The figure of earlier part of this topic which describes the path from Ahum to ALA is also applicable to this one, thus, this topic is in continuation to the previous one which has the header of “From Ahum to ALA” … This is the path of realization of twenty Brahma worlds of which 16 are lower and 4 are upper Brahma worlds of Mahabrahma, Baka, Sahampati, Sanatkumara …
From Ahum to ALA … After emptiness is diamond white Brahmaloka
HH-1 … Then from the non-lighted state as is shown in above figure, the subtle travelling vehicle enters into the diamond white colored state of the figure of earlier topic of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad” …
At the time when the vehicle just about enters into the diamond white state, very strong bursts of energy are felt in the head region of the travelling astral body and the same bursts are also felt in the head region of the physical vehicle of that aspirant …
These bursts of diamond white lighted energy field are like a diamond white colored hammer hitting inside the top of head (i.e. around the third eye and till the top part of the brain) … These bursts also denote the stage of initial opening up of the third eye plexus (i.e. Ajna Chakra in the mid brows) and the crown plexus (i.e. Sahasrara Chakra at the top of brain) …
Diamond white world of Brahmaloka and its twenty Brahma worlds …
HH-2 … This diamond white state is also of a very vast in its dimensional expanse … It denotes macro-neutrality or equanimity towards allness (macro-equanimity or equanimity towards allness and her each part i.e. Sarva Samta) …
This diamond white state is of very large expanses, but due to shortage of space on the A4 size paper than was used in this painting, it is not shown so …
In any of the philosophies of any of the three times, all concepts that relate to Samta (equanimity) are eventually relating to the diamond white state as is shown in above painting …
And this diamond white light is also the state in which Sufism is also based … Based upon subtler experiences, many Sufi saints are also holding the diamond white accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Siddha Sharira) and the most recent amongst these saints was Sai Baba of Shirdi who is also holding the same diamond white body which relates diamond white state of our current discussion …
But at the same time, this diamond white body (which in another later topic has also be termed as Brahma Sharira) of those saints who have not gotten fully stationed in the diamond white state of our current discussion is having a light blue light around it … This is because such ones rest in the middle of the non-lighted state and the diamond white state which was shown in the earlier painting of this topic and this is what leads to a light blue aura around the diamond white accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Siddha Sharira) which these saints hold as of now … Sai Baba is of this category itself …
Unless one is firmly established in the diamond white state of our current discussion, the clear diamond white accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Siddha body) cannot be manifested … Thus those saints who have a clear diamond white vehicle (i.e. their accomplishment vehicle is without a light blue colored aura around it) are those who have established themselves in the diamond white state of our current discussion … Such ones are very rare in the macrocosmic creation …
But this diamond white accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Siddha body) is also of many types … We shall be discussing this in a later set of topics which relate to Siddha Sharira (or accomplishment vehicles) and their Loka’s (i.e. their subtle causal worlds) …
As also this diamond white state shall be discussed in detail in a later topic of “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva” which itself is the same as what Vedas have addressed as “Brahmaloka (i.e. the abode of creator of allness or the grandfather of allness or Pitamah Brahma Ji, who by himself is self-manifested out of the west facing Sadyojata face) and which in some paths (like that of Shaiva Agama) is also called as Sadyojata face of Shiva …
Brahmaloka has twenty Brahma worlds in it and this is what would be discussed below …
From Ahum to ALA … Worlds of Mahabrahma, Baka, Sahampati, Sanatkumara …
HH-3 … Within the diamond white envelope of above figure there are 16 lower smaller white worlds and 4 upper great white worlds …
And there also is one hidden, very brightly shining, extremely-subtle white world where the “four-faced, macro-neutral, attributed-form of grandfather of allness or the creator of allness (i.e. Chatur-Mukha Sarva-Sam Sagun Sakaar Pitamah-Brahma-Ji)” is residing …
All the 16 lower small sized lower white worlds (as were told in the earlier paragraph) have a diamond white base (i.e. a diamond white floor) through which different colored lights are emanating out … These emanating colored lights are almost perpendicular to the floor of these 16 lower white worlds of Brahmaloka or the Abode of creator of allness) …
These 16 worlds also denote “16 Kala” of Sri Bhagwan Krishna …
And now we shall discuss the 4 upper great white worlds which have been told as Mahabrahma by my Gurudeva of previous incarnation i.e. Gautama Buddha …
These 4 upper great white worlds have only one color of in them and this color is color if a very-bright diamond white one … Even the lights which emanate out of these four upper great white worlds are of a very bright diamond white color itself …
Of these four upper great white worlds, three worlds have very vast expanses and the fourth is made up of an extremely subtle white lotus like light …
And each of these worlds is separated by a very light pink colored world which has been termed as Avyakta (i.e. Non manifest, non present) in some Vedic texts and has also been addressed as Avyakta Prakriti (i.e. non manifest non present primary nature), Avyakta Prana (i.e. non manifest non present primary vitality of Maker’s Makings) and the same world was also addressed as Tusita Loka by my previous incarnations Gurudeva, Buddha Avatar … The same world is also addressed as Maya Shakti by Vedantin … I have used the term non manifest, non present for interpreting the term Avyakta due to the fact that it is neither manifested nor is it present in this or any other universe, except its own self-manifestation as Vyana Prana +++ …
