But, this topic is to discuss the stage of Advent of Christ principle i.e. Birth of Jesus (or Advent of Jesus) … Thus this topic shall discuss (and calculate) the stage of time of “Birth of Jesus” …
By “Birth of Jesus” I mean the time when Jesus came into this world as the physical manifestation of the divinities of Zodiacal Age of Pisces …
Each chosen one who get’s born in a world as per effects of a sign of Zodiac is none other than a physical manifestation of the divinities of that Zodiac sign and these births of chosen ones are also as per call of that stage of time (Kaal) and its eternal cycles (Kaalchakra) …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Aspects of Age of Pisces” in which we had also discussed the stage of completion of writing of the Bible as an independent document, which itself became the base for a later start of Christianity within the Zodiacal Age of Pisces …
This topic is also further to an earlier one of “Crucifix of Jesus” in which had discussed the year of Crucifix as 30 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
126-AA … Advent of any chosen one of any Zodiacal sign …
Each Zodiac has its own specific divinity … Divinities of any Zodiacal age is different from divinities of any other Zodiacal age …
As was discussed in previous topic of “Aspects of Age of Pisces” divinity of each of the 12 Zodiacal age cycles have a range of 30 degrees precession arc …
Only within this 30 degrees arc are the effects of divinities of that Zodiacal age present … This arc of divinity of a Zodiacal age is irrespective of the expanses or arcs which the Zodiac signs have within the vast skies of their own celestial spheres …
This is because of the fact that the advent of anybody as per the Zodiac signs, is only as per the divinities (divine fields) of that Zodiac sign and not as per how that Zodiac sign is placed or what its expanses are within those vast skies as are of its own celestial sphere …
Thus, irrespective of what arcs or expanses any Zodiacal sign occupies when we view it visually in the vast skies, its cyclic effectiveness remains as 30 degrees precession arc only …
Basis above and as per the currently applicable Nadir time units, 30 degrees arc precession means 30 x 72 years = 2,160 human solar years …
Note: Number 72 is taken from an earlier topic of “Unitary values of time” …
When divinities begin changing, then advent of the one who arrives as per that “yet to come (or incoming) Zodiac sign” is always there within +/- 1 to 2.7 years from the stage of change of Zodiacal divinities …
Proceeding further …
But above discussion is not the case when the advent of a person is as per a cardinal point of Zodiac …
This is because at Cardinal points of Zodiacal age cycles, the entry of a chosen one is always having a time range as stated below …
+/- 108 years and +/- 7 years and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years
Here also I have utilized 108 years as per Nadir time units because at the present time of our discussion, the applicable units are of Nadir point of precession of equinoxes …
126-BB … 1st Advent … 33 years of Jesus Christ, as advent of Christ Principle …
As discussed in earlier topic of “Crucifix of Jesus” (or in other words, the stage of Crucifixion of Jesus) was in 30 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) … Through mathematical calculations, this stage of Jesus on cross has already been discussed in the same earlier topic of “Crucifix of Jesus” …
And since Jesus continued till he was “about” 33 years old, so his birth should have been in 3-4 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
By why was he in a physical form for only 33 years needs to be discussed here …
Proceeding further …
Christ principle also denotes an accomplishment of “33 Koti Devata” of Vedic lore (actually Rig Veda) … Thus, the Mahavakya (which means as the mega statement or great statement) of Rig Veda which as such is of Prajnanam Brahma (this great statement means as “Self Luminous is That”) also applies to this accomplishment …
33 Koti Devata are as follows …
- 8 Vasu …
- 11 Rudra …
- 12 Aditya …
- 1 Indra Deva … Indra is the King of divine worlds (i.e. he is Devaraja Indra) … During extremely ancient and forgotten times, Indra was also addressed as Idandra because he also happens to be the “Lord of Ida Naadi (or left hand channel or coldness channel or Moon channel) …
- 1 Prajapati … Prajapati means manifestation of Brahma (creator) …
The Sanskrit term “33 Koti” as is used in Vedic scriptures means the following …
- 33 crore … Or 330 million (33 x 10 million) …
- 33 types …
Due to this reason, there are 330 million deities in the physical body of each aspirant and these broadly are of 33 types …
Each of the 33 spinal vertebrae holds a divine world in within itself … These worlds are in a “subtle impressional microcosmic state (Sookshma Samskarik Pinda Roop)” of these divine worlds which primarily exist within the “greater Maker’s Makings i.e. multi-universal macrocosmic creation” …
