In this topic we shall discuss ancient ways of representation of ages (time cycles) and it is in continuation with previous one which has the header of “Representation of human ages” …
44-AA … First representation of ages …

Above figure was also discussed in an earlier topic of “Raam Naad and Ouroboros” … But here we shall go further with its discussions …
44-AA-1 … Reason for choosing figure of Ouroboros in this discussion …
During very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations and also earlier series of transmigrated incarnations (i.e. entry into a human form by utilizing the process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is termed as Parkaya Pravesh) these manmade borders which we see now, were non-existent …
Thus, at those ancient times this world was one, just as it was made within the genius of Maker’s Makings … Thus at those times, this world was borderless …
At those times which are referred here, there also was no divisive system as we now see in the form of religions, texts, ways of life, cultures, civilizations etc. … Thus the knowledge which originated at any place on this planet and then was transferred through the master-disciple system was ultimately transmitted by these disciples and their further lineages, into the entire world …
At those much ancient times, even the political, geographical and geopolitical divides that we now see were not there … This was even when the natural aspects and divinities of geospatial divides were definitely accepted as a matter of fact …
As also at those very ancient times that are referred here, the entire landmass of this planet was like one island that was surrounded by water on all sides … This is what was termed as Jambudweep in Vedas …
The words Jambudweep means the Island of Jambu tree (or Jamun tree) as this tree was present all over this planet … And in an esoteric sense, the word “Jambu” also means “great, large and it also means physical” so the word Jambudweep also means “great island, large Island and physically present Island” … Jambudweep was named so, as Jamun tree was present all over … Rest of the six islands as have been mentioned in Vedic lore were not present in physical form …
Jambudweep was the place where Vedic sages used to arrive in cycles of their advent and then they used to lay down various paths of ways of life for the upliftment of humanity and where all these laid down paths were also those that these sages had also followed so as to reach the finality of their own self-realizations …
There has never been a Vedic Rishi who was not a Yogi in the first place and there has also not been any accomplished Yogi whose final self realizations were any different from those of Vedic Rishi’s …
That finality was of self-realization which related to “either or all of” below and where all these were also arrived at through the path of Yoga (i.e. including Yum, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and then the final state of Samadhi) … Thus Yoga was the path of sages (Rishi’s) of that time …
At that time, below was what broadly was as a path …
- Knowledge of allness of Maker’s Makings … This was Brahmand Gyan (or knowledge of the entirety of Maker’s Makings) … This was the knowledge of the “subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand)” within their own physical microcosm (i.e. physical bodies of such sages) … This was through the paths which rest in “Brahmand Dharana (or oneness towards allness and her each part)” …
- Knowledge of microcosm … This was as knowledge of Pinda (or microcosm) whose path was of Pinda Sadhana … This included science of Ayurveda (song of long-life), which was an important part of Pinda …
- Knowledge of unity of these two … This was the final state of self realization of above two …
Continuing with above two bullet points … This knowledge of Brahmand and Pinda was based upon the following …
- Mantra … The Sanskrit word Mantra means that which “liberates the mind from its afflictions” and thus Mantra is derived from the phrase “Mann Ka Trani” …
- Tantra … The Sanskrit word Tantra means that which “liberates gross and subtle bodies from their afflictions”, so Sanskrit word Tantra is derived from the phrase “Tann Ka Trani” …
- Yantra … The Samskrit word Tantra means that which “liberates the aspirant from afflictions (the word afflictions also includes afflictions of knowledge senses and action senses)” and thus this word (i.e. Yati) also denotes that aspirant who stays away from dualities and non realities of world so as to self realize and also realize allness through a direct cognition of it … Thus, Yantra is derived from the phrase “Yati Ka Trani” …
Proceeding further with the self realizations, which as such are the base of Vedic knowledge systems …
- Knowledge of innermost essence of the aspirant (or Atman) … This also was through the path of Yoga … This was the knowledge of one’s own innermost nature which was gained through a direct cognition of it …
- Knowledge of innermost essence of allness (or Brahman) … This also was through the path of Yoga Tantra … This was the knowledge of the real or innermost nature of allness and this was gained through a direct cognition of it …
- Knowledge of unity of Atman and Brahman i.e. Atman Is Brahman … This was the final stage of above two … This became the basis of origination of Vedic Mahavakya which were discussed earlier …
And since at those times, the systems of ways of life on this entire planet were based upon Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma (or in simple words, this is also told as Sanatan Dharma) which by itself is a way of life that is pluralistic yet monist, so there also was no division of knowledge, systems, paths and ways of life as it was believed that “all roads lead to the same home” …
This division-less state was due to the fact that the same path of self realization was the basis of all rendered paths of those times and thus the final end of each of the paths that were rendered by Vedic sages (of those long gone and past times) was also none other than what was discussed and told through Vaidik Mahavakya … Within the Vedic lore, these Mahavakyas are stated as follows …
- Prajnanam Brahma, … This in English language means as Self Luminous is That … Or in other words, “Brahman is the Self luminous one” …
- Aham Brahmasmi … This in English language means as I Am That … And the same can also be written as Ahum Brahmasmi … And this great statement of Vedas also means as “I Am Brahman (which actually means a stage of knowing that the aspirant itself is a self expression of the Absolute being)” …
- Tat Twam Asi … This in English language means as That Thou Are … And this Mahavakya also means as You Are That and this great statement of Vedas also means the same as “You Are Brahman (which actually means a stage of knowing that everyone is a self expression of the Absolute being)” …
- Ayam Atma Brahma … This in English language means as This Is That … Or in other words, this great statement also means as Atman Is Brahman and it also means as “My Atman Is Brahman” …
- Sohum … This in English language means as So Am I … Or in other words, it also means as I Am He … This also means the same as “I Am Brahman” …
- Shivohum … This in English language means as Shiva I Am … Or in other words, this can also be explained as I Am Shiva …
As also at those very ancient times which are being referred here, since the entire planet was like one large island called Jambudweep (as the present geographically fractured state of this planet was not there at those times) so at those times we students and our Guru’s could travel anywhere …
The current state of manmade imaginary borders was absent at those times as this world was ruled by one divinely chosen King (Chakravartin Samraat) …The Vedic word which is told as Chakravart denotes an accomplishment (or Siddhi) of a Chakravartin as he is also that sage who is stationed in any-one of the “Five Mahabhoot (Five divine subtle elements)” …
That sage who does not subtly-conquer one of these five divine elements, is never the one who is stationed in one of these five elements and thus he is also not the subtle-conqueror of these (i.e. he is not a Chakravartin) and thus he also cannot be a termed as the subtle-conqueror of allness or the subtle-ruler of the triple worlds (i.e. underworlds, earthly worlds and heavenly worlds) …
