Above figure depicts Akasha or Akasha Mahabhoot (i.e. macro-elemental ether) whilst it is viewed from within intersection of Hiranyagarbha (golden womb of macrocosmic creation) and macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot or Akasha Mahabhuta) …
Akasha Sharira or ether body ultimately merges to Akash Mahabhoot … Even the blue gem body merges to the same Akasha Mahabhoot only … And after this stage of union to ether, both these bodies eventually enter into the middle orb of above figure and become permanently absorbed there … This leads to a condition where these two bodies, become formless (i.e. instead of their earlier human form, these two bodies become formless, just as ether itself is) …
This denotes the end of existence of the aspirant within both below described macrocosmic aspects …
- End of existence within all five macro-elemental states i.e. Pancha Mahabhoot … Such an aspirant is no longer available within any of the five macro-elements (i.e. such an aspirant moves on and thus goes beyond the Pancha Mahabhoot or Panch Bhoot) …
- End of existence within all five subtle macro-elemental states i.e. Pancha Tanmatra … Such an aspirant is no longer available within any of the five subtle macro-elements (i.e. such an aspirant moves on and thus goes beyond the Pancha Tanmatra) …
- And due to above, such an aspirant is the one who goes beyond the scopes of all that falls within the purviews of the phrase “allness and her each part” … And thus, such an aspirant is also the one who goes beyond the purviews of the entirety of Maker’s Makings i.e. such an aspirant goes beyond the entirety of macrocosmic self expression of the Maker, which itself is Vishvaroop Brahma (or Maker’s Makings) …
And if such an aspirant was a Siddha earlier on, then he (or she) also ends up losing all his Siddhi’s after accomplishment of whatever is discussed here is already achieved by that aspirant … And due to this reason, such an aspirant also enters into that which could be told as a stage of Param Sannyasa (i.e. renunciation of allness and her each part) …
The one who has renounced allness and her each part, itself is the one who is isolated from allness and her each part …
And as a matter of fact, that aspirant who enters into a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part, is the one whom Vedas have addressed as Kaivalya Mukta (or one who has already attained to his or her liberation) …
Thus, this topic is the real beginning of the later stage of entering into Kaivalya Moksha …
NN-10-A … Akasha Mahabhoot … Macro-elemental ether … The timeless one …
Within the Maker’s Makings, ether was the first macro-element to get self originated and since the stage of self origination of ether itself was that which was prior to the later stages of origination of subtle and grosser states of allness, so ether is none other than a primordial and timeless macro-element …
Ether is a primordial and timeless macro-element due to the fact that its original self origination was within that stage of progress of time, where time had not even divided into its individual unitary values (i.e. unitary value of time has still not evolved out of the original state of eternity of time) … And thus at the time when ether was self originated, time itself was of its own originality and which itself is the realized finality of time that has been termed as eternity (Sanatan) … It eventually is upon and within that Sanatan (eternal) that the Sanatan Dharma is rooted in …
Thus since at that stage of original self origination of ether, time was not even available within its apparently fractured states of unitary values and since at such a time, the dimension of time was still based within its finality of eternity, so the time of origination of ether can never be calculated and this is what makes ether as a primordial and timeless macro-element (Adi Bhoota or Adi Mahabhuta or Adi Mahabhoot) …
NN-10-B … Significance of self realization of Ether or Akasha Mahabhuta … Mahabhoot Siddhi …
The term Mahabhoot Siddhi means “accomplishment of the five macro-elements (or Pancha Mahabhoot)” …
From the macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) were originated other four macro-elements … This origination was in the following sequence …
- Macro-elemental air … Vayu Mahabhoot … This was originated from macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot or Akasha Mahabhuta) …
- Macro-elemental light (or fire or luminous heat) … Vayu Mahabhoot (or Agni Mahabhoot or Tejas Mahabhoot) … This was originated from macro-elemental air (Vayu Mahabhoot) …
- Macro-elemental water … Jal Mahabhoot (or Aap Mahabhoot or Ap Mahabhoot) … This was originated from macro-elemental heat-luminosity (Tejas Mahabhoot) …
