This is the law of the mega evolved ones (or Mega evolved one) … These are those highly evolved one (mega evolved ones) who have gone past the entire flows and dynamism of macrocosmic creation and thus have qualified to enter into their final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) and yet have chosen not to do so … Thus, these mega evolved are the ones who have deferred their liberation for benefit of other aspirants … One each of the three types of mega evolved ones that have been discussed here, are my Guru …
And due to above they also remain with no choice but to exit out of the universe within which they had been residing (or existing) and evolving till then and thence willfully choose to enter into the state of cessation of their own flows and dynamism …
But because they still exist within the purviews of the larger multi-universal macrocosmic creation which itself is based within the purviews of the earlier discussed Law of flows and dynamism, so their state of cessation can never be full and/or permanent … And due to this limitation, such mega evolved ones ultimately have to get into those jobs which are beyond the scopes of doings of other highly evolved ones …
And thus, these are the ones who eventually take over the roles of being the creator, sustainer and rejuvenator of the universe … So, due to this reason, this law can also be termed as the law of trinity, law of creator preserver and destroyer or Trideva Siddhanta (Tri Deva Siddhanta) … And this law can also be termed as the law of creator (Brahma Siddhanta), law of preserver (Vishnu Siddhanta) and law of rejuvenator (Shiva Siddhanta or Rudra Siddhanta) …
Due to above stated reasons, this law can also be called as the law of cessation of flows, law of cessation of dynamism, law of cessation of flows and dynamism and as law of cessation (or as law of final cessation) …
Beyond this state of cessation, the final isolation from allness (i.e. final liberation) is all that remains … And due to this reason, this topic can also be termed as the final macrocosmic law (final cosmic law or law of finality of existence within the Makers Makings) because of the fact, that beyond this law, the entity ceases to exist as a microcosm or macrocosm and thus as far as this law is concerned, it can also be termed as the last law of cosmic creation (or the final law of cosmic creation) …
Proceeding further …
As also, since the cessation of flows and dynamism can only be arrived at by an aspirant who already is a mega evolved one, i.e. one whose evolutionary standing is as high and/or even higher than the evolutionary standing of the universe within which that aspirant resides at that time, so this law can also be termed as the law of mega evolved ones, Mahamanava Siddhanta (Mahamanav Siddhant), the law of highly evolved ones (law of highly evolved one or law of highly evolved beings) …
Proceeding further …
As also, since these mega evolved ones ultimately take the jobs (or position or post) of being the future creator, preserver and rejuvenator (destroyer) of a future universe, so this law can also be termed as the law of future creator of allness (Bhavishya Brahma Siddhanta or Bhavishya Utpatti Siddhant or Brahma Siddhant or Utpatti Siddhant or Utpatti Krityam Siddhant), law of future preserver of allness (Bhavishya Vishnu Siddhanta or Bhavishya Stithi Siddhant or Vishnu Siddhant or Stithi Siddhant or Stithi Krityam Siddhant) and law of future rejuvenator or as the law of future destroyer of allness (Bhavishya Shiva Siddhanta, Bhavishya Rudra Siddhanta, Rudra Siddhanta, Shiva Siddhanta, Samhara Siddhant or Samhara Krityam Siddhant, Sanghara Siddhant or Sanghara Krityam Siddhant and as Samghara Siddhanta or Samghara Krityam Siddhant) …
In the entirety of timeless history of Maker’s Makings, within any universe, there have never been more than a few aspirants who attained to this mega evolved state … Thus, amongst all those countless microcosm’s that have gotten originated within the Makers Makings, not even “one zillionth of a one percentage” have ever attained to the mega evolved stature as is discussed in this topic …
And during that same timeless history of existence of the Maker’s Makings, there have also been many-many universes within which not even one aspirant could attain to this mega evolved status … Thus as far as the status of a mega evolved one is concerned, these mega evolved beings remain as the rarest of rare ones …
They are the ones who have self-entered into a state of cessation of their flows and dynamism and which itself was for the benefit of the universes and all microcosm’s that are or can be resting within in the universes of now or any future times …
This law of our discussion thus refers to the rarest of rare accomplishment ever possible during the entire history of Makersmakings …
And during those timeless and already forgotten times, that were of my much earlier incarnations and also those further incarnations that were attained through the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit texts is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh and which is also the one that in English texts is loosely termed as Virgin birth), such mega evolved ones of our current discussion, were also named as Mahamanava (i.e. Mahamanav) …
But the word Sanskrit word of Mahamanava (or Mahamanav) literally means, the great man amongst all universes, their men, beings and gods …
So this law can also be termed as Law of great man or the law of greater of all beings or the law of great man amongst all men, beings and gods … And since this is a rarest of rare attainment, so this law can also be termed as law of rarest of rare attainment, law of rarest of rare beings, etc., …
Note: As it has been with many of the discussed topics of this text, this is also a self-realized topic, so you won’t find many of the the words (that are told here) and aspects (which are discussed here) anywhere else … The problem with such topics is that the search engine optimization becomes a problem, because the search engine bot usually ignores those words and phrases, which it doesn’t understand (due to not being listed in the word lists of languages) … This has already been the case with many topics of this text … But at the same time, we should not change the aspects of our discussions of such topics that itself is based upon direct cognitions, so as to satisfy a manmade bot, isn’t it? … Such topics are for animate beings, i.e. those microcosm’s who hold a certain higher level of consciousness, knowledge and actional aspects and thus are definitely not for bots (of search engines) …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Law of cosmic conjunctions” …
Regarding above figure …
Above figure describes that self-realization which was when the consciousness was already out of the envelopes of the universe (in which my physical vehicle resides at this time) and whilst the consciously travelling subtle vehicle was resting within the Bhu Mahabhoot (or earth element or Prithvi Mahabhoot) that is of a dull yellow (or muddy yellow color or color of yellow soil) …
Proceeding further …
In that state which is out of (or beyond) the limited envelopes of a universe, all universe universes are seen to be having the shapes that are similar to a Vedic Shiva Lingam … And above painted sketch shows their bird’s eye view as was observed whilst the subtler conscious vehicle saw them from a state that was out of the limited envelopes of this universe (In which my presently adopted physical vehicle, currently resides) …
The diamond white colored lights which are shown on top of each of the Lingam shaped universes, is the universal etheric … This universal etheric field is of a state of perfect macro-equanimity (Sarva Samta or equanimity towards allness and her each part) and thus, it is of a diamond white color … This diamond white color also relates to the Sadyojata face of Shiva …