Note: During the currently underway Brahma Kalpa, twice I have been a King like the ones discussed here … Once I was a sage who had accomplished Bhu Mahabhoot (which means as the macro-elemental earth or Prithvi Mahabhoot) and once as a sage who became a king of the triple worlds after accomplishment of Akasha Mahabhoot (or in simple terms this can be called as Akasha, which in English language means as infinite space or Ether) … And there also was one more time which I don’t want to disclose as I was addressed by a name which as of now is somehow wrongly associated to Kalki Bhagwan (i.e. 10th Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu), who I definitely am not …
Note continues: In above two times, once I was addressed by the name of Prithvi Mahabhoot (or macro-elemental earth or Bhu Mahabhoot) and during the second time I was addressed by a name which related to Akasha Mahabhoot (which in English can also be termed as the macro-elemental ether) … Thus my names were my accomplishments, so these were not had in any other way (like parents or Guru give a name to their children or students) … In the former incarnation, I laid down the systems of Krishi-Goraksha-Vanijya i.e. agriculture, preservation of elements and economics (i.e. preservational economics or economics that does not lead to inner and outer pollution) and all traditional and modern methods of agriculture and economics-trade-business that are currently are followed by humanity, are directly or indirectly related to my rendered knowledge due to being a Chakravartin of Bhu Mahabhoot (i.e. macro-elemental and physical earth) … And in the latter one I gave the knowledge and principles of divine Kingship (i.e. Sarvabhauma Chakravart) and this became the root of origination of all philosophies of divinely anointed kings …
Continuing further …
Chakravartin Samraat (i.e. the subtle conquer of allness, who is granted a divine form of kingship over the triple worlds) should also be the one who has had a direct cognition of earlier discussed topic on “Raam Naad, which means as Sound of Raam … Sound of Raam is also the same as what is termed as Shiva Taraka Mantra (which in other words is also called as Shiva Taraka Naad)” … And the same was also discussed in another set of topics on “Ashtama Chakra” or in other words, the 8th plexus …
It is also from the path of above that the knowledge of Kaalchakra or an eternal cycle of time is gained …
The symbolic representation of time and its eternal cycles is through what is shown as a snake eating its own tail and which as of now is termed as Ouroboros … This symbol is also of is of those long gone and forgotten times which have been referred here …
And the root of this knowledge also related to representation of any of the cycles of the four primary dimensions i.e. Time (or Kaal), Space (or the dimension of Akasha), Directions (or ways of life or paths of evolution or Disha) and the dimension of state (or Dasha) and this is a Vedic knowledge because at those times when the two discussed symbol of this topic were originally told by fully accomplished sages (i.e. those who had accomplished what was discussed in earlier set of topics of “Siddha Sharira and Loka”) then only Sanatan Dharma (or in other words, Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) was all that was existent upon this planet and none of the fractured parts that we now see as religions of sorts, were even heard of by us …
Thus what is currently termed as Ouroboros is actually a Vedic knowledge of the Chatush Ayaam (or four primary dimensions) which were discussed in an earlier topic because this is how the eternal cyclic nature of Chatush Ayaam (or four dimensions) was represented at those long gone and already forgotten times …
44-AA-2 … Discussing the symbolic representation of Ouroboros …
Above symbol has two distinct colors … These are of blue and white that have the following esoteric meanings …
- Time, space, directions and state and their eternal cycles are related to Mother Nature (who in Sanskrit language is also addressed as Maa Prakriti) as the attributeless-infinite being (or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm, who in simple words, is also called as Brahman) has no relationship to these due to the fact that Brahman (Parabrahman) only exists as a fully detached, eternal witness of allness and her each part …
- But as a matter of fact, Mother Nature (Maa Prakriti) is also none other than an eternal self expression (Swayam Abhivyakti) of Brahman (Paramshiva) only and IT’s own eternally unioned divinity (Maa Adi Parashakti) … Thus in reality Maa Prakriti is none other than a self expressed (Swayam Abhivyakti), self manifested (Swayam Utpann) and self presence (Swayam Sthiti) of the ever-same “pristine-divinity (Param Shakti)” of Paramshiva (Brahman or Shaktimaan) and where this pristine-divinity is the one who is addressed as Adi Parashakti (or the supreme mother of allness and her each part) … It is also to the union of Paramshiva and Maa Adi Parashakti that the symbol of snake eating its own tail is related …
- Blue color denotes the non-lightness (non-lightness is not darkness) phase that originally was as the state of Mother Nature prior to origination of light (of consciousness) with it … Thus this is related to the Krishna Paksha or stage of non lightness which was prior to the original timeless and thus fathomless state of origination of Maker’s Makings … This denotes the stage of rest of allness within the vast infinite envelopes of Bhagwan Paramshiva and thus this is the masculine principle (i.e. Purusha Siddhant, who in other words can also be named as Deva Siddhant) … This denotes eternal-peace, within and beyond …
- White denotes the lightness phase or the phase which was after re-origination of the Maker’s Makings from its earlier state of rest … Thus this denotes the stage of progress of Maker’s Makings … This is related to the Shukla Paksha or the stage of lightness … This denotes the stage of progress of nature and all that relates to her … And since when nature progresses in her own natural state, then there is always a corruption of earlier subtleties and peace, so this also denotes the stage of manifestation and spread of chaos … Thus to prevent such a condition from happening, the concept of Shakti was rendered to humanity and this was because of the fact that it ultimately is from the divinities (or vitalities) of Shakti that everything moves, progresses and evolves without manifestation of corruption in their ways (or paths) of life during their entire evolutionary existence (or life which is here and beyond also) …
Proceeding further …
In above figure and due to above stated reasons, the head being the first was shown of a “non-lighted state (dark color)” … This non-lightness is denoting the “original state of voidness of allness (which in Sanskrit means as Sarva Shunya and this is what is meant by the English word, emptiness …
This is also termed as macrocosmic voidness and also as Shunyata … As a matter of fact, it eventually is from Shunya Brahman that a self emanation of the primordial nature or Shunya Tattva or Shunya is effected ….Shunya is the Pradhan Prakriti or Primordial nature or simply the original state of voidness of Maker’s Makings …
As soon as light originates within the eternal non-lighted state of Shunya (emptiness), the earlier stage of non-lightness (as was of primordial nature or Shunya Tattva) turns into a blue color …
This non lighted primordial nature (that also means as elemental emptiness or Shunya Tattva) is from where macrocosmic creation had started out and thence reached her state of original macrocosm, which we had termed as unbegun macrocosm or Achalit Brahmand or in other words Sanatan Brahmand … And we had also termed in an earlier topic as acyclic existence) …
Proceeding further …
