Here we would discuss plane of cosmic knowledge (plane of knowledge or Vijyanmaya Kaya) of macrocosmic creation and some of its parts … This is the knowledge principle of Makers Makings … This is Buddhi Kaya, which as such is Indra Loka (Indraloka) which means abode of Devaraja Indra … This topic can also be termed as sky of knowledge, knowledge sky, Gyanakasha, Gyan Akasha, Jnana Akasha, Jnanakasha, infinite sky of knowledge, sky of infinite knowledge, Vijyanakasha, Vijyan Akasha, Buddhi Akasha, etc., …
This topic continues from previous one, “Principle of plane of cosmic consciousness … Chitta Kaya” …
AA-1) …
Cosmic plane of knowledge … Vijyanmaya Kaya …
The cosmic plane of knowledge could be thus described …
That continuous plane which runs in an unbroken manner across the entirety of Makers Makings and within whose envelopes and simultaneous permeation everything rests and which makes everything knowledgeable of their own dependent nature of evolutionary existence and also makes everything knowledge about the finality beyond evolution and existence as is of a final independence from allness and which yet doesn’t adopt anything from the macrocosmic creation, is the plane of knowledge …
AA-2) …
Plane of cosmic knowledge … Path of liberation … Gyan Marg as path to Mukti …
And as a matter of fact …
That which is running unbroken is the omnipresent … That, omnipresent is none other than the supreme being (Parambrahma) … This is why the ancient sages had thus told …
Gyan Brahman … Gyan Brahma
Which means …
Knowledge is supreme … Knowledge is absolute … Knowledge is Brahman
Since the plane of knowledge is of the ruler of divine worlds, i.e. Devaraja Indra, so the plane of knowledge of our current discussion is none other than Indra Loka itself …
Since Indra had self-manifested out of the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, who in Vedas is addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma and which means the golden womb of cosmic creation (i.e. the golden egg or womb of gold in which the entire macrocosm originates and exists) and since Hiranyagarbha denotes light amongst all lights, so this is why this topic relates to Rigveda, whose Mahavakya (Great statement) is as told below …
Which means …
Self luminous is That … Brahman is self luminous
Note: The word self luminous (i.e. Swa Prakash or Swayam Prakash) means, that who illumines all through ITself, but yet IT keeps ITself hidden whilst it keeps itself hidden within and beyond all that is illumined by IT and IT alone …
Note: The words, That and IT (in capitals) are denoting Brahman …
Note: Since plane of knowledge is Indraloka itself (i.e. heaven of ruler of divine worlds, is plane of cosmic knowledge), so this is why Vedas state that when the creator (Brahma Ji) began providing knowledge to divine beings (Devata), the first one to receive it was Indra … This was told in a subtle way, that Indra was granted the entire plane of knowledge as his heaven itself …
Note: So, all those who have abused Indra (through modification of Vedic texts) or have told about him in a degenerate way (like Indra is a wine drinker and womanizer) have never attained to the finality of knowledge … Such ones also never attain to the final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) and they also end up losing their status within the world where they reside … So, after Indra was degraded (by amending of Vedic texts), self-realized sages and their better ways of life kept vanishing from this world and ultimately reached their inconsequential state, of today …
Above also means …
Knowledge is Absolute being … Consciousness is Absolute being
And which also means …
Brahman is the one who has self manifested ITself as knowledge principle
Para Brahman is the one who has self manifested ITself as conscious principle
Basis above, it is pretty clear that eventually the path of knowledge, which also includes knowing the plane of knowledge along with its parts, is none other than a path of liberation (Mukti Marg) …
AA-3) …
Plane of knowledge (Vijyanmaye Kaya) is of the wise ones …
Those who have self-realized the plane of knowledge and that too in its omnipresent fullness, are wise …
A wise could be thus described …
Wise is who is
No commas, no stops within the wise ones plane …
And since above statement really describes a wise one, so even if we put some commas and stops, above statement does not change as far as its essential meaning stands as “Wise is who is” …
Wise, is who is … Wise is, who is … Wise is who, is …
AA-4) …
Original self-manifestation of the plane of knowledge …
During that origination of Maker’s Makings which itself was many-many universes ago (i.e. at that time which was prior this universe had already originated and dissoluted countless times), the plane of knowledge had originally self-manifested within the Maker’s Makings …
