Here we would discuss the roles of Ati Manava (mega evolved ones) within the Makers Makings … The roles that are played by Atimanava are those of Panch Krityam or Panch Kritya (which means as, five divine acts or five universal acts or simply five acts) … These five divine acts (Pancha Krityam or Pancha Kritya) are of creation (i.e. to create), preservation (i.e. to preserve all that exists after being created), destruction (i.e. to destroy all that is preserved after being created), veiling (i.e. to veil that which cannot be known about the Makers Makings) and unveiling (i.e. to unveil the truth or in other words, bless the evolutionary ready aspirant who deserves to know the truth and thus be liberated) …
Thus the roles of these Atimanav (mega evolved ones) are as creator, preserver, destroyer (actually a rejuvenator) of allness … And in addition their roles also are of bondage (Veiling of truth, which in turn leads to bondage or not being liberated) and unveiling (unveiling of truth, which leads to final liberation or Kaivalya Moksha) …
Thus, the five divine acts (or Panch Krityam) are as follows …
- Utpatti Krityam (act of creation) … The mega evolved being who does this is called as the creator (or Brahma) … This divine act relates to Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, which in Vedic lore is also addressed as pristine abode of creator (i.e. Brahmaloka) …
- Stithi Krityam (act of preservation) … The mega evolved being who does this is called as the preserver (or Vishnu) … This divine act relates to Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, which in Vedic lore is also called as Vaikuntha (or Vaikunth or Baikunth, etc.,) … …
- Samhara Krityam (act of destruction or act of rejuvenation) … The mega evolved being who does this is called as the destroyer or rejuvenator (or Rudra) … This divine act relates to Aghora face of Sadashiva … It is to this face the Sound of Aham (macrocosmic I’ness) relates and it is also to this face, that the sound of ALA (ALA Nada) relates …
- Tirodhaan Krityam or Tirodhana Krityam or Nigraha Krityam (act of veiling) … The mega evolved being who does this is called as the divinity of allness or potency of allness or Shakti of allness or Mother of all (or Devi or Ma Shakti or Ma Adi Parashakti) … This divine act relates to east facing golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … Within the Vedic lore, this face is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha (golden womb of macrocosmic creation) in addition to being addressed as Maheshvara (i.e. the great lord of allness) … Tatpurusha face of Shiva is also the supreme Yogi (Param Yogi), the Yoga Tantra relates to him, Yoga Guru is also the same Tatpurusha face … The word Yoga is also of Tatpurusha only … Okar (i.e. the sound of letter O, which is also called as Okar) is also of Tatpurusha only and thus Tatpurusha also denotes the middle of the letters of AOM (or OM Naad) …
- Anugraha Krityam (act of blessing or unveiling of truth or act of liberation of the deserving and thus evolutionary ready ones) … The mega evolved being who does this is called as the blesser of allness (or Ganapati or lord of all gross subtle and divine aspects of macrocosmic speciology and thus he is also addressed as Ganesha) …
Thus basis above, this topic shall also be discussing about the Pancha Deva … And where Panch Deva are the five primary divinities, who within the Makers Makings are as the five primary self-expressions of the attributeless infinite being (or Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) …
In this topic, these five divine acts are primarily told from a very subtle point of view and this these discussions mostly have little or no relation to the gross (physically present) universe that we see with our naked eyes or even with our gross instruments (physical instruments) …
Important note for below discussions … Definition of Sanskrit word “Anu” …
Note: The definition of the Sanskrit word “Anu” is “that which cannot be divided any further” … Thus, basis this definition, it’s loose interpretation in English language as atom (or cell) is wrong because these don’t comply to the above stated definition … But in this text, I have still used these terms, because of non availability of correct term that relates to the Samskrit word of Anu …
AA) …
Aspects of mega evolved ones …
Here we would discuss some aspects of these mega evolved ones or Atimanava (or Ati Manav) and where these discussed aspects would be relating to one of more of the same Pancha Krityam (i.e. Utpatti, Stithi, Samhara, Tirodhana or Nigraha and Anugraha) as told in header of this topic …
AA-1) …
Aspects of Origination, preservation and destruction …
Prior we discuss this topic, a foundation note would have to be laid down … So here it goes …
Other than the ones who have been discussed here, there also are two other categories of mega evolved ones … These two are those who relate to the Tirodhan Krityam (act of veiling) and the Anugraha Krityam (act of unveiling) … These two wouldn’t be discussed in this topic …
And in some parts of this entire series of topics, we shall also be combining the 2nd and 3rd type (i.e. mega evolved ones ceased in process and laws) so as to simplify those discussions …
But the fact still remains, that within the acts of both the creation and destructive rejuvenation (i.e. the 1st and 3rd types), the preservation is always present because without this aspect being complied with, neither can the stability of creation and created be maintained nor can the destruction be any other than a complete annihilation (total dissolution) of allness …
Unless preservation is present within the creation and destruction, neither would the created be in harmony to the creation nor would the rejuvenation process of the earlier created thing, be any other than that of a complete annihilation …
Thus, since preservation is the universal aspect amongst these three discussed universal divine acts (or Krityam), so due to this reason, Sri Vishnu (i.e. the deity of preservation of allness and her each part) has always remained as the primary deity of Vedic Brahmins and their monasteries (i.e. Vyasa Peetha or Amnaya Peetha) …
This is also the reason, that, whenever there is a problem in a world, one or another of the self-manifestations of Sri Vishnu (i.e. As an Avatar) always descends to that world so as to be present on that world, whilst the destruction of nonsensical systems and their adherents is underway …
Unless this presence is there, the entire world would be annihilated … Thus, whenever any Avatara of Sri Vishnu comes, he destroys whilst also ensuring that his preservation act remains effective, because if this aspect of preservation is not there, then there would only be a complete annihilation …
During the change of age cycles, since the systems of the previous age (which at that time is ending) need to be destroyed, so at such times also, an Avatar of Sri Vishnu comes to the world where that age is changing …
And as that Avatar destroys, he also simultaneously lays down the subtle yet strong foundation of the root systems and ways of life of the incoming cycle of time (or incoming stages of new wheel of time or Kalchakra) and this is also whilst bearing the same preservation principle which he commands in the multi-universe …
If this is not done, then the change of age would only lead to a complete annihilation, instead of the beginning of a newer cycle of time (or a new stage of the eternally moving wheel of time or Kala Chakra) …
As also, since to begin something, the earlier state needs to be utilized, so due to this reason, the principle of dependent origination remains valid … And due to this principle, specific fragments (of systems, ways of life) of the earlier age are always used to begin a new age cycle … This is why, installation of a newer age leads to fragments of the earlier cycle being used and thus preserved during the origination process of a newer age cycle and this is what leads to a state, where even when the stage is of destruction of the earlier age and its systems (and/or its adherents), yet some part of that earlier age is preserved even within the newer age and its systems … This aspect also assists in ensuring the cycle of time to be eternal, as these preserved seeds (fragments) of the earlier age shall again be growing into future fruit bearing trees when the cycle of time (or wheel of time) is suitable for them to do so … Thus, basis this is the fact, that, “what is apparently seeming to be destroyed at a time, would again re-manifest at some later time” …
Proceeding further …
So basis above, here we shall only discuss the three aspects that are of origination, preservation and destruction … And thus, in these discussions we shall leave the other two aspects of veiling and unveiling of truth, which would be taken up at a later state of this text …
- Origination of allness and her parts … The mega evolved one who is ceased in principles originated the universe through his Utpatti Krityam (i.e. act of creation) …
Once the mega evolved one who is ceased within the principles of Maker’s Makings has created the creation, then that mega evolved one rests as mere witness of its entire creation …
This is the aspect of being creator (Brahma) of a universe and thus being the Jagat Pita (father of universes) …
And because such a mega evolved one only remains as mere witnesses of its own creation, so this is one of the reasons for worship of Brahma to be restricted in Vedas …
And since such a mega evolved one is simultaneously also is the grandfather and creator of all beings (microcosm’s), so due to this reason, Brahma (i.e. the creator deity of the multi-universe or Brahmand) is also addressed as Pitamah (i.e. the grandfather) of all microcosm’s …
Thus, the creator (i.e. Brahma) is the father of universe (i.e. he is Jagat Pita) and simultaneously also is the grandfather (i.e. he is Pitamah) of all beings who rest in the universe …
- Preservation of allness and her parts … Once the creation process starts and until the creation exists, the acts (Krityam) of a mega evolved one who is ceased within the process (Tantra) of Maker’s Makings, remain applicable and where these acts continue until the destined time span of end of the creation and/or its parts (any single part or any single microcosm) has arrived …
Since such a mega evolved one who does the act of preservation of allness and her each part) remains present during the entire time span of the creation that is created by the creator (or Brahma) of that creation, so this kind of mega evolved one (i.e. one who is ceased within the process) also takes over the role of being the eternal guide (Sanatan Guru), eternal King (Sanatan Samrat), Lord of allness (Lord of all that is or Sarveshvara) of that universe …
Such a mega evolved being is the one whom Vedic sages had addressed as Sri Vishnu … The word Vishnu literally means, one who maintains universal righteousness (nectar of existence) by conquering all afflictions (poisons) …
And because such a mega evolved one is the universal lord of allness and since the preservation (which is done by Sri Vishnu) is eternally present within creation (that is done by Brahma or the mega evolved one who is ceased within the principles), so it was also due to this reason, Sri Vishnu is considered as the elder amongst the two (i.e. Brahma and Vishnu) …
This is why Sri Vishnu is told to be present even prior Brahma had self manifested and which itself was prior to the timeless state of original origination of the Makers Makings …
And it is also due to this reason, that Sri Vishnu is also addressed as the Par-Pitamah (i.e. the great grandfather) of all microcosm’s and simultaneously is also addressed as Pitamah (grandfather) of the entire cosmic creation …
And this is also why, Vedic sages had told that after the complete annihilation of allness and which is also termed as the state of Maha Pralaya (or Mahapralaya), the annihilated universe(s) rest within Sriman Narayana (i.e. a synonym of Sri Vishnu) …
Note: This annihilation of allness as told above, is after the creator deity (or Brahma) completes his destined time span of existence, which is of 311.040 trillion human solar years … This stated time is as per middle unitary value of time of axial precession of earths axis or in other words, the middle of celestial time that relates to the cycles of progress of precession of equinoxes of earth’s axis … This middle time unit is what Vedic sages have always used in their calculations …
- Destruction (actually, destructive rejuvenation) of allness and her parts … When any part of creation (i.e. any microcosm, right from a universe, to a plane of existence or a world or any other microcosm’s) reaches the stage of its end of time, then the acts (or Krityam) of a mega evolved one who is ceased within the laws of Makersmakings, come into play …
Since such a mega evolved one (who does the act of destruction or destructive rejuvenation of allness and her each part) only becomes active during the end time of the creation (and same is also during end time of a specific part of allness, including a cycle of time) which has already reached the stage of ending of its destined time span of existence (which itself is during its current cycle of existence within the Makersmakings) …
Such a stage of destruction also comes into play when there is a case where the excesses or unders of a state of existence (or any microcosm) are such that without ending that state, the harmony of allness and/or her parts can never be maintained …
And thus, when any microcosm becomes deviated to such an extent, that its end remains as the only possible correction, then such a mega evolved one is recalled back by a universe to end the existence of deviations of such a microcosm (or even end the existence of that microcosm, if this is what would lead to restoration of harmony) …
And where this destruction, simultaneously leads to a rejuvenation of that same microcosm into its newer form or formless state (as the case may be) so its evolutionary process remains continuous, and even if this continuity is within a different world or plane or dimension of existence …
But since process of destruction of any microcosm (i.e. microcosm means right from the largest one which as such is a universe, till the smallest microcosm, let’s just say an atom or cell) without the presence of process of preservation within it, would only lead to a complete annihilation, so due to this reason, preservation (i.e. Stithi Krityam of Sri Vishnu) is always present within the destruction (i.e. Samhara Krityam of Rudra Deva) …
AA-2) …
Concept of Mahaan and Maha Deva … Utpatti, Stithi and Samhara, Nigraha and Anugraha during Samhara …
As also, due to the presence of process of preservation (which itself is of the mega evolved one who is ceased within the process or simply, Stithi Krityam of Sri Vishnu) within act of destruction (of the mega evolved one who is ceased within the laws or simply Samhara Krityam of Rudra Deva) only leads to a state of further rejuvenation of that apparently destroyed entity, and since rejuvenation is always by the process of creation (actually a further re-creation), so this is why the act of creation (or Utpatti Krityam of Pitamah Brahma) is also associated to the act of destruction …
If these two acts or Krityam (i.e. preservation of Sri Vishnu and creation of Pitamah Brahma) are not working simultaneously with the act of destruction (i.e. Samhara Kritya) which itself is of Rudra Deva, then that destruction would lead to a complete annihilation of that destroyed entity and where that destroyed entity can never be re-originated in a state which is free of its earlier excesses and unders and thus be in a state which is free of its earlier stagnations …
And this condition of absence of preserver during creation and destruction would in turn contravene the principle of eternal existence along with contravening the principle of eternal evolution … And such a condition would also contravene the eternal application of Principle of eternal existence in addition to going against the Law of first desire of mother nature … And additionally this condition would also contravene the law of sameness and thus would also be contravening the law of eternal sameness of cosmic corpus, in addition to contravening many other laws …
So this is why, any act of destruction is always having an association with the act of preservation and the act of origination (creation or re-creation) …
And this is why, Rudra (i.e. Shiva) is the complete Deva (deity), which itself is the reason for him to also be addressed as Mahadeva … The Sanskrit word of Maha Deva means as the Great Deva (or Great deity) …
In above Sanskrit word of Maha Deva …
- The word Maha, means Great … Deva means a being …
