Here we shall discus the macrocosmic Law of vibrations (law of vibration) which relates to the fact that vibration is eternal … This law can also be termed as Law of fundamental harmonic and also as the law of ever changeful state of fundamental harmonic of each entity … In addition to this, the currently discussed law can also be termed as Law of unity of microcosm to macrocosm (and vice versa, i.e. law of unity of macrocosm to microcosm) and this same law can also be termed as law of communication between microcosm and macrocosm (and also its vice versa, i.e. law of communication between macrocosm and microcosm) …
This law is directly related to the earlier discussed “law of cosmic flows and dynamism” …
Since vibrations are universal, so all that is discussed in this topic is none other than a universal process that applies to all that exists within the Maker’s Makings and across the triplicity of times of its existence within the same Makersmakings …
There is nothing which doesn’t rest within the purviews of this law, its process and their vast permutations and combinations as far as their almost countless probabilities are …
This topic is in continuity with the preceding one that had the header of “Law of non-sameness, Law of sameness, Law of stagnation, Law of final equanimity, Law of non interference” …
AA) …
Law of vibration …
This law could be thus told …
If it exists, then it is naught but a vibration … Vibrations are the root of eternal existence and also are the governing factor for state of evolution
All that exists anywhere within the macrocosmic creation is a vibration …
Vibratory field of an entity is the governing factor and proof of a state of evolution and thus is a proof of that entities standing of a microcosm within the macrocosmic matrix … Subtler (higher) is the vibratory field, higher is the standing within the macrocosmic matrix (or cyclic existence or Samsara) …
AA-1) …
Vibrations and state of existence …
Higher is a state of evolution, subtler would be its vibrations … Thus, higher realms of existence have very subtle vibrations … This subtlety cannot be detected by by gross instruments which are made up gross matter …
Because subtlety has a larger expanse per unit volume, so subtler also extends across larger space of the greater macrocosm … Majority of existence is subtle because gross has always had its limitations as far as its extent of existence within macrocosmic space is concerned …
AA-2) …
State of evolution and vibrations …
As a matter of fact …
- Subtler is the vibration of a state of existence or an entity, higher is its evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies and higher is its vibration deemed to be from the macrocosmic point of view …
- Subtler is the vibration, more of the macrocosmic space that the vibration ends up occupying and thus, higher is its presence within the totality of macrocosmic space …
- Higher is its presence within the macrocosmic space, more expanses of macrocosmic space it ends up covering and thus, more are the places where it would be seen to be present …
- All lesser vibratory states (Gross states) are permeated (pervaded) by higher subtle states (subtler vibrations) and this pervadement (permeation) is also through their vibratory fields …
Thus, basis above …
- Higher realms of existence (subtler realms of existences) are permeating lower realms of existence (gross realms of existence) …
- And where subtlety and grossness also has its hierarchies … Thus, these two words (i.e. subtle and gross) are not denoting singular states, but instead are denoting a vast hierarchy that eventually falls within their purviews …
- So, if this presence of subtlety within grossness was to be described, then I can only say, that, within this hierarchy of grossness and subtlety, it is like a vessel within a vessel (glass within a glass) and where these vessels (glasses) are also of very vast numbers and where each of the hierarchical subtler’s are eventually as pervaders (permeator) of their immediate grosser …
- And where each aspect of pervader and pervaded is eventually governed by their existence within the macrocosmic hierarchy whose root itself is of subtlety and grossness which itself is determined by its vibrational characteristics …
AA-3) …
No two vibrations are same …
Due to the application of law of sameness, Law of non sameness and also the application of the law of stagnation on vibrations, no two vibrations can ever be the same …
Thus, when we study the corpus of vibrations that exist within the macrocosmic creation and that too in relation to the individual vibrations that make the corpus, then this stated fact always comes to fore, that no two vibrations are same …
AA-4) …
Everything has its unique vibration … Pluralistic monist state of macrocosm …
The reason for these variations are as follows …
- Each direction (path of evolution), has its own specific vibratory field …
- Each sub-state that exists within the main state of existence (like this world) also has its own characteristic principal vibratory field …
- Each place on a planet has its own specific vibrations and where that vibration is resting within the principal vibratory field (vibratory bandwidth) of that world (planet) … And the same goes for every other world and plane of existence and also for each of the universes …
- Even the familial values have their own specific impressional vibrations (i.e. Samskarik Awastha is specific for each family and it eventually depends upon that family lineage) …
- Each desire, thought, emotion and deed that is undergone by anyone, also has its own specific vibratory field …
- Each inhabitant of a world also has its own specific fundamental vibratory field … Thus, the vibratory emanations of no two inhabitants can ever be the same even when they rest on the same world …