Note this carefully … Since human age cycles (i.e. precession cycles) are a “microcosmic mirror image” of the origination cycle of allness, so in the earlier figures which were showing the precession cycles, we had stated that the commencement phase of human ages is in the lightness phase of precession (which in Sanskrit language means as Shukla Paksha) and due to this reason in those figures, we had shown the non lightness phase of precession (which in Sanskrit language means as Krishna Paksha) to be below the lightness phase (Shukla Paksha) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus basis above paragraph, human age cycles (which in Sanskrit language means as the Manav Yuga Chakra) are a mirror image of those cycles of time that relate to the origination phase of allness …
Bible also says the same within statements like “Man is made in the image of God” and which also means, the “inferior is an image of the superior” and it also means “physical is an image of the subtle” … Thus to know the subtle, observe the physical and this is exactly what modern science also does …
However in reality the term “Image” refers to a state which is laterally inverted” but because origination and dissolution is a vertical process i.e. from the original higher subtlety to the later lower state of grossness (or lesser subtlety) so as far as the origination process and evolutionary process of any microcosm stands, these are a vertically inverted images of each other …
Continuing with above paragraph … This is because origination and dissolution is a state of vertical travel of the four primary dimensions (of time, space, directions and state) … By vertical travel I mean the progress from a condition of the original higher subtlety as was prior anything was originated, to the later grosser manifested, lower evolutionary state as is arrived at, after the origination process gets completed …
Continuing with above paragraph … And the evolutionary process is the vertical reciprocal (vertically reversed) of the origination process i.e. evolutionary process is the stage of the travel from the current grosser (or lower) state of existence into the original subtler (or higher) state as was prior to the original origination of the macrocosm and her each microcosm …
Thus, the evolutionary process of any microcosm (including of “man and its kinds”) is a vertically inverted image of the origination process of that same microcosm itself …
And because the origination process began through the unbegun macrocosm (which due to its unmoving nature can also be called as the Achalit Brahmand or that part of the macrocosm which is non-moving and thus is free of individualities) which at that time was resting within the envelope and pervadement of the primordial nature (or macrocosmic voidness or voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya or Shunya Tattva) so it also due to the unbegun macrocosm being the primary or original macrocosm, that the stage of original origination of the macrocosmic creation or its any single universe, cannot ever be traced back in time …
That voidness of allness, which was there at this stage prior to origination of allness, also had voidness of divisions of time and thus time of that state was of an undivided eternity itself … This is another reason why irrespective of scientific progress, modern humanity (scientists who follow modern science and its limited ways) would always state that the macrocosm has eternally been there and it would also continue eternally …
This is because, how can you trace the original origin of anything that commenced within the macrocosmic voidness (or voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya or primordial nature or emptiness) itself …
At this stage, even the cycles of time (Kaalchakra) had not originated … These cycles of time only relate to originated states and not to that which is empty of divisions (and thus devoid of cycles) of time …
Due to above stated reasons, the original origination of Maker’s Makings (macrocosmic creation or Brahmand) stays untraceable in history …
Proceeding further …
So due to above reason, as far as the origination process is concerned, all that can be traced is the re-origination that was during the current cycle of existence of the universe and this also has an upper limit of “time span of 60 full-cycles of sun around the central non-lighted part of the plane of existence and whilst the sun itself moves within its path that was esoterically symbolized as infinity during the ancient times of Vedic sages who had originally given this knowledge to humanity” …
This esoteric path of sun which is told as “60 full-cycles of sun within the mathematical symbol of infinity” is what was termed as Surya Samvatsara during earlier times … This was also termed as Maha Kalpa Pralaya (and it can also be called as the Mahakalpa Pralaya) …
It is from this knowledge that the Samvatsara Chakra (of cycles of 60 human solar years) was self-realized and distributed to humanity and this itself was the knowledge of manifest light and not impressional light …
Thus, when utilizing the manifest light as a base for calculating the age of universe, then the maximum time of astronomical age of any universe that can be found is restricted to 25,920 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) i.e. 60 full-cycles of sun (or esoteric path of sun whilst it moves within the mathematical symbol of infinity) …
This itself is the restriction that gets imposed due to time span of a Surya Anta Samvatsara Pralaya (which is also termed as the Mahakalpa Pralaya and the same can also be written as the Maha Kalpa Pralaya) …
Proceeding further …
This knowledge of representation of eternal cycles of time which originally was given by Vedic sages, was also taken by many later civilizations (like the Greek and Egyptian civilizations) and they termed this eternally cyclic movement of time as Ouroboros (of a single circle or loop) …
The base of above symbol of Ouroboros also relates to the path of Kundalini Shakti through the earlier discussed Vedic Mahavakya, which in an earlier topic was called as Sohum (which in English language means as So Am I) …
And as times of this divine degenerate age cycle progressed, this knowledge of cyclic nature of time was slowly and steadily lost from this world and this disappearance was even when the Mahavakya of Soham remained within Vedic and Yogic lore’s …
Unless the primordial knowledge of time (Kaal Gyan) is at hand, the knowledge of other three primary dimensions of macrocosmic creation, i.e. space, directions and state cannot be held by anyone …
And due to above reason, when the ancient knowledge of time was “almost” lost by humanity, then the knowledge of other three primary macrocosmic dimensions (i.e. of space or ether, directions or ways of life and state or conditions of existence) were also lost …
Moreover, all this loss of ancient knowledge systems only started after the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) went into her cyclic sleep of about 9 millenniums …
This start of her cyclic sleep was “around” 6990 BC” and then after this stage as the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) arrived around “3102 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)” this loss of knowledge also started speeding up due to coming in of all sorts of individualistic systems (Monotheism of all sorts) and their egoistic centered entities (Egoistic Gods or Abhimani Devata) …
But after 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Dharma) has already entered into the process of waking up from her long slumber of almost nine millenniums … This waking up process also takes about 108 years (as per the currently applicable Nadir time units of precession) …
Thus by the time these 108 years get completed (which is going to be around 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) all her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren who had moved out of her timelessly laid down systems by leaving her pluralistic monism due to entering into one or another form of individualism, would have already returned back to her …
As of now this process of return back is already underway …
