Here we would discuss the Apana Prana and its Kurma Upa Prana … Both Apana and Kurma move downwards i.e. they move from the hip area and towards the soles of feet … Apana is red in its color and Kurma is of a light blue color, which also has specs of red color in it, that denote its association to Apana Prana …
This topic continues from the previous one which had the header of “Vyana Prana and Dhananjaya Upa Prana” … This is the eighth part of this series of topics on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …

Apana Prana or first vital air … Kurma Upa Prana or first sub vital air …
After walking a short distance, while pointing out to the light of red hue, the eternal guide told … “There is the 1st vital air or Apana Prana … This is the prana which controls many ‘lower aspects’ of the physical and other subtler bodies … This 1st vital air (Apana Prana) is present below the navel area of body and it extends till the feet area … It is thus the lower controller” …
The eternal guide then took the student at the intersection of the 1st vital air and its sub vital air and motioned to sit down …
And then he said … “Look at this intersection of the 1st vital air and 1st sub vital air” …
And then the eternal guide continued “look, there is no flow or movement from this 1st vital air to any other vital and sub vital air, except its own sub vital air (Kurma Upa Prana)” …
The student looked and nodded in agreement …
The eternal guide continued … “This 1st vital air resides within the root Chakra (or the Mooladhara chakra) within a direct contact to its first sub vital air or Kurma Upa Prana … As also, due to strict maintenance of celibacy, if and when the 1st vital air is kept safely-housed, then it leads to the rise of the serpent force (Kundalini Shakti) … This upwardly rise of serpent force (Kundalini Shakti) is because the 1st sub vital air (Kurma Upa Prana) is the weakest sub vital air (weakest Upa Prana) and thus it is unable to handle such larger accumulations (of flows) of the vitalities, which due to stricter maintenance of celibacy get manifested in the lower part of spine and thus there manifests an upward rise of vitalities after these vitalities convert into their energy state … This rise of vitalities is through this 1st sub vital air, when the primary (or basal of sexual) energy is conserved in an aspirant for longer durations and at the same time, the aspirant has continuously rested within a state of subtlety i.e. a state of the aspirants inner oneness to allness” …
The eternal guide continued further … As also, when this 1st vital air rises upwards and reaches the heart chakra and beyond (until thousand petalled lotus of top of brain or Sahasrara chakra, then this is what leads to deeper meditative absorptions (states of Samadhi) …The 1st vital air is also the one which is the reason for generation of excess of sexual desires as are when the root Chakra shall become orange in color, instead of its actual red color … At this state, the 1st vital air becomes so large in volume that it enters the second vital air (Samana Prana of the stomach region) and this stage is after transiting through the barrier of the 1st sub vital air (Kurma Prana)” …
The eternal guide continued … This 1st vital air is the weakest air and yet the desire that it causes (sexual desire) is the strongest desire … Because it is the weakest vital air which also has the strongest desire (desire of sex) so due to this reason, control of sexual feelings (or maintenance of celibacy) is the most difficult part of the process of Yoga and self realization … This is why aspirants face maximum difficulty as far as maintaining perfect celibacy is concerned” …
The eternal guide continued … “Preserving of vitality during celibacy, causes inner heat to build up … As this heat builds up, it also begins clearing the fluid and other obstructions that are present in the central channel (Sushumna Naadi) and the other two subtle channels (i.e. the right hand channel or Pingala Naadi or hotness channel or Surya Naadi and the left hand channel or Ida Naadi or moon channel or coldness channel) … After these obstructions are cleared up due to buildup of inner heat by maintenance of celibacy, the obstructions clear and this is what leads to the rise of vitalities in the body … This rise is what was termed as rise of Kundalini Shakti, which as such is the primary requirement of al Yogic paths and paths of self realization … And the major role in the ‘initial rise of consciousness’, which itself is in the form of Kundalini Shakti, is played by the 1st vital air (or Apana Prana) and its sub vital air (or Kurma Prana) … Thus, the Apana Prana is the root of all paths of Yoga Tantra, whose finality is the ever-same stage of final realization (i.e. self realization)” …
The eternal guide continued telling … “The rise of serpent force (Kundalini Shakti) is only when there is an excess of energy in this 1st vital air (due to a continuous and persistent conservation of one’s vital or germination fluid) and then this excess becomes to such an extent as such causes a mismatch between the then built up vitalities of the 1st vital air and the handling capacity of that vital air … When this happens, then the serpent energy (Kundalini Shakti) which was lying in a sleep state till this stage, becomes awakened … And then it also rises upwards, to eventually reach the thousand petalled lotus (Brahmarandra Chakra or Sahasrara) which is present at the top of brain … When this rise reaches the thousand petalled lotus (Brahmarandra Chakra or Sahasrara) which is present at the top of brain, then it leads to self realization as is told in Vedic Mahavakya” …