- But even when the Samskrit word Maha literally means as Great, yet it only denotes the supreme … This is because, there can never be two greats (two Maha) at the same time and within the same universe … So due to this reason, the word great (or Maha) itself is the supreme (Param) …
- And this is why, all words like Parmeshvara (i.e. supreme Lord), Param Deva (supreme being), etc., only refer to Shiva … And this is why, Shiva is also addressed as the complete (Lord of all), full (Poorna) etc., in Vedas …
And the same is also the reason for the Sanskrit word Mahaan, which means greater of all, to also be used for Rudra (or Shiva) … And where the word Shiva means “eternally auspicious” …
Proceeding further …
And since that which is full, whole and complete, is also the one who is auspicious, so this is why the name Shiva was chosen for the rejuvenation principle of Makers Makings …
All words, that relate to Ananta (infinite), Poorna (Purna or full, complete or whole), Sada (Sanatan or eternal), Nirguna (attributeless, because only the attributeless of full) and Lingam ultimately relate to Shiva only …
And even the Sanskrit words of Ling, Lingam and Linga, which in English means as Symbol (Symbol of auspiciousness, symbol of allness, symbol of fullness, etc.,) denotes Shiva (i.e. fullness of that supreme and eternal auspiciousness) …
All this is because, it eventually is within the vast envelope of the act of rejuvenative-destruction (i.e. Shiva), that the preservation (Vishnu) and creation (Brahma) exist …
Note: As also, it is also within that vast envelopes of rejuvenation, that act of Veiling (Tirodhana Krityam or Nigraha Krityam) and Anugraha Krityam (act of blessing) exist …
And this is what makes Shiva as Mahadeva (Great deity), Maheshvara (Great lord of all) and where the word great (or Maha) only means supreme (Param) …
AA-3) …
Availability of mega evolved ones in the Universes …
Here we would discuss some part of the process of cyclic returns and workings of mega evolved ones …
In below discussions the, word ‘Universes” is stated due to the fact that there are many universes and thus ours is definitely not the only one …
This fact has already been discussed in an earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond” …
- Mega evolved one ceased in principles … At some stage of progress of Maker’s Makings, the aspirants who reach this state of cessation within principles, become available to mother nature (Ma Prakriti) for future originations of universes, planes of existences (Galaxies, etc.) and worlds … These are also the ones who ultimately attain to the stature of being the creator of allness (i.e. they hold Utpatti Krityam and thus become as Pitamah Brahma) of a future universe and/or its parts …
Since the grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma) is self-originated from Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, so such ones ultimately relate to the diamond white colored Sadyojata face of Shiva …
That diamond white colored Sadyojata face of Shiva, is also the one whom Vedas have addressed as Brahmaloka (which means, the pristine abode of creator of all) …
- Mega evolved one ceased in process … At some stage of progress of Maker’s Makings, the aspirants who attain this state of cessation within process, become available to mother nature (Ma Prakriti) for future jobs that relate to preservation of allness (i.e. universes, planes of existences or Galaxies etc., and worlds) …
These are also the ones who ultimately attain to the stature of being the preserver of allness (i.e. they hold Stithi Krityam and thus become as Sri Vishnu Tattva) of a future future or even existing universe …
Since Sri Vishnu is self-originated from Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, so such ones ultimately relate to the Vamadeva face of Shiva … Vamadeva face of Shiva is also the same as that which some Vedic sages have called as Vaikuntha (Abode of Sri Vishnu) …
- Mega evolved one ceased in laws … At some stage of progress of Maker’s Makings, the aspirants who reach this state of cessation within macrocosmic laws, become available to mother nature (Ma Prakriti) for future jobs that relate to rejuvenative-destruction of universes, planes of existences (Galaxies, etc.) and worlds …
These are also the ones who ultimately attain to the stature of being the destroyer of allness (i.e. they hold Samhara Krityam and thus become as Rudra) of a future or even an existing universe … They are the holders of Shakti and thus are also termed as Shaktiman (bearer of Shakti or divinity) …
Proceeding further …
Since Rudra Deva is self-originated from Aghora face of Sadashiva, so such ones ultimately relate to the south facing, Aghora face of Shiva … And as of now, due to the stage of progress of revolution of sun (which is also called as the galactic year), Aghora is also the face that is primarily applicable to this world system …
Thus, whether anyone likes this told fact or not, as per the present stage of progress of the present revolution of sun (or galactic year) which itself is around the middle part of the milky way galaxy, Rudra is the primary Deva … And coincidentally, Rudra is also the Kula deva of my entire lineage …
Proceeding further …
As long as these mega evolved ones (or Ati Manav) exist within the Makers Makings, they remain available for above stated jobs which itself are as per the specific states of cessations within the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …
AA-4) …
Utilization of one’s ceased in principles, process and laws, by mother nature …
Within the multi-universe, these mega evolved ones carry out the jobs which also are as per the own states of cessation …
Since these mega evolved beings are naught but equal to a universe, so as far as their capabilities of rendering flows and dynamism into the macrocosmic creation (or absorbing the existing flow and dynamism of a universe and thus deflating that universal bubble to dissolute it) are concerned, they are equal to a universe (in which they had attained their mega evolves status) …
And some of these mega evolved aspirants, are having a capability which is even more that the universes to which they remain attached as ceased etheric fields …
Thus, such ones are always available to the macrocosmic creation, whenever their higher flows and dynamism causing capabilities are needed … And such ones are also available to mother root nature (Mool Prakriti) to do those jobs which needs eviction of flows and dynamism from a universe during which they absorb these universal flows into their then ceased etherics and thus assist in deflating the vast cosmic bubble which we know as our (and also any other) universe and thus dissolute it …
But since they are as ceased etherics, so when the time of need of such ones arrives, then they have to resume their flows and dynamism, so as to become active within the macrocosm …
At such a time when the need for presence of such mega evolved ones gets arrived, then even when in most of the cases, these resumptions of flows and dynamism are gradual (as is usually needed for executing most of the jobs), but there are also those times, when the job at hand needs a very rapid (spontaneous) resumption of flows and dynamism within these ceased etherics of those mega evolved ones … Suchness of need is always there during acts of origination and destruction …
If above discussed spontaneity is needed, then these are those rare times when these mega evolved ones (who as such are like a universe that is ceased in its flows and dynamism) can also bring their entire capability in an active state almost spontaneously …
This spontaneity is to render those high shocks that are always needed during the process of originating and/or dissoluting (i.e. during rejuvenative destruction) of any microcosm (the largest of which is the universe and smallest of which is the Anu, which loosely translates as Atom or cell) …
And this is aspect of spontaneity can be utilized by any of the three types of mega evolved ones that have been discussed earlier on …
But at the same time, if a spontaneous resumption of flows and dynamism is needed to execute a certain job, then the mega evolved one who ensures preservation (due to being ceased within the process), would never be working alone (independently) from the mega evolved ones who rest in the other two types of cessation …
Thus, basis above …
- When act of destruction (which actually is a rejuvenative-destruction) is underway (by the mega evolved one who is ceased in laws), then the mega evolved one who is ceased within process would be the one that would assist the one who becomes (or takes over the role of) the destroyer of allness (or a part of allness) … And along with this, since the destruction process is naught but that of a rejuvenative destruction, so at such a time, even the mega evolved one who is ceased in principles, and thus acts as the creator of allness (i.e. is Brahma), would be with the destroyer of allness …
- And when the act of origination is underway (by the mega evolved one who is ceased in principles), then also the mega evolved one who is ceased within process (i.e. the one who is responsible for preservation of allness) acts in tandem with the originator of allness …
Note: And since origination process of universe is also pretty destructive on the un-originated state (so as to begin or originated it), so at such a time and to a minor extent, the mega evolved one who is ceased in laws would also be active (but only to a short or minor extent and only if it’s act of destruction is needed) … Thus, the presence of the destroyers energies during origination is not always there after the initial process of origination, just about commences …
- Thus, at both such times (of origination and destruction), the mega evolved one who is ceased in process (i.e. the preserver of allness), always acts in tandem with the other category of mega evolved ones who are active at that time and where the resumptions of flows and dynamism by the preserver, may or may not be to their maximum … This is as the preserver only comes into a fuller action, when any or both the originator and destroyer need such fuller flows and dynamism from the preserver of allness …
- And at the same time, when the preserver comes into play, then the other two types of mega evolved ones (i.e. the originator and destroyer) have always been with the preserver … Thus, this is the reason, why the preserver is considered the higher of all in Vedic lore, because the preserver always holds the power (i.e. is assisted by the entire capabilities) of both the originator and destroyer … The preserver is thus having the capability to originate and destroy too …
- And as a matter of fact, whenever the preserver becomes active, that preserver holds the capability of originator and destroyer (because the other two mega evolved ones always come with the preserver) and simultaneously, whenever the other two (i.e. originator and destroyer) become active, then also the preserver is always with them … Thus, the preserver (i.e. the mega evolved one who is ceased in process) is always active to a lesser or larger extent in all process that relate to any of the universes of the entire macrocosmic creation …
Important note: And at the same time, the preserver is always fully active when the acts of destroyer are underway … It is due to this reason, that at some places in these discussions, this united condition of preserver and destroyer is also told as one and the same, i.e. mega evolved one who is ceased in process (or the preserver) is all that is told and thus, reference to the mega evolved one who is ceased in laws (or destroyer) is omitted in those discussions …
- And it is also because of above discussed facts, that the preserver (i.e. Sri Vishnu) is also addressed with the words Sarveshvara (Lord of all) and as Jyeshtha (i.e. the elder one) …
AA-5) …
Ways of life for accomplishment of being the creator, preserver and destroyer …
As far as the Vedic lore stands across eternity of its existence within the multi-universe, following is how this could be described regarding the preserver is Sri Vishnu, originator who is Pitamah Brahma and destroyer who as such is Paramguru Shiva (i.e. Rudra) …
- Preserver (Sri Vishnu or Stithi Kritya) … The path of preserver is inward-out (i.e. working inwardly for bringing an outward change in the universe) …
- Creator (Pitamah Brahma or Utpatti Krityam) … Path of originator is outward-in (i.e. outwardly working to bring an inward change in the creation) …
- Destroyer (Param Guru Shiva or Samhara Kritya of Rudra) … The path of destroyer is always the one that in this text has been stated as “Himself in Himself” and which eventually leads to what earlier on was told as “Itself within Itself” … Thus this path is Inward-inward only …
Note: But in this path which relates to the finality of walking in the essence of the phrase of “Itself in Itself”, the destroyer also holds the above two told paths (or creation and preservation) … This is because the word IT only relates to Brahman, whose foremost self-expressions are the denoted by the three discussed aspects of Ati Manava, i.e. creator. Preserver and destroyer …
Note: And this same fact of destroyer being in the middle (i.e. the destroyer holding both the creation and preservation principles in himself) was also subtly referred to in an earlier topic of Makar (or Sound of M), where we had discussed the three pristine jewels … And where it was told that, the middle jewel which relates to the destroyer of allness, had told this little student to not show it in the middle and instead in that painted sketch, put the jewel of the preserver in the middle …
Note continues: This aspect was already discussed in the earlier topic of Makar (which means the sound of letter M of the sound of AOM) and which is also termed as Shuddha Chetan Tattva (which means pristine conscious elemental state) and the same in Vedic lore is also called as Brahma Tattva (pristine element of creator of allness) … And the same is also the one which in Srimadbhagawad Gita, Chapter 17 is referred through the statement of “OM Tat Sat”, and which in simple words, means as “OM, thou Art Truth” …
Note continues: Shuddha Chetan Tattva is also denoting Atman, as was told in the earlier topic of Atmavani (which means, as the voice of soul or Song of soul or words of soul or Atma Vani) …
AA-6) …
Our times and an Ati Manava … Sage from Maheshvara … Cessation in veiling …
I would discuss this in brief as cessation in “act of veiling (Tirodhana Krityam or Nigraha Krityam)” cannot be discussed in much detail …
This is due to the call of our present cycles of time (i.e. the effects of the present stage of Kaal Chakra) and its current state of being within the lattermost stage of the intermediary time (i.e. Sandhi Kaal) which relates to an end of the present age cycle and commencement of the incoming age cycle (which is of an age of sages or Guru Yuga or simply, the human golden age cycle) …
Proceeding further …
We already are living in the times, when some sage who either himself is a mega evolved one or he directly or indirectly relates to these discussed mega evolved ones, is about to “come in front of some part of humanity of this world” … I don’t want to tell this part clearly, so I used the words “either and or” here …
His relation would be to the cosmic act of veiling (Tirodhana or Nigraha) and thus, nobody would know about him, until he wishes them to know …
And due to being the bearer of veiling principle, even his own family wouldn’t know that he is the mega evolved one of cosmic act of veiling (i.e. Ati Manava of Nigraha Krityam) … Even the Gods and other beings wouldn’t know this presence, until he himself declares it in the open … This is because, even in his human bodied form, that sage is the entire macrocosmic veiling principle (in a human form) …
Note: Even the Biblical lore refers to the same, as second coming of Jesus … The Biblical lore says about this for the Advent of Christ in its own ways, which readers can very clearly know by a single read of Matthew 24, and also in some other parts of this document … But as I have already told, that Bible is a document whose root concepts are of the much earlier Vedas, and since the root is what ultimately is related to, so this document (Bible) can never say anything that goes against what was already told by the much-much earlier Vedic sages … As a matter of fact, if we take out all that is Vedic in the Bible, then nothing substantial would be left in the Bible …
Proceeding further …
Since Nigraha Krityam (cosmic act of veiling) is of Tatpurusha, so due to this reason, that sage of our current discussion would only be descending from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva and thus, he can also be addressed as the Sage from Tatpurusha …