- Macro-elemental earth … Prithvi Mahabhoot (or Bhu Mahabhoot) … This was originated from macro-elemental water (Jal Mahabhoot) …
And since there is no sixth Mahabhoot, so there cannot ever be a case where any other macro-element (i.e. Mahabhoot) could ever be possible to be known within the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
Thus basis above, following is a fact …
- Origination process … Origination process is as stated above and if we observe the relative grossness of above manifested macro-elemental sequences then it is clear that as the later elements are self-manifested, then the grossness of Maker’s Makings also keeps increasing …
- Evolutionary process … During evolutionary process of any microcosm (i.e. any aspirant) the path that is followed is reverse of the origination process … Thus as a microcosm keeps evolving, that microcosm also keeps attaining an ever higher inner subtlety … And since within a gross manifested state (i.e. a human bodied state) the aspirant is primarily related to macro-elemental earth, so as this subtlety keeps increasing within the aspirant, that aspirant keeps self realizing an ever higher macro-element as per above stated sequence …
So basis above … If ether is self realized by that aspirant, then it means that the final macro-element is already self realized and this condition also denotes that evolutionary stage where an aspirant goes beyond the entire macrocosmic creation as ether itself is the primordial and timeless macro-element which as such was originated prior to the origination of any other gross (or manifested) and subtle (or non manifested) states of the Maker’s Makings …
Thus a self realization of ether itself denotes that state of evolution where an aspirant is no longer resting within the purviews of the Maker’s Makings and yet since ether is pervading and enveloping allness, so after the aspirants ether body merges to its own parental state (i.e. macro-elemental ether) and thus that ether body loses its earlier form (as after this union, the ether body becomes formless, just as ether itself is) so that same aspirant also continues as the detached pervader and enveloper of allness of Maker’s Makings … This is due to the fact that when the ether body (Akasha Sharira) is already perfectly (or non dually) unioned to ether, which itself is the pervader of all later originated states of Maker’s Makings, that ether body also become a pervader and envelope of these later states of Maker’s Makings …
Such an aspirant no longer stays within the purviews of any of the lower states (i.e. states which had manifested from ether) of Maker’s Makings … Thus by itself, the accomplishment and then a union of ether body to macro-elemental ether, is denoting a very high accomplishment (Siddhi) …
And since ether can only be self realized after all the previous states which relate to self realizations of other macro-elements, are completed by the aspirant, so this stage of self realization of ether body and thence its further union to macro-elemental ether is also denoting an evolutionary standing where that aspirant has already gone beyond the other four (or lower or grosser) macro-elements …
As such those aspirants whose ether body has merged to macro-elemental ether, are also those who denote that state of evolution where their other four bodies which relates to other four macro-elements (or air, fire, water and earth) have already merged to their own respective macrocosmic principal states …
And this also denotes that one who accomplishes ether is also the one who has accomplished all other macro-elements …
And since accomplishment of macro-elements is a very high attainment, so this topic only denotes a very high state of evolution of an aspirant within the divine macrocosmic hierarchies of here, beyond and also that which is beyond all beyondness …
NN-10-C … Significance of self realization of Ether … Tanmatra Siddhi …
Tanmatra means subtle macro-elements and these are as follows …
- Sabda … Sound … This is of ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) … This is a derivative of union of the red colored macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna) and the macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) and where they unite within the mind whilst being pervades by the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (Sattvaguna) … A direct cognition of the pristine sounds of allness of Maker’s Makings (or Shabda) leads to self realization of what was told as Shabda Brahman …
- Sparsha … Touch … This is of air (Vayu Mahabhoot) … Sound originated in ether and propagates in air …