The eternal guide continued further and told … We shall now discuss what happens in Nymphomaniacs (those who are obsessed with sexual feelings) … “Due to inherent sexual desire of lower areas to which this 1st vital air relates, this vital air keeps getting a push of vitality … When this push comes, the 1st vital air (Apana Prana) transfers that excess of vitality 1st sub vital air (Kurma Upa Prana), which send its own excess to the 5th sub vital air (or 5th Upa Prana or Dhananjaya Upa Prana) … And also the handling capacity of the 5th sub prana (Dhananjaya Upa Prana) is limited especially when sudden push of vitality is sent into it due to excessive sexual desires … When this happens, then the vitalities in the 1st vital air start building up to a state which is beyond the capacity to handle at any single time … This leads to subtle bursts of energy in the sexual organs and nerves … When this stage arrives, then even the 5th sub vital air also cannot send all these sudden flows into the 5 vital air (or Vyana Prana) … This leads to a stage where the excess builds up to such an extent that the macrocosmic principle of self preservation cuts in … And when this stage arrives, then Nymphomania manifests … All this is due to vital energies of the 1st vital air, which is present in areas below the hip region, neither able to move upwards (due to obstruction in upwardly channels) nor able to be dissipated into the 5th vital air or Vyana (due to a limited handling capacity of the 5th sub vital air)” …
The eternal guide continued further … “The 1st vital and sub vital airs are the least strong when it comes to absorbing (and also utilizing or handling) larger quantum’s of flows and dynamism within itself … When larger amounts of vitalities build up in these two (i.e. Apana Prana and Kurma Upa Prana) then the only option is to dissipate them within sexual acts or as another alternate transfer these excesses to other vital airs, especially the 5th sub vital air (Dhananjaya Upa Prana) … From the 5th sub vital air, this excesses transferred to the outward moving 5th vital air, which dissipates it out of the physical body … But if there is a stagnation in those subtle channels which lead to this dissipation of excess of vitality of 1st vital and sub vital airs, then it becomes the reason for Nymphomania (where this excess is dissipated within sexual acts itself)” …
The eternal guide continued … This stagnation could also be caused due to deposits of mucous in the subtler channels (in the inner auric body i.e. where these channels pass inside the physical body) which are connecting the 1st sub vital to the 5th sub vital air or which are connecting the 5th sub vital air to the 5th vital air (Vyana Prana) … As such, if there are deposits or obstructions, then the complete dissipation of this energy of 1st vital and sub vital airs cannot even take place and thus this builds up as an excess within this 1st vital air” …
The eternal guide continued “unless the 5th and 1st vital airs are purified under austerities of mind and body which as such are through the 1st and 5th sub vital airs, a perfect celibacy can never be attained … This was the reason for earlier cleansings that were carried out by us, prior we even came to this cave of 1st vital air … Unless this cleansing is carried out prior entering this cave of 1st vital and 1st sub vital airs, the aspirant would get into those lower desires which are related to the 1st vital air i.e. sexual desires) … To prevent such a stage, we had cleansed the cave of Prana prior we even entered it … The cave of prana is the most blissful if it is cleansed prior anyone enters it and the same cave of Prana can also be the reason for vast amount of chaos (of desires, feelings, thoughts, emotions and deeds etc.), if any otherwise” …
And then the eternal guide said while pointing out to the student “This was one of the reasons for transforming this one into a little student (i.e. into a state which is of pre- puberty) after he had entered into the cave of emptiness of heart where ‘That one (eternal guide)’ resides and this transformation was even when This one (little student) was well past that stage of life, in which he currently exists with That one (eternal guide)” …
The little student smiled as the eternal guide also did …
Apana Prana and Celibacy …
The eternal guide said … “This 1st vital air is such that it is directly connected to the lowermost chakra of spinal column (the Mooladhara chakra or the root chakra) … All lower desires (i.e. desires that do not relate to the essential oneness of allness) make this vital air gain strength … Lower desires are gross desires like those which relate to individualism (self gain etc.) … This vital air is also affected by other lower desires like those of sex, anger, pleasures and self gratification of all sorts, cheating, stealing, etc. … Within all these desires this first vital air (Apana Prana) expands in size and thus it becomes stronger when an aspirant holds such desires … Due to this reason, if these desires could be arrested then actions that relate to such desires would not even manifest and the main path of controlling of these is through adoption of celibacy … This was the reason for celibacy to become a part of Yoga Tantra” …
