This topic shall discuss Kaalchakra which means as the wheel of time or cycle of time and base of its science (i.e. Science of Kaalchakra) …
This topic is in continuation with the previous one of “Chatush Ayaam … Four dimensions” …
As discussed earlier, Kaalchakra means “cycle of time” which is beginningless and endless … That cycle which is such, is the eternal cycle … Due to this reason, it is impossible to calculate the origin of Kaalchakra … That whose origin cannot be calculated (or known), is also the one whose end can never be calculated (or known) …
Kaalchakra is a science … The discussions which proceed from here are of that science of Kaalchakra (knowledge of time) …
This topic has no relation to any other topic … Thus I consider this topic as an independent one and yet because it was written almost at the end of this text, so it is also dependent upon other topics and their realizations … This is the analysis part which is also based upon realizations of many other topics of this text …
Plus cue to the current severely degenerate and thus disturbing sounds of almost all sections of human civilizations who inhabits this planet are concerned, this knowledge is also restricted to the extent that present humans would not end up making destructive technologies out of it …
Thus, I am also unable to claim an absolute-correctness of the analysis that is given here because some aspects are neither written down nor even referred to in these discussions and yet their final calculated values are utilized in derivations of various aspects of the knowledge of Kaalchakra … But to prevent a misuse of this knowledge (of Kaalchakra) by humanity, some aspects are also adjusted (due to earlier mentioned reasons) … And even when what is stated here is true, yet the derived values would be very-very close to actual ones …
5-AA … Discussions on Kaalchakra … Cycle of time …
In this topic time shall be utilized as a base to discuss the following …
All below mentioned aspects would be mathematically derived by utilizing the Vedic concept and cycles of time (i.e. Kaal), space (i.e. Akasha), directions or ways of life or paths of evolution (i.e. Disha) and state of grossness and/or subtlety (i.e. Dasha) … And in addition to this I shall also be utilizing some of the concepts of knowledge of Darshana, Samkhya, Siddha sciences and Yoga Tantra as a base in this topic as they all are a part of the same Vedic lore …
And all this shall be done whilst utilizing the knowledge of my Pujya Gurudeva of a much-much earlier incarnation and who is also reverently addressed as Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj … Thus the entire knowledge of this topic on Kaalchakra would eventually be rooted within the “knowledge of Manusmriti” which as such is the timeless and fathomless base of the entire knowledge of the Vedic lore and where the Vedic lore itself is the timeless base of all later knowledge systems and texts …
This was the knowledge which I had distributed when I was an insignificant little student of Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj (my Pujya Gurudeva) and when Gurudeva had given me the name of Ganit (which means divine mathematics) and he had also rendered me the Upadhi (connotation) of Maharishi (the great sage) … It was in that incarnation of Ganit about 1.97 billion human solar years ago (as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes) that I had originally given the following knowledge systems …
- Shunya (i.e. the primordial non lighted state of Zero or Emptiness) and its Samadhi (i.e. Shunya Samadhi or Absorption in Zero) …
- Ananta (which also means and refers to the Infinite Brahman) and its Samadhi or state of absorption (which is termed as Nirvikalpa Samadhi or absorption in the non dual omnipresent eternal infinite being) …
- And the concept of intermediary states of above two which was told as “Shunya Anantah, Anant Shunyah” which means “Zeroness or emptiness of Infinity and the Infiniteness of Emptiness” or in other words “Emptiness of Fullness and Fullness of Emptiness” … This was what came to be known as Shunya Brahman and this Shunya Brahman itself is the root of almost all knowledge systems of today … The same was also “subtly referred to” in the Annapurna and many other Upanishads …
And the same Shunya Brahman was the one who came to be addressed as Bhagwan Vishvakarman (In Vedas), Sriman Naaraayana (In Vaishnavism), Sadashiva and Shiva (in Shaivism) and Maa Adi Parashakti and Maa Adi Shakti (in Shaktism) … Within the same Shunya Brahman, was self manifested the Ishvara, who was the one that came to be addressed as Hiranyagarbha and Surya (in Vedas and Saurya Lore’s) and the same was also addressed as Bhagwan Adinath in Siddha Lore’s and Bhagwan Mahakaal (i.e. the Great Time) …
And at an even later time, the same Shunya Brahman was addressed as Primordial (or original) Tirthankara or Adinath (in Jainism), Shunyata (in Buddhism) and as Akaal Purukh or Timeless primordial being (in Sikhism), all of which are none other than unbroken partless parts of the same knowledge of Kaalchakra and thus are as intrinsic unbroken parts of the same original knowledge of Manusmriti and also the Vedas (Even when some may not believe this, but the fact remains the same as s told here … So if someone disagrees to whatever is written here, then I can only consider him or her as an ignorant being) …
5-BB … Further discussions Science of Kaalchakra …
In this part of the topic, we shall be discussing the science of Kaalchakra in relation to the concepts of the below mentioned aspects … But this topic is to only lay down foundations for further ones …
- Age of any single creator (Age of Pitamah Brahma Ji) … This shall include the total time span of any single Brahma … Since the multi-universal macrocosmic creation is recreated when a newer Brahma takes over the earlier dissoluted state of the same multi-universe and since there have already been countless Brahma’s till now, so this universe has also had its countless cycles of origination, temporary existence and dissolution … Thus as far as this text stands, it would only be relating to the current multi-universal macrocosmic creation as far as the Age of Brahma (or Age of current creator and thus the current multi-universal macrocosmic creation) is concerned …
