Here we shall discuss the subtle aspects of origination, sustenance and dissolution (or destruction) of universe … Thus, this topic is in no way only related to grosser aspects of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation … This topic would take up some stages of beginning of universe and then the stage of ending of universe …
Note: This topic was originally written in a few hundred pages … But during this final edit I have shortened it out … So, it is definitely not be comprehensive by any means … And this topic is continuing from the previous ones of this series of topics and would also continue in some later topics, which are related to it (because its very hard to separate something, which relates to the same discussion and also to the same macrocosm) …
AA) …
Origination of matter … Study from a subtle point of view …
Here we shall discuss the stages of origination of universe, but from a subtle point of view …
AA-1) …
Basis of this knowledge … Personal experience … Definition of Yogi and Yoga …
To begin this discussion which describes the subtle (i.e. invisible to naked eye) component of origination, I would quote a personal experience …
As a warning, do not try out this beginning within your bodied state …
One night, whilst the ship of which I was commanding officer was undergoing a major conversion at Shanhaiguan Shipyard of Hebei province in P.R. China, I tried a experiment to originate matter … This was through my inward path, that relates to the statement Myself in Myself …
That night I entered my own cave of heart, where ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) is present and did that experiment within me … I shall not describe that experiment as it would be too risky should anyone else try it …
This was based upon the fact, that is told as follows …
Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde
And which means …
As is microcosm so is macrocosm, As is macrocosm so is each microcosm
Proceeding further …
And as the experiment progressed, then within a few seconds I started feeling strong bursts of energy in my heart area … These bursts soon became uncomfortable as they were too strong to be safely handled by the physical vehicle … So, I came out of the cave of heart after mentally cancelling that experiment and whilst thinking, “Ohh, if this continues any longer, then it would be a game over of the physical body” …
As soon as I came out, I started feeling somewhat breathless … The throat was totally dry and it felt as if the lungs had some kind of weight placed upon them which was leading to this breathless feeling …
So, I slept whilst thinking, what nonsense do I keep doing with my body (as this was not the first time that I had experimented on such aspects and most of those times too, I had fallen sick) …
This breathlessness was also there in the morning, so I called the ships agent and explained him … The agent came and picked me up to take me to the hospital to know the reason for this slightly breathless and heaviness condition of chest area of the body …
The doctor did some tests and scans of the chest … And then he told me to wait for the results … Soon that doctor who was responsible for this examination came to me and told me to come in his office … I went inside and he said …
“Captain you little-little stones in your lungs” …
So, I asked out of curiosity, “Doctor how many?”, to which that medical practitioner replied, “Ohh, plenty … That’s why your breathing is somewhat heavy” …
And then the doctor said, “We have never seen such a thing in anyone else” …
So in understood that the experiment was actually a success … I had lumps of solid matter formed in my lungs when I had tried to study the beginning of the microcosmic creation and whilst I was residing within the cave of my own heart …
The doctor told that he doesn’t know the cause of this condition of lungs, but after discussing something with my ships agent in Chinese language, he gave some medicines to ease this condition and told me in his usual Chinglish language “Captain, maybe no possible to treat this, but we try” …
After the hospital visit and prior proceeding back to the ship, the ship’s agent then took me to a traditional Chinese doctor, who felt my pulse and gave me some medicines to drink with hot water …
And these lumps of matter which has formed during the experiment, only ended up taking their own sweet time to somewhat clear away from my bodied system through treatments that were based upon both modern and traditional medicinal systems (Chinese and then later on, Indian) …
Proceeding further …
But as an advantage of the troubles that were faced after this exercise to generate matter, which happened within me (I was actually studying the origination of matter as it is within the macrocosm, but whilst utilizing the subtle impressional macrocosm which is residing within the physical vehicle), the process of creation and dissolution was understood …
This understanding was because I also kept viewing the changes as they kept taking place within me during each side of this game (i.e. origination of matter from the root state of energy and then the dissolution of matter into its root state of energy) …
And by this entire process of origination of matter and then that later stage of somewhat dissolution of matter, I also realized the fact about “inter convertibility of matter and energy” …
And since allness that we know of is either as a gross or subtle matter only, so I also realized the fact about an utter “inter convertibility of allness” …
Proceeding further …
During the process of origination and dissolution of matter within my own tiny and inconsequential microcosmic physical body, I also understood the deeper meaning of the term Yoga as stated below …
Yoga is that union, which eventually is to allness and her each part
And in addition to being such … In its finality, Yoga is that which is described below …
Self-realization of eternal union of ‘I within’ to ‘I of allness’ is the finality of Yoga
Proceeding further …
And during this process of origination and dissolution of matter, within my own tiny and inconsequential microcosmic physical body, I also understood the definition of the term “Yogi” … This is what is stated below …
- Unless both above aspects of Yoga are accomplished by an aspirant, that aspirant is still not a Yogi …
- And once both above aspects of Yoga are accomplished, that aspirant is a Yogi in the real sense of this world … And within the purviews of the word ‘Yogi’, capabilities of such a aspirant could be thus defined …
Yogi is that sage who sits at one location and plays the entire multi-universe
And as a matter of fact, following is how it actually is as far as the words Yogi and Yoga stands within the timeless and fathomless eternity of allness of Makers Makings …
- One who is not such (as told above), is not a Yogi in the real sense …
- One who is still not a Yogi, has still not known the fullness of Yoga Tantra…
Thus, basis above …
- Those who claim themselves to be Yogi’s and cannot comply to above, are not Yogi’s …
- Those who have made a business out of Yoga and Yoga Tantra are not Yogi’s … This is because a Yogi knows, that the root of allness is Yoga and the finality of allness is self-realized, self-accomplished and self-established knowledge of Vedas, both of which are neither saleable nor buyable …
- In the root of allness is Yoga (which ultimately means union to allness or Brahmand Yoga) and whose path itself is of the aspirants “inner oneness to allness and her each part (Brahmand Dharana)” … One who is not such, is also not a Yogi …
- The path of Siddhi (accomplishments or attainments, including the finality of attainment, which relates to allness itself) is of Yoga … Thus, the root of attainments (Siddhi) is Yoga only …
- And the end of Yoga, is the self realized knowledge of Vedas …
Thus basis above, I understood the fact about Siddha’s and Vedic Rishi’s …
- There has never been and cannot ever be a Siddha whose finality of knowledge is other than that which was told by Vedic Rishi’s …
- And simultaneously with above … There has never been and cannot ever be a Vedic Rishi who was not a Yogi in the real sense …
And above itself is due to the facts as stated below …
- The root of all paths is Yoga …
- The finality of all paths is Veda …
And I also understood another fact, which is told below …
- Root of allness has no further root of itself … Thus, the root is rootless …
- The finality after going past allness (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) has no further finality than itself … Thus, the finality is the “ultimate, without any alternates (i.e. Nirvikalpa)” …
- Neither can the root nor the finality relate to gains or loss, bondage and liberation, good or bad, so both these are free from dualities of any sort …
- Thus, those who do business of them (for their material and/or immaterial gains) are principally wrong … And due to their wrongness, which itself relates to either or both of root and finality of allness, such ones would neither be able to accomplish the root nor accomplish the finality … In such a condition of non-accomplishment of either or both of them, such businessmen in the garb of Yogi’s, are not even aspirants in the real sense of these word (of Yoga and Yogi) …
AA-2) …
State prior to origination …
During that state which was prior the beginning of any universe within the multi-universal cosmic creation, all that existed as nature, was her state as emptiness of allness (or voidness of allness or zeroness of allness or or Sarva Shunya) …
And where that Sarva Shunya (voidness of allness or emptiness of allness or zeroness of allness) was also having allness in its zeroed (or empty) state within it and due to this, that zeroness of that time prior the origination of any universe, was also full …
Thus, that state was of fullness of emptiness (i.e. that emptiness is full) and simultaneously also was of emptiness of fullness (i.e. that fullness is empty) …
Thus, that state prior origination of anything as a microcosm or macrocosm that we know of, was where emptiness is full and simultaneously that state is also the one, where fullness is empty …
This state was thus the one where zeroness was full and fullness was zero … This is what was told as zero infinite (Shunya Ananta) which simultaneously also is as the infinite zero (Ananta Shunya) …
This aspect was already discussed in an earlier set of topics on Vedic mathematics, which is also the one that during my much earlier incarnations and also during those earlier transmigrated incarnations, was known as Yogic mathematics (or Mathematics of Samadhi) …
Note: Transmigrated incarnation is that incarnation which is attained through the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit lore is also called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in recent lore’s is also the one that is termed as virgin birth …
The same state is also the original self expression of the absolute being (i.e. original self-expression of Brahman) which we had also addressed as Shunya Brahman … This has already been discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed ITself” …
And the same state is also the one which is subtly referred within Nasadiya Sukta of Rigveda as “darkness enveloping darkness” and which actually means, “non-lightness enveloping non-lightness”, which was all that was there at that time …
That zero which is infinite and which simultaneously also is the infinite which is zero, is the one whom sages have addressed as follows …
- IT eternally is, yet IT eternally is not …
- IT exists, yet IT exists not …
- IT is, yet is not known so …
- IT ever is, yet is the eternal unknown …
- Shiva is, yet he is not …
- , Etc., …
That same ‘zero infinite, which itself is infinite zero’, is also the one who is addressed as Sadashiva, Sriman Narayana, Bhagwan Vishvakarman and also as Virat Parabrahman …
Proceeding further …
From that zero infinite (Shunya Ananta) which itself was infinite zero (Ananta Shunya) was originated the Shunya (i.e. emptiness or zeroness or voidness) which is also named as Sarva Shunya (i.e. emptiness of allness or voidness of allness or zeroness of allness) and also as Shunya Tattva (elemental state of zeroness) …
And from that zero infinite, which itself was the infinite zero, was self-manifested the emptiness of allness (Shunyata or Sarva Shunya) … This was also the state of primordial nature, which as such was of root nature (Moola Prakriti) prior to origination of anything that is a part of Makers Makings …
And it eventually was within Moola Prakriti (the root nature or root of nature) that what we know as macrocosm, was originated …
Proceeding further …
Within Moola Prakriti, i.e. empty state of nature, was self-manifested the primordial state of macrocosm (Adi Brahmand), which was as the eternally unbegun non-lighted state of macrocosm and which as such was the original macrocosm (Prathamik Brahmand) …
This unbegun original macrocosm, was also the eternal macrocosm (Sanatan Brahmand) because of the fact, that “how can the unbegun ever end” …
This was the first amongst the four states of macrocosm … And this state of original macrocosm (i.e. the eternally unbegun macrocosm) was the subtler of all other three states of macrocosm, that were yet to be begun at this time …
This was the state which got manifested due to the first desire of mother nature that itself was as her explicit ‘desire to be’ and which in its implicit meaning and application, only became as the “desire to eternally be” because there was no limitation of the first explicit desire as far as the four primary dimensions (Chatush Ayama) were concerned”…
And this implicit application of the first desire, is what made mother nature to be an eternal entity in addition to ensuring the eternity of the original macrocosm … This is also why nature is eternal in her root state, which primarily is of energy … And this is also why, nature is a self-manifested and thus an uncreated state due to her being the fullness of self expression of Brahman …
This is also why, energy is eternal and it eventually is this eternity of energy, which itself is her pristine divinity, that the Sanskrit word of Shakti denotes …
And since this unbegun macrocosm (or Achalit Brahmand) was subtler of all other three states of macrocosm (that were yet to be originated at this time), so it also became as the pervader of those later three states of macrocosm (which at a later stage of time, would begin manifesting within the macrocosmic creation, but only after the origination of universe starts) …
And since those later three states of macrocosm would also be beginning within the vast envelopes of that same unbegun macrocosm, so the same unbegun macrocosm would also be enveloping them …
Thus, basis above, the unbegun macrocosm would ultimately be the enveloper and pervader of the other three states of macrocosm, that were yet to be originated at the stage of time which is being discussed here …
These other three states are as follows …
- Macro-neutral macrocosm … Macro-equanimous macrocosm …
- Inert matter … Inertial mass …
- Begun macrocosm … Cyclic existence … Samsara …
Proceeding further …
During the state prior any of the microcosm’s (including the universe) originated, matter that was existent was not like the matter that we know it here … That matter was like a highly compacted state of energy and where a single speck of that matter, held the entire energy of the universe that was yet to come into existence from that matter …
This matter was resting within the unbegun macrocosm (eternal macrocosm or original macrocosm) itself … And where the unbegun macrocosm was resting within the second intermediary state of emptiness …
That matter was in a state of severe inertia, i.e. the matter was ‘only’ resting within the purviews of the macrocosmic attribute of inertia or Tamoguna) …
And due to its severe inertia, the matter at that stage of time was existent in a state that was free of quality of action (i.e. Rajoguna) and thus was also devoid of process of Maker’s Makings …
Thus, as far as the process of that inert state of matter is concerned, at that time the matter was in a state that could be described as ‘non process of process’ …
And due to that severely inertial state of matter (or inert matter), matter was also compressed to a size that was like the tip of pinhead and where each of these pinhead like states of matter were actually the energy component of the entire universe that was yet to get manifested out of them …
Thus, from this pinhead like state of matter, the universe would be originating at a later stage of time and would only be after the stage when that pinhead like state of matter would spontaneously expand and manifest the universe out of itself …
Proceeding further …
Due to its severe inertia and the consequent compressions, this state of matter is not resting within the purviews of the ‘one process there only is’ (i.e. the universal process) …
This is because, the universal process only commences to act on anything (or any state) after the stage where the origination of that thing (or state) commences …
How can there be any evolution within that state of severe compressions that exist within the inertial mass, that matter is at this discussed time … As also, even if the process of evolution is there in inert matter, how would that evolution process act in that state of severe inertia …
Thus at that stage of time, the severe inertia only makes the matter rest in a state of ‘non process of process’ which itself leads to a state of absence of universal process within the inert matter, that itself is ‘all that is’ as matter of that time (which was prior to origination of universe) …
Proceeding further …
At this state, only the macrocosmic principles were existent and that too as pure vibration because in absence of afflictions that itself are of the evolutionary process, principles cannot be any other than being a pristine state …
Due to above stated fact, since the root of principles is pristine vibrations, so all that would later on be as a universe and its microcosm’s, would also be naught but a vibration only and which would also be resting within the purviews of the law of vibrations and also resting within the purviews of law of flows and dynamism …
