This would be a short topic on law that relates to conditions which are necessary to animate the worlds … Animating of worlds is after they have already been created … Thus, this topic shall discuss the main conditions that must be present prior animate beings can be placed upon any of the earlier created worlds … So, due to this reason, this topic can also be told as Law of animating of created worlds … And this topic shall also discuss the law of winning playgrounds, which itself are the eternal playgrounds in addition to the law of unity of universes …
AA) …
Explaining the law of animating of worlds …
Animating of worlds means, the stage of placement of animate beings on the worlds which are already created and whose creation has reached the stage when they can be animated …
As the elements form in their subtle and then their grosser (or physical) states, then as times progress, those created worlds eventually reach a stage there the conditions are suitable for placement of animate beings on them …
And where the animate beings which are placed within them are also placed in compliance to the earlier discussed macrocosmic law of physical vehicle … Thus, as are the characteristics of the worlds, so are the beings which eventually get placed upon them …
This law is also applicable to all cosmic realms, right from the physical, subtle, divine, causal and impressional realms because there is no realm (or world) in the entirety of Makers Makings which doesn’t comply to the conditional requirements of this law prior any animate being could be placed upon them …
AA-2) …
Two reciprocal aspects of elements … The stupid concept of heaven and hell …
In a previous topic, we had discussed the origination of the five elements which as such are of ether (Akasha Mahabhuta), air (Vayu Mahabhuta), fire (Agni Mahabhuta), water (Jalam Mahabhuta) and earth (Prithvi Mahabhuta) …
And we had also discussed that the origination process is from the parental subtle form to the childlike gross (or physical) form … And where the subtler of these elements i.e. ether (or Akasha Mahabhoot) never changes to a grosser state (as it continues in its originally originated state) …
So these are the elements that we know of …
Proceeding further …
But there also are elements which are reverse or reciprocal to these … So, these can be called as reverse elements or reciprocal elements …
These elements have the same color and other external characteristics as the main elements (about which we had discussed in earlier topics), but yet are reciprocal … Once these reverse elements or reciprocal elements come in contact with the other part of elemental nature, then there is a chaos of all sorts in that part of elemental nature, where this kind of mixing takes place …
And the same is for manifested matter, which also has its reciprocal matter (or matter that is anti of the matter than we know) …
Elements and their reciprocals balance each other as far as their cosmic masses and potencies are concerned …
And since both rest within the same Makers Makings and yet because any mixing of these would only lead chaos, so to prevent that chaos within the elemental state of nature, these are separated by a very subtle diamond white colored barrier of macro-equanimity (or macro-neutrality) …
Proceeding further …
If any physical or even a subtle bodied being from an elemental state, enters into an anti-elemental state which also exists within the same macrocosmic elemental nature, then that being would enter into all sorts of chaos because elements and anti-elements never say a proper hello to each other …
This is from where the concept of heaven and hell comes from and whereas in reality, there is no such stupidity …
Heaven is when we remain in the same matter type in which we have evolved … And hell is when we enter into those states which are of reciprocal matter … That’s all …
AA-3) …
Reciprocal elements and maintenance of macro-neutrality in multi-universe …
At the intersection points of of these elements and reciprocal elements, is the state of macro-neutrality … This is because of the applicability of the earlier discussed law of macro-equanimity …
As these elements and anti elements are residing in different planes within the same universe, yet because their emanated flows and dynamism keep meeting each other and since in the middle of these meeting points there is a state of macro-equanimity, so this also assists in maintaining macro-equanimity across the various states of the universe … And which in turn effects the macro-elemental harmony within the universe …
Proceeding further …
This direct cognition is such that, if we were to reside within the anti-elemental worlds, then this world shall be an anti-element for us, which means that any state of macro-element which is opposite of the state where an aspirant (or microcosm) may be residing, is an anti-elemental state …
And between these two worlds is the axis of macro-neutrality generated, so as to keep these two in their sameness of states or else if these two meet, then there shall be a universal explosion, and thus the end of the universal creation would be immediate and universal …
And also that, since ether remains the same ether across any state of matter or antimatter and as ether keeps holding both these reciprocal types of flow and dynamism types, thus ether keeps balancing these two differing or counteracting flows, as are within matter and its antimatter …
AA-4) …
Primary conditions for animating of worlds …
Now coming to a state where the world is ready to receive animated aspirants (or microcosm’s) within it …
Any world, plane of existence or universe is deemed as ready to receive animated aspirants (or microcosm’s) when the following conditions are met …
