Here we would discuss the processes of creation, preservation, destruction, veiling and unveiling, but mostly concentrating on their importance as far as their presence and thus existence within the macrocosmic creation is concerned … Thus, this topic shall discuss the Pancha Krityam Tantra (Pancha Kritya Tantra or Five acts Tantra or Tantra of five divine acts) of Utpatti, Stithi, Samhara (Sanhara or Sanghara), Tirodhaan (Tirodhana or Nigraha) and Anugraha (Ashirwad) … And since these Pancha Kritya directly relate to Panch Deva (Pancha Deva or five Deva or five divine aspects) who as such are Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (Shiva or Rudra), Devi (Shakti) and Ganesha (Ganapati), so this topic shall also refer to them …
But here we would discuss these from a subtle point of view because the subtle is the parent of the visible (or physical) gross … So, if the subtle parental state is known, then the gross offspring can very well be analyzed … Thus, most of the higher knowledge systems have always concentrated upon subtle aspects instead of gross …
Note: This topic rests in purviews of Pancha Mukha Sadashiva, who is also addressed as Sriman Narayana, Bhagwan Vishvakarman, Panch Brahma (Five Brahma’s) and is also the same whom some Vedic sages have even reverently addressed as Virat Parabrahman …
AA) …
Panch Deva Tantra … Definition of Creation, Preservation, Destruction, Veiling and Unveiling …
Prior we begin our discussion on these five processes, we need to define all of these five aspects or acts …
AA-1) …
Definition of creation … Utpatti Kritya (Utpatti Krityam) … Brahma … Pitamah Brahma …
From the point of view of attributeless original being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm), this could be thus defined …
That which is a pluralistic self-expression of the monist Brahman, is creation
Note: That pluralistic self-expression is not limited to subtle, it also relates to gross which originates from the earlier subtle … And thus, it also relates all that is as physically created (i.e. gross creation or that which is Sthool or Sthula), subtle (Sookshma Jagat or Sukshma Jagat and Sthool Jeeva or Sthool Jeeva) and divine (Daivik Jagat or Devik Jagat and Daivik Jeeva or Devik Jeeva) which also includes causal (Karan or Karana Loka) and also includes Impressional (Samskarik Jagat or Sanskarik Jagat) …
From the point of view of the creator (Brahma), this could be thus defined …
That which manifests from impression of desire to create, of creator, is creation
And from the point of view of created, this could be thus defined …
That which leads to the earlier subtle state turning gross, is creation
From the point of created and creator, this could be thus defined …
That which is as a self-presence of creator, as the created, is the creation
And from the point of view of creation process, this could be thus defined …
That which is self-manifested by the divinities of creation process, is creation
Thus, basis above, creation (Utpatti) means …
That which is as a self-expressed, self-manifested and self-present state of creator as as the entire macrocosm and all its microcosm’s, is the creation
AA-2) …
Definition of preservation … Stithi Kritya (Stithi Krityam) … Sri Vishnu …
From the point of view of attributeless infinite being (Para Brahman), this preservation could be thus defined …
Nothing is created or destroyed, everything has ever stayed eternally preserved
From the point of view of the preserver (Vishnu) …
That which is created or destroyed is also permeated by the preserver of allness
From the point of view of the preserver and preserved …
That which is preserved is only because the preserver resides within it
From the point of view of preserved …
An eternal change is the only eternal constant of all that is preserved
From the point of view of the preservation process …
Creation and destruction eternally remain in purviews of preservation process
Note: Unless something rests within the purviews of the preservation process, its stability cannot be ensured during and/or after any act of origination or destruction … If the preservation is not there, neither can the created manage to continue its existence after its origination nor can there be a state of cycles of existence … If preservation is not present within the destruction process, then that destruction would be a permanent one … If preservation is not present in the origination process, that origination would keep originating continuously and without any break which in turn would make the macrocosm and microcosm to be bitterly unstable for all that is originated within the Maker’s Makings …
AA-3) …
Definition of destruction … Samhara Kritya (Samhara Krityam) … Rudra (Shiva) …
From the point of view of attributeless infinite being (Para Brahman), this could be thus defined …
There is no destruction, as it is only a path of rejuvenation in a newer form
From the point of view of the destroyer (Shiva or Rudra Deva) …
After living their destined time, each gets refreshed through acts of destroyer
From the point of view of the destroyed (rejuvenated) and the rejuvenator …
Destruction is not end of existence, it is only as a refreshing of stagnations
From the point of view of destroyed …
Destroyed is also eternal, as it still exists because it is permeated by preserver of all
From the point of view of the destruction process …
Destruction is only a process of change from one state of existence to another
AA-4) …
Definition of veiling … Tirodhana Kritya (Tirodhana Krityam) … Devi … Shakti …
From the point of view of attributeless infinite being (Para Brahman), this could be thus defined …
If truth is not veiled for unworthy, existence of macrocosm would come in peril
From the point of view of the one who veils (Devi or Shakti) …
Until the aspirant is evolutionary ready to know the truth, veiling continues
From the point of view of that which is veiled …
The which is veiled, is the ever-same truth within all that ever is, yet the same truth is externally searched by all, but by different names and by different paths
From the point of view of the veiled and one who veils …
Irrespective of veiling, the one who veils the truth, knows, veiling cannot ever be eternal, because ultimately the veiled would reach an evolutionary ripeness and rightness, that is necessary to go past that veiling and thus know the truth
From the point of view of the veiling process …
That which leads to the eternally changeful, pluralistic yet monist ways of life and modes of existence of all parts of allness and also allness, is veiling process
Note: Once truth is known to an aspirant, then that aspirant becomes the truth which as such is the eternal changeless …
AA-5) …
Definition of unveiling (blessing) … Anugraha Kritya (Anugraha Krityam) … Ganapati (Ganesha) …
From the point of view of attributeless infinite being (Para Brahman), this could be thus defined …
That which is attributeless infinite (Brahman) is the final blessing of liberation
From the point of view of the one who unveils (Ganesha or Ganapati) …
When aspirant is evolutionary ready, truth is always unveiled for him (or her)
From the point of view of the unveiled …
The which is finally unveiled, is the omnipresent truth within and beyond all
From the point of view of the unveiled and unveiling …
Unless the unveiling is of the omnipresent omniscient and omniconscious attributeless infinite being (Para Brahman) and its omnicompetent, omnipotent, omnific and omniactive divinity that leads to the omnifarious state of creation, creation process and the created, that unveiling has still not happened
Note: To know the fullness of truth which permeates and envelopes allness and also her each part, the truth would have to be known in its completeness which also includes the entirety of Makers Makings … That fullness of truth is also accommodating the absolute being (Parambrahma), the divinity of the supreme being (i.e. Param Brahma) and where that divinity also includes the entirety of allness and her each part …
From the point of view of the unveiling process …
That process which stays hidden till its final effect (unveiling) is already attained, is the unveiling process
Note: Thus, those who say that unveiling is in stages are absolutely wrong … This is because, the final stages of unveiling process, which only relate to the final truth, is always spontaneous … Thus, even when the earlier few stages of the unveiling process may be in quick or slow succession to each other, yet the final unveiling would be without any prior warning and absolutely spontaneous which would invariably catch the aspirant unaware of its progress, until the truth in its absolute fullness, is finally spontaneously unveiled to that aspirant … And where that spontaneous stage of final unveiling is also such that it can never be missed by that aspirant (to whom the truth is unveiled) …
BB) …
Pancha Deva Tantra … Process of creation, process of preservation, process of destruction, process of veiling and process of unveiling …
Now we begin our discussion on these five processes, which as such are universal because they keep happening within each microcosm and also within the macrocosm …
BB-1) …
Utpatti Kritya , Stithi Kritya, Samhara Kritya, Nigraha Kritya, Anugraha Kritya …
Until now we have discussed the microcosm (microcosm also includes any aspirant) in relation to the universes, planes, worlds, process and their principles and laws therein …
