Irrespective of what path is followed by anyone to know the real, the end result is just the same attributeless infinite being (which in Sanskrit language is stated as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) or Absolute Being or Supreme being only … Thus even a study of the macrocosmic creation leads to the self-realization of the same macrocosmic being, who as such is also addressed as Purusha in Purusha-Sukta of Rig Veda …
Because of being based upon the intrinsic pluralism and simultaneously resting within the essential monism of the macrocosmic creation or the Maker’s Makings, Sanatan Dharma also happens to be the only path which can get assistance from the ladder of ever changeful and thus eternally non-constant hierarchies of the macrocosmic creation and yet lead an aspirant to the same eternally non-changeful universal being i.e. the Absolute …
Thus due to being based upon the intrinsic-pluralism and yet resting within the essential-monism of the macrocosmic creation, Sanatan Dharma neither has a single text not a single Deity nor a single propagator nor a single way of life and also does not have any traceable origin point … And that which has no traceable origin point, also has no traceable end point … That which has no origin and end traceable, can only be as an eternal way of life and thus this system was termed as Sanatan (which in English language would translate to Eternal) Dharma (i.e. the timeless righteous way of life) by the sages of ancient times … But this reason was only one of the many reasons for naming it such …
As such when we study the reality of macrocosmic existence, then we eventually self-realize the same attributeless infinite being (i.e. Absolute) which itself is because this is the only end result of the fuller self-study or self-analysis of the Maker’s Makings …
But this finality of realization is only arrived after a series of intermediary states have been crossed over during ones subtle-inner-realizations … This itself is because of the fact that the end realization (i.e. the Absolute being or Parabrahman) can only be arrived at after all intermediaries have already been crossed over by the aspirant …
Thus is the realization that “all roads eventually lead to the same home or truth” … And the completeness of realization which is discussed here only leads to a knowledge that the macrocosmic creation (or Maker’s Makings or Brahmand) and her each part is none other than a self-expressed, self-manifestation of the creators self-presence only … And because the entire macrocosmic creation is present within each microcosm, so the inner nature of each aspirant also holds the same completeness because it cannot even be any different from what has been stated here …
Created and creation process are self expressions of creator who itself is the Supreme being
And all parts of the macrocosmic creation right from all the universes, planes of existence (galaxies), worlds (solar systems, planets etc.), beings and entities of here and beyond (including form or formless gods of any belief) also are none other than being one or another of the vast number of partless-parts of microcosmic self-expression of the same Absolute being … Thus, in reality of the Absolute being (i.e. Brahman), IT by ITself is the creator, in addition to being the created and simultaneously being the creation process and it is due to this reason, that the created and creation process are also as eternal as the creator itself is … Thus in the finality of all inward-paths and their realizations, the aspirant only sees perfect non-duality of this fact i.e. the essential unity of the creator, created and creation process … And it is at this stage that the aspirant also realizes the creator itself is the created and is also the creation process …
Above is denoting the perfect-non-dual reality of IT or THAT (i.e. the Absolute) as is stated in the Vedic Lore and this is in addition to denoting a state where everything is eventually found to be nothing but an intrinsic unbroken part of it and thus each part of allness is also found to be as important or non-important as any other part … This is also one of the base reasons for macrocosmic creation to be based upon an intrinsic pluralism and yet resting within an essential monism … And because the Vedic sages of those ancient times had understood this fact, so their given paths also led to a state where Sanatan Dharma also got based upon a pluralistic yet monist way of life and this pluralistic yet monist way of life continues until the aspirant arrives at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness for entering into a way of life which was based upon Absolute Monism (Vedanta) as is of the Absolutely Non-Dual (Advaita or Parambrahma) …
Had there been a non-pluralistic macrocosmic creation, then there also would not have been any diversity or change within her and had there been a state absence of monism within the macrocosmic creation, then there would not have been any unity within those vast diversities of individualities and corpuses that eventually make the macrocosmic creation … The same is also applicable to the vast number of lore’s of Sanatan Dharma because these Lore’s are also variously pluralistic yet perfectly-monist …
Pluralistic-monism of the macrocosmic creation itself is one of the geniuses of the perfectly non-dual being who itself is the creator, the creation process, the path of creation and is also the “created state of macrocosmic creation and her own manifestation as each-microcosm” … Thus there can never be any path which could end up anywhere other than the Supreme being whose self-expressed self-manifestation itself is as IT’s own self-presence as macrocosm and microcosm …
