Here we discuss manifestation of highly evolved beings (manifestation of highly evolved ones or manifestation of highly evolved souls or law of manifestation) in lower worlds and planes of any of the universes that exist within the macrocosmic creation … This is thus a discussion on Nirmanakaya Siddhanta …
The concept which is discussed here is also applicable to all aspects of manifestation, be it physical or metaphysical or anything else …
Note: Even when this topic is not a part of the main discussion that was revolving around the mega evolved ones (Ati Manava), yet it is told here, as it stands close to the main discussion (on Atimanava) … Thus, basis this fact, even when those who manifest (i.e. have the Siddhi of Nirmana Kaya) are definitely not those mega evolved ones (Atimanav), yet this topic is added here …
This topic continues from the previous one of … “Transmigration across universes, Migration across universes, Migration within a universe” …
AA) …
Law of manifestation … Nirmanakaya Siddhanta …
This law could be thus defined …
That being who resides in beyond states, but due to demands of an aspirant or a group of aspirants, adopts a physical form, is a manifested one (Nirmanakaya)
This law could be thus further told …
That which is repeatedly desired, is what eventually manifests but only after critical quantum of its impressions are already manifested within consciousness
This law is a universal one as it also relates to the five divine acts (Pancha Krityam) of origination(Utpatti Krityam), sustenance (Stithi Krityam), Dissolution (or destruction), veiling and unveiling …
And the description of this law could be further diversified as follows …
What is repeatedly desired by a group of microcosm’s, is what eventually gets manifested for that group of microcosm’s, but only after critical quantum of its impressions are already manifested within consciousness
And basis this law …
Nothing can happen anywhere in the Makers Makings prior it is desired and its impressional critical quantum is already built up within cosmic consciousness
And further to above and basis this law …
If something is manifested for one aspirant, then it was repeatedly and strongly desired by that aspirant and its impressional critical mass is already built up within aspirants consciousness orb (Chitta) of causal body (Karana Sharira)
And also what is written below …
Whatever is got (or manifested) for majority of inhabitants of a world, is what that majority had repeatedly desired during earlier times and where this manifestation is only after the impressional critical mass for that desired state is built up arrived within consciousness plane of that world (Bhu Chitta)
Note: It seems pretty simply, that a group of aspirants (or majority of inhabitants of a world) desire something and it would get manifested … But in such an exercise, that group must know ways to avoid those severities of law of reverse effect …
AA-1) …
Laying the foundation of manifestation of highly evolved beings …
Here we would lay down the foundation of the subject matter …
But this discussion is in brief, as if I were to discuss the intricacies of this part, then even a few hundred pages would not be enough …
AA-2) …
Unioned condition of Chitta of microcosm to Chitta of macrocosm …
As a matter of fact …
- Whatever anyone (any microcosm) desires, thinks about, has emotions for and then acts to achieve, leads to generation of a subtle impression (Samskara) within the consciousness orb (or Chitta) of that microcosms (or aspirant’s) causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Karana Sharira) …
- And since the the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the aspirant is an unbroken part of the Chitta of the world where that aspirant resides, so the same impression which was generated in the Chitta of that aspirant, is also seen to be present within the consciousness plane (Chitta Kaya) of the world (and world system) where that aspirant resides when he (or she) generates that subtle impression (Samskara) …
- And since the consciousness plane of that world is a part of the consciousness plane of the galaxy in which that world resides, so the same impression is also reflected and thus is visible within the consciousness plane of that galaxy …
- And since the consciousness plane of the galaxy is a part of the consciousness plane of the universe, so the same impression is also reflected and is visible within the consciousness plane of that universe …
- And since the consciousness plane of the universe is a part of the consciousness plane of the multi-universal state of macrocosm, so the same impression is also reflected and is visible within the macrocosmic plane of consciousness (Chitta Kaya of Brahmand) …
AA-3) …
Study of consciousness impressions …
Basis above discussions, are below told facts …
