अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि is a Mahavakya of Yajurveda, which in English language can be written as Aham Brahmasmi and Ahum Brahmasmi, which means as “I Am That” or in other words, “I Am Brahman” and “My Atman is Brahman” …
अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि
Aham Brahmasmi … Or … Ahum Brahmasmi
I Am That
I Am Brahman
In English language, this can also be written as Ahum Brahmasmi, Aham Brahmasmi and also as Aham BrahmAsmi …
This is the essence of Yajurveda, whose seat in this world (i.e. Aamnaya Peetha which in simple words, is also addressed as Vyasa Peetha) is southern Vedic monastery of Sringeri Sarada Math …
CC-1 … Meaning of Mahavakya of Ahum Brahmasmi … अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि …
Aham Brahmasmi (or Ahum Brahmasmi or Ahum Brahm Asmi) means …
- I Am That …
- I Am IT …
- I Am Brahman …
- I Am Supreme …
- Innermost essence (Atman) is Absolute (Brahman) …
- Atman is Brahman … which in other words, can also be written as Atman is Brahm …
- Microcosm is Macrocosm …
In above statements …
- I does not mean “I’ness … It means that which is free of I’ness, i.e. the Atman …
- That which is told as “IT”, is the Atman, which itself is Brahman …
- That which is told as “That”, is also the Atman, which itself is Brahman …
- That which is told as “Supreme”, is the Atman, which itself is Brahman …
- That which is told as “Absolute”, is the Atman, which itself is Brahman …
- That which is told as “Brahma, Parabrahman and Brahman” is the perfectly detached creator of allness, as IT keeps ITself concealed (or veiled) in the background … Thus in reality everything is created by IT, but IT by ITself stays hidden within all that IT creates … This is as IT only is as the finally detached pervader and enveloper of allness and her each part and due to being detached, IT ITself is the supreme witness (Sakshi) and supreme hermit (Param Sanyasi) who is addressed as Brahman in Vedas and who itself is the common innermost essence or self of all (Atman) …
And the same statement is also applicable to the fact which is of an eternal partless-unity of macrocosm and each microcosm and where vice-versa of this statement is also true …
This is due to the fact that “allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand or macrocosm and microcosm or Pinda)” is none other than a self expression, self manifestation and self presence of the same attributeless infinite Absolute being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm, who itself is Swa Prakash or Swayam Prakash), who itself is “That” from which every originally originates, everything is proceeding to IT and IT is also where everything finally dissolves so as to be as IT ITself is, just like a drop of water becomes the ocean after dissolving into (or non-dually uniting to) the ocean …
The word Parambrahma (as is stated in below discussions) is one of the alternate names that are utilized since timeless times, to address “That or IT or Brahman”, who ITself is as the Sarva-Atman (i.e. innermost essence of all) …
CC-2 … अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि … Aham Brahmasmi … I Am That …
With above as a base, we commence these discussions on Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is finite, finite-infinite, Infinite-finite and infinite,
That who simultaneously is non finite, non-finite-non-infinite and non infinite,
And that who also is simultaneously also detached from all these individualities,
Know that to be That I which is free of I’ness … Is Parambrahma … I Am That …
One who is as supremely luminous, eternally luminous and self luminous,
That who is luminosity of the luminous, self-luminous within all that is luminous,
And That who is the innermost realizable yet indescribable essence of all above,
Know that to be that I’less I within all … Is Parambrahma … I Am That …
One that is the apparent self, inner non apparent self and selflessness of self,
That who is not the individuality of self, not non-self and also not nonness-of-self,
And That who is also free of all above, thus is the final-essence, the supreme self,
Know that to be the I’less I within all … The Parambrahma … I Am That …
One who is attributed, attributed-attributeless and attributeless,
And That who is pervading all states of colors, non-colors, lightness, non lightness,
And yet IT is That who makes all above seen and thus known by self realization,
Know that to be the I’less I within all … The Parambrahma … I Am That …
One who is as the pristine non duality of seer, sight and the finally seen,
That who is the pristine non duality knower, knowledge and the finally known,
And That who is perfect non duality realizer, realized and is the final realization,
Know that to be the I’less I within all … The Parambrahma … I Am That …
One who is free of passions, desires and thoughts,
That who is detached from I’ness, Am’ness, Is’ness and Not’ness alike,
And That who is much beyond these all, yet is within all these as their pervader,
Know that to be the I’less I within all … The Atman … I Am That …
One who is detached from meaning of words victory, victor and victorious,
That who is free from the words conquered, conqueror and conquerable,
And yet IT denotes the non dual finality as is of accomplishment of all above,
Know that to be the I’less I within all … The Atman … I Am That …
One who is the truth, conscious, infinite and bliss,
That who is free of non truth, unconscious, non infinity and sorrows,
And That who is free of pride, prejudice and all such ignorant perceptions,
Know that to be the I’less I within all … The Atman … I Am That …
That timeless fathomless Rudra who eternally resides “ITself Within ITself”,
That whose path opens up whilst walking “Oneself Within Oneself”,
And That who is free of giving or non-giving and taking or non-taking,
Know that to be the I’less I within all … The Atman … I Am That …
One who is based within all knowledge, consciousness and detached activity,
That who is self-knowledge, self-conscious, detached-activity and is self-luminous,