And the vast sized dark colored cord (i.e. non-lighted cord) that is hanging from one of the painted Shivalingam shaped universes and is shown as attached to the etheric cord of one of the universes, is of a mega evolved one who is within cessation of flows and dynamism …
And the top part of dark color, denotes emptiness of allness (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or elemental emptiness or primordial state of emptiness or Shunya Tattva or simply Shunya or Shunyata) …
One each of the types of mega evolved ones who have been discussed here, has been and still is my Guru … And thus, this topic is of those three Gurujan, who as such are the mega evolved ones, about whom this topic describes …
Important Note: Since the mega evolved one who is ceased in laws (and who denotes the act of destruction, that itself is as rejuvenative-destruction) always acts in tandem with the mega evolved one who is ceased in process (and who denotes the act of preservation of allness), so as some places in this topic (and also in other topics of this text) I have only referred to the mega evolved one who is ceased in process (and thus have not referred to the mega evolved on who is ceased in macrocosmic laws) … In this topic, as far as possible these two would be kept separate in our discussions (But at some places this may not be possible especially when both are discussed in a condition in which they happen to act in tandem and whilst assisting each other) … So, in those discussions, readers discrimination is definitely advised as per the acts that are discussed there …
Note: This has been a very difficult topic to write about due to the fact, that, this knowledge is non-existent in this world during any Kaliyuga (degenerate age cycle) because it relates to a state which is beyond the universe within which I reside as of now to write it down … Plus, at times, I also had no words to describe that which is beyond the universe and yet is related to the universe … Some knowledge systems which relate to that which is beyond, are also difficult to describe especially when they have been non existent in the universe for a considerable amount of time that has already run into more than a few millenniums … And this is more so when the present knowledge systems that are rooted in that knowledge of beyond, also don’t describe those beyond states in those ways, which directly relate to it … This is what is the present state, as the present knowledge systems describe these mega evolved ones as Gods of sorts whereas the fact s they they were also existent as beings (including humans) at one point of time of their eternal evolutionary existence …
Note continues: Plus since this law describes the final stage of evolution (or the higher of all stages of evolutionary standing) that can ever be attained within the Makers Makings and which itself relates to that which is beyond the scopes of existence within any of the universes, so some lack of words to describe it in its fullness would definitely be there … But at the same time, whet is told in this and further topics of this part of the text, is the best that I could do with my limited capabilities as being a mere little student of the absolute being …
AA) …
Law of Cessation of flows and dynamism … Law of mega evolved ones … Law of Universe within universe …
This law could be thus described …
That aspirant who is evolutionarily ready to ‘be liberated’ and yet refuses, ultimately leave the universes and enters into cessation, but only after attaining the accomplishment of being “A” Universe within “The” universe
Here we shall discuss the stage of cessation of flows and dynamism in various stages and its aspects, but limited to that, which relates to this discussion, and not beyond (because I don’t have words to describe that which relates to beyond this universe, in which my physical vehicle currently resides) …
So in this series of topic which start from this one, even when whet is told here relates to that which is beyond, yet these discussions are only limited to their applicability to the universe … And not beyond …
AA-1) …
Who is a mega evolved one … Maha Manava … Ati Manava … Universe in Universe … Highly evolved one …
That aspirant who during the course of his (or her) evolution, keeps refusing (i.e. deferring) his (or her) liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) and thus continues within the evolutionary process even when he (or she) is already qualified to be liberated (i.e. attain to Mukti), ultimately attains a stature which is equal to the higher of all evolutionary levels (or hierarchies) that exist within the Maker’s Makings …
Such an aspirant ultimately holds a capability which is equal to or even higher than the universe in which he (or she) lives at that time …
Thus, such an aspirant ultimately attains to a capability that is equal to or even higher than the universe in which he (or she) then resides … And this is what makes that aspirant to be like ‘A’ universe within ‘The’ universe in whose envelopes that aspirant then resides and where such a condition is even when that aspirant has already evolutionarily-qualified to enter into that which is beyond all that is considered as beyond of any philosophy of any of the triple times …
All concepts that relate to this told fact, ultimately are of the mega evolved ones … This is what would be discussed in this and some further topics …
AA-2) …
Reasons for willingly accepting reduction of flows by mega evolved ones …
There are many reasons for this, so all cannot be discussed … But I would try to list the primary ones here …
1st reason … Incapability of aspirants physical vehicle …
As such a state of being “A universe within The universe” keeps arriving, then that aspirant also keeps willingly reducing his (or her) emanated flows and dynamism so as to continue as an animated being within the universe …
This willing reduction is due to the fact, that there can never be a case where that aspirant who holds such a high cosmic hierarchy and thus also has the capability to emanate the entire quantum of universal flows and dynamism from himself (or herself) can be able to continue as an animate microcosm within the universe …
This is because, much prior to this condition where that aspirant becomes equal to the universe in which he (or she) lives, that aspirants physical body would give way (as the physical vehicle can never take such a high quantum of flows and yet survive) …
Thus, since the physical vehicle is not having the capability to emanate such high quantum of flows and dynamism and yet be able to survive, so a wiling reduction of flows and dynamism remains as the only choice for such aspirants as they keep evolving to that mega evolved stature which is discussed here …
So, that condition when the aspirant holds a cosmic hierarchical standing which is almost equal to (or it could even be higher than) the universe in which he (or she) then resides, can also not be arrived unless the aspirant keeps willingly reducing his (or her) emanated flows and dynamism to a level which can be taken by his (or her) physical vehicle … If this willful reduction (of flows and dynamism) is not done, then it would be like a universe (i.e. the aspirant) resting within the universe (i.e. the universe in which that aspirant resides at that time) … And since such a condition is beyond the capability of the fragile physical vehicle, so if a willful reduction of emanated flows and dynamism is not done, then the chance of physical body (of that aspirant) dying would also be a definite probability …
So this was the first reason for willingly accepting a reduction of flows and dynamism by those aspirants who already are or are close to the stature of being mega evolved ones …
2nd reason … Great burst of universe …