+++ Explaining the term Vyana Prana of above paragraph … Vyana Prana the Prana (or vitality or vital-air) which is outwardly moving and thus is enveloping all other Prana (or vital energies or vitalities) of each animate microcosm … Vyana Prana envelopes the body and since it moves outwards, so this is what we see as aura … Depending upon your inner purity is the color of the Vyana Prana and thus your Aura … This Vyana Prana would be seen to be of its original light pink color “only” if one is resting in an inner purity of Sarva Samta (i.e. macro-equanimity or macro-neutrality or equanimity towards allness and her each part) …
When the aspirant’s cosmic-accomplishment vehicle enters this diamond white world from Surya Loka (or the world of Sun God) i.e. through the path of Vedanta, then three of these worlds are on right side and one is on the left side of that travelling cosmic-accomplishment vehicle … I have used the term cosmic-accomplishment vehicle as this itself is the vehicle which denotes a completion stage of travel across the entirety of primary state of the Maker’s Makings …
The 16 lower smaller white worlds have been termed as 16 Brahmas within Buddhism … And the 4 upper great white worlds have been named as Mahabrahma by my Gurudeva Buddha Avatar (i.e. Guru of my previous incarnation that was also arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul and which in Sanskrit is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh) … Even though this sentence is no longer followed by Buddhists, yet I can only state what was originally told by my Gurudeva and thus this paragraph may not be agreed to by many, but who cares as this text was never meant to pamper the deviated …
Deviating a bit … Gurudeva Gautama Buddha (i.e. the 4th Buddha) was the guide of my last incarnation and this transmigrated-incarnation is none other than being a “Guru Dakshina (or a return gift to the Guru)” because this is what Gurudeva Gautama Buddha had asked for as a return gift for the knowledge which he had imparted to me during my previous transmigrated incarnation (i.e. entering into a physical form by adopting the path of Virgin Birth) and whilst I was as his little student … I had gone to him as a child of less than 7 years old …
In fact I had taken that previous incarnation only to comply to the requirements of an earlier Guru-Dakshina of Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra (i.e. one of the seven primary sages or Sapt-Rishi of this mega-eon) as he had asked for walking through all the paths of the vast lore’s of Sanatan Dharma, prior a final exit from allness and her each part i.e. prior entering into Kaivalya Moksha, he had asked for successful transit through all the six main paths of Dharma and he had also said that this successful transit would be his Guru-Dakshina … I was a Chakravartin Samraat (the yogi who becomes a ruler of the triple worlds +++) of those times when I was the student of Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra and this Guru-Dakshina was asked for after successfully transiting the 8th plexus (as is mentioned in one of the Mantras of Atharvaveda chapter 10) and after the stage when I became a Trisanku Yogi +++ … In fact I am also the only Trisanku Yogi who is mentioned within the Vedic lore’s of this mega eon (i.e. Mahayuga chakra or the cycle of 4 divine ages which has a time span of 4.32 million human solar years as per middle time units of precession) … This Guru-Dakshina was asked for after the successful transit of the Ashtama Chakra for a 100th time so as to prepare me (the student of Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra) for transiting the 8th plexus for a 101st time …
+++ Explaining the terms Triple Worlds and Trisanku Yogi of above paragraph …
+++ First we shall be explaining the term “Triple Worlds” means all the lower underworlds, all earthly worlds and all the heavenly worlds and thus such a Yogi is also a ruler of what is stated as Chatur-Dus Bhuvanatmak Brahmand in the Vedas (i.e. 14 leveled macrocosmic creation) …
+++ Now explaining the term Trisanku Yogi as this term is very severely misinterpreted as of now … Unless you are a Yogi, you can never transit the 8th plexus (as is mentioned in Atharvaveda chapter 10) and unless you transit the Eighth Chakra for a 100th time during the course of your entire almost-eternal evolutionary process, your evolutionary standing cannot be such that you could challenge the position of the ruler of the divine worlds (i.e. challenge the position of Devaraja Indra) and thus make his world (i.e. Indra Loka) shake in fear of losing place to that Yogi who has transited the 8th plexus for the 100th time … And after this stage, when your accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Siddha Sharira) reaches the world of ruler of all divine worlds (i.e. Devaraja Indra) and then the ruler of divine worlds offers his divine seat to you, then unless you willingly agree to temporarily fall down from your then evolutionary standing, which itself is to ensure that the word of the creator of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) which was given to the position of ruler of divine worlds (i.e. Devaraja Indra or Idandra Deva), is not contravened, you cannot even be a Trisanku Yogi … Only one Yogi in this entire mega-eon became a Trisanku and that was this little student who writes this text as a Gurudakshina to Gurudeva Gautama Buddha … Resuming again after this explanation …
And because till the previous transmigrated incarnation, all the paths other than Samkhya were already transited successfully so as to comply with the much-much earlier Guru-Dakshina as was asked for by Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra, so the previous transmigrated incarnation (In which I was a little student of Gurudeva Buddha Avatar) was only taken to successfully transit through this path of Samkhya (so as to comply to the Guru-Dakshina of Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra) …
And since Gurudeva Gautama Buddha was a master of this path of Samkhya, thus I took birth for learning Samkhya from him … But the previous transmigrated incarnation itself was in compliance to the Guru-Dakshina of Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra which he had asked for during the last divine age of trinity (or Deva Tretayuga) about 2.1 million years ago …