As also we have discussed the worlds, planes and spheres with relation to the microcosm and the ‘one process there only is as evolution (i.e. the universal process)’, which is ever there irrespective of the processes or their centers that may be resided in (or believed or relates to) by any aspirant …
We have also discussed the universe as a safe haven (or anchorage) for all there is present and thus is within its purviews of the macrocosmic creation and her vast number of universes …
And we have also discussed in earlier topics of this present series of topics on Panch Krityam, that, as the first universe progressed, then some microcosm’s (i.e. some aspirants) who were residing within that first universe ended up attaining to their mega-evolved statures and thence had chosen to enter into a cessation of flows, which was in purviews of either the principles or the process or the laws or the divinity (Shakti or energy) or had even moved beyond these (and thus ended up being the holders of the act of blessing on allness) …
We have also discussed that these mega-evolved-microcosm’s had to undergo a cessation of etheric flows, so as to ensure that their vast flows do not end up dissoluting the universe (within which they were earlier residing) or causing a mass scale havoc within the universe in which they were residing at that time …
This is because, the universes etheric could never have been able to handle the etheric flows as are emanated out of any mega evolved being and whilst that mega evolved one continues to reside within a universe itself …
As such, to prevent a possibility of having a stage of large scale shocks (if the mega evolved being (Atimanava) would have continued within its then greater flows and that too while resting within the universe), the mega evolved beings let go of their etheric flows (i.e. enter into cessation of flows and dynamism) and thus assist in preventing a future state of great burst of the universe …
And because of the flowless state that the mega-evolved-etheric arrives at after it has ceased its flows, the mega-evolved-etheric also cannot reside within the universe … This is because a universe needs flows and dynamism and thus cannot allow a ceased etheric to exist within it parameters as such a condition of cessation also goes against many cosmic principles and laws like, the law of flows and dynamism, law of vibration, law of non sameness and it also goes against the root requirements of the principle of eternal evolution …
And this is why aspirant who has already attained to the stature of a mega evolved being (Atimanav) has ever been able to continue within a universe … And as a microcosm …
After cessation, this is what happens …
- If cessation is within the principles of Makers Makings … Brahma Tantra …
The ceased etheric merges with the macrocosmic etheric, if the cessation is within the principles …
This ceased etheric field holds the Utpatti Krityam (Utpatti Kritya) i.e. ability to create …
And thus is also the ceased mega evolved etheric field who at some later stage also returns back to the universe, so as to act as the creator and grandfather (i.e. Pitamah Brahma) of that universe (or multi-universe as the case may be) …
Within the concept of Pancha Deva, this mega evolved one is addressed as Brahma (creator), Pitamah (grandfather), etc., …
This mega evolved etheric is related to the following aspects …
— Ability to create a universe from nothingness that is of that same universe in its then dissoluted state … This etheric field thus becomes as the creator …
— It relates to the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … And within its formless state, the same Sadyojata face is also addressed as Brahmaloka (pristine abode of creator of allness) …
— Amongst the five subtle elements (Pancha Tanmatra), it holds within itself the subtle element of fragrance (Gandha Tanmatra) …
— Amongst the five macro elements, it holds within itself the macro-element of earth (Bhu Mahabhuta or Prithvi Mahabhuta) …
- If cessation is within the process of Makers Makings … Vishnu Tantra …
The ceased etheric for a mega evolved one who is within cessation of flows while within the process, as such hangs out of a universe as a non-lighted etheric fields of vast proportions and whilst is also remains connected to the etheric field of the universe …
This ceased etheric field holds the Stithi Krityam (Stithi Kritya) i.e. it holds the universal act of preservation within itself …
And this is also the ceased etheric field who when returns back to the universe, and thence acts as Sri Vishnu of that universe (or multi-universe as the case may be) …
Within the concept of Pancha Deva, this mega evolved one is addressed as Sri Vishnu (universal preservation principle), Par-Pitamah (Great grandfather), etc., …
This mega evolved etheric is related to the following aspects …
— Ability to preserve a universe, including its dissoluted state (or great dissolution or Mahapralaya) and thus this etheric field also holds the capability to preserve allness, right from its state of original nothingness (that itself is the state of a universe when it is already dissoluted) … This etheric field thus becomes as the preserver of allness …
— It relates to the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … And within its formless state, the same Vamadeva face is also addressed as Vaikunth (pristine abode of preserver of allness) …
— Amongst the five subtle elements (Pancha Tanmatra), it holds within itself the subtle element of taste (Rasa Tanmatra) …
— Amongst the five macro elements (Panch Mahabhuta), it holds within itself the macro-element of water (Jalam Mahabhuta or Ap Mahabhuta) …
- If cessation is within the laws of Makers Makings … Rudra Tantra …
And the ceased etheric of the mega evolved one, who is within laws, is neither within the universe not out of it and simultaneously is also neither within the macrocosmic etheric nor out of it …
So, if this ceased etheric needs to be recalled back at a later time, then a request would have to be made by one of the mega evolved ones or by mother nature to make it enter into a state, where it can act as the destroyer of allness (actually the rejuvenator of allness) …
This ceased etheric field holds the Samhara Krityam (Samhara Kritya) and this is also the ceased etheric field who when returns back to the universe, acts as Rudra of that universe (or multi-universe as the case may be) …
Within the concept of Pancha Deva, this mega evolved one is addressed as Rudra Deva (Great rejuvenator of allness), Maha Deva (the great being), Shaktimaan (the final bearer of all divinity), etc., …
This mega evolved etheric is related to the following aspects …
— Ability to lead the universe to its dissoluted state (or great dissolution or Maha Pralaya) and thus this etheric field also holds the capability to destroy allness and thence also bring that state to its state of original nothingness (that itself is the state of a universe when it is already dissoluted) … This etheric field thus becomes as the destroyer of allness, who in Vedas is addressed as Rudra Deva …
— It relates to the Aghora face of Sadashiva … And within its formless state, the same Aghora face is addressed as Krishna Pingala aspect of Rudra and also as Rudra Loka (pristine abode of great rejuvenator or pristine above of the destroyer of allness) … The same Aghora face of Shiva is also the one who is addressed as “the Great deity (i.e. as Mahadeva) …
— Amongst the five subtle elements (Pancha Tanmatra), it holds within itself the subtle element of form (Roop Tanmatra) …
— Amongst the five macro elements (Panch Mahabhuta), it holds within itself the macro-element of fire (Agni Mahabhuta or Prakash Mahabhuta or Tejas Mahabhuta) …
- If cessation is within the divinity or Shakti of Makers Makings … Devi Tantra …
The mega evolved one who is ceased within the divinity of Makers Makings exists in voidness of allness (i.e. Sarva Shunya) …
And after it is recalled back, it acts as Devi (divinity or Shakti or Mother of allness) of the multi-universe (or even a single universe as the case may be) …
This mega evolved one holds the Tirodhana Krityam (Tirodhaan Krityam) or in other words, the divine act of veiling …
Within the concept of Pancha Deva, this mega evolved one is addressed as Devi (mother of all), Shakti (pristine divinity), root nature (Moola Prakriti), supreme energy (Durga), etc., …
This mega evolved etheric is related to the following aspects …
— Ability to lead to the state of veiling of truth from all that doesn’t deserve to know it … This veiling is done by enveloping the truth through non-lightness (non-lighted state is also as its primary state of emptiness) …
— It relates to the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … And within its formless state, the same Tatpurusha face is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma (golden womb of creation) whose very-minor self-manifestation within our solar system, is as Surya (sun of this planetary system) and whose deity is Surya Deva (Sun god) …
— Amongst the five subtle elements (Pancha Tanmatra), it holds within itself the subtle element of touch (Sparsha Tanmatra) …
— Amongst the five macro elements (Panch Mahabhuta), it holds within itself the macro-element of air (Vayu Mahabhuta) …
- If cessation is within blessing or liberating aspect of Makers Makings … Ganapati Tantra (Ganesha Tantra) …
That mega evolved one who is also a ceased etheric and thence exits out of allness of Makers Makings, enters into the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman) …
