Here we discuss the Law of non-duality of reality, which can also be called as the Law of non dual, Law of real, Law of reality, Law of non duality, Law of non dual reality, Law of non dual real (i.e. Non dual is real), Law of truth, Law of non duality of real, Law of non dual nature of real, etc., … And here we shall also discuss the Law of duality of non reality, which can also be called as the Law of dual, Law of non real, Law of untruth, Law of non reality, Law of duality, Law of dual non reality, Law of dual non real (i.e. non dual is real), Law of duality of non real, Law of dual nature of untruth, etc., …
This topic continues from the previous one that had the header of “Principle of eternal oneness” …
This and some further topics are definitely not for idle passing by readers …
AA) …
Defining the Law of non duality of reality and the Law of duality of non reality …
These two laws could be thus defined …
- Defining Law of non duality of reality …
Defining this law from the point of view of reality …
Reality is of a perfect non duality and thus is without alternates
Thus, basis above definition, following is what comes to fore …
If it is non dual, then it is real
If it is real, it must also be non dual
If it is non dual, then it must be free of alternates
And above also means …
Real is never dual in its nature and thus is free of all dualities whatsoever
And above also relates to the fact, that …
Non dual cannot be non dual, unless is free of alternates
It can never be free of alternates, unless it is free of comparisons
It can never be free of comparisons, unless is rests beyond the cosmic hierarchy
Note: And if someone would deeply analyze above discussed fact, then that aspirant would also know that, such a non dual or real can never be any other than that which is the realizable yet indescribable attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman or simply, Nirguna Brahman) …
- Defining the law of duality of non reality …
And basis above definition, we come to definition of non reality and its duality …
If it has dual nature, then it is only an illusion
If it is an illusion, it can only be as the not real
Illusions always have a comparative state and thus are with alternates
Note: And if someone would deeply analyze the above stated fact, then they would also agree to the fact, that “almost all” religious lore’s that came by during the last close to 9000 of cyclic sleep of the “great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatana Dharma)” come in this category of duality of non reality and this itself is the reason, for such dual and thus non real religious lore’s to be naught but based in individualism of one or another type and which itself makes then to be naught but harbingers of cycles of peace and chaos in this world …
Note: But since as of now (since 1974 AD, +/- 2.7 years) “great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatana Dharma)” has already reached her stage of waking up, so very soon, the truth of dual natures of these religious lore’s would be revealed and when that happens, chaos of various types would be all that would be present within the adherents of these lore’s … This world has already entered into this stage which is of chaos and has already crossed the point of no return and thus …………………………………………
This also means …
Dual is never real in its nature and thus is utterly devoid of reality in its manifested or even within its non manifested aspects … And this is even when that duality is also pervaded and enveloped by the real only and which itself is because the non dual real is always subtler than the dual non real because the real only rests in a state which is free of hierarchies of the dual and which also includes the hierarchies of subtleties and grossness …
- Reason for existence of duality or non reality within Makers Makings …
This could be thus told …
- Dual is changeful and real never changes …
This aspect could be thus told …
Duality is ever changeful, so it also is of ever-changeful flows and dynamism
And contrary to the dual, the real never changes from what it eternally is
- Dual ensures the real is kept free of need of change …
This could be thus told …
Eternal changeful state of duality, keeps the non dual free of need of change
Whilst the real is preserved, dual manages entire dynamism of allness and parts
- Dual manages entirety of flows, dynamism and hierarchy, so real stays free …
This could be thus told …
Dual also manages the entirety of ever changeful hierarchy of all parts of allness
Whilst non dual remains preserved, the dual thus ensures continuity of allness
- Dual ensures its time span of existence to remain same as the real …
This could be thus told …
And where this continuity of allness, is also of sameness to the eternity of real
And where eternal continuity of allness, is also leading to the ever same real
- All the varied paths of dual ultimately lead to the real …
This could be thus told …
Even when paths, realms etc., remain changeful, yet end result is the same real
This is as, allness in her non dual oneness, is none other than self expression of the real
- Dual which is as varied self expressions of real, always leads to its non dual self expresser …
This could be thus told …
The self expression always moves towards and finally unites to its self expresser
Amsha (Part) always moves towards its Amshi (fullness from where it manifests)
This is as, the drop remains as the ocean, even when it exists as a mere drop
Originality and finality of drop is the ocean, to which the drop proceeds
In reality, no life cycle of drops has ever proceeded anywhere other than ocean
As long as the drop remains as a individual drop, it stays in duality to others
When drop finally merges to ocean, it knows itself as the non dual cosmic ocean
And where that cosmic ocean itself is as a self expression of self expresser of all
Even when cosmic ocean has parts, but in its essence, it is self expresser of all
Thus, even when evolutionary process, is ever changeful, yet it only leads to real
And as a matter of fact, the non dual self expresser of all (I.e. Brahman) and who ITself is the real, only stays as a mere, distant and fully detached witness of all of its own self-expression, which as such is as allness and her each part (i.e. each individuality and each corpus that rests within allness) …
And since individualities (i.e. individuals and corpuses) always have their hierarchy and thus have some aspect of duality, and since the dual is always as an evolving entity, so it eventually is the dual, who maintains the ever changeful state of allness and her each part and which itself is due to the effects of the principles and laws that we have already discussed till now …
That path which can utilize this ever changeful state of self-expression of the real and whose first and fullness of self-expression was as mother nature, is naught but of the pluralistic yet monist Vedic lore … Thus, this is also a Vedic principle …
BB) …
Analysis of the dual and thus the non real …
Here we shall discuss this from main aspects only, because any otherwise I would get into severities that always come by when analyzing any aspect of duality of non reality …
- Reason for existence of duality or non reality within Makers Makings …
This could be thus told …
- Dual is ever changeful and real never changes …
This could be thus told …
Duality is ever changeful, so it also is in ever-changeful flows and dynamism
Contrary to the dual, the real never changes from what it eternally is as flowless
- Dual ensures the real is kept free of need of change …
This could be thus told …
Eternal changeful state of duality, keeps the non-dual free of need of change
Whilst the real is preserved, dual manages entire dynamism of allness and parts
- Dual manages entirety of flows, dynamism and hierarchy, so the real stays free …
This could be thus told …
Dual also manages the entirety of ever changeful hierarchy of all parts of allness
While non dual remains preserved, the dual thus ensures continuity of allness
- Dual ensures its time span of existence to remain same as the real …
This could be thus told …
And where this continuity of allness, is also of sameness to the eternity of real
And where eternal continuity of allness, is also leading to the ever same real
- All the varied paths of dual ultimately lead to the real …
This could be thus told …
Even when paths, realms etc., remain changeful, yet end result is the same real
This is as, allness in her dual nature, is none other than self expression of real
- Duality of varied self expressions of real, only leads to its self expresser …
This could be thus told …
The self expression always moves towards and finally unites to its self expresser
Thus, even when evolutionary process, is ever changeful, yet it only leads to real
And due to above stated aspects, the final reality who as such is none other than the perfect non duality, only stays as a mere, distant and fully detached witness of its own self-expression as allness and her each part (i.e. each individuality and each corpus that rests within allness) …
And since individualities (i.e. individuals and individual corpuses) always have their hierarchy and thus have some aspect of duality, and since the dual is always as an evolving entity, so it eventually is the dual, who maintains the ever changeful state of allness and her each part and which itself is due to the effects of the principles and laws that we have already discussed till now …