And at this state, the laws of Makers Makings which relate to inertial masses (inert matter) remain applicable (but these laws which relate to inert matter would not be explicitly discussed in this text) …
But the laws which relate to begun macrocosm, were absent in this state of Makers Makings and which itself is the one that was prior to the origination of the first universe within the Maker’s Makings …
Proceeding further …
It is at this state of severe inertia, the inert matter has its original desire, i.e. the desire to ‘be liberated’ …
This original desire only relates to the desire to ‘be liberated’ and which primarily is related to state of severe inertia in which the inert matter existed at that time and which itself was prior to the origination of any microcosm, including the largest microcosmic state that is of the universe …
Note: In above, we have written the universe as a microcosm because from the point of view of entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation, a universe is also a microcosm only and this is even when it is a pretty large sized one …
This ‘original desire’ as such self-creates the first subtle sphere within the Makers Makings … This subtle sphere was the ‘sphere of original desire’ …
And this original desire is also the one which self-originates the first unbegun, un-manifested and very subtle impressional mass (Adrishya Samskara) like state within that inert matter …
And this subtle impression which gets originated out of the original desire, is also the impression which during the evolutionary process of any microcosm, ultimately becomes as the final impression (i.e. last impression) that would have to be let go (detached from) by a microcosm, so as to be finally liberated (i.e. so as to enter into the state of Kaivalya or Moksha) … In an earlier topic of Antim Samskara, we have already discussed about this last impression …
This subtle impression also relates to the ‘divinity of desire of the grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. it relates to the Ichha Shakti of Pitamah Brahma)’ …
The manifestation of original desire (i.e. desire to ‘be liberated’) within inert matter is enough to begin the inert matter as a universe …
And after this original desire manifests within inert matter, that inertial mass cannot even desire anything else, because it spontaneously starts letting go of its severe inertia (Tamo Guna) …
And due to this let go of inertia, that non lighted inert matter also spontaneously adopts the macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajo Guna) and thus it starts spontaneously and violently expanding … This is the origination stage of a universe out of that pinpoint like state of inert matter that earlier was all that was as the universe …
This beginning is within a state where that pinhead like state of inert matter spontaneously ‘lets go’ of its attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) and begins expanding into that vast non-lighted macrocosmic space, that was all that was at that time and as the macrocosm …
Note: This non-lighted macrocosmic space (as told in above paragraph) is what various sage’s of Yogic and Vedic lore’s have named as Sarva Shunya (emptiness of allness or zeroness of allness or voidness of allness), Shunya Tattva (elemental state of emptiness or elemental state of zeroness), Shunyata (emptiness or zeroness or voidness) and the same is also named as Shunya (zero or empty or void) …
Proceeding further …
This expansion of inert matter is also a pretty violent one, as there are severe and spontaneous explosions and implosions within that inert matter …
And these explosions further assist in that spontaneous and violent expansion of the inert matter, which ultimately leads to the manifestation of the vast sized universe out of that earlier pinpointed state of non lighted inert matter, which itself is the highly compressed state of cosmic energy …
And into that void that is at such a time, universe expands from its then state of inert matter, which itself was resting within the eternal non-lighted macrocosm, which as such is the original state of macrocosm (Prathamik Brahmand) …
And where the original macrocosm (i.e. eternal macrocosm) itself is within which the inert matter was residing, prior it had started beginning as a universe …
That eternal macrocosm (or unbegun macrocosm) was as the first state of macrocosm, which as such is named as the eternal macrocosm (Sanatan Brahmand) …
Note: The word eternal is used for it, because how can that which is the unbegun, ever end … And since the eternal macrocosm is unbegun, so it also cannot ever end … This is also one of the reasons for the macrocosm to called as an eternal entity, even when it exists in a cyclic mode of existence as far as its begun states (i.e. begun microcosm’s) that exist within cyclic existence are concerned …
Proceeding further …
The existence within unbegun macrocosm is acyclic in its nature and thus the unbegun macrocosm can also be termed as acyclic existence …
Acyclic existence means, that existence which is free of cycles of birth and death and due to this reason, a deathless body is attained by those aspirants who attain to this unbegun macrocosm …
And this is also the state which the Bible terms as that which the God grants an aspirant, but after he (god) grants the eternal body …
In is also due to accomplishment (i.e. attainment) of this state of evolution, that the body of Christ self-manifests within the aspirants microcosm …
Thus, an aspirant who has attained to this state, also attains to (or accomplishes) the body of Christ … Such an accomplishment of the aspirant also denotes the accomplishment of the Christ principle …
Proceeding further …
This is an eternally unbegun state of macrocosm, within which all other begun states of macrocosm reside and which also permeates all that is as the other three states of macrocosm (which we have already discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT furthered itself” …
Thus, each universe is permeated and enveloped by the non-lighted state of original macrocosm (or unbegun macrocosm) …
And this non-lighted state of macrocosm is also denoting the 2nd intermediary state of emptiness … 2nd intermediary state of emptiness is that state of emptiness which relates to the corpus of parts of allness, that is yet to be originated within the Makersmakings … Thus, the 2nd intermediary state of emptiness, is the one which relates to ‘emptiness of corpus of parts of allness’ …
Note: The phrase, ‘emptiness of corpus of parts of allness’ is used here because at this state, there was no corpus of parts of allness (microcosm’s) that … And thus this condition was based upon the phrase “emptiness of corpus of parts of allness” …
Proceeding further …
This non-lighted state of original macrocosm (or unbegun macrocosm) is also permeated and enveloped by “emptiness of allness (Sarva Shunya or simply Shunyata) …
Thus, allness rests within the pervadement and envelopment of emptiness (Shunyata or Shunya Tattva) only …
And this emptiness is also denoting the root state of nature (Moola Prakriti) which itself rests within a state of pervadement and envelopment of zero infinite that itself is the infinite zero (i.e. Shunya Anantah, Ananta Shunyah) and which is also addressed as Shunya Brahman …
Proceeding further …
- Shunya Brahman envelopes and permeates root nature, which as such is as emptiness (Shunya) … Shunya Brahman is the original self expression of Brahman (or Parabrahman) …
- From Shunya Brahman self-manifests the emptiness, which as such is the root state of nature (i.e. root nature or Moola Prakriti) that was prior to the state of origination of anything like the macrocosm … And the same emptiness (Shunya) continues to eternally permeate and envelope all that is ever as the unbegun or begun within the later stages of progress of origination process and also the even later stage of existence of Maker’s Makings …
- Shunya permeates and envelopes unbegun macrocosm … And where the unbegun macrocosm is the eternal unbegun and thus is naught but the eternally unending macrocosm … How can that which is eternal unbegun, ever end … And it was due to this reason of presence of the eternal macrocosm (or unbegun macrocosm), the Vedic sages had told, that the macrocosm is an eternal entity when we consider its fullness of time spans of existence …
- And unbegun macrocosm permeates and envelopes the other three states of macrocosm, which as such are of inertial macrocosm (or inert matter or Tam Brahmand), macro-equanimous macrocosm (or macro-inertial macrocosm or Sam Brahmand) and the begun macrocosm (or cyclic existence or Samsara) … The word cyclic existence means, that state of existence where there is a birth as a physical body and then there is also the stage of death of that physical vehicle and where these cycles of birth and death endlessly continue nut only until the aspirant evolved beyond the cyclic existence (or begun state of macrocosm) itself …
Proceeding further …
It was from within this very subtle, first impression of original desire that all those states which are to be liberated from, are then self-manifested …
All these states which are to be liberated from are also present as extremely subtle desires which remain attached to the original desire and all these are are eventually resting within the sphere of desires, which as such is the first begun state of cyclic existence (i.e. the begun state of macrocosm) … And since this original desire was desired from within the inert matter, so it also relates to inertial macrocosm (from which the begun state of macrocosm is originated) …
As such a route to liberation is even possible through the path of inertial mass, but if this path is followed without supra-cosmic assistance, then it may even lead to the state where the aspirants physical body would start turning into an inertial mass (like a rock or pieces of rocks forming in the body itself and just as it had happened within my physical body, as was stated in earlier discussions) …
Proceeding further …
And due to the effects of the original desire, the inert matter immediately arrives at a state which is neither unbegun (as it earlier was prior to the instant it had desired the original desire) nor is it a begun state … Thus, as soon as the original desire manifests within inert matter, that inert matter immediately reaches a state which is intermediary between its begun and unbegun state …
In above paragraph we have stated that inert matter reaches a state which is intermediary to being unbegun and begun and this is due to the fact, that, immediately after the inert matter desires the original desire, it no longer is unbegun and it is also still not as a begun microcosm (universe) …
This is because soon after the inert matter has its original desire, it leaves its earlier unbegun state … And simultaneously the inert matter is still not begun, as it has still not originated the universe out of itself …
Thus, the state which the inert matter immediately enters after it resides within the purviews of the original desire is the one which is neither unbegun nor is it a begun state …
Thus, at that stage which is just after desiring the original desire, it still has not begun, even when it really has already begun resting within the initial process of origination as a universe … And this is how it shall be found when anyone would consider the fact that an invisible (or non manifest) impression is already generated by the original desire of inert matter …
As such, at this stage of our discussion, there is definitely a beginning, but this beginning is within an non manifested state and simultaneously there is no beginning within any state that could be called as manifested … Thus, at such stage which is described here, the matter is neither begun nor unbegun …
Thus, this is also that stage of origination of allness, which is neither originated nor even is it the inert nor even is it unbegun, that it earlier was …
Proceeding further …
And also this state of intermediary existence is arrived by inert matter for a single individual moment only and not any more than this, as far as the dimension of time is concerned …
At that momentary condition of being within the intermediary state, the ‘non process of process’ of inert matter ends (which means that the inert matter or inertial mass is not in an inert condition that it earlier was while it rested within its state of severe inertia) …
And simultaneously with this, that inert matter has still not arrived at its begun state (i.e. it has still not begun forming the macrocosmic matrix which shall then reside within ‘one process there only is’ as evolution) …
Thus, the condition which is discussed here, is of a state which has still not entered within the flows and dynamism, as are of the macrocosmic matrix (or the begun macrocosm) and it is also not flowless as it earlier was whilst it was existent as inert matter within the unbegun macrocosm …
As such, the condition which is discussed here, is of a state of inert matter or inertial mass when it is just about to transform itself into the entire macrocosmic matrix (or the begun macrocosm) …
At this state, the three qualities of neutrality (or purity or wisdom or Sattva Guna), action (Rajo Guna or activity) and inertia (Tamoguna or inactivity) are still not fully active within the inert matter and this also is because the inert matter is still not pervaded by the macrocosmic etheric …
Proceeding further …
Now understand this properly …
- The original desire was as the explicit desire “to be liberated” …
- But in the implicit (or hidden) meaning of the original desire, it also meant “to be liberated from all that ever is or could ever be, allness and her each part” …
- Thus, to comply to this hidden or implicit meaning of the original desire, allness and her each part (i.e. entire macrocosm with all its diverse microcosm’s) had to be originated within the Makers Makings …
- Unless all these aspects were originated within the Makers Makings, the implicit meaning of the original desire could never be complied in fullness or wholeness or totality …
- And thus, this is what led to diverse aspects of states that ultimately are present within the supreme and eternal genius, that solely is and shall ever remain of Makers Makings …
- And this is what made the Makers Makings to be none other than based within pluralistic monism …
Proceeding further …
At that stage when the original desire was just about originally desired, all the impressions for the states which are to be liberated from (and which itself is as per the implicit meaning of the original desire) are generated within the non manifested impression (Adrishya Samskara) as was and eternally remains as that of the original desire …
And all those impressions (Samskaras) which are related to states which are to be liberated from, also remain within their non-manifest impressional state, but only as long as these are still attached to the original desire …
And all these impressions which relate to all these states which are to be liberated from, are only apparent within their manifest state, after the origination of the sphere of desire and thence after they also begin residing within it …
These other impressions which stay attached to the non-manifested impression of the original desire, are the ones which are the root of all those states that later on would be originated within the Makers Makings and where these originated states are also those which would have to be liberated from, as per the fullness of the implicit meaning of the original desire …
Since the implicit meaning of the original desire is to “be liberated from allness and her each part”, so to ensure a compliance to the original desire, the impressions of those states (which would be originated at a later stage of progress of origination process of the Makers Makings) are also originated within the same Makers Makings …
And thence these impressions become the root for origination of those states which are to be liberated from, as per the implicit meaning of the original desire … And since the implicit meaning of the original desire has vast scopes and aspects, so vast number of states ultimately get originated within the macrocosmic creation …
Proceeding further …
Since the original macrocosm (or unbegun macrocosm or eternal macrocosm) is the one within which all above is happening during the origination state of the macrocosm and microcosm, so the unbegun macrocosm envelopes all that is begun within it …
As also, since the unbegun (macrocosm) is subtler than all the later begun states, so the unbegun macrocosm also permeates (pervades) all that is begun within the macrocosm …
Thus, basis above …
- The unbegun permeates and envelopes all that is begun within the macrocosm …
- And due to this reason, the unbegun is anyways resting within and around (beyond) all that has ever begun as a microcosm …
- Since the unbegun is already resting within all that is begun, so this also leads to a state where the unbegun doesn’t even find a need to begin separately from all that is begun within the Makers Makings
- Above in turn means, that, since the unbegun is already present within (inside) all that is begun and since the same unbegun is also present around and beyond all that is begun, so where is the need for the unbegun to begin separately from all that is begun within the Makers Makings) …
- This is what leads to a condition, that the unbegun stays free of all that is begun and yet that unbegun remains within and beyond all that is begun within the Makers Makings …
- And this further leads to a state where the unbegun never even finds a need to begin, during any eternity of existence of the Makers Makings … And this is why the unbegun stays as unbegun till eternity …
- Since that which is unbegun, also can ever end its existence, so the unbegun is the eternal … This is why we have termed the unbegun macrocosm as the eternal macrocosm … Ending of existence is only of the begun … This is because only the begun (or born) can ever die … How can the unborn ever die and thus the unborn is none other than eternal … And so is the unbegun macrocosm …