But after the Gyan-Dana (gift of wisdom) of Samkhya by Gurudeva Gautama Buddha was completed, he also asked for a Guru-Dakshina, where he told to return back for “one last and final time” and thus this eternal student of the Absolute had to again return back as a transmigrated one because the state after which a regular birth (i.e. birth from womb) cannot even be taken was already crossed over many-many incarnations ago …
I have had the best of Guru’s during all my transmigrated incarnations and yet all my Guru’s were also very strict too … I also believe a Guru cannot do justice to the job of being a Guru, unless he (or she) is extremely strict and teaches without emotional bonding in addition to being a self-realized, all-realized sage … And in addition to what is stated here, unless a Guru is a self realized sage as a minimum qualification to be a Guru, all Gyan-Dana (initiation or knowledge transfer) would be an utter waste during the longer run of your almost eternal evolutionary existence …
Plus a Gyan-Dana (gift of wisdom or initiation) is completed, unless a Guru asks for a Guru Dakshina which is equivalent to the Gyan-Dana, that Gyan-Dana only becomes an utter waste … As also those Guru’s who charge money for initiation are also wasting the time of their students as far as longer lasting evolutionary benefits are concerned and the same also applies to all the Guru’s who perform mass initiations … Thus all students who have Guru’s who do not comply to this paragraph, should be seriously looking for alternates as they are only wasting their time in the longer run of their almost eternal evolutionary existence in this or even the beyond worlds …
Resuming again … Now we shall briefly discuss each of these four upper great white worlds so as to build up a proper base for the detailed discussions in later topics which shall be dealing with Brahmaloka (Abode of the creator of allness) and the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
Within each of the four upper great white worlds resides a highly shining one who is also the “non-egoistic controller or non-egoistic Godhead (i.e. Anabhimani Devata)” of that world … I have used the term non-egoistic here as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (i.e. Brahmaloka) has no place for ego and all other such aspects … This absurdity of ego is only of the other lower divine worlds i.e. those lower yet divine worlds where egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata) are acting as the controllers …
Thus since there are 4 upper great white worlds, so there also are four controllers of each of these four upper great white worlds … These 4 upper great white worlds are also told as worlds of Mahabrahma in Buddhism …
- In the first of the upper 4 great white world that is arrived by the travelling vehicle, there is a very young looking, extremely handsome, shining white being who is the controller of that world … He is Mahabrahma Sanatkumara +++ of in knowledge systems of Buddha Gautama and within the Vedic lore he also is one of the sons of Pitamah Brahma Ji …
+++ Explaining the term Sanatkumara of above paragraph … This term means eternally young, ever young, ever wonderful and eternally active …
- In the second of the upper 4 great white worlds that is arrived by the travelling vehicle, there is a very old being who shines like billions and billions of diamonds are placed together inside his very subtle yet very brightly shining body … He so bright that it looks like as if he is made up of billions and billions of very subtle diamond white rays … And he is also surrounded by a further trillions of light diamond white rays of light … He has a shining white beard that runs below his chest, a matted hair which also are shining very-very bright … His body is bent backwards and he sits on a lotus like state which itself is made up of multi-billion petalled diamond white rays … He is Mahabrahma Baka +++ as is told in Buddhist scriptures …
+++ Explaining the term Baka of above paragraph … Baka is derived from Sanskrit word ‘Banka” which literally means “bent” and it also means “beautifully adorned” … This is how I recognized him …
He also is related to knowledge of Siddha Siddhant Paddati, where a multi-billion petalled lotus is referred to …
He also resides at a specific point inside the crown plexus (i.e. thousand petalled lotus at the top of head or the Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara) of each aspirant which proves that he has been given a place within the human microcosm also and this itself proves that he has been there since the time when the present Maker had commenced the genius of IT’s Makings … I do not want to disclose this point inside the human microcosm where Baka Brahma resides as it is a secret wisdom which as such is only to be self-realized by an aspirant and thus it cannot be declared openly in a mere website like this one …
- In the third of these upper four great white worlds, there is another very senior being, who also is of a very brightly shining diamond white color and his shine is as if vital-energies (Prana) are bursting outwards from his body and these Prana (i.e. vital energies) also moving up and down inside his diamond white body itself…
He is Mahabrahma Sahampati (or Mahabrahma Sahumpati) +++ of the knowledge systems which were given by the Gurudeva of my previous incarnation, i.e. Gautama Buddha …
+++ Explaining the name Sahampati (or Sahumpati) of above paragraph …
The word Sahampati (or Sahumpati) means the supreme lord of “upward and downward movements of Prana …
The word Prana means the “vital-energy fields or vital airs” within the body of each aspirant … This term (i.e. Prana) also means the essential vitality in addition to referring to the divinity (i.e. Shakti) which is within and beyond each aspirant …
And thus this word also means, the “Lord of Kundalini Shakti (i.e. the lord of pristine-divinity within each aspirant)” …
And this word also means, the “Lord of Kaivalya or Lord of liberation i.e. one who denotes liberation” because of the fact that eventually it is the rise of Kundalini Shakti which liberates any aspirant …
Continuing with above paragraph … When the Kundalini Shakti rises upwards within an aspirant and then she reaches the 7th plexus or beyond the 7th plexus (i.e. she reaches the 8th plexus which is referred to in one of the Mantras of Atharvaveda chapter 10) then that aspirant is liberated … So this term Sahampati (or Sahumpati) also denotes the “Lord of liberation (i.e., Lord of Moksha)” …