And since Tatpurusha is also the one whom Vedas address as Maheshvara (i.e. the Great Lord of allness) so that’s same sage would also be known as the Sage from Maheshvara …
Proceeding further …
As per my Kaalchakra calculations, he has already entered this world and is only awaiting the ripeness and rightness of time cycle (cycle of time or wheel of time or simply Kaalchakra) to slowly start coming in front of a few humans and eventually when the divinity of the further stage of cycle of time is conducive, also rise to fore in this world …
He is also the same whom we had discussed as the sage who is the installer of the subtle yet strong foundation of the incoming age cycle, which as such is his age only … And thus that incoming age would also be known as Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) and in that age, he would be known as the Yuga Sthapak (i.e. installer of path and/or ways of life of that incoming age of Guru Yuga) …
He is also the one who returns back from (and thus has a deep association to) Mahashunya (great emptiness) … Thus, he by himself would be that great emptiness (Maha Shunya) … And due to this reason, he would also have the capability to reduce the present age cycle and its degenerate flows and dynamism, to a state of zeroness prior he finally closes it for good …
Ancient Vedic sages used to name such a sage as Mahatam (the great darkness) and as Mahashunya (the great emptiness), who always returns back to end the dark age cycle (or degenerate age cycle), like this one … This is because, great darkness (Maha Shunya) kills the darkness (as is of a dark age like this one) by pervading it and thus controlling it by further bringing it in its own greater envelope …
From the time when I write this topic, even though his initial coming in front of a few humans is close, yet because he is the holder of the entire act of cosmic veiling principle, so to know him (identify him) would be an utter impossibility for al beings of physical or beyond realms …
In his present transmigrated state (i.e. birth by the path of transmigration of soul), he could also be the Maha Manava from Tirodhana Krityam (cosmic act of Veiling) in addition to being the mega evolved one of the cosmic veiling principle (i.e. Ati Manava of Tirodhana Krityam) …
Note: I wrote the phrase, “could also be”, because I don’t wish to state this clearly in a world, that is already degenerate and to which that sage of Maheshwara doesn’t even relate and thus, after his initial coming, he would also be living (or staying) in isolation from all these severely deviated and thus degenerate sounds and ways of life of present day human civilizations, which inhabit this planet …
Proceeding further …
Since Tirodhana Krityam is of Moola Prakriti (Ma Durga or Ma Shakti or Devi Ma), so that sage of Tirodhana Krityam would also primarily have to be a Shakta (he would have to be in the path of Ma Shakti or the great divinity) …
And since Shakti itself is Shiva, so in some aspects he would have to be a Shaiva (one who walks the path to Shiva) …
And since preservation principle cannot be avoided (as we had discussed earlier on), so he being a Vaishnava (one who walks the path to Sri Vishnu) can never be avoided …
Thus, basis above …
His path would also have to be as told below …
Inward a Shakta, Outward a Shaiva and in the world a Vaishnava
Which means …
Inwardly pristine divinity, Outwardly supremely auspicious, Worldly a preserver
And since the end stage of above stated path, is none other than what is written below, so below written aspects is to what he would finally relate …
Inward an Atmana, Outward a Sarva, In the multi-universe a Brahmana
Which means …
Inwardly taintless essence, Outwardly allness, In macrocosm the knower of absolute
Proceeding further …
But know for sure, that this entire multi-universe has been granted to him by Lord of eternity of time (or lord of time or Mahakaal) and his eternal divinity (i.e. Ma Mahakali) by whose inspiration, he has returned back in this much lower and thus severely gross realm of existence …
His time span of rise is from 2028.74 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and his time of existence in this universe is for a further 2592 years (as per unitary value of time that relates to the nadir phase of precession of equinoxes) which can also be extended till the end of Guru Yuga (i.e. about 10,000 years from now) …
As per the demands of the incoming age cycle, following is how it would have to be for the sage of Maheshwara …
- His ways shall be of timeless Vedas … And their boundless applications across all ways and walks of life of microcosms, who reside here and also beyond …
- His desired and established kingdom, the Vaidik Rashtra, which denotes the Multi-universe (i.e. Brahmand, that itself is the kingdom of Lord of all or Sarveshvara’s Samrajya) …
- His relation would have to be to one or more of the seven Manu (first humans of each of the seven Age of Manu or Manvantara) who have come by during the present Brahma Kalpa (i.e. presently underway day time of Brahma) …
- And above stated aspect would also be in addition to his relation to one or more Sapt Rishi’s (seven sages), of one or more of the Mahayuga of this Brahma Kalpa (day of Brahma, which has a time span of 4.32 billion years as per the middle time unit of precession cycle) …
- And his relation would also be to all Siddha (fully accomplished beings) of any of the triple times, in addition to the fully accomplished sages and warriors of the triplicity of times of existence of Makers Makings …
- As far as those subtle flows and dynamism that would get emanated from adhering to his laid down path of life, are concerned, even when his installed path would primarily have to be inwardly (i.e. of self realization) yet due to being based upon an “inner oneness to allness (Brahmand Dharana)” that path would also have taintless outwardly effects upon the entire multi-universe …
- His microcosm would be the symbol (Lingam) of the entire macrocosm and thus he would denote the fullness of divinities of Makers Makings …
- His ultimate accomplishment of “Saguna Atman (i.e. the absolute being in a human form)” who ITself would be residing as Ardhanarishwara with his own tiny microcosmic physical body …
- His next return “could be” as the Sage from Ishana and if this really is the case, then it would have to be about 2592 years (as per middle time units of axial precession of earth’s axis) prior the incoming Guru Yuga, finally closes (after 10,000 years or so) …
Note: The word “Ishana” as has been written in above bullet point, means the Ishana face of Sadashiva, and who as such denotes the fullness of Sadashiva … The Sanskrit word of “Sadashiva” means, the timelessly eternal, omnipresent, supreme auspiciousness …
So shall it eventually begin getting visible, to all that exists as gross, subtle and divine realms … Here and beyond … But during the coming times and only during the coming decades when he would complete that job, for which he has returned to this nonsensical, utterly absurd and totally chaotic world …
AA-7) …
Continuous cessation of flows cannot be till eternity …
No microcosm who still exists within the purviews of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation, can ever stay in a ceased state until eternity and this aspect is also related to a mega evolved one …
As long as the microcosm rests within any part of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation, some flows and dynamism would also be needed to exist within her (i.e. macrocosmic creation’s) envelope …
Above is because such a condition of permanent cessation, also goes against the principle of dependent origination, law of cosmic flows and dynamism, law of non sameness, law of eternal change of parts of corpus and principle of eternal evolution …
And in addition to these, such a condition also comes in non compliance with the law of universal process, the law of cosmic hierarchy and the law of cosmic-co-existence …
And such a condition also comes on the wrong side of the law of sameness and law of vibrations …
Proceeding further …
If stay in a ceased state is for a time span which is longer that what can be taken in stride as per ones state of evolution, then that microcosm would end up in problems of various sorts (and may even completely dissolute if this state is for some even longer time span) …
Note: As far as any incarnated aspirant is concerned, only during the Yogic condition, which is of Jada Samadhi (absorption within the root of allness) can this aspect be bypassed for a substantial amount of time … But the same time, a longer stay in this type of Samadhi (Absorption) also has its limitations and thus no Yogi can stay in this type of Yogic absorption (Samadhi) for eternity … Thus, during human history, even when stay of some Yogi’s in this Jada Samadhi has been for extended periods of even a few millenniums, yet they ultimately came out of it … And thus, in line with our present discussion, there has also been no Yogi has ever stayed in this Jada Samadhi, till eternity …
Proceeding further …
This is because cessation of flows and dynamism can never be until eternity because in such a condition of cessation, the ceased microcosm would completely dissolute …
Thus, some flow and dynamism at some regular intervals is absolutely required by every mega evolved one …
And at some other ever more-distant intervals, fuller flows or close to this condition of fullness (of flows and dynamism) are also absolutely required by each mega evolved one …
This is why, even when these mega evolved ones mostly remain as vast-sized ceased etheric fields whilst they hang out of the universe and whilst they also remain connected to the universal etheric field, yet these highly evolved ones definitely need to resume some minor quantum of their flow and dynamism (minor quantum is in comparison to the fuller capacity) so as to continue to exist within their cessation …
And at some even-longer intervals (like those of creation and destruction of worlds or planes or universes which can even run into multiples of millions and further billions of years), they also need to resume their flows to a fuller state …
In any other condition, they would never be able to continue in their ceased states for longer intervals as eventually are of the totality of time spans of their existence within their ceased states …
And this is why these mega evolved ones are always available to do those jobs, which cannot ever be done by any other microcosm (including the controllers of any of the divine worlds i.e. Gods who live in their own controlled divine worlds or divine realms) …
Thus, basis above, these mega evolved ones are always available to mother nature (Ma Prakriti) whenever and wherever she may need them … But mother nature only recalls them, after it is clear that no other being can solve (or rectify) the issue at hand … Due to this reason, the recall of these mega evolved one is only after it is clear that other than such a recall back, nothing else would work in rectifying the issue (fault) that is present at those times in any of the words, planes or universes of the macrocosmic creation …
AA-8) …
Resumption of flows of the ceased etheric fields of the mega evolved ones …
During any of the originations, preservation and destruction of a world (or a plane of existence or a universe), these mega evolved ones, who as such are as vast-sized non-lighted ceased etherics, have no choice but to resume their flows and dynamism …
And during stages of origination and destruction of universes, their flows are also resumed to their fuller capability in addition to this resumption being spontaneous …
As also, no origination, preservation or destruction can ever take place without the presence and thus the support of these mega evolved ones …
So, depending upon the act that is needed at a time, is the need of a specific mega evolved one (Ati Manava) who leads those acts and thus executes them to bring about the desired state (which can even be as the desired state of change) … And at such times, there also is a need of some other types of mega evolved ones who also become active, so as to assist the one who leads those greater (or even universal) acts …
And at other times, when lesser jobs are to be done, then the need of resumption of fuller flows is not there and thus the flows which are resumed at such times, are not of that fullness of capability of the mega evolved ones …
An example of resumption of lesser quantum of flows is when the preserver (Sri Vishnu) enters a lower world so as to change an age cycle by doing some specific acts that are needed at such a time … At such times, because the mega evolved one (who is ceased in process) self-manifests in a bodied state (physical bodied state), so he can never resume his flows to their maximum (due to reasons which have already been discussed earlier on) …
And the same is also applicable to the other two types of mega evolved ones (i.e. ones who are ceased in principles and laws or simply the creator principle and destroyer principle) who can also self-manifest in a world as per the call of that time and its eternal cycles (I.e. as per the call of that cycle of time or wheel of time or Kaalchakra) … This is because, never can it be possible to have the fullness of capability, whilst one is still incarnated in a physical bodied state …
Proceeding further …
So, depending upon the type of job and what is needed to be done so as to execute that job, is the quantum of resumption of flows and dynamism within the ceased etheric fields of these mega evolved ones …
Only whilst they are still hanging as a ceased etheric out of the universe, can the fullness of capabilities of these mega evolved ones be utilized (and not when they incarnate in a world which can be either in a form or even a formless state) …
Proceeding further …
Now we shall discuss how these flows are resumed within those ceased etherics of the mega evolved ones …
- If larger quantum of flows are needed to complete a job … This is when the needs of a larger microcosm’s (like a universe) need to be taken care of … At such times, these ceased etherics resume their flows to their higher quantum’s which may even be to their “close to maximum capabilities” …
Proceeding further …
And in situations like originating or dissoluting of worlds (or planes of existence or universes) because these flows also need to be such that they can provide the necessary shocks to execute such jobs (of origination and destruction) so this resumption is of a fullness and is also spontaneous …
This is when that mega evolved etheric suddenly resumes and builds up its flows and dynamism and thence extends its etheric and projects it into the universe which needs to be destroyed (or extends its etheric into Inert matter, as the case may be during origination of the universe) …
This is where these excesses of flows are suddenly transferred to that state (i.e. inertial mass during origination of a universe or to an existing universe so as to completely dissolute that universe) …
However very rarely are such higher quantum of flows needed during the process of preservation of a universe … But the exception to this is when the mega evolved one needs to resume its fuller flows and dynamism, so as to preserve that state which is already created or destroyed and thus ensure that the created state stays present in the macrocosmic creation after it is created or ensure the destroyed state doesn’t get completely dissoluted due to an absence of the preservation principle within it (as could be during the time of working of the universal destroyer principle) …
At no other times can can fuller flows be resumed by any of these mega evolved ones …
- If lesser quantum of flows are needed to complete a job … This is when these mega evolved ones either create a single world or single plane of existence or they take birth on the physical worlds … In either of these cases, the quantum of flows and dynamism that would be needed would be well below their actual capability …
But when they exist on a world and that too in their physical bodied state, then at such a time, the flows which they resume are not even an iota of what their actual capability is …
And the reason for this lesser quantum of resumed flows is also based upon the earlier discussions …
But even when this is the case, yet their resumed and thus their emanated flows (which each microcosm emanates into the universe in which it lives at that time) may even be much higher that the Gods (or Satan’s) of that world or plane of existence …
Within the Vedic lore, such ones are termed as Avatar of any of the trinity (i.e. direct descent of the creator deity or Brahma, preserver deity or Vishnu and destroyer deity or Rudra or Shiva) …