Proceeding further …
As the begun can only begin after it separates out of the unbegun within whose envelopes it begins its origination, so this is why the begun macrocosm is seen as a state which is separate from the unbegun macrocosm …
And since the begun can never have an existence where it’s physical vehicle (or physically manifested form or formless state) can ever last till the eternity of the unbegun, so the begun always dies at some point of time during its existence …
But since the finality of dimension of time (i.e. eternity) can never be differently applicable to the begun and unbegun and whilst these begun and unbegun rest within the same Makers Makings, so due to this reason, across its existence within the Makers Makings, the begun also has to adopt a condition of existence where even when it is born and then it dies, its totality of existence remains the same as the eternity of existence of its own unbegun parental pervader and enveloper (i.e. the unbegun) …
And this sameness of the begun and unbegun within the purviews of the finality of dimension of time (i.e. eternity), is only arrived when the begun adopts a cyclic mode of existence …
Cyclic mode of existence is where microcosm’s get born, then they live for a while and thence they die … And where this process of birth, temporary existence and death continues endlessly, but only until the microcosm attains to the eternal nature of time, who as such is the one that is addressed as Mahakaal Shiva in Vedas …
But even when the begun is still resting within a cyclic nature of existence (i.e. taking birth, staying for a while in that born state and thence dying) and thence the same processes keeps repeating itself, these rebirth, re-existence and death also keep happening in an unbroken state …
This unbroken state of cyclic existence of the begun states, is maintained by the principle of eternal evolution, and where evolution is continuous and is also unbroken across all realms of existence that the begun may evolve to during its entire stay within the Makers Makings …
Thus, as the begun keeps dying and entering into other realms of existence, the evolutionary process continues in an unbroken way and so is the continuity of the process of existence of each begun …
This partless and thus unbroken continuity of the existence and evolutionary process of each begun is maintained within the cyclic existence …
And thus, irrespective of who is born or dies and irrespective of which realm that birth of death takes place, both evolution and existence remain in an unbroken state …
This continuity of existence is due to the reasons stated below …
- Of the same soul, birth here is only due to a preceding death that earlier on, was elsewhere …
- Death here would lead to an immediate birth elsewhere within another of those vast number of realms that exist within the Makers Makings …
- Thus, existence continues in in an unbroken manner across all realms of existence …
- And this is how eternity of existence is maintained by each begun microcosm so as to make it come in line with the eternity of its own parental state, i.e. unbegun macrocosm …
And the continuity of evolution is maintained due to the reasons stated below …
- Of the same soul that leaves a realm (dies in a realm) and thence immediately enters into another realm (i.e. is born in another realm), the process of evolution resumes exactly from the same evolutionary standing that was, when when that microcosm had died in the previous realm of its own existence …
- Thus, even the evolution continues in an unbroken manner across all realms of the Makers Makings …
And the same aspects are also applicable to the cyclic existence of the greater of all microcosm’s i.e. a universe …
This sameness is because there can never be two sets of principles, process and laws for two different microcosm even when they reside within the same Makers Makings …
Above is also in line with what was discussed in another topic of “Universal nature of cosmic laws” …
BB) …
Natural separation and simultaneous unity of begun and unbegun states …
As the begun originates separately from the unbegun, so the begun and unbegun states are naturally separated right during the process of origination itself … And this separation is also naturally maintained during the entirety of existence of the macrocosmic creation …
And yet the begun and unbegun are also unioned to each other, but this unity is through the path of unbegun being the pervader of the begun and simultaneously the begun being enveloped by the unbegun …
And simultaneously with above, the unbegun remains separated from the begun, because of what was discussed in the earlier topic of Law of pervader and pervaded and was stated as follows …
- The pervader is detached to the pervaded right from the time when the pervader pervades the pervaded …
- If the pervader is not so, then the pervader cannot even continue as the pervader of its pervaded states …
- If the pervader becomes attached to the pervaded, then the pervader would no longer be subtler than the pervaded and in such a case the pervader cannot even continue as the pervader of the pervaded state …
- To be the pervader, a pervader needs to be subtler than the pervaded and if this condition is not maintained, then the pervader would reach the same state as is of the pervaded and thus that pervader would no longer remain as the pervader that it earlier was to this sameness of conditions of pervader and pervaded …
Thus, basis above …
- During the origination and existence of the Makers Makings, the subtler pervader (i.e. unbegun macrocosm) remains as detached from the begun microcosm’s which it (unbegun) pervades … This maintains a natural separation between the begun and unbegun …
- And during the stages after origination of microcosm’s, the originated microcosm’s keep looking up to the subtler condition of their pervader, through their own scriptures, which invariably call these pervader as one or another Godhead … This in turn maintains the natural union of the pervader and pervaded, whose finality itself is as unbegun and begun respectively … This itself makes the begun (i.e. the pervaded) to remain in an inner unity to their pervader (whose finality is that which is unbegun) …
Thus, basis above … Within the Makers Makings …
- A naturally present separation of pervader from pervaded is always there …
- And simultaneously, the naturally existent unity of pervaded to its pervader, is also there …
- And the same is also applicable to the begun and unbegun aspects of the macrocosm …
BB-1) …
There is only one unbegun and yet there are a vast plethora of begun states …
This could be thus discussed …
- There is only one unbegun state of macrocosm …
- There are a vast number and types of begun microcosm’s and where each has its own specific current evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies, that is also ever changeful due to the effects of principle of eternal evolution …
- And due to each begun microcosm having its own specific standing within the macrocosmic hierarchy, each also has its own fundamental vibration and specific grossness or subtlety … And this diversity of existence of microcosm’s and also of states of existences, is also due to the effects of principle of eternal existence …
- And it is also due to this diversity, that each subtle begun microcosm ends up pervading every other microcosm that is grosser than it … And this is what leads to a state, where a gross state is being pervaded by a series of states which are subtler than it …
- And yet the final macrocosmic pervader of this entire hierarchy of subtlety and grossness (as is of those plethora of begun microcosm’s), is none other than the unbegun (unbegun macrocosm or eternal macrocosm) …
- Thus, when we study the entire Makers Makings from the point of view of the pervader and pervaded, then we also see a vast hierarchy of subtlety to be eternally present within all grosser states and which is also such that each subtler is the pervader of the state which is relatively grosser than itself …
- And due to the vast aspects of hierarchies of pervader and pervaded, each pervaded is actually permeated by a series of ever subtler pervaders …
BB-2) …
As inert matter rests in original cause … Desire to begin … Eternal existence …
Due to residing within that middle state, which is neither begun nor unbegun, the inert matter (or inertial mass) has no option but to explicitly desire ‘to begin’ (i.e. desire of the original cause) … Since this beginning can only be as a begun state of macrocosm and microcosm’s, so this is how that inert matter begins …
And at the same time, within the implicit (or hidden) meaning of that desire to begin (I.e. the original cause), that same original cause could not have been any other than that of a desire “to eternally begin” … This implicit meaning is what makes the mattered states to keep beginning endlessly and this is what leads to the origination of cyclic existence (i.e. the begun macrocosm or Samsara) …
Thus, it is due to the effects of the implicit meaning of the original cause (i.e. desire to keep beginning endlessly), the cyclic mode of existence is arrived … Cyclic existence where something is born (i.e. begins), stays for a while and thence dies (which is also a beginning into another realm of existence only) …
And whilst that microcosm stays for a while in its then begun state, it also stays ever changeful … This ever changefulness is also as per the implicit meaning of the original cause (i.e. desire to keep beginning endlessly) because of the fact, that any change leads to something else and which itself denotes the same continuity of beginnings as is to be within the implicit meaning of the original cause …
Thus, basis above …
- It is due to the application of implicit meaning of the original cause, that everything that is ever begun within the Makers Makings, rests in a cyclic mode of existence (i.e. birth, stay for a while and death and where these three also keep repeating endlessly) …
- And it also is due to the application of implicit meaning of the same original cause, that everything that has ever begun, remains ever changeful … This is due to the fact that in reality, change is also a part of the vast scopes of the term “beginning” …
- That which changes from one condition to another, also needs to end the present condition so as to begin itself in the next condition …
- Thus it eventually is the original cause, that is one of the reasons for the eternal changeful nature of all that exists within cyclic existence and the same original cause is also the root of cyclic mode of existence of all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
- And due to this reason, the earlier discussed topic of “Change is the only constant” is also related to this discussion …
But at the same time, following is also what stands out as true …
- The original cause (i.e. the desire to begin) was only resting within the purviews of the original desire (desire to be liberated) …
- This is so because, the inert matter only “desire to begin as a microcosm (I.e. the inert matter entered the original cause)” due to the earlier “desire to be liberated (i.e. the original desire)” and where the desire to be liberated was from that middle state, which was neither begun nor unbegun …
- Thus, during origination and further continuity of macrocosm and microcosm’s (including the universe), the original cause is naught but a byproduct of effects of the earlier original desire …
Proceeding further … To analyze the original desire and original cause …
- Original cause led to origination of all states of existences which were to be liberated from (as per the implicit or hidden meaning of the requirements of original desire) …
- Original cause led to ever changeful nature of all that was begun and it also led to origination of cyclic existence (as per the implicit meaning of the requirements of the original cause) …
Proceeding further …
- During that state of inert matter which was neither begun nor unbegun, the inert matter was already pretty close to the state of final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) …
- But due to non realization of above stated fact, the inert matter ended up desiring ‘to begin’, and this desire became as the original cause of beginning of inert matter as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings …
- Thus the beginning of anything (any microcosm) also denotes the ignorance of that begun state … And where that ignorance also relates to intermediary evolutionary states that come by during ones path of liberation (i.e. ignorance towards the Mukti Marg) …
- And due to this reason, until this ignorance is there, the final liberation would only remain a distant dream … And where this statement is irrespective of what any microcosm may believe in, relate to or do during the entirety of time span of its evolutionary process within any of the realms of Makers Makings …
- Unless the microcosm knows what is explicitly and implicitly told here, liberation would never be attained … And this is why, in the end stage, the knowledge (self knowledge or self realized knowledge) is what any aspirant gains prior to entering into that final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha or Nirvana, call it whatever you want, as these words denote the same state of final liberation only) …
And because of the eternal applicability of the implicit meaning of the original cause, the re-beginning keep happening as long as the microcosm resides within the cyclic existence (i.e. begun macrocosm or macrocosmic matrix) …
Thus, until the aspirant goes past the entirety of original cause itself, the final liberation would never be attained … And this statement is irrespective of what path anyone may take or who an aspirant may believe in or relate to, because the macrocosmic laws and conditions never hold prejudice to anyone or anything, even it that one is the higher of all gods or their adherents …
Note: Above is why Vedic sages had also told, that when the lord of all (Sarveshvara) descends as an Avatar, then during his stay in the lower realm (like this world), even he doesn’t break his own made laws (or macrocosm) …
As also, each of these ever beginnings are also such that, these are eternally residing within the same original beginning that originally was due to the effects of the original cause …
And thus as the matter keeps within the eternal dissolutions and ever re-beginning (that always is within cyclic existence and is as eternal cycles of existence), it remains within the purviews of the same original beginning that originally was to begin it as a microcosm in the first place …
BB-3) …
Reasons for cyclic modes of existence and changefulness of begun states …
There are many reasons, so here some main ones would have to be listed (as to list them all is practically not possible) …
- Since the begun state could never exist till eternity (due to limitations of the physical bodies) and since the finality of time (i.e. eternity) is within whose purviews the begun state eventually rests, so the begun state also remains with no choice but to adopt a cyclic mode of existence …
- Since due to the effects of the Law of stagnation, which from a macrocosmic point of view, states that …
Sameness of any now, to any earlier state that had ever existed within the entirety of eternity of existence of Makers Makings, is also a stagnation
So, due to this reason, all that is begun also remains with no choice but to adopt a cyclic state of existence and whilst within that cyclic state of existence, due to the effects of this Law of stagnations, all that has begun also remains changeful …
- Since due to the effects of the implicit meaning of the original desire (I.e. desire to keep beginning till eternity), all states also remain with no choice but to adopt a cyclic mode of existence and also remain with no choice but to be ever changeful as long as they exist as begun microcosm’s within the begun macrocosm (or macrocosmic matrix or cyclic existence) …
- Since changefulness is also denoting the path of evolution in addition to denoting vast number of states of existence also, so principle of evolution and principle of existence remain applicable to all that has ever begun within the Makers Makings … And where these changes during ones cyclic existence are also due to the extremely subtle effects of these two macrocosmic principles …
BB-4) …
Beginning of inert matter as a microcosm …
Now we shall get into some deeper aspects which were left out in above discussions …
The original cause is as the desire to begin as a microcosm … And as soon as the matter desired this beginning, then at that very instant, it was begun as a microcosm …
Thus, the matter begins as soon as the matter desires a beginning i.e. as soon as the matter resides within the original cause and thence desires to begin, the matter is immediately struck by the macrocosmic etheric which itself is the house of macrocosmic neutrality, action and inertia (i.e. the macrocosmic etheric is the home of three qualities of mother nature) …
And since the macrocosmic etheric field hold all of the three attributes of action, neutrality and inertia within itself, so as the inert matter gets actional (due to being hit by the flows and dynamism of the macrocosmic etheric field), it also maintains its intrinsic inertial state … Thus, even when the originated matter seems actional, yet is remains rooted in inertia … This is why some Vedic sages had termed the macrocosm as an inertial creation of the creator …
As soon as the inert matter is hit by the flows and dynamism of the macrocosmic etheric, it immediately begins as a microcosm within the originating universe of that time …
But the matter does not know this fact about its beginning … This is because to experience and thus know there must be other factors such as consciousness (Chitta) which is rendered by the cosmic plane of consciousness, knowledge which is rendered by the cosmic plane of knowledge, mindfulness which is rendered by the cosmic plane of mind and the wisdom about ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) in which that matter rests …