- And you can imagine everything else, because there is nothing which has the “exactly” same vibratory field as anything else …
So basis above …
- Even when two persons are of the same family and are also doing the same jobs, but due to their different desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds and the vibrations of these which also get superimposed upon the principal vibratory fields of these two persons, their emanated flows and dynamism (i.e. their resultant vibrations) can never be the same …
- Even when there are two planets in the same solar system, but due to their differing characteristics (like speeds, direction of motion, composition and also due to their placement within the solar system, the plane of existence and universe, etc.) no two planets can ever generate the same vibrations (within their emanated flows and dynamism) …
- And the same aspect is also applicable to all that is as a part of allness … And this is what makes the macrocosmic creation to be resting within a way of life that is intrinsically pluralistic and yet remains within her essential monism …
And due to above, sameness of vibratory fields of any two microcosm’s can never be attained by any microcosm … Thus, everything (every microcosmic state) is unique and also has its unique vibratory signature …
And due to this reason, those who say that the world would be one, would have just one way of life (religion, faith) and also work towards it, are actually living in a fool’s paradise because even if such a condition does arrive, it would only be found to be temporary …
AA-5) …
Harm of coming at the same or similar or almost same vibration …
All systems that relate to the header of this topic and thus try to bring everything into the ambit of the vibratory field of their believed state or entity, are actually going against the very basis of way of life of macrocosmic creation, who itself rests within her eternally pluralistic monist state …
Any deviation from this aspect of ways of life of macrocosmic creation would only make the entity to enter into chaos of one or another type … Thus, those ways of life which deviate from this stated way of life of Makers Makings within whose envelopes they, their adherents, their propagators, their texts (scriptures) and codes, their greater entity (God, etc.) and their greater entities plane (heaven, etc.) reside, are eventually found to be non eternal … And this non eternity of their existence is irrespective of what may be claimed about them … It is also due to this non eternity, that their own texts state of the finality of time (which is also stated as their end time) …
And all this is due to the effects of the header of this discussion, that such a condition of deviation from pluralistic monism of macrocosmic creation and thus entering into individualism of sorts only leads to a state of almost sameness of vibrations of the entities who enter into such a system that deviates itself from the ways of life of macrocosmic creation in which they all reside …
Monotheism (individualism) has a very less vibratory bandwidth and this is because individualistic systems have a very narrow bandwidth of approach to reality … This leads to a state where flows and dynamism of individualism are more constricted (i.e. more compressed) and which itself leads to a state where the availability of larger range is absent in them …
When in a world, the memberships of individualistic (monotheistic) systems increase, then because the scope of availability of necessary range (or bandwidth) is not there in an individualistic system, so the possibility of keeping separated the vibrations (and also emanated flows and dynamism) of those larger number of members of that individualistic system, is also lesser … Thus, individualism (and also members of individualistic systems) also have a greater chance of entering into non compliance with the macrocosmic law of non sameness, law of sameness and thus such systems also have a greater chance of entering into the severities of the law of stagnation … And this is what makes such systems to be none other than cyclic chaotic … This means, that as long as individualism exists, it would always have recurring cycles of chaos and peace …
BB) …
Superimposition of vibrations upon the fundamental harmonic of an entity …
Each entity has its own fundamental vibration and this fundamental vibration is its fundamental harmonic …
As the entity evolves, this fundamental harmonic also becomes subtler … Thus, the fundamental harmonic of an entity at its earlier lower evolved state is not the same as its fundamental harmonic that is at its higher evolved state …
Thus, the fundamental harmonic as stated here is within the purviews of the earlier discussed macrocosmic law of eternal evolution also rests in purviews of the earlier discussed macrocosmic law of eternal existence and in addition, it also comes in the vast scopes of applicability of another macrocosmic law, which as such is of dependent origination …
Proceeding further …
We also have our own specific fundamental harmonic … This is our vibratory signature within the multi-universal macrocosmic creation, in which we live …
Note: It eventually was basis this knowledge and its further application, that I could subtly travel (i.e. astral travel) to those much further states of existences (like Tapoloka and Brahmaloka) where many of the Gurudeva of my previous incarnations reside … So, what is told here is nothing but truth, as each entity definitely has its fundamental harmonic and this fundamental harmonic is that entities universal signature within the Makers Makings … If we know this signature (or we can associate to it through subtle means), then we can also subtly travel (i.e. astrally travel or undergo travels through the method that in Sanskrit lore is told as Sookshma Sharira Gaman) and meet that entity … Even divine beings (Gods of various religions) and their planes (heavens of these gods) also have their unique fundamental harmonic and thus also have their unique fundamental signatures and this same method of subtle travel (Sukshma Sharira Gaman) was also utilized to meet these greater entities (i.e. Gods of various religions of today) …