At that incalculable time, this plane of knowledge was originally originated by union of golden colored light of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. the golden womb of creation) and the subtle white colored light of ninth sphere (Para Prakriti) …
This is why, this plane is a very subtle one and it also is of a yellow color …
AA-4) …
Omnipresence of the plane of knowledge …
Omnipresence means, that which is present in allness and also within her each part …
Omnipresence is due to the fact, that, Hiranyagarbha (golden womb of Makersmakings) in whose envelopes allness had originated, is the omnipresent one to whom the plane of knowledge ultimately relates …
And as far as the macrocosm is concerned, since during the process of origination of allness, the ninth sphere of mother nature (Para Prakriti) was the first sphere of mother nature (Ma Prakriti) and since it was from this firstly originated sphere that all the other eight spheres of mother nature (i.e. eight spheres of Apra Prakriti) had originated, so the ninth sphere is also residing within these other eight spheres (that had originated out of it) …
Thus, basis this, as far as the macrocosmic creation stands, ninth sphere is the parental sphere which permeates and envelopes the entire macrocosm … This is why, within the purviews of the macrocosm, ninth sphere of mother nature is also an omnipresent sphere …
Since the plane of knowledge is self-manifested from the union of subtle white colored light of ninth sphere of nature with the golden colored light (of the golden womb of creation), both of which are omnipresent within the macrocosmic creation, so the plane of knowledge is also an omnipresent plane and thus also is resting within all that is originated and resting within the macrocosm …
This is who the plane of knowledge actually exists within each microcosm and also exists within the macrocosm …
- Within the universe, it exists as the universal plane of knowledge …
- Within the plane of existence (like a galaxy, etc.,) it exists as the knowledge plane of the galaxy …
- Within each worlds, it exists as the knowledge plane of that world …
- Each other microcosm also has the same plane of knowledge, which as such is that microcosm’s knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaya Kosha) and this is just like it is within the human microcosm …
- Right from the smallest known microcosm (say, an atom or cell) until the largest microcosm (i.e. universe), the same knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaye Kosha) is present in above stated aspects and all these aspects ultimately are intrinsic unbroken parts of the same plane of cosmic knowledge … This is why this plane is an omnipresent one …
AA-5) …
Final absorption of the plane of knowledge …
We shall discuss this from the point of view of knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaye Kosha) as is in the human microcosm … But this discussion is a universal one as it applies to all above discussed aspects of manifestation of the cosmic plane of knowledge …
Within the human microcosm, the plane of knowledge is as the knowledge body (or knowledge sheath) … The same plane of knowledge is also as the orb of knowledge (Buddhi) of the aspirants bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha or causal body or Antahkarana) …
During the inward path of liberation (i.e. Mukti Marg or inner path that ultimately leads to Kaivalya) which opens up from the innermost cave of heart (which was discussed in an earlier topic cave of isolation or Guha Kaivalya), the aspirants inner aspects (like consciousness, mind, vitality, etc.,) rise and ultimately self-realize below listed states by transiting them (which are also present in the aspirants microcosm itself) …
Below mentioned states are within the aspirants crown chakra (Brahmarandra Chakra) that is located at the top of brain and is like a thousand petalled lotus …
- Akar … This is the golden mother, who is also addressed as the eternal consort of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden egg) and who in that state which is transited through by that aspirants inner aspects (like consciousness, mind, vitality, etc.,) is acting as the creator of allness (i.e. it is the doer aspect of Maker or Karya Brahma) … This state has the sound of letter A (i.e. Sound of A) … In this state, that golden mother is also addressed as Buddha Prajnaparamita and it also is that state which Biblical lore’s have addressed as woman of apocalypse and the same Biblical lore’s have also addressed her as the woman clothed with the sun …
- Ukar … Once above is passed through, the aspirants inner divinities enter into the state of Ukar, which has the “sound of O” and thus in this text, it has also been termed as Okar … This state is of Hiranyagarbha (golden womb of macrocosmic creation) … And since this is like an egg shaped state, so in some lore’s this has also been termed as the golden egg … This also is Buddha Amitabha (i.e. the Buddha of infinite-endless light) of Buddhist lore’s, Tatpurusha face of Shiva (of Raja Yoga and Pashupata Marg), Ahura Mazda (of Zoroastrianism), etc., …