Thus unless these four cosmic planes are originated as a minimum, no experience or knowledge can be had by the matter, regarding its already begun state …
Note: And the fact is that the final aspect of one’s return path (i.e. the last path or Brahmanpath) is also through these same states because each of these are also existent within each aspirant (or each microcosm) … As the aspirant walks the last path, then each of the aspects (including above told states) which relate to the Makers Makings, are also returned back to the same Maker’s Makings and due to this reason, ultimately when the aspirant walks alone and free of Makersmakings, then the ability to know about that last path (i.e. path of final liberation or Brahmpath) is also not there …
Note continues: Thus, because of above stated reason, as the aspirant walks the last pathless partless path (Brahman Path), that aspirant is not able to know what is being transited through … And it is also due to this reason, that nobody has ever described the last pathless partless path (all that is available is a reference to it and never a description of the past path) … And this is also due to the fact, that prior to entering the last path, all the factors or instruments which are needed (i.e. knowledge, consciousness, three attributes, ether, vital airs, mind etc.) would have already been surrendered to their respective macrocosmic principal states, prior any aspirant enters into the last path …
Proceeding further …
All that a matter can know as a beginning, is of this begun state and never of its original beginning that originally was after it had arrived at its neither unbegun nor begun state (which itself is the condition after it had the original desire and prior it had underwent through the original cause) …
Thus, even if we humans try to analyze through our instruments (Mahayantra) the beginning of macrocosmic creation, then we would only be able to see till the stage of commencement of the currently underway “Samvatsara (which is also termed as great-day of creator or Maha Kalpa )” … No gross instrument (Maha Yantra) can ever see a time, which is beyond this stated one of a Mahakalpa … This stage of commencement of “great-day of creator or Mahakalpa” is what modern astronomy terms as Cosmic microwave background (or CMB) …
As such, since no physical instrument can ever see the universe beyond a great day of creator (Maha Kalpa or Surya Samvatsara), so due to this reason, only through subtler means can the real beginning of the universe be known …
BB-5) …
Relation of knowledge and consciousness in microcosm’s (including universe) …
Macrocosmic etheric which pervades inertial mass is based upon macro-equanimity (Sarva Samta) … Macro-equanimity is of a diamond white color also equanimous to allness, including the three attributes (Triguna) … Triguna reside within and are also proceeding towards (i.e. evolving to) macro-equanimity …
During the origination of universe, from within the macro-equanimous macrocosmic etheric, these three attributes also get emanated out … And thus, as the macrocosmic etheric permeates the inertial masses which has desired the original cause (i.e. desire to begin), these three macrocosmic attributes permeate it and then only does the inert matter commence its beginning …
From the macrocosmic quality of neutrality (Sattva Guna) is emanated the white colored consciousness (Chitta) and the yellow colored knowledge (Vijyana) … With the assistance of perceptible knowledge, that earlier inert matter comes to know about its existence as matter and this itself is the first stage of origination that can ever be known (to matter and any mattered state) …
With the assistance of this perceptible knowledge, the matter then generates consciousness impressions within the already forming cosmic plane of consciousness … Since these impressions are grosser than the subtler state of plane of consciousness, so once these impressions enter into the consciousness plane of the forming universe, they also lower the net subtlety of the consciousness plane (of the forming universe) … And at the same time, because the plane of knowledge doesn’t adopt these impressions, so it retains its original subtler state …
Even when during their origination stages, the plane of consciousness was subtler than the plane of knowledge, but after the consciousness adopts these grosser impressions of the forming matter, the resultant subtlety of the plane of consciousness becomes lower than that of the plane of knowledge …
Thus basis above …
- Soon after origination, plane of consciousness was subtler than plane of knowledge … So, at this stage, consciousness was pervading knowledge …
- But after origination process of matter progresses, since consciousness adopts impressions from originating matter and other mattered states, so consciousness attains a higher relative grossness as compared to knowledge and thus, after this stage, knowledge begins pervading consciousness …
- The entire evolutionary process is to restore consciousness to its original impressionless state (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) and thus make it subtler than knowledge and which in turn returns the consciousness to a state where it again becomes as the pervader of knowledge …
- Until the impressions of the original desire and original cause are unseeded from the consciousness, the consciousness would never be subtler than knowledge … Thus, the process of evolution is also leading to the same result of unseeding of impressions of the original desire and original cause from the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal body (Anandamaya Kosha or Antahkarana) of each microcosm who has ever begun within the Makers Makings …
So basis above, from the point of view of knowledge and consciousness with relation to the process of origination, sustenance and dissolution of any microcosm, following is how it actually is …
- During the process of origination of any microcosm, there is a reversal of subtleties of consciousness and knowledge …
- For sustenance, this reversed condition has to be maintained …
- And for anything to dissolute and thus “be liberated (i.e. enter into final liberation or in other words, attain to Kaivalya or Moksha)” the original condition would have to be restored as far as subtleties of orb of consciousness (i.e. Chitta) and orb of knowledge (i.e. Buddhi) of the bliss sheath (i.e. Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Anandamaya Kosha) are concerned …
- And the path of this is also the same as what was discussed in an earlier series of topics on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … Plus to completely unseed all impressions from the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the bliss body (Anandmaye Kosha or Antahkarana Chatushtaya) the attainment of Nirbija Samadhi also stands paramount …
Expanding above discussions …
The consciousness adopts impressions from the forming macrocosm but the knowledge does not … Thus knowledge retains its original subtlety just as it was when it had originated within the Makers Makings …
Prior the consciousness adopts impressions from the forming macrocosm, the macrocosmic plane of consciousness is subtler than the plane of knowledge … Thus at this state (as is prior the consciousness begins adopting impressions from the originating macrocosm), the consciousness pervades knowledge …
And after the plane of consciousness adopts the impressions from the forming macrocosmic creation, since these added impressions are relatively grosser that the consciousness, so this situation in turn bring the resultant subtlety of the consciousness plane to a lower state and thus make the consciousness to arrive at a higher resultant grossness … This in turn makes the consciousness grosser than knowledge …
When this happens, the knowledge begins pervading the consciousness as knowledge is then holding a higher relative subtlety as compared to consciousness (after the consciousness has already adopted impressions from the originating macrocosm) …
The final resultant subtlety of the consciousness is as per the original subtlety of consciousness + grossness of impressions (which are adopted by the consciousness and thence these impressions also begin residing within the consciousness) …
When the consciousness becomes relatively grosser than knowledge and which itself is due to impressions residing within the consciousness, the consciousness turns grosser than knowledge … At this stage, the consciousness which earlier on was pervading knowledge, in turn gets pervaded by knowledge …
BB-6) …
The stage when consciousness enters into originating matter …
With the presence of impressions of originating matter within the plane of consciousness, the matter begins relating to consciousness … This leads to a state where the matter becomes conscious for first time … This is the stage, when the matter also becomes conscious of its begun state …
And it is only at this state that the matter begins to believes that it has begun, but it still has no knowledge of its begun state because the knowledge is still not in an actional state within the originating matter …
Only after the later stage when the macrocosmic quality of action (Rajoguna) pervades matter, does the originating matter begin exploding and imploding and thus it knows of its begun condition within the originating universe …
CC) …
Origination of various subtle states of universe …
This conscious matter then generates those desires, which in turn lead to those impressions (or Samskara) that relate to the fulfillment of the original desire of inert matter (i.e. the explicit desire to be liberated) …
And since the same original desire in its implicit (or hidden) meaning also refers to the fact of “being liberated from allness and her each part”, so to fulfill this aspect of the implicit applications of the original desire, all those states which could ever be liberated from also begin originating within the originating multi-universe … This leads to a vast number and types of states to start originating within each of the universes of the originating multi-universe and this is what leads to a presence of pluralistic monism within the Makers Makings … Pluralism leads to diversity of originated states and monism leads to their innermost unity …
This pluralistic monism is the way of life of each universe which rests within the purviews of the multi-universal nature of macrocosmic creation and this is also the same as was told in Vedic lore as “Ekohum Bahusyami (or in other words … It was one, but it desired to be many and thus many it eventually became even when it essentially is one” …
Proceeding further …
All that was related to the explicit and implicit aspects of the original desire and original cause, enters into the sphere of desires …
The sphere of desires has all aspects that relate to all that is to exist within and during the entirety of time span of existence of the Maker’s Makings …
But the impressions of these implicit and explicit aspects as discussed above enter into the macrocosmic plane of consciousness … And whilst within the macrocosmic plane of consciousness, as per the relative subtlety (and grossness), these impressions attain to their hierarchical states (levels or hierarchies) …
Thus all this leads to a state where the sphere of desires, plane of consciousness and plane of knowledge begin co-existing with each other … The desires fuel the impressions (which reside within the consciousness) and then these impressions begin acting as per the direction of knowledge …
CC-1) …
Attenuation of knowledge within the universe … And its consequences …
It is never possible that the universal knowledge which flows from the plane of knowledge to the orb of knowledge (Buddhi) of causal body (Karana Sharira) of each microcosm to not get attenuated to a lesser or larger level …
Since after the universe originates, knowledge is subtler that consciousness (as discussed above), so knowledge is farther that the microcosm’s as compared to consciousness (Chitta) … Thus, due to this reason, as far as the grosser microcosm’s are concerned, knowledge is at a greater distance of subtlety as compared to consciousness … And due to this reason, for knowledge (from the plane of knowledge) to reach the microcosm’s, it has to pass through the plane of consciousness …
But when knowledge passes through the impressions of plane of consciousness, it always gets attenuated … Thus, unless subtle means (like those of Dhyana, etc.) are adopted, this attenuation of knowledge can never be controlled …
Higher is the grossness and numbers of impressions within the consciousness plane of a world, higher shall be the attenuation of knowledge within that world and thus higher shall be the ignorance of that world aspirants (or microcosm’s) towards the reality … And thus, further shall be the aspirants (or microcosm’s) of that world be from knowledge of who they really are … Thus, when the numbers and grossness of impressions increases, then it also leads to a higher attenuation of knowledge (or reality) which in turn leads to a regressive state (or degeneration) of all that exists upon that world system … And this is what leads to a need for some evolved sage (or even an Avatar) to enter that world at regular intervals so as to correct the fault of that time in addition to clearing those seas of seas of impressions that would have already gotten built up by this stage (when the macrocosmic creation shall have to ask a sage or an Avatara to enter that world and render the necessary correction so as to restore righteousness in that world) …
CC-2) …
Realization of the state of matter prior to and soon after the original desire …
The state immediately after the matter desired the original desire, is a state where the matter is neither begun nor is it unbegun and where this state is eternally macro-neutral to each state that is unbegun or yet to be begun at this stage or time of origination of universe … And this as such is the reason for the self-manifestation of the diamond white colored greater macro-neutral whole … That diamond white colored greater whole is also related to the pristine abode of creator of allness (i.e. abode of Pitamah Brahma or Brahmaloka) …
That diamond white colored greater macro-neutral whole (which itself is a part of Brahma Loka) is also neutral (or is in equanimity) to all that is as an inert, actional, begun and unbegun aspects of Macrocosmic creation …
Since the original desire (i.e. desire to be liberated) was desired within the unbegun state, thus original desire is also realized within the unbegun state only … This made the microcosm’s to enter into a state which was neither as their earlier unbegun state nor was this state anything like the begun states of microcosm’s …
And since the original cause (i.e. desire to begin) was desired within the state which was neither begun nor unbegun, so the original cause can also be realized only within macro-neutrality (i.e. neutrality to all that is to begun and unbegun and thus it also denotes macro-neutrality) …
Because the original desire was arrived at by inert matter and that too while that inert matter was resting within the unbegun macrocosm, thus realization of original desire is also possible after the aspirants consciousness enters into the unbegun macrocosm …
But since the diamond white colored macro-equanimous whole lies intermediary to the path that proceeds from the begun macrocosm to the unbegun macrocosm, so the entry into the macro-neutral greater whole and thence the realization of the original cause would also have to be there, prior to the realization of the original desire (which itself is after entering into the unbegun macrocosm) …
Moving on …
Here we discuss the state of matter which is begun after it has already resided within the original cause (i.e. desire ‘to begin’) …
Inert matter is now pervaded by the macrocosmic etheric, is made wise and is begun as subtle matter … As also this begun matter has all the impressions (Samskara) there ever were generated by its own desires, right from the time it had the original desire …
And thus at this state, the consciousness of matter (i.e. Chitta component of matter) had already arrived at a higher grossness (or lesser subtlety) as compared to its original state when this consciousness was firstly self-manifested …
But this state is still very similar to the state of ‘non process of process (i.e. non moving state of process)’ that was of inert matter or inertial mass … This is because the ‘one process there only is’, is still not manifested within the matter …
This causes an impression to manifest within the subtler matter of the subtle originating universe (this matter has already formed by this stage, but is still existing in a very subtle state) and this impression is for the universal process to manifest within that already originated subtle universe …
The macrocosmic etheric now increases the flows within this ‘just begun matter’ so as to manifest the action within that subtle state of the universe (as there is now) …
As the flow of the macrocosmic etheric increases, the action from the macrocosmic etheric is transferred to quality of neutrality (Sattva Guna) … And after the quality of neutrality (Sattva Guna) comes in purviews of such actional aspects, this in turn generates the quality of action (Rajoguna) from within it …
And within the subtle universe that is at this stage, once the macrocosmic quality of action (Rajo Guna) is self-manifested, then due to this action that gets available, the subtle matter begins to spread across that subtle universe and to great lengths … And simultaneously, cosmic quality of inertia is also generated when actioned states come to a stop after colliding with each other …
Thus as action increases, inertial also increases correspondingly within the subtle originating universe and ultimately these two qualities of action and inertia completely balance each other (i.e. neutralize their effects) as far as the corpus of then originated allness is concerned … But this stage as told here, only comes after a further time …
Proceeding further …