- The aspirant who knows how to study the impressions that reside within the macrocosmic plane of consciousness, can pin point the original originator of any impression …
- This is how from the study of cosmic consciousness also is, where anything can be known …
- This is how the highly evolved beings know when the critical mass of something which reflects within the impressions of the cosmic plane of consciousness is generated by inhabitants of such and such world …
- Thus, regarding the requests of divine intervention (by the inhabitants of that world) are concerned, this is the method by which highly evolved beings know what was generated by which world’s inhabitants …
These impressions also have their hierarchy of subtlety and grossness, but this aspect would be taken up in a later topic …
AA-4) …
Critical mass of impressions is different for different aspects …
As also is a fact, that is told below …
- The critical quantum (or critical mass) of impressions that lead to manifestation of something within the world from where the requests for its manifestation were generated and have reached their critical mass, is different for different things …
- Grosser aspects, like material aspects have a lower critical mass for their manifestation … Thus as far as manifestation of grosser (or worldly) aspects are concerned, the time span and efforts that are needed to manifest them within the physical realms, is pretty less …
- And reverse is for divine aspects, like a divine knowledge or path …
- And aspects of even higher subtlety, have an even higher critical mass as compared to divine and other subtle or gross aspects …
- Thus, if a final liberation is what was mainly desired from within that generated critical mass of impressions, then the critical mass that would be required to manifest that within a lower world (like this one), shall be much-much higher … And due to this reason, to reach that critical mass, a longer time span which runs into repeated requests from vast number of generations of humanity and other subtle beings, would be needed to manifest the path of liberation within that world of request (i.e. the world from where that request for divine intervention is generated) … And where those requests shall also have to have requests from many other parts of cosmic speciology who inhabits that world …
AA-5) …
After the critical quantum of impressions is already arrived for something …
And after the critical mass is generated for something, then following happens …
- A highly evolved being, who can satisfy the requirements of that critical mass, is self-chosen by divinities of Maker’s Makings …
- And after that highly evolved being is self-chosen, he (or she) also cannot refuse to do all that needs to be done, so as to satisfy the subtle requirements of that generated critical mass of impressions …
- This is what leads to a state where that highly evolved being has to return back to that lower world, so as to satisfy the requirements of that generated critical mass of impressions of that worlds consciousness plane …
AA-6) …
Arrival of critical mass and return of those who were party to its generation …
All those who were party to the generation of that critical mass, would have to be born in that world at that time, when the time of rendering that, for which that critical mass is generated, finally arrives …
And prior to the stage, when the one who is chosen by cosmic divinities enters that world, the world population starts going up gradually … This increase is through increase of sexual desires in that world’s human and also population of that part of cosmic speciology, who resides upon that world and was also a part to generation of that critical mass …
And ultimately, by the time the highly evolved one finally starts delivering that, for which he (or she) had arrived to the lower world (so as to satisfy the requirements of that critical mass), the world’s population is already having all those who were a party to generation of that critical mass …
Note: Within the recent religious lore’s that came by during the last few millenniums, this return back of those who were a party to generation of the critical mass, is what was termed as resurrection of dead …
AA-7) …
Return back of highly evolved beings … Transmigration and manifestation …
By highly evolved beings, I mean those who reside in beyond realms and have also lost their right to take a regular birth from the womb of a physically present mother on that world …
This return is through either of the two below listed means …
- Transmigration of soul … This path of return is chosen if the time needed to execute their job is higher …
- Manifestation of soul … This path of return is chosen if the time needed to execute their job is lesser …
As far as the two above listed means of fulfillment of requirements of the consciousness mass is concerned, yet within this topic, the latter aspect (or manifestation of highly evolved soul) of return would be the one which would be discussed …