When the rising consciousness lifts upwards from base of spine and reaches the “top of brain (i.e. Crown plexus or Brahmarandra Chakra or Sahasrara)” then it is deemed to have “already crossed past” all these 33 divine worlds and their 33 types of divinities which also exist within the aspirants microcosm, in addition to existing within the greater macrocosm (i.e. Maker’s Makings) …
Closer to the 33rd stage of rise of inner consciousness within the physical vehicle of an aspirant, is the stage of crucifix of that aspirants consciousness … This rise of consciousness from the base of spine till the top of brain (till the thousand petalled crown plexus) …
The stage of crucifixion is when the rising consciousness rises to the pineal gland which is present in the mid-brain and thence that consciousness can also get stationed there (it gets stuck-up at pineal gland) …
Stuck up state of risen-up consciousness is the base of concept of crucifix from an inward (Yogic) point of view …
Proceeding further …
At the pineal gland there are two streams of divine energies and these are as follows …
- One stream of divinity is rising up from the base of spine and traversing past the pineal gland of the mid-brain area …
- And there is also a second stream of divinity which is proceeding from the back of head till the front of head (where the pituitary glands is present, just behind the mid-brows) …
- These two energies cut (or intersect) each other when they reach the pineal gland in the mid-brow area of head … This fact was very clearly told within some Siddha lore’s which were already present from a time that is much prior to the advent of present state of Christianity, her Bible and the concept of Crucifixion…
- Intersection of these two, is what makes the symbolic cross of Christian lore’s …
- This is an inner Yogic accomplishment and thus it is a part of the vast lore’s of Yoga Tantra (or Sanatan Dharma) …
- And it is on this symbolic inner cross, that the Crucifix of the aspirants consciousness actually happens, but provided that aspirants consciousness does not rise any further (i.e. it does not proceed upwards) …
- When the risen up consciousness gets stuck at the pineal gland, it fails to enter into the thousand petalled lotus (Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara) that is present at the top of brain …
- When the consciousness gets stuck up at this inner cross, then it stays there … And due to this reason, at some later time span, such aspirants have to return back in a human form, so as to evolve further … This is the reason for the second coming of such aspirants …
- This discussion is basis the path of self-realization (Atma Gyan or Atma Jnana) and not any other outer nonsensical things (or aspects) within which Christianity has gotten based since quite a while now and thus they have already forgotten the innermost divinities to which their own symbol (of cross) eventually relates …
Thus, when any aspirant’s consciousness rises upwards and thence it reaches the inner cross as was discussed above, then that aspirant also attains to the same Christ principle as is being discussed here …
Thus, in reality and in allness of things, each aspirant has always had this capability to attain to the Christ principle …
This is what leads to attainment of a Siddha body (or in other words, this can also be called as a Siddha Sharira and which in English language would translate to an accomplishment vehicle) about which we had discussed in an earlier topic of “Raam Naad and Body of Christ” …
Proceeding further …
Above is from where the concept of 33 years of Christ was derived and the root of this concept is of Rig Veda only … This stage denotes the 33rd level of rise of inner consciousness …
The same number of beads are used in Islamic Tasbih to relate to the 99 names of Allah Tala …. 99 names are told of Allah because of the fact that Allah (or Islam) itself is Rudra Deva (or Vedic lore) whose channel is the 99th one (amongst the 100 which make the central channel that rises from base of spine till the heart) … Rudra also happens to be the purifier of all afflictions and he is also addressed as Buddha ALA (within some parts of the Buddhist lore) and Rudra is also the one whom Native American lore’s have addressed as Red Kachina … The divinities of Rudra are what modern astronomy calls as Red shift … The seed syllable of Rudra is of ALA … And in Yoga Tantra and Vedas, the divinity of Rudra is the one who is also addressed as Asmita and his Samadhi (Samadhi means a state of “meditative absorption”) as Asmita Samadhi …
Above is the relationship of knowledge systems (religions) of today to the original-ancient lore’s of Sanatan Dharma, all of which are denoting the same concept of 33 Koti Devi Devata which was originally told by the sages of Rig Veda …