The eternal guide continued further … “But at the same time, actions that relate to self preservation are also related to this vital air … Celibacy is also a part of self preservation only … Celibacy does not just relate to physical aspects such as non sex, the celibacy is also related to the mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha or Manomaye Kosha), vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha or Pranamaya Kosha) and also to the knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaye Kosha or Vijyanmaya Kosha) … And in addition to these aspects, celibacy also relates to Ahamkara (the I’ness or Ahumkara) and it also relates to the consciousness orb” …
The eternal guide continued further … “In simple ways and words, celibacy could be defined as follows … Celibacy of mind sheath is related to pure thoughts (nonness of lower thoughts … such as stealing, cheating, fraud, non compliances to limitations of bodied systems, hunger for ever more, greed, sex for reasons other than progeny etc.) … Celibacy of knowledge sheath is to restrain the movement of mind into lower thoughts (i.e. control of the horses of mind through the reigns of knowledge) … Celibacy of vital air sheath is related to getting into those systems that lead to an upward movement of vital airs such that these vital airs reach the thousand petalled lotus (Brahmarandra Chakra or Sahasrara) where they become one … Celibacy of food sheath (Annamaya Kosha) is non sex, except for progeny and this last celibacy is through control of food in addition to all above … We shall discuss food at a later stage because the word food does not relate to just that which is eaten through the mouth and put in the stomach … The word food has a very-very vast scope” …
And then the eternal guide continued even further … “Celibacy of I’ness (Ahumkara) is by ensuring that the ‘I’ feeling of an aspirant, becomes based upon allness instead of individualism and the path of this celibacy is through an inner feeling of ‘oneness of allness’ … When this aspect is adopted, then the aspirants I’ness becomes purified of all selfish aspects and all aspects that are restricted to mere self-satiation … Celibacy of consciousness orb is the toughest of all forms of celibacies, as this means rendering the soil of consciousness unfit for any further fruiting of impressions and this celibacy is such that, such that no impression could fruit within the consciousness orb and that too, irrespective of whether the real nextness of such impressional fruiting is arrived at, or not … However the path of celibacy should not be restricted to those aspects that relate to a mere restraining because as times progress, that restrained would keep silently growing in size and eventually only erupts as an uncontrollable volcano … So due to this reason, restraining is best done by diverting of thoughts and desires into other aspects that relate to subtleties of beyond, or even to those aspects that are beyond the beyond … If this path is followed, then as times progress a subtle white river begins to flow from the base of spine till the crown Chakra and this is what denotes the peak of celibacy of all aspects which have been told here” …
The little student was listening intently to what was told by the eternal guide …
Eternal guide explains the meaning of Food …
Then the eternal guide said… “Now we shall briefly discuss the fuller meaning of the word, food” …
- Food of the physical body is the gross food they is eaten …
- This food is of three types and since this is a very vast knowledge, so here we shall have to discuss this briefly …
- First and foremost is the Sattvika food, then is Rajasika food and then the Tamasika food …
- Satvika food is that which earth grown outwards from womb and which is fed through pure water, heated by the sun, cooled by the moon, moved by the wind and whose roof is the vast ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) and it also includes food that is based upon milk product and Pancha Gavya of cow (i.e. five nectars of cow which as such are cow urine, dung, ghee, milk and cord) and this food leads to the manifestation of excess of macrocosmic attribute of neutrality or equanimity (Sattvaguna) …
- Then is the Rajasika food, which is that which is of animal origin (origin is based in and is having blood in it) and all food that is of red color, except that which is grown in the womb of earth (i.e. inside earth) and all foods that relate to thorny plants and this food leads to the manifestation of excess of macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna) …
- Then is the lowermost type of food which a Yogi must never eat Tamasika food which is that food which grows under the earth, has a pungent flavor (like garlic etc.) and all foods that tingle the tongue, it has a darker energy field as if does not get the sunlight and this food leads to the manifestation of excess of macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) which as such is the worst enemy of any Yogi or any aspirant who rests within those paths that relate to deeper meditative practices, subtle aspects, self realization and also to the realization of a deity” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