That path which can utilize this ever changeful state of self-expression of the real and whose first and fullness of self-expression was as mother nature, is naught but of the pluralistic yet monist Vedic lore … Thus this is also a Vedic principle …
- The only way to know the dual non reality, is to ‘be its pervader’ …
This could be thus told …
The dual non real is grosser and thus is pervaded by the non dual real
That pervader (permeator) only rests within (inside) the pervaded (permeated)
Pervader is in detachment to the pervaded prior it pervades that pervader
Pervader continues as pervader, as long as it maintains detachment to pervaded
The pervader is also the inner present controller of the pervaded
Thus, the realm of pervader is from where entirety of pervaded can be observed
So, to know duality of pervaded, subtlety of its pervader shall have to be arrived
So, only way to know dual non reality, is to be of same subtlety as its pervader
Rest of discussion that relates to this part, shall be taken up with below parts …
AA-1) …
Analysis of the perfectly non dual and thus the absolutely real …
It is not the actual state of reality, if we see both of the duality and non-duality (in their individualities) when we observe a state from outside of it and same is also when that observation is from within that state …
Thus, if we see both dual and non dual within the same state, then it is actually a duality only … And this statement is irrespective of what anybody may believe of that state …
In the absolute state of reality, it is neither related to duality nor to the non-duality and that absolute reality is also free of concepts of these … And this is even when some philosophies may even address that non reality, as a non duality only …
Perfect non duality is when it is also free of relativities of dual and non dual and thus is also free of the inter hierarchies of dual in addition to being free of the relativities and intra-hierarchies of dual and non dual, which also are of their relativities of subtleties and grossness …
Thus, the perfectly non dual can only be that which is as the incomparable attributeless (Nirguna) and undefined (infinite) …
Thus, the term non duality also refers to a state where the dual natures of our perceived duality and our imaginative, inferred, analyzed state of non duality (which could even be based upon a textual or scriptural reference) ceases to exist … The real is actually a state of perfect freedom from all such aspects … This is the state that is self-realized through Nirvikalpa Samadhi (i.e. a meditative absorption which is free of all alternates) …
Thus basis above …
If it is not the absolute reality, then one or another manifestation of duality is what it actually is and this is even when, a few or most may even believe it to be the absolute reality within its then manifested non dual, but yet its non real nature …
Thus, during one’s evolutionary process and its intrinsic hierarchies (or evolutionary hierarchical standings), what is believed as non dual at one state of evolution, would ultimately be believed as dual and this always happens when that aspirant attains to a higher evolutionary standing …
But at the same time, this may even be apparent as the reality at the same aspirants lower evolutionary standings, even when it really is not the reality when that same aspirant would attain to a higher evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies that also are of perceived dual and the believed non dual …
Thus, basis above …
At lower evolutionary standings of an aspirant (or a system or way of life), what is believed as real, may not necessarily remain as real at that same aspirants (or system or way of life) higher evolutionary standing … And this also means, that, after the aspirant (or system or way of life) evolves, there is always a probability that what was believed as real till then, would only be found as non real …
And this state of a believed real becoming non real, continues as long as the aspirant doesn’t go beyond the entirety of principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings and which itself is the stage of self-realization of the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahman or Nirguna Brahman or the self of all) as the aspirants innermost essence (Atman or self) …
- Duality is of two broad types … Non duality is devoid of its any further types …
Duality is always broadly resting in its aspects or types, which are …
- Non dual non reality … This is how the reality is always perceived from lower evolutionary standings … And as the aspirant evolves to a higher state of evolution, that earlier believed non dual (or real) would only become as the dual (and thus non real) … This aspect of believed non duality is always seen during the course of evolution of each aspirant …
- Dual non reality … This is what is a matter of fact about non reality and where that non reality is always resting within one or another aspect of duality … Other than pluralistic and monist beliefs, rest all have always had some aspect of their believed reality, that is resting in this aspect …
Proceeding further …
But contrary to above, the reality is beyond suchness and this also is due to nonness of any describable aspect of it … Thus, even when reality is self realizable, yet it remains as eternally un-analyzable and thus also remains as the eternally indescribable and this is what makes it free of concepts of dual and non dual (i.e. real and non real) and also keeps it free of the eternally changeful permutations and combinations of these concepts of dual and non dual (i.e. real and non real) …
Thus, you can self realize the real, but to analyze its non duality is an impossibility … And yet you would know that what was self-realized, was naught but the real which is free of all useless concepts of dual and non dual and thus is also free of all unnecessary interpretations of real and non real …
- Real is a detached witness of all that is as a non real …
This itself is because that real is eternally detached from allness and her each part … And where this detachment is even when that real is eternally resting within each non real (as the supremely detached pervader of non real) and where that non real is also resting within the infinite envelope of the real and yet doesn’t know the real and which itself is because the real only remains as a perfectly detached witness of the non real …
The real is only as an eternally detached, unchangeful supreme witness of the ever changeful plays of the non real and where that eternally detached witness like state of the real is also resting within (i.e. inside) the non-real because the real also stays as the eternally detached pervader of non real …
And simultaneously the same real is also the detached enveloper and witness of the entire corpus of non real’s, that exist within the entirety of Makers Makings and where that entire corpus of non real’s is naught but a fullness of diversified entire corpus of self expression of the real …
- Subtly discussing the real … Pointers to the real …
As far as the finality of reality stands, following are some of its pointers …
- Attributeless and infinite … I.e. Nirguna Nirakara … Since that who is as the attributeless infinite (Nirgun Nirakara) is none other than the absolute being (Parabrahman), so the real can never be any other than the one who Vedas have addressed as Para Brahman …
- Since all that ever is, is naught but one or another self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the ever-same attributeless infinite being (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahman or simply Brahman), so due to this reason, the real is only is as origin-less origin and endless finality of allness and her each part and where allness and her each part is also none other than the real’s (Brahman) self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence only …
- Since the real is attributeless and infinite, and since the attributeless is also devoid of all the “ever changeful attributes”, including those of mind (Manas), thoughts, desires, deeds, language, knowledge (Buddhi), words, scripts, mind stuff (Chitta), vitality (Prana), I’ness (Ahamkara), etc., so the real has eternally remained as the indescribable one …
- And yet because that real can definitely be self-realized (as one’s own innermost essence or Atman), so even when that real is indescribable, it simultaneously also remains as the finally realizable one …
- And where that realization itself is what the Vedic sages had told as Mahavakya (great statement or mega statement) of Aham Brahmasmi (which is of Yajurveda and which eventually means as I Am Brahman and which literally means as ‘I Am That’), Tat Tvam Asi (which is of Samaveda and which eventually means as ‘You Are Brahman’ and which literally translates to ‘Thou art That or You Are That), Ayam Atma Brahma (which is of Atharvaveda and which eventually means as ‘Atman is Brahman’ and which also translates to the the statement of “This is That or the Soul is Absolute or in other words, Atma Is Brahma’) and also the great statement that was told by self-realized, all realized sages as Soham (Which literally means as “So Am I, I Am He or I Am Absolute, etc.) …
- All these Vaidik Mahavakya ultimately point to the same finality of self-realization, that relates to the attributeless infinite being (or Brahm) who even though is realizable yet remains as the eternally indescribable one …