BB-1) …
Superimposition of vibrations on fundamental harmonic and evolution …
Note: I have written this in relation to you (as aspirant) but it is also universally applicable to all parts of allness … So bear this in mind …
All our desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds and also their impressions (Samskara) get implanted unto your fundamental harmonic … Thus, as you proceed during your incarnation, these vibratory imprints also keep getting implanted unto your fundamental harmonic …
Note: Above state is like the carrier wave of a cell phone (or a radio tower) gets superimposed with the vibratory fields of the words that are spoken over that cell phone (or radio signal) carrier wave … And then that superimposed vibration is transported by that fundamental carrier wave to the desired place (cell phone or radio receiver) …
Proceeding further …
And this superimposition that itself is due to the vibratory fields of your desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds and which itself happens upon your even evolving fundamental harmonic, keeps happening as long as you exist within the Maker’s Makings …
If you have subtler (or higher or those with a higher bandwidth or range) desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds, then this superimposition upon your fundamental harmonic is also subtler … And this in turn leads to a subtler resultant to get generated and where that resultant ultimately becomes as your new fundamental harmonic … If the resultant fundamental harmonic is subtler than the earlier one, then it also denotes that you have evolved to a higher state of evolution … This is how the macrocosmic creation knows about your evolutionary process and where this tracking itself is via your ever evolving and thus ever subtler state of your fundamental harmonic …
BB-2) …
Attraction or repulsion of entities is also seen in their emanated vibrations …
When two entities are attracted towards each other, then their vibrations are also attracted to each other …
This state of attraction can be seen very clearly within the emanated flows and dynamism of these two entities and where their emanated flows and dynamism would also be seen to be bending towards each other …
And the reverse happens when there is a repulsion between the two entities as in such a case, their emanated flows and dynamism would be bending away from each other …
The study of this aspect is is one of the ways of subtly knowing whether the two entities attract or repel each other … Thus, a study of emanated flows and dynamism and thus the vibrations of any two entities can be utilized to know their compatibility and where this compatibility is only at their current evolutionary standings and thus would not be seen as the same during their eternal evolutionary existence (I mean, it can also reverse during ones evolutionary existence where two earlier incompatible entities would later on be seen as compatible) …
And due to this reason, there is nothing like an eternal compatibility or non-compatibility between anything that exists within the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
BB-3) …
Process of health, disease and death from a vibratory point of view …
As was discussed earlier, that the fundamental harmonic of an entity, is its universal signature within the macrocosmic creation and it is through this signature, that the macrocosmic creation know about the evolutionary existence (and thus knows about the state of evolution) of that entity …
During one’s lifetime, the desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds keep getting implanted upon the fundamental harmonic of any evolving entity …
When the superimpositions are less, then the entity stays healthy … Or in other words, an entity only stays healthy until these superimpositions become such that they begin hampering the link of that entity to the macrocosm within which that entity resides and where that microcosm in its subtle impressional state (i.e. Sukshma Samskarik Awastha of Brahmand) is also existent within that entities microcosm …
And when these superimpositions become such that they begin cluttering the fundamental harmonic of that entity and thus begin leading to loss of to-from flows and dynamism of that entity to the macrocosmic creation within which that entity resides, then only does that entity become arrived at an unhealthy state …
Depending upon which is the organs have lost their contact and how much is s loss of contact of the organ to its own macrocosmic principal, is the factor that determines the severity of disease …
Thus, as long as an entity (microcosm or aspirant) can maintain its subtle communication to the macrocosm and which itself is through the etheric cord of that microcosm which connects that microcosm to the macrocosmic creation (in which that microcosm itself resides), that entity stays healthy …
And when there is an attenuation between the subtle communication of that entity to its own macrocosmic parental state (that exists within the greater macrocosm), then that entity becomes unhealthy … Thus, manifestation of disease is only after the to-from communication between the microcosm (aspirant) is corrupted and which itself is because of a higher attenuation of its communication flows and dynamism and which itself is when excesses of superimpositions of external vibrations (due to its own desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds) have happened unto its own fundamental harmonic and where these superimpositions have begun cluttering the fundamental harmonic …