And then the eternal guide continued speaking … Now we shall briefly discuss the foods of other sheaths and aspects …
- Food of food sheath (Annamaye Kosha) is already told briefly … Thus, to begin with, an aspirant must adopt Sattvika food …
- The food of mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha) are the thoughts … Thus control thoughts to control the useless wanderings of mind … Thoughts are best controlled through meditative practices …
- The food of vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) is the air that is inhaled … Thus undergo Pranayama to purify this sheath …
- Food of knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaye Kosha) is the words of Guru and in absence of this aspect, it is the Vedic scripture(s) which is denoting Shabda Brahman and the same is also told as sound of absolute or Nada Brahman … Thus to ensure subtlety, read (learn) the scriptures that relate to oneness of allness and thus, enter into paths of those lore’s which are based upon pluralistic monism … That which is based upon pluralistic monism is all enveloping and all pervading and thus is also denotes the state where knowledge becomes arrived at a state of oneness to allness and her each part … This leads to manifestation of subtlety within the knowledge sheath, which as such is the rein of the mind sheath and thus when the directional paths of knowledge are corrected, the path of mind is automatically corrected … All knowledge systems that came by after the advent of Kaliyuga are non pluralistic and non monist and thus they fail to be as proper foods of the knowledge sheath … Thus, only the timeless lore’s of Vedic ways (Sanatana Dharma) can ever qualify as proper foods of knowledge sheath …
- Food of I’ness are the emotions and feelings … Unless these emotions and feeling relate to “Oneness of allness and her each part”, the I’ness (Ahamkara) of an aspirant never gets a proper nutrition … In absence of proper nutrition, the I’ness gets restricted to individualities instead of what is eventually has to be as being based in allness itself … Only when this food intake is corrected, does the I’ness of an aspirant become pure … And after this purity is attained, does the aspirant self realize the innermost essence of the Vedic Mahavakya (or Vedic great statement) of Yajurveda, which the self realized, all realized sages had told as “Aham Brahmasmi (or Ahum Brahmasmi)” and which means “I Am That” and it also means “I Am Brahman” … The word Aham (or Ahum) as stated in this particular Mahavakya (Great statement) denotes a purified I’ness (i.e. Vishuddha Ahum) … And remember, any Yogi who has already purified his (or her) I’ness (Ahamkara) and thus that Yogi’s I’ness is already afflictionless (Vrittihina Awastha of Ahumkara) then only that Yogi gets based within the innermost essence of this Maha Vakya (great statement) of Yajurveda, which self realized, all realized sages had told as Aham Brahmasmi (which literally means as, I Am That) … This is Vishuddha Aham is Brahman (afflictionless state of I’ness, is directly denoting the Absolute being) …
- Food of consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) of the causal body (i.e. Antahkarana Chatushtaya) are the pure impressions which get generated due to compliance to all above … And the better of foods of the consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) of the bliss sheath (which is also addressed as the causal body or Anandamaya Kosha) is the path which unseed all impressions (Samskara) of the bliss sheath and thus leads to the final state of impressionless state of consciousness orb (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) … Thus, since this food accounts for all above foods, so it is the most difficult one to get …
- But there are other foods also, such as those of the five knowledge senses (Pancha Gyanendriya), five knowledge senses (Pancha Karmendriya), etc., … But these can be topics of a later stage of knowledge …
- And as a matter of fact, the path of simultaneous purification of all above is rooted in Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, which we discuss right now …
The little student who still was amazed at this knowledge, touched the the lotus feet of his eternal guide with his little hands and then touched his hand to his forehead, as a salutation to the eternal guide …
The eternal guide smiled, whilst touching the tiny head of the little student and said “Tat Tvam Asi” …
Apana Prana and evolutionary process …
And the eternal guide continued with the lecture … “This is the 1st vital air (Apana Prana) is the one which governs an eternal upward rise of evolution, but provided it is not wasted within lower desires … And this is also the vital air which if preserved within higher desires that relate to ‘oneness towards allness and her each part’, leads to a very quick manifestation of ‘real nextness of evolution’ and thus it also becomes a reason for a future state of bliss … And on the contrary, if this vital air is wasted within lower desires and acts, then it is also the primary reason for manifestation of ‘next of nextness’ of evolution, which as such becomes the reason for future sorrows” …