- Roop … Form … This is of fire (Agni or Prakash or Tejas Mahabhoot) …
- Rasa … Taste … This is of water (Jal or Aap Mahabhoot or Ap Mahabhoot) …
- Gandha … Smell … This is of earth (Prithvi Mahabhoot or Bhu Mahabhoot) …
And since there is no sixth Tanmatra, so there cannot ever be a case where any other subtle macro-element (i.e. Tanmatra) could ever be possible to be known within the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
Proceeding further …
Since the subtler pervades (permeates) the grosser, so the subtler is also found to be present within the grosser … Thus basis above, following is a fact …
- Ether has only one Tanmatra i.e. Naad or Sabda (sound) … A direct cognition of Shabda leads to self realization of what was told as Nada Brahman …
- Air has two Tanmatra within it i.e. Touch and Sound … Sound pervades touch as sound is subtler than touch and due to this reason, sound (Sabda) is also found to be resting within (or inside) the macro-elemental touch (Sparsha) …
- Fire (or light or luminous heat) has three Tanmatra within it i.e. form, touch and sound and where each latter stated one also pervading the former which is stated here …
- Water has four Tanmatra within it i.e. taste, form, touch and sound and where each latter stated one also pervading the former which is stated here …
- Earth has all five Tanmatra within it i.e. smell, taste, form, touch and sound and where each latter stated one also pervading the former which is stated here …
So when the ether body (or Akasha Sharira) of any aspirant gets self manifested within that aspirants microcosm, then this by itself is denoting that the aspirant has already moved beyond the four relatively lower (or grosser) Tanmatra of smell, taste, form and touch … And this itself is due to the fact that when the ether body of an aspirant merges to macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhuta), then such an aspirant is only holding the Sabda (or sound) Tanmatra …
Such are the aspirants who can read macrocosmic sounds i.e. sounds of macrocosmic impressions (Brahmic Samskaras) that were the base from which everything (including ether) had self originated within the various stages of self originations of the Maker’s Makings …
Proceeding further …
And if these aspirants attain the capability of reading the original impressions (Prachin Samskaras) of the Maker’s Makings, from which the Maker had self originated the entirety of Maker’s Makings (i.e. those impressions from which allness had originated) and which itself is that upon which the entirety of Vedic lore stands rooted since eternity of time, then these aspirants also are the ones who attain the title of a Brahmarishi …
Brahmarishi means the higher of all Rishi (sages) as he is the one who is the seer of Vedas (Vedic sounds) … This is one of the accomplishments that are arrived at through the ether body of our current discussion …
And from the point of view of Tanmatra Siddhi (i.e. accomplishments of Tanmatra) which itself is an extremely high attainment from the point of view of the macrocosmic creation, such an aspirant is already a very high authority sage within the macrocosmic hierarchies and in addition to this, his (i.e. a Brahmarishi) authority also extends to beyond all these macrocosmic hierarchies …
Proceeding further
And when the ether body (Akasha Sharira) finally merges to is its own macrocosmic parental state i.e. the macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) and thence that ether body loses its own form (as that ether body becomes formless), then that ether body itself is the macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) and that ether body simultaneously also is the subtle macro-element of sound (i.e. Sabda Tanmatra) … Thus in such a case, that ether body of such an aspirant is no longer a body that it earlier was …
At such a stage as is described in above paragraph, that aspirant also loses his (or her) ability to read the sounds of original macrocosmic impressions (because he by himself is the original sound of allness) and due to this reason, if any further macrocosmic parental (and thus subtle) states are self realized by such an aspirant, then that aspirant would never hear their sounds …
As such it is due to this reason that such aspirants can render the knowledge of those other states (which are self realized after merger of their own ether body to the macro-elemental ether), but they would never be able to describe the root or seed sounds (root syllables or seed sounds) of these self realized macrocosmic states … This itself proves their incomplete state of knowledge of allness …