And where this cluttering of superimpositions of the fundamental harmonic (of the entity or aspirant or microcosm) is also in such a way that the communication link of that microcosm to its own macrocosmic parental state (which exists within the greater macrocosm in which that microcosm resides at that time) gets corrupted (or partly broken) is corrupted and thus is no longer in its pristine state … This leads to unnecessary attenuations of subtle communication between the entity and its greater macrocosmic parental state and which in turn leads to loss of functions of some of its organs and thus their disease manifests …
As long as this link is maintained without those unnecessary superimpositions, the person stays healthy … And when the attenuation of subtle communication of the organ with its own macrocosmic parental state is higher than what is needed to keep that organ in a state of good health, then that organ comes under a corresponding state of dis-ease and thus it becomes diseased …
Proceeding further …
And when the entity (aspirant or microcosm) reaches that stage where the superimpositions that have taken place upon its fundamental harmonic are to such an extent that even the bare minimum (or critical) subtle communication between the entity and its macrocosmic parental state can no longer take place in its immaculate state and thus the value of attenuation of communication is higher than the critical quantum of loss that can be taken in the evolutionary stride of that entity, then that entity also remains with no choice but to de-incarnate … And thus that entity dies …
Thus, the process of maintenance of health, continuity of incarnation and also the process of de-incarnation are eventually related to the quantum of superimpositions that have taken place upon the fundamental harmonic of the microcosm (aspirant or any other entity) … And when these superimpositions begin cluttering the communication link of that entity (i.e. the etheric cord) and thus begin leading to a loss of subtle communication between the entity its its greater macrocosmic parental state to such an extent that even the bare minimum (or critical minimum) information can no longer be correctly transmitted and received through the etheric cord of that entity, then that entity also remains with no option but to leave its then incarnated state (i.e. die) …
All life and death is eventually related to this fact as is discussed here because of the fact, that, eventually, everything is naught but a vibration … And thus life and death also cannot be devoid of this law of vibrations …
BB-4) …
Gross and subtle superimpositions …
As a matter of fact …
- Gross is that which has a lesser bandwidth or depth of vibrations and thus its lowermost and uppermost vibratory limits are closer to each other … Grossness is attained by us, only when we inwardly rest in any sort of restriction (which itself is due to our own desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds) due to being related to a restrictive philosophy or way of life … Thus, individualism (monotheism) always leads to grossness … Higher grossness denotes a higher compressed state of vibrations …
- And contrary to above … Subtle is that which has a higher (or greater) bandwidth or depth of its vibrations and thus its lowermost and uppermost vibratory limits are father from each other … Subtlety is attained by us, only when we inwardly rest in a state of freedom from restriction (which itself is due to our own desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds) due to being related to a philosophy or way of life which is in synchronism with the pluralistic monism of the macrocosmic creation … Thus, pluralistic monism (i.e. Vedic ways of life) always leads to manifestation of a higher subtlety within an aspirant (i.e. any microcosm or entity) … Higher subtlety also denotes a lesser compressed state of vibrations … Higher of all subtleties is attained (accomplished) by an aspirant only after that aspirant rests within the fullness of “Oneness towards allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana) … Thus, Brahmand Dharana (or the inner state of an aspirant where that aspirant begins resting in “oneness towards allness and her each part”) is the path of attainment of the final state of evolutionary subtlety and this is also the finality of subtlety that could ever be attained within the Makersmakings … And even the macrocosmic mother nature (Ma Prakriti) has eternally resting in its purviews which itself makes her ways of life to be none other than intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist …
BB-5) …
Effects of gross and subtle superimpositions on time span of an incarnation …
- Gross superimpositions on the fundamental harmonic … This is due to grossness of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds in which a microcosm (aspirant) rests … Thus, these itself are due to resting in a higher individuality (i.e. resting in individualistic systems and ways of life that relate to individualism) …
Higher is the individualism (self-serving systems or ways of life), higher would be the grossness of impressions (Sanskara) that get superimposed upon the fundamental harmonic … And in such a case, higher shall be the attenuation of subtle communication between the microcosm and its macrocosmic principal …
This grossness of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds and thus the further state of the generation of grosser impressions which begin cluttering the etheric fields (or etheric cord and its subtler flows and dynamism) of the microcosm, in turn leads to a state where a lesser number of these superimpositions can lead to a higher attenuation of subtle communication that is taking place between the microcosm and its macrocosmic principal and where this subtle communication keeps taking place in a continuous manner …