- Makar … Once above is transited through, the aspirants inner divinities enter into the state of Makar, which has the “Sound of M” … This state is of three pristine jewels, which relate to the three deities i.e. Surya Deva, Vishnu and Shiva (who in this condition, is resting along with Shakti) …
- Shuddha Chetan Tattva … Once above is transited through, the aspirants inner divinities enter into the state which is like a very subtle corpus of upwardly rising bright yellow colored light rays … This is also addressed as Brahmatattva (which in simple words, means as the pristine element of Makers Makings) … This state is the one which in Srimad Bhagwad Gita is told about (in seventeenth chapter) as OM Tat Sat … And the entry to this state, is via a path that opens up from below each of the three pristine jewels (or Makar, as discussed above) …
- Omkar … Once within the Brahmtattva (pristine element of Maker) and thence when the aspirants inner divinities move further upwards (i.e. towards the top of head), is arrived the self-realization of “sound and symbol of OM” … In this self-realization of sound and symbol of AUM, the aspirant sees that the symbol is actually an omnidirectional one, i.e. irrespective of the sides of directions from which this symbol (of AOM) may be seem (or viewed), it is always facing the aspirant (whose inner divinities are self-realizing this symbol) … Since omnidirectionality is of the absolute being (Para Brahman), so OM ( ॐ ) is a symbol of the absolute being (Parabrahman) itself … Since Sanskrit word Lingam actually means a symbol, so the symbol of OM is also none other than a Brahmlingam (which literally means “pristine symbol of Brahman”) … And since OM itself is pervading all that is, so sound of OM is Mahamantra …
Note: In the Vedic Sanskrit lore’s, when the word Maha (which means great) is used, then it means Param (which means supreme) … This is because there can never be two greats within the same Makers Makings … Thus, that which is great (Maha) is none other than supreme (Param) …
- Once the above realization is just about being completed, which itself is within the Bindu of OM (i.e. the dot which is put above the symbol of ॐ), that aspirant hears a very subtle buzzing sound (like a bee is singing) and thence that aspirants inner subtleties become absorbed into the sound and symbol of OM … This is the stage when that aspirant no longer sees “itself through itself” and thus, this state denotes the final absorption of the aspirants knowledge sheath into the sound and symbol of OM …
Note: As it happens within one microcosm, so does it happen within every other microcosm across the Makersmakings and so does it happen within the greater macrocosm … This is because the Maker never made different sets of principles, process and laws for the macrocosm and its each microcosm’s …
- And finally, that which gets dissolved into OM is the one whom the ancient Vedic sages had named as Jivatman (i.e. inner divinity of Atman, which manifests as a Jiva and where the word Jiva, means “that Atman which is in form and also has attributes i.e. it is in Saguna Sakara Awastha”) …
BB) …
Some other aspects of knowledge and its plane … Knowledge principle … Buddhi Kaya …
Here we would discuss some aspects regarding knowledge and its plane …
BB-1) …
Knowledge is the driver of allness … Vijyan Kaya …
Everything (all that exists) is driven by knowledge … Unless knowledge is there, there would neither be an existence which is free of chaos, not would there remain an intrinsic unity within all that exists (this unity is there, even when a microcosm doesn’t know about it) nor would there be any process (including the process of evolution) that can ever be resided in and nor would there be any divinity within ways of life of macrocosmic nature and there also wouldn’t be any principle process and law anywhere within the Makers Makings …
Thus, in absence of knowledge (and thus an absence of the plane of cosmic knowledge), the macrocosm would be naught but a living hell for all has ever begun as a microcosm within the Makers Makings …
Proceeding further …
Unless something is acted upon by the subtle flows and dynamism of knowledge, no real nextness can ever be maintained within the evolutionary existence and in absence of this, evolution would also be nothing short of being utterly chaotic …
This is because, knowledge itself is the primary driver of all … By all, we mean, all that ever is, right from the vitality (i.e. Prana), mind and mind sheath (i.e. Manas and Manomaya Kosha), consciousness and impressions (Samskara of Chitta), I’ness (Ahamkara) …