Thus due to the condition that is listed in this discussion, only the vast scopes of pluralistic-monism could ever be an eternal way of life within the macrocosmic creation, because any other way would only lead to a chaos of one or another type due to being off-sync with the macrocosmic creation in whose envelopes everything resides …
And because individualism (monotheism of any sort) never comes in line with this discussion, so ever since individualism entered this world about nine millenniums ago (we shall be deriving this time span within a later topic of Kaalchakra) this world has stayed within a continuous chaos that has kept manifesting in a cyclic fashion across all ways and walks of life of humanity …
The process of creation and the created are nothing but self-expressed, self-manifested, self-present states of the same creator and thus any of the paths which anybody has ever followed during the history of the macrocosmic creation, are only leading to the same creator itself because these paths also are a part of that same self-expression only …
And this route to the creator only becomes a direct one if these paths rest within “oneness to allness and its each part (i.e. the stage of entering into Brahmand Dharana)” … This is because such an inner-condition of the aspirant only leads to a direct entry into the realization of same allness that is enveloping and pervading all individualistic systems, their texts, their centered entities (Gods etc.), planes of existence (heavens), propagators (prophets, son of god etc.) and adherents (followers) are resting … And it is also due to this reason, there is no clash of this path with any other path because all paths are already accounted for within this path of “oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. path of Brahmand Dharana)” …
Because the entire macrocosmic creation within her original subtle (i.e. energy, impressional) state is eternally present within the aspirant itself, so this path of Brahmand Dharana cannot be any other than an inward-path … This is because the inward-path is the only path which leads to an inner unity of the aspirant to allness and her each part simultaneously …
As also, because the entirety of Maker’s Makings are eternally present within the aspirant, so within this inward-path of Brahmand Dharana an aspirant also escapes out of the entirety of hierarchy of the macrocosmic creation which would have needed to be individually passed through, if oneness as is discussed here, was not adopted …
Plus the path of allness also has only one real-nextness of it and that is allness itself … As also, within this path of oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana) that allness which is arrived at, itself is the omnipresent and thus is present within each of the real next’s that ever are of the evolutionary process of the aspirant chooses to enter into any path which is other than that of Brahmand Dharana …
Due to this reason, the path of oneness as is discussed here, also has the capability to cater for all real-next’s that are needed to be passed through prior arriving at an evolutionary real-nextness to self-realize the finality (i.e. the attributeless-infinite being) but this is only after an inner-unity to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga) is already arrived at by the aspirant … And because the path of Brahmand Dharana also caters for all individual paths and yet stays free of their individualism, so it also stays free of the inner and outer chaos which is always caused by any of the individualistic paths …
And since the path of Brahmand Dharana already accounts for all parts of allness, so this path of “oneness to allness and her each part” cannot ever lead to an evolutionary next-of-nextness for any aspirant if it is correctly followed during the evolutionary process …
Brahmand Dharana as the return path to the Absolute Being
Since this path of “oneness to allness (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” is also accounting for all other paths (individualistic etc.) so can neither have any clash with any of the individualistic systems nor can it have any bias to any of the other approaches and yet this approach has the capability to correct all faults of evolutionary history by highlighting them …
Yoga means union and the finality of union is none other than a “union to allness and her each part (I.e. Brahmand Yoga)” which itself is possible only when based within an “inner-oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” … Within this finality of union to allness and her each part, there cannot be any individualism and yet all individualistic systems are already accounted for because all these individualistic systems, their paths and their centered entities (Gods etc.) are also a part of the same allness itself …
As also, even when this path of “oneness to allness and her each part (I.e. Brahmand Dharana)” has no clash with any individualistic system, yet that Yogi who accomplishes this path and thus begins resting in the meaning of Brahmand Yoga (i.e. union to allness and her each part) never ignores the faults of individualism because such a Yogi only thinks about these systems as incomplete as far as their capacity to lead to the stage of a final-union to allness and her each part is concerned …
Due to resting within the culmination state of Yoga (i.e. Brahmand Yoga) and thus being one with allness and her each part, such Yogi’s have ever pointed out faults that were existent during their times and yet these Yogi’s were able to maintain their own inner equanimity towards allness and her each part …
For a Yogi who is based upon Brahmand Dharana, accepting individualism in any form or formless state, is an utter impossibility … Due to this impossibility, there has never been a Yogi who has ever ignored the faults of those times when he was resting upon this planet whilst he or she was holding a physically incarnated frame … But such a Yogi who is based upon Brahmand Yoga, only points out the mistakes of individualistic systems so as to highlight them and thus try to correct the faults so as assist others in amending their ways of life as must be to self-realize … And due to this reason, such deeds are definitely not done with an intention to downgrade or demean anything or anyone even when it may seem to be so to those who follow individualistic systems …