The macrocosmic etheric flows increase even more, so as to transfer ever more neutrality to the universe …
Under effects of such flows of macrocosmic etheric field, the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (i.e. Sattva Guna) eventuality arrives at its critical mass which is enough to cause it to manifest its own action from within itself … And thence as times progress, action only leads to self-manifestation of further inertia within that originating subtle universe …
And thus with the assistance from the three qualities (quality of neutrality of wisdom or neutrality or Sattva Guna, action or Rajo Guna and inertia or Tamo Guna) which are residing within the macrocosmic etheric at this time, on one side of neutrality is present the cosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna) and on the another side is present the cosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) and where these two cosmic attributes (i.e. action and inertia) are perfectly neutralizing each other to the same state as is of the cosmic attribute of neutrality (Sattvaguna) from which they (i.e. action and inertia) get self manifested …
Thus, irrespective of the imbalances between actional and inertial aspects that may seem to be present within individual microcosm’s at any specific time, the corpus of action and inertia within the Makers Makings are always perfectly neutralizing each other …
CC-2) …
Subtle aspects of origination of various states of the subtle universe …
Here we shall discuss the subtle aspects of origination of some of the main states of the subtle universe of our discussed time …
- Origination of consciousness (Chitta) is through the union of conscious element (Chetan Tattva or Purusha) and macro-neutrality …
Thus, in its original state, consciousness is also of a matt-white color …
The cosmic plane of consciousness (Brahmic Mahad Chitta) acts as the home of all impressions in addition to being the consciousness (Chetna) that drives all parts of allness, towards the fulfillment of the original desire (to be liberated) …
- Knowledge originates by the union of the golden-yellow light of the golden womb of creation (Hiranyagarbha) within whose envelopes all above is happening and where the golden yellow light of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. the golden womb of creation or the golden egg of Vedic lore) unites to the ninth sphere (Para Prakriti or Sattvaguna aspect of Prakriti) and thus forms a very subtle yellow colored plane of knowledge …
Knowledge controls the mind and thus ensures its path remains within the purviews of the cosmic principle of evolution and also remains within the purviews of requirements of the universal process which has already been discussed in an earlier topic …
- The cosmic attribute of neutrality (Sattva Guna) which is of a subtle white color unites to the cosmic attribute of action (Rajo Guna) which is of a red color … This union leads to self manifestation of Avyakta (The word Avyakta as used here denotes that which is “non manifest and non present” within the later originated state of the gross universe) …
This Avyakta (or Avyakta Prakriti or Avyakta Prana) is of a light pink color and is also relates to the Vyana Prana …
The same Avyakta (or Avyakta Prakriti or Avyakta Prana) is also addressed as Maya Shakti of Brahma and is also the same that is called as Tusita Loka (In Buddhist lore) …
- When actioned aspects collide with each other, then they enter into an inertia, which is of a blue color … This leads to self-manifestation of the blue colored cosmic attribute of inertia …
- Since inertia is the grosser of the three cosmic attributes (Triguna), so inertia is also the macrocosmic quality which is closer to the later originated gross elements of the universe … Thus, Vedic sages had told that from the point of view of the three cosmic qualities (I.e. Triguna), the macrocosmic creation (Brahmand) is primarily an inertial entity …
- From inertia is self-originated the the inner balance of instability and stability of the universe and which itself is the macrocosmic mind (Manas Tattva) …
The cosmic mind acts as the medium for unity of allness and it rests in union to neutrality towards all (unless the mind is disturbed by situations and/or improper knowledge, the mind has a natural tendency to remain in neutrality towards “all that is or is not” … Only under the effects of these disturbances, does the mind become as an eternal wanderer (unstable) …
- And from the same Inertia is self-manifested the cosmic I’ness (Aham or Ahamkara) …
The cosmic I’ness (Ahumkara) acts as the source (or base) of existence and this is why, each part of Makers Makings always has its own I’ness (Aham Bhava) …
- When the blue colored Inertia unites to the red colored action, then it leads to the self-origination of the purple colored ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) within that subtle universe …
And it is within ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) that allness eventually rests and as long as the existence of multi-universal Makers Makings continues, this is how it eventually is …
- When blue colored inertia unites to the white colored neutrality, then it leads to self-origination of the light blue colored air element (i.e. Vayu Mahabhuta) …
- Collision leads to generation of heat and thus fire element (Agni Mahabhuta) or Light element (Prakash Mahabhuta) or heat-luminosity (Tejas Mahabhuta) is self-originated …
- And thence is self-originated the green colored water element (Jalam Mahabhuta or Ap Mahabhuta) and then is the stage of self-origination of the dull yellow colored earth element (Bhu Mahabhuta or Prithvi Mahabhuta) …
CC-3) …
Spread of matter across the self-originating universe …
As the action which is of the macrocosmic etheric builds up within the inert matter, the inert matter comes out of its inertial state …
Since the action that gets transferred from the macrocosmic etheric is of a very vast quantum, so it also leads to suddenness of letting go of inertial state by the inert matter …
Since the inert matter is nothing but a highly compressed energy, so when it leaves its inertial condition, vast quantum of energies are released from it …
This leads to a series of heavy implosions and explosions within that inert matter which is struck by the macrocosmic etheric and that too after it resides within the original cause (i.e. desire to begin) …
Thus, during the process of origination of universes, vast explosions and implosions would also be seen … And the same condition would also be during the destruction of the universe, after when the entire universe would get compressed and thus would be returned back to the same earlier condition, as was of the pinpoint like state of inert matter …
Thus, from that pinpoint like state of inert matter, a vast sized universe self-originates … And it is also due to this reason, that Vedic sages had told, that prior there was anything, the universe was of a size that was of the dimension of tip of a pinhead …
Proceeding further …
Due to these vast implosions and explosions, the matter begins spreading across the ether (Akash Mahabhuta) of the self-originating universe …
As this spread happens, that subtle elemental state of matter also accumulates at certain points and gets compressed to a certain extent …
This leads to accumulation of subtle matter at certain points of the self-originating universe … As these accumulations of subtle components (or subtle matter) increase, then their elements also get compressed and from this condition is originated the gross (or physical) matter and mattered entities within the self-forming universe …
And since everything is having its own specific vitality (Prana), Manas (Mind), I’ness (Aham), knowledge (Buddhi) and consciousness (Chitta), so everything that gets originated within the self-originating state of the universe also remains within the purviews of these five primary aspects as Makers Makings …
And where these five primary aspects of Makers Makings are also a part of the vast concept of Pancha Mukha Sadashiva (i.e. five faces of Sadashiva) who is also addressed as Pancha Brahma (i.e. five Brahmas) and also as five faces of Shiva (i.e. Pancha Mukha Shiva) …
DD) …
Self-manifestation of cyclic nature of dimensions within the subtle universe …
We have already discussed the four dimensions in an earlier topic of Chatush Ayama (four dimensions) … In that topic we had discussed as follows …
- Dimension of time (Kaal) …
In its originality and finality, time (or Kala) is none other than the beginningless and endless, partless eternity … Thus, time has always been there, i.e. time has also been there when the universe was not even existent …
Due to this reason, everything rests in the womb of eternity of time … Vedas have addressed this state of time as Mahakala (i.e. Great time or Supreme time) and where Mahakaal is also an aspect of Shiva (the word Shiva means eternal auspiciousness) …
Vedic sages had addressed the aspirant who unites to this eternal nature of time as Kalatma … The word Kalatma means, that aspirant who has united to the originality of time, which itself is the self-realized finality of time and which as such is the partless eternity of time and where the aspirant self realizes this aspect as his (or her) own innermost essence (or Atman) …
But within the universe, the time is divided and thus is no longer partless … This leads to a cyclic nature of time and where these cycles of time (or Kaalchakra) keep repeating themselves so as to match the finality (or originality) of time, which itself is eternity …
Thus these cycles of time (or Kaal Chakra) are also eternal when we see this within the universe and they are like an eternally moving and thus ever-repeating wheel of time …
Proceeding further …
Regarding realization of time …
- When we self realize time within us, then that time is seen in its eternity and where that eternity itself is as as our own innermost essence (Atma) …
- And when we externally observe the nature of time (i.e. we observe time beyond our own microcosmic physical vehicle), then that same time is seen to be like eternally moving cycle of time …
Thus, as far as manifestation of time within the universe is concerned, it was as the wheel of time (Kalchakra) because eternity of time has always been there, even prior the universe even came into existence … And the same eternity would also remain after the universe finally lives its destined time and thence gets dissoluted …
Proceeding further …
The dimension of time is related to Yajurveda and thus is also related to Aghora face of Sadashiva …
This is because, that which is eternal, is none other than Aghora face of Shiva …
Thus, Aghora face denotes eternity and this is even when the element of Aghora is of fire (i.e. Agni Mahabhuta) whose primary job is dissolution …
Thus, because the dimension of time is placed within Aghora, so within the begun state of a universe, even that cyclic destruction of the universe is a part of the same cycle of time … And due to this reason, even the destruction is a part of rejuvenation of the same entity in a newer form or formless state …
Thus, because time is placed within Aghora and since Aghora is the holder of Samhara Krityam (destruction acts), so even that destruction has nothing to do with the final dissolution of allness … And it is due to this reason, within the entirety of Makers Makings, there is nothing which can ever be termed as non-eternal …
When dimension of time is self-realized in its finality of eternity, then is it also self-known as one’s own Atman and where that Atman is Brahman … And this is what was told through a Mahavakya of Yajurveda as stated below …
Which literally means as …
I Am That
And which also means as …
And which also means as …
I Am Absolute … I Am Supreme
And where the “word I” as written in English translation of above told Sanskrit Mahavakya (i.e. great statement), only means the innermost essence or Atma … And where that Atma is Brahma alone …
This is the realization when the finality of time is directly-cognized by aspirant …
- Dimension of direction (Disha) …
In its originality, which itself is the finally realized state of dimension of direction (Disha Ayaam), directions are omnidirectional …
This means the dimension of direction is seen in the same condition within all directions and thus is naught but omnidirectional …
But omnidirectional also means directionless as far as a singular direction is concerned …
This was the condition of the dimension of direction (Disha Ayama) prior to self-origination of the universe and the same shall also be the condition after the final dissolution of the universe …
And yet within the universe (i.e. after commencement of universe), the same dimension of direction is seen to be based in individuality of directions …
When we self-realize the dimension of direction (Disha Ayama) within us, then it is seen as omnidirectional and where that omnidirectional is also none other than our own Atman (Innermost essence) … And also is self realized the fact that Atman is Brahma (i.e. the innermost essence of all that ever is, is none other than the absolute being) …
But when we observe the same dimension of direction within the originating (or even the originated) universe, then we only see the individual directions (ways of life) that keep changing in such a way, that they form a wheel of themselves …
Thus, within a universe, when the dimension of direction shall be observed, then it would be seen as a wheel of directions (or wheel of eternally moving and repetitive ways of life or Dishachakra) …
Proceeding further …
The dimension of direction is related to Samaveda and thus is also related to Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … This is because, that which is omnidirection, is none other than Sadyojata face of Shiva and which is also addressed in Vedic lore as Brahmaloka (i.e. the pristine abode of grandfather and creator of allness) … Thus, Sadyojata face denotes omnidirectionality and this is even when the element earth (i.e. Prithvi Mahabhuta or Bhu Mahabhuta) is of Sadyojata, whose primary job is creation …
Thus, because the dimension of direction is placed within Sadyojata, so within the begun state of a universe, even that cyclic changes in directions (or ways of life) is a part of the same cycle of direction (i.e. wheel of ways of life) …
And due to this reason, even the changes of ways of life are a part of the creation of newer ways of life …
Due to these cyclic changes in ways of life, there are times when the pluralistic monism dies out on all worlds and this leads to a rapid spread of individualism (or monotheism) within the world …
Whenever the precession of equinoxes (or axial precession of earth’s axis or Agragaman chakra or Ahaata Chakra) reaches the Nadir phase of precession, the pluralistic monism (or way of life within Sanatana Dharma) always dies out in majority of lands of this planet …
As also, after the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) enters into her cyclic sleep, which itself is a period of about 9000 years during each of the cycles of axial precession of earth’s axis, then also pluralistic monism (i.e. Vedic ways of life) keep failing within the world …
And after the same great grandmother of all philosophies starts waking up from her long sleep of about 9000 years, then the same Vedic lore starts spreading within the world and ultimately becomes the direction of life (or way of life) on that world …
We are already living in those time, when the roar of Vedas would start getting heard within this world and this world would ultimately leave all individualistic ways of life and thence enter into pluralistic yet monist ways of life that itself are of the Vedas …
Above would be happening within 27 years and a further 2.7 years from 2082 AD and by the time this world reaches 2.7 years window from 2028 AD, this initial change towards pluralistic monist ways of life (i.e. Vedic ways of life or direction of life which is based upon ancient Vedic ways) would start getting visible in this world …
Thus, the coming end of individualism (monotheism) is already at hand at the time when I write this paragraph … By individualism I mean monotheism of any sort, be it political, geographical, geopolitical, geological, economic and banking, social and cultural, societal and ethical, religious or philosophical of is based upon creed, sex, race etc., …
When dimension of direction is self-realized in its finality of omnidirectionality, then it is also self-known as one’s own Atman which itself is Brahman … And this is what was told through a Mahavakya of Samaveda as follows …
Which literally means as …
Thou Are That
And which also means as …
And which also means as …
You are Absolute … You are Supreme
And where the “word You” as written in English translation of above told Samskrit Mahavakya (i.e. great statement), only means the innermost essence or Atma … And where that Atma is Brahma …
Thus is the realization when finality of direction is self-realized by any aspirant …
- Dimension of state (Dasha) …
State in its originality and finality is omnipresent … Thus, when the finality of dimension of state (Dasha Ayama) is self-realized, then the aspirant sees omnipresent nature of his (or her) own innermost state (i.e. Atma) which itself is the innermost state of allness (Brahman or Parabrahman) …
When the dimension of state is seen in the inward path (i.e. inner path or path to one’s own soul), then the innermost essence (soul or Atma) is seen as omnipresent and thus that innermost essence is self-realized as the originality which itself is the self-realized finality of dimension of state (Dasha Ayaam) …
And when the same dimension of state is observed within the outer universe, then that dimension of state is also seen in cycles of gross and subtle and where the subtle originates the gross out of itself and after the gross has lived its lifetime, it again dissolutes back and into the original subtle aspect of itself …
Proceeding further …
This dimension of state relates to Vamadeva face of Shiva … This is because Vamadeva face of Sadashiva is the bearer of act of preservation (Stithi Krityam) …