Depending upon the state of existence of a mega evolved one and capability of the physical body that is held, are the quantum of flows that it can resume …
Any amount of resumption which is higher than what the then-held physical body can take in its stride, would only end up destroying the physical body that is held by the mega evolved one …
Thus, even when such an Avatar enters the world, then because the physical vehicle has a limitation regarding the maximum quantum of flows that can be present within it and which actually is not even an iota of the actual capability of the mega evolved one, so no mega evolved has ever had its fuller flows whilst it was still resting on a physical world and was still holding a physical vehicle …
BB) …
During origination, preservation and rejuvenative destruction of the worlds …
Here we shall discuss the aspects of mega evolved ones during each of the three main processes of universe and its parts, i.e. creation, preservation and destruction …
BB-1) …
During origination of universes, planes of existences and worlds … The mega evolved one who is ceased in principles (I.e. the creator of allness or simply, Brahma), resumes its flows spontaneously … This is the mega evolved being who ultimately becomes the creator of that new universe which he only originated out of the earlier state of Inert matter (inertial mass, which as such is a highly compressed state of energy) …
Thus, this is the mega evolved one (Atimanava), who executes the method of transforming that pinpointed state of compressed energy of inert matter, into a vast elongated cosmic bubble, that we know as the universe …
This resumption is such that the flows are brought to the desired higher levels very quickly (just as are needed for the job at hand) …
And then that mega evolved one projects its etheric field (which have those high quantum’s of spontaneously built up flows and dynamism) into that inert matter (i.e. the non lighted inertial mass is nothing but a highly condensed energy), but only after it has already desired to begin (i.e. that inertial mass has already entered into the original cause and thus desired “to begin”) …
This projection of vast quantum of flows and dynamism by the mega evolved etheric and into the inert matter, suddenly resumes flows in that inert matter and thus also ends up by bringing it out of its then inertial state (inertial state is the condition where energy is highly condensed) …
At this time, that inertial mass which is like a speck of dust (and which in Vedic lore is told as, “prior re-beginning, the entire universe was of a size that was like the tip of a pinhead …
But during beginning it explodes and implodes violently … This leads to its rapid expansion and a further spread across the space of the multi-universe …
As this happens, to stabilize the process of origination of the universe (and thus prevent it from returning back to its state of being like the tip of pinhead), the mega evolved one who is ceased in process (i.e. one who denotes the preserver or Sri Vishnu) also becomes active …
Thus, as the process of creation keeps continuing, the preservation of those created states also continues …
Proceeding further …
The highly energy component of that pinpoint like inert matter is spontaneously and violently released from inert mater … Thus that energy is flung across the space of the multi-universe … This leads to a very rapid “initial expansion” of the originating universe …
As this is happening and as the inertial mass keeps releasing its highly compressed energies, the expansion of universe continues during the later stage of its origination and further continuity within the Makers Makings …
And as the two mega evolved etherics (i.e. of the creator and preserver) act in tandem upon the inert matter, this expansion of universe only keeps increasing multifold during every moment that passes … This causes a state where there is an exponential expansion of that energy within the universal space of the originating universe, which also makes that universal space, extremely hot …
And eventually as the energy that is released during this process of inert matter coming out of its earlier inertial state, travels further , it also keeps accumulating and meeting other energies and inertial masses at different points of the same multi-universal space within whose envelopes that originating universe is present and expanding itself in a hot and energetically charged elongated bubble like state …
Note: This aspect of a universe being like an elongated bubble was discussed in an earlier topic on Vedic Shivalingam like shape of each universe …
Proceeding further …
This in turn causes an exponential release of further energies into the universal space (as and when some of the other inertial masses which are also floating in space and which also are highly compressed states of energies, also begin coming out of their then inertial states and thus also keep releasing those vast quantum’s of energies which till this state were present in them, but were in a highly compressed and thus inertial state) …
Note: These inert matter are present across the universal space and are as non-lighted microscopic specks of dense matter, that floats at many places within the universal space …
Proceeding further …
Somewhere during the stage that is arrived and is soon after the start of this process of origination, the destroyer principle (i.e. mega evolved one who is ceased within laws of Makers Makings) also cuts into action and joins in with the creative principle (I.e. mega evolved one who is ceased in principles) …
As this happens, the quantum of flows that get projected at that inert matter are also increased phenomenally …
The inert matter begins having implosions and explosions of vast proportions and thus generates a lot of flow (wind or air element) and heat (fire element) …
At this stage, the rate of expansion of universe (actually space within the forming universe) is also increased phenomenally …
Due to the joining of destroyer principle with the creation principle, their etheric capacities also double (I mean increase phenomenally) which in turn leads to an expansion of universe, that keeps doubling at each unit space (i.e. unit distance of space or space unit or unitary value of space) …
This in turn leads to a such a state of expansion of space of universe, that everything else seems slow in its comparison, especially when we observe it over multiples of unit space (i.e. multiples of unitary value of space) …
Proceeding further …
Then a state comes, where due to the presence of preservation principle (which itself is of the mega evolved one who is ceased in process) and who is also assisting the creator (mega evolved one ceased in principles), and which also comes into play, in turn leads to accumulation of those vast quantum of released energies of a originating universe, at different points of that ever increasing universal space (as is of that originating universe at the discussed stage or time) …
This leads to accumulation of some of those vast quantum of released energies of inert matter, at some points of the vast elongated bubble like space component of the originating universe …
Thus, basis above …
- The creative principle (i.e. mega evolved one who earlier on was ceased in principles and is addressed as Brahma in Vedas) causes inertial mass to come out of its inertia and this releases vast quantum’s of the earlier highly compressed energies from that inert matter … As this keeps happening, the inert matter also keeps turning into energy which at this stage begins flowing in that initially forming cosmic bubble like state of the universal space …
Note: Energy and matter being interconvertible was already discussed in an earlier topic that had the header of “inter convertibility of matter and energy” …
- Then when the destructive principle also joins in, then it spreads these released energies of inert matter, further and further into the then forming bubble like universal space …
- But as the destructive and creative principles join together in activating that inertial mass (from which the universe has to be originated, but after that inertial mass is already resting within the original cause, i.e. the desire to begin), a stage comes where vast explosions and implosions start happening within the inert matter, which leads to a very fast spread of these energies that are released by inert matter …
- This leads to a state of very rapid increase in size of space of the forming universe …
- Thus, at this time, the speeds of travel of energies into the multi-universal space is also very high (higher than what we could ever know) and due to this, the universal bubble like space component also expands at a rate which can only be termed as phenomenal …
- And then this process of unioned state of creator and destruction principle continues until its next stages … And where these next stages of origination of universe, also need assistance of the universal preservation principle (i.e. Vishnu Siddhanta) who is also denoted by the mega evolved one who is ceased in process (i.e. the Lord of universal process or the Lord of eternity of presence of evolution and Lord of eternal existence) and due to being such, the Lord of Amnaya Peetha (this Sanskrit name means as the Vedic Monasteries or Vyasa Peetha) is also Sri Vishnu only … And due to being such, Sri Vishnu is also addressed as the eternal teacher (Sanatan Gurudeva), Sarveshvara (Lord of allness) and the first bearer (Peethadheeshwar) of all Peethas of both the “Nigama (Vedic monasteries)” and also the “Agama (Yogic and Siddha monasteries)” paths …
Proceeding further … To discuss the origination of subtle and gross matter …
As these omnidirectional energies travel across that vast ever exponentially expanding universal space, these energies also begin meeting other energies and thus begin accumulating at specific points of that universal space …
Due to this, the accumulation of energies which are released by inert matter, also starts getting condensed at some points of that ever exponentially expanding elongated bubble like universal space …
As more and more amount of energies condense at such points inside the space of that originating universe, then the states of various types and amounts of compression of these energies also takes place at those points of the originating universe …
And from these accumulations of energies that keep getting their slight compressions, is the further stage of commencement of origination of five subtle elements (Pancha Tanmatra) and then is the further origination of the five macro-elements (Panch Mahabhuta) …
And where the initial origination of these five elements (Pancha Mahabhuta) is in a subtle state …
Proceeding further …
Due to the effects of the universal preservation principle, which is also activated at this stage of progress of origination process of universe, as this process of certain accumulation of energies keeps continuing at various points of that ever expanding space (of the originating universe), then as times progress, those five macro-elements (five elemental states of nature or Pancha Mahabhuta) and their respective energies that get released and thence they also accumulate and condense further … This leads to the origination of gross or physical elements (Sthool Bhuta) …
Gross elements are nothing but subtle elements (Tanmatra) and macro-elements (Mahabhuta) accumulating at one point, thence getting compressed to a certain extent which leads to origination of these gross elements (Sthula Bhuta) … And where the initial part of the process of origination of these, is also related to the earlier stage of accumulation of released energies of inert matter, at certain points of the forming elongated bubble like state of the originating universe …
These gross elements which as such are the base of all that is to be originated at later stages of progress of the universe’s origination process, thus also are the base of all worlds, planes of existence and all physical microcosm’s who would at a later stage be originated and thence would also be residing within that already originated universe …
Proceeding further …
The entire process of origination could briefly be told as follows …
- First is energy release from the non-lighted inertial masses …
- Then is the coming of Brahmatattva (macrocosmic elemental state of the Maker of allness) …
Brahma Tattva has the sound of Brahma Nada (i.e. the sound of macrocosmic allness) which itself is of Makar (or sound of M) …
Brahmtattva also denotes the primary state where the self luminous absolute being (i.e. Swa Prakash or Brahman) self-manifests itself as mother nature (Ma Prakriti) in her highly luminous yet principal energy state … That self luminous absolute being (I.e. Swayam Prakash or Brahman) is what the Vedic sound and symbol of OM, ultimately denotes … And where the symbol and sound of OM (or AUM) itself is the symbol of Brahman and thus is also termed as Brahmlingam (which means as symbol of Brahman) …
- Then is the stage of coming by of the light pink colored vitality of absolute being (Brahm or Brahman) and which as such is addressed as Prakriti (In Samkhya) and as Avyakta (in Vedas) … This is also addressed as Avyakta Prana and also as Avyakta Prakriti … This is also the state which Buddhist lore names as Tusita Loka …
- Then is the coming of Triguna aspect of energy (three attributes of cosmic creation or simply, three qualities of mother nature) …
Triguna means, three primary attributes (or three primary qualities) of mother nature or Ma Prakriti … These are as follows …
First is the self-manifestation of attribute of neutrality (Sattva Guna) … This is of a very subtle nature and has a white color, which relates to the ninth sphere of mother nature and which is also termed as Para Prakriti (beyond nature or nature which is beyond the manifest) … This has the sound of Aham (which denotes macrocosmic I’ness) … And it also denotes the Sattva Guna aspect of Ahamkara (neutral I’ness) of Makers Makings …
Then is the simultaneous self-coming of attribute of action (Rajoguna) and attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) … This simultaneous self-coming is such that on one side of attribute of neutrality (i.e. Sattvaguna) is self-manifested the attribute of action (Rajoguna) and on the other side is self-manifested the quality of inertia (Tamoguna) … And where their quantum’s are also such that, they both balance each other out, when we see the allness of macrocosmic creation … The quality of Inertia also has the sound of Aham (which also denotes the macrocosmic I’ness) and quality of action has the sound of ALA (which denotes macrocosmic Am’ness or simply, Asmita) …
Discussing further … But in continuity to above …
- Then is the stage of slow but steady self-coming of other 24 elements, which include the below described five subtle elements (Panch Tanmatra) and the five macro-elements (Panch Mahabhoota) …
This process origination of the five subtle elements and further stage of origination of the five macro-elements is as follows …
- From Shabda Tanmatra (subtle element of sound, which itself is of AUM) originates the macro-element of space (i.e. Akasha Mahabhuta) in its subtle-manifested state within the originating universe … Within the universe, this is of a subtle purple color and it holds the entire universal energy in itself …
- From subtle element of sound (Sabda Tanmatra) and macro-element of space (Akash Mahabhuta) are originated the subtle-element of touch (i.e. Sparsha Tanmatra or Touch subtle element) and macro-element of air (Vayu Mahabhuta) … This is of a subtle light blue color and it denotes vital flows that are necessary to continue the universe and its parts …
- From subtle element of touch (i.e. Sparsha Tanmatra or Touch subtle element) and macro-element of air (Vayu Mahabhuta) and the previously originated subtle element of sound and macro-element of space, are originated the subtle element of form (i.e. Roop Tanmatra or form subtle element) and macro-element of fire (Agni Mahabhuta) which is also called as Light macro-element (Prakash Mahabhuta) and heat-luminosity macro-element (Tejas Mahabhuta) … This has seven colors and it denotes destructive rejuvenation …
- From subtle element of form (i.e. Roop Tanmatra or form subtle element) and macro-element of fire (Agni Mahabhuta) and the previously originated subtle and macro-elements, are originated the subtle element of taste (i.e. Rasa Tanmatra or taste subtle element) and macro-element of water (Jalam Mahabhuta or Ap Mahabhuta) … This denotes life and its continuity within the universal process of evolution of all that ever is begun within the Makers Makings …