And since the systems of the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) are related to Yoga Marga (paths of union or paths of Yoga Tantra) so when I see this world of today and then I also see the propagation of Yoga Tantras of Sanatan Dharma (i.e. Yoga Tantras of the great grandmother of all philosophies) across this world, then I also know that process of return back of these children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to their own original roots i.e. the great grandmother of all philosophies (or Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) is already underway as of now …
This discussion is also in line with our discussed topic of “Yoga Tantra … Root of all systems” …
44-AA-3 … Above figure in human age cycles or Manav Yuga Chakra …
In above figure the time spans lightness (Shukla Paksha) and non-lightness (Krishna Paksha) phases are of exactly equal durations … This is how each of the cycles of time (including the precession cycle or human ages) also are …
But at the same time, as far as representation of “human age cycles (precession cycle)” in above figure is concerned, this figures non-lightness and lightness halves shall have to be reversed …
And there also is one complete set of 4 human ages in each of the half-loops … This means that each of the halves of lightness and non-lightness has one full set of human age cycles or in other words, one full set of 4 human ages (Manav Yuga) are present in each of these halves of the above shown figure …
In addition to above, the human age cycles (Manav Yuga Chakra) always start from the non-lightness phase and because of this reason, if above figure is utilized for any kind of representation of human age cycles, then the lightness phase (i.e. white colored semicircle) shall have to be drawn above the non-lightness phase (i.e. the blue semicircle) … This is how it is in any cycle that relates to or denotes animated conscious entities as the commencement of the time cycles of these animated conscious entities are always from the lightness phase (because the non-lightness part cannot even be determined as it is the state which is prior anything was even originated) …
Thus if above representation is used to denote human age cycles, then the first (or upper) half of the descending cycle of human ages shall be of lightness (i.e. Shukla Paksha) and the latter (or lower) half shall be of non-lightness (i.e. Krishna Paksha) …
In addition, this shall also be in such a way that these ascending-descending cycles are also vertically-inverted mirror images of each other …
44-AA-4 … Above figure in divine age cycles or Deva Yuga Chakra …
And on contrary to above discussions on human age cycles, the divine age cycle (which in Sanskrit is called as Deva Yuga Chakra) can be either depicted through a single circle and these divine age cycles can also be depicted through the mathematical symbol of infinity …
Thus divine age cycle is that age cycle which can be depicted through both these methods and it was due to this reason, divine ages were considered as primary age cycles in Vedic lore and that too to such an extent, that Vedic time cycles only ended up primarily relating to these divine ages …
Within this esoteric depiction in mathematical symbol of infinity, each of the two circle when joined together were either shown as a single loop (as shown in above figure) or were shown as two similar loops and thus were depicted like the mathematical symbol of infinity (as shown at a later part of this topic below) …
And as far as solar revolution cycles (i.e. path of sun and as the sun moves around the central non-lighted energy-core of the galaxy) are concerned, these were always esoterically shown as the symbol of infinity …
Symbol of infinity was used as it also accounts for the extra time span as is of the cyclic-sinusoidal movements of sun whilst it is proceeding on its path … And it is due to this reason, that even the “60-full solar cycles” which itself are running within the esoteric aspects of the symbol of infinity and is termed as Surya Samvatsara” are also accounting for these sinusoidal movements of the path of sun when their time span shall be considered in totality and in relation to the Surya Samvatsara Chakra to which all solar revolution cycles eventually relate …
This depiction within the symbol of infinity was also due to the infinite nature of time as is when we view time within its totality (or its finality) which itself is of eternity …
And yet when time is taken in values that are lesser than its finality (i.e. in a state which is any other than the undefined, beginningless and endless state of eternity of time) then these ever repetitive loops of time and thus their eternally cyclic nature, is also found to be a fact …
Thus within both these symbols of Ouroboros (i.e. above symbol and the later depicted symbol) the innermost meaning of these two symbols is only related to the eternal nature of time … This eternal nature of time is within its finality of being a beginningless-endlessness entity (beginningless and endless nature of finality or eternity of time) …
And thus these two symbols (or Ouroboros) as are discussed here and all other symbolic representations of time, were also shown as a continuous loop … And yet these symbols have ever denoted the cyclic nature of time, especially when we consider time within its ever changeful individual unitary values … And at the same time, time is also found to be eternally repetitive just as it is subtly depicted in above and later shown symbol of the same snake who is eating its own tail …
But the only difference within different time cycles which relates to different microcosm’s is that “even when” they all move within their paths that are depicted by symbols of this topic, “but yet” the dimensional expanses of these loops (i.e. the time it takes to complete one loop or pass through the loops as shown in this topic) which also relate differently to each of these microcosms, are different from each other …
So basis above realization, if we see all microcosmic gross and subtler states that are present within the same supreme genius of Maker’s Makings, then we also see “close to infinite” number of such loops of time cycles and where none of these loops ever have the same time span (or characteristic) as any other loop of any other microcosm that ever was during the entirety of history of the macrocosmic creation …
Above paragraph is also in line with the macrocosmic “principle of stagnation due to sameness” which we have briefly discussed earlier on and which shall be taken up in detail in a later set of topics of this text which shall have the main-header of “Principles and process (or Siddhant and Tantra)” of Brahmand (or Maker’s Makings or in other words, Vishvaroop Brahma) and where Maker’s Makings also are none other than being a macrocosmic state of the Maker …
Each microcosm has its own loop of time and since there are “close to infinite” numbers of microcosms …
So due to above reason, when we consider these “close to infinite number” of microcosm’s and also consider their different evolutionary standings, their different evolutionary paths and their different stages of progress within the macrocosmic hierarchies, then we would also know that there actually are “close to infinite” applications of this knowledge of snake eating its own tail …
This is because different worlds (and every other microcosm) have differing unitary value of time applicable to them and thus in those worlds where individuality is higher (i.e. the worlds are grosser or world systems are grosser) then the loop of such worlds holds more number individual moments within them (i.e. higher individual-duality is held by them) …
But above paragraph definitely does not mean higher time span of the loop of time cycles that are applicable to gross worlds) +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … When an entity is grosser, then the time duration which is in-between each successive change that takes place within that grosser entity and its ways of life, is also lesser and thus that entity also ends up holding higher individualistic approaches within its ways of life, which itself is the reason for such entities be very fearful of change and this is what makes their systems to also be very binding …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … But since the time interval between these individual changes is shorter for a grosser entity, so the rate of change of that grosser entity is also higher within any given time span (as compared to a subtler entity) …
