Rudra Chakravartin is that righteous king who would be coming by to restore order by cleaning up this world, once the midpoint of Sandhikaal of incoming Guru Yuga is crossed over by this world … He is also addressed as Rudra Chakrin (twenty fifth Kalki King) in Buddhist lore …
He would be Rudra Swaroop (or wrathful one) … Since he would be the Chakravartin Samraat of this world, so he would also be restoring Chakravart, in addition to restoring universal monarchy …
By cleanup of world, I mean end of individualism and then the further stage of restoration of pluralistic monism (which in this text, refers to Sanatan Dharma, or simply Dharma) … By individualism I means individualism (or monotheism) of any sort be it political, geographical, economic-trade-business, geopolitical, military-security, health-safety, intellectual, religious, societal, civilizational or based upon creed, sex, race, color, language etc. …
Rudra Swaroop means, he would be like “Rudra Deva (In English language, the term Rudra Deva means as Lord Rudra)” … Rudra of Vedas is also addressed as Buddha ALA … We had discussed Buddha ALA in an earlier topic of ALA Naad (which literally means as the Sound of ALA) in Buddhist lore … Rudra of Vedic lore, is also addressed as Allah Tala in Islam and is also addressed as Red Kachina (within the Native American lore’s) and divinity of Rudra is the one which is called as red shift of astronomy …
As was discussed in many earlier topics, Rudra is the one who self manifests out of the Aghora face of Sadashiva and thus, Rudra is also a part of the vast concept of Pancha Mukha Sadashiva (who in other words, is also addressed as the Five faces of Sadashiva) and in Agama Lore’s, the same “five faced Sadashiva” is also addressed as “Panch Mukha Shiva (in English language, this is translated as Five faces of Shiva)” and he is also addressed as Panch Brahma (who in other words, can be translated as Five Brahmas) …
This continues from previous topic “Six days of creation” …
132-AA … Calculating midpoint of Sandhikaal of Guru Yuga …
The incoming Guru Yuga (or Age of Sages) shall have a time span of “4800 x 2” years (at middle time units of precession of equinoxes) and this becomes as 5184 x 2 years (i.e. 4800 x 2 x 1.08 years) as per Nadir time units …
Since this topic relates to the first part of Guru Yuga and since as of now the Nadir cardinal point is effective in this world, so I would use Nadir time units in this calculation …
In earlier topic of Breakup of human age cycles and also in another earlier topic of breakup of divine ages, we had discussed the method of breakup of time as follows …
10% (setting in time) + 100% (set time) + 10% (exit time)
Breakup of 5184 years (as stated above) is as follows …
432 (setting in time) + 4320 (Set time) + 432 (exit time)
Since this discussion is relating to the “setting in time”, so I shall be using 432 years (setting in time) as a base in this discussion …
132-BB … Advent of Rudra Chakravartin …
His advent would be as follows …
Start of golden age + Half “setting in time” of Guru Yuga + Offset of Sri Krishna’s departure …
So basis above, this advent of Rudra Chakravartin would be as as follows …
2082.74 AD + (432 / 2 = 216 years) + (27 + 1 year) = 2326.74 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
His time span of action shall be from around above calculated range of time of 2316.74 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and it can even extend until expiry of Sandhikaal (Intermediary time) of 432 years of the incoming Guru Yuga (i.e. incoming Age of Sages) completes on/around 2514 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) as per currently applicable Nadir time units of earth’s axial precession …
Advents of such Righteous kings are very rare …
Note: In an earlier topic of “Sri Krishna’s word to Maa Ganga”, we had calculated the time of Start of Golden age (or in other words, the time of Start of Satyuga, which itself means as the time of Start of Guru Yuga) as 2082.74 AD … As was discussed in many earlier topics, that since Sri Krishna was a Poorna Avatar, so his offset shall remain applicable to each important arrival and this shall continue until the next Poorna Avatar (Bhagwan Kalki) arrives on-scene …
Once he declares himself, every Sadhu (Monk) and righteous person, shall be standing by him … And so would the divine beings, many angels and others also be …
132-CC … Activated eleven Rudra’s in a Rudra Chakravartin …