- From subtle element of taste (i.e. Rasa Tanmatra or taste subtle element) and macro-element of water (Jalam Mahabhuta or Ap Mahabhuta) and the previously originated subtle and macro-elements, are originated the subtle element of smell (i.e. Gandha Tanmatra or fragrance subtle element) and macro-element of earth (Bhu Mahabhuta or Prithvi Mahabhuta) … This denotes eternal existence … The sound of earth element is both of BHU and of Ujjayi Nada and where Bhu denotes the origination and Ujjayi denotes the victory over allness (i.e. going beyond allness of Makers Makings which as such is liberation) …
- And then from these subtle elements are originated the grosser elements (or earth, water, fire and air) and the ether stays in its subtle macro-elemental state, just as it earlier was when it was self-originated as a macro-element of ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) …
- And thence is the stage of stabilization of the universe, after which is the further stage of self-origination of beings in that universe …
BB-2) …
During preservation of universes, planes of existences and worlds …
During the process of preservation, the mega evolved one who is ceased in process, becomes active …
Since the process is preservation is a continuous one and since it continues until and even beyond the existence of the universe, so this is an eternal job … Due to this the preservation principle never sleeps …
Contrary to above, the origination and destruction principles are not so, as none of these principles exist after the creator of a universe completes his destined lifetime and thence the universe enters into a great dissolution (Mahapralaya) …
Even within that state of Maha Pralay (i.e. great dissolution after the end of destined time span of the creator of universe), the universe is preserved in its essential energy state … And thus the preservation principle (of the mega evolved one who rests in cessation of process) also continues within that state, where the earlier universe is already completely dissoluted (i.e. after the stage of Maha Pralaya has already taken place) …
It is due to above that the Vedic lore states as follows …
- After the great dissolution (i.e. Maha Pralaya), the universe gets dissolved into Sriman Narayana (universal preservation principle) …
- During those time spans of great dissolution of allness, when there is nothing like a macrocosm or any microcosm (including the largest microcosm of the universe) and where both the creator and destroyer also rest, Sriman Naaraayana continues holding that dissoluted universe, within himself (i.e. after the great dissolution, the universes rest within Sriman Narayana) …
- And this is also why the Vedic lore also says, that Sriman Narayana is the eternal being (Sanatan Purusha or simply, Purusha), eternal principle (Sanatan Siddhant), preserver (Sanatan Stithi Kritya), the eternal ruler (Sanatan Samraat) and is also the eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) of all that ever is …
- And since only Sriman Narayana continues to remain in that great destructed state of allness, so this is also why the Vedic lore says, Narayana is the great grandfather of allness (I.e. Sriman Narayana is Par-Pitamah) …
- At such a time, the previous creator enters into a union with the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman), who itself is none other than Paramshiva (Supreme Shiva or the supreme destructive rejuvenation principle or simply, Para Brahman) …
- And when the same dissoluted universe which then is resting in Sriman Narayana, is readied to begin again, then another mega evolved one who is ceased within principles, takes over the job of re-originating that universe from its then dissoluted state …
- And where the time span of that great dissolution is also the same as the lifetime of the previous creator (i.e. 311.040 trillion human solar years as per middle unitary value of time that relates to the cycle of precession of equinox or in other words, the time units of middle of human age cycle) …
- Thus in reality, Sriman Narayana is the eternal one as far as his presence within the unbegun, begun, dissoluted, re-begun and eternally preserved multi-universe is concerned …
- And this is also why, Sriman Narayana, who as such denotes the universal preservation principle, is also told so in Vedas …
Proceeding further …
Condition of advent & process of preservation principle (Narayana Siddhant) …
This process of preservation is such that, it can have many-many variations … Since all these cannot be discussed, so only the main ones would be discussed here …
- Advent of preservation principle during change of ages (Yuga Parivartan) … These change of ages could be as a change of human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra), change of divine ages (Deva Yuga or Maha Yuga) or any other age like the age of Manu (Manvantara), etc., …
But upon the worlds that are in the process of change of human ages (Manav Yuga), the physical presence of Sriman Narayana may or may not be there as an Avatar of Sri Vishnu …
This is because, during change of human age (Manav Yuga Chakra) even a mere representative of Narayana Siddhanta (i.e. a sage who holds the preservation principle due to the grace of Narayana on him) would suffice …
This sage could be from any of the five faces of Sadashiva and could even come from any of the five divine worlds of the five divine beings (Pancha Deva) or he could even be the one who is directly chosen by the lord of time (Mahakala) and his own pristine divinity (Ma Mahakaali) …
His advent would always be during the stages when the last phase of intermediary time span of change of human ages (i.e. Sandhikala of change of human age) is already underway and is about to enter into the last phase of change within that world (where the human age cycle is changing) …
Proceeding further …
But at the same time, someone from Sriman Narayana Siddhanta (I.e. Narayana principle or preservation principle) would have to descend to that world where the human age cycle (Manav Yuga) is turning to the next one and which would also have to be as per the call of time and its eternal cycle (Kala Chakra) …
This is because, without the preservation principle present, the process of change of ages would be a very turbulent one and may even end up making all life forms extinct upon that world …
Thus, during such times when a human age (Manav Yuga) is turning, Sriman Narayana may or may not be present upon that world world in a physical form …
But at the same time, since the subtle component of Sriman Narayana is omnipresent and is also eternal, so that subtle component would anyways be there during the Sandhi Kala (intermediary time span between two ages which are changing) and this is even when the physical Avatar of Narayana may be missing …
Such a state usually happens during stages of change of human age cycles when the need of a physically present Avatara of Narayana is not there (because unlike the divine ages, the change of human ages is a pretty minor one which may or may not need the physical bodied presence of an Avatar of Sriman Narayana in that world) …
Proceeding further …
But during the change of divine age cycle (Deva Yuga or Maha Yuga), the need of presence of an Avatar, can never be compromised …
And due to this reason, during any change of a divine age cycle (Mahayuga or Deva Yuga), the physical presence of the universal preservation principle (i.e. Sriman Narayana) is always there …
And the same is during every other even higher age cycle, like that of a Manu (which as such is told as Manvantar) …
- Whenever there is a buildup of excess and under … Excess and under have already been discussed in an earlier topic of “law of excess and under” … But here we shall discuss the process of their eviction especially when the types of these and also their quantum is so high that some aspect of divine intervention becomes necessary … And where that divine intervention is as the advent of the preservation principle (i.e. a mega evolved one who is ceased in process of Makers Makings) …
During the intermediate time of change of any of the cycles of time (i.e. when any cycle of time is changing to another), this build up of excess and under of certain aspects, is always there …
This build up is due to the fact, that during the process of change of ages, the divinities of the two changing ages always collide with each other … And since collision always leads to multifold types of chaos, which itself is due to the build up excess and under of one or another type, so during change of ages, the chaos across all walks and ways of life, is always present … At the time when I write this text, due to this world already approaching the last stage of change of human age cycle, the multilateral chaos which is referred here, is already knocking at this worlds door …
Since time is the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation, so when this collision takes place, then it also has effects on all other dimensions and all that exists in the plane or world, where this change of age is taking place … Thus, the effects of these collisions of age cycles, are naught but universal …
So, due to this reason, these collisions of any cycle of time with any other cycle of time and which is always there when ages are turning, always causes a high quantum of manifestation of inner and outer chaos within the microcosm’s who rest in the world (or a group of worlds) … But this is how any change of the cycle of time (or wheel of time or cycle of ages or Kaal Chakra), always is …
That part of cycle of time which comes intermediary (between the two changing age cycles) always leads to buildup of specific types of excess and under’s of flows and dynamism within that part of the universe where the age is changing to a further one … And this always leads to an inner and outer chaos within the microcosm’s who reside upon that world which ultimately leads to such a widespread state of chaos, that spread across all ways and walks of the speciology which resides upon that world (where the age is changing) …
Broadly, this chaos is of the following types …
- Manmade chaos or Speciological chaos …
- Natural chaos or elemental chaos …
- Divine chaos or supernatural chaos …
The chaos always manifests after buildup of excess and under’s and which always happens during intermediate time of change of ages (i.e. during any Sandhikal) … This fact was also discussed in an earlier topic of “Chaos at change of age” …
And whenever this buildup of a substantial amount excess and/or under takes place anywhere within the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation, then the absorption of that excess and/or under is always by the mega evolved etheric who is ceased within the process (i.e. the one who holds the preservation principle or Narayana Siddhanta) …
This is the stage, when that ceased etheric of the mega evolved one (who is ceased in process) resumes its flows and dynamism and thence projects itself into that universe where there is a buildup of that excess and/or under, and which as such is disturbing the natural balance and harmony of that universe … After connecting to the universe, this etheric (of the mega evolved one who is ceased in process) absorbs al these excesses and unders, which at some later stage of time, becomes the cause of restoration of harmony in that part of the universe (where the earlier build up of excess and under was leading to varied manifestation of chaos) …
Proceeding further …
After absorbing these excesses and unders, whenever a newer universe re-begins, then these excesses and unders are placed into (i.e. injected into) that re-beginning universe …
At such times, the mega evolved one who earlier on had absorbed these excess and unders, again resumes its flows and dynamism, and then injects these absorbed excesses and unders (which they had kept absorbing from other universes over longer periods of time) into that re-beginning universe … And this is what assists in resuming the process in that re-beginning universe …
This injection of earlier absorbed excess and unders is also carried out at those times when these mega evolved ones who are ceased within process, are assisting the mega evolved one who is to be the father than new (or re-begun) universe …
The same is also done during re-originations of planes and worlds from their earlier dissoluted states …
Proceeding further …
And the same injection of those earlier absorbed excess and unders, can also be done when any world (or plane or universe) reaches the degenerate age cycle …
This is because degenerate ages being the ages of chaos, also happen to be the better of all times for returns of these excesses and unders, back to the universe … These times are also the better of times for returns of the ones who had taken their giant leap earlier on (and thence have been living within the ceased etheric of the one who is ceased within process) …
In addition to above, a mega evolved one who is ceased within the process can also be recalled during those times when there is a future chance of entering into a state of non compliance towards the law of non sameness, law of equanimity, law of eternal Sssexing, Law of cosmic hierarchy, Law of cosmic flows and dynamism, Law of eternal co-existence, Law of eternal existence, Law of real nextness, etc., …
- Works of preservation principle during and after giant leap of evolution …
Whenever any aspirant takes the giant leap (or great leap of evolution) which itself is by attaching to a wise one who is moving to that which is beyond allness, then such ones who take the giant leap are always absorbed by the mega evolved one who is ceased within the process …
This is to ensure compliance to the Law of cosmic hygiene, which has already been discussed in an earlier topic …
Such ones (i.e. those who have taken the great leap of evolution) would also continue to remain within that ceased etheric (of the mega evolved one who is ceased in process) until the time when their eviction (out of that ceased etheric) can happen in any of the future conditions of progress of an already existing or a newly re-beginning universe …
And whenever a newer world, a plane of existence or a universe is to be re-originated (actually re-originated, because the term “origination” is only relates to that original universe which was when the Maker had just about commenced his Makings and which itself was during those timeless fathomless times of commencement of existence of the macrocosmic creation), then all those who had taken that giant leap and are still resting within the mega evolved etheric of the one who is ceased in process and some are also leading to unnecessary mediumship(s), would be evicted out of that mega evolved etheric field and thence injected into that newer world, plane of existence or even the universe …
This eviction is when that mega evolved etheric would connect itself to the universe in whose plane or world these ones (i.e. ones who had taken the giant leap) are to be returned back, and thence inject ten into that universe … This is to ensure and thus give them a chance to resume exactly from where they had last left (when they had taken such a great leap of evolution) …
Such placements of those who have taken their giant leaps earlier on, can only happen at some specific stage of time and after this return, those who had earlier taken their great leap are always returned back to a universe where they can resume their process of evolution, exactly from the point where they had last left (due to taking their great leap of evolution and thus entering into the non-lighted etheric field of the one who is ceased in process) …
At such times, countless numbers of such ceased etherics (of the ones who had taken the giant leap earlier on) are injected into the newer world or plane …
- Resumption of process within inert matter … During origination (which actually is a re-origination) of a universe from its earlier state of being inert matter (or non lighted inertial mass), the mega evolved one who is ceased in process (and denotes the preservation principle) is also responsible for resuming the process of that universe … And the same responsibility is also there during re-origination of any world or plane of any universe …
It is during this resumption of process of a renewed (or re-originating) universe, that all that was absorbed during the earlier times (by such a mega evolved one who is ceased in process), can be injected back into that re-originating universe, so as to give those extra shocks which are needed to resume the universe from either its earlier dissoluted state or from the state of non-lighted inert matter …
In either of these cases, because these two conditions (of dissolution and inertial masses) are of severe inertia, so the mega evolved one who is ceased in process builds up its flows and thence suddenly transfers those high quantum of flows to the originating universe (which itself is being originated by the mega evolved one who is ceased in principles) so as render those severe shocks which are necessary to resume the universal process (or evolution) within that inertial universe and thus make it active …