As also, since a mega evolved one is like a universe within universe, so, prior to and after attaining that stature of being a mega evolved one, if the flows and dynamism are not willingly reduced, then it would also lead to excesses (or even doubling) of flows and dynamism within the universe in whose envelopes that aspirant resides at that time and which would also be beyond the capability of the universe to handle …
So, out of no choice such mega evolved aspirants, remain with no choice but to enter into a a continuous process of cessation of flows and dynamism as they keep evolving towards and into their further mega evolved statures … And after they have already attained to their mega evolved statures, they also remain with no choice but to enter into fuller state of cessation of their flows and dynamism, which itself leads to a condition where they hang out of the universe (in whose envelopes they had attained to their mega evolved statures) and thenceforth remain as non-lighted apparently-lifeless etheric fields …
If above is not done, then it would lead to excesses of flows and dynamism within the universe and which would also be higher than what can be handled by the universe at that time … And as a finality of not entering into a state of cessation, that mega evolved one who is like a universe within universe can also lead to great burst of the universe which in turn would completely destroy (and thus dissolute) that universe and make it return back into root nature (or primordial nature or emptiness) …
Above is because, if a mega evolved one doesn’t willingly reduce his (or her) emanated flows and dynamism, then it would only lead to doubling of flows and dynamism of the universe and if this happens, this condition would would only lead to a great burst of the universe …
3rd reason … Preservation of universe …
As a matter of fact, preservation principle (Stithi Siddhanta) is resting within both the creation principle (Utpatti Siddhanta) and destruction principle (Samhara Siddhanta) …
Thus, irrespective of whether a mega evolved one is ceased within principles (i.e. he or she is holder of the creation principle) or is ceased within process (i.e. he or she is holding the preservation principle) or is ceased within the cosmic laws (i.e. he or she is the holder of destruction principle), that mega evolved one always holds the preservation principle due to the fact, that creation and destruction are also based upon and within the preservation …
And above is due to the below stated reasons …
- Without preservation being present within origination process, the originated entities would never be able to maintain their originated state …
- Without reservation being present within the destruction process, the process of destruction would only lead to a complete dissolution (i.e. a complete annihilation) of the destroyed entities … And in such a case, cyclic existence and cycles of existence of microcosm’s would also not be possible … This is because the destroyed entity would never be able to re-originate in absence of the preservation principle being present within the destruction principle …
Note: It is due to above stated facts, that after destruction of anything (any microcosm, like the universe until an atom or cell), that destroyed entity always re-originates in a newer form or formless state and this itself is the root of cycles of existence …
Note continues: And it also was due to this fact of presence of preservation principle, which itself is of Sriman Narayana (Sri Vishnu), Vedic sages had told that, after a dissolution of universe (i.e. Mahapralaya), that dissoluted universe with all its dissoluted beings (microcosm’s which were resting within the universe at the instant when it had dissoluted) rest within Sriman Narayana …
AA-3) …
Reduction of flows and dynamism and entering into a final cessation …
When a state arrives where such aspirants cannot reduce their flows any further and yet they don’t desire their final liberation, then such aspirants also remain with no choice but to enter into cessation of flows and dynamism …
As discussed above, that after such a condition if that aspirant continues within a state that is against above paragraph and thus they do not adequately and willingly reduce their emanated flows and dynamism, then either due to their continuing evolution, they would reach a state where their physical vehicle would die (due to excess of flows and dynamism) or if they increase their flows, then the entire universe would have excess of flows and dynamism …
And if they resume their flows and dynamism to their maximum, then because of build of vast quantum of excesses, first their physical vehicle would die and then the universe would have a great burst …
Thus, basis above …
- A mega evolved one is that animate-highly-evolved-being, who due to its high evolutionary standing which itself is equal to (or can even be even higher than) the universe in which he (or she) then resides, can no longer continue as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings without being a risk to existence of other animate and inanimate beings and/or also being a risk to continuity of the universe …
- And thus, for the benefit of the universe and its microcosm’s (all beings and entities who reside within the universe) such a mega evolved one keeps reducing his (or her) emanated flows and ultimately reaches a stage, where any further reductions are no longer possible without the risk of his (or her) own de-incarnation and/or the risk of de-incarnation of the entire universe in which that mega evolved being rests at that time …
- And thus, after such a stage arrives, such a mega evolved one also remains with no choice but to enter into a complete cessation of flows and thence hang as a vast-sized lifeless non-lighted etheric field out of that universe within whose envelopes that mega evolved one had attained to its giant macrocosmic standing …
AA-4) …
Definition of a mega evolved one (Mega evolved being) …
Thus basis above, a mega evolved one could be defined as follows …
An aspirant who has already attained a state of evolution that is of sameness to (or higher than) the universe in which he (or she) resides and then that aspirant ceases existence as a microcosm within the universe by willingly entering into a state of cessation his (or her) emanated flows and which itself is for the continued existence of all other microcosms, who rest within that universe … And after entering into cessation, such an aspirant ultimately takes over the role of being a creator or preserver or destroyer of the present or future universes
Note: In these discussions, I have only described the three aspects (or creation, preservation and destruction) which relate to mega evolved ones … But in reality there also are two more, which as such are of veiling and unveiling … But these other two are not taken up here and shall be taken up when we discuss the subtle aspects of process of Makers Makings … The veiling is of the mega evolved one who is and remains as the un-ceased one within emptiness and thus is the universal omnipotent vitality of the entire multi-universe and who in Vedas is also addressed as Ma Shakti (Devi, Ma, Prakriti, Moola Prakriti, etc.) … And the unveiling is by that mega evolved one who is beyond the entirety of flows and dynamism and is also beyond the entirety of aspects of cessation and un-cessation and who as such is the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) who self manifests ITself as a divine being whom Vedas have addressed as Ganesha (Ganapati) … Thus, veiling which leads to bondage, is of Devi (Ma Shakti) and unveiling which leads to final emancipation is of Ganesha (Ganapati) …
AA-5) …
Creator of a universe and creator of a multi-universe …
Here we would discuss the creator in his two aspects … 1st being as a creator of a single universe and 2nd being as the creator of the entre multi-universal macrocosmic creation … And where the former is an intrinsic partless part of the latter …
1st part … Creator of the universe …