- It’s axis of macro-neutrality is manifested …
At this state, the universe (or world or plane of existence) is perfectly balanced within the flows and anti-flows there are on its either side … This axis is of macro-equanimity, which as such is of a diamond white color and which relates to the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … The same Sadyojata face is also addressed as Brahmaloka in Vedas …
If any type of flow and dynamism, touches macro-equanimity, then that individualistic flow also turns macro-equanimous … And thus that earlier individualistic type of flow and dynamism also loses its earlier individualistic state (or aspect) after it touches macro-equanimity …
- Stability of manifested elements … At the stage where the axis of macro neutrality is formed, is also arrived the state of stability of manifested elements … This stability is such that, the manifested elements cannot change their states (to higher or lower grossness) within the planes from whose flows this axis is manifested …
Thus, from the stage when the macro-neutral axis of partition has already manifested, the manifested elements cease their transformations and this as such is the main sign that the plane or world is ready to be populated by animated aspirants (or microcosm’s) and entities …
- Equilibrium of universe due to action and inertia and further neutrality … Equilibrium of quality of action (Rajoguna) and quality of inertia (Tamoguna) also leads to the self-origination of attribute of neutrality (Sattvaguna) from within their union … When this very subtle white cloud like neutrality becomes almost omnipresent and which itself is due to the omnipresence and further unions of action and inertia, then this equilibrium of is also one of the signs that the universe (or a plane of existence or a world) is ready to be animated …
This is also the stage when the manifested elements reach a stage of perfect equilibrium to each other and whilst they rest within the same universe …
- Manifestation of a dark colored core within a plane of existence … When this manifestation takes place, then it also denotes that one or more worlds in that plane of existence (Galaxy, etc.,) is ready to be animated …
This dark colored core also denotes the the state of arrival of balance of and balance within the 24 elements …
This dark state in the core of a plane of existence also denotes the stage where the process of origination is balanced with the process of sustenance and process of dissolution …
And the world which is chosen for placing animate beings is also having the same in the core of its axis …
AA-5) …
Process of animating the worlds …
This process could be based upon either or all of the following …
- Transporting animate beings from other worlds or planes of existences (Galaxies, etc.,) … Humans were brought to this planet through this method (Humans did not evolve here) …
And across the time spans of the present Brahma Kalpa, human like speciology from many different worlds of beyond were brought here and thus many different races of humanity were eventually placed here …
And where the chosen races were also such, that they were subtly compatible, even when their external aspects and compatibility of ways of life, was absent to some extent …
The idea was that eventually there would be inter-breeding within this part of planetary speciology, which would lead to a stronger human race that could be transported back to their original worlds …
If interbreeding is not there between races, then the ability to produce strong progeny also fails and thus this was the basis idea for bringing all these different races of humanity to the same world …
As far as I can remember from my earlier incarnations and also those incarnations that were had by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (which in Vedic lore is also called as taking over another person’s body or Parkaya Pravesh), the race of humanity who is called as Arya was the first one and they were the followers of those ways of life that related to pluralistic yet monist Vedas …
- Placing specific organisms, which after a certain longer time lead to originations of other organisms … This mostly relates to lower forms of life, like micro-organisms, etc., …
- Interbreeding between parts of macrocosmic-speciology which may or may not be done in other worlds (prior these interbred speciology is brought to a world which is ready to be animated) …
- Modifying of parts of macrocosmic speciology …
- Through Veda Mantras … This is what mostly happened on this planet as far as animals and vegetation are concerned …
And to a minor extent, this is also how it happens after each Naimittika Pralaya (i.e. collision of galaxies which takes place during the night time of creator or Brahma Ratri) …
And to a major extent, the same also happens during the starting phase of each Manvantara (i.e. Age of Manu) …
All animals (which are used by divine beings as told in Vedic lore) and vegetation which is considered divine or good for health (In Ayurveda) was originated by this method …
This method is one of the main methods of animating of any world across the entire multi-universe …
Note: I know many would disagree to this, but the fact remains that, as of our times, more than 99.5% of Vedic knowledge is already lost by humanity …
BB) …
Law of winning playground … Law of eternal playground … Law of universal playground …
Winning playgrounds are what all the universes eventually are … And where the word universes, also includes its sub-playgrounds which as such are all their planes of existence and worlds … The multi-universe with its many sub-playgrounds (like the planes of existences and worlds) are the eternal playgrounds for all that has ever begun as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings …
BB-1) …
Forgetting of principles, process and laws …
It would not be beneficial to the macrocosm and it’s any part, if all microcosm’s were to remember all the principles, process and all laws while they would be in their evolutionary existence … This itself is the reason for an inherent loss of this knowledge, for any microcosm who ever began within the Makersmakings …
But to compensate for this loss, the Maker’s Makings also have an auto-safety-catch where this loss gets compensated by ensuring that each universe (including each plane of existence and world) where any microcosm is residing is naught but a winning playground …
And due to this reason, irrespective of whether any aspirant (microcosm) has the knowledge of the process of evolutionary existence or not, no microcosm (aspirant) can ever be a loser especially then the game of entirety of evolutionary existence is viewed in its fullness …
Thus no aspirant (microcosm) ever loses here as ultimately all would be winners …
And this winning aspect is ensured by the fact that the entire macrocosm and her each microcosm is nothing but a self-expression of the same absolute being (Parabrahman) …
And due to this reason, the entire macrocosm is also replicated within each microcosm … This itself is by ensuring that the subtle impressional macrocosm, which itself is the original macrocosm from which the gross macrocosm and microcosm’s were originated, is eternally present within each microcosm that has ever originated within the genius of Maker’s Makings …
Thus, basis above …
- If it is not present within a subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) inside the physical body of an aspirant (microcosm), then it doesn’t exist within the greater macrocosm also …
- And if it doesn’t exist within subtle impressional and thus the original macrocosm, then it also cannot exist within the macrocosm and the any of the originated microcosms …
- Thus, in reality of this genius of Makers Makings, this is how it ever is …
What is beyond you tiny microcosm, itself is the same as what is within you
What is within your tiny microcosm, is also the same which beyond you
And due to this reason, since you are naught but a divine self-expression of the ever same supreme being (Para Brahman), who ITself is the one who stands beyond all principles, process and laws of Makers Makings, and thus is beyond loss of gain, so even you as a self expression of that attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) can never be a loser during the longer run of your own evolutionary existence within the Maker’s Makings …
BB-2) …
As Is That … So Is Each-This …
In line with what was discussed above …
- In reality of things, since the self-expressed (i.e. macrocosm and each microcosm) is also the self-manifested and self-present state of the self expresser of allness and since the self-expresser itself is beyond loss of gain, bondage and liberation, so due to this reason each that is as macrocosm and microcosm, also cannot ever be any different from their own self-expresser (i.e. Brahman) …
- Since you are naught but a microcosmic self-expression of the same attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman) and since the macrocosm is also naught but a macrocosmic self-expression of the same attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman), so in the longer run of time, neither can the macrocosm be a loser nor can any microcosm ever be such …
- And since the universe is also naught but a microcosm only (even when it may seem pretty large, yet a universe is also a microcosm only) and since each lesser microcosm (including each aspirant) rests within that universe, which itself is one of those vast number of varied state of self expressions of the ever-same attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahm), so how any microcosm can ever be a lower, is what needs to be pondered upon … In light of suchness as stated here, there cannot ever be any microcosm who would be a loser when we see the entire evolutionary game that is taking place within all the eternal playgrounds that the multi-universe actually is …
BB-3) …
How can Any-This which itself is the Ever-That … Ever lose …
As a matter of fact …
- As are the trillions and trillions of individual cells in your body, so are you (and ever other microcosm) within the multi-universe …
- As are those clusters of cellular masses (organs) within your body, so are the universes within the multi-universe …
- And since each of these “This (microcosm’s)” are naught but one of another of those vast numbers and types of pluralistically self-expressed, self-manifested and self-present states of the ever-same attributeless-infinite being, who itself is beyond winning and losing, bondage and liberation (Bandhan and Mukti) and who itself is beyond each “Thisness in addition to being beyond each “Not-Thisness and Not-Thatness”, so how can there ever be a state which is where the entire multi-universal macrocosm creation is anything other than a winning playground for any microcosm that has ever begun within the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings …
- Thus basis above is the below stated fact …
As are Any-This … So is the Ever-That
And above fact is what was told through the Vedic Mahavakya (great statements of Vedas) …