And due to this reason, a lesser amount of such a grosser superimposition would ultimately lead to a higher attenuation in the subtle communication that keeps taking place through the etheric fields (etheric cords) of the microcosm to their respective macrocosmic parental state …
As was discussed earlier, that attenuation itself is the reason for manifestation of dis-ease, so if grosser aspects are related to and thus grosser superimposition takes place, then there also are higher chances of lesser number of such grosser superimpositions leading to a higher attenuation of subtle information flows between the microcosm and macrocosm and which in turn would be leading to a higher loss of communication between the microcosm and its macrocosmic principal and which in turn denotes the state, where there is a greater probability of manifestation of dis-ease …
- Subtle superimpositions on the fundamental harmonic … More is an aspirant based within fullness of “oneness towards allness and her each part (Brahmand Dharana), subtler are that desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds and thus subtler become the superimpositions on the fundamental harmonic of that aspirant …
And in such a case, lesser shall be the attenuation per unit amount (unit number) of impressions that would get generated from that aspirants desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds …
Subtlety is closer to the subtler communication that keeps taking place between the microcosm and macrocosm and where this subtle communication itself is through the etheric cord of the microcosm which connects that microcosm to its respective plane within the macrocosmic creation …
Thus, subtler superimpositions have a lesser effect as far as attenuation of subtle communication between microcosm and macrocosm is concerned … And this in turn leads to a state, where larger impressions (Samskaras) that are generated through larger number of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds can be accounted for within the etheric field (etheric cord or silver cord) of that aspirants connection to the macrocosmic matrix …
Thus basis above, higher is the state of an aspirants inner oneness to allness (i.e. greater an aspirant is based within Brahmand Dharana), subtler are the desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds of that aspirant and in such a case, subtler would be the impressions and their superimpositions on that aspirants etheric cord (etheric field or silver cord) and in such a case, greater is the probability of maintenance of un-attenuated subtle communications between that aspirant and the macrocosm in which that aspirant lives (and where that macrocosm in its subtle impressional state is also present within the aspirant) … And in such a case, more trouble free (dis-ease free) would the time span of incarnation of that aspirant be … And this would also lead to a state of longer lifespan of that aspirants incarnation …
BB-6) …
Gross superimposition, loss of oneness and effects on evolutionary process …
Gross superimposition is only due to resting in individualism … And this itself is due to absence of pluralistic monist ways of life, which itself is due to lack of fullness of “oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana” … And which itself is leading to nothing but “loss of inner oneness” of the aspirant to the macrocosmic creation, within which that aspirant, its philosophy, its adherents and propagators and its texts, God and heavens itself reside …
And this itself leads to deviation of the aspirants evolutionary process, from the pluralistic yet monist ways of life of the Makers Makings … This in turn becomes the reason for a chaotic state of that aspirants evolutionary process, that gets based within one or another of those vast aspects of proving “one-up-man-ship” over all others, who also are an intrinsic part of the same macrocosmic creation and which in turn becomes the reason for furthering of chaos and thence the entry of that chaos within all ways and walks of life of the entire macrocosmic speciology who resides upon that world …
Thus, is the effect of gross superimpositions on ones evolutionary process …
BB-7) …
Gross superimpositions are mostly there in Kaliyuga … And the coming change …
As a matter of fact …
- Kaliyuga means an age of degeneration or simply, a degenerate age …
- Degeneration can only happen within a state where majority of inhabitants of a world get based within individualistic systems (monotheistic ways of life) … This is because monotheistic systems (or individualistic systems) are those which have higher compactness (compressions or compressive forces or restrictive forces) and this aspect is what makes a monotheistic system to end up having a lesser bandwidth or reach within the fullness of pluralistic yet monist ways of life and existence of Maker’s Makings …
- Due to this restriction, the flows and dynamism of Kaliyuga are grosser …
- This grossness also leads to a state of compaction of divinities that relate to Kaliyuga … And this itself is the reason for reduction of life spans of all microcosm who enter into physical vehicled states during Kaliyuga (this itself is the reason for ancient Vedic sages to state, that time spans of incarnation of humans would be reduced during Kaliyuga and so would be a reduction in size of their physical vehicle) …
And thus due to all above stated reasons that relate to grossness of flows and dynamism (and thus grosser vibrations) and their highly compacted states during Kaliyuga, following is what happens during any degenerate age cycle (Kaliyuga) …
- Life spans of an incarnation during Kaliyuga are lesser …
- Human bodies are also of a lesser size (height) and capacity (to do work) …
- All forms of life are smaller during Kaliyuga …