The dimension of state relates to Atharvaveda whose great statement (Mahavakya) is as written below …
Which means as follows …
This Is That
And which also means as …
This (Atman) Is That (Brahman)
- Dimension of space (Akasha) …
Within the originality and finality of space, it is infinite … Infinite only refers to Brahman as is told in below statement of Taittropanishad …
Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahm
Which means as follows …
Truth knowledge infinite is absolute (supreme being)
And in any other condition that is different from originality (which is also the finality) of the direction of state (Dasha Ayaam), state is as an individuality or an individual corpus …
And where that individuality is also ever changeful in a cyclic manner and where a group of individualities make the corpus and whenever needed the corpus fractures back to the individual states which were making it (as a corpus) …
Proceeding further …
When we see the finality of dimension of state and that too, whilst we rest within the inward path (i.e. path of the soul) and thence finally self-realize its finality, then that state is seen as the Atman, which itself is the attributeless infinite being (I.e. Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) …
Thus, the inward path (or path to soul) leads to self-realization of the omnipresent finality of dimension of state, as one’s own infinite innermost essence (or Atman) … And where that infinite is also self-luminous one …
The word self-luminous is written here, is translated from the Samskrit words of Swa Prakash (and Swayam Prakash) which means as follows …
That who illumines all, but yet keep itself hidden within and beyond allness
This is what was told through the Vedic Mahavakya (of Rigveda) as follows …
Which means as …
Note: Even when Akasha (or infinite space) is related to Ishana face of Shiva, yet that Akasha is only self realized within Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, i.e. that face of Sadashiva which relates to Rigveda and its Vedic monastery (Amnaya Peetha) of Govardhan Math, Puri … This is because of the fact, that, within Ishana face of Shiva, that Akasha is colorless (attributeless) …
Note continues: Thus, basis above told facts, these primary four dimensions of Makers Makings are eventually related to Sadashiva …
Proceeding further …
Within the Makers Makings, self-origination of dimensions are from time (Kaal) to direction (Disha) to state (Dasha) and finally to ether (Akasha) … And the reciprocal path is what leads to emancipation (Kaivalya) from the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
DD-1) …
Aspects of dimensions as they self manifest within the originating universe …
Within the originating universe, this is how it is for self-manifestation of the four primary dimensions …
- Everything is resting within the envelope of macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) … And yet everything is resting within the womb of eternity, that itself is the finality of the dimension of time (Kaal Ayaam) …
- As soon as the universe starts self-originating, the original direction which was of omnidirectionality fractures and forms the various directions of the universe (i.e. direction of progress and expansion of the universe) … Thus originates the cycles of those vast numbers of directions (ways of life) of all that would be resting within that universe …
- And as the universe progresses through its origination process, various states of microcosm’s that would be resting within that universe get self-manifested … Thus originates the fractured state of the dimension of state, which also has its own cycles …
- From union of action and inertia is self-originated ether of the universe, which itself rests in the original state of ether, that was infinite and which denotes the finality of dimension of space … Thus infinity is self realized as the finality of dimension of space …
Proceeding further …
Across the entire time span of the processes of origination and progress of the universe, as matter is flung across the various directions, it changes is state whilst continuing to rest within the space of the universe …
And where these changes of space, directions and state are also in synchronism to the changes in unitary value of time …
And the reason for this synchronism is that, time itself is that primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation, in whose womb everything rests …
DD-2) …
Eternal balance of action and inertia within the already originated universe …
As action (i.e. quality of action or Rajo Guna) increases within an originating universe, the actioned particles also increasingly collide with each other … This leads to a state where these actioned particles (including actioned energies) come to a stop during these collisions … This leads to a self-generation of inertia (i.e. attribute of inertia or Tamo Guna) …
Thus, within any universe, as action increases, inertia also correspondingly increases … And reverse of this is also true, that, as action reduces, inertia also correspondingly reduces … This is how the action (macrocosmic attribute of action or Rajoguna) is eternally balanced by inertia (macrocosmic attribute of inertia or Tamoguna) within any universe …
And this fact also applies to an already originated universe and is also applicable till the entire lifetime of the universe … And the same fact is also applicable to each microcosm that has ever begun within the Makers Makings … This is how the eternal balance is rendered between these two amongst the three primary macrocosmic attributes …
Proceeding further …
When actioned particles collide and thence they lead to self-generation of cosmic attribute of inertia, then at their meeting points, following happens …
- Initially after this collision, inertia self-originates out of the colliding actioned states …
- This inertia also keeps increasing as action keeps progressing in an expansive state …
- Inertia is grosser than action, so as far as the grossness of inertia is concerned, it is also closer to the microcosm’s which would be originated at a later stage within the same universe …
- Thus basis above, ultimately all that gets originated as a gross or subtle microcosm within the originated universe, rests in a relative closeness to inertia as compared to the action … It is due to this reason the ancient Vedic sages had called the multi-universal macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm as an inertial entity …
- As action keeps increasing right from the time (or stage) of commencement of origination process of the universe, the inertia correspondingly keeps increasing in volume … And ultimately because of above discussed fact, that, everything that is originated as a microcosm within the universe also rests in a relative closeness to inertia (as compared to action), so everything that gets originated is also more inertial than actional in its nature …
Note: This is why to escape out of universe, inertia (lethargy, sleep, lazy-ness, I will do it tomorrow attitude and where tomorrow never comes, etc.), is the first barrier amongst the three cosmic attributes (Triguna) which has to be won over by an aspirant … And it was also due to this reason, that accomplished Yogi’s (Siddha, Rishi, Avadhuta, etc.) of ancient times, had also told to be careful of this aspect … And this itself is because, in the path of Yoga Tantra (and thus in the path of liberation or Muktimarg), inertial aspects are the primary foes of any aspirant (or Yogi) …
Proceeding further …
But after inertia initially gets originated, following keeps happening …
- Because the quality of action (Rajas or Rajoguna) is one of the three primary macrocosmic qualities and since these three cosmic attributes are eternal, so they are also considered as one of the primary self-expressions of the absolute being (Parabrahman) …
Note: Here we wrote that attributes are timeless in their origin, because they were originally self-manifested prior there was anything like a multi-universe … And because calculations beyond the stage of self-origination of universe can never be done because of the fact, that, at that stage (which was prior to the self-origination of universe) the time was naught but a partless all bearing and all enveloping timeless-fathomless entity … Thus, at this state, time was naught but denoting the finality of macrocosmic dimension of time (Kala or Kaal Ayama) and which as such is termed as eternity … Thus, this stage can never be evaluated as the partless eternity cannot ever be calculated by any means … All that can be calculated is that which rests in a divided and thus in a hierarchical state of time and thus within a state where unitary value of time is available and which itself is within a universe and not beyond it …
- And since the primary self-expression is naught but the self-expresser’s own primary state of self-manifestation within the Makers Makings, thus, due to this reason, the primary self-expression is naught but the self-expresser’s pristinely self-manifested state and this itself is in addition to being “a direct path” to the self-realization and thence a further union to the self-expresser of allness (I.e. Brahman or Param Brahma, call IT whatever you want) …
- It was due to above stated reason, that, the Vedic sages has used the phrase of Guna Brahma (or in other words, the three macrocosmic qualities are supreme) …
Note: We have already discussed in many earlier topics, that the word “eternal” is denoting naught but Para Brahman (or simply, supreme being or Brahman) … And since the three macrocosmic attributes are also eternal, so this is why the phrase of Guna Brahman (i.e. three cosmic attributes are absolute) was told by Vedic sages …
Note: That which is a direct path to the supreme being (i.e. self-expresser of allness or Parambrahma or Parabrahman or Brahman), is what Brahmanpath actually means … The word of Sanskrit, which is written as Brahmanpath (or in other words, Brahmpath) means the last and final path that any aspirant walks prior entering into that final liberation (or Kaivalya) … And since within that last path, all differences (and thus dualities) finish, so that last path is also denoting the same perfectly non-dual, attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) …
- And due to the same reason that qualities are eternal, there can never be a possibility where the entirety of these three attributes go missing from the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
- And due to this reason, the entirety of action also cannot ever be turned into inertia …
- Since action continues to act and since inertia keeps increasing within the originating and then the later stage of an already originated universe, so ultimately action has to pass through inertia so as to reach any other originated microcosm … This is because as far as the subtleties are concerned, the originated microcosm is the grosser one, inertia is less grosser one and action is the subtler of these … And further to action is the even subtler macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (Sattvaguna) …
- So, due to above, for action to reach any later originated gross microcosm, it has to pass through the envelope of inertia … This process of cosmic attribute of action transiting through inertia prior it reaches the originated microcosm’s, damps the action as far as its potential to cause havoc on originated microcosm’s is concerned …
DD-3) …
Within the union of action and inertia is the path to final liberation …
When we reside within the already originated universe and thence we subtly study the state of union of action and inertia, then the following self-realizations are arrived at … And where these self-realizations are also in their below stated sequences …
- At the meeting points of action and inertia, is a state which is neutral to both … Thus, the meeting point of action and inertia is resting in a neutral condition to both these qualities (of inertia and action) …
Note: Above stated fact is a part of the Law of opposites (or Law of union of opposites) which is also a part of those vast number of paths of liberation (Mukti Marga) that actually exist within the supreme genius of Makers Makings … And this is also what makes the entirety of corpus of the paths of liberation to be resting within a pluralistic condition, as far as the individualities of all these diverse paths (or liberation) are concerned … And yet because all these paths ultimately are leading to the same liberated state (or Kaivalya or Moksha or Nirvana), so when we see the entire corpus of these paths of liberation, then we also appreciate the essential monism of Makers Makings …
Note continues: This is because, as far as the end result of walking through any of those vast number of individual paths of liberation, is concerned, that final result is of the same absolutely non-dual liberated state … Thus, even when these paths are based in dualities of their individualities, yet their final result is the same non dual liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha or Nirvana) … This is why, in relation to that finally liberated state, even the paths of liberation are resting within the state of pluralistic monism and due to this reason, unless pluralistic monism is adopted as a way of life, the final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) would only remain a distant dream …
Note continues: And since that absolutely non dual liberated state is naught but the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahman), so the end result of any of the paths of liberation, is also none other than the same attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman) … Due to this reason, irrespective of who or what anyone may believe in as their God, the end result that would come by during ones entire existence as a microcosm within the genius of Makers Makings, would also be none other than that ever-same, absolutely non dual attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirgun Nirakar Brahman) who itself denotes the final liberation …
Proceeding further … And basis above told aspects …
- At the meeting points of the red colored macrocosmic quality of action and the blue colored macrocosmic quality of inertia, is the very subtle white colored macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (Sattva Guna) …
- This cosmic attribute of neutrality (or Sattvaguna) directly relates to the ninth sphere of Makers Makings, which in Vedic lore is also termed as Para Prakriti (Beyond nature or beyond the manifested state of nature) and the same is also called as Adi Shakti (primordial divinity), Maa Parvati, Ma Shakti, etc., …
- That aspirant to accomplishes the very subtle white body (Para Sharira) which has already been discussed in a much earlier topic, enters the this beyond nature (Para Prakriti) and thence self-realizes Ma Adi Shakti, the very subtle white colored, mother of allness …
- The same Para Prakriti is also called as ninth sphere in Srimad Bhagwad Gita (by Sri Krishna) … This aspect is also subtly mentioned in Samkhya Lore of Sanatana Dharma …
- And the same Para Prakriti is also called as the ones of the states of existence, where ‘those sages whose knowledge is pure (i.e. Bodhisattva)’ reside …
Thus, basis above …
- Within the union of action and inertia, there is neutrality …
- And the quantum of neutrality that is self-manifested within the union of action and inertia, is directly proportional to the quantum of united action and inertia …
- Thus, higher is the quantum of action which unites to the higher quantum of inertial, more would be the neutrality that would get self-manifested at those point(s) of union of action and inertia …
Continuing further with above discussions …
When a Yogi’s consciousness enters into that neutrality (as discussed above), then that Yogi self realizes as follows …
- Within the inner core of that neutrality, is a diamond white state which shines in its own glory and thus it is also seen to be self-sustaining itself (or in other words, is is not dependent upon anything that is external to it) …
- That diamond white color denotes macro-neutrality … The word macro-neutrality as written here, means, neutrality towards allness and her each part … And it also means as macro-equanimity, which refers to the fact that this state is equanimous to all that ever is or could ever be within the Makers Makings …
- This macro-equanimity is related to the grandfather and creator of all (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) …
- This diamond white state is the same as what self-realized, all-realized sages had named as Sadyojata face of Shiva …
- And within the Vedic lore, the same Sadyojata is also addressed as the “pristine abode of creator of allness (or Brahmaloka) …
- Thus, from the union of action and inertia, the path to pristine abode of creator (i.e. Brahma Loka) opens up in an almost direct manner …
Continuing further with above …
When a Yogi who self-realizes all above, further studies that macro-equanimous state which is present within the union of action and inertia, then the following self-realization happens …
- In the middle of that macro-equanimity, is the non lighted state of emptiness (Shunya) …
- The same emptiness is also addressed as elemental (or primary) state of zeroness (Shunya Tattva) … And when that elemental state is studied carefully, then it is also seen to be as an all pervading and all enveloping one … And this fact was only self-realized by a Yogi, after that Yogi’s inner nature comes in sameness to fullness of Shunya …
Note: Above is because of the fact, that unless your own inner-beingness is in sameness to something, how can you self-realize that thing … But this statement is also in line with an earlier discussed topic that had the header of “You are what you have self realized” …
- Once the Yogi self-realizes emptiness (Shunyata), then that earlier emptiness which was seen to be restricted to the middle of the earlier self-realized state of diamond white colored macro-neutrality, spontaneously also begins enveloping that diamond white colored macro-neutrality (which was self-realized earlier on by that Yogi) …