Note: Thus basis this, all concepts that relate to bondage and liberation and all such dualities, and which “only” came by during the last 9000 odd years of sleep of the great grandmother of allness (i.e. Sanatana Dharma) are naught but falsities … And since, as of now the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) is already waking up (i.e. after 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) and has already begun sitting upright on the bed of eternal time, so during the coming times, such nonsensical concepts wouldn’t even exist … As such during the 10,000 years of time span as would be of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga), such nonsensical dualistic concepts would be totally absent from this world …
BB-4) …
Evolution in purviews of cosmic playgrounds is universal and also individual …
As a matter of fact …
- During the course of entire evolutionary process, each effort from any individuality is always directed towards a corpus of the state within which it is residing at that time …
- And above statement is also true even when that individuality is thinking that the effort is towards itself (and thus does not even believe that the effort actually is towards the corpus within which it resides) …
- And if it is an individual corpus that is resided in by that individuality, then in such a case, its efforts are also towards the final corpus there is associated by it (i.e. the corpus of which that individual corpus is a part is also accounted for) …
As a few examples of above stated fact … Even when one is working for an organization, then also performance on an individual level leads to benefit for that organization … Thus, in such a case, the benefit is both on an individual level and also on the level of that organization …
And a further example … Same is the case of individual cells working towards a proper running of the bodied systems (i.e. organs of the body and also the body as a whole) …
And the same is also the case of microcosm’s resting within the universal microcosm, which itself rests within the multi-universal state of the greater macrocosm …
Thus individual evolution also leads to the evolution of the universe in which that individual microcosm resides …
And this is why each universal sphere is termed as the winning playground …
BB-4) …
There is no loss of gain in the greater game of evolutionary existence …
Think about this like the examples stated below …
- How can a microcosm which has begun within the Maker’s Makings ever be a lower when it by itself is naught but a self expressed, self-manifested and self present state of the same absolute being who itself is beyond loss or gain, bondage and liberation and is also beyond all other nonsensical dualities …
- How can a microcosm, who itself is the absolute being present in the form of that microcosm, ever be a loser of gainer …
- Within the greater game of fullness of entire process of evolutionary existence, there can never be any microcosm who can ever be termed as a loser …
- This is what makes the entire multi-universe to be none other than those vast numbers of eternally winning playground for all that has ever begun within the supreme genius of Makersmakings …
BB-6) …
Falsity of concept of divine rewards and divine punishments …
When you yourself (and also every other microcosm) are naught but a self-expressed, self-manifested and self-present partless state of the same absolute being (Parambrahma) to whom all paths of entirety of evolutionary existence, eventually lead and who itself is also self-manifested as each of those paths of evolutionary existence and who also is as your own innermost nature (Atman), then how can there be a state of divine rewards or divine punishments for you …
When that absolute being (Param Brahma) itself is self-present as you, then wouldn’t such rewards and punishments from IT, be something like IT ITself is rendering these to ITself …
And how or why would that absolute being (Brahm or Brahman) ever get into such nonsense of giving itself rewards and punishments, when IT ITself stands beyond these due to IT essentially being attributeless and infinite (Nirguna Nirakara) …
How can that which is infinite (Ananta) and simultaneously is also attributeless (Nirguna) and who ITself is the ultimately non duality (Advaita) ever bother about such stupidities of dualities like granting rewards or punishments to “IT’s own self presence as You” …
Would this not be something like, you rendering a punishment to your own organ or cell … Well, how very stupid …
In reality, you being the self present state of that same “absolute being as You” are also standing beyond suchness of stupidities of dual natures, like rewards or punishments …
Thus, basis this fact, all concepts of divine rewards and divine punishments, which include heavens and hells, are naught but a falsity …
Thus, such aspects have no meaning for (or application to) you (i.e. any aspirant, of here or of beyond realms) …
Such nonsense only came by due to the degenerate effects of the presently under divine age cycle (Deva Yuga or Mahayuga) and which as such is termed as the age of chaos, age of degeneration or Kaliyuga …
And it was due to those degenerate effects of the present cycle of time (i.e. Kaliyuga), that Dharma (i.e. way of life which synchronizes human life to nature and absolute being alike) was deviated by some vested interests of the controllers of societies (and knowledge or religions) of those earlier times, that also were of running of this present underway “divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Kaliyuga)” …
As a matter of fact, more is humanity (or a society) further from reality, more easy is to mend them to the desired vested ends of deviated controllers of societies, religions and nations … This is why the controllers of those earlier times, modified the real concept (as told here) into the nonsensical aspects that were of one or another dual nature, that now are rampant in almost all religions, beliefs and faiths and thus their societies …