The eternal guide continued further … “But this is a very tricky vital air, as it can also lead to troubles is the aspirant desires a supersonic evolution, like what is stated in those paths that came by during Kaliyuga (i.e. after 1296 years prior 3012 BC) where their scriptures state, that follow their godhead and get liberated within that incarnation itself … All such paths are imaginary ones as they relate to a supersonic mode of evolution which itself is against the eternal and natural real nextness of the macrocosmic evolutionary process and due to this reason, all such paths always lead to cyclic state of chaos and peace … If we observe the paths that have come by during this stated time span of effects of Kaliyuga, then this aspect of cyclic chaos would be seen as a matter of fact … Baring a few Yogic paths, all religions that came by after this stated time relate to the same aspect and all such religions are naught but individualistic (monotheistic) … And as a matter of fact, individualism has never been and cannot ever be a path of long lasting peace as it goes against the pluralistic yet monist ways of macrocosmic creation, within which that individualism, its centered entity (Godhead of that individualistic religion), its scriptures, its propagators and adherents reside” …
Then the eternal guide further told … “That which does not comply to and be in line to that in whose envelopes it resides, always leads to chaos … And since individualism resides within macrocosmic creation, which itself is intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist, so individualism fails to come in line with the macrocosm within which that individualistic path, its centered entity, propagators, texts and adherents itself reside and this itself s the reason for individualism to be nothing but a path of cyclic chaos … Thus, a true yogi and each true aspirant of paths of Kaivalya (Liberation) and each aspirant (Sadhaka) who wishes to self realize the finality, which itself is of the innermost essence of Vedic Mahavakya (Vedic great statement or Vedic mega statements) of Atharvaveda, which the self realized, all realized sages had told as “Ayam Atma Brahma”, which means as “This (Atma or soul) is Absolute (Parabrahman)” or in other words, this great statement also means as “Atman is Brahman” must never get into any sort of individualism … Such individualistic systems, come by, stay for a while and thence are gone without even a trace of them in a distant future … Thus, it is also due to this reason, that all individualisms always have an end time theory instead of what actually is the nature of time, as its eternal cycles (Kaalchakra) … And it was due to this reason, Vedic and Yogic lore’s were kept rooted within pluralistic monism and this is what makes them eternal (Sanatan)” …
The little student still amazed at this knowledge, looked up at the divine face of the eternal guide and nodded in understanding …
Then the eternal guide further told … “Now listen intently … As such, when any aspirant desires to evolve faster, then this vital air expands to a size which its own volume or instantaneous capability cannot even handle … This is as this 1st vital air is the 1st vital air for any act of evolution and when the energy flow within this 1st vital air is increased to a quantum which is higher than the capacity of the 1st sub vital or 5th sub vital (Vyana) to handle at any instantaneous moment, then these energy fields become out of control and thus they begins penetrating all of the other vital airs and eventually the energies of this 1st vital air end up everywhere (they end up within all other vital and sub vital airs) from the 5th sub vital air (Dhananjaya) … And in such a case, the aspirant goes running after his own desires that are then suddenly manifested and each aspect of subtlety is left out or let go by that aspirant … This is because the mind of that aspirant begins wandering very fast, from one aspect to another and becomes like a mad monkey who is jumping from tree to tree, endlessly and until this state of 1st vital air stays such” …
The eternal guide further told … “An excess of this vital air is also the reason for all acts that relate to desires for more and then further desires for ever more, endlessly … As far as ones evolutionary process is concerned, all that is good from far prior it is attained but far from good after it is attained, relates to this vital air … Desires for better food, better clothing, stacking up material and non material reserves (objects and non objects) which itself are for satisfying material or non material desires, working for things which won’t even matter after one has rolled over are some desires and deeds from the point of view of this discussed abnormality of the 1st vital and 1st sub vital airs … As a matter of fact, most of the afflictions of humanity of the current cycle of time (i.e. the currently underway degenerate age cycle or Kaliyuga) are because of deviations within the Apana Prana (1st vital air) and its 1st sub vital air (or Kurma Upa Prana) … The word Kurma means tortoise and this 1st sub vital air was named such because it characteristics are like a tortoise only” …