- Prior original origin of allness, only the real existed as the supreme being (or Param Brahma or Para Brahman) … Original origin is told here to denote the state of original origination of allness and not any other later stage of re-origination which has also kept happening till now …
- As also, if there would be a final end, then after that final end of allness, only the real (Parambrahma or Parabrahman) would be found to be existent …
- And the final end of allness as is stated here also denotes the state of final ending of the entire macrocosm and its each microcosm and not the earlier stages that have kept happening till now where the earlier endings have only been leading to newer re-beginnings of the same state, which in turn leads to a further re-ending in an endlessly cyclic manner …
- But, that final end also happens within a Yogi’s microcosm and this is what sages had named as Atyantika Pralaya …
- Thus, basis above, the supreme being (Param Brahma or Para Brahman) has ever remained as the realizable and yet the eternally indescribable one (as far as fullness of its descriptions are concerned) …
- And all that is known as IT’s description in Vedic lore, is naught but a pointer to IT (and thus is not even a description of IT) … This was why the Vedic sages had also subtly told as follows …
Those who know IT and believe they know it fully, are not the knower’s of IT
Those who have known IT and yet believe they don’t know IT, really know IT
- Absence of ITs’ness in IT (real) … Absence of Thatness in That (real) …
Even when the words ‘That or IT (i.e. the English translation of Sanskrit word of ‘Tat’)’ is pointing to the real, but yet because IT (or That or Tat or Brahman) remains as the eternally indescribable one, so the real also remains free of any aspect that relates to ITs’ness of IT (and Thatness of That) …
This is also what makes it self realizable, yet indescribable due to absence of ITs’ness (or Thatness) in IT (or That or Brahman) …
Thus, basis above discussed facts …
- If a scripture exists with IT’s fuller description, that scripture is only describing the non real and thus is not even related to IT (i.e. the real) …
- If a description about IT leads to formation of IT’s mental image (In the mind of the reader or listener), then that description is not really relating to IT (i.e. the real) …
- If a description about IT leads to formation of IT’s knowledge based image, then that description is not really relating to IT (i.e. the real) …
- If someone claims to describe IT’s path, then that path is only of the non real and not the real whose path is described … This is because, the omnipresent can only be within the pathless partless path (Brahmpath) …
Explaining above bullet point …
How can the omnipresent who actually is attributeless, be described in a path that relates to attributes of knowledge, languages and words … Thus the path which actually leads to the omnipresent being (Brahm or Brahman) would also have to be of sameness to IT’s omnipresence, which as such would make that path to be present in allness and her each part and which in turn would make that path to be none other than being a pathless and partless path (which as such is none other than Brahmanpath) …
- If someone claims that IT (or supreme being) is the omnipotent one, who can do everything, then also that person is only describing the non real …
Explaining above bullet point …
The real definitely is omnipotent, but that omnipotence of real is not limited to thisness or thatness, or not this or not that and is also not limited to nothing or everything …
That omnipotence permeates and envelopes all that is seemingly known as potent across the triple times and due to being such, that omnipotence of IT, also remains indescribable …
Plus, the omnipotence of IT is not exactly of IT, but is of IT’s first and full self-expression as Mother nature (Ma Prakriti) and that to in the root state (i.e. root state of Mother Nature or Mool Prakriti) …
Thus, even when omnipotence is attached to the real (Absolute being, to whom all paths eventually lead) yet that omnipotence is only related to the root nature (Mool Prakriti) who as such is naught but its pristine divinity (i.e. Absolute energy) and who can neither be created not is she ever destroyable … And due to this reason, that root nature (Moola Prakriti) has also been also been addressed as the “invincible mother of all (i.e. the Samskrit word of Durga)” … And it eventually is to Durga that omnipotence that is of the real, finally relates …
- If someone claims that the real can only be known as the self-luminous being (Swa Prakash or Swayam Prakash) and also says that this is how IT is eventually realized, then also that person is describing the non real only …
Explaining above bullet point …
Swayam Prakash (Self luminous) is that which illumines all (including the knowledge or Vijyana or Buddhi, consciousness or Chitta, I’ness or Ahamkara, mind or Manas and vitality or Prana) and is the one by whose hidden assistance anything is ever known by anyone …
And yet that self luminous absolute being (Parambrahma) remains as the eternally indescribable one, which itself becomes the reason for Vedas to also subtly state IT as follows …
Self luminous is one who illumines all, yet remains hidden within and beyond all
And also state IT as …
One who can be self-realized, yet IT remains as eternally non-described one
Proceeding further …
Anything that is not as above, is naught but the non real only …
Basis my travels across almost lands of this planet, I know that the knowledge of real is no longer existent in this world and this is why every teacher is trying to discuss the real, whilst that teacher himself (or herself) is devoid of a direct cognition (and directly cognized knowledge) of the real …
Due to above, all that these teachers do, is quote a scripture of the believed reality and thence elaborate its description, which itself is the characteristic of the non real and thus that description is definitely not as a path to the real, who as such is beyond fuller descriptions and yet it ‘only and only’ has its own self-knowledge based pointers …
So basis above, even if this knowledge of real is there, it may just be limited to a handful of humans of this planet …
And since such higher Yogi’s know that this knowledge is a severely restrictive one, so this is why they would never be propagating it to the masses until this Kaliyuga starts ending (in the next few years itself) …
Such restricted knowledge systems can only be distributed in a state which satisfies below told two cases …
- Availability of appropriate vessels of IT … I.e. availability of appropriate students … This is almost-totally absent in a degenerate age cycle (Kaliyuga) that the present cycle of divine ages (Deva Yuga or Mahayuga) is …
- Availability of an appropriate age cycle … Kaliyuga (the present divine age cycle) is unfit for propagation of such knowledge to large number of aspirants and thus, its handful of knower’s who remain during any divine degenerate age cycle, also keep it to themselves … But after the advent of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga or Manav Satyuga), this knowledge would definitely be propagated by the then knower’s and to some larger number of suitable aspirants of this planet (who at that future time would also be born in this world) …
- Limitations of Individualism … Monotheism relates to the dual non real …
By individualism, I mean all aspects of monotheism, including but not limited to religion, philosophy, belief, faith etc., and this term (individualism) also relates to aspects like economics, military and security, health and safety, politics, geopolitics, geography, knowledge based individualism and also individualism that relates to either of culture, creed, race, society, culture, sex, etc., …
Irrespective of what kind of individualism it is, individualism is always a very limited philosophy due to being self-deviated from the pluralistic monist ways of life of allness within which that individualism, its followers and propagators, texts, Gods and their heavens also exist …
And due to being such, individualism can never relate to the real …
And as of now, if someone were were to correct this fault of individualism, and thence get it unto the path that leads to direct cognition of supreme being (Param Brahma or Para Brahman) and thence also tell the truth that the absolute being is attributeless and thus is devoid of all that is told as characteristics of your individualistic God, then basis my experience of roaming almost all lands of this planet, I can safely say, that, there would be a revolt within the monotheistic part of this world …
So, I just close this discussion by saying, individualism due to its limited philosophy invariably cuts itself off from the fullness of pluralistic monism of allness, and thus fails to come in synchronism with the allness in which that individualism itself rests … This itself makes that individualism to also get cut off from the fullness of principle of eternal oneness, that becomes the further reason for individualism to be naught but a philosophy of endlessly repetitive cycles of chaos and peace in a world where it resides … This is why the macrocosmic creation eventually evicts it out of herself and which itself is the reason for an end of time philosophy to be always there in all systems of individualism and which itself is against the actuality of eternally repetitive cycle of time (or wheel of time) that is of the pluralistic yet monist allness (in which individualism itself resides as its fractured part) …