This mega evolved one holds the Anugraha Krityam (Anugraha Kritya) or in other words, the act of blessing allness (or act of granting the final liberation or Kaivalya) …
Within the concept of Pancha Deva, this mega evolved one is addressed as Ganapati (Lord of all macrocosmic speciology) and as Ganesha (One whom every part of macrocosmic speciology worships), etc., … And where the word “macrocosmic speciology” means, “all that is as an animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate microcosm” …
This mega evolved etheric is related to the following aspects …
— Ability to lead to the state of unveiling of truth from all that deserves to know it … This unveiling is done by removing all obstacles that are enveloping the truth and it is due to this reason, Ganapati is also addressed as Vighnaharta (which means, remover of all obstacles) …
— It relates to the Ishana face of Sadashiva … And as a matter of fact, the same Ishana face is also denoting the fullness (or absoluteness) of Sadashiva …
— Amongst the five subtle elements (Pancha Tanmatra), it holds within itself the subtle element of sound (Shabda Tanmatra or simply Sabda) and thus the concept of Shabda Brahman is also related to Ganesha who himself is the Deva of Ishana face of Shiva …
— Amongst the five macro elements (Panch Mahabhuta), it holds within itself the macro-element of ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) …
With above as a base, we proceed into this topic …
BB-2) …
Goer and non goer … Going and non going … Gone and ungone … Their unity …
Macrocosmic voidness (Sarva Shunya or voidness of allness) is is where the absorptions take place … Within this voidness (emptiness or Shunya which is all pervading and all enveloping) all that is of the Makers Makings, is returned back to the Makers Makings, prior any aspirant (including the mega evolved one of our discussion) can ever move beyond the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …
Thus, basis above …
- Prior the mega evolved one exits out of the entirety of existence within the flows and dynamism of the macrocosmic creation, it is also within the macrocosmic voidness (i.e. voidness of allness) that its cessation takes place …
- But this cessation is only of those mega evolved ones, who though are evolutionarily ready to enter into their liberated states, yet don’t desire that final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) … This means, that, even when they have arrived at their real nextness of evolutionary standings to finally exit out of allness (i.e. be liberated) yet they don’t desire that final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha) …
- Final liberation, which in Vedic lore is also told as Kaivalya Moksha, means as follows …
A full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part
And the state of entering into this final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha or Nirvana) can also be told as follows …
When all that is as parts of Makers Makings (i.e. the subtle impressional macrocosm, which is within the macrocosm) becomes absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principals, then that aspirant walks alone and free of allness and eventually into that final isolation from allness and her each part
Thus, basis above, following is what is actually is …
- Unless all that is of the macrocosmic creation, is returned back to their respective macrocosmic principal states, the final liberation which in Vedas is named as Kaivalya Moksha, can ever be attained …
- Only after all that is macrocosmic, is returned back to the macrocosm, does the aspirant become freed of the earlier hold that the macrocosmic creation was having upon the aspirant …
- And above is the stage, when that aspirant finally qualifies to walk alone and in freedom from allness and her each part … Which itself is where the aspirant finally knows the innermost meanings and application of the wise words, which we had told as follows …
There eventually is “nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be”
Except be as you eternally ever are, as the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahman), who itself is as your own innermost essence (Atman)
Thus basis above, unless the aspirant knows that his (or her) Atman is Brahman, the finality of liberation would only remain as a distant dream …
And this statement is eternally applicable to all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings and is also applicable irrespective of what path any aspirant may take or who that aspirant may believe in …
Thus, because of this, the self realization of innermost essences of Vedic Mahavakya, remains as the base of entering into the final liberation as described above …
Proceeding further …
Since the macrocosm in its subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha of Brahman) is present within each microcosm, so after the aspirant qualifies to be liberated (Just as is to be as per the original desire) and yet doesn’t desire to be liberated, then all that is related to the macrocosmic creation and yet is resting within the aspirants tiny microcosmic physical vehicle, begins getting returned back to their respective macrocosmic principals …
Above is because of the fact, that, by the stage of evolution that is discussed here, the aspirant already is evolutionarily qualified to exit out of the entirety of Makers Makings …
But if even after this evolutionary readiness (to enter into the finally liberated state) the aspirant doesn’t desire to be liberated, then the Makers Makings only take all that is if itself, from that aspirant …
Thus, basis above …
After the aspirant evolutionarily qualifies to return back all that is of macrocosmic creation, to the macrocosmic creation and yet that aspirant doesn’t desire to be liberated, and where this “nonness of desire to be liberated” is even when that aspirant can no longer continue within any of the universes of the macrocosmic creation, then below is what happens within that aspirant …
- All that is of the macrocosmic creation, begins getting auto-returned back to their respective macrocosmic principles … Thus, the aspirant no longer has to do anything for this auto-return-back process, which in turn ensure that this process remains in freedom from the law of cause and effect and also in freedom from its governing principle (i.e. dependent origination) …
- If something is in freedom from any single principle, then that thing is also in freedom from the entirety of principles, process and laws of Makers Makings … This is because, a state of freedom from any single principle always leads to a freedom from allness, which also includes all that is as principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …
Proceeding further …
- After this process of auto-absorption completes, the aspirant is already liberated from the entirety of Makers Makings because after this stage, the Makers Makings (and thus the entirety of multi-universal macrocosmic creation) can no longer relate to that aspirant …
- Thus, in such a case, if anyone would ask the divinities of Makers Makings about that aspirant, then the reply would invariably be as follows …
He was … But now is not
He is not … But yet he is
He eternally is not … Yet he eternally is
He eternally is … Yet he eternally is not
He is the eternal not, even when he ever is … He eternally is, yet he ever is not
He is eternally gone, yet ever ungone … He is eternal ungone, yet already gone
Note: The self-manifested states of divine feminine principle (i.e. all women, of here and beyond realms) can substitute the word “She for He”, in above stated facts …
Proceeding further …
And from the Vedic point of view of five faces of Shiva and their respective aspects of divinities (Shakti), above could be told as follows …
He is Shiva who also is Shakti … He is Shakti who itself is Shiva
For only Shiva is not, even when he ever is … And only Shakti is, yet is not
Note: In above, Shiva means pristine auspiciousness (as is of the supreme being) and Shakti means, the divinity (or energy or activity or power) of the pristine auspicious principle …
Proceeding further …
The path of above is through the self-realization of the innermost meaning of a statement from Vedic sages, which Vedic sages had told as follows …
Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde
Which means …
As is microcosm So is macrocosm, As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm
And where above statement of sages also refers to the below told facts …
- Eternal relationship of macrocosm to microcosm … And vice versa …
- Microcosm is the microcosmic state of the macrocosm …
- Macrocosm is the macrocosm state of each microcosm …
- Presence of macrocosm within macrocosm …
- Presence of microcosm within macrocosm …
Above Yajurveda statement is also one of the primary paths of an Ati Manava …
And without accomplishing of all that comes within the purviews of above statement, the stage of attainment of state of Atimanava (mega evolved being) never arrives for any aspirant …
Now with above as a base …
We would discuss the state of gone ones and eternally ungone ones and also their unity as it really is even when these two terms (of gone and ungone) actually mean different …
And thus in this discussion, we would also prove the falsity of the concept of differences between the goers and non goers …
In such a case where the aspirant accomplishes what is told above, then as far as the individual-dualities of these two concepts of goer and non goer stands, following is what remains as the condition of such aspirants …