And then the eternal guide smiled and said … “Afflictions of this vital air are thus the primary reason for degeneration of humanity of this divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) and this degeneration always comes by when majority of humanity relates to lower (individualistic self satiation in one way of another) and to non eternal aspects (like a single incarnation) … And it is only after the critical number of inhabitants of a world or land have degenerated, which itself is due to the effects of this 1st vital air, then the age also degenerates … And at the same time, this is the vital air which also leads to a better evolution … Former case (of degeneration) is arrived when this air is under an excess of grosser or lower desires which relate to non eternal and individualistic aspects … And latter case of evolution (i.e. higher evolution) is arrived when the desires of higher or eternal aspects or aspects which which relate subtleties such as those of ‘oneness of allness’ are related to by majority of humanity … But initially, the control on this air (and thus desires) is never easy (because this control always leads to some initial problems), hence initially one must divert the mind into subtleties that relate to an essential unity of allness and then over some longer period of time, as these diversions keep moving into into ever higher and thus ever subtler aspects, the restrain is automatically arrived for grosser aspects, impressions of which shall be unseeded under a nonness of suitable ground available within the consciousness orb of the causal body of that aspirant … This unseeding is because when an aspirant rests in higher or subtler desires that relate to ‘an essential unity of allness and her each part’ then that aspirant’s soil of consciousness also starts becoming unfit to cause any further fruiting of those seeded impressions which related to grosser deeds and this is what leads to the final state where these impressions are unseeded from the consciousness orb itself and this is what becomes as a reason for arriving at an impressionless state of consciousness (Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta), which itself is the base for proceeding to a further state, which the self realized, all realized sages had told as Atma Stithi” …
The eternal guide further continued … “Atma Stithi means affliction state of the aspirant … Thus, this term of Atma Stithi also means that the aspirant has arrived at an afflictionless state (Vrittihina Awastha) of body (Annamaya), mind (Manomaya, or simply what is told in Sanskrit as Manas), vital airs (Pranamaya or simply, the Prana), knowledge (Buddhi or Vijyana or Vijyanmaya), Bliss sheath (or causal body or Anandamaya Kosha or simply, Antahkarana), Knowledge senses (Gyanendriya), action senses (Karmendriya) and all else … Atma Stithi also denotes the accomplishment of a stage that the sages have told as ‘Atma Swaroopa’, which means “being like the innermost essence or Atman, even whilst still incarnated’ and which also denotes the stage of being ‘liberated whilst still alive (i.e. a state of a Jeevanmukta)’ … The term ‘Atma Stithi’ also denotes being in oneness or unity to one’s own innermost essence and thus being the innermost essence whilst still existing in a human bodied form’ … This is what happens in the end stages of the path of control over the 1st vital air, but at the same time, this end stage is only arrived after this 1st vital air rises upwards and reaches the thousand petalled lotus that is present at the top of brain and which in Vedic and Yogic lore’s has also been called as Sahasrara and also as Brahmarandra Chakra” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
And then the eternal guide continued further … “If this vital air is fueled due to excess of lower desires of desires that relate to individualism and self satiation, then the aspirant eventually enters into’ next of nextness of evolution and other lesser (or grosser or lower) aspects and as times progress, one or another type of stagnation of the of those real next’s is also arrived … This further becomes the path of regression of evolutionary process of that aspirant … This is the most unhappy situation as to clear this evolutionary stagnation, takes a pretty long time, unless that aspirant enters into the path which relates to Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” …
Then the eternal guide firmly held the tiny hand of the little student and told … So, due to these stated reasons, we shall also have to carry out the cleansing of this vital air cave whenever we try to enter this 1st vital and 1st sub vital airs from the side of cave of action and this cleansing would have to be even when we already know that dirt of hidden or visible impressions have already been cleansed earlier … Remember this part and act accordingly, every time” …
The little student nodded in confirmation of his understanding …
Faults in Apana Prana and Kundalini Shakti …
The eternal guide said … “This 1st vital air is the base (or foundation) of the entire vital air sheath airs and this statement is even when this vital air is smaller in its dimensional state and also lesser amongst all other vital airs as far as its intrinsic vitality handling capacity is concerned (i.e. it is the weakest of all vital airs as far as handling sudden spurts of vitality are concerned) …