Same final home from all paths
All that differs in any of the individualistic paths (aka, streams of knowledge, religions, faiths, ways of life) are the intermediary states (i.e. specific , Gods and their heavens etc.) which are related to that path … And as the aspirant continues within these individualistic paths, that aspirant also has to pass through all the primary state of the macrocosmic creation, by adopting specific paths which lead to these primary macrocosmic states … And when the corpus of all these paths and their primary macrocosmic states are self-realized, then the end result is just the same as that which is arrived by entering into a pluralistic monist way of life which relates within a state of oneness to allness and her each part … Thus all that is different between various systems, beliefs etc., are the intermediary stages and not the end result because everything is eventually leading to the same finality … Even though the systems (routes) are different due to different intermediary stages which are arrived through their different paths and which itself are found to be different because they relate to different aspects of the same Maker’s Makings, but ultimately after an aspirant has already evolved over all such individualistic systems, all these are only found to be leading to the same finality as is of the attributeless-infinite being …
Depending upon your current evolutionary standing (i.e. your current evolutionary requirements) is the system or states that you end up relating to … Depending upon who or what you relate (i.e. a system or heaven or a God), is the path that you adopt so as to arrive at the macrocosmic plane (or heaven) of that state (or God) … And when that aspirant enters into the plane of the believed deity (i.e. heaven of the believed greater entity or God) then also the aspirant’s evolution continues due to the fact that evolutionary process never ends within a state of residing in an individualistic heaven (or subtle plane) … Thus even when resting in that heaven, that aspirant continues to evolve higher and eventually qualifies to evolve beyond (or escapes out of) that believed heaven … This continues until that aspirant has already transited through all such heavens that ever are of any system of any of the three times … I say this not by an imaginary analysis but by self-experiences as were during my evolutionary process itself …
Until you unite to something, how can you even detach from it … If that united state is an individuality, then you can only move to its real-next stage, after you detach from it … This evolution within individualistic unions continues until you have passed through all the primary state of the macrocosmic creation and thence also detached from these prior you move onto the real next states (which are from your currently unioned state) … And eventually during the course of your almost eternal evolution, you arrive at a stage where all parts of allness have been walked through by you …
Unless you are in union to allness and her each part, you cannot even detach from allness and her each part … And after detaching from allness and her each part, is when you enter into a permanent and full isolation from allness and her each part … This is the stage of Kaivalya Moksha, which means liberation due to isolation from allness and her each part … Unless liberation is such, it cannot ever be a final liberation …
Above is also where all individualistic (monotheistic) paths are leading, but because in these individualistic paths the aspirant has to keep moving across all the states, modes and conditions of existence one by one, so what is now believed in, is not what would be believed in at a later stage of that aspirants evolutionary process … Thus when you rest in any individualistic path, then the associated system of now is not the system that you would be associating to after you have already evolved over your current evolutionary standing … And within individualism you also have to move through all the principal macrocosmic states, which itself makes individualism to be a very long drawn process of evolution in relation to the path of adopting oneness to allness and her each part …
It was due to this reason, the Deities who were chosen by sages within the Vedic lore were only those who were self-expressed self-manifestations of the Absolute-being and thus they also were such that they denoted Brahmand Dharana only … Thus uniting to any of them only led to a state of union to allness and her each part itself … And it is also due to this reason, that even when an aspirant may associate to any one of these Vedic deities (I mean concept of Ishta-Deva), yet the end result of this association is of Brahmand Dharana only and this is what assists in maintaining the pluralistic yet monist nature of Sanatan Dharma … As such, it is also due to this reason that the sages of Sanatan Dharma have told that all these deities are self-expressed self-manifestations of the same Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm (Absolute) only … And it is due to this reason that even when every aspirant does not even associate to the same Vedic deity, yet all deities are told to be as direct self-expressions of the same Brahman (Absolute) and this is to where all these are also leading …