+++ And it is also due to this reason, that such entities have a lesser time span of existence within their any single cycle of existence as they also age faster (or in other words, they complete their cyclic existence in that grosser incarnation, much faster as compared to any other subtler entity) … The fact same is also applicable to all animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate entities including egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) and their individualistic (or monotheistic) systems and it is also because of this fact that these individualistic systems of egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) have a very short lifetime as compared to pluralistic yet monist systems (as are of Sanatan Dharma) …
+++ It is also due to this reason of faster changes (per any unit time span) which take place within such entities and their systems, that such entities and their systems are also more binding and individualistic in their ways of life (as they try to stop even those natural evolutionary changes and thus they also end up stopping their own progress within the eternally progressive and thus changeful nature of time) … And when that system of egoistic Gods reaches a state where it becomes misaligned with time (Kaal) then that system starts to become chaotic and this is the reason for a cyclic state of chaos in all such individualistic systems of all egoistic Gods …
+++ As also, since these egoistic Gods know this fact, so their installed systems also have end time theories, which itself are implanted in them right from the time of manifestation of these individualistic (or monotheistic) systems and this itself is against the real nature of time, which as such is eternally cyclic and also is just as it is told within the pluralistic yet monist lore’s of Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … And due to this reason, such entities are also based upon and thus they rest within a higher chaos and also have an earlier end of time predictions within their rendered systems … Higher is the individuality held, faster shall be the rate of change per any unit time span and thus higher shall be the chaos within that system (or entity) and quicker shall be its end of time … It is due to this reason that all individualistic systems that came by during the last about 9000 years (i.e. during the sleep time of the great grandmother of all philosophies) have always held such an end time prophecies that is also told to be arriving pretty earlier than the real end of time of this world system (which itself has a pending time of 2+ billion years from now) …
Proceeding further …
Contrary to above discussed grosser or individualistic entities and their systems, those entities which are subtler, also have a higher time span between their individual heartbeats and thus such entities have lesser changes in any unitary time span …
And it is due to this reason, such entities are more based upon allness (i.e. based upon Pluralism and is simultaneously also based upon monism of macrocosmic creation) …
And due to this reason, the time cycles of such entities are also having a much longer time span and this is also in addition to having nothing like a final end of time (as their times are cyclic in nature) …
All Vedic systems and those systems which were originated whilst taking Vedic knowledge as a base, have always had this cyclic and thus repetitive nature of time, instead of end of time or end time prophecies that always are within all systems which relate to individualism and its consequent dualism with all other ways of life …
44-BB-1 … Second representation of age cycles as Yin Yang union …

This is same figure which was discussed in earlier topic “Raam Naad and Yin Yang union” …
Within any of the cycle of time, that is termed as a Mahayuga (or in other words, the divine age cycles or Deva Yuga Chakra) there is no darkness (Tum) so the dark state of above figure would only be that of “non-lightness (Asamprajnita Awastha)” and not of darkness (Tam or Tum) …
As also, the two states of non-lightness and lightness are inseparable within the divine ages and thus they rest with each other, within each other, around each other and simultaneously are within a state of macro-neutrality (Sarva Samta) towards each other and are also resting in a state of macro-equanimity towards all that ever is …
Above also means a state of resting within “equanimity towards allness and its each part” …
Within the ancient representation of a snake eating its own tail, this condition of macro-equanimity of lightness and non lightness was also referred to at the meeting point of these two phases (of lightness and darkness) and it is this point of meeting that was shown at the mouth of the snake who is eating its own tail …
Thus the point where the snake is having its own tail in its mouth, is also denoting the same macro-equanimity as far as the two opposite cycles of lightness (Shukla Paksha) and also of the non-lightness (Krishna Paksha) are concerned … This is also one of the inner meanings of the earlier discussed symbol of Ouroboros …
And within the ancient Chinese systems, this was depicted as Yin Yang in union to each other … Both these (i.e. Yin or feminine aspects and masculine aspects or Yang) are divine symbolisms which “also” denote eternity of cycles of time (Kaalchakra) and where these time cycles alternate in phases of lightness and non lightness …
This symbol of Yin Yang also denotes the stage of entering into Prakriti Purusha Yoga, which itself is the same as what was discussed in an earlier topic of Shakti Shiva Yoga and which itself leads to a self realization (and/or a accomplishment) of Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara, within the aspirant’s microcosm itself … These have already been discussed earlier on in this text …
44-BB-2 … Third representation as Shakti Shiva Yoga …

Above figure is the same as that which was shown in earlier topic of “Shakti Shiva Yoga in plexus” and it also relates to many earlier discussed topics like the ones listed below …
- Raam Naad … Across paths … And then it was also discussed in the topic of …
- Stages of Shakti Shiva Yoga .,. And then it was also discussed in the topic of …
- Stages of Shakti Shiva Yoga … Continues … And then it was also discussed in the topic of …
- Raam Naad and Prakriti Purusha Yoga … And then it was also discussed in the topic of …
- Shakti Shiva Yoga and Bhadra Bhadri Yoga … And then it was also discussed in the topic of …
- Raam Naad and Pranamaye Manomaye Yoga … And then it was also discussed in the topic of …
- Raam Naad and Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara … And then it was also discussed in the topic of …
- Raam Naad and Nirbija Samadhi … And then it was also discussed in the topic of …
- Ardhanarishwara Sharira … Sagun Atman … And then it was also discussed in the topic of …
- Raam Naad, Prayagraj and Kashi …
And the same state could also be self-realized within the third eye plexus (Agya Chakra or Ajna Chakra) … This is as shown in above painting which shows union of feminine and masculine principles i.e. union of Prakriti and Purusha or in other words, the union of Shakti and Shiva …
Depending on the way of life that is followed, the same fact can also be stated as the union (or Yoga) of “divine and its own divinity”, the “being and its own beingness”, “Absolute and its own Absoluteness”, “IT and IT’s own ITs’ness”, “That and IT’s own Thatness and also as a union of the “supreme being and its own pristine nature” …
Above painting depicts the condition where the aspirant is looking into the painted sketch and thus the larger blue half is to the right hand side and white is to the left hand side of the aspirant …
But because the aspirant is looking into this painted state, so it is shown reverse in above painting …
This is how it manifests within the third eye plexus (Ajna Chakra or Agya Chakra of Yoga) …