Even the creator of this universe (i.e. Brahma of this universe) was a sage (in a human form) during his earlier incarnation, which itself was during the time of a much earlier creator (i.e. this was during the time spans of a previous Brahma of a previous universe) … That sage attained to the state of being a mega-evolved one and thence he was ceased within the principles, after which he took over the position (or post) of being a creator (Brahma) of this universe …
“Each universe has its own Brahma and they all rest within the purviews of the Brahma of the entire macrocosm (creator of the multi-universal state of macrocosm)” …
Proceeding further …
The Brahma of a universe has a fixed time span of existence of 311.040 trillion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes) …
This is why, some Vedic sages who had self-realized Brahma of this universe and his divine abode (Brahmaloka) had told the above value of time span of existence of Brahma of this universe (but the Vedic values have always been for the middle stage of axial precession of this planet’s axis) …
2nd part … Creator of the entire multi-universe (Brahma of entire macrocosm) …
And contrary to above, the Brahma of the entire multi-universe (macrocosm) has stayed the same ever since the microcosm has originated at those timeless incalculable times which itself are beyond analysis and calculations of any sort …
Thus, those sages who has self-realized the Brahma of the entire multi-universal state of macrocosm had told that Brahma is a self-originated being (i.e. Brahma is a Swayambhu) and thus is an eternal being, and so is his macrocosm (i.e. multi-universe) …
Thus, it is also due to this reason, that Brahmasutras state as follows …
Nature is also as eternal as the “absolute being (Parabrahman)”
But nature is not denoting the “final liberation (Kaivalya)”
And yet nature definitely is as a “path to final liberation (Mukti Marga)”
Confusions due to 1st and 2nd parts discussed above …
Above is the main reason for confusion amongst many aspirants, as to whether the universe and its creator is eternal or not …
It was due to this reason, that there are differences about this aspect as was told by different Vedic sages, regarding the time span of existence of creator and his creation as written below …
- Some Vedic sages who had told about a fixed life span of creator and his universe (i.e. creator of a single universe) and yet others higher evolved sages had told about the creator and his creation (multi-universe or macrocosm) being eternal …
- And this confusion is because, they had used the same term (of Brahmand, which means macrocosm) for both these descriptions and where the former were referring to the creator of “a universe” and the latter were referring to the “creator of the entire multi-universe” …
- And where the former definitely has a fixed time span (as stated above) and the latter (i.e. multi-universe) is an eternal one, within whose envelopes the formers come by (get self-manifested due to their earlier attainments) then they stay for a while and thence are gone without even a trace of them in any future time …
During macrocosmic history … Many Brahmas of many universes …
Since the creator of a universe, is a mega evolved sage who attains to the position (or post or title) of a Brahma, and since during the eternal incalculable existence of the entire multi-universal macrocosm, there have been more than a few sages who had attained to this title (or being a Brahma of a universe), so as the macrocosmic creation progressed through those eternal triplicity of fathomless times, many sages attain to this title and thence qualify to create their own universes, of which they themselves remain as Brahma (creator deity) …
And where each of these universes also continue till the life time of a Brahma (of a single universe) which as such is the same as what is told above (But this time span is as per Vedic time units or middle time units of the axial precession of earth’s axis) …
As long as the mega-evolved one who takes over the role of being a creator exists, his created universe also exists …
And when that Brahma of a universe ends his role as creator, then that universe which was created by him earlier on, also perishes … This means, the creator originates his own universe which also dissolves into its own cause (or dissolutes) after that creator ends his destined lifetime …
As a matter of fact …
As is the creation of a creator, so it everything else within that creators universe
The same is applicable to each philosophy (religion, etc.,) because as long as its centered entity (God. Etc.,) continues as the centered entity of that philosophy, that philosophy exists …
Sanskrit word Brahm (Brahman) … Aspects of Brahman (Brahm) and Brahma …
In reality of things …
- The Sanskrit word which is told as Brahm and also as Brahman (or Para Brahman) who is also addressed as Sarva Sakshi (a fully detached eternal witness of all), etc., and who is also “self of all that ever is or could ever be (i.e. the Atman of all)” only relates to the omnipresent attributeless infinite being (absolute being) …
- That Parabrahman (attributeless infinite being) is the self-expresser of allness, which includes the creator of each universe (i.e. Brahma of each of the universes) , the creation (each of the universes) and the creation process (Tantra of Brahmand or Brahmand Tantra) …
- Thus, everything really is a self-expression of Parambrahma (Attributeless infinite supreme being) … And where that attributeless infinite being self-manifests as the created and creation process …
- That attributeless infinite being (i.e. Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman) could thus be loosely addressed as “Brahma of the entire multi-universe” even when this as such is not true as the entire multi-universe is only as his own self-expressed, self-manifested self-presence as macrocosm and each microcosm …
- And where the word microcosm also includes each universe and its creator (Brahma), preserver (Vishnu) and destroyer (Shiva or Rudra) … Thus, it was due to this reason, that within the Vedic lore, these three deities are also depicted in human form and which itself is due to the fact, that their form is also one of those vast numbers of primary self-expressions of Brahman (supreme being) …
And above itself is due to the fact, that in reality of things, everything that is as macrocosm and microcosm (including the Brahma of a universe) is naught but one or another of those vast and countless numbers of self-expressions, self-manifestations and self-presence of the ever-same and thus eternal Brahma of the entire multi-universe (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman) …
In this topic, we shall not discuss the Brahma of the entire multi-universe, but instead restrict our discussions to the Brahma of a single universe …
Three primary aspects of Brahman …
As was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” Brahman has three primary self-expressions … These are as follows …
- Saguna Sakara … This means attributed form … This is like a being of form …
- Saguna Nirakara … This means attributed formless … This is like a divine world of a God … And this term (or Sagun Nirakaar) also relates to those Gods of recent monotheistic systems, who though are formless yet are having attributes and thus they also have sky high ego’s (i.e. their I’ness is still individualistic or in other words, their Ahamkara is still not free of afflictions) …
- Nirguna Nirakara … This means attributeless formless … When we use the word formless (Nirakaar or Nirakara) with the word attributeless (Nirgun or Nirguna), then that formless is naught but the undefined infinite (Ananta) … This is the original aspect of Brahman from which above two get self-expressed and thus remain as IT’s (Brahman’s) own self-expressions …