And since the path of individualism (i.e. a restrictive way of life) is reciprocal to the path of allness (i.e. pluralistic yet monist way of life), so individualism is also like a foreign body within the body of macrocosmic creation, in whose envelopes that individualism itself resides … And this is also the reason for that individualism to be based in duality of sorts and where these dualities are also endless in their numbers … As also, as far as the ways of life of and other aspects of individualism are in relation to the eternal nature of the non dual reality, individualism is only found to be a minor part of the phrase of ‘duality of non reality’ …
Explaining the word Jagat … Born is changeful … Changeful is non real …
This could be thus told …
If its exists in attributes and is in form or formlessness, it is born
Birth is also when it is self-born, self-manifested and then its seen as describable
If it is born, it would also be ending at some point of time
After getting born and until it ends (dies) it would also have to be changeful
That which is changeful, always holds some duality … Duality, is not real
Proceeding further …
Now discussing the Sanskrit word of ‘Jagat’ …
- This word literally means, multi-universe …
- This word is made up of two words … The first word is ‘Ja’ which means the ‘born one (one who is born)’ … And the second word is ‘Gat’ which means ‘that who (or which) moves (i.e. it changes in any manner)’ …
- Thus the word Jagat, literally means “That born one who is ever moving (i.e. is changeful)’ …
- Thus, basis above explanation, Jagat (entirety of the multi-universal macrocosm) is non real …
- And being non real, it also has to be based in one or another aspect of duality …
Thus …
If it is born, it has to be within some comparable change
The real is beyond changes and comparisons
So, basis above …
If it is changeful, it is non-real and thus is dual in its aspects
Non dual real is the only eternally unchangeful one
And basis above discussed facts …
- All that is ever amended in history, was non real … This includes all scriptures, philosophies and codes of conduct also … The real neither has any philosophy nor any description in any scripture nor is there one or another code of conduct that leads to the real …
- The real is definitely realizable yet it remains as the indescribable one and thus it only has some pointers of it and not a fuller description … In Vedic lore, these pointes of real are the Mahavakyas (Great statements) …
- All that has ever changed its vibration or characteristics, is non real … This includes all states of existences (which includes all heavens and hells also), and the process of evolution also … The real neither has any vibration nor any characteristic as it is the attributeless one …
- All cycles of time (i.e. the entirety of the wheel of time or entire Kaalchakra) are non real … The finality of dimension of time (i.e. eternity) is the eternally changeless one and this changeless state is even when the eternally changeful cycle of time (or cycles of time or wheel of time) are only proceeding within the envelope and permeation (pervadement) of the finality of time (i.e. eternity) …
- All expansions and contractions of dimension of space (Akasha Mahabhuta or simply Akasha) are non real … The finality of dimension of space (i.e. infinity) is the eternally changeless one and this changeless state is even when the eternally changeful cycles of expansion and contractions of space (or cycles of expansion and contractions of space within a universe) are only proceeding within the envelope envelope and permeation (pervadement) of the finality of space (i.e. infinity or infinite space or Mahakasha) …
- Thus cycles of time and space are a part of the ever changeful macrocosm (Jagat) and yet in their finality (of eternity and infinity) these two (i.e. time and space) only refer to and thus are as pointers to the supreme being (Parambrahma or Parabrahman) …
CC) …
Non duality is non hierarchical, incomparable, indescribable and undefined …
As a matter of fact, regarding this part of the discussion …
Comparison is only within attributes, including of form and formlessness
If it is comparable, it is not attributeless … Attributeless is the only indescribable
If it is not attributeless, it also cannot be infinite … Infinite is the only undefined
Attributeless infinite, it is the only incomparable, indescribable and undefined
Thus, basis of above is as follows …
How can form and formless be finality when they have comparable hierarchies
How can attributes be finality, when attributes are comparable to each other
How can the describable be the finality, when descriptions also have hierarchies
How can the one who is defined be finality, when defined is always hierarchical
How can hierarchical be finality, when hierarchies have their individual-dualities
Attributeless infinite is free of description, comparison, definition and hierarchy
Note: The words, individual-dualities as stated above relates to the the fact of dual natures of individualities and where where the word individual also includes all the individualities of individuals and also the individual corpuses that also exist within the Makers Makings (like a plane of existence or Galaxy, is a corpus of worlds etc., that rest in it and same is for a universe, which itself is a corpus of galaxies, etc., and same is also for religions, that are also corpus of their adherents, etc., etc.,) …
Note continues: If it is resting in a hierarchy, it is either as an individual or as an individual corpus (i.e. corpus of individualities) and in such a state, if can never be free of dualities because individual and individual corpuses are always comparable, describable, can be defined as they relate to one or another aspect of the cosmic hierarchy only … But, the finality is free of suchness …
- Final reality is perfectly non dual because it is devoid of alternates …
This could be thus told …
Reality cannot be reality unless it is devoid of alternates
Being devoid of alternates, it also cannot be within attributes
Being devoid of attributes, it also cannot be in a comparative state to any other
Being in comparative state, non reality cannot be non dual
That which is all above, is naught the attributeless infinite (Nirgun Nirakaar)
Any other than above, is non real and non real is always dual …
DD) …
Path to the eternal, attributeless, infinite, omnipresent reality …
This is described in below mentioned headers …
- The path to attributeless infinite reality, is also pathless and partless …
This could be thus told …
Infinite is present everywhere, within and beyond the Makers Makings
Being such, it is also resting within and beyond allness and her each part
That who is such, is none other than omnipresent i.e. present everywhere
Omnipresent never has a single or fixed path, as it is present in every path
That who is present in every path, can only have a pathless yet partless path
That path to real which is pathless partless, is thus the final path (Brahmanpath)
Any path other than above, is not the direct path to the perfectly non dual finality of reality …
- As eternal, attributeless and infinite is finality of non dual reality, so is its path …
This could be thus told …
An inner sameness to the state that is to be self-realized, stands paramount
Self realization can never happen unless our inner state is same as the cognized
To self realize a beyond state, our path also has to be in sameness to that state
So, to know the eternal attributeless infinite real, path has to be of its sameness
Eternal attributeless infinite is beyond paths and parts, so its path also is same
So, pathless partless path, is the path (Brahman Path) that leads to Brahman
- Non real can also show itself as real … Duality can project itself as non duality …
This part of the discussion is basis my experiences of that which is told above and which as such was gained across those timeless times that have already passed during my own evolution and existence …
This aspect is what comes to fore during the course of evolution of any aspirant and when the aspirant knows the fact as stated here, that, non reality can also show itself as reality, or in other words, the duality can project itself in such a way, that it would be known as reality to the aspirant and whilst the aspirant is at its present state of evolution (or present evolutionary standing within the cosmic hierarchy) …
At a specific hierarchical standings within the macrocosmic hierarchies, and depending upon the subtlety or grossness of that evolutionary standing, a non reality can show itself as reality …
But as the aspirant evolves to a higher evolutionary standing, that non reality would ultimately be known in its reality of duality only …
Thus, basis above …
When we rest in a system of evolution (or a way of life or ways of a scripture) that relates to one of the divine worlds (or its divine controller or God or Devata), then we would also be believing that the divine controller is the reality and its divine world, the finality of heavens …
But when we finally enter that divine world and begin residing there, and then as we continues to further evolve (due to the effects of the principle of evolution) and finally qualify to exit out of that divine world, then at this time, the Deva (God or divine controller) of that divine world (Deva Loka) is the one who shows the way of exit from his controlled divine world …