And in the middle is a non-lighted state which is further enveloped by another much vast and similar state of non-lightness, just as it was stated in Nasadiya Sukta of Rig Veda …
Proceeding further …
In above figure … Inside the white, is a streak of blue color and inside the blue is a streak of white color …
This painting also denotes the perfect union of Purusha and Prakriti, which itself means the same as union of Shakti and Shiva of Vedic lore’s … This is because wherever masculine and feminine aspects meet, is self-realized a “non-lighted state which envelopes non-lightness” …
And the same non-lightness of voidness is also present within the meeting points of all differences that ever are … This is because in the real-middles of meeting points of any of the differences (or even opposite natures or opposite states); the same non-lighted state of voidness is self-realized …
This non-lighted state of voidness is also the point of exit from the entirety of macrocosmic creation i.e. exit from all four states of the macrocosm …
And since there are “close to infinite” differences within the macrocosmic creation, so there also are “close to infinite” exit points from the macrocosmic creation (exit points means the points where one can be liberated from both the cyclic and acyclic mode of existences) …
Thus after entry into non-lightness, the aspirant walks into that which is beyond all of the “four macrocosmic states” …
These four macrocosmic states are already discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT furthered itself” …
And the eternal non lightness as is of Sarva Shunya (or emptiness of allness or voidness of allness or primordial nature) and her intermediary stages which were also discussed in the topic of “As IT progressed” …
And this path leads to the next stage of self-realization and entry into Shunya Brahman (“Zero which is Infinite and the infinity which itself is the same Zero”) or in other words, that Shunya Anantah, which simultaneously also is self realized as Ananta Shunyah …
From Shunya Brahman, is the direct path of self realization of Nirgun Nirakaar (who in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm and is also called as as Brahman) …
Proceeding further …
The innermost meeting points of all differences is of a non-lighted state (i.e. voidness) and voidness is also the path of exit from all four macrocosmic states …
So basis above, since the macrocosmic creation has close to infinite ever-changeful (or ever evolving) microcosms and where each microcosm is different from each other microcosm when we consider their evolutionary statures, thoughts, desires, emotions, deeds and ever changeful progress of their individual evolutionary process, so due to this reason the macrocosmic creation also ends up having close to infinite number of ever changeful differences …
And this is what leads to a state where there also are close to infinite meeting points of these differences where the same eternal macrocosmic voidness (Sarva Shunya or Shunya Tattva or point of exit out of all four macrocosmic states) is self realized … And this is what leads to a state where there also are found to be close to infinite number of points of exit from the macrocosmic creation …
These close to infinite numbers of meeting points of differences and which also are like close to infinite number of exit points, all of which also are within their ever changeful states (due to ever evolving nature of all that has begun within the Maker’s Makings) is also the basis of there being close to infinite paths or ways of exit of any microcosm (aspirant) from the macrocosmic creation …
And it is due to this reason, that in reality there are close to infinite paths of liberation, which in turn makes the Maker’s Makings to be intrinsically pluralistic (Sarvabhauma Bahuvaadi) …
And yet because all these paths are only leading to the same truth, so there really is only one final truth that pervades and envelopes allness and her each part (i.e. macrocosm and her each microcosm) and which itself is the reason for the Maker’s Makings to be “essentially monist (Advaita Vedantic)” …
Proceeding further to discuss some conditions of manifestation of voidness …
And because the innermost part of these meeting points of differences is of macrocosmic voidness, thus even after an argument or fight or a war between different aspects, the same voidness manifests within those who enter into such things (which itself is due to being based upon one of another form or formless state of individualism) …
It is due to this voidness that there is a peace for some time after each war has taken place to its fullest …
And this is the basis of all religions to say that after such and such war, this world shall have a millennium or a few millenniums of peace …
This peace is because the individualistic impressions (Samskaras) which were generated whilst being based in individual systems and which were the root cause for that fight, meet their opposites and thus enter into a state of voidness during a fight or war … This is also in line with what we had discussed earlier as “meeting points of differences is having voidness (of differences) …
This voidness is also of the flows and dynamism of those impressions …
Whenever this condition of voidness at meeting points arrives within these impressional flows (i.e. Samskaras) of adherents of these systems, then that society, land or world system always enters into a period of peace …
Meeting is always of differences and differences are always based upon individualism, so due to this reason that individualism (monotheism) neither holds any capacity to lead to an inner-calm (calm within the inhabitants of a world) nor does it hold any capability to manifest an outer-peace (i.e. peace within the world) for longer periods of time …
Due to its differences with others, individualism has never been and cannot ever be as a tool for long lasting peace within a world …
And due to the cycles of peace and chaos which always are when the world’s inhabitants start resting within any state of individualism, so individualistic systems (monotheistic systems) have never been and cannot ever be any other than being “harbingers of a cyclic chaos” …
It is to this peace which is at meeting points of differences and where the meeting point itself is of macrocosmic voidness (Sarva Shunya or Shunya Tattva or primordial nature which is free of individualism to a major extent) that above figure relates …
And it is also to above figure that the human age cycles (Manav Yuga Chakra), the divine age cycles (which in Sanskrit language means as Deva Yuga and the same is also called as a Mahayuga) and the solar cycles (or in other words, the Surya Samvatsara Chakra) are related …
Thus above figure also relates to Siddhi (accomplishment) of that knowledge of time which is related to above three cycles of time …
44-CC … Fourth representation of ages as Shunya Brahman through symbol of infinity …
Now we come to symbol of the same snake that rests within the mathematical symbol of infinity and whilst that snake is also eating its own tail …
Below is how it was shown during ancient Vedic times …

But later on and as times progressed after the great grandmother of all philosophies went into her cyclic sleep of about nine millenniums (i.e. around 6990 BC), this knowledge was also absorbed by other civilizations, who had put it in a symbol form and had begun called it as the Ouroboros …
Explaining above symbol … This symbol relates to Shunya Brahman who is self realized through the Asamprajnita Samadhi (or trance of non lightness) and which is of a state where Zeroness eventually meets (or unites to) the infinity …
This is the condition of self-realization of that “Zero which eventually is the Infinite” and the simultaneous self-realization of that “Infinite which itself is the Zero that originally was” …
We have already discussed Shunya Brahman in the earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” and also the topic of “As IT eventually became” …
Proceeding further …
