Here we shall discuss the cosmic law of eternal Sssexing (Law of Sssex) … This can also be called as the law of eternal exchange (law of exchanges or law of eternal exchange), the Law of eternal unions (law of unions or Law of union), Law of diversification of allness (Law of variety), Law of eternal change (or law of eternal changes), Law of eternal mixing (Law of mixing), Law of refreshing of stagnations, Law of refreshing of cosmic flows and dynamism, etc., …
The law of this topic is also leading to the final macro-equanimity, that itself is as the final resultant which forms from the entire corpus of flows and dynamism of the macrocosmic creation and thus is also relates to the Law of equanimity (which has already been discussed earlier) … And the law of this topic also relates to the expansive state of application of principle of dependent origination …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Law of pervader and pervaded” …
I don’t want to get into the depths of this universal law, so this discussion shall be kept brief …
AA) …
Law of Sssexing … Law of eternal exchange …
One or another aspect of a systemic synchronized synergistic exchange is eternally taking place within all parts of allness …
This exchange could be within a physical state, or could even be within a subtle, causal, divine or even an impressional state …
In this exchange, mixing up of aspects of entities, including their vibrations and flows and dynamism is ever there … And the end result of this exchange, is as manifestation (or origination) of a newer form of the earlier united entities …
Thus, these exchanges also end up refreshing the universe and are also a reason for absence of stagnations, due to which this law of Sssexing can also be termed as Law of eternal unions (law of unions), Law of diversification of allness, Law of eternal mixing (Law of mixing), Law of refreshing of stagnations, Law of refreshing of cosmic flows and dynamism …
BB) …
Utility of law of exchanges … Law of Sssex …
This could be told as follows …
- Eternal change of all parts of allness … Since within the purviews of this law, there is a union of different aspects and through that union a newer aspect gets generated, so this law is also the reason for an ever-manifestation of newer entities or newer aspects of already existent entities … Thus, this law can also be termed as the law of eternal change of allness …
- Absence of stagnations … An exchange within parts of macrocosmic speciology is all that is required to ensure an ever newer flow and dynamism and thus ensure an absence of stagnation … From the cosmic point of view, stagnations are also apparent when current state of flow and dynamism happens to be in sameness to its any earlier state and of any other microcosm who had emanated it during the entirety of history of Makers Makings … Thus, Law of Sssexing also ensures a state of “absence of stagnations due to sameness” and due to this reason, this law can also be termed as Law of absence of stagnations and Law of refreshing of stagnations …
- Continuity of existence … And since absence of stagnations, is also the reason for continuity of existence, so this Law of Sssexing in turn ensures that existence stays as eternal as it was designed to be …
- Continuity of evolutionary process … Since any change that takes place within an entity is eventually a part of the evolutionary process of that entity, so this Law of Sssexing also ensures the unbroken availability of conditions to entire a continuity of evolutionary process of all microcosm’s (i.e. all parts of macrocosmic speciology) …
- Mixing of all parts of allness … Ultimately due to the effects of this cosmic law, it would lead to a condition that during the long time span of existence of the macrocosmic creation, all its parts would have gotten mixed up with each other and at some point of time of their existence within the macrocosmic creation … Thus, this law can also be termed as the law of mixing, law of eternal mixing, law of eternal union, Law of fullness of union, Law of union of all parts of allness to each other, etc., …
- Generation of newer conditions, states and speciology … Since this mixing of aspects always reads to generation of newer conditions, states and speciology, so this Law can also be termed as Law of origination of parts of allness, Law of ever newness (within the macrocosmic creation), Law of ever change, Law of eternity of change, Law of constancy of change, etc., …
CC) …
Applications of Law of eternal Sssexing …
This could be thus described …
- In relation to the restrictive nature of individualism … Individualism (monotheism) has a very constrictive bandwidth as compared to pluralistic systems … This leads to lesser probabilities of possibility of exchanges … This in turn leads to higher changes of entering into the wrong side of the earlier discussed Law of non sameness, which in turn leads to higher changes of getting into the wrong side of the Law of stagnation and where from the macrocosmic point of view, stagnation is also deemed to be present if there is a state of sameness of any now to any other nowness that ever was during the entirety of history of Maker’s Makings … And since monotheism due to its lesser bandwidth of subtlety, invariably drives itself (and its adherents) to this state of sameness, so monotheism is a non eternal system … As also, once this sameness arrives, then the only option for monotheism (and its adherents) is to either change itself or perish … And since, either of these two possibilities would only only lead to an end of that particular monotheistic system, so monotheistic philosophies also have an inbuilt aspect of end of time … If it doesn’t have a relation to the cyclic nature of time (i.e. if it doesn’t have a relation to the eternally moving wheel of time or Kaalchakra), then it is definitely a monotheistic system and due to this, monotheism doesn’t have any capability to last from and until eternity of the Makers Makings and which itself leads to a state, that each monotheistic system has always had a time of beginning and end …