This showing of the exit path from that divine world by the controller of that divine world is due to the fact, that, only the Devata (or God or divine controller) of that divine world, knows the exit path from his divine world … And thus, when we arrive at a ripeness and rightness of evolution to exit that divine world, then it is that Devata (God or controller of that divine world) who shows us the way of exit from his controller plane (heaven or divine world) …
And after exit from that divine world, when we reach the real next hierarchy of divinity, i.e. the next higher (or subtler) divine world and begin resting there, then at such a time (stage of evolution) we also know that the controller of that earlier divine world (i.e. Devata or God) is not the finality and that earlier divine world was also not the final heaven (as we had earlier on believed it to be so) …
Thus, it is also at this stage of evolution, that we would know and appreciate the essence of the sub-header of this topic, that, the non-real can also show itself as real and the dual can also show itself as non-dual or in other words, the non-finality can project itself as the finality at a specific evolutionary standing and which during he course of our eternal upwardly evolution, would be ultimately known as non reality …
Proceeding further …
And as the process of our evolution continues ever upwards, the same realizations keep taking place at each of those ‘further arrived’ divine worlds also … And as this continues across all the divine worlds that each microcosm has to transit through during its evolutionary existence within the Makersmakings, that microcosm would eventually self-realize the fact of that which is told below …
Duality of hierarchical apparent reality
Non duality of non hierarchical absolute reality
And such a microcosm (aspirant) would also appreciate the fact, that …
Duality can temporarily be believed as reality … Non duality can never be so
Proceeding further …
And as the aspirant keeps evolving and finally self-realizes the attributeless (colorless) infinite being, then this stage is the one which leads to a further realization about the existence of real and non real (or dual and non dual) in a state where one leads to the other, because one is present within (inside) the other itself …
This could be told as follows …
- Duality of perceived reality … There is also an existence of duality as reality … I.e. the dual can project itself as non dual or in other words, the non real can project itself as as real at a specific states of evolution (where that dual is capable to do so) …
- Reality of existence of duality … This is through a self-realization that duality is really existent as reality for a specific state of evolution and it is to that dual non real, that the aspirants evolutionary process would be associating and as long as that aspirant is resting at that evolutionary standing )where that duality can project itself as real) … This gives the realization of reality of existence of duality in all that is a part of and thus is related to those vast numbers and types of hierarchies that are existent within the macrocosmic creation …
- Duality of perceived and describable reality … This is through a self-realization of the fact, that if the reality is perceived in such a way, that it is describable through words of any language, then it actually naught but a non reality …
- Duality of analyzable reality … This is through a self-realization of the fact, that if the reality is perceived in such a way, that it can be analyzed in its parts (i.e. in any individuality and/or corpus), then it actually naught but a non reality … The reality is beyond parts, as it is the eternal partless omnipresent being …
Proceeding further …
And after this self-realization of the attributeless (colorless) infinite (undefined and thus indescribable) being, who as such is termed as ‘Swa Prakash (or self luminous or Swayam Prakash)’, the aspirant also self-knows the fact of what is written below …
Reality of existence non-duality within the entirety of Makers Makings
And the reality of existence of non-duality is even beyond the Makers Makings
Existence of duality is only within the Makers Makings and not beyond it
Non duality exists within and also beyond the Makers Makings
Thus, path of exit from entirety of Makers Makings can only be of non duality
Note: The word, Swa Prakash (or self luminous or Swayam Prakash means, that which illumines all because of IT’s presence within and beyond all and yet keeps ITself hidden within and beyond all, but only until the aspirant attains to an evolutionary ripeness and rightness (of evolutionary standing of the aspirant) so as to self-realize IT and where that self-realization of real is also as that aspirants own innermost essence (or Atman) … And after this is also the stage is where the aspirant self-realizes the innermost essence of all Vedic Mahavakyas (Vedic great statements) …
And thus that aspirant also self-sees the below written facts …
- Reality which is attributeless and infinite, is omnipresent within and beyond the Makers Makings …
- And non reality which is present only within the Makers Makings is projecting itself as a reality at differing states of evolutionary standings (and their corresponding states of existences) and which ultimately relate to different controlling entities of different heavens …
- The non reality projects itself as reality, but only at specific stages of evolutionary process which relate to that non reality itself … And there really is no choice with that non reality, other than to project itself as the reality at that specific state of aspirants evolutionary process because if it projects itself as non reality, then nothing would like to unite to (or associate to) it which in turn would lead to absence of flows and dynamism within it and its plane (heavens) and which in turn would lead to its end time to come by … To understand this, refer to the earlier discussed law of cosmic flows and dynamism …
- This in turn renders a self-realization that dual non real is ever changeful … I.e. that which changes, is not the non dual real …
This in turn renders the following self-realized knowledge to such an aspirant (who passes through and also goes beyond all above listed aspects of the dual non reality) …
- Eternal reality of non duality …
- Perfect non duality of reality …
- Ever changeful reality of duality …
- Ever changeful duality of non reality …
Note: All above stated aspects shall not be explained in detail here, as I expect interested aspirants to self-know them, through their own self-realizations whose path is also within the purviews of this topic … Something must be left for aspirants also … Plus if I were to explain these in all their aspects, then this topic would need a thousand or even more pages of writing …
And in this self study, the aspirant would also know the fact as stated below …
- Ever differing manifestation of non reality as reality, during the aspirants evolutionary process …
- Ever changeful aspect of duality as it projects itself as non duality for one or more specific stages of aspirants evolutionary process and which itself are resting within the purviews of macrocosmic hierarchy …
Intrinsic attaching nature of dualities or non reality …
But in this self-study that relates the path of self-knowing above stated facts and thence their further self-analysis, aspirants must be careful of intrinsic attaching nature of dualities (non reality) especially when those dualities are projecting themselves as non dual real …
And thus an aspirant must also strive to attain to the perfect detachment as is of the real non dual finality (i.e. attributeless infinite being or Nirguna Nirakara Brahma) or else that aspirant would only get stuck in one or another of those non realities that would be s projecting themselves as reality …
As a matter of fact … These points are to be kept in mind when analyzing the non real so as to know the non real prior it effectively attaches to an aspirant …
- Dualities or non realities always have an intrinsic attaching nature …
- Non duality or reality is a perfectly detached state, that is only as an eternal witness of all the ever changeful and ever present diverse plays of the dual non reality …
- Once you know the non real as non real (or in other words, once you have known the dual as dual), it always un-attaches itself from you (but of course with a little effort from you to get detached from the non real) …
- And once you have known the real as real (or in other words, once you have known the non dual as non dual), you always rest in a state of perfect detachment from all that is non real and thus is dual …
Understanding some other aspects of dual and non dual, real and non real …
Moving on to the next aspect of this analysis which is continuing from above discussions …
And during the deeper (or subtler) aspects of this analysis be careful of what is listed below …
- Non duality of non reality … If one is not careful of this fact, then the non reality would project itself as non duality … But this would also be a temporary affair only as the truth of real cannot be hidden for long …