But at the same time, this also denotes a stage where that aspirant has already moved beyond the primordial macro-element (or ether or Akasha) and the primordial Tanmatra (or Sabda or sound) … This denotes a state which is just prior self realization of that which is told as the eternally-soundless, ever-quiet and as the ever-same supreme Brahman … These are the aspirants who eventually self realize Brahman and since Brahman (or Parabrahman) does not even have any sound (as Brahman is the Satchidanand, who as such is “That” who stands much beyond all sounds and all other aspects of Maker’s Makings), so it is not possible to name IT and/or describe IT …
It primarily is due to this reason, that Brahman (i.e. attributeless infinite being) is definitely the realizable, yet is the indescribable …
And to counter this limitation for future aspirants and thus lay down the path of self realization of Brahman (or Atman, as both are one and the same) for those future aspirants of the triple times that are yet to manifest, those Vedic sages who had already known Brahman (or Atman, as they both are one and the same) had given the mega-statements of Vedas (i.e. Mahavakya) …
Thus, since the Vedic Mahavakya relate to Brahman (Absolute being) and/or its self expression (i.e. the Maker’s Makings or Brahmand), so these Vedic Mahavakya are also holding the subtle knowledge of Brahman (and Brahmand) and are also holding the path to Brahman, within themselves … This is an absolute fact about these four Vedic mega statement (i.e. Vedic Mahavakya) …
As such basis above, following is a fact …
- Upon attainment of ether body … The aspirants Akasha Sharira (i.e. that Siddha Sharira which relates to ether) can still hear primordial macrocosmic sounds, but this Siddha body cannot feel touch, see form, have taste of anything or be able to smell anything that is self realized by the assistance of this Siddha body of ether … Amongst the five Siddhi’s which relate to the five macro-elements, such an aspirant who holds the ether body is only holding the Akasha Mahabhoot (macro-element) Siddhi and in addition to this, such an aspirant is also holding the Sabda Tanmatra Siddhi (i.e. such an aspirant is still holding the accomplishment of subtle macro-elemental sound) … Only these two Siddhi’s are held by the holder of the Akasha Siddhi Sharira (i.e. ether body) …
- After union of the aspirants ether body to macro-elemental ether … After this union, such an aspirant neither relates to any macro-element (Mahabhoot) nor to any subtle macro-element (Tanmatra) and thus such an aspirant is devoid of all of his (or her) earlier attainments (i.e. such an aspirant detaches from all of the earlier Siddhi’s) … This is the stage of going beyond the earlier stage of being a Siddha (i.e. a fully accomplished one) …
- Such an aspirant also goes beyond the purviews of all the five macro-elements (Pancha Mahabhoot) and five subtle macro-elements (Pancha Tanmatra) … This is by itself is none other than a stage of an “almost” indescribable attainment because of the fact that this attainment denotes the stage of firmly resting within Brahmpath (to know this read the earlier topic of “Brahmpath … The last path”) …
- Such are the aspirants who ultimately are the knower’s of their own Atman (i.e. their own innermost essence), essence of allness (i.e. Brahman) and also the innermost non dual unity of these two as is subtly referred to within the Vedic Chatur Mahavakya (i.e. the four great statement of Vedas) …
- And since this self knowledge of the inner meanings of the four mega statements of Vedas itself is the higher of all knowledge, so such an aspirant is also the holder of the supreme knowledge, whose timeless incalculable origin itself is from “Aghora face of Sadashiva” and whose eternally unending finality (or the non-terminating termination point) itself is in supreme consciousness (Param Chetan Awastha or Chidakash) that is of the “Ishaan face of Sadashiva” …
Thus is the significance of Sabda Tanmatra Siddhi (or accomplishment of subtle macro-elemental sound) as was discussed here and I say so because of the fact that by itself, only this attainment can lead to the final eternally unchangeful accomplishment as is of Moksha Siddhi (i.e. the eternally non-beginning and thus eternally non-ending accomplishment of a final liberation i.e. Kaivalya Moksha) …
An aspirant who attains to Kaivalya Moksha, is the one who renounces all his (or her) earlier attainments (i.e. all earlier Siddhi’s) as such an aspirant is only holding the Moksha Siddhi …
Thus is the finality of that path that relates to Tanmatra Siddhi and Mahabhoot Siddhi …
And it was due to this reason, that there have been cases where the ancient Vedic sages had utilized one of the Mahabhoot and/or one of the Tanmatra to self realize the finality and thus be finally liberated …