And That who is also beyond these, as IT is the innermost detached witness of all,
Know that to be the I’less I within all … The Atman … Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is unrestricted, unrestrained and untouched by faults,
That who is inner, inner amongst inner and also the innermost amongst all,
And is simultaneously also beyond these limited words and their meanings,
Know that to be the I’less I within all … The Atman … Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is fatherless, motherless, free of relationships and thus is Shambhu,
That who is self-manifest, self-present, self-sustained eternal essence of all,
And That who also is simultaneously much beyond all these,
Know that to be the I’less I within all… The Atman … Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is unborn and yet is the all present or omnipresent one,
That who is unending-limitless one, within and beyond allness and her each part,
And That who is the self-existent, unborn and thus deathless, the eternal one,
Know that to be the I’less I within You … The Atman … Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is un-originated, eternally existent one and this is beyond termination,
That changeless one who is ever present within all that is eternally changeful,
And yet That self existent changeless is free of all Is’ness and Not’ness of change,
Know that to be non-I’ness of I within you … The Atman … Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is eternal, eternally existent as innermost eternity within all non eternal,
That who is eternal light, eternal wisdom and eternal consciousness,
And That who is indestructible, invincible, un-burnable and insurmountable,
Know that to be Your eternal Atman … I Am That … Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is impassable, intransmissible and intraceable by grosser eye,
That who is inaccessible, intensive and unknown by grosser knowledge systems,
And That which is told as unseen, untold and unheard, even when IT ever is,
Know that to be the non-I’ness of Your own I … The Atman … Aham Brahmasmi …
(Unseen also means, merged to the supreme self and thus is non distinct from IT)
One who is beyond imaginations, visualizations, dimensions and descriptions,
That who is free of thisness, thatness, hereness, thereness, nowness, thenness,
And That perfectly detached one is also beyond enveloped, pervaded … Similar’s,
Know that to be the non-I’ness within you … The Atman … Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is self-originated, self-present, self-sustained and eternally self existent,
And yet IT is beyond the limited meanings of words, existence and non existence,
And yet IT stays as the foundation of all existence and all that is or could ever be,
Know that to be the non-I’ness within you … The Atman … Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is in light, in non light and even that which is intermediary of these two,
That who is the all knowing, all conscious one and yet IT stays veiled within all,
And yet IT is neither, due to being the perfectly detached one within and from all,
Know that to be the non-I’ness within you … The Atman … Aham Brahmasmi …
(Intermediary refers to a state of neutrality … of lightness and non lightness and also of Sagun Nirgun Awastha or attributed-attributeless state)
One who is ever stationery, all pervading, all enveloping and all present,
Yet is neither as one who goes or comes, nor the moved nor the mover,
And That who is as the innermost undefined ever-same essence of all these,
Know that to be the non-I’ness within you … The Atman … Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is the supremely auspicious of beyond and is also auspiciousness in all,
That who occupies the body as Chidakasha, so as to make it its own pure temple,
That who is the creator, preserver, destroyer, veiling and unveiling in this temple,
Know that to be your Atman as Sadashiva … The essence of Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is Parampita, Parmeshvara and Paramdeva,
That who is Parammata, Parmeshwari and Paramdevi,
And That who is Paramguru, Paramnath and Paramartha,
Know that to be your Atman as Ardhanarishwara … Root of Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is pristine-divinity of Paramshiva, Paramvishnu and Paramatman,
That who is essence of Paramshakti, Paramgarbha and Paramakash,
And That who ITself is Paramchetan, Paramgyan and Paramprajna,
Know that to be your Atman as Adi Parashakti … Divinity of Aham Brahmasmi …
The supreme Purusha IT is,
The eternal state of Prakriti IT pervades and envelopes,
And yet is That who is free of these two, as fully detached IT essentially is,
Know that to be your Atman as Paramshiva … Meaning of Aham Brahmasmi …
One who is eternally liberated from comings, non comings and intermediaries,
That who is eternally liberated from goings, non goings and intermediaries,
And that who is eternally free of be-ing, non be-ing and intermediaries,
Know IT as Atman … Parambrahma … Knowledge of path of Aham Brahmasmi …
Every prayer eventually reaches IT only,
Every meditation ultimately is on IT only,
And yet IT only meditates upon ITself, as IT is Supreme, the Rudra within you,
Know IT as the Atman … That Parambrahma … Core of Aham Brahmasmi …
That which has ever been silently resting within you, and as the real You In You,
And IT patiently awaits your return back to IT, from where you had started out,
Thus IT is the reason for your final emancipation, but after you have known IT,
Know IT as the Atman which is as Brahmanpath … The path of Aham Brahmasmi …
(“Started out” means from where each microcosm has started or commenced within the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings, uncountable mega-eons and further mega-eons earlier to now)
One who has already known IT, has nowhere to go … Except go to IT,
One who has already united to IT, has nothing to do … Except rest within IT,
One who has already become IT, has nobody else to be … Except be IT,
Know IT as your Atman … The finality of all paths, including of Aham Brahmasmi …
Continues …