- Reality of existence of duality as non duality, but only at those specific evolutionary standings where suchness can be there … Thus, know the ever changeful nature of duality as a newer manifestation of non reality, as this would keep happening as you keep proceeding further and further (deeper and deeper) in this analysis …
- And to understand this and thus keep away from its perils (i.e. not get attached to it), consider the following example as given below …
Example of above: Consider a coin, that has its heads on one side and tails on another … As long as you look only at one side of this coin, you would only believe that side as the non dual real … So, unless you look at both the sides, you won’t understand the aspect of duality of the coin, which as such is told here, as the heads and tails … But in that deeper analysis of non real and real, also remember that unlike this simple example of a coin, that has only two sides, the reality of existence is duality and especially when the duality projects itself as reality, would only be having many sides (aspects and dimensions) and unless all these are taken into the analysis, the fuller knowledge of it, wouldn’t even be attained by the aspirant …
Some other aspects of this self-realized knowledge could be told as follows …
- Existence of duality as non duality within the Makers Makings is a matter of fact …
- Existence of non reality as reality within the Makers Makings is a matter of fact …
- And yet, all those dual non real’s are only a transient phase of one’s evolutionary process and where they keep manifesting in their real nextness until the aspirant finally self-knows that who is attributeless and infinite (i.e. Nirguna Nirakaar or simply Brahman) …
Thus, in the fullness of this self-analysis that is carried out by the aspirant, that aspirant would also know what is subtly stated below …
- Undefined, incomparable, indescribable existence of “non dual reality as finality” of this self realization and which is also non hierarchical and thus it doesn’t even relate to the any of the macrocosmic hierarchies …
And since everything in the macrocosmic creation is based within her hierarchies, so that finality which doesn’t even relate to the cosmic creation and any of her hierarchies, is also beyond the cosmic creation, even when it (reality) is also present inside her envelope (because the analyzer or aspirant had analyzed the real whilst that aspirant was resting within the macrocosm itself, so that real is also present inside the macrocosm) … This leads to a self-realization of the omnipresent nature of the finality of “non dual reality” where the reality is self-realized to be existent within and beyond the Maker’s Makings …
- Defined, comparable and describable ever changeful hierarchical existence of “non dual non reality which projects itself as the ever changeful non dual reality” during various stages ones evolutionary process which itself is related to the cosmic hierarchical states (where that non real can do so) … And thus the aspirant would also know that the the reality of existence of duality is also a matter of fact within the supreme genius of the Makersmakings …
And the process of progress of this self-analysis, which leads the aspirant from one state of non real projecting itself as the real (for that particular state of evolutionary existence which is being analyzed) and as this keeps progressing further and further into those ever higher evolutionary standings and their higher states of existences, that aspirant would eventually also self-realize …
- The ever changeful nature of duality and irrespective of whether that duality is believed as real or non real …
- Ever changeful nature of non reality and irrespective of whether that duality is believed as non dual or dual …
- And after above stage of self-knowledge, that aspirant would also know, that non real and thus dual, is naught but transitory and thus is an illusion, and it can still attach itself to the aspirant, but only if the aspirant allows it to do so (and which itself is after the aspirant only attaches to it) … That aspirant who gets attached to it, would also get stuck in it for a pretty long time and until that attachment remains due to ignorance of its intrinsic duality and thus its intrinsic non reality …
- Unless the aspirant would know its intrinsic duality and thus also know its intrinsic non reality, the further stage of being detached from it would not even manifest … This is as, ‘you can only detach from something, after you have known its non real and thus dual nature’ …
- Thus, the aspirant would also know that each non real (i.e. each dual) is only seen as non dual and real until its intrinsic duality is known …
- Thus, the aspirant also knows, that each dual and thus non real is transitory and thus is only as “Good from far, but far from good” …
- As long as you don’t analyze it fully, this fact of non real and thus dual being (Good from far and yet being far from good) would never be known for those aspects, that are already projecting themselves as real for a specific plane of existence (or way of life or state of existence or a specific evolutionary standing of that analyzer or aspirant) …
Proceeding further …
And finally for this sub-headers discussion … The aspirant must remember the following points …
- You can only know something, when you inwardly are in sameness to that thing and where this sameness must be reflected as sameness of your inner subtlety to the thing, that you wish to self realize …
- The best way to attain to this sameness is through feelings (Bhava) … This is because, as are your primary feelings (or Bhava), so shall be the appropriate instrument (Sadhan) that would get manifested for you so as to render you the path, that leads to that, to which the feeling was relating …
As a matter of fact …
- Bhava (feeling) is having the Sadhan (instrument) inherent in it …
- But the Sadhan doesn’t even manifest, until your own Bhava is firmly established …
- Firmly established it only is, when even in your awake, sleep and dream states, these feelings (Bhava) remain maintained …
And now regarding duality of non reality …
- It will project itself as your finality, unless you finally know its dual nature …
- It would be your friend, until to end up in a trouble that relates to your own ever progressing evolutionary process …
- And after this, it would bind you to it for a considerable amount of time and until you eventually realize its binding nature, prior you enter into a detachment to it and thus move beyond it …
- And thus, you would know the following facts about the real and non real …
The real is eternally unbound … The unbound never binds anything
Non real is eternally bound … Bound always binds if you come in its purviews
Thus, basis this self-experience that would keep happening in all stages of the aspirant’s evolutionary progress, ultimately the aspirant would also know the following facts …
Binding or attaching aspect is always of the dual non reality
Non dual reality is only as supreme detachment from allness and her each part
- Amount of detachment to the entire corpus of duality determines state of evolution …
Higher evolved ones are only higher in their evolutionary standing, because they rest in a higher inner detachment towards allness and her each part …
As an aspirant keeps evolving higher and higher in his (or her) macrocosmic standing, the inner detachment to parts of allness also expands (increases) within that aspirant …
Lower evolved is an aspirant, more attached would that aspirant be to all that relates to the world where he (or she) resides … And thus, at lower evolutionary standings, the attachments that an aspirant holds towards parts of allness (like a text, scripture, way of life, religion, land where that aspirant lives, etc.) would also be higher …
So basis above, are the below stated facts …
- Higher number and amount of attachment denotes a lower evolutionary standing …
- A greater detachment to allness and her each part, denotes a higher evolutionary standing …
And basis above is another fact as told below …
- Lower states of existences (i.e. grosser worlds like this one) have higher quantum of attachments to parts of allness …
- Higher states of existences (i.e. subtler or divine realms of existences) have lesser quantum of attachments to parts of allness …
And now regarding the final liberation (Kaivalya) …
- Finally liberated is where an aspirant is fully detached from the entirety of Makers Makings … And this itself is because Brahman to who the final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) relates, is also such only …
- Brahman (or Para Brahman) is only as a witness of allness and her each part and thus, in the state where the aspirant attains to the finally liberated state (or Kaivalya or Moksha), that aspirant also sees the ever changeful dances and plays of allness and her each part, as a mere and distant witness would …
Thus, basis above …
- Unless the aspirant’s inner detachment is to entire corpus of allness (which also includes her each part), final liberation would only remain as a distant dream …
This state of final liberation, which as such is the stage of being in a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part, could be thus described …
- When all that is as Makers Makings becomes fully detached to an aspirant, then only does that aspirant walk alone and into that full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part … Is denoting the stage of attainment of Kaivalya (final liberation) …
- That finally isolated state is whilst only being as a distant and detached witness of allness and her each part …