And because the later systems (read, later religions) did not take care of what is discussed earlier, so they have kept resting within one of another state of competitive dualism and this is what has made them to be naught but instruments of a cyclic chaos during the recent history … This fact is very clear after we study history of this world as it is written within the macrocosmic impressional fields (or Akashik records) and not what is told by historians because after this study it is also clear that history was twisted and turned to suit the ends of a few people or societies of this world …
Any aspirant can self realize the attributeless infinite being through any of the Vedic deities because all of them are a direct self-expressed self-manifestation of the same Absolute being … But to unite to attributeless infinite Absolute being, the aspirant shall have to let go of allness and her each part, which also includes these deities … Thus in the finality of self-realization as is when resting in a perfect union to the attributeless-infinite Absolute-being, there is neither a deity not any other entity who could be termed as God-Satan and thus there also are no heavens or hells … And it is due to this reason the Vedic sages had told, that within the attributeless-infinite Absolute-being, there are no Siddhi’s (subtler abilities or accomplishments) as such aspirant are also detached from these Siddhi’s … It is to this state that all paths are eventually leading, but through their own routes and thus through the specific intermediary states (aka, heavens etc.) to which these paths relate …
Until an aspirant self-realizes and then unites to the attributeless-infinite Absolute, which itself is after let go of allness and her each part, the evolutionary process keeps continuing within either of the cyclic, acyclic, inert, actional and voidness of modes of existences …
What is currently believed by individualistic systems where they say that such and such God would grant them an eternal (acyclic) divine body, is only denoting an acyclic mode of existence … And as per above paragraphs discussions, this in turn means that the end of existence is still not arrived and thus this also denotes that the existence is still continuing, which in turn means that the final liberation or Kaivalya Moksha, is still not achieved (as final liberation can only be when one is isolated from allness and her each part) … Liberation is only when there is a let go of all states, modes and conditions of existences, including of acyclic mode of existence as is discussed here … Due to this reason, the final liberation cannot ever be any other than a permanent and full isolation from allness and her each part and this is what was stated as Kaivalya or Moksha in Vedas … None of the recent systems which came by during the last few millenniums have ever related to this finality of liberation which was stated as Kaivalya or Moksha by self-realized, all-realized sages … And it is due to this reason that all these recent ones have been highly individualistic and chaotic because finality of truth was absent in them …
As also, within pluralistic-monist ways of life the aspirant never comes into a clash with the macrocosmic creation within which that aspirant itself is residing … This lack of clash is because the macrocosmic creation is also based upon an intrinsic-pluralism and essential-monism only, so when resting within a pluralistic yet monist way of life which as such is the path of allness, there really is no clash between the aspirant and the macrocosmic creation or her any part (including any system) and yet such aspirants always highlight the fact and lacks of systems which are devoid of fullness of truth …
Due to the absence of pluralistic-monist ways, there is arrived a further absence of ways that relate to absolute-monism … This further leads to absence of understanding of perfect-non-dual real nature of the absolute (creator) and thus there is also a lack of appreciation of the basic truth that the creation (i.e. created) and creation process (i.e. paths of creation) are none other than one or another self-expression of the same creator only … And due to this reason, those ways which do not relate to pluralistic monism always begin imagining their own individualistic entity as the creator and which itself leads to that systems creator to holds bias towards all others … And it was due to this reason, that individualistic systems have never understood the basic fact that “everything, everyone and everywhere is as divine as the divinity of the divine being itself is” … A lack of this understanding was also one of the primary reasons for humanity to rest within a cyclic state of chaos during the last few millenniums after the great-grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) went into her cyclic sleep of about nine millenniums (i.e. after around 6990 BC) …
As such basis above discussions, even when the observer may see the apparent differences within manifest or non manifest (or beyond states) states of the macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm, yet the reality is that macrocosmic creation, her each grosser and subtler part is none other than being one or another self-manifestation of the same non-dual Absolute … Thus irrespective of the paths that any of these microcosm’s may seem to be resting in, all these are eventually leading to the same non-dual-reality as is of the Absolute because the self-expressed state which itself is a self-manifestation of the same Absolute, can never have any other final-end except within the same Absolute … This is the basis of absolute non-dualism (Advaita) that is very clearly reflected in the end part of Vedas (I mean Vedanta or Upanishads) …