Note: In reality, as long as that God still has attributes (i.e. that God still exists within purviews of the Sanskrit term of Saguna),that god can never be eternal … Thus, no god of such forms (Sakara) or of formless states (i.e. Nirakara) is eternal … Due to this reason, no God who comes under purviews of words like Sagun Sakara (which means as ‘attributed yet in form’) and the word of Sagun Nirakara (which means as ‘attributed yet formless’) can ever be termed as eternal …
Note continues: Such Gods and their philosophies just come by as per the demands of a specific cycle of time (or wheel of time or Kaalchakra), then they stay for a while (until that wheel of time or cycle of time supports them) and thence when a newer cycle of time (or newer aspect of the ever moving wheel of time) come by and ultimately, these philosophies are also gone without even a trace of them in any distant future where the then cycle of time (or Kalchakra) doesn’t support them …
Note continues: Thus, only when the English term ‘eternal (which in Sanskrit language means Sanatan)’ relates to that who is ‘attributeless and infinite (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara)’, does this word ‘eternal’ denote the finality of eternity which as such is timeless in its beginning and fathomless in its endless nature …
Note continues: And since that eternal who as such is attributeless (I.e. Nirguna) is only as a fully detached witness of allness, so all Gods who are not so, also don’t denote the Absolute being (Param Brahma) to who all roads (or paths) eventually lead … And this is even when, without their sky high self-serving ego’s, they also are naught but the same supreme being (Param Brahma) …
AA-6) …
Two choices prior entering into cessation of flows and dynamism …
Cessation of flows … Literal cessation is what it means … And where that cessation is also willingly accepted by the aspirant …
Whenever any aspirant reaches a stage where its own emanated etheric flows and dynamism are of such subtle and vast quantum which cannot be handled by the universe in which that aspirant resides at that time, then that aspirant also remains with only two choices …
- First is to limit one’s own emanations … This means, limit the types and quantum of one’s own emanated flows to a level which is low enough to make that aspirant to remain fit to continue within that universe and thus complete his (or her) destined time span of that particular incarnation …
- Second is to exit out of the entire macrocosm and thence enter into Shunya Brahman i.e. Shunya Ananta (or the zero infinite), which itself is the Ananta Shunya (infinite zero) … Such an aspirant can also choose to enters into a finally liberated state (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha) …
- And if the aspirant doesn’t want to take the second option and/or that state, when even after exercising the first option to whatever was reasonably possible to preserve that incarnated state, that aspirants emanated flows and dynamism cannot be accounted (or handled) by the universe (i.e. universal etheric field)or that aspirants physical body, then such an aspirant also remains with no choice but to enter into the state of cessation of flows and dynamism and that too, whilst that aspirant rests within his (or her) association to the same universe where he (or she) had adopted the path of entering into this cessation …
And as a matter of fact, during the entire history of existence of most of the universes. Each of who have a destined time span of 311.040 trillion human solar years (as per middle unitary value of time or Vedic time units), barely one or two aspirants have aver attained to this kind of accomplishment …
And there also have been many universes, where no aspirant could achieve this stage of being a mega evolved on …
And there have been some earlier universes who produced multiple numbers of such aspirants during the same time spans of 311.040 trillion human solar years (as per middle time units or Vedic time units), as were of their then existence …
AA-7) …
Condition of cessation of flows …
The main conditions for willingly accepting and thence entering into this state of cessation could be told as follows …
- Even when that aspirant is a highly evolved being within the macrocosmic hierarchy and also is evolutionary ready to enter into a fully liberated state (i.e. enter into a full, final and permanent isolation from allness, which as such is the state of Kaivalya or Moksha), yet he (or she) yet doesn’t choose that liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) … And then, as time goes by, such an aspirant also remains with no choice but to be one of those ‘mega evolved ones’ who rest in a state of cessation of their flows and dynamism …
- Inability of the universe to handle and/or account for that aspirants fuller or even certain lesser (or self-reduced) quantum of emanated flows …
Thus, even when when the mega evolved aspirant has already reduced his (or her) emanated flows to whatever limit it was reasonably possible to reduce and still manage to continue his (or her) current incarnation within a universe, if that reduced quantum is still too much for the universe to take in its stride (i.e. account for or handle), then that aspirant also remains with no choice but to willing agree to enter into a cessation …
- When an aspirant doesn’t wish to be liberated even when he (or she) is evolutionarily resting in a state of ripeness and rightness to be liberated, and at this stage, if the universe cannot handle that aspirants emanated flows, then this is the stage where that aspirant remains with no choice but to begin self-reducing (i.e. willingly reducing) his (or her) emanated flows and dynamism …
- As also, if even after willingly reducing (i.e. self-reducing) the quantum and types of emanated flows and dynamism, that aspirant still remains unfit to continue within that universe (because even these reduced flows and dynamism are more than what a universe or that aspirants physical body can take in its stride), then this by itself is the main condition for any aspirant to enter into a cessation of flows and dynamism …
And after adopting cessation the condition of that aspirant is like a lifeless non-lighted etheric fields that remain connected to the same universe where their flows had ceased (Just as it has been depicted in above figure) and thus had attained his (or her) mega evolved stature within the cosmic hierarchies …
AA-8) …
Severe conditions if a mega evolved one doesn’t enter into cessation …
If a sage who has already attained the cosmic standing of being a highly evolved one, refuses (or defers) his (or her) liberation (i.e. he or she doesn’t enter into a liberated state and avoids it), that sage also remain with no choice but to begin self-reducing his (or her) emanated flows and dynamism …
Note: It was discussed in an earlier topic of Law of flows and dynamism, that each microcosm emanates a specific flow and dynamism out of itself and where the subtlety of these emanated flows are also directly related to the state of evolution of that microcosm … Higher evolved ones emanate a higher amount of subtler flow that is more related to and thus is based within “oneness towards allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” … And reciprocal is the state of the lower evolved ones (i.e. those who rest in one or another individuality or individual corpus) … Thus, higher is an aspirant placed within the cosmic hierarchy, subtler would be its emanated flows due to that aspirant being based within a greater part of the meaning of the phrase “oneness towards allness” …
Proceeding further …
But eventually as that aspirant keeps evolving due to the effects of principle of eternal evolution which itself is coupled with the effects of the law of universal process (i.e. law of one process that only is, as evolution of all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings), that aspirant also needs to keep self-reducing his (or her) emanated flows …