- Individualism runs rampant during Kaliyuga and since individualism itself is against the pluralistic monism of ways of life of macrocosmic creation, so this in turn brings a state of regular manifestation of chaos during any Kaliyuga and which itself is the reason for this particular age cycle to be named as an age of recurrent chaos, a degenerate age and thus Kaliyuga …
Proceeding further …
But since as of now the degenerate effects of Kaliyuga are ending, so all individualistic systems which as such are related to Kaliyuga, would also be seen to be beginning to end during the next few years itself …
And since the coming and end of a degenerate age cycle is only through the state of widespread chaos and where that chaos also ends up spreading into all ways and walks of life of inhabitants of that planet, so this is how the coming times of end of Kaliyuga, eventually be …
And since the next human age cycle (i.e. Manav Yuga) is of an incoming cycle of a human golden age or Manav Satyuga (or an age of truth (i.e. an age where the truth would be revealed or Manav Kritayuga), which has a time span of about 10 millenniums, and which itself would be running within the time span of the presently running divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga, that has a time span of 432,000 years as per middle unitary value of time), so that human golden age cycle would only be as an Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) and where that age of sages (Guru Yuga) would not be the same as divine golden age (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) about which the Vedic Brahmins talk …
And though that incoming human golden age, which as such would be an age of sages (Guru Yuga) would be very close to Deva Satyuga (divine age of truth), yet it won’t be exactly that … And yet it would be seen as a great relief from all the grossness (and thus individualistic systems) by the then humanity who enters into that incoming human golden age cycle (Manav Satya Yuga) and which as such would be naught but an Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) …
The installer of that age of sages (i.e. Yuga Sthapak) would also be a sage who would enter this world from one of the five faces of Sadashiva (i.e. he would be a sage from one of the five aspects of Panch Mukha Sadashiva) …
And since as per the knowledge of eternal cyclic nature of time (i.e. the eternally moving wheel of time or Kaalchakra), that sage should already be present in this world (and should be awaiting an appropriate time to commence his job for which he has entered this lower world), can only be a sage of Maheshwara (i.e. a sage who had descended to this lower world from his much higher realm of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) … Since Maheshwara is also addressed as Tatpurusha, so that sage can also be addressed as Sage from Tatpurusha, who ultimately would be laying down the subtle yet extremely strong foundation of the incoming age of sages …
And during that incoming Guru Yuga, at intervals of 2592 years and +/- 108 years (as per the unitary value of time that relates to the nadir phase of precession of equinoxes or the nadir phase of axial precession of earth’s axis) further three “sages of Sadashiva” would also be entering this world, so as to keep that Guru Yuga in its maintained state in this world and until that incoming Guru Yuga runs out of its destined time span of about 10 millenniums …
BB-8) …
Higher evolved beings are devoid of grosser ways of life and their vibrations …
As a matter of fact …
- No higher evolved being can ever relate to anything that is other than a state of fullness of Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness and her each part) …
Thus, if any aspirant is a higher evolved one, then he (or she) can have no relation whatsoever to any individualistic system (monotheistic system) …
And this also means, that, if anyone is considered as a higher evolved one and yet he (or she) propagates or relates to an individualistic (monotheistic) philosophy, then that believed higher evolved one, is not even a higher evolved one in the real sense and from the view point of the fullness (or allness) that itself is of the Makers Makings …
- Fullness of Brahmand Dharana leads to Brahmand Yoga (union of that aspirant to allness) and thus a higher evolved being is always the one who has already accomplished Brahmand Yoga …
- And since the end result of Brahmand Yoga is naught but the accomplishment of Brahmand Sharira (Siddha body of the universe), so a higher evolved being can only be the one who has accomplished this Siddha body which relates to the universe …
- And since accomplishment of this Siddha body of universe (Brahmand Sharira) can only be after the earlier accomplishment of all Siddha bodies that were discussed in the earlier set of topics on “Siddha Sharira and Loka”, so that higher evolved being would as a minimum also be holding this accomplishment …
- Above is what makes every higher evolved being to be like the entire macrocosm and which is even when that higher evolved being is still resting within his (or her) microcosmic physical bodied state …
- Anything that doesn’t relate to Brahmand Dharana and to the pluralistic monism of Makers Makings, can never be a reason or path to attainment of freedom from deeds and their effects (which also includes freedom from effects of desires, thoughts and emotions) … Thus, Karmateet Mukti is not possible unless what is told here, is complied with …
- Thus, irrespective of what anyone may believe, Kaliyuga is an age of lower philosophies i.e. those philosophies that don’t relate to Karmatit Mukti (liberation from all earlier and future cause and effects) …
- In fact, Kaliyuga is only an age of Karmadhin Mukti (i.e. liberation whilst still resting in purviews of the law of cause and effect), to which no higher being has ever related …
BB-9) …
Being based in subtler vibrations also renders capability to do greater jobs …