- In relation to the expansive nature of pluralism … Pluralism has a vast bandwidth as it can ever envelope (or account for) all that ever is or could ever be as parts of allness and their processes (ways of life or systems) … This leads to endless possibility of application of this law of eternal Sssexing within pluralistic systems … But this also has it harm where there could be as many ways of life (faiths) as are the numbers of parts of cosmic speciology …
- In relation to the expansive yet uniting nature of pluralistic monism … So to counter the state as described in above bullet point, macrocosmic nature has remained as an intrinsically pluralistic entity and yet has kept basing herself within her essential monism … This leads to a state of endless probabilities of Sssexing between all her parts (which also includes ways of life and their philosophies in addition to including her subtler, divine and impressional components) and yet keeps her as one and the same united entity … But within the macrocosmic creation, there actually is only one such system that is pluralistic yet monist and that is the way of life that relates to Sanatan Dharma (or in other words, the Vedic way of life and where Vedic way of life, is that which relates to the Mahamantra of Vedas, that by itself is the root of Vedas and which as such is of OM) …
Thus, basis above …
- In monotheism, due to lesser probability of Sssexing, it always has an end time and thus is a non eternal system …
- In pluralism, due to vast probabilities of Sssexing, it can continue until eternity of Makersmakings, but yet due to absence of uniting aspect of monism, it would lead to such a diversification that would be beyond the capability of a tiny worlds etheric field to account for it … And when such a situation does arrive, then the worlds etheric invariably remains with no choice but to end pluralism and which itself is by providing a higher state of flows and dynamism to a monotheistic system … This is why, during the last few millenniums, this world has seen an end of those earlier pluralistic systems (because when pluralism reaches such a diversification of its flow and dynamism, that it cannot even be accounted for by the worlds etheric field, then that worlds etheric field also remains with no choice but to end that pluralism and which itself is by the advent of monotheism) …
- In pluralistic monist systems, the highly pluralistic effects of above bullet point are definitely there, but these ultimately are resting within the innermost unity that is provided by monism … And this is what keeps that system (or way of life) in a state where it has vast number of lore’s and ways of life, and yet is a single system (or way of life) … Such systems are eternal ones and they continue to stay in the world even in those stages of the wheel of time (or in other words, the eternal cycle of time or Kaal Chakra) were monotheism is gobbling up pluralistic systems on that world and converting their adherents into its own envelope (i.e. envelope of monotheism) and which itself is at each of the the Nadir phase of precession of equinoxes … And this is why the Vedic sages had named the Vedic way of life as Sanatana (or eternal) and Dharma (which would be defined in a later topic and which definitely doesn’t mean a religion, faith, belief and all such words) …
Thus, basis above is the …
- Need of conversions in monotheism (Without converting other inhabitants, monotheism cannot survive as it would reach the wrong side of the Law of sameness and thus would enter into the chaotic effects of the Law of stagnation) …
Each person has his (or her) own specific impressions (Samskara) which relate to the four types of merits (i.e. Sanchit Karma or accumulated merit, Prarabdha Karma or destined merit of that incarnation, Kriyamaan Karma or currently undergoing merit and Agami Karma or future merits that would eventually get manifested) and where these merits are also being generated since those timeless times of existence of that person, that itself has been across those vast number of states of existence that the person has rested in till now when he (or she) was incarnated in a physical vehicle on this planet earth …
And basis of generation of these merits also relates to ones ways of life, family lineage, state of existence (planet, land, etc., where one resides to generate these) stage of evolution, etc., …
Since monotheism is a highly restrictive system (or system which has lesser bandwidth of subtlety), so eventually it also has a higher probability of manifestation of sameness of its flows and dynamism (through its adherents) and this is what it eventually leads to …