Thus irrespective of whatever may be believed at any single time, the fact still remains that each self-expressed state (i.e. microcosm) of the Maker, cannot be any other than a divine entity … It is due to this reason that all ancient cultures have been as much believers of nature as the Absolute being and thus they also used to say the same as was told in the Vedas i.e. “the nature within you, is the same nature in which you live and both are divine” and due to this reason, their ways of life were inherently based in preserving nature i.e. when you take something from nature, a balancing act of returning something else back to nature, must also be undergone … This itself was as they believed, “nature itself is the greatest divinity ever as she is the greatest self-expression of the Maker” (even modern doctors would agree to fact) …
And these indigenous ancient civilizations, all of who had pluralistic yet monist ways of life, were absolutely right in their views because of the fact that nature itself is a self-expression of the same supreme being and thus nature by herself is none other than the “pristine divinity of that same supreme being”, which itself was the base for addressing her as mother … When nature begins striking you, even your own gods are helpless because they dare not mess around with macrocosmic nature, who itself is not just a self-expression of the absolute but is also the place where your own Gods, their heavens, texts, propagators and adherents also reside …
Time is a weapon of mother nature (Prakriti) and this weapon she never shares with any egoistic God or Satan … Thus when the cycles of times change, then even the systems of these Gods start entering into their end times … The very fact that end-time theories are stated in all individualistic systems (i.e. religions) only denotes that their Gods have no control over time and this itself is because of the fact that time is a weapon of macrocosmic nature (Maa Prakriti) which she has never shared with any of the egoistic Gods or Satan … As also since individualistic systems are only designed to serve a single cycle of time and since cycles of time always change to their real-next stage, so when these cycles change to their real-next stage, then end of time of that individualistic system which was only designed for the previous cycle of time, is always arrived … And on the contrary, those systems which are based upon the pluralistic monism of the macrocosmic creation and thus are based upon allness and her each part, only talk about a cyclic nature of time and thus such systems also do not even hold end of time theories like the monotheistic systems … It is due to this reason that within the pluralistic-monist systems, the end time is also not arrived during Mahapralaya (i.e. great-dissolution during which allness gets dissoluted) as these pluralistic-monist systems also state that the same macrocosmic creation re-originates again at a later time … Thus in these pluralistic-monist systems there really is no real end of the macrocosmic creation due to which macrocosmic nature is also deemed to be as eternal as the Absolute-being …
Unless the aspirants consciousness enters into a perfect the Absolute being (Parambrahma), the existence continues in one or another mode, condition and state of existence and the same is also applicable to macrocosmic creation and this itself is because of the fact that the entire macrocosm within its subtle (energy and impressional) state is eternally resting within each microcosm (aspirant) and at the same time, the microcosm (aspirant) is also resting within the greater envelopes of the manifest and non-manifest states of the macrocosmic creation …
Thus in reality, as far as any aspirant of this path of Maker’s Makings is concerned, the aspirant is like “a universe within the universe” and this also is such that, in reality both these universes are one and the same which in turn is due to the presence of the same macrocosmic knowledge-conscious-activity principles in both (i.e. macrocosm and microcosm) of these … And due to this reason, even when these two are apparent as different, yet in their ultimate reality both these are related to the same pluralistic-monism as was of the self-expression of the Absolute and thus these also are none other than one or another aspect of the same supreme divinity (or self-expression) of the Absolute being …
And it also is due to this reason that whenever any true aspirant has desired and thence did all that was to be done so as to know THAT (i.e. the Absolute) and its THATNESS (i.e. the macrocosmic creation or Maker’s Makings), then the aspirant has only found both these (i.e. the THAT and its THATNESS) to be present within its own microcosm itself and also present within all other parts of the macrocosmic creation (all other aspirants, of any of the paths) …
Thus this stage not only denotes a state of oneness to allness, but it also denotes “oneness of each of the parts of allness” in addition to denoting “oneness of one’s own essence (i.e. Atman) to the essence of allness (i.e. Brahman)” …
Above realization could be stated thus, “I am all that is, because all that is, is in oneness with me … Within me” … This is also the stage of realization where everything is found to be one and the same as far as their inner natures are concerned and this itself is because of the fact that at this stage the realizer, realization and realized are one and the same …
As such, because in the finality of realizations within the inward path, the realizer (aspirant) is none other than allness and its each part (i.e. realizer is the entirety of self-expression of the Absolute), in addition to the realizer being its own essence (Atman) which itself is the essence of allness and its each part (Brahman), so the realizer (aspirant) finds himself (or herself) to be resting in a state of oneness to all that is manifest, non-manifest and also to that which is beyond these two terms (i.e. beyond the manifest and non-manifest) …