This symbol is also denoting the path by which the sun esoterically moves around the 20 worlds of Brahmaloka (Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) and whilst it pays homage to these 20 worlds of pristine abode of creator (which is Vedic texts is addressed as Brahmaloka) … This symbol also denotes the path of progress of divine ages (Deva Yuga or Mahayuga Chakra) …
The time span of overlap of the mouth and tail of this symbol of snake is denoting the Sandhikaal … The word Sandhikaal means “intermediary time between any two time cycles” … This was also termed as Sandhi (or intermediary) during those very ancient and already gone past Vedic times when none of the religions of today were even thought of upon this or any other planet …
If the Sandhikaal were not there, then when the ripeness and rightness of turn of any age cycles would have arrived, the ages would have suddenly turned to the next age cycle …
This sudden change would lead to a sudden manifestation of energies which are specific to the incoming age cycle and it would also lead to a sudden vanishing of energies of the age cycle which is ending …
This sudden change to energies of a newer age cycle would lead to a sudden change in the flows and dynamism within a world and this would further lead to a sudden change of the subtle consciousness flows within the consciousness plane of that world (i.e. Bhu Chitta) which in turn would also lead to a sudden change in the subtle flows and dynamism which exists within the consciousness orb (Chitta), mind orb (which in earlier topic was also stated as Manas), knowledge orb (or Vijyana or Buddhi) and I’ness orb (which can also be called as Ahamkara and also as Ahumkara) of the Antahkarana Chatushtaya (which is also called as the Bliss sheath and which in Sanskrit is also called as Anandmaye Kosha and as Anandamaya Kosha) of the inhabitants of that world …
And all above would also be in addition to the sudden change of flows and dynamism within the mind sheath (that in Sanskrit is called as Manomaye Kosha), and also the subtle changes in the vital air sheath (that in Sanskrit is called as Pranamaye Kosha), and the subtle changes in the knowledge sheath (that in Sanskrit is called as Vijyanmaye Kosha) and then the consequent change in food sheath (that in Sanskrit is called as Annamaye Kosha) of the animate inhabitants of that world (where the current age cycle suddenly changes to the next one) …
Thus the suddenness of change of flows and dynamism as is discussed above would have also led to sudden manifestation of subtle shocks to the consciousness orbs (Chitta) of the animate inhabitants of that world and this in turn would lead to an inner havoc within the animate inhabitants of that world who naturally have these five sheaths (which in Sanskrit language is addressed as Panch Kosha) …
All this inner havoc would be due to anaphylactic shocks that would come to the consciousness orbs of all inhabitants of that world if the age cycles and their flows and dynamism suddenly change …
So to prevent such a state from happening, an intermediary time span which is of change of age cycles (or Sandhikaal) is always there in between each of the age cycles …
But even when there is a Sandhikaal present, yet due to a faster than normal rate of change of flows and dynamism that happens within a world when any age cycles is changing to the next one (i.e. within the period of Sandhikaal) some inner and outer chaos is always there in that world and this is especially prominent within adherents of individualistic systems (i.e. monotheistic systems) …
This world is currently passing through this phase only … And this phase of change change (i.e. Sandhikaal or intermediary time between two age cycles) has also been going on since 1758 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
1758 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) was the original stage of start of Sandhikaal of the currently ending human age cycle or trinity (Manav Tretayuga) and it is as calculated below …
Proceeding further …
The present human age is of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) and its time span is of 3,600 human solar years (as per middle time units) …
When converted to the currently applicable Nadir time units, this time span becomes as 3,600 x 1.08 = 3,888 human solar years (as per the currently applicable nadir time units) …
The breakup of this time is as follows … Below stated breakup is also applicable for all age cycles …
10% (setting in time) + 100% (set time) + 10% (exit time)
So basis above is below calculation …
3,888 years = 324 (setting in time) + 3240 (set time) + 324 (exit time)
Proceeding further …
And since right now this world is resting in the “324 years of exit time” (as the current human age cycle of trinity or Manav Tretayuga, is ending as of now) so we would have to consider this time span (of “324 years of exit time”) to calculate the real start of the currently underway stage of Sandhikaal …
This calculation is as follows …
2,082 AD – (3 x 108 years or 324 years) = 1,758 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
In above calculations …
2,082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) is the stage of inauguration of Guru Yuga (that we had also called as an Age of Sages) in this world …
And 1,758 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) was the start of the Sandhikaal of the current ending human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) … And the proof of this fact was as the start industrial revolution in this world …
Industrial revolution always starts during the start of a Sandhikaal, due to a severe non compliance which a Sandhikaal denotes to the statement of “Mahayantra Pravartanam” of chapter 11 of Manusmriti is always there …
This statement of “Mahayantra Pravartanam” is already discussed in section 33-BB of previous topic “Dimensions of Milky Way” and the industrial age and industrial progress is also denoting the same fact …
44-DD … Representation of Sandhikaal in all above figures …
Now we come to the discussion on all above figures …
As is the snake eating its own tail, so is it shown in the symbol of Yin Yang … The same was also shown in the earlier painting of light in the third eye plexus (as is discussed in section 44-BB-2 above) … This mixing up of light and non-light in these symbols also refers to same Sandhikaal that is discussed here …
And I say so because after self realization of this light (as is discussed in section 44-BB-2 above) is the self realization of Sagun Atman which was discussed in the earlier topic of “Raam Naad and Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara” … These are self realized within the third eye plexus itself …
The points where the snake is shown to be eating its own tail (in earlier two figures on symbols of Ouroboros) is also referring to the same time period of Sandhikaal or the intermediary time which falls in-between any two time cycles or age cycles …
But even when above paragraph is true, yet the symbol of Yin Yang has many other meanings, which shall be discussed in relevant topics of this text … The highly evolved Chinese sages who had been following the Samkhya philosophy (original proponent of this philosophy was Maharishi Kapila) had given this symbol only after they had known its multi-dimensional, multi-planic and multi-aspected state and thus the Yin Yang Union is not just limited to a single aspect like the cycle of ages of our discussion … This symbol of Yin Yang has very vast applications which itself are across many streams of knowledge … And the same applies to Ouroboros and other symbols which have been discussed here …
All these symbol’s which depict the eternal union of lightness and non-lightness relate to the much earlier Samkhya Philosophy which was originally given by Maharishi Kapila (he is also addressed as Kapila Muni or the Silent Kapila) … During those ancient times, Maharishi Kapila who was also known as Brahmaputra which means the “son of creator” and by whose name one of the rivers of India-Bhutan-China is also named (i.e. River Brahmaputra) …
Maharishi Kapila was in erstwhile Indrapuri … This word Indrapuri means the “seat of ruler of divine beings” or the throne of Devaraja Indra within this world … As of now, that ancient Indrapuri is also known as Tibet …