- Such an aspirant only observes everything as a distant and detached witness, but doesn’t get inwardly involved in, with, of and for anything … For such an aspirant, the plays of microcosm’s and macrocosm are naught but a transitory illusionary dream …
- Thus, those ancient Vedic sages who saw the finality in suchness as described here, also told that the entire macrocosmic creation is naught but an illusion and dream of creator of allness …
- The real permeates and envelopes the non real … Non real is the path to real …
This could be told as follows …
- The subtlety and grossness only relate to macrocosmic creation and her hierarchies …
- The finality of reality is beyond concepts of subtlety and grossness, and yet is the subtle of all subtler and grosser states of the Makers Makings and which itself is due to being beyond concept of subtlety and grossness …
- Reality being the subtle of all subtler and grosser macrocosmic hierarchies, also permeates (pervades) the entirety of cosmic hierarchy of gross and subtle …
- As also, it was within the finally realized reality that allness of cosmic creation and its hierarchy of subtlety and grossness were self-originated and thus the finally realized reality, is also the one in whose envelopes allness of macrocosm exists with all its varied microcosmic states and their hierarchies of subtlety and grossness …
- Thus, basis above, the finality of reality itself is the original reality that was prior to origination of the Makers Makings … And where the Makers Makings had self-originated within that finality of reality, that eternally envelopes her (Makers Makings) …
- Thus, the originality of reality, which itself is the finality of reality that would be self-realized by any aspirant, is the original and also the final pervader and enveloper of allness and her each part and yet is beyond the concept of pervader and pervaded because it only remains as a supreme detached witness of the plays of all parts of allness …
- And where allness and her each part, is also none other than being a self-expressed (Swayam Abhivyakti), self-manifested (Swayam Utpann) and self-present (Swayam Sthit) state of the the same original and final reality …
- And as a matter of fact, the self-manifested state (Abhivyakti) always moves towards its own self-expresser (Abhivyakta) … This process is what evolution means …
- And this process of evolution, itself happens whilst the self-manifested state (i.e. Abhivyakti) rests within and as one or another aspect of the cosmic self-expression of the ever-same self-expresser of allness … This is what makes the process of evolution of anyone (or anything) to be none other than a state where each of the self expressed are only traversing through an ever higher hierarchy, that itself is of the other self-expressed states of the same self-expresser of allness and her each part …
- Thus, basis above, the self-expressed is also a path to the self-expresser of allness and her each part … And this is what makes the macrocosmic creation and her hierarchies to be a part of the universal process of evolution and which itself is the only process (of evolution) within the entirety of Makers Makings …
- And since the self-expressed is the one which is ever changeful, and thus is the non real, so due to this reason, the non real itself is as the path of evolution of all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings and which eventually is also leading to and ultimately terminating within the real (self expresser of allness) …
- Thus, the non real itself is as the path to real as stated in the sub header of this topic …
Analyzing above …
This is why the self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages has told and also laid down the paths which though were relating to one or another aspect of macrocosm or microcosm, and where even when these paths were apparently relating to the none real only, yet these paths were eventually leading to the ever-same real whom these Vedic sages has addressed as Nirguna Nirakara Brahm (i.e. attributeless infinite absolute being) and had also addressed the same as Param Brahma (Parambrahma), Para Brahman (Parabrahman), Brahm, Brahman, Paramshiva, etc., …
As also since Prakriti who as such is the pristine divinity (omnipotent energy of Brahman or Shakti or Power of Brahman) is also a primordially timeless entity (beyond concept of calculable or inferred time) and thus she also happens to be the eternally endless self-expression of Brahman and since the entire manifested macrocosm is naught but a self-manifested state of that primordial energy who permeates and envelopes all parts of the macrocosm and keeps driving them through their evolutionary real nextness, and since energy (Shakti) aspect of Ma Prakriti (or mother nature) is neither created nor destroyed, so it was due to this reason, within the Vedic lore, Prakriti is also told as follows …
- Prakriti is the first and full self-expression of the absolute being …
- Prakriti is the supreme divinity (Shakti) of the supreme being …
- Prakriti is the eternal messenger and consort of the absolute being …
And this is why, only in Vedic ways of life is it possible to utilize the ever changeful and thus ever different hierarchies of macrocosmic mother nature (Ma Prakriti) and yet attain to the finality of reality, which eternally permeates and envelopes all that is non real (non truth or dual) …
And this is why only in Vedic ways of life, is it possible to reach to the real and that too, whilst utilizing the ever changeful states of the non real and thus comply to the statement of this sub-header, that the “non real is a path to the real” …
As also, since the path of evolution, which also is none other than an intrinsic part of the vast self-expression of ever-same the absolute being (Brahman or Nirguna Nirakaar Brahma or simply Brahm), so even the path is of Prakriti, because Prakriti itself is the first and full self expression of Brahman and is as the eternal energy of Brahman which eternally drives the entire macrocosmic creation and her each part through her vastly pluralistic ways and she only drives all to Brahman itself and where this driving to Brahman itself denotes her essential monism …
Irrespective of where an aspirant may reside within the Makers Makings, Prakriti can never be escaped from as she is the universal divinity (or energy or Shakti) of Brahman …
Thus due to being universal, Prakriti itself was utilized by Vedic sages as the universal path of Vedas, because in such a case, the same path would also stay applicable across the entirety of evolutionary process of the aspirant and irrespective of whether that aspirant is existent here or in any other state of existence of the Makers Makings …
And this is what makes the entire evolutionary process, to be termed as a universal process (i.e. one process that only is, of evolution) within this text …
And where that universal process itself rests within the envelope and pervadement of Ma Prakriti, i.e. the first and full self of Brahman and where she is also as the fullness of divinity of Brahman (Brahm Shakti) …
EE) …
Knowledge of finality of reality of non duality …
- Non disclosure of knowledge of real … Real is the eternal indescribable …
This is due to below stated fact, which as such is not the only one that relates to the header of this topic …
- The macrocosm and microcosm is related to a vast hierarchy of ever changeful and eternally evolving flows and dynamism of each microcosm … This has already been discussed in the law of non sameness … The entire macrocosm and its each microcosm is also related to cosmic vibrations, and their cosmic hierarchy …
- And on contrary to above, the non dual real only relates to absence of vibrations, flows and dynamism and their hierarchy (which also is of aspects that relate to terms like, subtlety and grossness) …
- So, if the fuller self realized knowledge is openly disclosed, then there is also a chance of aspirants getting liberated in such numbers, that the world would be emptied out …
- And in such a case, there could also be a sudden reduction of flow and dynamism within that worlds etheric field, which would only lead to a chain reaction of collapse of the world, if this drop is sudden and also of a large quantum (due to large number of aspirants entering into the real, after listening to the knowledge of the really non dual) …
- To prevent such a state, the real has always been self-realizable and yet indescribable …
- All that can be told about the real, is the knowledge of a pointer that points towards IT …
- And this is why, the real has never ever been fully disclosed by anybody … You can self-know it, but won’t have any words to describe it in any way that is other than as some pointers ‘of and towards’ IT … This is also a part of the Law of wise ones (wise ones law), which shall be taken up in a later topic …
- Some pointers to, of and towards the real non dual …
Here we shall be discussing the real non dual, but this discussion shall mostly be from a reciprocal aspect of it …
- If it is capable of Love, material wealth, sex, pleasures, desires, thoughts … It is non-real …
- If it is capable of any kind of change … It is non real …
- If it is capable of being fully understood, or argued, reasoned or judged about … It is non real …
- If it is capable of attachment and un-attachment … It is non real …