+++ Now we shall discuss the word Sahampati itself …
The word “Sahampati (or Sahumpati)” is made up of three words as follows …
- Sa (it is also termed as So in Yoga and Agama Lore’s of Sanatan Dharma) …
- Ham (or Hum) …
- Pati …
+++ Now we shall explain each of the above three words separately so as to leave nothing to imaginations, visualizations and doubts as far as its relation to the much earlier Sanskrit lore’s (I mean Vedic, Agama and Yogic lore’s) is concerned …
The word Pati means the “lord, Nath, husband, king or ruler, leader, protector, controller and guru” … So this is fairly easy to understand …
Within the aspirant’s subtle vehicle, “Sa” is the sound of “Prana (i.e. vital energies)” when it reaches rises upwards from the base of spine and thence it enters into the third eye plexus (or Agya Chakra) …
And the word “Ham (or Hum)” is the sound of Prana when it reaches the root plexus (or Mooladhar Chakra) from the third eye plexus i.e. this sound of “Ham (or Hum)” is heard by an aspirant when the Prana moved downwards from the third eye plexus to the root plexus …
The Prana (or vital air) which itself is a part of the Vital air sheath (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Pranamaye Kosha) keeps moving up and down continuously within the body of each aspirant …
+++ Thus basis above, following is a fact …
- When the Prana moves from the root plexus (or Mooladhar Chakra) to the third eye plexus (or Ajna Chakra) and then it reaches the third eye plexus, then the sound that is heard is of “Sa-Ham or Saham” …
- This sound is also stated as “So-Hum (or Sohum)” in Yogic, Vedic and Agama Lore’s of Dharma …
- All the Sanskrit language words of above bullet-points (i.e. Sa-Ham, Saham, and So-Hum) only mean “So Am I” which itself denotes the same as was told within the mega-statement (or Mahavakya) of Yajurveda as “I Am That or Aham Brahmasmi” and the same was also told in Shaiva Lore’s as “Shivohum or I Am Shiva” because Shiva itself is another name of the Brahm (or Brahman or the Absolute-being) …
- This is also one of the reasons why my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha had also stated the same “Ahum Brahmasmi” in his teachings and which itself proves the relationship of knowledge system of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha to Yajurveda (because the mega-statement or Mahavakya of Ahum Brahmasmi is originally of Yajurveda itself) … But sadly this term has mostly been removed from Buddhist lore of now …
+++ Continuing with above discussion …
- And when the same Prana (i.e. vital energies) move downwards (i.e. from third eye plexus or Ajna Chakra to the root plexus or Mooladhar chakra) and then these Prana’s reaches the root plexus, then the sound which is heard is of “Ham-Sa” (or Hamsa or Humsa) …
- Above word Hamsa is a Sanskrit word which means “Yogic Swan” … In fact most of the Sanskrit words which relate to inner-sciences (i.e. science of soul or Atma-Vijyana) are Yogic words only and this is because of the fact that these words were utilized in the language only after they were self-realized (i.e. heard) by ancient Yogis …
- The word Yogic Swan only means the pure, stainless and thus the afflictionless white swan, who has already flown and merged to the supreme being (Brahman) …
- That afflictionless Yogic Swan who is referred to in this discussion was also termed as “Paramhamsa, which as such means Supreme-Swan” …
- The flight of the white Swan is also the flight of the “white colored consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta)” of the aspirants causal body (i.e. Antahkarana Chatushtaya) and where the aspirants consciousness becomes one with the macrocosmic consciousness (i.e. the partless-infinite supreme consciousness) which itself is the Absolute-consciousness because macrocosmic consciousness itself is of the Absolute being and thus is not of the macrocosmic creation …
- Macrocosmic creation has only borrowed this Absolute-consciousness from the Absolute-being by virtue of the eternal union of the Supreme being to its own self-expressed, self-manifested, self-present and self-sustaining macrocosmic self-presence as the macrocosmic creation …
- Thus when the consciousness orb of the aspirant flies and merges to the Absolute-consciousness, then this itself is the state of being “the supreme swan or Paramhamsa of Vedas” … And at this stage, the consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) of the causal body (i.e. Anandmaye Kosha) of that Paramhamsa is also returned back to its original state i.e. the consciousness orb becomes of a pure matt-white color because it becomes afflictionless due to freedom from all visible (or Drishya) and invisible (or Adrishya) impressions (i.e. Samskaras) …
- This is also the stage of an afflictionless state of consciousness orb (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) and thus it actually is the same as that which was told as “Atma Stithi” within Yoga texts …
- Atma Stithi is the afflictionless, stainless and taintless state of resting only within the union to one’s own innermost essence (or Atman) …
All above facts also prove that my Gurudeva of previous incarnation (i.e. Gautama Buddha) was a Siddha (a fully accomplished one) and this was even when he was “the master of all masters” of Samkhya of his time …
And the very fact as is of a direct realization of Buddha’s knowledge systems and especially the words that he used to address these Mahabrahmas, only proves that Gurudeva was also a master of Darshana (i.e. philosophy) …
It primarily is because of above two paragraphs that I have also stated everywhere in this text, that when you unite three knowledge systems of Sanatan Dharma, i.e. Samkhya-Siddha-Darshana, then it is Buddhism … And due to this reason, I have also stated that Buddhism is not different from its parental knowledge system of Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma …
Deviating a bit … Plus even when the present day Buddhists have deviated from their own root i.e. the knowledge that is exactly the same that was taught by my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha and as far as Vedic Varnashram Vyavastha +++ is concerned, yet because this deviation is not permanent, so a return back to the originality would not be as difficult as it would be for a few other knowledge systems …