Rig Vedic sages also includes Gurudeva of one of my previous transmigrated incarnation (i.e. Brahmarishi Vishvamitra) who also is one of seven Rishi’s who have created Gyan Ganj … Gyan Ganj is also known as “Subtle Himalaya (Sookshma Himalaya)” and also as the “Greater Himalaya (Mahahimalaya)” and it is a subtle reflection of “Tapoloka” of Vedas within this world system itself … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
126-CC … Second coming of Christ Principle is same as Sage from Maheshwara …
Since Christianity is an offshoot of vast-timeless lore’s of Sanatan Dharma, so we shall be utilizing Vedic calculation here and yet remain related to Biblical Lore’s …
In earlier topics, we had discussed the year of Crucifixion of Jesus as 30 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
We had also discussed that this was exactly 108 years after the “effects of divinities of” Age of Pisces had arrived in 78 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and it also was 108 years prior the degenerate forces were to take over this world in 138 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Proceeding further …
And we had also discussed that the incoming Zodiacal “Age of Aquarius” is denoting the cardinal point of Zodiac cycles and the initial effects of this age of Aquarius would begin manifesting at the start of Guru Yuga, around 2082 AD, which is also the time of end of the current Zodiacal Piscean age cycle …
At cardinal points of Zodiacal signs, time range available for effecting the change (as per currently applicable Nadir time units) is as follows …
108 years and 1 to 2.7 years prior to the change of a Zodiacal age cycle
So, above also means that the time range of effecting the change of Zodiacal age is as follows …
Start of effects of Age of Aquarius “- 108 years and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years”
From discussions of earlier topic of “Age of Aquarius” and also from discussions of another earlier topic of “Aspects of Age of Pisces” we know that initial-commencement of effects of divinities of Aquarian age would be around 2082 AD and thus the start of time of change of current Zodiacal Age of Pisces to the “next (or in other words, the ‘incoming’)” Zodiacal age of Aquarius would also have to be as follows …
2082 AD – 108 = 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Coincidentally 2082 AD is also the time of commencement of Age of Sages (which can also be termed as a human golden age or simply, the Guru Yuga) …
But since “He (Christ)” is a Virgin born, so above year of 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) only denotes the stage when macrocosmic divinities would be choosing a person to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle into which that Virgin birth can take place at a later stage … What is loosely termed as the process of Virgin birth, is in fact the same as process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit texts was told as Parkaya Pravesh) …
Strangely but true, above discussion also matches with what was discussed in an earlier topic of “Sage from Maheshwara” …
This is because, above stated time span of of 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) is also the stage when the physical vehicle of the “Sage of Tatpurusha” was to be prepared by a person who is chosen by macrocosmic divinities (i.e. Devi and Deva) …
As also a fact, that as per knowledge of Kaalchakra, our currently discussed sage (i.e. the “Sage of Maheshwara”) would also have to enter this world by transmigrating into that readymade physical vehicle as per below stated time ranges …
1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further + 7 years
Basis above, it is also pretty apparent that the Sage of our discussion should have already transmigrated into this world in-between below mentioned time ranges …
Anytime between 1977 AD and 1984 AD
Basis above, it also is clear, that the coming of “Sage from Tatpurusha” itself is the same as “Second advent of Christ Principle” … This sage of Maheshwara is also the one who would be known as the Yuga Sthapak (or in other simple words, the Sthapak of Guru Yuga, which means as the sage who would be laying down the subtle yet strong foundations of the incoming human golden age) …
This is because, they both are one and the same person …
Proceeding further …
Since Maheshwara (which when translated in English language means as the Great Lord of allness) is Sagun Brahman … Sagun Brahman means as that aspect of the Absolute being who rests within IT’s own attributed state or Sagun Awastha) … So, due to the reasons stated above, Tatpurusha (or Maheshwara) can also be described thus …
- Attributed formless state of the attributeless infinite Absolute being … I.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha of Brahman (who in Vedas, is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or simply as Nirgun Nirakaar) … This is the state of Tatpurusha face of Shiva when he is existent as the formless aspect of Supreme Ishvara …