This is also the time, when during origination of universe, that originating entity would be seen to be having vast emanations of energies out of itself and which itself are due to those severe shocks that are given to that re-originating universe by the combined etheric flows of the mega evolved one who is ceased in process and the father of that originating universe (who as such is the mega evolved one who is ceased in principles) …
At such a stage also, all earlier burden which was borne by that mega evolved one (like absorption of excesses and unders of other universes, absorption and holding of those who had taken a giant leap, etc.,) is released by that mega evolved one into the re-originating universe … And this is also what leads to resumption of its process …
And to a lesser extent, the same can also be done, whenever an incoming cycle of time demands a newer way of life to be installed in a world … The same to a lesser extent, can also be done during Sandhikaal (intermediary time between any two age cycles) …
- Absorbing the next of nextness, but only if it hampers the normal running of a world or plane of existence or even a universe …
When the excesses and/or unders become more that what can assist in the normal running (or balanced) condition of the universe (I mean any universe, which includes all of its planes of existences like Galaxies, etc. and all of its worlds like this planet Earth), then the mega evolved one who is ceased in process (i.e. the preserver of the universes) is always recalled back into flows and dynamism so as to absorb these excesses and unders and thus restore a balance of flows and dynamism within the universe, which in turn leads to the state of normal (or balanced or harmonious) running of that universe …
At such a time of recall of the preserver (i.e. any of those mega evolved one’s who are ceased in process of Makers Makings), that mega evolve being lets go of its state of cessation, resumes its flows and dynamism and thence projects its vast non-lighted (dark colored) etheric cord towards the universe which needs its assistance …
Note: This state of non lightness of the etheric cord of the mega evolved one denotes the state of unity of that mega evolved one to Shunya Brahman … Shunya Brahman denotes that which is “zero infinite (or Shunya Ananta or zeroness of infinity)” and which simultaneously also is as the “infinite zero (Ananta Shunya or infiniteness of zeroness)” … This is also denoting the original self-expression of the “attributeless infinite Absolute being (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahman or simply, Parabrahman or Brahman)” …
Note continues: Shunya is a state of non-lightness and Ananta denotes the self luminous absolute being (Swa Prakash Brahman or Swayam Prakash Brahman) …
Note continues: The Sanskrit word of “Swa Prakash (or Swayam Prakash) which means as “self-luminous”, actually means, that which illumines all and yet keeps itself hidden from all (those who are not ready to know it) …
Proceeding further …
Once that mega evolved one connects its own etheric field to that universe which needs assistance, then it starts doing that for which it had resumed its flows and dynamism, i.e. lead to a balanced state of running of that universe …
This connection of the mega evolved one is through its own etheric cord (which in earlier figure is shown as a dark colored cord) …
And where this non-lighted (i.e. dark colored) vast etheric cord of the mega evolved being, joins with the etheric cord of that universe (which is shown as a diamond white cord in above figure) so as to do that which is discussed here …
Once this cord (or mega evolved one who is ceased in process of Makers Makings) joins to the universe which needs assistance, then that mega evolved one begins its job of transferring and/or absorbing those excesses and unders to and/or from that universe, so as to lead to that state of balance in the universe …
And where this balance must also be as per the current evolutionary standing of the universe within the cosmic hierarchy …
Note: In above above paragraph, the phrase “that state of balance is written” to denote a specific balance that must be maintained within the various parts of universe, to the universe in which these parts reside …
Note continues: And where this specific state of balance is also dependent upon the current evolutionary standing of the universe, as is within the macrocosmic hierarchy … Thus, as is the evolutionary standing of a universe, so is the specific state of balance that must be there in that universe … And since different universes hold different levels of evolutionary standings within the macrocosmic hierarchies (which itself is to ensure complying to the law of non sameness that has already been discussed earlier on), so this also means, that different aspects of balance are needed by different universes … And this is what the mega evolved one who is ceased in process (i.e. the preservation principle or preserver of allness) ultimately ensures through its actions of absorbing and/or letting go of the earlier absorbed excesses and unders as are being discussed here …
Note continues: Above discussion also relates to the timely and necessary assistance which a mega evolved one who is ceased in process (i.e. the mega evolved one who acts as the preserver) renders to the mega evolved one who has fathered a universe (i.e. the mega evolved one who earlier on was ceased within the principles of Makersmakings prior it had taken the job of fathering the universe, where these currently discussed excesses and unders have gotten manifested) …
Note continues: The proof of this assistance being timely is also referred at many places within the Vedic lore … As an example of this fact, is the conversation between Lord Narsimha (i.e. an avatar of supreme preserver of allness, i.e. Sri Vishnu) and his worshipper Prahalada and where Lord Narsimha says the Sanskrit statement of “Kshamtavyam Mei Apradham” to Prahalada and which means “Forgive my faults (crime for your thoughts on rendering a delayed assistance)” … And statement this was told in the context of “an apparent delay in rendering assistance to Prahalada” and which Prahalada was thinking at that time, as to “why this delayed assistance … It should have come earlier” … But Lord Narsimha’s assistance was actually a timely one (i.e. it was rendered when it was to be rendered) … And yet Lord Narsimha says this statement, to Prahalada to implicitly denote what is told here as “timely assistance”, which definitely does not depend upon the whims and fancies of the person to whom this assistance is rendered … Thus, the preserver would render assistance when it comes under the purviews of the term “timely” only and not any otherwise (which may even be based upon any of the absurd definitions of the word timely, by the ones to whom this assistance is rendered by the preserver of allness, i.e. Sri Vishnu … And who also happens to be my eternal guide or eternal Guru or Sanatan Gurudeva) …
- What happens to these absorbed excesses and unders and its absorber …
After these excesses and unders are absorbed by the mega evolved one, the mega evolved one again enters into a state of cessation of flows and dynamism …
This again leads to a flowless condition of the etheric cord of the mega evolved one … And within that flowless condition, that mega evolved one again rests, but only until that stage where its assistance shall again be needed by another universe and which may even be after a pretty long time …
These absorbed states (which denote the excesses and unders of the universe from where these were absorbed by the mega evolved one so as to restore a balance in that universe), stay within the vast flowless etheric cord of the mega evolved one …
In that vast flowless state of the etheric cord of the mega evolved one, these absorbed excesses also come to their flowless state …
Proceeding further …
Since nothing can ever exist in a longer state of flowlessness for a time which is longer that what it can take in its evolutionary stride (i.e. as per its current state of evolution) and since a longer state of flowlessness would eventually lead to a dissolution of that flowless entity, so at regular intervals some minor flow is projected unto these absorbed states, which rest rest within that flowless etheric field of the supreme preservation principle …
But the amount of flow and dynamism which is projected by the mega evolved one, unto these absorbed states which rest in the flowless etheric cord of that mega evolved one, is of just that amount which would lead to their continuity within the Makers Makings (i.e. the amount of flow and dynamism which these absorbed states get, is just about sufficient to make them continue and thus not let them dissolute permanently) …
- Process of balance by a mega evolved one … A simplified discussion …
The mega evolved one who acts as preserver keeps absorbing the excesses and unders from all universes whose originators (i.e. the mega evolved ones who prior to taking over the role of universal father, was ceased in principles) have sent their subtle requests to do so …
And as these excesses and unders which itself are from various universes, keep getting absorbed across a certain longer time span, they also keep increasing within that ceased etheric field (of the mega evolved one who is ceased in process) …
And eventually a state arrives of these excesses where the numbers (or amounts) of these absorbed excesses and unders are high enough to lead to deviations even within that ceased etheric of the absorber (i.e. the preserver) of these excesses …
At this stage, there remain only two options …
One option : This option is to dissolute them (i.e. dissolute those absorbed excesses and unders) by stopping their minor quantum of flows which are regularly sent to these absorbed excesses and unders (so as to keep them alive even in that state of cessation of the mega evolved one, who had absorbed them earlier on) …
These very minor flows and dynamism are just about enough to keep these excesses slightly active and thus prevent their total extinction …
Second option: And the second option to to evict them out of that mega evolved etheric (who is ceased in process and who had kept absorbing these excesses and unders over a certain longer period of time) … And where this eviction is into another universe (or plane of existence or world) which is about to begin and thence resume its processes or could even be within an existing universe where those absorbed excesses or unders could balance another type of already existent excess or under in that universe …
Proceeding further …
But since the first option as stated above, is rarely adopted within the Makers Makings as it goes against the principle of eternal existence and it also goes against ensuring continuity of the principle of eternal evolution, so usually only the second option has ever been adopted …
The first option is only adopted at the time of total dissolution of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. during Mahapralay), which also happens only at the stage when the Brahma of that universe is about to complete his destined time span of existence (or 311.040 trillion human solar years, as per middle of the unitary value of time that relates to the middle of the cycle of precession of equinox) …
Brahma of universe is a mega evolved one who was ceased in principles of Makers Makings, prior he had taken up the role of being the father of that universe, which led to re-origination of that universe from its earlier dissoluted state …
Thus, over those longer periods of time, when these absorbed excesses and unders reach such a proportion that they begin leading to loss of balance and harmony within the ceased etheric (of the preserver, who had kept absorbing them from many universes and across a longer time span), then these excesses are always evicted out of that ceased etheric field (of the mega evolved one who is ceased within process and thus it is also acting as the preserver of allness) …
And where that process of eviction is either into an existent universe or into a newly originating universe … Or it could also be within a world or plane of existence, as has already been discussed earlier on …
Proceeding further …
But if this eviction (of the earlier absorbed excesses and unders) is into an existing universe, then it also needs to be such that these previously absorbed excesses and unders would ultimately lead to a balance to the already existent types of excesses and unders in that universe …
This is because, no mega evolved one can ever lead to a state of imbalance in another and this itself is because they all rest within an inner condition of being in “oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” …
Due to this restraint, those already absorbed excesses and unders would have to be injected into various universes and not just a single universe, because such a singular injection of those vast numbers of excesses and unders, would definitely lead to a chaos in that universe …
And if this eviction is into a newly forming universe, then the entirety (of those earlier absorbed excesses and unders) could also be injected into that originating universe …
And during the process of origination, that mega evolved one (who is ceased in process) would also spontaneously increase its flows and dynamism and inject all of its earlier absorbed excess and unders into that originating universe, so as to cause those extreme implosions and explosions that always happen within the process of origination of universes (and also the planes of existence and the worlds too) … This also assists to resume the process of that newly re-originating universe …
Same is also the reason for those extreme situations of explosions and implosions that always take place during the process of origination and dissolution of parts of the universe, like a world or plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.) … And one of the reasons for this severe state (during any origination and dissolution of any of the worlds, planes and universes) is the same as told here, that, the mega evolved one who is ceased in process is injecting all its previous absorbed excesses and unders into that state of origination or dissolution (of a universe or plane of existence or even a world) …
Rest of this discussion shall be taken up in a further topic (if I find it necessary) …
- Mega evolves beings and their relation to the world Avatar or Avatara …
The same excess and under always manifests when there is a loss of righteousness of ways of life of animate beings who reside in a world of a universe …
And thus, when such a state arrives, then also one of those mega evolved ones enter that world (where that excess and under has manifested) so as to correct that fault by setting up a process, which can lead to that desired change …
If this return back is by entering into an apparently incarnated state, then such a mega evolved being is also the one who Vedas have addressed as Avatara (or Avatar) …
Proceeding further …
The Sanskrit word of Avatara (or simply, an Avatar) is made up of two words, which are of “Ava and Tara” …
- The Sanskrit word “Ava” means “one who descends” … The phrase one who descends means, one who arrives and enters a realm which is much-much lower that his (or her) current evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchy …
- And the Samskrit word “Tar (or Tara)” comes from another Sanskrit word of “Taran” which means, one who makes the aspirant enter into that which is beyond … Or in other words, “one who leads to a liberation (Moksha or Kaivalya or Nirvana)” … And where this liberation is also of only those aspirants who have already attained their evolutionary ripeness and rightness to “be liberated” (i.e. in compliance to the original desire) …
- Thus, the Sanskrit word of Avatara, literally means …
One who descends, to ascend others into their higher (or even liberated) states
But at the same time, this Sanskrit language word (of Avatara) also has other deeper meanings, which cannot be taken up in this topic …
- Reducing the burden of seas of seas of impressions within a universe …
Such mega-evolved ones are also those highly evolved aspirants who are based upon the innermost meaning of the phrase …
Give more to give ever more
And which itself is due to these highly evolved beings resting in the fullness of meaning of the phrase …
An inner oneness to allness and her each part (Brahmand Dharana)
