of all parts of allness (i.e. all microcosm, right from an atom till the universe) …
And a fuller subtle study of this fact about the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Mother nature in her self-manifestation as macrocosm and also in her self-presence within and as each microcosm), is what leads to the conclusion, which could be thus told …
If she ceases to be dynamic, she would cease to exist
She is deemed non-dynamic if she arrives at sameness to her any earlier state
Sameness of any now to any earlier nowness, is what leads to loss of dynamicity
Sameness of any now to any earlier nowness, is only deemed as stagnation
Stagnation eventually leads to death and this is why, change is the only constant
This eternal-change is also maintained through the law of flow and dynamism
This eternal-change is eventually effected by effects of Law of eternal evolution
Thus is the importance of this cosmic law, because it also happens to be the root of ensuring eternal existence of allness and her each part …
Continues …