- And the same Maheshwara is also the one who can adopt an attributed form state … This is what was told as Sagun Sakaar Awastha of the supreme being (i.e. Brahman or Parabrahman, who in Vedas, is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar or simply as Brahm … This is the state of Maheshwara when he enters a human bodied (or any other animated) form …
- Thus, basis above discussions, the “Sage from Tatpurusha (who we had discussed in an earlier topic of Sage from Maheshwara)” would also be none other than being a Sagun Sakaar (attributed form or human form) of Tatpurusha face (or formless Maheshwara) … And due to being such, he cannot take a regular birth (i.e. he cannot take birth from womb of a physically present mother) and thus he would have to adopt the path of transmigration of soul to enter this world in a human form …
Proceeding further …
Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva is the golden colored, east facing face of Panch Mukha Sadashiva who also happens to be the “Lord of Yoga, Yoga Tantra and Yogi’s” and Tatpurusha is also the bearer of “Tirodhan Krityam (Divinity of veiling)” …
Above stated “Five faces of Sadashiva (i.e. Panch Mukha Sadashiva)” is also the same as what other paths of Dharma (or simply Sanatan Dharma) have addressed as Panch Mukha Shiva (this is how Sadashiva is addressed in Kashmiri Shaivism) and as Panch Brahma (as stated in Panch Brahma Upanishad) …
And since the Sage of Tatpurusha would also be the bearer of “veiling divinity (Tirodhaan Krityam), so nobody would be able to know his advent until “He himself … Reveals himself … To others” …
And thus, his path shall also be none other than the slogan of this text “Myself Within Myself” and which would also be leading to what was discussed as “Itself Within Itself” …
And due to being the bearer of “veiling divinity (Tirodhaan Krityam), even when he would reveal his presence, not many would agree that “He in fact is HE, who HIMself has come in a human bodied form” …
Above also happens to be the base of the Biblical statement of “God in flesh” …
And due to this confusion, many would even be terming “Him, other than ‘That’, which HE really is, even in His own temporarily adopted human bodied form” …
If we see above figure of human age cycles (Precessional circle) and compare it to above derived value (of 1977 AD till 1984 AD), then we also find that the first and second coming are on opposite sides of the Offset-Nadir point …
And it would also be clear that the first coming was due to divinities of Age of Pisces and second coming would be as per demands of the divinities of the Age of Aquarius …
Thus, the second coming would only be like a mirror image of the first-coming and due to this reason, unlike the first coming where three wise men came to know about his birth, during his second coming nobody would know until “He Himself self-declares HIMself, in a human bodied form” …
Other not coming to know about his advent is because of the fact that during “His” second coming, He is returning back from the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, who also holds the Tirodhan Krityam (i.e. divinity of veiling) …
Above state of holding of “divinity of veiling (Tirodhan Krityam)” is the reason for Bible to have statements like “He comes like a thief in the night” and “Nobody knows … Not even the angels … But only the father” …
126-DD … So shall be “HE” who comes as “He” who holds human bodied form …
In above header …
- HE means Maheshwara (Great Lord of allness) within HIS primary attributed formless state (or Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) …
- “He” means, one who comes in a human form and whilst “He-Himself” is a direct self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of “HE” within this part of the universe …
Tatpurusha face is “Hiranyagarbha Brahma (who in English language can also be translated as golden womb of creation)” …
As also is an undeniable fact, that, the same golden womb (who in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha) is also the one who has been addressed as “Karya Brahma (i.e. creators creative aspect or Doer Maker or the creator who eventually creates allness out of the original nothingness, which was all that was prior to the original beginning of Maker’s Makings)” …
And … So shall be “HE”, who comes as “He, who holds a human bodied form” …
Proceeding further …
Within of Yoga Tantra and Vedas which relate to the ever-same great grandmother of all philosophies (who in simple words, is the the one whom Vedic scholars have addressed as Sanatan Dharma or simply as, Dharma), Tatpurusha is also same as what has been addressed as Ukar (which means that which lifts upwards or that which leads to an upwardly evolution of the aspirant) and basis its characteristic seed sound (i.e. seed syllable) the same Tatpurusha face can also be addressed as Okar (due to the fact that its seed sound is the Sound of O) …
So shall be “HE” who comes as “He, who holds a human bodied form” …
Proceeding further …
Tatpurusha face is also “Maheshwara (Great Lord of allness)” …