As also if this 1st vital air increases in its size (volume) due to excess of lower desires, then due is lesser capability to handle excesses, this 1st sub vital air begins merging with the 2nd vital air (Samana Prana of the navel region) which further becomes as a reason for sufferings that relate to the stomach, intestines, other digestive organs … This union of Apana Prana (1st vital air) with 2nd vital air (Samana Prana) is the reason for all diseases of abdomen, reproductive, digestive, excretory and urinary systems, like ulcers, cysts in organs, stones, etc. … And the main reason for such diseases is individualistic aspects or aspects that do not relate to the subtleties as are of oneness to allness … All those who primarily relate to individualism have this affliction of 1st vital air, in a larger or a lesser amount” …
And the eternal guide said “this 1st vital air is a saint when tamed as then it shall lead to a life which is free of all sorts of suffering … And the same 1st vital air is like a demon when it is left in grosser or lower aspects because it would only lead to havoc … And this is because it is severely restricted as far as its capability to handle excess of flows and dynamism (i.e. excess of vitality) is concerned” …
The eternal guide continued and said … “Increasing this airs vitality is like playing with fire and electricity at the same time … Thus all those so called evolutionary systems, like sexual Tantra (Kama Tantra or Tantra which relates to Kama sutra) and systems like Tummo eventually are like playing with fire and electricity at the same time … All such systems increase the flow and dynamism in the 1st vital air and thence they use this increment of vitality within this 1st vital air to raise their consciousness … But if the aspirant is not fully aware in such practices, then the effects of these practices can be nothing short of being utterly disastrous … These systems which relate to expansion of the energy fields of this air, are eventually like playing with fire and live electricity at the same time if the aspirant is not careful and is undergoing them without the guidance from an accomplished Guru” …
The little student nodded of its understanding …
The eternal guide said while pointing to the 1st vital and 1st sub vital airs … “Look at the reversal of dimensional size when this air is within its cave and when it is manifest within the body … Thus, observe that when this vital air is in its cave, then it is within a lesser dimensional state as compared to the other vital and sub vital airs (i.e. when in the cave of Prana of heart, the 1st vital air is smaller of al other vital and sub vital airs) … And when this 1st vital air is within the body (i.e. when it is in vital air sheath or Pranamaya Kosha) then this vital air is of a larger size as compared to the other vital airs (except, of course the 5th vital air) … When this 1st vital air is seen inside the vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha), then this vital air and its sub vital air is seen to be present in an area that is below the abdomen (i.e. it rests in an area which is below the naval) and it also extends until the tip of toes” …
The little student saw this and said … “But how does it reverse its dimensional state (size) when it is smaller of all others when within the cave of ether of heart, and it becomes larger than the other vital and sub vital airs (except, of course the 5th vital air or Vyana Prana) when it is seen within the body and inside the vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha)” …
The eternal guide said … “When this 1st vital air is within the body (i.e. within the vital air sheath or simply, the vitality body or air body) then it is existent from the entire area which is lower than the naval area of the physical body … And this increased size of this vital air (within the vital air sheath) is because of the fact, that, if it remained as small in size as it is in its cave, then any concentration (or increase) of vitalities within it (as is when as when lower desires are ignited) would have wrecked a havoc to the physical body and this is why, when this air is seen in the vital air sheath, it is of a substantial size as compared to the other vital airs and when this same 1st vital air is in its cave (i.e. within the cave of Prana) then because it does not need to be so, so it is smaller in its dimensional volumes (as compared to the other vital airs)” …
The eternal guide continued speaking and told … “Inside the physical body, all those sudden kicks or shocks or twitching of legs and base of spine, which come by during resting state and also after the rise of serpent force (or Kundalini Shakti) are due to this 1st vital air … These twitches, jerks of legs happen when this vital air is suddenly sucked into the middle channel (Sushmuna Nadi) which always happens during initial stages of rise of Kundalini Shakti” …
And then the eternal guide said … “In the vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha), this 1st vital air (or Apana Prana) moves downwards i.e. it moves from the naval to the toe or heel of the feet”, but this downward movement is only when there are nonness of excesses of vitality within it” …