And since this state is never allowed by macrocosmic creation, so to refresh its etheric fields (and thus evict out monotheism), that monotheistic system has ever needed to convert others to its own path (i.e. monotheistic path) and where this conversion is always with some aspect of untruth (spiritual fraud) and also through chaos (wars, conquests, forced conversions, etc.) …
This leads to a state where when newer adherents who join that monotheistic system, and who have newer types of impressions (and thus merits) enter into that monotheistic system, then even when they follow those monotheistic codes, yet their earlier different types of impressions which itself were generated whilst they were resting in other ways of life, eventually lead to some diversification in the flows and dynamism especially when these earlier impressions (that were not related to or generated from that monotheism to which they have converted) begin their further fruiting (within the deeds and their fruits that relate to that adopted monotheistic way of life) and thus generate a newer type of cosmic flow and dynamism within the etheric fields of that monotheistic system and which in turn refreshes that monotheism’s etheric fields and thus saves it from entering into the wrong side of the law of non sameness and law of stagnation (which also relates to cosmic flows and cosmic dynamism that ever microcosm emanates out of itself) …
But this is only a temporary state, as ultimately when these newer joiners of monotheism stay in monotheism for a while, then they would also reach the same state of stagnation of their flows and dynamism, which itself would be due to their sameness to an earlier state of flow and dynamism … This always keeps taking place in all monotheistic systems, because of their highly restrictive (constrictive) bandwidths and thus their grosser flows and dynamism …
And if these conversions don’t happen, then that etheric field (of that monotheistic system) would ultimately become arrived at the wrong side of the law of non sameness and law of stagnations, which ultimately would lead to manifestation of an inner chaos in its adherents, and which ultimately would spill out in the outer world (i.e. environment) …
This is why, monotheism has never been and cannot ever be as a system of eternal peace and this is a fact, even when all such systems keep harping about peace and security … But the contrary, peace and security is what lacks in monotheism and which itself makes it to be none other than a system that is based within cycles of chaos and peace …
Note: By monotheism, I mean all individualistic concepts, including but not limited to religions, faiths, beliefs, ways of life, economics (like capitalism), social (like absence of concept of Varnashram Vyavastha), stagnation of gene pool and thus loss of ability to keep a proper state of progeny (due to absence of Gotra Parampara), military and security, health and safety … And where monotheism can also be related to aspects like geographical, political, geopolitical aspects and also aspects that relate to race, creed, sex, color, etc., … All such aspects eventually become based in cycles of chaos and peace (i.e. cyclic crashes of these systems and thence their amendments) because monotheism itself is against the pluralistic yet monist ways of life of the macrocosmic creation, in which that monotheism (and all its aspects, like texts, prophets and other propagators, adherents, God and its heaven, etc.,) itself reside … And this is also what makes monotheism as a non eternal system, as eventually when the stagnation does set in the mind and its flows and dynamism, the these adherents invariably become atheistic or similar and thus they leave it to find better (non restrictive) mental pastures which can lead to diversification of their then constricted mental flows and dynamism … And this itself is because, mind cannot be restricted for long, into that type of nonsense which is a byproduct of imaginations (and thus is of the concept of Manoloka) and thus holds no reality in itself and which monotheistic systems eventually are …
- Blind belief in monotheism … If it is a product of Manoloka (imaginary world of mind) and thus holds very less or negligible truth in itself as far as the fullness of that truth is concerned, then such a system would also need a blind belief in it and its greater entity … And to get to that blind belief, imaginary aspects would need to be incorporated … This is why it is so in monotheism …
- Perpetual fear of end times … Being an imaginary system that itself is a product of Mano Loka of the one who gave it (or had initially placed it in the world), it also cannot survive unless its adherents are prepared to save it at all costs … This is what leads to a state where such systems need a perpetual fear of their end times and where this fear is placed in that system, soon after that system is begun in a world …