Note: The dark age of degeneration (i.e. Kaliyuga) has created this nonsense and this was not there during my earlier incarnations and was also not there during my further transmigrated incarnations, that have also been many till now … Within the presently underway Kalpa of Brahma (i.e. day time of Brahma, which has a time span of 4.32 billion human solar years as per middle state of unitary value of time that relates to and thus is of the eternal cycles of precession of equinoxes), this is my 101st transmigrated incarnation and thus the present transmigrated state is definitely not the first one …
Note continues: Transmigrated incarnation means that incarnation which is gained by adopting the path and process of transmigration of souls … This path and process of entering into the state of transmigration of soul, was also termed as Parkaya Pravesh in ancient Sanskrit texts (Maybe these texts are already lost due to the effects of the dark age of degeneration that has been there since the last 5100+ years as of now) … And it eventually is from this original concept that was rendered by Sanskrit Vedic seers that the loosely told concept of Virgin birth originated …
BB-6) …
Falsity of concept of human being born as animals or other lower forms of life …
The principle of eternal evolution, which by itself is the main principle of the Makers Makings, never undergoes or supports regression …
Since humans are amongst the higher orders of macrocosmic speciology, so how is it ever possible that a human can be forced to enter into lower realms of existence … I say so, as the principle of eternal evolution would never allow suchness to take place …
But at the same time, an evolved human can self choose to be born in a lower hierarchy of cosmic speciology (like an animal or bird or fish, etc.,) … But such a decision must always be within the purviews of what is told below …
- To uplift the evolutionary standing of that lower form of life or lower level (or lower hierarchy) of cosmic speciology … And thus lead to an evolutionary benefit for that lower hierarchy (i.e. lower part) of cosmic speciology …
- To assist a higher being who is incarnated upon any world … And thus, in such a case, enter a lower level of cosmic speciology so as to render that assistance …
Note: It was due to this reason, I accepted a birth in a bird realm when Sri Bhagwan Krishna was on this world … And as a bird, I became a messenger of Sri Krishna (and later on, during the time of war of Mahabharata, as a messenger of the Pandava’s) … At that time when Sri Bhagwan Krishna was here, many sages of earlier times were born as animals only to be with Sri Bhagwan Krishna, so my return as a bird was nothing strange …
- To be with a higher evolved being who is born on any of the worlds and where being with him would only be possible by entering into animal or other lower realms of existence …
Note: It was due to this reason, I accepted a birth in the dog realms when Bhagwan Dattatreya was on this world … I was the female dog who denoted Rigveda (because my root is Rig Veda only) …
BB-7) …
Gods and Satan’s of Kaliyuga … Are evolved yet evolving beings …
As a matter of fact regarding each God and Satan who comes by during any Kaliyuga …
- Even though, each God or Satan of Kaliyuga are evolved beings, but they still have not reached the summit of evolution …
- This is what makes then, self serving, egoistic (Abhimani) and individualistic instead of being based within allness …
- Such characteristics are absent in the supreme being (Param Brahma or Brahman) …
- And this is what makes these Gods and Satan’s of Kaliyuga to be highly evolved to be able to control a plane (or even a group of planes), but have yet not reached the finality or summit of evolution …
- Thus, all Gods and Satan’s who came by during the time spans of running of the present degenerate age cycle (Kaliyuga) are naught but those beings who could be termed as “evolved yet evolving ones” …
Proceeding further …
And since such evolved yet evolving ones, have still not attained to the final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha), so this is why none of the religions which came during Kaliyuga and were related to such egoistic Gods (or Satan’s) have ever had any of the three primary concepts of liberation (Moksha) as listed below …
- Sadyomukti … i.e. the concept of being spontaneously liberated whilst still alive … Or in other words, spontaneously liberated whilst still incarnated …
- Jeevanmukti … i.e. the entire concept of being liberated whilst alive … Or in other words, being liberated while incarnated …
- Videhamukti … I.e. the instantaneous liberation after de-incarnation … or in other words, liberated soon after after de-incarnated …
And in lieu of above primary three concepts, such evolved yet evolving ones have nonsensical aspects of someone coming at the end of a certain time cycle who would grant liberation after judging if one deserves or not … And until that end of a time cycle, the adherents of that god have to await wither in their graves or other places … What utterly bitterly nonsensical manmade idea which goes totally against the basic fact, as is told in this discussion earlier on …
As a matter of fact, how that any entity who himself is not yet liberated, grant the final liberation toy its adherents … This is what is true about all Gods who came during the entire time span of the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (Kaliyuga) … And this is why, when we see the totality of such Gods and Satan of Kaliyuga, then as far as their evolutionary standings within the cosmic hierarchy stands, they only become as “evolved yet evolving ones” …