+++ Explaining Vedic Varnashram Vyavastha of above paragraph … Vedic Varnashram Vyavastha relates to the natural system of sects of humanity and this system is only based upon the merits that were already earned prior anyone incarnates (this determines the family lineage that a soul chooses to take birth) and it also relates to the merits of the ways of life that a human follows after he or she have already incarnated … Thus this system relates to the lineage of the family of birth, in addition to the ways of life that anyone follows … This itself makes this system to be an eternal one even when it is based upon eternal non constancy of Varna (i.e. sect) that one may rest in across incarnations that may be in this or even within the subtler beyond worlds …
I say above because of the fact that the Buddhist scriptures of today state that my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha was of a Kshatriya Varna (i.e. the Vedic class of rulers or protectors or warriors) and their own prophecies also state that the next Buddha i.e. Buddha Maitreya, would be of the Brahmin Varna (i.e. Vedic class of priests and/or self-realized ones) …
And the Buddhist lore’s also state that a Buddha can only be of the Kshatriya Varna or be of a Brahmin Varna (i.e. a Buddha can only be from the Vedic class of men who are rulers or priests) …
So basis above, I fail to understand how the other-wise Buddhist leaders of today say that Varnashram Vyavastha of Vedas is wrong or they even state that they do not believe in the Vedic ways of life or they state that everyone should leave the Varna Vyavastha of Vedas …
This is the irony of today’s times where someone goes against the root of its own knowledge provider and this itself was the reason for my divine mother i.e. my real mother who is known as Akar or the first seed syllable (syllable A) of AOM (or OM) of the Vedic and Yogic lore’s, to choose a Vedic family for this transmigration and not a Buddhist family who does not even believe in Varnashram Vyavastha as was prophesized by my Gurudeva (Gautama Buddha) only …
Plus these days most of those who call themselves as Buddhist are meat eaters (I have visited many-many monasteries across this planet during the last almost 2.5 decades or close to this time) and they also have disciples who are mostly meat eaters, so this itself goes against the root of Buddhist philosophy which as such is love, compassion, mercy towards all animate beings and this kind of act is also against the root principle of Buddhism where non-violence towards all animate beings was told by my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha …
And even when above is a fact of Buddhist scriptures, yet if they get into a false path of selective knowledge (or belief) or a knowledge (or belief) of convenience, then what can anybody say about this stupidity based upon selectivity of knowledge or knowledge of convenience or even worse as it now is, knowledge for material or political gains … But the same problem is also rampant in all Indian sects of Sanatan Dharma (i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism) and thus it definitely is not localized to Buddhism alone …
As also a matter of fact that all those knowledge systems which accept or rest in the root of Vedic lore, i.e. Omkar (OM) is a followers of Sanatan Dharma only … During my earlier incarnations a true monk of Sanatan Dharma was never like the way monks of today are and during my earlier incarnations as were during much better time cycles, forget being a Guru, such ones who practice deviated ways as are listed here were never even considered close to being good disciples of accomplished Guru’s … The Gurujan of my earlier incarnations would have thrown me out of their schools if I was the way these monks of Sanatan Dharma are these days …
Resuming again and proceeding further with this discussion …
This part of the topic is to discuss what happens when an aspirant accomplishes Samkhya philosophy, perfectly and fully …
Whenever any aspirant from any of the world systems of a universe accomplishes Samkhya and thus becomes a master of this philosophy (i.e. Samkhya) then at such a time the entire universes start reverberating in supreme bliss … This is because of the fact that real-knower’s of Samkhya are the “rarest of rare ones” within any universe …
And at this time when the universe begins reverberating in bliss, then all the aspirants who are residing in the subtle beyond worlds and have been waiting within the subtle worlds so as to learn from a fully accomplished master of Samkhya, have always entered that world where that fully realized one of Samkhya has already arrived (and has completed the final realizations and thus that master has fully accomplished the path of Samkhya) …
These entries of aspirants who are awaiting in beyond worlds are only to learn for that self-realized, all-realized Sage of Samkhya because such sages are the “rarest of rare ones” in any universe …
And the same is also applicable to masters of Vedanta but with the only difference that when a sage accomplishes Samkhya, then a very low hum of Brahmanaad (i.e. the seemingly endless sound of Mmmmmmm, is heard or the sound of M i.e. Makar) … And on the contrary when a sage accomplishes the self-realizations which relate to the essence of Vedanta, then the seemingly endless sound of OM (i.e. AOM) is heard … In both these cases the subtle universe which pervades and envelopes the gross or manifest universe, shall be seen to be reverberating in Bliss … And to a certain extent the same blissful state of universe is also seen when an aspirant accomplishes the other 4 main paths of Sanatan Dharma …
Thus the same (but to a lesser extent) also happens for each of the six primary Vedic paths …
But at the same time and as far as accomplishment of the essence of Vedanta (i.e. as was discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” and also discussed in another earlier topic of “As it originally was”) is concerned, there is a higher vibratory yet very subtle roar of “OM Naad (i.e. sound of OM)” which shall be heard within the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation … Through this subtle roar, the multi-universal macrocosmic creation declares its supreme-bliss and this blissful state of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation is always there when one of its parts (i.e. the aspirant who has accomplished Vedanta) has already achieved (i.e. has already accomplished) all that was to be ever accomplished during the entirety of eternity of the Maker’s Makings …