AA-8) …
Regarding the transmigration of soul and manifestation of soul …
- Even when the latter is higher in its cosmic hierarchy, yet for the point of view of the Makers Makings and her pristine divinities, the former (i.e. the return back through the path of transmigration of souls) is the more important one …
- Even when former is the more important one, yet the latter is the one which gets mostly done, within a lower world …
- Even when latter gets mostly done in lower worlds, yet the former is the more difficult one …
- In addition to a short-term physical manifestation, the latter can even be through subtle meditative visions (I also consider sleep as a meditation only), yet the former would need a physical presence on the world …
Note: As far as this topic stands, the same discussion on manifestation of anything, is also applicable to material, immaterial, divine and impressional aspects of Maker’s Makings … The entire multi-universal state of macrocosmic creation and also her each part (i.e. each microcosm, irrespective of whether that microcosm is animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate), is also none other than a self-expressed, self-manifestation and self-presence of the same Absolute being (Parabrahman) …
AA-9) …
Differences of manifestation and transmigration …
The main differences are as follows …
- Within manifestation there is neither a roll in nor even a roll over, as the aspirant is neither born upon a world even when it enters that world and thus does not even roll over (die) when that aspirant exits from that world after completing the jobs as were requested for from within the developed critical mass of consciousness impressions …
- During transmigration also, there is no birth in the real sense … But yet the body in which the transmigrated entity resides (after completion of process of transmigration) does die (After completion of its destine time span) … And yet because there was no birth, so the transmigrated entity stays free of birth and death …
- Thus manifested soul can termed as the unborn-undying one as far as the plane where it manifests is concerned because there is nothing like a physical vehicle … And the transmigrated entity can also be termed as unborn-undying as far as transmigration to the physical vehicle which resides upon that plane is concerned and yet the physical vehicle dies after the transmigrated one leave it …
- During manifestation, the soul just takes a subtle or gross form, does its jobs quickly and thence again dissolves that form so as to return back to its earlier higher plane of existence … But during transmigration, there needs to be a physical vehicle in which that transmigration of souls (which in Sanskrit texts is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh) can take place …
- All the knowledge and accomplishments are fully available without any delay and soon after manifestation … But during transmigration of soul (which in recent lore’s is also termed as Virgin Birth) the transmigrated entity needs to recall these back (or bring back) to the physical body and world (or plane of existence) where it has transmigrated and this takes a while (which may even run into close to 3 decades) …
- Thus basis above, a transmigrated one would take his (or her) time to settle in that world … Whereas the manifested being can just begin his (or her) job, for which it had undergone that manifestation within a lower realm …
AA-10) …
Commonality of manifestation and transmigration …
As the job which relates to the requirements of the developed critical mass keeps getting done, the critical mass of impressions also keeps dissipating … And when that critical quantum of impressions reaches a state which is lower than the critical quantum, which is necessary to hold the higher evolved transmigrated or migrated one (as the case may be) to that lower world, then that highly evolved transmigrated or migrated one (as the case may be) also starts moving out of the sounds of human civilizations and ultimately returns back to his (or her) own higher plane of existence …
Thus, whenever the quantum of impressional mass reaches a state where the hold upon the manifested beingness reduces below a level which is critical (to hold that highly evolved one to that lower world or plane), then that highly evolved one just exits (unmanifests) out of that lower world or plane of existence … And the same is also applicable in cases of paths of transmigrations of souls …
Thus is the similarity, that both come by as per the requirements of the developed critical mass of impressions … And both also leave due to above discussed reason, which also relates to the same critical mass of impressions …
AA-11) …
Pre-condition for manifestation of highly evolved beings …