- Age of solar cycle and concept of Surya Samvatsara Chakra … This shall include the derivations of time span of revolution of sun around the non-lighted core of the Milky Way galaxy … In addition to this, the calculations of the path of sun which leads to the knowledge of “Surya Samvatsara chakra (i.e. 60 complete cycles in the path of sun around the Milky way galaxy)” would be taken up … It eventually is from Surya Samvatsara chakra (i.e. Maha Kalpa chakra) that the Hindu system of 60 years making a Samvatsara Chakra was derived by ancient sages …
- Actual and calculable Age of our universe … And within this knowledge we shall also take up absorption of light which takes place cyclically and thus shall be discussed the limitations of using the manifest light in finding the age of a universe … The real age of the universe and the calculated age of universe shall be derived by utilizing the manifest light (i.e. Prakat Awastha of Prakash) and the impressional (or absorbed) light (i.e. Samskarik Prakash Awastha) respectively … But since the latter calculation is never possible to be derived without disclosing two secret principles for which present condition of humanity is unfit, so I shall be utilizing the base of Vedic knowledge to derive it …
- Divine age cycle (i.e. Mahayuga) and human age cycle (i.e. Manav Yuga) … Vedas say about divine age cycles as the knowledge of human age cycle is already lost … And yet within our human form (which exists on this planetary system) if we have to calculate (or mathematically derive) the divine age cycles (Deva Yuga), then the base itself is of human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) … So in this text I shall also be describing the relationship of these two and also mathematically deriving the derivations of these two …
- Life cycles of earth, sun and some other aspects … All these shall be mathematically derived …
- Sandhikaal … Sandhikaal means the “intermediary time span in-between any previous age cycle and the next age cycle” … This is applicable to all ages cycles right from that of the Creator (or Brahma) till the human age cycles … But in this topic, I shall mostly be focusing upon the Sandhikaal of divine age cycles and the Sandhikaal which relates to Manav Yuga Chakra (i.e. human age cycles) … In both these, the chaos is always there of divine and human values respectively …
- Effects of Kaalchakra on all that ever is and with certain dates of recent history of humanity on this planet …
- Ancient (original) knowledge of calendars … I may even touch upon the original calendars that were used within this world … So if I find it necessary, I may take up discussions upon the oldest calendar of this world, i.e. Saptrishi Samvat (or the calendars of seven sages) … This calendar was directly related to the state which is of both the human and divine age cycles and due to this reason, this calendar was also the one which denoted the eternal unity of humans to divine worlds …
- Coming in of macrocosmic instruments … By instruments I mean “specific highly evolved souls who act as instruments of mother nature and the Being that only is … Thus a macrocosmic instrument is that highly evolved ancient sage (i.e. sage of the most ancient knowledge system i.e. Vedic lore) who gets chosen as representatives of Prakriti and may even be a representative of Purusha in that world system … This coming in of such a sage who is a representative of Prakriti can also happen by incarnation (i.e. birth from the womb of a physically present mother on that world) and if that sage is also representing Purusha, then his entry shall be by the path of a virgin birth (i.e. entering into a physical world the adopting the process of transmigration of soul) … But such entries always happen prior any newer age cycle commences … The ranges of times within which these instruments can arrive is a very vast knowledge, so I shall only be discussing the following aspects … Prior an age of sages (i.e. human golden age of a divine degenerate age cycle) gets inaugurated , each human age cycle (except age of sages), each divine age cycle, each solar cycle, each age of father of man (Manu) and a few others cycles which also relate to the same knowledge of time …
- Mathematics of universe … The universe is rooted in the knowledge of divine mathematics … This shall be proved whilst deriving some values of modern science …
- Number 108 … The macrocosmic number 1.08 and its multiples and the general mathematics of a universe as it was adjusted by macrocosmic and allegorical Varaha Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu …
- Cycles of Pralaya … Cycles of destruction and rejuvenation of a plane of existence and a universe until its final dissolution when the destined time span of the Brahma of that time, finally completes … The stages of destruction would also be taken up …
- Unitary values … Derivations of various unitary value of time and other unitary value of other dimensions (unitary value of space, directions and state) and their eternally changeful nature …
- Myth of the term “Constant” … Eternally changeful nature of constants of physics and other knowledge streams of modern science … Thus break the myth of the term constant as is utilized in physics and other knowledge streams of modern science … This is because of the fact that “there cannot ever be a constant within macrocosmic creation and all that relates to the macrocosmic creation”, including physics and other streams of modern science …
- Scientific values and religious prophecies … Some scientific values and religious prophecies would also be mathematically derived … But the intention is only to prove to the intellectuals that Kaalchakra is a universal science that is applicable on both gross, subtle and divine levels …
- Theory and Principle of allness … That which cannot include allness and her each aspect within itself, is never a universal theory and/or principle or in other words, science of Kaalchakra as the universal unity principle … That which is referred to by the term allness and her each part has to include all knowledge systems within itself so as to be termed as universal … But in this topic (of Kaalchakra) I shall only be deriving some values from across knowledge streams, including of some religious lore’s so as to prove the universal applicability of knowledge of Kaalchakra and thus prove that this knowledge is the root of the concept of theory and principle of allness (or unity principle or theory of everything) …
Kaalchakra continues …