And which itself is due to these mega evolved ones existing in a fuller compliance to another Vedic statement of …
Sarvam Khalvidam Brahman
Which means …
Allness verily is Brahman … Everything, everywhere and everyone is Brahman
And which also means …
Para Brahman is all that ever is as allness and her each part
And which itself is due to the same fact that we have discussed many a times in this text …
Allness and her each part, is naught but one or another self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the ever-same Supreme being (Brahman)
Proceeding further …
So with above as a base, we proceed further to discuss the origination of the multi-universe, just as it had originally happened (i.e. here we would discuss the stage of original origination of the first universe within the Makers Makings) …
And where this discussion would be primarily in relation to the impressions (Samskara) as is the header of this sub-topic …
Proceeding further …
Whatever any aspirant desires, thinks about, has emotional attachment to and acts for, eventually leads to generation of a subtle seed (impression or Samskara) within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the bliss sheath (i.e. causal body or Karana Sharira or Anandamaya Kosha or Antahkarana) of that aspirant …
And same thing is also applicable to every other microcosm, including all that comes under the purviews of the terms animate, inanimate, supra-animate and supra-inanimate microcosms …
Even inanimate microcosm’s lead to generation of impressions … This is because some minor quantum of consciousness is there in all that exists as an inanimate entity or even a supra-inanimate entity and thus, from the point of view of cosmic consciousness, there really is nothing which can be termed as inanimate …
And since everything has consciousness, so everything can have impressions present within its consciousness orb (Chitta) …
Due to this reason, even the planet (like this planet earth) has its own consciousness, each parts of matter also hold their own consciousness and each part of the universe is also holding its own consciousness …
So, due to each part of allness having their own specific conscious state (and even if that consciousness is extremely minor in its quantum and thus may not be readily apparent), the generations of impressions (Samskara) by these parts of allness (i.e. any microcosm) is possible …
Note: The consciousness of these states is “mostly addressed” as Devi and Shakti (or a divine mother) … As an example, the consciousness of earth element (i.e. macro-elemental earth or Bhu Mahabhuta or Prithvi Mahabhuta) is the one who is addressed as Bhu Devi in Vedas … The same is also for each of the other elements and also for all parts of the universe, because in reality of things, everything that holds consciousness is naught but a divine entity … And this fact is also the one to which all the Vedic Mahavakya (great statements of Vedas), eventually point …
Proceeding further …
As each microcosm keeps leading to generation of impressions (Samskara), the amount of impressions also increase within the plane of consciousness …
And this eventually reaches a state where seas and seas of these impressions get built up within the consciousness plane of the world (where these microcosm’s are residing and are continuously generating their specific impressions) …
And a further stage also arrives where that higher density of impressions begins leading to attenuation of subtle impressional flows within that world …
This in turn leads to an increment of individualistic ways of life (i.e. monotheistic ways of life) within that world, which itself is against the pluralistic monist ways of life of the macrocosmic creation, within whose envelopes that world with its animate and inanimate beings, eventually resides …
This condition further begins leading to very individualistic (or gross) flow and dynamism to get emanated from all microcosm’s who at that time are residing upon that world …
And as times progress, due to this grossness of emanated flows, even grosser impressions get emanated by the inhabitants of that world, which further leads to a state where very densely packed impressions are found to be present within the consciousness plane of that world …
Proceeding further …
This higher quantity and thus density of grosser impressions in turn leads to a state of higher attenuation of consciousness and knowledge flows, which have eternally kept coming towards and are also emanated out of each microcosm …
Such a state further becomes such that not even a handful of inhabitants of that world can relate to the aspect of the eternal state of an ‘innermost oneness of allness and her each part’ …
And in such a condition, the emanation of subtler flows from inhabitants of that world also becomes a near impossibility, unless the cause of this deviation (i.e. grosser impressions and the ways of life of the generators of these impressions) are either brought back in line with the ways of life of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Pluralistic yet monist ways of life) or as a last resort, evicted out of that world …
Proceeding further …
As long as the latter stage of “eviction of generators” (as stated in preceding paragraph) of such grosser impressions doesn’t arrive, one or another saintly figure would keep entering that world so as to lay down paths, that would lead to correcting this fault …
But when the last resort (i.e. eviction of the generators of these impressions) is all that remains as a choice with the divinities of Makers Makings, then this is the stage when a mega evolved one who is ceased in process of Makers Makings, may be recalled back to that world …
This last resort recall could either be in a subtle state or may even be a physically manifested state, but the divinities of Makers Makings only recall such a mega evolved one after the situation goes beyond control of even the controllers of that world, its systems and its ways of life (i.e. when the situation goes beyond control of even the Gods of that world, then only is a mega evolved one recalled back by mother nature) …
This recall of a mega evolved one is also after the stage where managing its degenerate effects by the Gods of that world or their representatives, is no longer going to be effective … This means, that when the Gods who as such are controllers of that world, also become powerless to ensure manifestation of righteousness in their own controlled worlds or planes of existences, then only is a mega evolved one recalled by mother macrocosmic nature …
And this is what almost all religious scriptures say, that during the end stages of time, their awaited one would come to this world and at such a time, the situation becomes so dire, that other than their awaited one, nobody would be able to solve it and restore normalcy (or righteous ways of life) within the world …
That one who is recalled back by root nature (i.e. Moola Prakriti) is what an Avatar means, but provided that “recalled being” holds an evolutionary standing of being a mega evolved one within the macrocosmic hierarchies …
These Avatars can be any of the three categories of the mega evolved ones who have been discussed here, but the most important always remains the mega evolved one who is ceased in process (i.e. the one who does the job of being the preserver and thus denotes the Sriman Narayana Siddhanta) …
BB-3) …
Role during dissolution of universes, planes of existences and worlds …
The mega evolved aspirant who is within a cessation of process, is always recalled when the time has arrived for a dissolution of a universe, i.e. when the universe had lived its destined time span which itself is equal to the lifetime of its creator (I.e. Brahma or the mega evolved being who is ceased in principles), then the destroyer principle is recalled back …
At such a time, this mega-evolved-etheric who was ceased within the process, is recalled so as to resume its fuller flows and thus render those higher shocks so as to totally destroy the process of the universe and thus destroy that universe itself (I.e. when we destroy the process, the bubble like state of the universe, also begins collapsing) …
At such a time of dissolution of universe (or a plane or world), assistance of the destroyer principle (i.e. the mega evolved one who is ceased in laws of Makers Makings) is always sought …
This destruction is due to a sudden and fuller build up of flows and dynamism, which are then projected unto the universe that needs to be dissoluted … And the same is also applicable to each plane of existence (like a Galaxy, etc.,) and also each world …
But this dissolution of the universe is only after the father of that universe decides to call it a day … Father of the universe is the mega evolved one who earlier on was under a state of cessation within the principles and thence was recalled back so as to take over the job of creating (actually re-creating) the universe from its them dissoluted state and such a being is the one who is addressed as Brahma in Vedic lore …
And when Brahma of that universe is already approaching the end of his destined lifetime, then only can that final dissolution of the universe take place …
After the universe gets dissoluted, Brahma rests within the macrocosmic etheric (this rest is also as an etheric under cessation of principles while its rests within the macrocosmic etheric) … And this period of rest of a Brahma also continues until that mega evolved one again self-decides or is recalled back to do another job of either being the creator, or preserver or even the destroyer of those future times (i.e. the time when he would be recalled back or he self-decides to do so) …
Or whilst resting within that macrocosmic etheric field, where that Brahma then resides (after his universe is already dissoluted), that Brahma can also decide to call it a day and thence enter into his well deserved final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha) …
Thus, after dissolution of his earlier fathered universe, a Brahma can also self-choose to go beyond, i.e. be liberated, just as was originally desired by each microcosm …
Proceeding further …
But from within the macrocosmic etheric, where a Brahma resides after his created universe is dissoluted, that Brahma can never be recalled back prior to expiry of that time span of rest, which is equal to his last recall time, when he was acting as Brahma of an already dissoluted universe … For a Brahma and his universe, this time span is of 311.040 trillion human solar years (this time span is as per middle time units of the axial precession of this planetary system) …
Note: In above paragraph, I have written the statement of “this planetary system” because whilst we rest here and then if we would calculate, then the celestial time that would be applicable would have to be based upon the precession cycle of this planets axis … And this itself is because, we cannot use unitary value of time and/or celestial time of another planet and that too, whilst we reside upon this planet to calculate anything relates to the universe or its parts …
Proceeding further …
And at that time of dissolution of a universe, the mega evolved aspirant who is within its cessation of process, extends its etheric across the universes, while it keeps increasing its flows to their optimum and thence projects it to a universe which needs to be dissoluted as per the call of time cycles (i.e. as per the call of a stage of the eternally moving wheel of time) …
This is what renders those anaphylactic shocks to the universe, which then are necessary to completely end the process of working of that universe and thus, immediately begin the process of its dissolution (dissolution is when an immediate reversal of elements from their then physical or gross form to their earlier subtle form, takes place) …
Proceeding further …
As a matter of fact …
- During origination … Gross originates from the earlier subtle … Thus, origination is when the earlier subtle turns gross …
- During sustenance … The originates subtle and gross remain existent even when they remain ever changeful across the hierarchies of subtleties and grossness that exist within the Makers Makings …
- During dissolution … The manifested gross returns back to its parental subtle …
Proceeding further …
And once the universe enters into its path to dissolution, then into that dissoluting universe, the mega evolved one who was ceased in process can also transfer all the earlier absorbed karmic states (excesses and unders and also those etheric fields which earlier on were absorbed by that mega-evolved one while it continued under its cessation within process and which itself was to prevent a loss of harmony within that universe) …
As also, all that was absorbed from any other universe of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation, can also be suddenly (spontaneously) transferred into the dissoluting universe, so as to fully corrupt its process and thus make that universe to remain with no choice but to enter within the path to a final dissolution …
At such a time, all those microcosm’s who did not make it home (i.e. arrive at their evolutionary ripeness and rightness to enter into their final liberation) would also enter into their dissolution with the dissoluting universe … And when that universe would again re-begin, then these microcosm’s shall also be re-beginning exactly from where they had last left their process of evolution …
And after the dissolution of universe completes, then such evolving ones (who were existent within that universe, prior that universe had dissoluted) shall also rest within the dissoluted etheric field of that dissoluted universe and shall continue to do so, until that universe again re-begins …
However exception to above is for those microcosm’s, who though are resting within that dissoluted etheric field of the dissoluted universe, yet they are those who are evolutionary ready to go beyond (i.e. be liberated) … And the same exception is also of those microcosm’s who from within the dissoluted etheric state of the universe, in whose envelope they then reside, desire to resume their evolutionary process … The former ones get liberated (if and whenever they can comply to the innermost meaning of the original desire) and the latter are transferred to other universes (through the effects of law of migration across universes, which has already been discussed in an earlier topic) …
And where that re-beginning of the dissoluted universe, shall also be after another mega-evolved one who till that time was ceased within the principles, would then be recalled back so as to father that dissoluted etheric (or the dissoluted universe) and thence re-originate it as a new universe … And where that re-origination is also from an evolutionary standing, which is exactly the same as what was, when that universe had last dissoluted … Thus, the principle of eternal evolution and also the other principle of eternal existence is also seen to be continuous and unbroken when we correctly and deeply study the working of the Makers Makings …
When that universe re-originates, then all those microcosm’s who gotten dissoluted with it are are still resting within that universe, shall again be re-begun as new microcosm’s, and thence would again enter into the same universal process (i.e. one process that only is, of evolution of all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings) …
And where their resumption within the process of evolution, would also be exactly from where they had last left (when the universe had gotten dissoluted) …
Proceeding further …
The same unbroken continuity of principle of evolution and principle of existence is also applicable when a world or plane of existence dissolutes and that too, whilst the universe in whose envelopes these world or plane of existence rest, is still alive (or continuing its existence) …
However in such a case of dissolution, those microcosm’s who get dissoluted, may also be able to enter other existing worlds and planes, which are of the same universe … And it is in these other worlds, where they would be continuing their evolution process, exactly from where they had last left when their earlier world or plane had gotten dissoluted (or destroyed due to a destructive cosmic event) …
CC) …
Some aspects of creation, preservation, destruction, veiling and unveiling …
In this part, we shall discus those aspects, which could not be categorized, but were cognized earlier on …
CC-1) …
Process of entering into and exiting out of a state of cessation … Macrocosmic capacity stays in sameness …
When a cessation is taking place, the flows of an etheric field are let go of and this leads to these flows entering into the macrocosmic etheric of whose part, each etheric field (including of a mega evolved one) eventually is …