This in turn leads to above realization of “I am all that ever is … All that ever was or could ever be, is me” and this itself is my final reality because it denotes the finality of an absolute fullness of the Absolute which itself is by virtue of the fullness of its self-expression, which I (realizer) itself am …
This is the realization of one’s final unity, which is also denoting the stage of union to all that is … This is what was stated as Brahmand Yoga (the word Yoga means union and the finality of union is always to allness and its each part i.e. union to Brahmand) … But this realization itself is after adopting the path of Brahmand Dharana or the path of oneness to allness and her each part …
Because this path relates to one’s own innermost nature, so this path was also termed as “Atma Jnana or knowledge of self” in Sanatan Dharma … Here the term self (Atman) means, the self that eternally is within the aspirant in addition to meaning the self of allness, because in the ultimate reality both of these are one and the same Absolute only (i.e. both are the ever-same Parabrahman only) …
And thus is the realization that “just as the Absolute (or creator) is eternal, so is each created state and the entire creation process also based within the same eternity only” … This is because of the fact that it was the self-expression of the Absolute (Brahman) that led to the self-manifestation and self-presence of the same Brahman (Absolute) as “allness and her each part (I.e. Maker’s Makings or Brahmand)” so the self-expression (i.e. created and creation process) cannot be having an eternity that is different from Brahman … Due to this reason, the created and creation process also are as eternal as the creator (Brahman) itself is because of the fact that the eternal Brahman (eternal creator) could not have made anything which was not based upon its own eternity itself …
And also is a realization that because the Makings itself are a self-expression of the Maker, so the end result of self-realization of the Maker’s Makings cannot be any other than a self-realization of the same Maker itself … This was the basis of adoption of Archa-Vigraha (deity worship) in Hinduism and which was borrowed by later sects of Sanatan Dharma (or later religions) also … But what was not understood by these later systems was that the deity has to be an original self-expression of Brahman and not anybody else … And it was due to this reason, that these later sects were never able to unite humanity (on the contrary, they only ended up dividing humanity into smaller fractions, which in turn became the reason for competitive-dualism and thus chaos) …
Macrocosm, microcosm and their unity within the inward path is the eternal return path to the ever-same home
Above was also the basis of paths of many of the ancient Vedic sages who had utilized one or more of the elements of nature to self realize the Absolute … And this also proves that all paths lead to the same home … In fact Sanatan Dharma is the only system where ever changeful aspects of nature can also be utilized to self-realize the eternally non-changeful Absolute …
Thus as far as the Maker’s Makings (i.e. macrocosm and microcosm) are concerned, following are absolute facts …
- The macrocosm is the microcosm as the entire macrocosmic creation itself rests within each microcosm …
- And simultaneously microcosm is the macrocosm because in the finality of each microcosm, this is how it ever is after that which is stated as the path of “Brahmand Dharana” in Yoga, is entered into and then the state of “Brahmand Yoga” is arrived at by that microcosm …
- At this stage, the macrocosm and each of the microcosm’s are nothing but the same Absolute (Maker) because these itself are none other than a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the same creator … This also leads to a self realization that it eventually is the same creator, who becomes the entire macrocosmic creation and her each part … There really has been no part of macrocosmic speciology which is not that which is stated here …
And at the same time, this is also the stage of realization where the innermost essence (Atman) of the microcosm is realized to be the “innermost essence of the entire macrocosm (Brahman)” …
This further leads to a realization that the essence of all microcosmic parts of the macrocosmic creation, itself is the same Absolute … Thus this is the stage where the aspirant realizes, “Allness in her final state is me and I in my real nature, am all that ever is” …
Such an aspirant also knows that even when parts of allness keep within their cyclic modes of existence, the allness within which these individual parts are resting in, is the same allness that also is resting within each of these individual parts … This is what makes these individual parts to rest within the same eternity as is of allness and this eternity is even when these parts of allness continue to rest within their cyclic modes of existence …
And this allness which is present within “each of the parts of allness (i.e. microcosm)”, itself is the same allness within whose envelope all these parts of allness are eventually resting … Thus is the realization of a partless state of allness that rests within every part of the Maker’s Makings … Thus this is also the path of unity of all parts of allness to each other …
Unless the inward-path which lead to this omnipresent state of allness that is “within and beyond” each aspirant, is adopted, humanity can forget about inner-calm and outer-peace within this world … In the absence of such inward-paths, all of which itself are of Sanatan Dharma (aka. Hinduism), the outward-paths (i.e. paths of this or that god) which manifest, only lead to competitive individualism and thus a state of expansive-dualism, which in turn sows the seeds of a future cyclic state of chaos within such societies who have left the inward paths and this itself is the primary reason for all sorts of later chaos within the world …