And finally …
As a matter of fact …
A highly evolved one (or one who stands beyond existence and evolution alike) can never be individualistic (Monotheistic) in its ways … Such individualistic ones are naught but those who have still not attained to the finality … And because of this reason, they neither know the path to that final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) nor are they capable to grant suchness to their adherents … And this is why their scriptures always say, to await the end time for a final liberation …
And these stated facts are irrespective of what they may portray themselves to be, within their religions or scriptures because the truth still remains that an egoistic entity (Abhimani Devata) is naught but that being of form or formless state, who has still not attained to the finality or summit of liberation (and where liberation also needs to be from egoism) …
And thus such beings are those who are still evolving that summit …
And thus are naught but “evolved yet evolving ones” …
CC) …
Law of unity of universes … Law of essential union of universes … Law of unity of microcosms …
This law declares loud and clear, that irrespective of whether the universe is seen as an individual, yet it stands one with all other universes that exist within the macrocosmic creation …
And the same is also applicable to each other microcosm that ever is begun within the Makers Makings …
This unity is maintained due to the following …
- Same original creator of allness …
- Sameness of applicability of principles, process and laws on each universe … This fact was discussed in the earlier topic of “universal nature of cosmic laws” …
- Same state of each universe prior to origination …
- And also the same state that is arrived at after any universe completes its destined time span of existence …
- Same characteristics of the individual creators, preservers and destroyers of each universe and this sameness is even when the creators of each of the universes that were ever originated after the first or original universe are different mega evolved beings …
CC-1) …
Cosmic effects of this law of unity of universes …
These could be thus told …
- If any universe comes under imbalance, then all other universes who have the reserve capability to correct this imbalance, join up and do whatever is needed to correct that imbalance and thus assist in restoring normalcy in that imbalanced universe …
And the same also must be the way of life of any other microcosm who resides within any universe … This is what would assist in maintaining a sameness of way of life of an aspirant to the universe in which that aspirants’ microcosm resides …
- The law of mega evolved beings (Ati Manava) is also directly relating to this law of unity of universes … This we have already subtly discussed in earlier topics that relate to workings of these mega evolved ones (Atimanava) …
- What is done in any world of any universe, has multi-universal effects … Due to this law, even when we may be residing in this world of this universe, yet the resultant of our corpus of acts, would have multi-universal effects …
This is why, accomplished sages and Yogi’s have always laid very high importance on law of cause and effect and its governing principle (i.e. principle of dependent origination) …
There is no single universal sphere where what its inhabitants do, think, act, reap, does not affect the inhabitants who may well be residing within any of the other universes … And this is also because all universes are within their eternal union to all other universal spheres …
CC-2) …
Sad part about non compliance to this law and death of a distant universe …
Once during my much earlier subtle travels (Astral travels), I reached a universe which was in utter chaos … And when I asked the subtle inhabitants of that universe, about the reason for that mess, one of them who was a highly evolved sage told me …
This is not caused by the inhabitants of this universe, but is as a later effect of acts within many other universes …
When I asked him which ones … He said, also includes the one from where you come …
And since there were very less alive people there (mostly all had died already in that chaos), so I came back and write this topic …
And some time afterwards, I again went to that universe, and saw it was no longer existent even in a subtle form (i.e. it had already been dissoluted) …
CC-3) …
Elders always give way for existence of the younger …
And when I further questioned that sage regarding why did the universe and its beings accept this dissolution, for a fault which was not theirs …
To this query, he replied … “Higher evolved are based in oneness to allness and her each part” …
And that greater sage also said … “Thus higher evolved ones invariably sacrifice themselves for others who are still evolving” …
And since his earlier universe was mostly having such highly evolved beings inhabiting it, so they all decided to accept that ending, for a job which they had neither done nor were even a party to it …
Proceeding further …
This in turn means that, if we undergo an action while we reside within any of the universes, then the macrocosmic consciousness will reflect this also in the other universe and where this reflection is through and also within the four continuous planes of Makers Makings … i.e. plane of mind, plane of knowledge, plane of consciousness and plane of ether …
End note:
And where this balance is via a wide variety of ways, all of which cannot be listed in an open text like this one (because during degenerate ages, humans mostly utilize a higher knowledge towards lower self-serving means, which may even be to conquer all others materially and/or immaterially) …
Continued …