- If it is not within a state of full, final and permanent detachment to allness and her each part (i.e. entire macrocosm and all her microcosm’s) … It is not real …
- If upon union to it, the aspirant doesn’t see himself (or herself) as a supreme witness of allness and her each part … IT is non real …
- If it is capable of being or associated to any of the Triguna (i.e. three cosmic attributes) which are of quality of neutrality (Sattva Guna), quality of action (Rajoguna) and quality of inertia (Tamoguna) … It is non real …
- If it is capable of flow-ness … It is non real …
- If it is not in sameness to its own essence (Atman) … It is non real …
- If it is still capable of any evolution or regression … It is non real …
- If it is capable to be reached by words, descriptions, imaginations, analysis, judgment, assumptions, flights and fancies of mind or knowledge … It is non real …
- If it could be defined … it is non real …
- If it could be discussed, written about, visualized, imagined or worked upon … it is not real …
- If it could be reached by the mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha or Manomaye Kosha), vital air sheath (or Pranamaya Kosha or Pranamaye Kosha), knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaye Kosha or Vijyanmaya Kosha) or bliss sheath (or causal body or Karana Sharira or causal sheath or Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Anandamaya Kosha) … It is not real …
- If it is non real, then it is naught but dual in its very nature .. And this statement is irrespective of whether it is apparent as reality from here, there or anywhere within the entire macrocosmic creation and during any point of time of the aspirants evolutionary process …
Now a few direct some pointers the the non dual reality …
- Where realizer, realized and realization are seen as one and the same, is naught but the non dual real …
- Where knowledge, knower and known become one, is naught but the non dual real …
- Where experience, experiencer and experienced become one, is naught but the non dual real …
- Where witness, witnessed and process of witnessing become one, is naught but the non dual real …
- Where an utter soundlessness is the only sound, is the real …
- Where the subtle sounds of thoughts neither come nor don’t come, to an aspirant, is the real …
- That which is flowless, devoid of vibrations, their dynamism and their hierarchies, is the real …
- Where both the believed reality and the and the ever changeful experienced duality are both equally absent, is the perfectly non dual real …
- Where all that you have ever known, gained and thus attained to during all your earlier stages of evolutionary process, becomes totally inconsequent for you (or in other words, you deem it as useless or you deem it as ‘not required any further’) and thus you spontaneously and automatically end up detaching to the entirety of allness and her each part … Is the perfectly non dual real …
Note: In above bullet point, automatic detachment means, without any cause from you and thus that detachment is also without any deed done by you … When it is without a cause (and thus is without any deed) then it also cannot generate any further effect (or fruit) for you … And the fact remains, that such a causeless and effectless process also extinguishes all previous cause and effect that you had ever gained during your entire evolutionary existence within the Makers Makings and which itself denotes a state of final liberation …
- Attributeless, eternal, infinite and omnipresent is vibrationless and nameless …
Regarding IT’s attributeless-ness …
How can that which is attributeless rest in attributes, of vibrations and words
Thus, the attributeless is soundless, flowless and devoid of all dynamism
Wordless, vibrationless, flowless is devoid of dynamism, and thus is nameless
Regarding IT’s timeless and fathomless eternity …
How can that which is eternal, ever have a system whose origin is traced in time
Systems or ways of life of eternal, can only be beginningless and thus endless
Eternal rests within and beyond all that exists, during entirety of triple times
Regarding its non comprehendible infinity and thus its undefined nature …
How can that which is infinite be restricted within a single scripture or path
Path of eternal being pathless and partless, permeates and envelopes all paths
Infinite simultaneously rests within and beyond all paths and ways of life
Regarding its omnipresence within allness and her each part … And also beyond …
How can that which is omnipresent, be restricted to a single heaven of God
All Gods and heavens are one or another self expression of the omnipresent
Omnipresent is also permeating and enveloping all these Gods and heavens
Any other than above, is denoting the duality of non reality …
- The sage resting in reality (Brahman) is the supremely auspicious one (Shiva Manifest or Shiva Swarupa) …
Relation of the stage when one attains to reality and thus attains to the finally liberated state by attaining to an inner oneness to Parabrahman … And its further relation to the supremely and finally auspicious one (Shiva) …
- Finally liberated state is of being in oneness to Brahman (I.e. being permanently, fully and firmly established within the essence of the term, Brahmatva) …
- That state of being, where the aspirants innermost essence (Atman) is self-realized to be completely absorbed in Brahman, is the state which means as being in Brahmatva …
- And from the point of view of Atman, the state of Brahmatva also means the stage where the aspirants mind (Manas), knowledge (Buddhi or Vijyana), consciousness (Chitta), I’ness (Ahamkara) and vitality (or vital airs or Prana) loses their earlier natures and become one with Brahman … This state is the finality of phrase, “Oneness to Brahman”, which as such is also the meaning of the Sanskrit word of Brahmatva … Thus Brahmatva means, that which was of the aspirant, is not Brahman and where Brahman itself is as the aspirants Atman …
- Thus, when any aspirant self-realizes the eternal fact which was told as Atman is Brahman (and which is also told through the statement of Atma is Brahma), then this is what denotes the accomplishment of the final union to Brahman and which as such is as “oneness with Brahman” and this is what is actually meant by Sanskrit term of Brahmatva …
- And this condition of being within an inner oneness with Brahman, is like a drop merges to the ocean and in turn becomes the ocean …
- Final liberation is of being in a full, final and permanent detachment to allness and her each part …
And basis above, is the fact about the correct path of evolution …
- Unless the path of evolution is leading to a full and final detachment to allness and her each part, it cannot even be as a path to final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) …
As a matter of fact …
- Higher is the state of evolution, more is an aspirant detached from parts of allness …
- All paths that lead to any sort of attachment, including attachments to a centered entity (God, etc) are not the paths of a final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) … Final liberation (or final emancipation) is only when you are also detached to Gods, their heavens, their ways of life and codes or systems, etc., …
- The finally liberated one is also beyond the scopes of control by Gods and their heavens …
For any finally liberated sage who has already attained to the supremely auspicious final state (Shivatva), following is what could be told …
What use are scriptures to those, who have already known their finality
What use are ways of Gods for those, who have gone to a state beyond them
What use is macrocosm for one who simultaneously stands inside and beyond it
And further to above …
What use are concepts of bondage and liberation to one who is fully liberated
What use are scriptures for those, who have known their union with Brahman
If someone were to ask the macrocosm about the whereabouts of such a sage (as described above), then the reply would invariably be …
He was … But now he is not … He has attained to Kaivalya
As of now … He exists … Yet he exists not
And as of now … He is … Yet he is not
He is Shiva … Because only Shiva finally is and simultaneously is not
He who has attained to Shivatva (oneness to Shiva) … Exists and yet exists not
Further to above …
Who is worthy of worship of the one who has attained to Kaivalya
The sage in Kaivalya, only worships his own Atman, Himself within Himself
Sage of Kaivalya, is isolated from everything after he knows his self as Sadashiva
And even further to above …
He who has known himself as Shiva, worships none but his own reality (self)
Who can be worthy of worship by Shiva … Shiva meditates on none but his self
Nobody can be worshipped by the sage who knows himself as Shiva
Such a sage only worships his self, that itself is the self of allness and each part
Above is Shivatva i.e. being Shiva (supremely auspicious one) even whilst alive
Describing the sage who has attained Shivatva (Shiva-hood) …
For such a sage, liberation and bondage have no meaning … He is beyond both
He knows real as real … He knows the non real as dual in all its manifestations
He relates to the real while accepting existence of non real, to who he detaches
And he knows, detachment is permanent only if it is to entire corpus of non real
Sage of real attains Poorna Sannyasa (detachment from allness and each part)
But yet, the sage of reality may choose his time of entering into Purna Sanyasa
Continues …