- Eternally gone ones … The Goers … Since all that was of the Makers Makings, is already returned back to their respective macrocosmic principals and thus the entirety of Makers Makings which was within the aspirant, is already returned back to the same Makers Makings, so such an aspirant becomes as the eternally gone one …
- He stands beyond the entirety of Makers Makings and thus is also the one who is already gone into that which is beyond the entirety of scopes of applicability and purviews of the Makers Makings …
- Such an aspirant can never be termed as resting within any part of the Makers Makings …
- And such an aspirant also cannot ever be forced to return back into the Makers Makings …
This is because the principles of eternal evolution only has a one way effect, which itself is ever-upwardly (and thus once such a state of evolution is attained, that aspirant can neither fall back to a lower state of evolution nor can that aspirant ever be forced to return back to the Makers Makings) …
- Eternally ungone ones … Since the first desire of Mother macrocosmic nature, was as her “explicit desire, to be” and since the implicit or hidden meaning of this first desire, only translated as desire to eternally be, so all that exists within the Makers Makings, is also none other than an eternal entity as far as its root divinity (or Moola Shakti or Moola Prakriti) is concerned …
Thus, basis above, all that is let gone by the goer (as discussed earlier on in this part of the topic), also keeps eternally existent within their respective macrocosmic principal states … And this is what leads to a state, where the earlier believed goer (i.e. the eternally gone one) is also existent within the Makers Makings, but as the eternally ungone one …
Thus basis above, is the following fact …
- From the point of view of the aspirant already gone beyond the hold and purviews of the Makers Makings, that aspirant is the eternally gone one …
- And from the point of view of the aspirants surrendered aspects, eternally continuing to exist within their respective macrocosmic principal states, that aspirant is none other than the eternally ungone one …
- Thus, is the unity of both these concepts of goer and non goer …
- And I pity the ones who cause divides in this concept (or eternally gone and eternally ungone ones) and which itself proves their own ignorance towards the reality of unity of the states of goers and non goers …
Proceeding further …
In both these cases (of goer and non goer … Or gone and ungone ones), the absorptions that take place, only happen in emptiness (Shunya Tattva) … But there also are differences of their attainments as told below …
- The eternally gone … These are those who only desire their final liberation and nothing else (i.e. they are Mumukshu), thus they only see their finally liberated state which rests beyond the Makers Makings and not the state of their let gone aspects, which also keep resting within their respective macrocosmic principal states, until the pending timeless eternity as is of the Makers Makings …
- The eternally ungone ones … These are those, who though are standing at the gateway of liberation (gateway of liberation is a symbolic phrase, so please don’t take it literally) and thus are evolutionarily ready to enter into their final liberation, yet they don’t desire to be liberated … Thus, due to their desires, they only see their let gone states which remain absorbed in their respective macrocosmic principals, until eternity … And thus they call themselves as the eternally ungone ones …
- Fullness of unity of goers and non goers … But that sage who has known both these aspects as true (just as we have discussed above) knows the falsity of both these concepts when taken in their independence from each other … And such a sage also knows that in their fullness of innermost unity (as is when we take both these concepts of goer and non goer, together), then they are only denoting one and the same fact as was told above through reference of mother macrocosmic nature …
- Such a sage, who knows the unity of goers and non goers, stands beyond both and thus is the perfectly and fully liberated one (Kaivalya Mukta or simply, the Mukta) even when his own earlier let gone aspects are still resting in their respective macrocosmic principals and thus in such a view point he still exists within the purviews and scopes of the Makers Makings … Within the entirety of Makers Makings, there is no other state higher than this evolutionary standing and thus, such sages have been addressed as Ati Manav in this text …
- Such is the sage who can later on chose to be an Atimanava … Who stands free of each going and non going (i.e. each aspect of bondage and liberation) even when he is undertaking the role of an Atimanav (mega evolved being) within the multi-universal macrocosm creation …
- And these sages are those, whose macrocosmic states are returned back to their respective macrocosmic principals through their own desire and yet they are not holding the desire for a final liberation … Thus, even when the absorptions of the macrocosmic states which are within their own microcosm, happen on an auto-mode and which denotes the final liberation, yet because they don’t desire that final liberation, so they only attain to the state of an Atimanava (Great man beyond all beings, gods and realms) …
- And to ensure their final liberation even within their non liberation and simultaneously also ensure the final non liberation within their liberation that they never desire, they only remain as mere witnesses to this process of return back of the macrocosmic states that exist within their own microcosm, and into their respective macrocosmic principal states and where this process of return back is also as per their own self-willing state which itself is within their desire to ensure that the universe doesn’t enter into that which we have termed as the great burst …
- Such are the sages who stand beyond both liberation and non liberation alike, as they in fact rest in a state which neither comes in purviews of the term goer (or gone) nor within the purviews of the term ungone (or non goer) …
- Such are the ones who attain to the state of unity within these two aspects, of going and non going (eternally gone and eternally ungone) … These are the Atimanava (Mega evolved ones, who stand beyond the state of men, beings and Gods) …
- These are the aspirants who denote the primary divinities of Makers Makings, of whom only five shall be discussed in this series of topics … Whereas in reality there are 33 main types and with each type having 10 million (1 crore) sub-types …
BB-3) …
Process of creation of universe … Utpatti Tantra … Law of preface …
This is what happens within a dissoluted universe, prior it re-begins … And thus, the name of this part of the topic is also written as Law of preface and also as the cosmic process of preface of a universe (cosmic process of preface) …
Thus, this part of the topic can also be termed as “preface of universe” or in other words, the “Law of preface of universe or law prior origination of universe” …
Note: And since the same, but to a minor extent, also happens during creation of worlds and planes, so this law is also applicable to them …
Proceeding further …
As was discussed earlier, that, the creation is by the mega evolved one (or Ati Manava) who is ceased in principle …
And at some later stage of progress of time (Kaal) and its eternal cycles (Kaalchakra), this mega evolved one (who is ceased within macrocosmic principles) is recalled back to act as Brahma (Creator) of a universe whose time is ripe and right to re-begin from its then dissoluted state …
So due to this reason, here we would again be referring to that creator aspect of the attributeless infinite being (Brahman) …
Proceeding further …
But in this topic, we would only consider the re-origination of the universe from its earlier dissoluted state …
This is even when this part of the topic also relates to the original beginning of the first universe within the Makers Makings, which itself was countless universes ago when the macrocosmic etheric field had created that first universe … At this stage when the first universe was self-originated, macrocosmic etheric field was also acting as the original or first creator (or original Brahma) of Makers Makings …
This part of the topic also relates to that stage, which is called as Mahapralaya (great dissolution of allness) as was prior to the universe is re-begun by the creator aspect (i.e. Brahma aspect) of the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahm) and where that creator aspect is borne by a mega evolved being (Ati Manav) who rests within the state of cessation of principles of Makers Makings …
Proceeding further …
Nature in her manifest (Apra Prakriti), non manifest (Para Prakriti) and ‘non manifest non present states (Avyakta Prakriti)’ is neither a conscious entity not is she a knowledgeable entity … This is because knowledge and consciousness are not intrinsic to macrocosmic nature in any of her three mentioned states …
This knowledge and consciousness is only intrinsic to macrocosmic nature in her pure energy state (i.e. Shakti or Devi or Divinity or Adi Para Shakti) and that too when she rests in her perfect union to the Absolute being (Para Brahman) … In any other state which manifests from the pure original state of nature i.e. energy, nature does not hold any knowledge and consciousness that is intrinsic to her ..