- Imaginary dualities (Heaven and hell) in monotheism … Because the system itself is imaginary and thus is not based upon direct cognitions of the ones who gave it or ones who follow it, so even after a few millenniums, its adherents stay ignorant of the real … But to get out of this state, such a system always has an imaginary heaven somewhere, which though is like a gross planet also, yet is is somehow better that the planet where its adherents reside … And because it is imaginary, so it cannot be any other than being based in one or another aspect of duality, so there is also an opposite of heaven, which as such is called hell …
Note: Since I am a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta, who remembers almost all of his past incarnations and also those incarnations that were arrived at by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (i.e. the one which Sanskrit texts term as Parkaya Pravesh), so I know that such nonsense was not there in Vedic lore … But during the last few millenniums, after India got repeatedly conquered by those barbarian adherents of monotheistic systems, some of this nonsense has also crept in the present day Vedic lore … In the ancient Vedic times, that were prior any concept of God, sages used to meditate on aspects of mother nature (like Panch Mahabhuta, Triguna, etc.,) and Gods, their planes (heavens, etc.) were not the only aspects that were related to during those ancient Vedic times as were of my previous incarnations and those further returns that were through the process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit texts is also called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in loose terms is also called as Virgin Birth) …
- Extremes of good and bad in monotheism … Unless monotheism is a system of extremes of goodness and badness, it would not even survive an iota of time span in a world and which itself is because, it is an imaginary system (or in other words, it is a byproduct of Manoloka of the one who gave it) …
- Dualities in monotheism and absence of respect for all forms of life … Monotheism is a system of fullness of dualities, which if I were to list, would make this bullet point very very huge … As an example, God created everything, yet God allows humans to kill its animate part of creation and eat them … God created everything, yet has the incapability to account for all and thus there also are atheists (where as in pluralistic monism, atheism is also a path to the Absolute being) … God who creates, doesn’t even have the capability to become the entire creation and its creation process (How weird is this concept) and thus, he also discriminates with other beliefs, their controlling entities (other Gods of other ways of life), planes (heavens) and adherents and also threatens to send them to his own imaginary hell … Etc., etc., as this list is endless …
- Imbalance of relation to here-after than here-now in monotheism … Since the God of monotheistic systems holds no capability to be the entirety of creation and her creation process, so he only concentrates on the here-after part of life and which invariably is by ignoring (or not accounting for) the here-now aspect of life … This leads to a state where here-now aspect of life gets ignored and which itself causes a severe imbalance between the here-after and here-now part of existence and which invariably leads to a condition where degeneration of the here-now is acceptable to gain a better place in the here-after part of life (and thus existence) … Due to this reason, here-now part of monotheism is invariably cyclically chaotic …
- Cycles of peace and chaos in monotheism … All above discussed aspects, eventually lead to cycles of chaos and peace in all monotheistic systems … There has never been a monotheism, that did not have suchness …
- And many more aspects … Which anyone can observe very clearly in this world itself …
- But all above is due to absence of fullness of the currently discussed Law of Sssex …
- And at the same time, all this is primarily due to not accounting for the fullness (including the fullness of divinities) of the supreme genius that itself is of the Makings of Maker … And which itself is due to the absence of accounting for the basic fact, that “everywhere, everything and everyone is naught but one or another self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the ever same attributeless infinite being (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) and who itself is none other than the omnipresent (and thus infinite) absolute being, who in the pluralistic monism of Vedic lore, is also addressed as Nirguna Brahman” and who also denotes the state of way of life that relates to absolute monism that pervades and envelopes the vastness of pluralism of the macrocosmic creation, within which everything (including these monotheistic Gods, also reside) …
DD) …
Some other aspects of Law of Sssexing or Law of eternal exchanges …
- Diversification of speciology … When different aspects mix up to each other, then the newer aspect which forms, leads to the diversification as is told here …
- Eternal change is the only eternal constant … Since Sssexing is an eternal and continuous aspect, so there also is an eternal change that is seen within each state of macrocosmic speciology and also within cosmic states … Thus, the basis of our earlier statement, of “Change is the only constant” is this law of Sssex …