Vedas say about 33 types of divinities (33 Koti Devata) of which 11 are Rudra’s … All of these 11 Rudra’s are also present inside each aspirant …
These 11 are as follows …
- The five Rudra’s … These are the five Prana … Or five vital airs or five primary vitalities … These five Prana’s are as follows …
- Apana … This is in an area just below the navel and until the soles of the feet … It is a downward moving vitality … This is of a red color …
- Samana … This is in the area above above discussed Apana and until just below the abdominal diaphragm … This is of a white-yellow color … At an earlier time, I even saw this Samana Prana as a greenish-yellow color …
- Just prior to and until sometime after the “white pot of lighted butter (which in an earlier set of topics on Shiva Taraka Naad and also in another earlier set of topics of Ashtama Chakra was also termed as the Pot of nectar and was also named as the Amrit Kalash)” rises up, this Prana is found to be of a white color … This moves inwards (i.e. it has compressive forces) and thus generates the heat in the body …
- Prana … This is above the diaphragm till below the Adams apple in the neck i.e. it is of the heart area of the body … This is of a very subtle yellow color … This moves forward i.e. moves ahead and thus it is the one which lead to evolution …
- Udana … This is from above the Adams apple and until the top of head … This is of a dark to light purple color … This moves upwards i.e. towards the top of skull and thus this is the Prana which leads to “Prana Visarga i.e. the vital airs crossing past the thousand petalled lotus of crown chakra (Brahmarandra Chakra or Sahasrara)” and thus “be-ing liberated (which in Sanskrit texts is also termed as Kaivalya in addition to being termed as Moksha and the same liberation is also called as Nirvana)” … This is what eventually leads to a self realization of Vedic statement of Prana Brahma …
- Vyana … This is the enveloping Prana which envelopes all other Prana’s and thus it also envelopes the entire body … This is primarily of a light-pinkish color … It moves outward from the body … Thus this balances the excesses of vitalities of the body by pushing them outwards and due to this reason, this is the cause for existence of “Aura (or Abha Mandal)” around everything and everyone … Father is the expanse of this Prana from the physical body, higher evolved that aspirant is …
- The other five Rudra’s are related to the five Upa Prana (which if translated in English can be called as five sub-vital airs) … These are as follows … Naag, Kurma, Devdutt, Krikul and Dhananjaya … These sub-vital airs lie with their respective Prana’s and separate their Prana from other Prana’s i.e. these sub-vital airs lie in-between the five Prana’s and thus also assist the Prana’s in carrying out their functions independently … And yet these “five sub-vital airs (Panch Upa Prana)” are also the ones which keep the “five Prana’s (i.e. Panch Prana)” interdependent upon each other (i.e. each Prana remains interdependent on the other Prana’s) … Thus the separation of one Prana from the other Prana is by these sub-vital airs, is the reason for the independence of “five vital airs (Panch Prana’s)” from each other … And at the same time, these Up-Prana’s (sub-vital airs) also make the excesses of one Prana to enter into the other Prana and thus keep these Prana’s balanced (or keep these Prana’s in inner and outer harmony) and this is the reason for these sub-vital airs to also be a cause for interdependence of the Five vital airs (or Five Prana) upon each other … Thus these sub-vital airs maintain both the independence of each Prana they serve and also maintain the interdependence of each of these Prana’s on each other … And the final excess of vitality which is driven out of the body by the Vyana Prana, is reason for expanse of Aura around the body …
- The Last Rudra i.e. 11th Rudra … This is the Atma-Shakti or the divinity of your own innermost essence (i.e. divinity of Atman) … This is of a self luminous nature of divinity of the innermost essence (which in Sanskrit language is addressed as Atman) and this is what was told through a Great statement (or Mahavakya) of Rig Veda … This Great statement is of “Prajnanam Brahma (which in English language can be translated as Self luminous is That”) … This is the final or 11th Rudra …
Rudra Chakravartin shall have the divinity of all above discussed eleven Rudra’s and he would be a Sagun Sakaar Awastha (which in other words, means as the attributed form or human form) of the pristine natures of all above …
Continues …