Knowledge and consciousness is externally provided to the manifest (Apra Prakriti), non manifest (Para Prakriti) and ‘non manifest non present states (Avyakta Prakriti or Avyakta Prana)’ of nature …
Only in her pure energy state and that too while she rests as pure divinity (energy) and that too within her non-dual union to the Absolute being (Parabrahman) does knowledge and consciousness become intrinsic to nature and it is this knowledge and consciousness which makes each state of nature to be apparently knowledgeable and conscious even when in reality they are not so …
And because every part of nature originated from this original energy state of nature, so this energy pervades and envelopes all these states and thus makes them apparently knowledgeable and conscious … Thus, even when mother nature is non-conscious in any of her three states (i.e. manifest nature or Apra Prakriti, non manifest or Para Prakriti and ‘non manifest non present states or Avyakta Prakriti or Avyakta Prana)’, but in her originality as pure energy, which itself is of the Absolute (Brahman), nature is found to be a conscious entity …
Due to this reason and point of view of observation, some texts say nature is inert and other texts state nature is also a valid path to self-realize the supreme being (Parambrahma) … And these differences are due to the fact, that the former ones saw nature in her state which is other than her pure energy state and the latter ones saw nature in her pure energy state and thus termed her as Devi or Shakti or Maa (which as such denotes the knowledge and conscious divinity of mother nature) …
As such, to initially give the push to inert matter and thus make it let go if its then state of inertia (so as to originate the universe out of itself) knowledge and consciousness has to be externally injected into it (through the activity aspect of macrocosmic etheric), so as to activate the intrinsic activity principle (Kriya Shakti) that though is present in inert matter, yet is not able to act due to that severe inertia (as is of inert matter) … And this further activates the knowledge and conscious principle within mother nature …
This injection of knowledge and conscious principle is either done by the activity aspect of the macrocosmic etheric (as is when the first universe was originated during the original origination of the macrocosmic matrix) or by a mega evolved being who is within cessation of the principles (as is when a newer universe is to be re-begun …
As such, after the original beginning of the first universe is effected by injecting of the knowledge, conscious and activity principle within inert nature, the original father (macrocosmic etheric) rests in its own essential nature of being none other than a distant witness of all that happens after this stage … And any further beginnings of further universes are by the ones who are evolved and arrived at their mega-evolved-statures within that original of first universe … And then these mega-evolved-ones are the ones who keep re-beginning the same universe (or even the other universes which are also originated at later stages of progress of Makers Makings) …
As such, after the first universe was begun, the original father never needed to interfere with the macrocosm and thus the Maker remains detached to all four states of the macrocosm, in turn leading to differing gods and Satan’s claiming to be originators of the of the world or plane of existence or even the universal creation …
Just one injection of the knowledge, conscious and activity principles within the first universe as was originally originated within Maker’s Makings, was enough to make these three cosmic principles (i.e. knowledge, conscious and activity principles) to continue the macrocosmic creation, endlessly and till that incalculable timeless eternity that is to be of the Makers Makings …
Setting the base of law of preface …
Prior a newer universe is begun (actually, re-begun) following entities of earlier universe (and also, already existent universes) have already registered their desires to re-begin as microcosm’s within the already existent or even a future universe …
In some earlier topics, we had discussed …
- Those microcosm’s who had entered their states of dissipation, where these microcosm’s are dissipated to their planes and thus have been residing at their own planes, so as to carry out an introspection and retrospection, prior these microcosm’s again could resume within the ‘one process there only is’ of the macrocosmic creation …
And only after they can complete this, can they be allowed to re-begin exactly from the same state of evolution, from where they were dissipated due to a serious non compliance towards the principles, process and laws of Makers Makings … These microcosm’s have also registered their desire to re-begin under a differing role, within a future universe so they can resume their evolutionary process, exactly from where they had last left …
- As also we had discussed those microcosm’s who had entered into the earlier discussed cosmic conjunction, which were due to the lower impressional fields (and thus this discussion doesn’t include those who had entered into a cosmic conjunction due to higher impressions which they had held) … These ones have also undergone through their introspection and retrospection and thus are ready to begin again within the ‘one process there only is’ as evolution … These ones have also registered their desire to re-begin under a differing role, within a future universe and within the same principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …
- As also those microcosm’s who were resting within a plane or world (or even a universe) which had to dissolute for any reason, have also registered their desire to re-begin within a future universe and within the same principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …
- Those microcosm’s that reside within any dissoluted state and have registered their desire to re-begin within a future universe and within the same principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …
- And we had also discussed those microcosm’s who at some earlier time span had taken the ‘Giant leap (or the Great Leap)’ and thus their etherics are still lying abandoned by virtue of un-burnt cause and effect … And also are those ones who took the ‘Giant leap (or the Great Leap)’ and whose etherics have been attracting others aspirants who are existing in planes which are of or are lower than from where the giant leap took place … And due to their un-burnt cause and effects, some of these etherics are also attracting other microcosm’s into mediumship, which leads to dual personalities in such ones … These microcosm’s who underwent through the ‘Giant leap or the Great Leap’, also begin registering their requests to re-begin within a future universe and within the same principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings …
- Also there have been some wise ones, who though are evolutionarily ready to enter into that which is beyond the entirety of allness (i.e. be liberated), but yet they don’t desire that final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha or Nirvana, call it whatever you want) … Some of such ones have also sent their requests for entering a world whenever some job which they can execute is needed such as, to lay down the correct evolutionary systems, practices and procedures within a newer world which is to re-begin within the same or newer universe, etc. … Some of these wise microcosm’s have also registered their desire to re-begin within a future universe and within the same principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings …
- And there also are those highly evolved microcosm’s who though are existent within much higher realms, but they still hold a few stagnated next’s (i.e. they have fallen on the wrong side of law of real next) and thus, such ones are also looking for an opportunity to enter the process again so as to clear their evolutionary stagnations and thus fully comply to the principle of eternal evolution … These higher evolved ones have also registered their desire to re-begin within a future universe and within the same principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings …
- And there are also those large number of microcosm’s who gotten dissoluted when the world or plane where they were residing at that time, had dissoluted and these microcosm’s have also been awaiting their resumption within the grosser states of existence so as to resume their evolution process … Such ones have also registered their desire to re-begin within a future universe and within the same principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings …
- And there are also those microcosm’s who by virtue of being the ‘Gods and Satan’s of the worlds and planes have already evolved to arrive at a greater etheric capacity, so these ones can now move on to even higher planes or in higher roles … These controlling entities have also registered their desire to re-begin under a differing role, within a future universe and within the same principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings …
- And also within the dissoluted state of a universal etheric and also within other universes and their worlds and planes, there are also the etheric fields of those entities which are awaiting for their return back to an incarnated state … These entities have also registered their desire to again re-begin within the same principles, process and laws of Makersmakings, so as to resume their evolutionary process …
- There were also the greater ones who though are resting within the dissoluted universal etheric even when they can enter into the state of liberation, have also desired to return back within cyclic existence so as to assist another mega evolved (one who shall come to lay down systems during resumption of a world or plane within the universe) or assist other evolving ones in their respective evolutionary process … These ones have also registered their desire to re-begin under a differing role, within a future universe and within same principles, process and laws of Makersmakings …
- And there also are those microcosm’s who due to their lowly deeds had not even got a chance for entering any world or plane of any existing universe … Such microcosm’s are the ones who have had to await the dissipation of such lower vibratory fields from within themselves while they remain floating around such planes or world and have been exiting as Preta’s and other ghostly forms (because such ones cannot even enter any physical form in any of the worlds of planes of existing universes) … Such ones have also been requesting and registering their need to enter a grosser world or plane of existence within a future universe and thus re-begin, so as to again resume within the same principles, process and laws of Makersmakings …
- And also there are those mega evolved ones who have been within the state of cessation of flows within the process, who have kept absorbing all the excess and unders that kept getting generated within any of the begun universes … And as those vast time spans kept passing, these absorbed excesses keep accumulating within the etheric field of these mega-evolved-ones who are ceased within the process … Because these excesses are absorbed and are lying dormant within the ceased etheric of a mega-evolved-one who is in cessation of process, so these cannot be kept indefinitely within that ceased etheric or else these energy fields and their impressions (i.e. excesses) would get permanently dissoluted … So these mega-evolved-ones also need to resume their flows to a minor extent so as to save the chances of permanent annihilation of these impressional fields that they have kept absorbing from the other universes … As also, since cessation cannot continue endlessly because it would lead to a total degeneration of the etheric capacities of a mega-evolved-one, so as even these mega-evolved-microcosm’s need to resume their flows for a short span of time, after the eons of time spans have passed within cessation … Such mega evolved ones have also requested the Makers makings to resume a newer universe, where these absorbed excesses which as such are enough to resume the process of that newer universe, can be dumped (injected into that newer universe, so as to resume the process in that universe) …
Note: These excesses and unders of a universe as were absorbed by a mega evolved being under cessation within process, also need to be returned back, as these cannot even be endlessly held within a mega-evolved-etheric (as such a condition would lead to their complete dissolution and which itself would go against the law of eternal existence, which also applies to all that is, including these excess and unders) … These excesses and unders which are lying within a mega-evolved-etheric of a mega evolved one who is under cessation of process, have to register their need to get back into the process of fruiting to a higher subtlety and thus have to enter back into flows and dynamism of a newer world or plane of existence within the same or newer universe …
- As also are those microcosm’s and entities who due to their then evolutionary standings could not find harmony upon any world or plane of existence and thus could not even begin within the processes that are existent within any world or plane of existence of any of the universes (including the universe which has dissoluted) … These microcosm’s and entities have also registered their need to re-begin within the same principles, process and laws of multi-universal state of Makers Makings …
- And also, the dissoluted state of process which is existent within the dissoluted universal etheric, has also had its desire to resume flows (these processes are also requesting for their re-beginning, whilst these processes rest within the dissoluted universal etheric) …
As also those microcosm’s who were evolving within a universe when it got dissoluted and thus these microcosm’s also had to terminate their eternal evolution temporarily and then reside within the dissoluted universal etheric, have also registered their desire to re-begin under a differing role, within a future universe and within the same principles and process …
Inanimate matter also sends out its impressions and these inanimate mattered states have also registered their desire to re-begin under a differing role, within a future universe and within the same principles and process …
After all these and many more of those untold desires have been registered, the etheric of the universe has to formulate a beginning plan for each specific state of existence but based upon these registered desires and where those states of existences, which can fulfill al those registered desires would also need to be present within the future universe …
And these shall also be such that only those states which are required as per the registered desires shall get manifested within the future universe (i.e. after the universe re-begins) …
Because all that can ever exist, cannot be desired for, so this lack of registered requests for allness to exist within the future universe, in turn becomes the reason for lack of all parts of allness, within that universe …
Above told lack of requests, in turn leads to missing out of a few real next states within the future universe, because the request for such states are not even registered within the universal etheric prior it re-begins … And it is also due to this reason, some real next’s are eternally missed out within the registered desires (as discussed above and those desires which have not been discussed) and this is what leads to a stat, where no universe can ever be free of next of nextness … And since no universe is perfectly complying to the law of real nextness, so some amount of cyclic chaos always remains in each universe and within each microcosm that exists within that universe and this is what further leads to compliance with the law of non sameness within each universe … And absence of perfection of real nextness, is what makes the evolutionary process of each microcosm who rests within that universe, to also be interesting in addition to being the reason for final dissolution of that universe and which in turn ensures the cyclic existence of all that exists within such a universe …
If a universe is not free of next of nextness, which itself is because the desires that were registered prior to its origination (as a universe) didn’t even hold those aspects which could ensure this aspect (of freedom from next of next), then some chaos and a final end of that universe (and also its parts) would definitely come by … But this is what ensures the existence to be none other than cyclic i.e. birth, stay for a while and then death of that born entity … And whilst that born entity exists as a microcosm, it also keeps ever changeful due to absence of perfection of compliance to the law of real nextness and where this non compliance itself was prior to and during the origination process of that universe …
Proceeding further …
If the desire to originate some states is not even registered within the requests there were received from all there is residing within the dissoluted state of the universal etheric, then all such states shall have to be missed out and which shall also ensure that they remain stagnated within the later re-begun universe …
As such when a universe re-begins, then there always are some states which though were to be originated, but had gotten missed out during the origination stage of that universe as their existence within the re-begun universe was not even requested for …
