This topic continues from the previous one “Universal nature of cosmic laws” … This topic is to discuss the relation of “inauguration of human golden age and Polaris (i.e. the Age of Sages and Polaris) …
And also discuss why does an age turn towards the Age of Sages when the earth’s axis almost points closest towards Polaris …
120-AA … Relation of Age of Sages and Polaris …
As was discussed earlier that Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) is the human golden age (i.e. Manav Satyuga or human age of truth) which runs within the longer time span of a divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) …
Since as of now the divine degenerate age is still underway, so the incoming human golden age (or Manav Kritayuga) would only be an Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) …
Proceeding further …
The time when the earth’s axis shall be pointing (well, almost pointing) towards the Polaris (i.e. north pole star), would be around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) …
Proceeding further …
Coincidently Polaris is also at a distance of about 432 units of light years from earth …
When this number is considered in human solar years and that too in relation to human age cycles (which in Sanskrit language can be called as Manav Yuga) then it also denotes the “setting in time” of the incoming age of sages as is calculated below …
Human golden age (Manav Satyuga) which is known as an age of sages (Guru Yuga) when the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) is underway, has a time span of 4,800 human solar years (as per middle time units of axial precession of earth’s axis) and which becomes as 5,184 human solar years (as per currently underway nadir time units of precession of equinoxes) …
Both above values have already been derived in an earlier topic of “Time spans of human ages” …
Break of this time span of 5184 human solar years is as follows …
10% (setting in time) + 100% (set time) + 10% (exit time)
So basis above, 5184 human solar years become as follows …
432 (setting in time) + 4320 (set time) + 432 (exit time)
Above value was derived in an earlier topic “Breakup of human age cycles” …
Proceeding further …
Note the sameness of setting in time of the next human age (i.e. Age of sages or human golden age cycle) to the distance of Polaris in units of light …
The stage when earth’s axis points closest to Polaris would be denoting the inauguration of Age of Sages (or Guru Yuga) in this world …
120-BB … Exact distance of Pole star from earth …
But above approximate value of “432 light units” does not solve the problem which relates to the exact distance of Polaris from earth …
During ancient times, Polaris was addressed as “Uttari Dhruv or Dhruv Tara” and this name relates to the prime worshipper of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu whose name was of “Dhruv” …
Due to his selfless worship, Sri Vishnu had blessed Dhruv to be a star around which the earth (earth’s axis) and “seven sages (Sapt Rishi Mandal or Ursa Major)” of each divine age cycle (or Mahayuga) would also move …
Proceeding further …
Now we shall be deriving this distance through two methods …
Polaris is a star that is fully alive (I mean, it is an eternally alive one) and thus this fact itself is against what some observers of universe have been stating since a while, that as of now Polaris is a dying star …
1st method … This calculation is basis above stated “setting-in time” of Satyuga …
Below calculated distance that shall be found of Polaris if it is observed by direct means (i.e. by directly observing Polaris through its own projected light) …
By this method, the distance of Polaris would be found to be as follows …
{(Setting in time of human golden age or Satyuga or Age of Sages) x (unitary value of time at closest cardinal point of precession)} / (Current unitary value of time)
So basis above, the distance of Polaris becomes …
{432 x 72} / 71.6 = 434.4 light units (i.e. manifest light years) …
Note: Values of 72 and 71.6 are taken from an earlier topic of “unitary value of time” … Within this text, “unitary value of time” has also been termed as celestial time …
2nd method … This is the indirect method of …
This indirect method is like observing the spectrum of light of Polaris by breaking up this light into its 24 elemental constituents, which in turn denote the breakup as per 24 elements (i.e. 24 Tattva) of Samkhya philosophy …
Light has 24 constituents … These 24 constituents relate to 24 elements (i.e. 24 Tattva) of Samkhya Philosophy and the same was also told as 24 attributes (24 Guna) in ancient Yogic lore …
Below calculation is by this 2nd method …
{(Exit-time of age previous to Satyuga) x (Current unitary value of time) / (unitary value of time at closest cardinal point of precession)} …
So basis this the distance of Polaris becomes …
(324 x 71.6) / 72 = 322.2 light units (Manifest light years) …
- In above calculation, 324 is the “exit time” of the currently ending “human age of trinity (or Manav Tretayuga)” as per the currently applicable Nadir time units of precession … This is calculated as follows …Manav Tretayuga at Nadir time units is of 3,888 human solar years …
And breakup of above time is as follows …
(setting in time) + 3,240 (set time) + 324 (exit time) …
As of now this world is stationed within the “exit time of 324 years” as is calculated above …
Limitations of 2nd method … The accuracy of 2nd method would drop after earth’s axis goes beyond its closest pointing to Polaris … This is because after this stage, the next age (or human golden age or Age of Sages) would have already manifested and thus the effects of the currently ending human age would have already been evolved past (by this world system) …
As of now, both the next age and current human age cycle (or current Manav Yuga Chakra) are applicable, but after the earth’s axis begins pointing closest to Polaris, the values which are derived by utilizing data of present age, would be seen to be erratic …
120-CC … Luminosity cycle of Polaris …
Polaris is directly related to earth as Dhruv (prime worshipper of Sri Vishnu) who was living on this planet, is the one who evolved and became the North star (Polaris) …
Time period of variation of luminosity of Polaris is also 1/100th its calculated distance as per the first method of calculation and that too in the length of days that are of this world system (at those times when this observation is made) …
I wrote above paragraph as I wrote above paragraph, as the length of days also change with the changes in unitary value of time …
So, currently Polaris should be having a luminosity cycle of 4.34 earth days …
120-DD … About Polaris …
I can provide many other points about Polaris because this is a divine star that relates to prime worshipper of “macrocosmic preservation principle (Sriman Naaraayana or Sri Bhagwan Vishnu)” …
But because this discussion was only linked to relationship of Polaris to the human golden ages (which for divine degenerate age, is known as age of sages and which as such is none other than the human age of truth) so I shall have to stop here itself …
Beyond this would only end up taking this discussion into those territories that have remained uncharted during entire human history and have only been known to those rarest of rare aspirants who have been Yogi’s of the higher macrocosmic orders …
The vast concept of Polaris (i.e. Dhruv Tara of Vedic lore) is like a very subtle mountain of complete records of all civilizations that have ever been during history of this planet and this part of the universe …
And where all these speciological and civilizational parts are also standing on one or another hierarchical level of that same subtle mount which Polaris actually is …
Polaris is also a subtle mountain of records of all that has ever been till now … So all that is needed is to observe on which hierarchical level of this subtle-mount a civilization stands …
Once you do this study you cannot but be shocked that those who have registered their evolution at upper levels of this subtle mountain of hierarchies, are those who hold least amount of ego i.e. those who hold the least individuality and thus they are holding higher “oneness towards allness and its each part (which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Brahmand Dharana)” …
Continues …