And because Gurudeva Gautama Buddha held the accomplishments of three of these six paths, so the sound that came at that time from the universe, was “loud and clear” and thus was also denoting the arrival of the “Sage amongst all Sages” of that time …
This itself was the reason for this little student to leave his then subtle world and enter this world, so as to learn from Gurudeva Gautama Buddha, who himself was the “Sage amongst all sages” of those definitely better times …
And in that previous incarnation (which also was through the process of transmigration only) as soon as this little student (in his earlier incarnation) went to Gurudeva (i.e. Gautama Buddha) he immediately accepted him as a Shishya (student) because Gurudeva Gautama Buddha knew that this little boy (i.e. the last incarnation of this little student who as of now it writing this text) has only returned back to this world so as to learn from him because there is no other purpose for his return back to this world system … Thus this also proves that Gurudeva was also a Trikaal Darshi (i.e. a seer of the three times) …
Now we move on further so as to discuss the pending aspects of this topic which relate to the fourth world amongst the four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka (i.e. the abode of creator) …
These four upper great white worlds as are of the four Mahabrahmas of Buddhism, are the formless states of the four faced Pitamah Brahma Ji of Vedas (i.e. the creator as is stated in Vedic lore’s) …
And these four worlds are also present in the four petalled lotus which is told as the 8th plexus in one of the Mantras of chapter 10 of Atharvaveda and is also told as Niralambasthana and Niralamb Chakra within the ancient Siddha sciences … In a later topic, we shall be discussing this plexus in great details and its relation to all religions (i.e. sects of Sanatan Dharma) of today …
- This fourth of the upper 4 great white worlds is the one which rests within the vast envelope of very-light-pink colored nature … This very-light colored pink nature is the Avyakta Prakriti of Vedic lore, who is also called as Avyakta Prana within the Yogic lore and Tusita Loka of Buddhist lore and she is also addressed as Maya Shakti in Vedas and is also addressed as Mahamaya (i.e. Great-Maya) in some sects of vast-vast lore’s of Sanatan Dharma … And she itself is the original Prana Shakti (i.e. vital energy) of the four faced creator of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) …
This fourth world is like a very subtle white lotus which is entirely made up of light and this fourth amongst the 4 upper great worlds (of Brahmaloka) rises up from the very-light-pink colored nature that entirely surrounds it …
These four upper great white worlds are also the ones from where the Vedic concept of Four-Purushartha is related to and thus these four upper great white worlds are the ones to which these four Purushartha eventually relate … This also proves that the fourfold Purushartha as is stated in Vedic lore is directly related to the formless abode of creator (i.e. abode of Pitamah Brahma Ji) which is also called as the Sadyojata face of Shiva … These four Purushartha are as follows …
- Dharma … The righteous way of life based upon Vedic principles …
- Artha … The righteous economics and ways of material and immaterial progress in life which is based upon Vedic principles …
- Kama … The correctness and righteousness of desires which relate to here and beyond, material and immaterial and also that relate to all that ever is as a righteous way of life …
- Moksha … The final liberation or in other words, Kaivalya Moksha …
The fourth amongst the upper 4 great white worlds which are being discussed here, is where my last incarnations Gurudeva Gautama Buddha also resides as of now … And he resides there with four other elderly highly-evolved-sages of those times which were much earlier to the times when Gurudeva (Gautama Buddha) had accomplished his Buddhata (i.e. Buddhahood) …
As soon as this little student (i.e. the subtler travelling vehicle of the writer of this text) entered this world where Gurudeva currently resides, Gurudeva was very happy and he also got up to receive it (i.e. receive the travelling vehicle of his own little student, who as of now is the writer of this text) and at that time, the other three highly-evolved sages who also reside in that higher world system, silently looked on …
I did a Shashwat Pranam (i.e. touching the feet of Gurudeva with hands meeting above the head, whilst lying down flat on the floor of that world) and told him mentally that his Guru-Dakshina is rendered herewith and that too, exactly in the way as he (i.e. Gurudeva) had asked for …
Then I (i.e. the subtler vehicle who had travelled to Gurudeva’s world) bowed down to the other three highly-evolved elderly sages … Then we all (i.e. five of us) sat down on the very-light pink colored floor of that subtle world, with Gurudeva on my side (or better if I say, with me on the side of Gurudeva) …
At that time none of these four sages (i.e. Gurudeva and the other three elderly sages) talked anything as everybody was so happy to see this little students accomplishment vehicle enter their world, so as to meet his Gurudeva of previous incarnation (i.e. Buddha Avatar or Gautama Buddha) and that too to only tell him that his Guru-Dakshina is already rendered in a way which is exactly the same as Gurudeva had asked for during this little students earlier incarnation (i.e. when I was a little student of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha, about 3.8 millenniums ago) …
After this little mental talk, I just sat there in utter-silence of inner-bliss which always is when a Guru-Dakshina is rendered properly and Gurudeva with other three highly-evolved sages kept smiling faintly as they also were went into an inner-bliss by this act of the little student who writes this text …