So, above is also the reason, that, there always is a missing out of some ‘real nextness’ and their processes within each of the universes that have ever originated after the first universe was originally begun by the macrocosmic etheric (at the time of commencement of Maker’s Makings) … And this is what leads to a state, where no universe that has ever re-begun after the original universe (which itself was the first universe) have always had some next of next … And there this next of next ultimately ensures that no microcosm (including a universe) can ever continue endlessly in its any single incarnated or manifested state and this is what makes the evolutionary existence (i.e. evolution and existence) of each begun microcosm, to be none other than resting within a cyclic mode … Thus, this missing out of real nextness as is within any universe, is also the reason for its future dissolution and ever re-beginnings …
Note: Such dissolutions are arrived whenever these stagnated “real next’s” have arrived at a state where they cannot stay any longer within their stagnated states and thus whenever all these stagnated real next’s would remain with no choice but to resume their flows in tandem, then at such a time, all kinds of flows and dynamism suddenly manifest within the universe … And because countless of these real next’s get stagnated during the origination of any universe, so when these stagnations resume their flows, then there usually is an excess that forms, whose end result can also be as either a total annihilation of a few worlds or planes or even a dissolution of the universe itself … This is because of the fact that the seed of ending of a universe (and thus all microcosm’s which reside within that universe) is already sown prior the universe even begins and where this seed itself is the next of nextness as was discussed above …
Note continues: And because the final exit is never possible until all the real next’s have been transited through, so invariably the microcosm has to either enter differing universes so as to pass through all the real next’s (so as to get an experience of these and thence let go) or it has to pass through a few dissolutions of the same universe so as to pass through all the real next’s because no universe has ever held all the real next’s …
Absence of permanent beginning or annihilation … End is the beginning …
This is directly cognized when any aspirant qualifies to exit out of allness … Prior the consciousness exits out of allness, it sees its own end in its previous state of existence within the entirety of Makers Makings and which by itself is denoting the newer beginning into that which is beyond all beyondness that is believed of the Makers Makings …
This is directly cognized after transiting the crown chakra (Brahmarandra Chakra) and thence transiting the golden colored Vajradanda Chakra and from which further entering into and going beyond the eighth chakra (Ashrama Chakra) … This leads to a state where that aspirants consciousness enters into that vast non-lighted ocean, which lies beyond the eighth chakra … This vast non-lighted ocean is what Vedic sages had told as Garbhodhaka Vishnu …
The same state also happens inside the physical vehicle after the white pot of butter enters into a state that is beyond the crown plexus and ultimately goes past the eighth chakra (Ashtama Chakra) …
At this time, the macrocosmic states which are within the physical vehicle start self-manifesting within the physical vehicle of such an aspirant and thence these macrocosmic states, which are like bodied states (i.e. like Siddha bodies or Siddha Sharira) also start getting auto-absorbed into their respective macrocosmic principal states …
And just after the white pot (consciousness pot) enters the non-lighted state (non-lighted does not mean darkness) that is beyond the eighth chakra (Ashtama Chakra), is the stage where the aspirant self-realizes Balakrishna (Child like state of Sri Krishna) … This self realization is also within that vast churning that is then cognized to be taking place within the non lighted ocean that the aspirants consciousness resides in at this stage of evolution …
Here is self realized the fact as told by sages, where Bala Krishna is lying down on small leaves which are placed within a jute or bamboo straw vessel, and which is floating in the vast region of that non-lighted state of churning of the cosmic ocean … Balakrishna is also sucking his thumb and is holding a smile that anybody would die for …
At this time, I just bowed down to that cosmic being in form of a little child (and who as such is my eternal guide Sri Vishnu in his own form as Balakrishna) …
And soon afterwards, my eternal guide (the cosmic being, Sri Vishnu) in his smiling childlike form, drifted away into that ocean and was as if telling me, “Son, nothing ends, it just re-begins and so have you” …
This made me to realize that there is no permanent annihilation or anything like this, all that happens is a newer beginning …
Proceeding further …
And beyond this state, is where the same eternal guide (i.e. Sriman Narayana) is in his Virat Swarupa and has been told as Virat Parabrahman by some sages …
And beyond this state is where the same eternal guide (i.e. Sriman Narayana) is in his own attributeless infinite aspect (i.e. where Sriman Narayana is in his Nirguna Nirakara Awastha) …
Note: That being who is addressed as Sriman Narayana above, is none other than Sadashiva (i.e. Pancha Mukha Sadashiva), and who is also the one whom some sages have addressed as Vishvakarman (the divine architect) … Keep this fact in mind …
Balakrishna resides inside that vast churning ocean that exists in the center of the universe, and the same condition is also existent within each center of each fully formed and already animated plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.,) …
Just prior re-origination of universe …
After these requests and thus their generated impressions (Samskara) reach their critical mass which is enough to lead to the re-beginning of the universe, from its then dissoluted state, the mega evolved being whose etheric has undergone the cessation of flow within the principles gets attracted to such a state …
And at some later stage that is arrived after the above stated mega evolved being gets attracted, even the mega evolved one who is within cessation of process gets attracted to that then developed critical mass of consciousness (as was developed from requests of microcosm’s, and about which we have already discussed earlier on in this topic) …
As the mega-evolved-one who is within cessation of principles gets attracted to this universal etheric, then this mega evolved being also remains with no choice but to give what was requested from within the impressions that relates to those requests … And eventually this mega evolved one also agrees to father that future universe so as to re-originate it from its then dissoluted state and thus lead to fruiting of that generated critical mass of consciousness, and thus ensure fruiting of those vast number of requests which as such are the base of that critical mass of consciousness …
Re-origination of universe from its dissoluted state …
The mega evolved being who is resting in cessation within principles, then projects its vast etheric and while remaining connected to the macrocosmic etheric, this mega evolved being (who was till this stage, was under cessation of principles) then spontaneously builds up its flows and dynamism and thence spontaneously pervades the inert matter (i.e. the non lighted inertial mass which at this time is residing within the meaning of the statement ‘non process of process’) that is present within the unbegun macrocosm (or eternal macrocosm) component of that dissoluted universe …
This eventually leads to resumption of that inert matter and then eventually causes a new universe to re-incarnate and reside within the same principles, process and laws of the macrocosmic creation …
And to resume the process of that universe, the mega evolved being who rests within the state of cessation in process (I.e. preservation principle) also joins in and injects into that re-originating subtle universe of this stage of time, all that it had ever absorbed from other universes … This resumes the process within that subtle universe …
And finally is the stage when the mega evolved one, who till then was ceased within the laws of macrocosm (i.e. the rejuvenating principle or destruction principle) can also be recalled (if needed) to destroy the inertia and thus spontaneously expand the process of re-origination …
Proceeding further …
After the stage when the mega evolved ones who are ceased in principles and process (i.e. the creation principle and preservation principle) join hands, then that earlier non lighted state of inert matter (which as such is naught but a highly compressed energy field) just implodes and explodes, and ultimately originates the entire universe out of itself …
And all the microcosm’s as were discussed in previous paragraphs are welcome within the new universe because this newer universe is made as per their registered requests … Thus in reality, each universe is “made to order” … We have used the term, “made to order because that newer universe was re-begun only to comply to the requests that the microcosm’s had generated for their own re-beginning …