Note: Earlier on, we had discussed, that, within the middle of macro-neutrality, there is a self-realization of emptiness … But after the emptiness is self-realized, that emptiness expands and also begins enveloping macro-neutrality …
Note continues: And since self-origination of macro-equanimity was prior to the origination of any of the (later originated) subtler and grosser states of Makers Makings, so that same emptiness which is now seen to be enveloping macro-equanimity, ultimately is self-realized to be enveloping all that is as a subtle or gross originated aspects within the Makers Makings …
Note continues: This leads to self-realization of the all pervading and all enveloping aspect of emptiness, which the accomplished Yogi’s (Siddha’s) had named as Sarva Shunya (i.e. emptiness of allness or voidness or allness or all present voidness) and which is also named as the 21st level of emptiness in Siddha Sciences of Sanatana Dharma … And this is what was told as Shunyata by the revered Gurudeva of my previous incarnation, whom this world addresses as Gautama Buddha and whose Gurudakshina is the present transmigrated incarnation (i.e. incarnation which is achieved through the path of transmigration of souls) and this text … Gurudakshina means a return gift of a student to his (or her) Guru and where the Gurudakshina also needs to be rendered exactly in the way, as was asked for by the Guru and where the Guru can only ask for it after successful completion of the transfer of knowledge and/or initiation …
- This state is the one which was termed as primordial nature (Moola Prakriti or Root nature) by self-realized, all-realized ancient Yogi’s … And where Moola Prakriti is naught but Durga … Those Yogi’s had told this fact as follows …
Moola Prakriti Durga
Which means …
Root nature is the indestructible and all conquerable divinity of absolute being
Which also means …
Primordial nature is omnipotent unconquerable energy of absolute being
And which further means …
Root nature is the eternal divinity of the supreme being
Continuing further with above stated path of liberation …
When the aspirant completes above self-realizations and thence continues further, then the following is what gets directly-cognized …
- That emptiness which is seen to be enveloping and permeating all that exists within the Makers Makings, is also seen to be of an almost undefined (i.e. of infinite) proportions …
- This is the stage when that aspirant self-realizes the original self expression of Brahman, which Vedic sages had named as Shunya Brahman …
- Shunya Brahman means that emptiness which is full and simultaneously also means that fullness which is empty … Thus, that Yogi directly cognizes what was discussed earlier on as “Shunya Anantah, Ananta Shunyah”, which means zeroness of infinity (or in other words, Zero Infinite) which itself is the infinite zeroness (or in other words, infiniteness of zero) …
- Thus, that Yogi knows that within the fullness of self realization of emptiness, there is zero-infinite (Shunya Ananta) which by itself is the infinite zero (Ananta Shunya) …
- And thus that Yogi understands through analysis of that self realization, that, Shunya Ananta (zero infinity) itself is the Anant Shunya (infinite zeroness) and where zero itself is the infinite and simultaneously, infinity itself is zero … This fact was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed ITself” …
- And this is also what the sage of Nasadiya Sukta of Rigveda subtly tells through a phrase of “darkness enveloping darkness (i.e. emptiness enveloping emptiness)” as was prior to manifestation of any of the Gods of any of the triple times …
- This is is also what the Vedic sages had named as Sriman Narayana …
- And the same is also the one whom Vedas have subtly named as Bhagwan Vishvakarman (i.e. divine architect of the entire macrocosmic creation) …
- And the same is also the one who is addressed in Panch Brahma Upanishad as Pancha Brahma (or five Brahmas) …
- The same being is also the one who in some texts of Raja Yoga is addressed as Viraat Parabrahman (or the macrocosmic state of the Absolute being) …
- And the same is also the one whom Shaivism (i.e. Path of Shiva or Path to Shiva or Path to Shivahood or Shivatva) has addressed as Pancha Mukha Shiva (five faced Shiva or five faces of Shiva) and the same is also addressed as Panch Mukha Sadashiva (or five faced Sadashiva or five faces of Sadashiva) …
- The entire Vedic concept of Pancha Deva (five divine beings) is based upon the above discussed Yogic concept of Shunya Brahman … And the same concept is the base for establishment of the Vyasa Peetha (i.e. the four cardinal Vedic monasteries or Amnaya Peetha) …
Proceeding further …
When the Yogi’s consciousness enters and thence begins resting in Shunya Brahman (as discussed above), then the final self-realization as discussed below is arrived at …
- Within that non-lighted state of zero-infinite, which itself is the infinite-zero, is self-realized a self-luminous (Swa Prakash) pervader and enveloper of allness … This is the colorless (attributeless), self-luminous (Swayam Prakash) and undefined (infinite) being, who is addressed as Brahman and Brahm in Vedas …
Note this carefully regarding above discussions:
- Of the entirety of beings that exist or could ever exist within any of the states of existences, only an iota of Yogi’s (aspirants) can ever manage to self realize and thence enter into neutrality (as discussed above) …
- Of the entirety of those who enter into neutrality, only an iota of them can ever manage to self realize and thence enter into macro-equanimity (i.e. Brahma’s abode) … This path is through the self realization of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, whose formless state is also addressed as Brahmaloka in Vedas …
- Of the entirety of those who enter into macro-neutrality (i.e. Sadyojata face), only an iota of them can ever manage to self realize and thence enter into emptiness (Shunya) … This self realization is through the attainment of Shunya Samadhi (i.e. a state of absorption in emptiness) …
- Of the entirety of those who enter into emptiness (Shunya Tattva), only an iota of them can ever manage to self realize and thence enter into “emptiness of allness (Sarva Shunya or aspect of fullness of emptiness)” … This is also through the same path of Shunya Samadhi (i.e. Yogic absorption in emptiness) …
- Of the entirety of those who enter into “emptiness of allness (Sarva Shunya aspect of emptiness)”, only an iota of them can ever manage to self realize and thence enter into “zero-infinite which itself is the infinite zero (Shunya Brahm)” … The realization of this is through Asamprajnata Samadhi (absorption within non lightness) …
- Of the entirety of those who enter into Shunya Brahman, only an iota of them can ever manage to self realize and thence enter into the finality of absolute non duality, as is of the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahm or Brahman of Vedas) … The self realization of this part is through Jnana Yoga (the path of union with knowledge), whose finality is Atma Yoga (the path of union to Atma) and its accomplishment is through Nirvikalpa Samadhi (absorption within the non dual being, who is without alternates) …
DD-4) …
Individual imbalances of action and inertia lead to final balance in their corpus
As a matter of fact … Regarding the individual microcosm’s …
- For nature to exist, she needs differences …
- For existence of differences, the percentage and quantum of action and inertia in various states of nature, can never be the same …
- Thus, as far as individual microcosm’s are concerned, they can never be based within sameness of percentages and quantum of action and inertia …
- And since action and inertia are the three primary cosmic attributes, so due to their non sameness, everything else also comes in non sameness within different microcosm’s … This was discussed in an earlier topic of “Law of non sameness” and also in another earlier topic of “Law of non constancy of parts of corpus” …
- And to ensure the dynamic state of suchness of differences within mother nature and all her parts (i.e. all microcosm’s right from a universe till the smallest atom or cell), an “eternal change remains as the only eternal constant” … This fact was discussed in an earlier topic that had the header of “change is the only constant” …
And as a further matter of fact … Regarding the entirety of corpus of mother nature (i.e. all that ever exists within the Maker’s Makings) …
- The totality of corpus of multi-universal macrocosm is an eternally constant value … This was also discussed in the earlier topics of “Law of sameness” and also in another topic of “Law of constancy of corpus” …
- Since due to above stated laws, even when the totality of corpus of action and inertia in the multi-universal Makersmakings is eternally constant, yet in their individualities, the individual quantum of action and inertia is inter-changeable … And yet with this, the entirety of corpus of three cosmic attributes is an eternally constant value …
- Above interchangeable state is also as per the effects of discussions of an earlier topic of “inter convertibility of allness” … And this eternally constant value is because of the fact, that sameness of the entire cosmic corpus is also an eternal aspect of the Makers Makings …
- Thus, even when individual states keep within their eternally changeful conditions, yet the corpus of allness of Makers Makings stays in its eternally constant value …
Thus, basis above …
- Within the entirety of multi-universal state of macrocosm, individualities keep in their eternally changeful states and yet the entirety of corpus of the multi-universal state of macrocosm stays in an eternally constant value …
- And the same is also applicable to the entire corpus of the three macrocosmic attributes of neutrality, action and inertia …
- So even when it may seem that action of inertia is reduced at a place or vice versa, yet the totality of corpus of the three macrocosmic qualities is an eternally constant value …
- Thus, even when individual microcosm’s (right from a universe to the smallest atom or cell) keep in their eternally changeful states, yet the macrocosm has always remained the same as far as the entirety of its corpus is concerned …
- And where that corpus that is told about in above bullet points, is the totality of all that ever is at any single moment that arrives during the eternal existence of the macrocosmic creation …
- And where this eternal existence is irrespective of whether any microcosm is originating, continuing to exist or is dissoluted, because all these are also a part of the entirety of the cosmic corpus that is referred in above discussions …
EE) …
Hierarchy of primary parts of multi-universe & reciprocal path of liberation …
As far as the process of origination of multi-universe stands, following are its principle parts …
- Firstly is the “self expression of Parabrahman as Shunya Brahman”, which in Naasadiya Sukta of Rigveda is subtly told as “darkness enveloping darkness”, and which actually means as “non lightness enveloping non lightness” …
This self-realization is through the accomplishment of “Asamprajnita Samadhi (or Yogic absorption in non-lightness)” and then the stage of “Yogic absorption in seedless state (Nirbeej Samadhi)” … Path of this accomplishment is through the attainment of (or winning of or accomplishment of) of eighth chakra (Ashtama Chakra) which is subtly referred in 10 chapter of Atharvaveda …
- Then is the self-origination of emptiness (Shunya) … The accomplishment of this is through the attainment of Yogic absorption in emptiness (i.e. Shunya Samadhi) …
- Then is the self-origination of macro-neutrality which relates to Sadyojata face (Sadyojata is already discussed earlier on in this and also in some previous topics) … Sadyojata (which in its formless state is the pristine abode of creator or Brahma Loka) is also enveloped by a vast state of non-lightness (i.e. emptiness) …
- Then is the self-origination of “non manifest non present nature (Avyakta) … Avyakta is the Maya Shakti of creator (Brahma Ji) and is also addressed as Tusita Loka in the knowledge of Buddha Avatara (i.e. Gurudeva of my preceding transmigrated incarnation) … This is also enveloped by the same emptiness and it also separated all the 20 worlds of Brahmaloka (pristine abode of creator) …
- Then is the self-manifestation of three macrocosmic attributes (Tri Guna) …
- Then is the origination of Karana Loka (Antahkarana) in their respective sequences as told by sages regarding Antahkarana Chatushtaya …
- Then is the origination of five subtle elements (Tanmatra), five macro-elements (Pancha Mahabhuta) and other aspects as Mahad Tattva, all of which total to 24 … The path of accomplishment of these 24 aspects of Samkhya is through the self realization and thence a winning of what was told by the Gurudeva of my previous incarnation as Bodhichitta (which relates to the state of union of knowledge to consciousness) …
Note: Only when inside the Bodhichitta and where there are 24 streaks of energies (and which also denote the 24 aspects of Samkhya), if all these are emptied out (i.e. they become based in non-lightness), then only does the aspirant qualify to go beyond these 24 primary aspects … And ultimately attain to Buddhata, which is also told as Buddhahood and which also means Buddhatva …
Proceeding further …
I have kept above discussion as brief as possible, so it doesn’t include the below listed aspects because they have already been discussed in earlier topics …
- Omkar (Sound and symbol of OM) and its parts which sages had told as those of Akar (or in other words, the sound of A), Okar (or in other words, the Sound of O), Makar (or in other words, the sound of M), Brahma Tattva (or in other words, pristine elemental state of Maker as its Makings or Shuddha Chetan Tattva) …
- Many of those other Siddha worlds (Siddha Loka) which have already been discussed in earlier topics …
- And many other aspects, all of which ultimately relate to five faced Sadashiva (Panch Mukha Sadashiva) and which were discussed in the earlier series of topics on Sadashiva Pradakshina (circumambulation of Sadashiva) …
Proceeding further …
And the reverse of above path of origination, is the path of final emancipation (Nirvana or Kaivalya Moksha) …
FF) …
Self-origination of subtle elements and macro-elements from inertia …
As the inertia becomes denser, the inertia has no option but to make sure that it does not change its state from what it originally ever is …
And thus, as the inertia keeps accumulating within a forming universe, it keeps getting denser and denser and a stage eventually arrives from where the inertia cannot get any more dense (gross) or else it would no longer remain as a subtle macrocosmic attribute …
At this time, the inertia evolves from within itself something else, which would that excess of grossness within itself and thence make it maintain its state which is to be as per its original subtlety … And at the same time, render a grosser playground to future animated and inanimate microcosm’s, who shall then populate those originated states …
And at the same time, ensure that the action continues (because if the inertia becomes too gross, then action would get severely restricted and thus the universal creation would come to a halt and thence could also dissolute) …
And thus this act of letting go of inertial excesses also preserves a continuous state of action within the universe …
This is the stage which leads to self-origination of the five subtle elements (Pancha Tanmatra) and five macro-elements (Panch Mahabhuta) in the below given sequences …
- Firstly is the self-origination of the subtle element of sound (Shabda Tanmatra) which leads to a further self-manifestation of the macro-element of ether (Akash Mahabhuta) …
- Then is the self-origination of the subtle element of touch (Sparsha Tanmatra) which leads to a further self-manifestation of the macro-element of air (i.e. Vayu Mahabhuta) …
- Then is the self-origination of the subtle element of form (Roop Tanmatra) which leads to a further self-manifestation of the macro-element of fire or heat-luminosity or light (i.e. Agni Mahabhuta or Tejas Mahabhuta or Prakash Mahabhuta) …
- Then is the self-origination of the subtle element of taste (Rasa Tanmatra) which leads to a further self-manifestation of the macro-element of water (i.e. Jalam Mahabhuta) …
- Then is the self-origination of the subtle element of smell or fragrance (Gandha Tanmatra) which leads to a further self-manifestation of the macro-element of earth (i.e. Bhu Mahabhuta or Prithvi Mahabhuta) …
- And once these are already self-originated, then at a much later stage of progress of origination process of the universe, from these five macro-elements, are originated the five gross (or five physical) elements …
And the path of their dissolution is reverse of their origination …
And the same reverse path is by which a Yogi self-realizes them and ultimately walks past them, into his (or her) finally emancipated state (Moksha or Mukti) …
Proceeding further …
But why does inertia originate these out of itself, is what needs to be discussed here …
- To let go of its then state of acquired grossness (as was discussed above), the blue colored inertia and red colored action unite and from their union is self-manifested the purple colored macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) …
And where all this is permeated (pervaded) by the very subtle white colored macrocosmic attribute of neutrality …
Thus, since Akasha (ether) is self-manifested from and thus is having all three attributes which are eternal, so ether is also denoting an utter closeness to the supreme being …
And it is due to this reason, ether was also addressed by the phrase of “Akasha Brahma (means “ether is absolute”) …
This ether element relates to the Ishana face of Sadashiva, whose deity is Sri Ganesha (Ganapati Deva) who denotes the unveiling of truth or liberation principle (or Anugraha Krityam) …
- Then within ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) are united blue colored inertia and subtle white colored attribute of neutrality and through their union is originated the light blue colored macro-elemental air (Vayu Mahabhuta) …