Vedic lore also has many proofs of authenticity Mahabhoot and Tanmatra as paths to the ultimate self realization and the final liberation … Thus is the significance of this discussion …
NN-10-D … Absorption of ether body into macro-elemental ether …
The word absorption means a non dual union of anything to its own macrocosmic principal cause … And as far as this discussion on ether body stands, the term absorption only means the final union of ether body to its own macrocosmic principal cause i.e. macro-elemental ether (or Akasha Mahabhuta) …
This absorption can only happen after the ether body merges to ether, which further returns to Hiranyagarbha Brahma and thus the state of ether body which was discussed in the previous topic of “Blue gem body and ether body” is already attained … To know what I am referring to, just see the painting of ether body (purple body) which has golden lights in it …
At this stage, the absorption happens through the state which is depicted in above painting …
Above painted sketch describes the state where the ether body which has already united to the golden light of Hiranyagarbha, finally dissolves into its own cause and thus it no longer stays within its earlier bodied state (as that body becomes formless) …
NN-10-E … Absorption of gem blue body into macro-elemental ether …
Even the gem blue body gets absorbed into macro-elemental ether only …
Thus basis this, the same macro-elemental ether is the state of absorption of both the ether body (Akasha Sharira) and blue gem body (Brahmic Ayurvedacharya Sharira) …
But these two Siddha bodies only get absorbed after they both have unioned to the golden light of Hiranyagarbha (golden womb of creation) whose state was described and shown through two painted sketches in the previous topic of “Blue gem body and ether body” … In that topic, see the painted sketches of ether body and gem blue body which have golden lights in them as only in these two painted conditions, do these two Siddha bodies end up merging to their own macrocosmic principal state (i.e. the macro-elemental ether) …
And when both these Siddha bodies (i.e. ether body and gem blue body) become absorbed into ether, then the same ether is self realized in the condition as is depicted in below painting …
Below painting denotes the final self realization as far as macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) is concerned …

I shall be referring to above figure in a later topic where we shall be discussing macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) in some greater details …
We had discussed in the previous topic that Akasha (ether or space) is a derivative of Mind, so once above stage of union of ether body and gem blue body to the macro-elemental ether (as is depicted in above painting) is accomplished, then a later stage also arrives where the mind of that Yogi also merges to its own parental state i.e. macrocosmic mind …
Once above happens, that Yogi is already deemed to be walking a path which would take him (or her) beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
NN-10-F … Blue gem body and ether body … Path of Param Sannyasa …
The words Param Sannyasa means the following …
- Param means supreme, absolute, incomparable, unborn and thus undying and thus eternal, indescribable yet realizable and thus the term Param of our current discussion only relates to the attributeless infinite being (as the words which are stated here are eventually denoting the attributeless infinite being or Brahman only …
Continuing with above bullet point … Within Vedic lore, the attributeless infinite being is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm and is also addressed as Brahman, Brahm, Parambrahma, Paramshiva, Adi Parashakti, Paramatman, Parmeshwara, Parmeshwari, Satchidanand, Tat (which means as IT and also as That), Aja, Atman (which means as innermost essence), Swa Prakash, Swayam Prakash etc-etc …
- Sannyasa means renunciation … The finality of renunciation is always to allness and her each part i.e. the entirety of Maker’s Makings (including the divine worlds, their divine controllers and their texts or paths) … Unless renunciation is as stated here, it cannot ever be deemed to be the finality of renunciation …
Continuing with above bullet point … Thus states the Vedic lore as follows …
What use are the scriptures to those who have already known IT
What use are the scriptures to those, who have not even begun on the path of knowing IT …
Proceeding further …
Thus the term Param Sannyasa means Supreme or Absolute renunciation which itself is the same as the eternal-state of the attributeless infinite being …