This is because, as the etheric which is in process of cessation, keeps becoming flowless, then its flows keep getting let go … And since those vast quantum of flows cannot be absorbed by any other microcosm (Including any universe), so these let gone flows and dynamism ultimately come under purviews of the macrocosmic etheric, within which these flows ultimately enter …
And when the mega-evolved-one is called back, it again absorbs those let gone flows within itself, so as to resume its own flows and dynamism that is necessary for executing those specific jobs (for which it is then resuming its flows and dynamism) …
Above also proves that even when the mega-evolved one was ceased in its flows and dynamism, in reality, it was still existent as an animate being when we see this fact from the purviews of the macrocosmic etheric …
And thus, in any case that may be, like that of origination, evolution or even a cessation, there can never be an increment or reduction of the macrocosmic capacity because all these conditions anyways exist within the purviews (and thus exist inside the envelope) of the macrocosmic etheric field …
This part of discussion is also in compliance to the law of constancy of cosmic corpus, which has already been discussed earlier on …
CC-2) …
After the original universe is originated, the macrocosmic etheric only remains as a detached observer …
Unlike the mega evolved etherics who do their own specific jobs (like origination or preservation or rejuvenation), the macrocosmic etheric is not restricted … The macrocosmic etheric can do any of the jobs and that too simultaneously, if needed …
Thus as far as the macrocosmic etheric is concerned, it simultaneously is the originator, preserver, destroyer, veiler and unveiler of truth …
Proceeding further …
The original universe was originated, preserved and was also destroyed through the flows and dynamism of the macrocosmic etheric field …
During the stage of origination of the original universe, it was the macrocosmic etheric which had pervaded the inert matter, so as to bring that inert matter (or inertial mass) out of its then flowless state and thus make it originate as the first universe … This stage was countless universes ago …
But after the the original universe was originated, some aspirants reached their mega-evolved statures and thus could act as future originators or preservers or destroyers of future universes … Thus, the work of the macrocosmic etheric ceases after the first universe is originated within the macrocosmic creation …
So, after these mega-evolved-etherics are already present within the original (or first) universe of the macrocosm, the macrocosmic etheric never ever pervades inert matter directly (as was the case when the first universe was originated) …
After the macrocosmic etheric pervades inert matter so as to originate the first universe out of nothingness that was there at that time, the macrocosmic etheric only becomes as a distant observer and detached witness of that first universe and also of all further universes would keep getting originated, sustained and dissoluted within the eternity of existence of the Makers Makings …
And this state of macrocosmic etheric being a perfectly detached witness of allness and her each part, also continues until the pending fathomless eternity of the Makers Makings …
Thus, the macrocosmic etheric is the eternal detached witness and a distant observer of allness that it itself created out of nothingness that originally was prior anything was ever originated within the Makers Makings …
After the original universe originates and continues through its destined time span of existence, some aspirants attain to the mega evolved stature which is discussed here … And due to this reason, after the original universe, all further originations preservations and destructions of future universes are carried out by these mega evolved ones as discussed here …
CC-3) …
Evolution of aspirant to mega evolved state, ensures ever increasing number of universes within the macrocosmic creation …
After the macrocosmic etheric originates and thence also sustains the original universe, some rare aspirants would evolve to their mega evolved statures … And of those rare aspirants who attain to their mega evolved statures, some accept cessation within principles, come get ceased within process and some adopt cessation within the laws of Makers Makings …
And after above stage, whenever a newer universe shall be required to be originated, then the mega evolved aspirants who is ceased within principles (and who had evolved to that mega evolved stature within the original universe) shall take over the role of being the father of that newer universe …
And along with that mega evolved aspirant who fathers the universe, another aspirant who is ceased within the process (and who had evolved to that mega evolved stature within the original universe) shall take over the role of being the preserver of that universe …
As also, along with that mega evolved aspirant who fathers the universe, another aspirant who is ceased within the laws (and who had evolved to that mega evolved stature within the original universe) shall take over the role of being the rejuvenator of that universe …
Proceeding further …
And since the same process gets repeated during any of those further originated universes, so as the number of available mega evolved aspirants increases, the further originated universes also expand in numbers …
And this in turn ensures an ever increasing number of universes within the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
Proceeding further …
The macrocosmic etheric only originates the first universe, as after the universe progresses, it eventually has some mega-evolved-ones , who shall keep re-beginning other universes, as the older evolved universes keep arriving at their destined dissolutions … And some other mega evolved ones shall also begin acting as preservers and rejuvenators of those later originated universe (i.e. those universes that get originated after the original universe is originated) …
And thus, the principles, process and laws (along with activity, wisdom and consciousness) which was transferred by the macrocosmic etheric (when the first universe was originated or begun) is enough to keep the macrocosmic creation eternal when one views it as a fuller whole and through those extremely long time spans that can only be termed as resting within timeless fathomless and thus incalculable eternity from that original origination of the first universe within the Makers Makings …
And because the begun states cannot even last till eternity, so this also keeps each of the begun states, to be eternally cyclic, as is when one ends up viewing the individualities (microcosm’s) which reside within the fuller whole …
Universes keep dissoluting after their father (i.e. Brahma or the mega evolved one who is ceased within principles) has lived out his destined time span … And then from that dissoluted state, one or more newer universes re-begin … This is how it has kept happening endlessly, till now …
CC-4) …
The original universe or root universe was Vedic …
The root universe or original universe was originated vide the vast applications of Vedas by the macrocosmic etheric …
And since within the original universe, the creator (i.e. macrocosmic etheric) was also as the preserver and destroyer, so its preservation and destructions methods were also based upon the the same vast application of Vedas …
Since the macrocosmic etheric is also the grandfather of all later mega evolved ones who have ever originated, preserved or dissoluted any universe, and since the lineage is always of the root grandfather, so each universe has the Vedic lore in its root …
Note: The knowledge of Vedas that this world currently holds, is less than half a percent of what actually is as the fullness of Vedic lore … And as far as the applicability of present day Vedic knowledge is concerned, it is even lesser …
CC-5) …
Some aspects of limitations about mega evolved ones …
Every microcosm that has ever begun within the Makers Makings, always rests in some limitations and where those limitations are also dependent upon the evolutionary standing of that microcosm within the macrocosmic hierarchies …
The same is also applicable to each microcosm, including right from a universe till the smallest mattered state (let’s just say an atom or cell) and the same is also applicable to each God and its adherents …
So, here we shall discuss some of the primary limitations of mega evolved ones …
- Limitations of existence … No mega-evolved one could ever be ceased within the principles, process and laws at the same time … This is because, only the macrocosmic etheric holds such a capability …
And if non compliance to this aspect is arrived, then the macrocosm has to dissolute immediately …
This dissolution would also be based upon the fact, that within the same Makers Makings, no two aspects can ever be resting within their evolutionary sameness to each other … So if such a condition of sameness arrives, then both would have to be dissoluted immediately upon arrival of such a sameness …
As also, in such a condition of evolutionary or existential sameness, the mega-evolved one would be like another macrocosmic etheric and thus this sameness of state of the mega-evolved one (who is within cessation of process and principles at the same time) to the macrocosmic etheric, would also be deemed as a stagnation due to sameness, which shall only lead to an immediate dissolution of the entire macrocosmic etheric (and thus an immediate dissolution of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation would also take place) …
This dissolution shall primarily be based within the law of stagnation due to sameness, which we have already discussed earlier on in this text … This law can also be told as follows …
No two can be in an exact sameness within the same macrocosm
And this condition can also be told as follows …
From macrocosmic point of view and for any microcosm, sameness of any now to any earlier nowness, is also deemed as a stagnation and where the stagnated entity always dies (i.e. remains with no choice, but to end its existence)
And due to this reason, this state of sameness of any mega-evolved one to the macrocosmic etheric or to any other mega evolved one, is never possible even in the wildest dreams (or anyone) …
It also is due to this reason, that the macrocosmic creation is an eternal entity, even when its individual universes and its each microcosm have to keep within a cyclic mode of existence and also keep within an eternally changeful state and where this also continues until they exists within the begun state of the macrocosm (i.e. cyclic existence or Samsara) …
- Limitations of taking a regular birth … No mega evolved one can ever be born out of sex and/or the womb of a physically present mother …
This is because, no lady of any physical realm can ever handle those vast quantum of flows and dynamism which any mega evolved one holds, and which is even when major part of its flow capability is let go of, so as to be incarnated within a physical (or lower or gross) realm …
Thus, these returns are through the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit texts is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh and which loosely in English language is also termed as Virgin Birth) …
And that too, such transmigrations of mega evolved beings are arrived after the womb of one of the primary five knowledge divinities (Panch Vidya) is utilized … And not the womb of any lady who is present within the physical, subtle, divine or impressional realms …
Thus, the mother of the mega evolved one can only be one of the five primary knowledge divinities (i.e. Panch Vidya or five divine knowledge systems) …
But due to the degenerate effects of this currently underway degenerate age, other than those few rare aspirants who hold this knowledge of Panch Vidya, this world has already lost this knowledge (of Panch Vidya) …
And because the knowledge of Panch Vidya (i.e. five primary divinities and their knowledge systems) is the base for progress within the further knowledge system that is of the “Dus Maha Vidya (ten great knowledge divinities)”, so as of now, even the knowledge of Dus Mahavidya is not fully present in this world …
- Absence of five sheaths (Pancha Kosha) in a mega evolved one … Since the mega evolved one doesn’t even hold the five Vedic sheaths (Panch Kosha), so these are adopted from the donor of the physical vehicle …
And where this acquisition is also during the time when the process of transmigration is underway …
A mega evolved one only holds only some divine bodies (Deva Sharira) and a few Siddha Sharira (Siddha bodies) and rest all are adopted from the donor whose physical vehicle is taken over by the mega evolved one and that too, during the time when the process of transmigration of souls is underway …
All this adoption is also by an agreement with the donor (of the physical vehicle) which the mega evolved one and the donor make within the subtle realms …
This agreement is made when the donor sleeps and his astral body (Sookshma Sharira) is roaming the subtle realms …
And anything that is agreed at this time, would have to be complied with, both by the donor and recipient of the physical vehicle … I.e. any agreement prior transmigration would have to be complied with, by both the donor of the physical vehicle and mega evolved one (who becomes the recipient of that physical vehicle) …
- No liking or dislike for the world … A mega evolved one just does his job, and exits out of the world …
They mostly exit out as soon as the job for which the transmigration was undergone, is well done …
This is because no mega evolved one would like to continue beyond the stage where his (or her) job is well done, and this is especially so for all entries within lower worlds (like this one) where it mostly is the stinking dross of severely deviated sounds of all parts of animate civilizations (who reside upon that lower world) …
But there is an exception to above … If there was a pre-transmigration agreement with anyone, where the requirement was to continue till such and such condition is fulfilled, then only would a mega-evolved-one continue beyond above stated time span of successful completion of the job (for which that mega evolved one had entered into that lower world through the path of transmigration) …
But in any case, no mega-evolved-one stays longer than the time, where such earlier agreements stand fulfilled …
So, if there was no additional pre-transmigration agreement, then the mega evolved one would just satisfy all that was asked for from the critical mass of impressions …
And in such a state, only those requirements whose impressions have reached their critical mass would be satisfied by the mega evolved one …
And this also means, that those requests which have still not reached their critical quantum, would be left by the mega evolved one …
And once this part is complied with, that mega evolved one would also de-incarnate from that transmigrated physical vehicle …
Proceeding further …
And after a roll over from that apparently incarnated state (as was whilst a mega evolved one was resting within that lower world), they again enter into their cessations within process, while they await the future call of macrocosmic nature (Mother nature) or of the universal father for some newer job, which as such is beyond the of all others who exist within that universe (where there is a deviation that needs to be resolved) …
- Limitations of existence … The final home of a mega evolved one is within the macrocosmic etheric …
After a mega evolved one who had fathered a universe, completes the destined time span of being the father, the universe dissolutes …
And after that dissolution, that father of universe (i.e. mega-evolved one, who earlier on was under cessations within principles), also enters back into the same macrocosmic etheric, which it had earlier left, so as to father that universe (i.e. that universe which has now been dissoluted) …
And the same is also applicable to the other two types of mega evolved ones who have been discussed above …
Proceeding further …
Thus, the mega evolved ones already know, that, their own state of existence as ceased etherics, is naught but a fallacy …
And they also know, that, their real home is within the macrocosmic etheric even when it may not seem so whilst they exist as mega evolved ones (Ati Manava of universes) …
And this limitations of existence as the creator, preserver and destroyers of universes, also leads to a state of high detachment to all that they exist in, exist with, exist by and exist for … As the entirety of and also parts of the ever-same supreme genius, that itself is as the Makers Makings …
Continues …