This air element relates to the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, whose deity is Ma Shakti, who denotes the veiling of truth or bondage or ignorance principle (i.e. Tirodhana Krityam or Nigraha Krityam) …
Tatpurusha face of Shiva is also addressed as Maheshvara and it is also the one who is addressed as Hiranyagarbha (golden womb of cosmic creation) in Vedas and this is also the same whom accomplished Yogi’s (Siddha) have addressed as Ukar (which relates to the sound of O and which can also be termed as Okar) … This is also the same as the one who Buddhist lore addressed as Amitabha Buddha (i.e. Buddha of eternal infinite omnipresent light) and it is also the same whom Zoroastrian lore’s have addressed as Ahura Mazda (supreme deity of Zoroastrianism) …
- And within the same Akasha Mahabhuta (macro-elemental ether) are united the four parts of Pancha Kosha (Vedic five sheaths) which are as follows … Fourfold Antahkarana (i.e. Antahkarana Chatushtaya) + knowledge sheath (or knowledge body or Vijyanmaya Kosha) + Mind sheath (Mind body or Manomaya Kosha) + Vital air sheath (or sheath of vitality or Pranamaya Kosha) and from their union with Vayu Mahabhuta (macro-elemental air) is originated the seven colored fire element (or light or heat-luminosity) which is addressed as Agni Mahabhuta …
Since Agni has all these various parts (listed above and some I have intentionally not listed here) inherent in it, so it is a complete element (it denotes closeness to the state of fullness) and since fullness (completeness) is only of Brahman, thus Vedic sages had addressed fire as “Agni Brahma (Fire is absolute)” … And this is why, fire is a very important part (aspect) of Vedic practices …
This fire element relates to the Aghora face of Sadashiva, whose deity is Rudra (because Rudra self-manifests from Aghora face itself) and who denotes the destruction or rejuvenation principle (Samhara Krityam) …
Rudra Deva has the sound of ALA (i.e. Rudra holds the sound of ALA or Ala Nada) and the same Rudra is also the one who in Islam is addressed as Allah Tala …
The same Rudra is also the one whom Buddhist lore’s had addressed as the higher of all wrathful Buddha’s and has named him as Buddha ALA … And the same Buddhist lore’s have also addressed Aghora face of Shiva as the higher of all peaceful Buddha’s, who is also addressed as Buddha Samantabhadra …
- From within Agni, the the blue colored attribute of inertia unites to yellow colored knowledge (Vijyana) and from their union self-originates the greenish colored macro-elemental water (Jalam Mahabhuta) …
Since both of the yellow colored knowledge and blue colored inertia are denoting stability of evolutionary existence, so water element was termed as the source of life in Vedas …
This water element relates to the Vamadeva ace of Sadashiva, whose deity is Sri Vishnu who denotes the stability or preservation principle (Stithi Krityam) …
- From within water, the yellow colored knowledge unites to the subtle white colored neutrality and further unites to most of above (I don’t wish to list these here) and thence this union leads to self-manifestation of the macro-elemental earth, which is of a dull yellow color (like the color of yellow soil) …
Earth element relates to Sadyojata face of Shiva, whose deity is Pitamah Brahma and who denotes the creation principle (Utpatti Krityam) …
Thus, basis above …
- Thus, basis above it is pretty clear, that earth element self-originates in dependence to (or in dependent origination) to all those elements which are originated prior to origination of earth element (Prithvi Mahabhuta or Bhu Mahabhuta) … Thus, subtle aspects of all these are also present in the earth element (Prithvi Mahabhuta or Bhu Mahabhuta) and thus all other aspects as discussed above are also subtly present within the earth element … Due to this reason, earth element is the only complete element as it is pervaded by the other four macro-elements (Mahabhuta) and also their respective subtle-elements (Tanmatra) …
This is why Earth is this considered as a deity in Vedas, who is also addressed as Bhu Devi (goddess earth) and who is also the deity of the lineage of each family in which I have ever been born in or have ever been transmigrated (i.e. an incarnation that is attained by adopting the path of transmigration of souls) during the time span of the presently underway day-time of Brahma (i.e. present Brahma Kalpa) …
All that originates through the earth element (i.e. through smell subtle element and through earth macro-element) is directly related to the creator (Brahma) itself because earth element is a part of Sadyojata face, from which Brahma (creator) self manifests …
- Water is the next complete element as it only lacks smell subtle element of small (Gandha) and earth macro-element (Bhu Mahabhoot) …
- And thence come the fire element, then the air element and then the ether element …
Proceeding further …
And the path of final liberation is reverse of the path of origination as discussed above …
Proceeding further …
During origination of universe, no element originates the next element out of itself, until that earlier element reaches a grossness which is more than what it can take in its natural evolutionary stride and its cosmic hierarchy (as must be of that state or element) …
Thus, origination of next element (which as such is relatively grosser) is only to preserve the previous element in its originated condition …
And due to this reason, following is how it actually is …
- Process of origination … Is from subtle to gross …
- Process of liberation … Is from gross to subtle …
Thus, basis above …
- If any aspirant desires to be liberated, then subtlety would have to be inwardly adopted … And since the subtle always has a higher volume (spread) for unit mass, so this expansion of one’s inner volume is also through the path of knowledge (which relates to allness), consciousness (which is omnipresent), I’ness or Ahamkara (which relates to wholeness of allness), mind (which unites to allness because mind itself is the better of medium for this attainment of fullness of unity) and vitality (Prana) which is related to universal vitality …
- And when this kind of inner oneness to allness manifests, then that aspirant naturally walks out of the originated universe and enters into that which can only be termed as beyond the beyond … That beyond the beyond, is what liberation means …
- And since the higher of all subtlety is when the aspirant is resting in inner oneness to allness and which in Yoga Tantra (Systems of Yoga) was also named (or called) as Brahmand Dharana, so the path of final liberation would have to relate to this aspect … Remember this …
FF-1) …
Origination of dualities in universe … Gods and Satanic forces …
As the macrocosmic etheric strikes inert matter which is residing within the non-lighted state of unbegun macrocosm (eternal macrocosm), that inertial mass (or inert matter) which is like a microcosmic speck floating in the vast cosmic space, starts having severe explosions and implosions …
And since the macrocosmic etheric already has within itself the three cosmic attributes (Triguna), the cosmic consciousness (Chitta), the cosmic mind (Manas), the cosmic knowledge (Vijyana), the cosmic I’ness (Ahamkara) and the cosmic vitality (Prana), so all these also get transferred to the inert matter after it gets pervaded by the macrocosmic etheric field …
Thus, soon after the macrocosmic etheric field pervades inert matter and thence the inert matter enters into that extremely severe phase of implosions and explosions, the matter cries for help …
These cries are heard as sounds of various types that begin originating within those explosions and implosions of matter …
At such a stage, since matter knows it sufferings, so it leads to the further stage where matter originates impressions (Samskara) which directly relate and describe those vast types and quantum of sufferings that the matter is undergoing through at those times as are arrived after it passes through those extreme severities of explosions and implosions …
These sufferings and their impressions ultimately lead to origination of those energies and forces, which have been termed as Satanic (demonic forces and their hells) in various lore’s across the known and also those already unknown (or already forgotten) times …
As also, since this process of severe implosions and explosions always leads to generation of extreme heat and fires of vast dimensions, so almost all such lore’s also have concepts of souls getting into severe heat (like lake of fire, hell of fire, souls burning in fire, etc., as is stated across religious lore’s) …
All such concepts of hells and Satanic forces ultimately relate to the impressions (Samskara) that are of matter when it is passing through the severe state of vast quantum and types of implosions and explosions (after the macrocosmic etheric field permeates or pervades) it during the origination process of allness) …
Proceeding further …
And just prior above discussed stages of sufferings, matter in its inertia was blissful and thus was also contributing to origination of impressions that related to bliss … And same state is after the stages of sufferings are crossed over by the originating matter of the originating universe …
Both above stages lead to a state where matter generates energies and corresponding impressions (Samskara’s) that relate to bliss (happiness or joy) … And from these are originated the Godly forces (or Gods and heavens) … All religious lore’s which talk about a God (or its heaven) ultimately relate to the impressions of the state of bliss of matter and which itself was prior to and after the originating matter had passed through the severeties as have been discussed above …
Proceeding further …
Since Godly or blissful forces are in both stages that were prior to and after the stage of sufferings, so godly forces are more powerful … This is why all religious lore’s always state, that, ultimately in the fight between Gods and Satan’s, the Gods (Godly forces) always win …
Now read this carefully as it relates to our present times …
Here we discuss the relation of middle of origination process, as is when matter is imploding and exploding so as to originate the universe …
Thus, severity is always passed through by matter and that too, within those stages of origination of matter which itself is in the middle of the two states which are prior the process of origination cuts in and after the process of origination is already completed …
The same severity is also in the stage of change of age, which lies in the middle of that time, where earlier age is ending and the next cycle of time (Kaalchakra) or next age is about to commence …
Thus, from above it is clear that the middle of origination process is trouble of Satanic or dark forces … And prior to the beginning and after the end of suffering is the bliss of Godly aspects (and energies) …
The same is also during end of an age, where satanic forces capture some of the world (where that age is turning) and then these inhabitants of that world, becomes as harbingers of chaos that always is during change of ages … And this is why the world always goes into all sorts of troubles when the process of change of ages is underway … At the time when I write this topic, we are already living in such intermediary times of change of the present human age cycle to the next one (i.e. age of sages or Guru Yuga) … This intermediary time that always comes during the process of change of ages, is also named as Sandhikaal in Vedic lore …
And as that “intermediary time or phase of change of ages (i.e. Sandhikala)” is about to end, then someone from a Godly realm (like an Avatar or saint or messiah etc.,) comes to the world (where the age is changing) so as to set things right again and also brings the ways of life of humanity in a state, which is in synchronism to the requirements of the incoming age cycle …
Proceeding further …
This phase of severity is because the intermediary stage of change of age is also resting in the middle of “end of the previous age cycle and the beginning of next age cycle” and thus is also denotes the same state in which inert matter was resting whilst it was leaving its earlier inertial condition and was in the process of originating as a microcosm (microcosm means right from a universe till an atom or cell) …
As were the implosions and explosions and thus the severe state within inert matter whilst it was resting in the intermediary state (as has been discussed above), so it is when the age is changing … As of now when I write this paragraph, this world is already standing on the brink of such a condition …
Due to this reason, whenever an age is about to end and the next age is about to begin, then their middle state is of satanic forces taking over and leading to all sorts of chaos (just as was the case of implosions and explosions of inert matter, as discussed above) …
This middle stage of one age cycle ending and another about to commence is what Vedic sages had termed as a Sandhi Kaal (intermediary time between two ages) and these Vedic sages had also told that a Sandhikaal is a non-divine stage of time (i.e. a very bad time when lower forces take over humanity and their world and ultimately lead them into all sorts of manmade, natural and divine aspects of chaos) …
Proceeding further …
Thus, basis above is the fact that is also told in various ways, some of which are listed below …
- Origination of anything … Has its birth pangs … Is a time of sufferings …
- Change of ages … Is of Sandhikal … Time of sufferings … Our current times … Due to birth pangs of incoming age cycle …
- Final stages of path of liberation … Time of sufferings … As it is also the middle of stage of exit from physical existence (or state of bondage) and entry into the freedom of beyond (state of liberation) … Based on his own experiences of this aspect, my Gurudeva of previous incarnation (i.e. Buddha Gautama) has very beautifully (symbolically) explained this and he has also given the path to escape this suffering …
- , etc., …
All this suffering is due to the fact, that the “effects of impressions of sufferings” of inert matter which during the origination of universe, was exploding and imploding, always cut in at such a stage of time …
And where these impressions and their severely troublesome aspects are the ones whom various lore’s address as Satan who lives in some sort of hell and which somehow always has fire (like a lake of fire, river of fire, pot of fire where souls are fried in oil, etc.,) … This concept relates to the severe heat and other chaos that the inert matter faces when it is imploding and exploding …
Proceeding further …
And the same implosions are explosions also happen in humans (and other parts of cosmic speciology who inhabits a planet where age is changing), when a cycle of time (or age cycle) is still turning i.e. when the previous age cycle is about to end and the next is just about to begin …
This stage of change of ages is also of a severe chaos and it also relates to the origination phase of inert matter, which as such is like passing through the sufferings of path of fire and all other types of chaos …
Since this world is already resting in such a time of middle of process of change of ages, when those so called satanic aspects are at their strongest, so during the coming times (which are not so far away away from the time when I write this paragraph), due to these inner implosions that would be happening in humans (and also other parts of cosmic speciology who resides in this world system), humans (and other parts of cosmic speciology who reside in this world system) would cause outer explosions (riots, wars, diseases, natural disasters, spaghetti of satanic and divine effects, and all sorts of the so called divine divides which would get created in those coming times and which would also be leading to all sorts of chaos, etc., etc.,) …
And finally …
Since the next age of sages (or Guru Yuga) is of pluralistic monism, which as such is only of Vedas (Vedic ways of life), so due to this reason, the next age is a Vedic age cycle …
And where that Vedic age also means, an age where even though there would be many paths of evolution, yet all these paths would only be proceeding through their own ways (or routes) to the ever-same attributeless infinite being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) of Vedas …
I know many wouldn’t believe this as of now, but let me tell this loud and clear, that the incoming time and its ways of life, would stand as the final proof of what is written here …
This is how it has ever been in ever previous human golden age (Manav Kritayuga) that has ever been till now, and this is how it would also be during the incoming and future golden age of man (Manav Satyuga) …
Note: As also, If that human golden age cycle (Manav Satya Yuga) which has a time span of about 10,000 years and comes within the much longer time spans of 432,000 years of the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga), then that human golden age is also addressed as Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) … This is because in this age cycle, regular advents of those highly evolved Sages from Sadashiva is maintained …
Note continues: And as far as our current times are concerned, we already are resting in that stage where the coming to fore of the Sage of Maheshwara (or in other words, Sage from Tatpurusha or Sage from Hiranyagarbha) is already close … That Sage from Maheshvara (or Sage from Tatpurusha) would ultimately be known as the the Yuga Sthapak (i.e. installer of the subtle yet strong foundation) of the incoming Guru Yuga … And as far as what he would do to get to this stage of installation of Guru Yuga, he would also be known as the bearer of great darkness (i.e. Maha Tamas) who killed the great darkness of degenerate age cycle … And as far as his accomplishments are concerned, he would also be known as the bearer of great emptiness (Mahashunya) who killed the emptiness of righteousness in this entire universe that was present earlier on …
Continues …