During those very ancient times as were prior the great grandmother of all philosophies went into her cyclic sleep (around 6990 BC) the ranges of Indrapuri were extending from Indrapuri (i.e. Tibet of today) till Indraprastha (New Delhi of today) … This area is from where this knowledge of Samkhya originally comes …
This knowledge of union of lightness and non-lightness was originally known as the eternal union of Prakriti and Purusha … Purusha means the divine principle (or masculine principle) and Prakriti which literally means Mother Nature, also means the divinity principle (which also refers to the motherly principle or the feminine principle) …
And this eternal union of Purusha and Prakriti was also termed as Shiva and Shakti in union … Shiva means the Ever-Auspicious-All and Shakti means the Ever- Allness-of-Auspiciousness … And due to the eternal union of Shiva and Shakti, Shiva is also addressed as Shaktimaan (bearer of divinity or holder of Shakti) …
Thus Shiva is the Shaktimaan … Shiva also means the divine and Shakti means the divinity … Shiva means the Father of all and Shakti means the mother of allness … Shiva also means the being there only is and Shakti means the divinity of the being there only is …
Due to this reason, the first cardinal face of Bhagwan Sadashiva, which as such is the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, is also addressed as great-lord or Maheshwara and his last cardinal face of Sadashiva, which as such is addressed as Aghora face of Sadashiva, is also addressed as Mahadeva (which when translated in English means as the Great Deity) …
And due to above paragraphs names, the component of Shakti of Tatpurusha is addressed as the great-mother (or Maheshwari) and of Aghora as Mahadevi (or in other words, the Great Devi) …
But since in the Vedic lore there can only be One Great, so the term “Great” of Vedas only means the “Supreme or Absolute” and due to this reason, Shiva is also addressed as Paramdeva and Parmeshwara and Shakti is also addressed as Paramdevi or Parmeshwari or Tripura-Sundari (or the greatest or best amongst the triple-worlds) …
Proceeding further …
In addition to above Shiva means the conscious principle and Shakti means the activity principle and the knowledge principle which is intermediary of these two, keeps these two eternally united to each other …
Thus the path of directly cognized knowledge of Shiva and Shakti itself is the last and final path which an aspirant takes to self realize and also enter into realization of allness of Maker’s Makings … This is what was termed as Brahmpath which has been discussed in earlier topic of “Brahmpath … The last path”, and was discussed in the earlier topic of “Tyaga … End stage of Brahmpath” and was also discussed in the earlier topic of “Brahmpath … End result” …
And since the Vedic lore very clearly states that Shiva is Shakti and Shakti is Shiva, so due to this reason, divinities of absolute consciousness, supreme knowledge and pristine activity (i.e. Chetan Shakti, Gyan Shakti and Kriya Shakti respectively) are stated to be the three powers (or three-divinities or three Shakti’s) of Shiva …
And since Sadashiva (Shiva in his own eternal infinite state of Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva who is also addressed as Paramshiva and is also addressed as Brahman) is the one in whom everything originates, rests and everything also dissolves into the same Sadashiva and since Sadashiva is not visible to everyone, so Bhagwan Sadashiva also has his subtle all enveloping and all pervading or all permeating acts (Krityam) …
These are as follows …
- Sadyojata face of Sadashiva holds Utpatti Krityam (power or act to create) … And this is by utilization of macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot, which is also called as the Prithvi Mahabhoot) …
- Vamadeva face of Sadashiva holds Stithi Krityam (power or act to preserve) … And this is by utilization of macro-elemental water (Aapah Mahabhoot or Ap Mahabhoot or Jalam Mahabhoot) …
- Aghora face of Sadashiva (or Mahadeva Shiva) holds the Samhara Krityam (power or act to destroy-rejuvenate) … And this is by utilization of macro-elemental fire (Agni Mahabhoot) …
- Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (or Maheshwara Shiva) holds the Tirodhan Krityam (power or act to veil the truth until ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standing to know the veil is arrived at by the aspirant) … And this is by utilization of macro-elemental air (Vayu Mahabhoot) …
- Ishana face of Sadashiva holds the Anugraha Krityam (i.e. power or act to bless allness and her each part) … And this is through the utilization of Akasha Mahabhoot (or in other words, macro-elemental space or ether) …
This original knowledge of all enveloping and all permeating union of Shiva and Shakti, who also are stated as union of Purusha and Prakriti (In Samkhya philosophy) was taken by the much-much later Greek, Chinese and other civilizations, who termed it as the symbol of Ouroboros and Yin Yang as is depicted above …
Ultimately when we study any of the current or earlier civilizations, then we would also know that they all are related to the same great grandmother of all philosophies i.e. Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma (or simply Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism as it is defined in Indian constitution) and this relation is also through Shakti Shiva Yoga which we have already discussed in an earlier set of topics on Shiva Taraka Naad (which itself is told as the Shiva Taraka Mantra, and whose subtle sound is also of Raam Naad) …
And irrespective of what may be believed as of now, the fact still remains that snake is considered holy only in Sanatan Dharma as it relates to both Lord Shiva (Snakes around body of lord Shiva) and Lord Vishnu (Shesha Naag or Adi Shesha of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) …
Thus, wherever this symbol of snake may be seen, it eventually stands related to the same great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Dharma) and that too to its original parental knowledge (Vedic knowledge) whose path is termed as Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma (i.e. eternal Vedic ways of life) …
And finally …
The path of beginningless-endless-eternal “re-spreading and re-contracting” of ways of life which relate to Sanatan Dharma, is also told to be eternally cyclic … This is also denoted by the endless-loop of both symbols of Ouroboros …
Only Sanatan Dharma has a cyclic time span as all other ways of life (aka. religions) only hold end-time theories …
Thus, since Ouroboros is a symbol of cyclic nature of “time, state, directions (ways of life) and space” so this is what was originally given by Vedic sages and at a much-much later stage, this symbol was taken by Greek and other civilizations who named it as Ouroboros and this was even called as as a Yin Yang union …
The snake eating its own tail is a Vedic cyclic knowledge and not of any other civilization of any of the triple times because only Vedic ways of life have an eternal cyclic nature, including of re-propagation and re-hibernation …
And due to the Sandhikaal of the currently ending human age cycle of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) which is underway as of now, this world is already resting in the stage where re-emergence of those extremely-ancient Pluralistic yet Monist Vedic ways of life, is just around the corner …
Thus basis the knowledge of time (Kaal) and its eternal cycles (Kaalchakra) of which this topic is a part, very soon the inhabitants of this part of the universe shall be hearing that “subtle roar of Vedas” which shall be manifested within and beyond their little physically manifested human microcosms … This “roar of Vedas”, shall be a very subtle one that would primarily be self-manifested within the “subtle impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand)” that itself is eternally present inside each physically manifested animate microcosm itself …
This roar also denotes the stage of Sandhikaal which is esoterically depicted by the overlap of the mouth and tail of “snake who is eating its own tail” …
Continues …