- And since the attributeless infinite being (Parabrahman) is also the supremely detached one, so such a Yogi who enters into Param Sannyasa is already gone for good as he is no longer available within any part of the Maker’s Makings …
Continuing with above bullet point … So for the whereabouts of such a Yogi, if anyone would ask the macrocosmic creation, the divine controllers (Gods of triple times) and the inhabitants of any of the divine worlds, then the reply would inevitably be …
He (or she) was existent, but now is not
- And since the attributeless infinite being who itself is the supreme Renunciate, is also devoid of sounds and vibrations and thus IT is also the nameless one … So a Yogi who manages to enter into a union to the attributeless infinite being (Parabrahman), also becomes the supreme Renunciate and due to this reason, such a Yogi is also devoid of identities and thus he can never be related to, by “anyone else” and where the phrase “anyone else” also includes the entire macrocosmic creation and her every microcosm, including the Gods of any of the stages of progress of triple times …
And since such a Yogi is no longer available within the purviews of the Maker’s Makings, so nobody can ever know the depth of his being, as he by himself is his (or her) own genderless innermost essence (Atman), which itself is the attributeless infinite being (as when Atman is self realized within its own originality and which itself is the finality of self realization of Atman, then that Atman of the Yogi itself is the Atman of all that is, i.e. such a Yogi knows that Atman is Brahman) …
And since the Atman can never be described, even when it definitely is self realizable, so is that Yogi who knows the unity of Atman and Brahman …
Thus those who think they know him, actually don’t know him and those who think they don’t know him, actually know him …
Proceeding further …
During those extremely ancient Vedic times as were of my previous incarnations and further transmigrated incarnations that have also been till now (Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth), the Sages used to state as follows …
Those who have already known IT and they also believe that they fully know IT, have never really known IT
And those who have known IT and yet they believe that they do not know IT fully, are in fact the real knower’s of IT
And as a matter of fact … After a Yogi’s has known the eternal unity of Atman and Brahman (i.e. Atman is Brahman), then that Yogi could be thus described …
As IT eternally is … So is the Yogi who has entered into a non dual union to IT …
And above could also be told as …
As a drop of water becomes the ocean upon uniting to the ocean
So does a Yogi become Brahman after knowing that his (or her) own Atman, is Brahman (Atma Is Brahma) …
Analyzing previous discussions …
When that which has been told in above discussion as union to ether is accomplished by an aspirant and thus these two Siddha body (i.e. ether body and gem blue body) of the aspirant become unioned to ether and thence both these Siddha bodies also turn formless (just as ether itself is), then that aspirant is no longer available within any part of the Maker’s Makings …
And due to this reason, such ones cannot ever be related to by any aspirant of any of the triple times as those aspirants who accomplish the totality of all that has been discussed in this topic, enter into Param Sannyasa (i.e. supreme renunciation) either whilst they are still alive or at the instant of their destined de-incarnation …
In above paragraph, the former case is if they have no further (or pending) obligations (Like an earlier Guru Dakshina or instructions of a deity or a promise that earlier was made to anybody else) and the latter stage is that which can never be missed by such aspirants … Thus those who have do not have any pending obligation, enter into Param Sannyasa whilst alive or else they would definitely enter into Param Sannyasa at the instant of their destined de-incarnation (destined de-incarnation is of that incarnation when all above was self accomplished by them and that too where this accomplishment was through their own self realizations of whatever has been discussed here) …
Such a Param Sanyasi Yogi is also deemed to be the innermost essence of Vedic Mahavakya (i.e. mega statements of Vedas) …
And this itself is due to the fact that such a Yogi is the Atman (i.e. the Yogi is his or her own innermost essence) and where the Atman (of that Yogi) itself is none other than Brahman … Such a Yogi is like a physical manifestation of of the Vedic statement “Satyam Jnanam Anantam” …
That is all …