Had this inner-calm and outer-peace been possible by outward means (i.e. the paths as was given by representatives of your own Gods), then it would have already manifested within this world, because a millennium or a few millenniums is not a small time for your Gods to prove their capabilities of leading to an inner-calm and outer-peace within the world …
Some other aspects of the ever-same home and its path
Thus when a study of the last few millenniums is done from within the macrocosmic impressional fields which relate to this time span, then it very clear that only after the concept of “A-God and/or A-Text and/or A-Propagator” had entered into this world, that the chaos had started … And it also becomes clear that this experiment with all the A’s that came by during the last few millenniums, has been an utter failure because even when such entities have claimed peace and calm, but this is what has been absent after their systems had entered into this world …
And after this study it is also pretty clear that after such individualistic concepts arrived to this world, humanity only kept getting more and more ignorant to their own real natures and this itself led to a state where they got more and more divided and ultimately got arrived into so many chaotic fractions, which further proves that this experiment with individualism’s of all these A’s, been an utter failure …
This failure is only because of the fact that such an experiment goes against the intrinsic-pluralism and essential-monism of the macrocosmic creation, within which all these A’s (i.e. Gods, texts, propagators and their adherents) itself reside … Due to this reason, such individualistic systems only become like a foreign bodies which get no support from the macrocosmic creation within which they eventually rest and in addition to this, they also get no support from the macrocosmic creation which also is present within each aspirant (or microcosm) of such individualistic paths … This two way loss of support, is what leads to a failure of all such experiments which are primarily based upon these A’s (i.e. A-God and/or A-Text and/or A-Propagator) … But such stupidities of these A’s always arrive whenever the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) enters into her cyclic sleep of about nine millenniums during each precession cycle and these stupidities also continue expanding until she finally wakes up …
Unless the systems, codes of practice, texts, philosophies, beliefs-faiths-religions (aka. sects of Sanatan Dharma), way’s of life are in line with the pluralistic-monism of the macrocosmic creation within which their Gods, heavens, propagators, texts and adherents themselves rest, a failure of all such systems is a definite certainty within a near or a distant future and this itself is because all such systems only become like a little-individualistic foreign-bodies which itself rest within the much-larger bodied-allness of pluralistic yet monist ways of life of the macrocosmic creation …
Only within pluralistic-monism and its parental state of absolute-monism, is the inner-calm and outer-peace because such systems are in line with ways of the macrocosmic creation within which they themselves rest … And it is only through these systems that self-realizations that are written earlier, can be achieved because to achieve these self-realizations, the support of macrocosmic creation within which you rest, is an absolute necessity … Thus those who think that they can achieve these self-realizations as have been written here, whilst resting within their individualistic systems are only living in a fool’s paradise …
And fool’s paradises always lead to a cyclic state of chaos and peace across all ways and walks of life … And because they are the fool’s paradise, so they also do not hold any eternity in them … As also, due to absence of eternity in them, they always have end time theories and due to the absence of eternity within them, they also have no relation to the reality of eternity of time and its cycles …
This eternity itself is the essence of the knowledge of Maker’s Makings because of the fact that the Makings and process of Making also are self-expressions of the same Maker (i.e. Absolute being) and thus these are none other than eternal ones … And you also being the same self-expression of the Absolute, cannot ever be any other than being an eternal entity only …
And since the creator itself is the created, so the macrocosmic creation (Maker’s Makings) itself is the macrocosmic body of that Maker and on similar lines, the microcosmic creation (microcosm or aspirant) itself is the microcosmic manifestation of the same Maker … And since the Maker itself is eternal and you being nothing more than one of those close to infinite self-expressions, self-manifestations and self-presence of the same Maker, so you also cannot be any other than being an eternal entity only … Thus irrespective of the path that you may take during your evolutionary process, your end state of evolution cannot be even any other than that of a union to the same creator (Absolute being) itself …
And this path itself passes through the union to self-expression of the creator (i.e. union to allness and her each part or Brahmand Yoga) where you self-realize yourself to be “a macrocosm within the macrocosm” or in other words, “a multi-universe within the multi-universe” and both holding the same non-dual divinity as is of the same creator and thus are one and the same in their own inner or real natures …
And the ultimate finality of realization within the header of this topic is the same state which is told as by the self-realized, all-realized sages (Rishi) of Vedic lore, as “Atman is Brahman (i.e. the essence within the aspirant, is the essence of allness and its each part)” … At this stage of realization, all other nitty-gritty’s are let go of because such aspirants invariably start going alone (i.e. walking in isolation from allness and its each part) and yet being one to the innermost essence of allness and her each part i.e. Brahman … This is the stage of walking “Itself within Itself” …