Manifestation of highly evolved beings upon a world can only take place after the inhabitants of that world have already generated the requisite critical mass of consciousness impressions (within the consciousness plane of that world) which is sufficient to pull and lead to the manifestation of a higher evolved one, into that plane or world (from where such requests which led to impressional mass of consciousness to arrive at its critical level) …
Manifestation also takes place upon higher planes, but we would not discuss this aspect here, even though the same principle is applicable within its higher subtlety, when we consider those higher planes …
BB) …
Aspects and types of manifestation of higher evolved beings …
Manifestation of beings is primarily of three kinds …
Each type of manifestation is dependent on the stature of evolution of the sage who undergoes the process of a manifestation … This stature is also relative to the stature of the vibratory fields of the plane of existence from where the higher one manifests, to a ratio of vibratory fields of that plane of existence where the manifestation takes place …
Proceeding further …
Those who manifest are within the three cases, which further are of three types of manifestation as far as this plane of existence is concerned …
Regarding three cases … As told above …
And since this knowledge is being told in this physical realm, so only that single part of manifestation which relates to physical realms would be discussed here …
And since this also happens to be a restricted topic, so below discussed aspects shall also have to be more of a reference, than an actual description …
Regarding above told three types of manifestations … As told above …
These three relates to the Triguna Siddhi (accomplishment of one of the three macrocosmic qualities or Triguna) …
And this is what we would now discuss …
BB-1) …
Highly evolved ones holding Sattvaguna Siddhi … Sattvaguna Nirmanakaya …
These are those who manifest to a lower real whilst they reside within their union to the macrocosmic quality of neutrality (or Sattva Guna) …
This manifestation is by far a higher type of manifestation and it primarily relates to installation of (or transfer of) knowledge to one or more persons (aspirants) on that world … And where such persons (aspirants) then become as seeds of spreading that knowledge to other deserving ones on that same world …
This itself means, that such a manifested one just renders a higher knowledge and does nothing more than this …
And their manifested bodies that have a color which is of sameness to Sattvaguna (white color) or to knowledge (Vijyana of yellow color) …
BB-2) …
Highly evolved ones who hold the Rajoguna Siddhi … Rajoguna Nirmanakaya …
These are those who manifest to a lower real, whilst they reside within their union to the macrocosmic quality of action (or Rajo Guna) …
This manifestation primarily relates to installation of (or transfer of) ways of life (or paths) of evolution through actional means … This is transferred to one or more persons (aspirants) on that world … And where such persons (aspirants) then become as seeds of spreading that path (or way of life) to other deserving ones on that same world …
This means, that such a manifested one just render a higher path of evolution and does nothing more than this …
And their manifested bodies that have a color which is of sameness to Rajoguna (red color) or to the unioned condition of Rajoguna and Vijyana (i.e. of an orange color) …
BB-3) …
Highly evolved ones who hold Tamoguna Siddhi … Tamoguna Nirmanakaya …
These are those who manifest to a lower realm whilst they reside within their union to the macrocosmic quality of inertia (or Tamo Guna) …
This manifestation primarily relates to installation of (or transfer of) ways of life (or paths) of evolution through inertial means … This is transferred to one or more persons (aspirants) on that world … And where such persons (aspirants) then become as seeds of spreading that path (or way of life) to other deserving ones on that same world …
This means, that such a manifested one just render a higher path of evolution and does nothing more than this …
And their manifested bodies that have a color which is of sameness to Tamo Guna (bluish color) primarily, but this may not always be so as that blue primary color, could also be with other colors that relate to other aspects of macrocosmic divinities, which as such are beyond the scopes of this topic …
Note: There also are other aspects of manifestation, but those are beyond scope of discussions in a gross world system, like this one and that too during the currently underway stage of progress of intermediary time (Sandhikaal) of the presently underway and ending degenerate age (Kaliyuga) and the incoming age of Sages (Guru Yuga) …
CC) …
Some other types of direct manifestations (Nirmana Kaya) …