As also, all those microcosm’s who could not find a place within any of the already existent universes, can be accommodated in that newer universe and thus be given an appropriate playground to exist and evolve …
Note: Further discussions of the other four aspects, would be in brief …
BB-4) …
Process of preservation of universe … Continuity of universe … Stithi Tantra … Sri Vishnu Tantra …
As a matter of fact …
- The originator (creator) and destroyer remain active only when they carry out their respective jobs … But the preserver stays permanently active …
- Thus it is told in Vedas that during the great dissolution (Mahapralaya), everything rests in Sriman Narayana (who denotes the act of preservation) … This aspect is to preserve the dissoluted universe, so that it can be re-originated …
- Due to being permanent, that permanency (eternity) of preservation is also there across all dimensions … Thus, preservation is eternally there within aspects that relate to dimension of time (finality of time or eternity and also cycles of time or the eternally moving wheel of time or Kaal Chakra), dimension of direction (i.e. the finality of directions or omnidirectionality and also within the cycles of directions or ways of life as they manifest as per the needs of a specific aspect of the wheel of time), dimension of state (i.e. the finality of space or infinity and also the wheel of space that leads to expansion and contraction of all that is resting in allness) and the dimension of state (i.e. finality of state which as such is of omnipresence and the wheel of states which relates to gross and subtle aspects of the dimension of state) …
- The preservation is the only principle which safely exists (i.e. exists in its uncorrupted state) in those states which relate to the middle of time or intermediary state of time (Sandhikaal) as is when a cycle of time is ending and the other cycle of time is about to start soon …
Act of preservation during change of ages … Advent of avatar … Sri Vishnu …
Advent of any Avatar is also as per the call of a specific cycle of time … The Avatar only comes during the intermediary time (Sandhi Kala) that falls in between two cycles of time and that too, when the last part of that Sandhikala (intermediary time) is underway within the world …
This last part of intermediary time (Sandhikal) has a time span of 108 years (as per the currently applicable cardinal units of nadir phase within the currently under stage of precession of equinoxes of this planet’s axis) …
At such an intermediary time (Sandhi), that Avatar of Sri Vishnu, who principally denotes the preservation aspect of allness (i.e. Stithi Krityam) also ends up holding the other four aspects (i.e. other four Krityam, as were discussed earlier on) … If such is the case, then that Avatara is also addressed as the Poorna Avatara (i.e. a fullness of self-manifestation and descent of the supreme being) …
Unless an Avatar of the preservation principle (Stithi Siddhanta) is present in a world, the change of ages would only lead to annihilation of that world …
Act of preservation during creation of worlds, planes and universes …
If the divinities of the bearer of this divine act of preservation, are not present during creation, then following would take place …
- Absence of ability of the created to continue as the created … This effect would be seen soon after the created is originated …
- Absence of harmony of the created to all that is also created …
- Instability within all that is as the created …
- Evolutionary chaos for all that is created and is evolving …
- Existential chaos for all that is created and resting within Makers Makings …
- Instability of and absence of union between zeroness and infinity within which all that is created, eventually resides …
- The universes would no longer be as “winning playgrounds” for all microcosm’s that reside within it and are resting within their respective evolutionary plays …
- , etc., …
Act of preservation during ending of worlds, planes and universes …
If the divinities of the bearer of this divine act of preservation, are not present during ending of worlds, then following would take place …
- That ending would only be as a final annihilation of allness …
- That final annihilation would further be that, which can never lead to re-origination of the dissoluted states at any later time span and/or stage of progress of Makers Makings …
- The macrocosm would no longer be seen as cyclically expanding and contracting …
- Macrocosm would be an eternally shrinking entity …
- The macrocosmic creation, her universes, worlds and planes, would only be as a places of eternal chaos …
- , etc., …
BB-5) …
Process of destruction … Dissolution of universe … Samhara Tantra … Rudra Tantra …
If the divinities of the bearer of this divine act of preservation, are not present during ending of worlds and also during ending of age cycles, then following would take place …
- The ending would never be of dissolution …
- The ending would immediately lead to a re-beginning of the same entity and that too in the same state in which it was, prior to its ending …
- The ending would never be an ending in the real sense, as no matter what any other aspect may try on that entity, so as to end it, it would continue to keep existing …
- The ending would never lead to refreshing of that ended entity and thus would never lead to its rejuvenation in a different form or formless state …
- Such a condition would in turn lead to buildup of endless number of stagnations, which in turn would lead to a state of severe sufferings in each that is begun within the Makers Makings … If the stagnations that get built up during the evolutionary existence of any microcosm, cannot be refreshed at regular intervals, then that microcosm always ends up in severities that relate to endlessness of sufferings …
- This would lead to a non compliance to all laws of the Makers Makings, which itself are borne by the destruction principle (Samhara Siddhanta or Rudra Deva) …
- , etc., …
BB-6) …
- Process of veiling … Veiling of truth … Tirodhana Tantra … Devi Tantra …
If the divinities of the bearer of this divine act of veiling of truth from those microcosm’s who are not resting within an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know that truth, are not present within the Makers Makings, then following would take place …
- All would know the truth as soon as they are originated within the Makers Makings …
- This knowledge of final truth, would lead to an immediate emancipation (Liberation of Mukti) of all that is originated within the Makers Makings and that too, at the same instant when it gets originated …
- Thus, the entire evolutionary and existence process would end as soon as a microcosm is originated …
- Within the Makers Makings, there would be an utter absence of any microcosm, right from the universe till the smallest microcosm which Vedic lore has named as Anu …
Note: The loose definition of the Sanskrit word “Anu”, is let’s just say, an atom of cell … But this definition is not correct … This is because, the correct definition of the Samskrit word “Anu”, actually means, that smallest component which cannot be divided any further and within which the loosely told names of atom and cell don’t really fit properly (as both these are divisible into their own respective parts) …
- The entirety of principles, process and laws of Makers Makings would be invalid within the macrocosmic creation …
- In absence of all these and more (which are not told here), the very reason for origination existence of allness, as allness and her pluralistic yet monistic parts, would cease …
- , etc., …
BB-7) …
Process of unveiling … Unveiling of truth … Anugraha Tantra … Ganapati Tantra … Ganesha Tantra …
If the divinities of the bearer of this divine act of unveiling of truth to those microcosm’s who already are resting within an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know that truth, are not present within the Makers Makings, then following would take place …
- The very reason for existence of concepts of final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha or Nirvana) would become redundant …
- This would be because of absence of compliance to the original desire (i.e. desire to be liberated) …
- In absence of liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha), the entirety of the existence would be of endless endless bondage …
- And in absence of liberation, the entire process of evolution would be without any finality … And since evolution itself is the universal process in its vast state (giant state) and also since, there is never ever possible to reside free of evolution process, especially when one is still evolving and thus non liberated, so such a condition would only make the root of the entire evolutionary existence to be like a headless giant … By this I means, the activity of attaining the finality of liberation would definitely be there, but without a path to finality …
- All this would make the evolution and existence within the Makers Makings, to be none other than a hellish condition …
- , etc., …
Continues …