But this stage of walking “Itself within Itself” is only after an aspirant has successfully transited through the earlier stage which was of walking within the essence of “Myself within Myself” whilst continuing within the essence of wise words, that “there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” …
Since everything was made eternal, so if the eternal entities (humans etc.) begin considering themselves as non-eternal, then the fault is not of the Maker or its Makings, but is of the knowledge systems within which these entities (humanity etc.) have been resting in …
This text shall prove this fact, that “you are all those ones that you only have been waiting for” and this wait has also been since the eternity of your own existence that has been till now …
But to know this fact about you, you shall also need to get to that “real you” that has eternally been waiting for you, whilst being within you only … And this wait is only for you to self-realize your own self … But when you shall finally self-realize your own eternal self and that too in its ultimate glory, then that same self shall only be seen to be selfless due to its omnipresent nature because it shall only be found to be the self of allness …
This wait of the “real you” for the “apparent-you” to self realize-itself, has been an eternal one if I consider those timeless-times since that primordial stage when you were originally begun as a microcosm within the genius of Maker’s Makings …
That “real-you” has eternally been resting within the “apparent you” whilst it has kept waiting for you to self-realize it … And when you shall know this fact and that too through a direct cognition, then you would also believe that “the Maker actually never made anything wrong” and thus at this stage, all dualities of God-Satan, good-bad, right-wrong, beauty-ugly etc., shall also fade away from your own consciousness …
All wrong and right are because you only based within systems that made you to get related to such dualities (like wrongness and rightness) and due to this nonsense you mostly lost touch with your own innermost pristine nature which has been waiting for you to self-realize itself … Once you self-realize what is stated here, then you shall also know that “your own innermost essence is the one that you only have been waiting and wanting to know across all your evolutionary existence as a microcosm” …
This self-realization is also the stage where it shall be known that all right and wrong is only a matter of your perception, perception of your societies, cultures, lands, laws and codes that you relate to because the Maker never made any of these nonsensical aspects … Thus is realized that none of these nonsensical aspects are related to the Maker as they were only made through imaginary world of mind (Manoloka) of the ones who gave these concepts, which is why these are based upon dualities of one or another type … Thus it is at this stage that an aspirant knows that none of these concepts hold any truth in them, especially when these are viewed from within the reality of the allness and thus the genius of Maker’s Makings whilst resting within the essence of the wise words that there is “nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” …
And even when in this path, you only rest within an “inner oneness to allness and her each path (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)”, which in turn leads to an “inner union to allness and her each path (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” yet because you only walk within the statement “Myself within Myself” and also rest within the essence of wise words, so you never attach yourself to allness or her any part … Thus as you keep transiting through your self-realizations, you never get attached to anything which itself ensures your non-stagnation within those realized states and thus ensures your speedy progress as you end up maintaining your own inner detachment to all that is realized by you … But the end of this progress is also within the same statement as is of the header of this text …
The end of any path is none other than a permanent and full detachment from allness and her each part … This was stated as Kaivalya Moksha in Vedas (i.e. the final exit from Maker’s Makings, due to isolation from allness and her each part) …
This Kaivalya is only arrived by the inward path i.e. path of self-realization … Unless the Kaivalya is arrived at by an aspirant, that aspirant only continues to exist within one or another mode, condition and state of same Maker’s Makings that are discussed here …
Liberation cannot be by resting within a heaven of a God, because in the finality of the term liberation, it only denotes exit out of all such planes also and thus being in isolation from all that ever is, including all the Gods, their texts, paths and heavens …
Thus the finality of the term liberation only denotes a state of permanent independence or permanent isolation from all that ever is considered as true and all that ever is considered as not-true and all that is unknown and thus was never told in any philosophy that ever was or could ever be … And this is to where all roads eventually lead …
As also, because everything holds the same macrocosmic creation and the Absolute within itself, so the Vedic sages have stated in various ways, that inward-path is the faster of all paths to exit out of allness and thus enter into Kaivalya (i.e. a full and permanent isolation from allness and its each part) …
This permanent isolation from allness and her each part, is the finality of all paths that ever are … And thus all paths are only moving to the same end home …