This fourth world of Mahabrahma (where Gurudeva and the other three elderly sages reside) is also denoting 4th Purushartha (i.e. Moksha or liberation) … And thus within the Buddhist lore, the fourth Mahabrahmas name is not told (as only the term Mahabrahma is used for the fourth) … This itself is because of the fact that the 4th upper great white world which denotes the 4th Purushartha (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha), is the nameless state … Thus the Buddhist lore also terms this state as Mahabrahma itself and no other add-on names (as are given to the other three Mahabrahmas which were discussed earlier) are utilized for the state of our current discussion …
As also is a matter of fact that keeping the 4th upper great white world unnamed and only utilizing the Upadhi (designation of Mahabrahma) for it and that too without even speaking a name other than the Upadhi (of Mahabrahma) for it, proves that Buddha knew the 4 Purushartha’s and that too through a direct cognition …
And he had only kept this world without add-on names because this 4th amongst the four upper great white worlds is the soundless, vibrationless and thus is the nameless one (so only the term Mahabrahma is used for it by Gurudeva) … So I can safely say that Gurudeva of my previous incarnation, was also the Seer amongst all Seers (i.e. Sage amongst all Sages) of his time because he had known the 4th Purushartha and that too, through a direct cognition …
Discussing a few other aspects of these 4 upper great white worlds which as such are an intrinsic part of the formless abode of creator of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) …
But this fourth world is only arrived at after transiting through “Kama Loka” (or the world of “all sex” which is like a pit that lies within the very light pink nature … This is from where the knowledge of Kamasutra’s of Sri Vatsyayana have originated be the positions that are stated in Kamasutra’s, are all being practiced in the Kama Loka which is being discussed here (in brief only as this is also a very vast topic which shall be taken up in a later chapter) … This also proves that Sri Vatsyayana (i.e. the sage who gave the knowledge of Kamasutra’s) had subtly visited this world prior he even wrote the Kamasutra … And he had only given this knowledge because sexual energy if utilized properly, is also be a valid path to realization of allness in addition to being at authentic path of final liberation …
This Kama Loka is also the same world which is stated as that of 72 virgins in Islam … But the problem is that, once the vital-energies of an aspirant get expended and thus these vital energies become dissolved into their own macrocosmic causes, then that aspirant who does this mistake of losing the vital energies (i.e. expending the vital fluid during sex and where that sex is only for fun instead of what it is meant to be i.e. for expansion of progeny) always returns back as an incarnated one within one or another of the lower worlds (like this one) …
So irrespective of what anyone may believe, this state of Kama-Loka (or world of eternal sex) does not denote an end of existence, but it only denotes continuity of existence … And because of this reason unless the vital-energy (and thus the vital fluid) is conserved, a return back to grossness (i.e. a lower world system, like this one) cannot even be avoided till eternity …
As also is a hard fact, that unless the vital energy is conserved, the Kundalini Shakti (i.e. the pristine divinity within an aspirant) cannot even rise till (and thence go beyond) the 7th plexus and even if the Kundalini Shakti does rise (due to ones earlier accumulated merit) it cannot even stay continuously at the 7th plexus unless the vital energy is conserved (i.e. vital fluid or sexual fluids are conserved) … Within such a condition, continuous stay of the Kundalini Shakti at the 7th plexus cannot be arrived at and there also cannot be a stage where that aspirant can reach the self-realization of the Eighth Chakra (of chapter 10 of Atharvaveda) …
And in absence of the condition listed in above paragraph, the subtle macrocosm which is residing within the gross microcosm of the physical vehicle, cannot even gets absorbed into its own respective macrocosmic principal states … In absence of such a condition, the seedless trance cannot be entered into (i.e. a Nirbija Samadhi cannot be arrived at by that aspirant who does not conserve its own vital energy, through the process of conserving the vital fluids within his or her sexual organs) …
And without Nirbija Samadhi, the finality of exit from all paths, states, modes and conditions of existence, cannot even be arrived at by anyone …
And at the same time, after any aspirant arrives at Nirbija Awastha (seedless state) then the conservation and/or expenditure of vital-energy (vital-fluid) also remains of no consequence for that aspirant (as that aspirant is deemed to have already gone beyond such aspects of conservation or expenditure) …
Thus is the importance of Brahmacharya (celibacy) in Yoga … Those who practice Yoga without Brahmacharya are only wasting their time and effort as the Yogic-Gantavya (i.e. summit of Yoga) which denotes exit from allness and her each part (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha) can never be entered by such aspirants …
Moving on to the pending discussion on Avyakta Prakriti i.e. non manifest, non present nature of Maker of allness …
And after this meeting with the Gurudeva of my previous incarnation, the knowledge of this text was distributed to many evolved-ones (all these ones were sages of ancient times) who reside within that very light-pink colored world (i.e. Avyakta Prakriti) and all of them are only awaiting the ripeness and rightness of time for their one last and final return back to one or another lower world system (like this world system) prior they would also exit out of “allness and its each part” (i.e. enter into Kaivalya or isolation from allness and her each part) …
After meeting Gurudeva and the other three elderly sages, the accomplishment vehicles decided to return back and that path of return back was also passing through the same Avyakta Prakriti only …
As soon as the accomplishment vehicle (of this little student who writes this text) entered Avyakta, many of the sages who reside there (i.e. within Avyakta) surrounded the travelling accomplishment vehicle (of this little student who writes this text) and then they began asking for the knowledge of the path which was taken to reach there (i.e. they began asking for the knowledge of the path that was taken reach the very light pink world in which these highly evolves sages reside) …