And as the process of evolution of such an aspirant keeps continuing further and further, a state eventually arrives, where that aspirants emanated flows are maintained in sameness, but the flows that are held within the aspirant physical vehicle keep increasing …
And this continuous willful reduction during the further evolutionary progress of such aspirants, eventually leads to a state where their emanated flows are not even an iota of the flows and dynamism that gets held back within their own tiny microcosm …
And yet even with this reduction of emanated flows, the universe in which that aspirant resides, cannot handle those emanated flows and dynamism … And simultaneously, the physical vehicle is also getting overloaded by the flows and dynamism which get held within it (due to that willful reduction of flows that such an aspirant adopts to continue as a physically present animate microcosm, within the universe) …
This is the initial stage where mother macrocosmic nature (Ma Prakriti) finally grants the accomplishment of being a mega-evolved being, to that aspirant …
Proceeding further …
If the sage who has already attained to the status of being a mega evolved one in the universe where his physical body resides, has already self-reduced his (or her) emanated flows and dynamism to the maximum possible limit and yet his (or her) emanated flows and dynamism is beyond the capability of the universe to handle, and yet that sage doesn’t accept a cessation of his emanated flows, then vast types of severities begin manifesting for all those who reside in that universe …
As far as these severities are concerned, their manifestation and effects could be thus described …
- For mega evolved ones, as far as the fuller capability to emanate flows and dynamism is concerned, the quantum and types of these emanated flows can be equal to the universe in which their physical vehicles live or it could even be higher that the universe … Thus, such mega evolved ones are like “a” universe within “the” universe …
- In such a condition, it is like having two universes within a single universe and thus there is a doubling of the universal capacity as far as the quantum of flows and dynamism of that universe is concerned … Such a condition could also be termed as universal obesity for the point of view of presence of amount of flows and dynamism in that universe … This condition is not wanted by any universe as it is a risk to that universe’s existence …
So if a mega evolved aspirant doesn’t willingly reduce its emanated flows and dynamism, then this serious increment (like doubling) of quantum of flows and dynamism of the universe in which that mega evolved one resides at that time, cannot be avoided …
Such a condition would only lead to a universal chaos where nothing animate or inanimate would survive their then incarnated or manifested states and thus there would also be a state of termination of a large part of Speciological life which resides within the universe … This could be as follows …
- Dissolution of a large part of the universe … If the mega evolved one doesn’t willingly reduce his (or her) emanated flow and dynamism, even when the flow and dynamism handling capability of the universe is getting exceeded (due to the emanated flows of that mega evolved being) then the universe may even remain with no choice but to dissolute some of its parts (worlds, planes of existence, or any other microcosm) who are already ready to exit out of it and where this dissolution would also make these parts to enter into “emptiness (voidness or Shunya or Shunyata)” …
This would lead to a state where a large part of that universe would be dissoluted (or dissolved) into its own primordial cause, which as such is none other than “voidness of allness (i.e. emptiness of allness or macrocosmic voidness or Sarva Shunya)” …
- Erratic process of evolution … The entire process of evolution would become erratic for all that rests within the universe … Thus, if the mega evolved being, who is like a universe in a microcosmic state (say, a human state) doesn’t self-reduce his (or her) emanated flow, then that can also have a severe effect on the universal process itself …
- Return back of the entire universe into emptiness … If after termination of a large part, the universe still cannot maintain its existence in a state that must be as per its own evolutionary standing within the cosmic hierarchy, then in such a state, the existence of universe would only be terminated … And this termination of the universe’s existence, would only make it enter into emptiness (voidness or Shunyata or simply, zeroness or Shunya) … This is how a universe is dissoluted after its creator deity (Brahma) completes his designated lifetime of 311.040 trillion human solar years …
- Chaos for all that exists in that universe … Excess of flows and dynamism within a universe or its part (like a world or plane of existence) would lead to excess of desires, acts and other such things in that universe … And such excesses would only lead to chaotic states within that universe …
Examples of chaos as told in above bullet point …
This kind of chaos also comes by at other times, when the dynamism increases in the universe or its parts (like a world or plane of existence) … Some of the examples of this condition are given below …
- During change of age cycles (like our present times) … When any age is changing, then during the intermediary stage of the last phase of this change, the divinities of the ending age cycle and incoming age cycle collide with each other … At such a stage and for a certain time span, this also leads to a state where there is a presence of both divinities i.e. divinities or energies of the ending age cycle and the incoming age cycle … Such a condition is also the same as increment of dynamism in that part of the universe where the age is changing … And due to this excess dynamism, the intermediary time span of change of age cycles (which in Sanskrit lore is also named as Sandhi or Sandhikaal) is a time of severe chaos … Since at present times, we already are living in such times, so the coming future (say a few years hence) would be very chaotic for this world …
- All other cycles … And this fact is applicable to all kinds of ages, be it human age (Manav Yuga) or divine age cycles (or Deva Yuga or Mahayuga) or age of Manu (which is also called as Manvantara) or the solar age cycles (like the Surya Samvatsara or Mahakalpa) and the same is also applicable to the cycles of creator (like a day-time of Brahma which is called as Brahma Kalpa) … And the same is also applicable to earth cycles (planetary cycles), sun cycles (solar revolution cycles) and cycles of milky way (like cycle of milky way revolution), etc., etc., …
- Sinusoidal cycles of travel of bodies (i.e. their sinusoidal paths) … When any celestial body crosses past the zero line of its sinusoidal path, then also the stages of vast quantum of chaos always arrive … As of now, this planetary system is about to enter into this phase and thus, during coming years, all sorts of natural disasters would be taking place on this planet …
- Planetary revolution cycle … In this when the planet moves at the closest and farthest point of its revolutionary center (which for this planet earth is the sun), then also vast quantum of chaos gets present … This world is also approaching this stage as of now … And since the sun of this planetary system is naught but a self-manifested state of “golden womb of creation (which in Vedic lore is addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma) and who as such is the nuclear center of this planetary system and since this leads to a variety of organisms to get virulent (and simultaneously leads to a variety of organisms to also die), so the coming years (decades) would see this death to such an extent. that majority of humanity and other organisms of this planet would get evicted out … Since the sun is a divine entity (due to being the self manifestation of the golden womb of creation, which is addressed as Ukar in Yoga Tantra and Upanishads and is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha in Vedic lore), so all sorts of divine problems shall be befalling this planet during the coming times and these problems would also continue for some years (from the time when I write this topic) …