Subtler are the vibrations that are associated to, greater is the bandwidth or range of that aspirant … Greater is the bandwidth or range of an aspirant, more is that aspirant capable of bringing out a change within a larger part of the cosmic creation …
Thus, when we associate to subtler aspects, then we also are more capable to do greater jobs and where the term greater jobs also means, jobs that are beneficial to a larger part of of the macrocosmic speciology … And where greater jobs also means, tougher jobs (like installing the foundation of an incoming highly subtle age cycle, such as a golden age of man) …
But as the same time, the effects of principle of evolution automatically lead to an expansion of one’s capability and thus, this increment is eternally taking place in each microcosm who has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
BB-10) …
Higher subtlety of vibrations and nonness of violence …
Since subtlety relates to pluralism and monism alike, and since that finality of subtlety is also ultimately is based upon and within the purviews of the phrase “oneness towards allness (Brahmand Dharana)”, so that aspirant who has attained to suchness, would never be having any feeling that relates to violence of any sort …
Violence is of the following types …
- Violence towards any animate being … Absence of this leads to vegetarian ways of life …
- Violence of desires … Absence of this leads to inner peace and calm …
- Violence of thoughts … Absence of this leads to steadying of mind i.e. lesser or even a complete absence of wanderings of mind from one aspect to another … The state of “fullness of absence of violence of thoughts” in turn leads to oneness towards allness and her each part, i.e. it sets the aspirant upon the path of accomplishment of oneness towards allness (or Brahmand Dharana), and which itself leads to the later accomplishment of “union to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga) …
- Sexual violence … Absence of this leads to perfection in celibacy and inadvertent lower deeds that relate to self-satiation through sex … Such couples also don’t have sex, other than for the need of progeny and expansion of family lineage …
- Knowledge based violence … Absence of this leads to a perfect non violent way of life where love itself reaches its finality of neutrality towards allness and her each part … This also sets the aspirant on the path of self-realization of the innermost meaning of the Vedic Mahavakya of Rigveda, which the sages had told as “Prajnanam Brahma” and which means as “self-luminous is That, Brahman is Swa Prakash, Brahman is Swayam Prakash, Knowledge is Absolute, consciousness is Absolute, etc., … And where the term “self-luminous (i.e. Swa Prakash or Swayam Prakash) only means “That who illumines all, yet stays hidden within and beyond all” …
- Vitality based violence … Absence of this leads to perfection of inner calm in addition to steadying within the path of liberation (Mukti Marg is entered into by the absence of this kind of violence) … This also sets the aspirant on the path of self-realization of the innermost meaning of the Mahavakya of Samaveda, which the sages had told as “Tat Tvam Asi” and which means “Thou Art That, You Are That” and which in its fullness also means “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahman (I.e. everything is Brahman, allness is Brahman, Brahman is all that ever is self-manifested as allness and her each part) …
- I’ness based violence … Absence of this leads to a state where that aspirants inner I’ness (i.e. Ahamkara) becomes macrocosmic i.e. such an aspirant believes that I within that aspirant, itself is the I of the entire macrocosmic creation … And this sets that aspirant upon the path to self realization of the innermost meaning of the great statement (Mahavakya) of Yajurveda, which Vedic sages had told as Aham Brahmasmi, and which literally means as “I Am That (I Am Brahman) and this also means, that, I’ness is pristine (and Pristine I’ness is absolute) … As a matter of fact, the “pristine state of I’ness (i.e. Vishuddha Ahumkara), itself is the Absolute being (i.e. Vishuddha Aham is Para Brahman) …
- Violence of Chitta (consciousness) or conscious violence … Absence of this leads to a state where the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal body (Antahkarana) becomes devoid of all its impressions (i.e. devoid of all merits right from the accumulated merit or Sanchit Karma, and until the other merits which are of Prarabdha Karma or destined merit, Kriyamaan Karma or currently undergoing merit and Agami Karma or future merits) … This ultimately leads to a Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta (i.e. an impressionless state of consciousness) which further paves the way for self-realization of the innermost meaning of the Maha Vakya of Atharvaveda, which the sages had told as “Ayam Atma Brahma” and which means as “This (soul or Atman) is That (Brahman)” and which can also be interpreted as the state of direction cognition of “Atman is Brahman” …
- There also are other sub-types of violence, but if also discuss those, then this discussion would become very long …
And as a minimum, the characteristic of any evolved being (and family, society, culture, religion, faith, land, etc.) is of absence of most or all above aspects of violence …
CC) …
Vibration always has a sound and light characteristic …
Vibration always has a light and sound characteristic of itself and which is specific to the energy-field of that particular vibration …
Thus, each type of vibration has its own specific sound and light characteristic … And where this characteristic is also as follows …
- Gross vibrations: Have a sound that is less strong and the light of a gross vibration is also closer to being in a manifest state … Thus, manifest light and sound (that we see by our eyes and hear by the ears of our physical body) are actually gross …