So at that time the knowledge of this text was distributed to them and that too, exactly as they has asked for … This was the first knowledge transfer of this text, by this little student who writes it right now …
This very light pink colored world was told as Tusita in Gurudeva Gautama Buddha’s knowledge system … And the same is also termed as Avyakta Prakriti (and Avyakta Prana) in Vedic lore … The same is also addressed as Maya in Vedas … So ultimately it is the same world which is referred to in various knowledge systems …
HH-4 … After realization of all above, the traveling vehicle enters a secret path and thence arrives at the world of the “four-faced macro-neutral attributed-form of grandfather of allness (i.e. it enters into the Brahmaloka of Vedas which as such is of the “Chatur-Mukha Sarva-Sam Sagun Sakaar Pitamah-Brahma Ji”) …
And when this world of the four headed Param-Pitamah Brahma Ji was arrived at, then the travelling vehicle (of this little student) already knew that this is the “final-end of all final-ends” of all evolutionary-existence because of the fact that this world (as is of the four-faced grandfather of allness i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) itself was the state from where the commencement of original-origination each microcosm (including of this little student who writes the text) was originally effected and thus a return back to this state also denotes completion of full circle of evolutionary existence of any aspirant … Due to this reason, I shall not be painting this state or discussing it in great detail because this is one of those aspects which needs to be self realized by an aspirant (so it cannot be told in great details through any of the modes of subtle or gross communication) …
Ahum to ALA … After realization of this topic …
HH-5 … After this stage of direct cognition of above two paragraphs, for any aspirant there remains “nothing more to be done, nothing more to be gone to, and nothing more to become” …
Such an aspirant directly enters into the innermost essence of the wise words which could be stated thus … “There is nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” …
Such an aspirant also enters the path which is based upon the innermost essence of the statement of “Itself Within Itself” instead of the earlier path that was based upon the statement “Myself Within Myself” … Such an aspirant is already gone beyond all that is beyond, even whilst still incarnated …
And because, above itself is the “final-end of all final-ends” of all evolutionary-existence, so for such an aspirant there also remains no chance of a future return back into any of the modes, conditions and states of existence …
But this realization is also denoting the stage which is just prior Kaivalya Moksha (i.e. liberation due to full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) is arrived at by any aspirant because Kaivalya Moksha is the undefined state which as such cannot even be described … So even when this realization denotes the end of all ends, yet the indefinable endless that is beyond, is still not arrived at this stage …
And thus this realization also denoted to me that the completion stage of my Guru-Dakshina of Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra has arrived just as he had asked for … This is because this condition of standing at the “doorway of a final exit into the undefined that is the endless beyond, and yet already exited out of allness and her each part”, itself was the final completion stage of a successful transit through all paths of Vedic lore, prior entering into Kaivalya-Moksha and just as was asked for by Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra …
It was after this that the subtler vehicle entered into Tapoloka (i.e. world of highly evolved sages) so as to inform Gurudeva (Brahmarishi Vishvamitra) that his Guru-Dakshina is accomplished in a way that is exactly how he had asked for it …
I did a Shashwat Pranam to him and bowed down to all other sages of that much beyond world and stayed with Gurudeva for a while, prior returning back to the physical vehicle which lay in conscious-inertia whilst the subtle vehicle had travelled to meet Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra and Gurudeva Gautama Buddha so as to tell then that their Gurudakshina is rendered in a way that is exactly as they had asked for it …
And after completion of above, this little student knew that he was finally free after almost 2.1 million years of time span that it took to render this particular Gurudakshina of Brahmarishi Vishvamitra and I also knew that it was only for completion of this Gurudakshina (or Brahmarishi Vishvamitra) that I had become a student of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha and many other sages during my earlier transmigrated incarnations that were after I became the first and the only Trisanku Yogi of this mega-eon (i.e. the current Mahayuga) …
So this brings up to an end on the brief discussion on the diamond white part of above painting … Detailed discussions on the same shall be done with painted sketches, but in a later topic of this text …
II-1 … As far as the earlier shown figure of this topic is concerned, the following is also a fact …
Blue colored Aghora (i.e. Ahum Naad of our previous discussion (and also of above painting) and which denotes “inactivity, sleep, inertia, constriction, attachment, magnetism, attraction, restriction, stability, braking-effect (i.e. applying brakes), celibacy, introvert and peace” is also related to the blue shift of astronomy …
Thus what the modern astronomers and astrophysicists term as blue shift is actually related to Aghora itself …
II-2 … And on the contrary, the red shift of astronomy is also related to the next set of topics which are related to Rudra Deva (who also is ALA Naad or sound of ALA) …
ALA Naad or sound of ALA (or Rudra Deva) is the red shift of astronomy which denotes “activity, awakened state, action, expansive force, non-restriction, instability, accelerating effect, extrovert, vitality, indulgence, loss of inner-calm and outer-peace can also happen if this energy field of ALA is manhandled by anyone” …
Thus what astronomers term as red shift is actually related to Rudra Deva itself …
Finally … Rudra Deva who itself is the “Sound of ALA (i.e. ALA Naad)” is the next set of topics … And ALA Naad also happens to be my Gurupita (Guide-Father and Father-Guide) …
That’s all for the current topic …