- Omnipresent state of Sssex (and thus changefulness of all parts of allness) … Since the application of this macrocosmic law is not limited to one universe or one plane of existence (Like a galaxy, etc.) or a world or a land of that world or a faith (religion, belief, etc.) of to a single part of cosmic speciology and since this law acts in sameness upon all parts of allness and also upon allness, so the change which this law leads to, is also an omnipresent one …
Proceeding further …
Simple example of Sssex: Sssex is not just limited to sex, it also has a much broader application … So here is an example of it …
This exchange is taking place in everything there is around us …
Imagine two waves in a surf … The waves are still far and travelling and these waves are closing in to each other …
As the waves approach each other, their amplitude keeps increasing …
The waves then collide with each other and this collision is seen as the collisions of their individual white horses … This leads to a state where their individual white horses eventually merge and form one larger white horse (white horse is the whiteness of the crest of the wave) …
The two waves have merged and then entered ecstasy in their oneness and thus we see splashes of water around their unioned state … This splash always happens after the completion of each aspect that comes within the purviews of the Law of Sssex …
And when this state is underway, the waves rise up or increase in size just prior they begin meeting each other, which in turn shows the buildup of their inner ecstasy during that process of their Sssexing … This is how the Sssexing always is in its intermediary stages …
And when they meet each other, they unite to each other in that high point of ecstasy and which itself is seen as vast splash of their union and a bigger state of the united crests of those two waves … This is how Sssexing always is in its final stages …
And then, after that final state of Sssex, is also another state which as such is the formation of a lull at that point of union and which as such is seen as a trough like state of that earlier wave’s crest … This denotes the completion stage of Sssex where the entities have already united their divinities and thus have had so much expenditure of vitality, that they just rest in that mental crest …
And then the surface of the ocean (including the ocean of desires that each microcosm holds in itself) bobs a little (moves a little, in and out) for a while, indicating a state of calm which is always there after successful completion of each state of Sssexing …
And because nature can neither afford a continuous action for a longer time span nor can she afford to get into longer time spans of inertia and thus, nature always needs a middle way that itself is of balance between action and inertia … And it is due to this reason, that after each action there is a lull and after each lull, there is a re-beginning of action … Since nature is also present in each microcosm, so same also happens within each microcosm and which itself is due to the effects of the law of eternal Sssexing that is being discussed here …
As such due to this reason, when further drives (of the wind, which also denoted desires) have taken over, then that part of the ocean surface again starts travelling as a newer wave which also is looking for its further Sssexing …
And this is exactly how it ever is applicable to all that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings … And thus is the universality of this law of eternal Sssex …
And due to its eternal applicability, it is also applicable across the triplicity of times and which itself keeps the effects of this law omnipresent, i.e. within and beyond each microcosm and until that microcosm stays within the purviews of the Makers Makings … And where this exchange is also systemic, synchronous and synergistic …
And finally for this part of the discussion …
All change that is ever manifested, is due to the effects of this law … And this law is also a part of the principle of evolution, principle of existence and principle of dependent origination in addition to being a part of the Law of vibrations and the law of flows and dynamism … And many other principles and laws that have been discussed or would be discussed at a later stage in this text …
EE) …
The last exchange that any microcosm undergoes …
This last exchange is when the aspirant (microcosm) enters into the last pathless partless path (i.e. Brahmanpath) and whilst standing at the doorway of liberation (this phrase is a symbolic one, so please don’t take it literally), that aspirant thanks the entirety of Makersmakings for give him (or her) an opportunity to exist and evolve across all its universes, planes (galaxies, etc.), worlds, states of existence and dimensions …
Only after this final exchange, does the macrocosmic nature (Mother nature or Ma Prakriti) show the exit path to that aspirant and where that exit path is only leading to a final exit from the allness of her envelopes …
And then only does any microcosm walk in a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part and which as such is what the Sanskrit word of Kaivalya also means …
FF) …
Going beyond the Law of eternal Sssexing … The union to Brahman …
Only way to walk free of effects of any of the cosmic principles, process and laws is to self-realize ones innermost union to the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara or simply, Brahman) … The same applies to this discussed law …
Continues …