Unless something is made knowledgeable to act, no action can ever take place and this is why the hidden source of all actions (and also, lack of action, which as such is inertia), is none other than knowledge …
BB-2) …
Knowledge is the reason for everything to be dynamic …
Since knowledge is the driver of allness, so knowledge itself is the reason for everything to be dynamic …
When knowledge acts, then it get’s impregnated by the macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna) … At this stage, the yellow colored knowledge is having within it, the red colored macrocosmic quality of action (Rajo Guna) …
Thus, unless macrocosmic quality of action (Rajoguna) is present with knowledge, knowledge can never be a driver of anything …
When the quality of action (Rajas) is with knowledge, then knowledge flows and acts as driver of allness and her each part … At such a stage, subtle red colored light rays of Rajoguna (cosmic quality of action) are seen to be enveloping and united to the yellow colored knowledge … This is the condition when knowledge acts as driver of allness and her each part …
BB-3) …
Everything is knowledgeable …
There is nothing which can ever be left out of the effects of an omnipresent entity … Since the plane of knowledge is an omnipresent entity, so the knowledge exists “within and with” everything that is ever begun within the Makers Makings … Thus, basis this, eventually everything is knowledgeable …
But even when everything is knowledgeable, yet the capacity to utilize the fullness of knowledge is not there in lower evolved and also the evolving entities … As is the state of evolution, so is the capacity to utilize the knowledge …
Thus, even when lower evolved forms have the knowledge in them, yet their capability to utilize it fully, is not there … And the same thing is also applicable to each evolving microcosm …
BB-4) …
Knowledge relates to fullness of allness due to being macro-equanimous …
An omnipresent entity can never be based in individualities of thisness or thatness and it also cannot be related to that which comes under purviews of not-this or not-that …
Omnipresent entity being based in oneness to allness (Brahmand Dharana) acts upon everything in equality (equanimity) … Thus, an omnipresent entity can only be based within state of macro-equanimity (Sarva Samta) …
So, knowledge (including of so-called divine texts or scriptures) which relate to any aspect of individualism (monotheism) are not denoting the fullness of knowledge … Thus, no monotheistic text is ever related to the fullness of knowledge …
BB-5) …
Knowledge is Absolute …
Since knowledge is omnipresent, so it cannot be restricted to a single text or way of life or practice or a single deity …
Thus, if anything relates to fullness of knowledge, then that thing can only be based within the vastness and thus fullness of pluralism …
But since finality of knowledge is of the ever-same attributeless-infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman), who also is denoting perfect state of monism, so finality of knowledge is also based within the same monism itself …
Since the ever-same attributeless-infinite being (Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman) is an “eternally detached sole supreme witness” of all that exists within IT, due to being permeated and enveloped by IT, so this is exactly how knowledge also is in its finality …
Thus, when knowledge permeates anything (so as to drive it), then knowledge also stays detached from that entity and only remains as the witness to that which is driven by it …
Since the ever-same attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahm) is naught but self-luminous, so when finality of knowledge is attained by anyone, then that aspirant also knows that knowledge is also a path to the same finality in addition to being the finality itself … This is when that aspirant would agree with what was told by ancient sages as …
Which means …
The same fact was also told as …
Which means …
Brahman is self luminous … Self luminous is That
BB-7) …
Knowledge acts automatically and per the demands of evolutionary existence …
This can be told through some examples …
- Tree grows from seeds and does not need anyone to tell it how to do so …
- The babies grow to adults and do not need the parent’s to tell (how to grow up) …
- A cell multiplies and baby grows, the mother never tells the baby’s body cells how to multiply … They just do it …
- And the reason for this is the intrinsic knowledge which is eternally associated to each organism (each atom or cell) …
- You breathe, digest, excrete, purify and all this is not due to acquired knowledge, but due to the intrinsic knowledge that you are blessed with …
An aspirant only attains to knowledge which is as per its own evolutionary and existential needs and this is even when the entirety of knowledge is eternally present within each aspirant … The same fact is also applicable to each cell of each microcosm’s physical vehicle …
Continues …