This part of the topic is added to just briefly list these types as such aspects can neither be elaborated during the stages of progress of intermediary time span of age cycles (i.e. during the stages of progress of Sandhikaal) nor can they be rendered in the open …
These types are as follows …
- Highly evolved ones who hold the accomplishment of and thus rest in union with Vijyanamaya Kaya (plane of knowledge) … Vijyanamaya Nirmanakaya … When such a highly evolved being manifests in a physical (or even a subtle realm), then he (or she) holds a yellowish colored physical vehicle … This kind of manifested being usually would impart knowledge that assists during the aspirants evolutionary process …
- Highly evolved beings who hold accomplishment of and thus rest in union with Brahmic Chitta Kaya (plane of consciousness) … Chitta Nirmanakaya … When such a highly evolved being manifests in a physical (or even a subtle realm), then he (or she) holds a dull (matt colored) whitish colored physical vehicle … This kind of manifested being usually would impart the path and knowledge that assists in elimination of useless grosser impressions within the Chitta (consciousness orb) of the aspirants causal body (Anandamaya Kosha) and thus assist the aspirants evolutionary process …
- That highly evolved being who is a union of above two … Such beings know the direct path of eviction of all impressions (Samskaras) that lead to any of the four merits (Four aspects of Karma) which as such are of … Accumulated merit (Sanchit Karma), Currently undergoing merit (Kriyaman Karma), future merits (Agami Karma) and destined merits (Prarabdha Karma) … Thus, such a being can assist in fully eliminating (i.e. rendering impotent) all earlier-present-future Karma of an aspirant …
Such ones hold the Siddhi of Bodhichitta (which means that such beings hold the accomplishment of unioned state of knowledge and conscious principles) and thus they themselves denote such a condition even in their human manifested forms …
This is a very rare accomplishment as it relates to the united condition of cosmic knowledge and cosmic consciousness and that to in a state where knowledge is actional (i.e. is relating to quality of action of Rajo Guna) and consciousness is centered in emptiness (i.e. Chitta is having emptiness in its center) …
This accomplishment also denotes an ever rare accomplishment, which as such is of a state where that aspirant has already won over (i.e. gone or evolved beyond) the scopes of the 24 main aspects (i.e. 24 elements) of Makersmakings …
- That highly evolved being who holds the accomplishment of any of the divine realms (Deva Loka or Siddha Loka) … Such sages can also manifest whilst holding those vehicles which have the characteristics of that Siddha Loka (or Deva Loka or divine realms) …
These accomplishment vehicles (i.e. Siddha bodies) and their higher realms (Siddha worlds or Siddha Loka) have already been discussed in the earlier series of topics of “Siddha Sharira and Loka” … Very few sages have ever accomplished all types of Siddha bodies (Siddha Sharira) …
Notes on above bullet point: But above accomplishment can never be complete until that was discussed in the sub-series of topics on Pancha Kosha (or or five sheaths or five Vedic sheaths) …
But during the entirety of timeless existence of the Maker’s Makings, very few sages have ever held that accomplishment which relates to all types of Siddha bodies (Siddha Sharira) …
And where above told accomplishment can only be attained after successfully completing the Sadashiva Pradakshina (or in other simple words, circumambulation of Sadashiva or Sadashiva Parikrama) …
And where that successful completion of Sadashiva Parikrama is also possible after accomplishment of the Eighth Chakra (Ashtama Chakra) …
And where the accomplishment of Ashtama Chakra (eighth chakra) is also possible after the aspirant accomplishes Shiva Taraka Mantra (which is also told as the subtle yet extremely strong state of the Sound of Raam or Raam Naad) …
And which is also possible only after the aspirant accomplishes the self-realization of sound of OM (OM Naad) and where that sound of OM (OM Naad) includes all that was discussed in the earlier topics of “Sound of A (or Akar), then the aspirant passes through the stages of self realization of Sound of O (Ukar) and thence through the stages of self realization of the sound of M (Makar) which also includes the direct cognition of that sages had told as Shuddha Chetan Tattva (or pristine element of Maker, which as such means as Brahmatattva) and thence the self realization and a further absorption within the sound and symbol of OM (AOM) …
And where above is also only possible after that aspirant accomplishes the innermost cave of heart (i.e. cave of isolation in heart or cave of liberation in the heart or Guha Kaivalya) …
Continues …