- Etc., etc., … All above written and that which is not written is also due to the same reason, increment of flows and dynamism that always takes place in all above told cases (and also in those cases, which are not told here, but readers can analyze on their own) …
AA-9) …
How did the Vedas describe a mega evolved being …
The best way in which this description was given in Vedas is written below …
यथा पिण्डे तथा ब्रह्माण्डे यथा ब्रह्माण्डे तथा पिण्डे
Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde
As is a microcosm So is the macrocosm,
As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm
And as far as that highly evolved aspirant (mega evolve one) is concerned, above statement could also be termed as follows …
As is the aspirant So is the universe
As is the universe So is the aspirant
The mega evolved one is like a universe within universe
In previous topics, we have also discussed about this great statement and we had also stated, that, above Sanskrit statement is the root of Biblical statement which is told as follows …
As above So below
Proceeding further …
And all above is only possible due to what was told through another Samskrit statement from Vedic lore … This statement is written below …
Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma
Which means …
All this is Brahman … Allness is Brahman (Para Brahman)
All that ever is, is Brahman … Brahman is all that is as allness and her each part
Everywhere, everything and everyone is verily the ever-same Parabrahman
Above itself is based upon another fact that was told by Vedic sages as follows …
Everywhere, everything, everyone is one or another self expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the ever-same Brahman (Parambrahma)
And due to this above fact, following is what comes to fore and just as is told by the ancient Vedic sages …
Universe is Brahman … All parts of universe (microcosm’s) are Brahman
This is due to the fact, that, because being a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of Brahman, the universe and its each part, can never be any other than what is told here …
And since the root of universe, is none other than energy (Shakti) who herself is addressed as Prakriti (nature or mother nature) in Vedas, so it is also due to this reason, Vedic sages had told as follows …
Prakriti is Brahman
Which means …
Prakriti (Mother nature) is none other than Brahman (the Absolute being)
Above is as subtly told within the Brahmasutras (which literally means as, threads of the absolute being) …
And this was only told due to the fact that in reality is as written below …
Prakriti is completeness of self-expression, absoluteness of self manifestation, fullness of presence as energy, pristine divinity, eternal messenger and servant, supreme mother of all, omnipotent timeless lover, omniparient omnifarious omnibus consort of omnipresent omniscient omniconscious Brahman, who is so united to Brahman that she can never be viewed separate from Brahman
Note: Above is stated as it is stated because of the fact, that when we enter into a non-dual union to Brahman, we become Brahman … Same is the condition of that eternal non-dual union which is of Prakriti to Brahman … And thus, it is also due to this reason, that the sage of Brahma Sutras (Bhagwan Veda Vyasa) has stated what is written above as “Prakriti is Brahman” …
Proceeding further …
And due to the same reason of non dual union which was experienced by some Vedic sages, those Vedic sages had provided the Vedic great statements (Vedic Mahavakya) as have been written below …
And where all these great statements (Mahavakya) also subtly refer to the same fact, but from the point of view of eternal unity and oneness of “Atman (innermost essence of each microcosm)” and Brahman (innermost essence of allness) …
- Prajnanam Brahman … This great statement (or mega statement) literally means, Self Luminous is That, Brahman is self luminous, Knowledge is Brahman, Brahman is knowledge, Consciousness is Brahman, Brahman is consciousness, etc., … This great statement is of Rigveda …
Note: In above Vedic great statement (Vaidik Mahavakya), Self luminous means the Sanskrit words of Swa Prakash (and also the Sanskrit word of Swayam Prakash) … And where the word “Swayam Prakash” also means, “That who illumines all, yet IT remains hidden within and beyond all” …
- Aham Brahmasmi … This great statement literally means, I Am That and I Am Brahman … This great statement is of Yajurveda …
- Tat Tvam Asi … This great statement means as, Thou Art That, You Are That and You Are Brahman … This great statement is of Samaveda …
- Ayam Atma Brahma … This great statement literally means, This is That, This (Atman, soul) is That (Brahman), Atman is Brahman and which can also be written as Atma is Brahma … This great statement is of Atharvaveda …
- Soham … This Vedic great statement literally means, So Am I, I Am So, I Am He, He Is Me, Absolute Am I and it also means as Brahman Am I …
- Shivoham … This great statement literally means, Shiva Am I, I Am Shiva, I Am eternally auspicious being, I Am the auspicious one, I Am Absolute … This great statement of of Nirvana Shatakam, which is also called as Atma Shatakam …
- Etc., etc., …
Additionally to above …
Vedic lore also describes a mega-evolved being in many other ways, all of which are not possible to write here …
In chapter 4 of Brahma Sutras, it is subtly told, that a light rises up from the front of the cave of heart of that Yogi and then that Yogi merges to that light so as to be a Maha Manava (i.e. mega evolved one) …
This aspect is already discussed in an earlier topic of Guha Kaivalya (which literally means, the heart cave from where liberation takes place or simply, the cave of liberation) …
And the later stages of above accomplishments have also been discussed in further series of earlier topics as written below (which readers can read themselves, so as to know what is implicitly told here) …
- OM Nada … This is what sages had named as Omkar and it is the sound of OM (AOM) which is also written as AUM … OM is Brahman and is also a Brahmlingam (which means as the Symbol of Brahman) …
- Shiva Taraka Nada … This is the same as Raam Naad (sound of Raam) … This is the liberating sound of Lord Shiva …
- Ashtama Chakra … This is the 8th chakra, which is subtly described in Atharvaveda and which has been my path ever since the Swayambhu Manvantara (i.e. the age of Swayambhu Manu, which was begun about 1.96+ billion years ago) …
- Siddha Sharira and Loka … Siddha bodies and their worlds …
- Sadashiva Pradakshina … Circumambulation that relates to the Pancha Mukha Sadashiva (or in other words, the five faces of Sadashiva) … The higher of all Pradakshina (or Circumambulation or Parikrama) …
- , …
AA-10) …
Deferring liberation by highly evolved sages (including all mega evolved ones) …
We had discussed in an earlier topic, that, evolution is a one way process which is always upwardly and thus as far as the path and process of evolution is concerned, is has always been and would always remain a one way love affair …
And where that one-way, itself has countless sub-ways in it, which is what makes it to be none other than being of an intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist nature …