- Subtle vibrations: Have a light and sound that is more stronger … By stronger I mean, that it shakes up the inner core of the aspirant … And based upon my personal experiences, these sounds of subtle vibratory realms, are always such, that they invariable shake up the inner cores of the aspirants mind and consciousness …
Note: Just as the physical vehicle has its eyes and ears, so are the subtle eyes and ears of the subtle vehicle (subtle body or Sukshma Sharira) and the same is also within the Antahkarana Chatushtaya (or “fourfold inner subtle tool” or the causal body or the Bliss sheath or the Anandamaya Kosha or simply the Antahkarana) … And it is through these eyes and ears of the subtle body and causal body that the sounds and light characteristics of the subtle and causal realms are seen and heard by a Yogi (aspirant) …
CC-1) …
Every type of impression has its vibration and thus has its sound and light …
As was discussed earlier, that every desire, thought, emotion and deed has its own vibratory field, so the impressions (Samskara) that get generated due to these cannot be devoid of the vibratory characteristics of these …
Thus, every impression (Sanskara) that resides within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the aspirant’s causal body (or Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Bliss sheath or Anandamaya Kosha) also has its characteristic color (light) and seed sound (Beeja Mantra) …
And basis my own astral travels and also those further causal travels, every state of Makers Makers also has the same …
CC-2) …
Once already formed, a vibration cannot ever end …
This part would be discussed in a subtle way, as it relates to a restricted knowledge system (and thus it cannot be openly told in a text) …
Once a vibration is already formed, then it eternally stays within the macrocosmic creation …
So, this aspect can be utilized to know of what was during the timeless time of existence of states of Makers Makings … And this aspect can also be utilized to know other aspects that relate to past and future of a state that exists within the macrocosmic creation …
And the impressional aspect of the same discussion, can also be utilized to know the real age of multi-universe (and not the astronomical age of universe, which was calculated in an earlier topic) …
And as far as this part of the topic stands, beyond what is written here, I cannot even write due to above (earlier) told reason …
CC-3) …
Eternity of nature is also due to eternity of vibrations …
Vibration is a part of nature …
Once formed, vibration never dies … Death of vibrations is death of macrocosm …
Since vibration is natural i.e. vibration is a part of nature itself and not a part of the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahm) and is also based in hierarchies of grossness and subtlety, that are absent in the attributeless being (Nirguna Brahman), so it was due to this reason that the wise ancients had told, macrocosmic nature is also as eternal as the Absolute being (Parambrahma) …
But above is with the only difference that, even when macrocosmic nature is as eternal as the Supreme being (Param Brahma), yet the hierarchies of nature don’t denote the finality of liberation … This means, that even when nature can be as a path of liberation, yet she due to her hierarchies, doesn’t denote the finally liberated state (or Kaivalya) …
And this itself is as hierarchies are absent in the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahma) who by ITself, is and thus denotes the final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) …
It is due to this reason, that when one enters the Mukti Marg (final path of liberation), which as such is a pathless partless path (Brahmanpath), one also detaches to all that is as Maker’s Makings … And only after one is fully detached from macrocosmic creation (and thus all vibrations are also detached), does one qualify to walk that last pathless partless path (or Brahmpath) …
And where that final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) itself is as a freedom from all deeds and fruits (Karmatita Mukti) and not the lower aspect of it that relates to one or another of the divine realms and which in an earlier topic was told as Karmadheen Mukti …
DD) …
Finality is vibrationless, soundless and devoid of gross and subtle light …
Vibrations only exist within the macrocosm creation and not beyond her envelopes …
And since the finality, which as such is a state that is fully and permanently isolated from the entirety of allness, is not coming within the purviews of the macrocosmic creation, so when within that finality, it is also found to be devoid of sounds and gross or subtle light characteristics …
That finality is what was told as Swa Prakash (i.e. self-luminous supreme being) who by itself is the one addressed as Brahm in Vedas …
And where the word self luminous means as “That who illumines all and yet stays hidden within and beyond all” …
Brahman is vibrationless due to being attributeless (i.e. Nirguna) … Attributeless is also free of attributes like sound and “gross or subtle light” … And at the same time, since that Brahman is also infinite (Ananta) so IT is also the omnipresent being, who is resting within and beyond all and where this state itself is because allness and her each part, itself is none other than IT’s own self-expression …
That finality is thus attributeless and infinite (Nirguna Nirakara) … Such a finality can never be based within attributes, which also includes attributes of “gross or subtle sound” and “gross or subtle light” and being the infinite, it also happens to be omnipresent within and beyond the Makers Makings, so it also cannot relate to the individuality of sounds and light characteristics …
So, this is why Brahman is also told as self-luminous (and not luminous) …
Continues …