Maheshwara is the Lord of Yoga (Yogeshwara), King of Yoga (Yoga Samraat), Greatest Yogi (Param Yogi), teacher of Yoga (Yoga Guru), Supreme teacher (Param Guru), Sage of Yoga (Yoga Rishi), process of Yoga (Yoga Tantra) and Yoga itself … Maheshwara is also the same as one whom Vedas have addressed as Ishvara … The word Ishvara means as the Lord of allness … And the same Tatpurusha is also the one whom Buddhist lore’s have addressed as Dharmakaya …
So shall be “HE” who comes as “He, who holds a human bodied form” …
Proceeding further …
Since “HE HIMself” is as the attributed-form (or human form) of the “Great Lord (Maheshwara)” and since “Maheshwara itself is the Lord of Yoga (Yogeshwara)” and also since Yoga Tantra itself is the root (foundation or base) of all scriptures and evolutionary-paths of any of the triple-times, so below written statement shall also be seen to be a fact during “His next advent” …
“HE” who comes as “He, who holds a human bodied form”, shall also be the “awaited one of all religions” of those times which are of His next advent …
Thus, shall be “HE” who comes as “He, who holds a human bodied form” …
Proceeding further …
Thus, basis above, “HIS” own second coming in “HIS own adopted human form” shall also be such that “He Himself” is the one who shall satisfy all “authentic” prophecies of all religions that shall be present in this world, during the time of “His next advent” …
This is how it has always been during each of HIS earlier advents and when “HE, who always came by as He, had also held the same human or animal bodied forms” …
Proceeding further … With a story of creation as stated in Islamic lore …
When Allah Tala was creating the worlds, then at that time he addressed all parts of HIS own “macrocosmic speciology (Makhlooks)” which also included the “angels (Farishtey)” … As that time, HE had told thus …
“When any human becomes a human (i.e. a human becomes the knower of Allah Tala in HIS primary aspects), then you must revere that human” …
Basis my own experiences after self-realization of earlier set of topics on “ALA Naad (which in English language translates as the Sound of ALA) who within Buddhist Lore’s is also addressed as Buddha ALA and who itself is the same as the one whom Vedas have addressed as Rudra Deva, I know that the Angels still follows these instructions of Khuda Tala …
Thus, shall be “HE” who comes as “He, who holds a human bodied form” …
Proceeding further …
And since “He who has already attained to HE” can never be born from the gross-womb of a physically present mother, so “His second advent” shall also have to be by adopting either of the following subtle ways …
- Direct manifestation in a human form … This is not possible as such manifestations cannot stay in a human bodied form for a longer time span as is needed during change of an age cycle … So due to this reason, there cannot be a direct manifestation of “HIM as He, who would come by in a human bodied form” …
- And thus only option to enter human bodied form can be by adopting the process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit texts is also termed as process of Parkaya Pravesh and this itself is the same as what has been loosely termed as the path of Virgin Birth) …
So shall be “HE” who has already come as “He, who holds a human bodied form”, born in this world during his awaited advent …
126-EE … Christianity was meant to be a religion of Manav Tretayuga itself …
Number 33 also denotes 33 x 100 = 3300 years (at middle time units) and this becomes 3300 x 1.08 = 3564 years (at presently applicable time units of Nadir) …
As was discussed in earlier topic of “Time spans of human ages”, human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) was told to have a time span of 3600 years (as per middle time units) … And this time span becomes as 3600 x 1.08 = 3888 years (as per presently applicable time units of Nadir cardinal point) …
Basis the method of breakup of ages which was discussed in earlier topic of “Breakup of human age cycles” and was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Breakup of divine ages”, if we break up this time span of 3,888 years, then it would become as follows …
3888 = 324 (setting in time) + 3240 (set time) + 324 (exit time)
And if we add only the “setting in time and set time”, this the final value becomes as follows …
324 + 3240 = 3564 years …
This is the same as what was derived above (from 3300 years) …
And since human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) to which Christianity relates, started in 1806 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years), so above time of 3564 years from start of the present human age leads us to the following …
1806 BC + 3564 years = 1758 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
And since the flame is always at its brightest prior it extinguishes (I mean changes from its present form so as to come in line with the requirements of the next human age cycle (which in Sanskrit language means as Manav Yuga) , so above was also the stage when Christianity started spreading faster in this world …