So, once the sage who has already attained to the mega-evolved stature and that too whilst he (or she) is still incarnated within one of the worlds of the universe, realizes that he (or she) is already standing at the doorway of liberation, which he (or she) doesn’t desire to enter, then that highly evolved sage also remains with no choice but to defer that liberation for the benefit of other sentient beings … Due to the effects of the original desire (i.e. desire to be liberated), it is not possible to defer the final liberation (Kaivalya) permanently …
This deferring of liberation is by a plethora of techniques, but here we shall only list the main ones …
- Sexual Yoga … Tantrik sex … This lowers the vitality to the glans penis and right until its tip … I have been practicing this technique, but through inwardly means (and thus I don’t need a female or any other external partner) to continue this incarnation after 2008, because in any other case, I would have already de-incarnated in 2011 when the Nirbija Samadhi was attained …
But my technique is of an inner union which relates to union of Purusha and Prakriti, both of who are within my own microcosm (and are also there in every other microcosm), so due to this I don’t need a separate partner because this Tantrik sex can be done successfully by uniting Prakriti and Purusha, both of who are within my own microcosm … Thus, my path of of Ardhanarishwara i.e. the union of Shiva and Shakti, both of who are within my own microcosm …
This is a very good technique to lower a part of one’s consciousness from the top of brain to the glans penis and till its tip …
After Nirbija Samadhi (absorption within the seedless being), the continuity of life becomes impossible because the consciousness and vitalities of that Yogi, don’t relate to his (or her) physical vehicle any longer (and thus these mostly stay beyond) … As also, if that Nirbija Samadhi passes through the earlier stages of Samprajnata Samadhi (i.e. absorption within light) and thence through the stage of Asamprajnata Samadhi (i.e. absorption in non lightness), then the connection of mind (Manas), knowledge (Vijyana) and I’ness (Ahamkara) to that Yogi’s physical vehicle is broken and this in turn makes continuity of life almost impossible after attainment of the Samadhi that is termed as Nirbija by accomplished sages … After this stages, the Yogi’s mind, knowledge, I’ness, consciousness and vitality (Prana) no longer relate to the Yogi’s body and this is what makes continuity of incarnation a near impossibility …
If the Yogi’s consciousness and vitality flows and thence escapes out of the Sahasrara (i.e. the thousand petalled lotus of the top of brain) and also out of the eighth chakra (i.e. Ashtama Chakra) and thence doesn’t even return back to the Yogi’s physical body, then that Yogi eventually terminates his (or her) incarnation … By this technique, the incarnation can be continued unto at least the state, which is denoting the end of that Yogi’s destined merit (Prarabdha Karma) … And where, even when that Yogi doesn’t hold any of the earlier merits (like ongoing merit or Kriyamaan Karma, future merit or Agami Karma, accumulated merit or Sanchit Karma and destined merit or Prarabdha Karma), yet he or she san manage to continue that incarnation, at least till the earlier applicable destined merit …
But this technique is also a very dangerous one, as it can even kill that yogi or render him (or her) totally incapacitated … It is like playing with universal fire (heat and luminosity together and which in Sanskrit language is also called as Tejas), universal electricity and universal magnetism at the same time and where all these get manifested within the Yogi’s microcosm (physical vehicle) itself …
But in this technique, the breaking of earlier celibacy is not there …
- Breaking of Brahmacharya (breaking of celibacy) … This is an extreme measure that a Yogi takes when he already knows, that other than this, there is no alternative to save that physical body from its imminent de-incarnation …
But in this also a very dangerous technique because it just releases those stuck up flows and dynamism that relate to universal ever-flowing dynamism within that Yogi’s microcosm (i.e. Yogi’s physical vehicle) itself …
And if that Yogi is not resting in a state of fullness of detachment (Poorna Tyaga) and thus is not inwardly resting in a state where he (or she) sees himself (or herself) as a mere detached witness of allness (including the state of being a detached witness of one’s own physical vehicle within which that universal dynamism is causing havoc), then that Yogi would definitely die within three weeks …
Note: Above two techniques can also make one escape out of that stage of imminent de-incarnation that always arrives for each “Sadyomukta (i.e. a spontaneously liberated one)” and where that Yogi who has already attained “Sadyomukti (i.e. is a spontaneously liberated one and where that liberation just happened without any prior signs or warnings)” eventually escapes out of that earlier stage of imminent death of his (or her) physical vehicle …
- Temporarily breaking some of the other codes of Ashtanga Yoga (i.e. eight limbed Yoga) … By this technique, a Yogi can temporarily break the codes of eight winged path of Yoga Tantra … This suddenly leads to lowering of consciousness to a level which is inside or slightly below the mid brain where Agya Chakra (or third eye chakra, which is also called as the Ajna Chakra) is located … This technique is through Tratak (i.e. a combination of self-hypnotism and self-hypnosis and where that Yogi concentrates on one of the Chakras where he wants his consciousness to rest and thence he also manages to center his consciousness there …
Note: I was the sage who gave this eight limbed Yoga path during one of my earlier incarnations … In that incarnation, I was an Aghori Sadhu (i.e. a mendicant who was adherent of path that relates to Aghora face of Shiva) and in that incarnation, I eventually became known by a name which if translated in English would mean as, “reverence to the divine leaf” … That incarnation was within a few years of 5694 BC and it was a pretty short one as I lived only 27 years in the physical body which was adopted at that time … This less time was also because I refused to get into what is being discussed here …
Note continues: This Ashtanga Yoga is still very popular in this world, but sadly during the last few decades it has lost its purpose after it turned into a business (livelihood) for many … And I say so because of the fact, that Yoga Tantra has never been and was never meant to be a livelihood and thus the business of Yoga is against the root ethos of any Yoga Tantra …
Note continues: Yoga is only meant as a quick and effective path of evolution, due to it being related to the path of liberation (Muktimarg) itself … And this is why, most of the higher (or deeper) aspects of Yoga Tantra have been kept secret within the process of Guru Shishya Parampara (Master disciple tradition) … Whenever Yoga is being sold or traded or used as a means of personal or other gains, the world always enters into chaos … And this aspect shall also be one of the reasons for humanity to enter into that widespread chaos which would be within all ways and walks of life, and which I already see coming unto them in the next few years …
- Such a Yogi is also the one who already holds the accomplishment of death at will (Ichha Mrityu Siddhi) … Such a Yogi can very easily avoid all that is needed to be avoided to continue his (or her) incarnation … And this may even be when he already is the one, who is liberated whilst still alive (i.e. he is a Jivanmukta) …
- I do not wish to write about anything else here as this website is open to all and whereas that untold part is only for the deserving … Unless an aspirant is an appropriate vessel to hold something that relates to a higher aspect of Yoga, that aspirant should never be told about it as chances of corruption of that higher Yoga, by that aspirant, would always remain … And this is why, accomplished Yogi’s have never told much to the undeserving ones …
Continues …