1758 AD also marks the initial start point of Sandhikaal of 324 years as is to be of the presently ending human age of trinity and which leads to the inauguration of the incoming human golden age (i.e. Age of Sages) …
Proceeding further …
As a matter of fact, Rig Veda is the one which relates to the divine aspect of the age of trinity (Deva Tretayuga or divine age of trinity) …
And contrary to above, to the human age counterpart of same age cycle of trinity (i.e. Manav Tretayuga) Christianity (in its present state) stands related …
But basis above calculation, it is clear that the end of “human age of trinity” is near …
Thus, basis above …
- This world is already resting within the cusp of that time, when Christianity would either be changing to pluralistic yet monist ways of life as per requirements of next human golden age cycle (or in other words, the incoming Manav Satyuga or Guru Yuga) …
- Or it would soon be a good-bye time, as far as existence of Christianity within its current individualistic and falsely independent state from the same great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma), is concerned …
- But at the same time, when I study previous similar stages of precession (or earlier precession cycles) through the path of a study of impressions (Samskaras) of those times, which as of now are also existing within the consciousness plane of this world (Bhu Chita), then it is also pretty clear, that, as of now Christianity is already standing at the brink of a major change, towards pluralistic monist ways of life …
And to ensure this that change happens in as smooth manner as possible, is why, “HE has already come as He, who holds a human form” …
126-FF … Unity of all religions …
And since “He-Himself” is the “same He” who is prophesized in all religions during “His next advent”, so below written statement shall also be found to be a fact regarding his second advent …
- “HE” who comes as “He, who holds a human bodied form” shall also be “THE ONE” who would also be leading to unity of all religions that exist during the time of his second advent …
Since as per earlier calculated time ranges of his advent, it is pretty clear that …
- As of now “HE has already incarnated as He” in this world …
- And “He yet has kept Himself hidden from the world” …
So the stage when “He shows Himself up” in front of the world can also deemed as the start-point of a “later-unity” of all major-religions …
Proceeding further …
Since such unity amongst diversity of paths is only possible if “His second advent” happens in a society that relates to “original-root of all religions of any of the triple-times” so due to this reason, he shall have to be born in a family which relates to the ever-same “great grandmother of all philosophies (or in other words, Sanatan Dharma)” itself …
Since adherents of “Vedic Parampara (which loosely translates as a timeless Vedic tradition)” and Sampradaya of Sanatan Dharma are primarily present in the land of India (Bharata), so his advent shall also have to be in the “Land of India (i.e. Bharat)” just as we had discussed in earlier topic of “Yuga Poorak and Yuga Sthapak” …
Above was the reason for Biblical lore (Mathew 24:27) to thus say …
“Just as lightening comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so shall be the coming of the Son of Man”
Proceeding further …
To have relation to allness, a prior relation to root of allness, is a necessity …
Since original root of all philosophies is the eternal-one that was laid down by Vedic sages mega-eons and further mega-eons, so the awaited one, who as of now has already entered this world (as per earlier calculations of this topic), would also have to be born within a family who relates to the same timeless root of all philosophies of any of the triple times …
Since Sanatan Dharma is the timeless root philosophy of our discussion, so advent of awaited one would also have to be in a family that relates to Sanatana Dharma (or Dharma) itself …
“Your planet” is written above as I only consider myself as a mere-visitor, whose train of eternal-life, which travels unrestricted across the multi-dimensional, multi-planic, multi-faceted, multi-civilizational, multi-speciological and multi-universal Maker’s Makings has stopped at this train station, which you call as “your planet (Earth)” …
Plus in the realms from where I arrive, relate and belong, none of the egoistic, individualistic, self-serving and greedy, divisive and chaotic nonsense to which this worlds human inhabitants somehow relate as of now, is even dreamt of by anyone …
So, in her present state, this world cannot be mine … Neti Neti …
In her present state, this world can only be yours …
I say so after roaming your planet for almost 27+ years …
But note my words … During this run up to the incoming human age of truth (i.e. Guru Yuga) which would be inaugurated on/around 2082 AD, six (and seven) major religions would be non-dually uniting to Sanatan Dharma (i.e. uniting to the pluralistic yet monist ways of life) …
Continues …