And then the eternal guide continued … “But, when there is an excess generated, then this air would even travel upwards from the root Chakra (Mooladhara Chakra) to the naval area (i.e. till the navel chakra or Manipura Chakra) and thus would even try to push the 2nd vital air (that is of the navel area and is called as Samana Prana) upwards, which as such causes a mixing of these two vital airs (i.e. mixing of the 1st and 2nd vital airs) … And these excesses are caused by desires and these desires could even be those which relate to aspects like higher wisdom or even liberation (Moksha) … This state leads to suffering of vast natures and from these sufferings the aspirant understands the need of middle path of evolution … All those sages who said to avoid extremes had only said so because they had faced the severities of sufferings that come by due to what is told here … When the stage of such severe sufferings arrive, then even basic survival processes like eating and digesting food become a problem and if this fault is not corrected, then even the vitality that is needed to continue that incarnation, goes missing” …
The little student understood this and nodded in affirmation …
The eternal guide continued speaking … “Defects in flows and dynamism of this vital air are the reasons for a variety of diseases, like varicose vein, muscular problems of legs, arthritis of any kind, heat in the generation organs, heat in the anus, intestinal ulcers, kidney problem due to excess of under of heat in kidneys (as kidneys have an energy of coldness), urinary or stool infections, unable to urinate or pass stools, excessive urination and involuntary passing of stools, naval shifting to one side which becomes in turn a reason for many problems, acidity of any kind is also indirectly related to this air, lower back problems, excess of currents in the lower back, shaking of legs, excess or lessness of vitality in nervous system, glutei muscles or hip joint or coccyx problems are also due to a fault in this vital air, lack of calcium in the bones and also a lack of synovial fluid, constipation or diarrhea, change of color of stools (including but not limited to blood in stools), hernia, hemorrhoids and fissures including in lower intestines (lower parts of small and large intestines), lower vitality and defects of the immune system of the body, lack of creativity which leads to lack of or absence of self preservational aspects in the body, urethra problems, problems related to fetus, ovarian cysts, clogged fallopian tubes, uterine cysts, as also lesser expulsion of carbon dioxide and carbon mono oxide from breath … And finally, the Kundalini syndrome is also directly related to this 1st vital air itself” …
The eternal guide continued speaking … “This air is primarily affected in those who inhale smoke or chemicals of any kind … Thus, since the atmosphere of this world system is already polluted by humanity, so a large part of that macrocosmic animate speciology who as of now is inhabiting this planet, would be having issues that relate to this vital air …And due to these issues, majority of the animate macrocosmic speciology of this planet, would also be based in all sorts of lower desires, including but not limited to deviated sexual aspects and also of those of individualistic tendencies about which we have already discussed” …
The student looked at this 1st vital air within the vital air sheath (Pranamaya Kosha) and thought “What a dangerous entity this vital air when it is within the vital air sheath and yet is is so peaceful when it is in its cave of Prana of heart” …
The eternal guide continued … “Let’s look at the 1st vital air again and see where all it connects to” …
The student looked and said … “Almost everything has flows of this reddish colored vital air” …
Apana Prana and Krishna Pingala Rudra Siddhi …
The eternal guide replied … “Yes, without proper functioning of this air, the vitality of the entire physical vehicle shall come under threat, as also the vitality of the entire macrocosmic matrix also would be in threat … This 1st vital air connects directly to the root Chakra or Mooladhara chakra and thus the root Chakra is red in color, which itself is of this vital air … And light blue colored 1st sub vital air (Kurma Prana) also connects to the four petals of the root Chakra (Mooladhara chakra has four petals), so due to this reason, the four petals of the root Chakra also have a light blue hue which can be seen existent outward of the red hue which is in the middle of the root Chakra” …
The eternal guide continued speaking further and told … “As told earlier, this reddish colored 1st vital sub vital air is present inside the center of root chakra (Mooladhara Chakra), so when anyone meditates on the root chakra, then the 1st vital air gets active and thence it expands … In such a condition, to compensate for this expansion and to ensure stability which also needs to be in the basal chakra (or root chakra or Mooladhara chakra), the 1st sub vital air enters into the petals of the root chakra and thus at such a time, a light blue colored vitality (of the 1st sub vital air is also seen to be present in the petals of the root chakra … Red color as of of the 1st vital air denotes the macrocosmic quality of action (Rajoguna) and blue color which is of the 1st sub vital air denotes the macrocosmic quality of inertia (Tamoguna) … When the Tamoguna which is also present inside the aspirants microcosm unites to Rajoguna, then this union further leads to the state where there is a self manifestation of the Krishna Pingala Sharira, which as such is what was told in Vedas as Rudra in a Krishna Pingalam state (i.e. Rudra in his own Dark Tawny state or Krishna Pingala state) … This Krishna Pingalam Sharira (or Dark Tawny Siddha body or simply, the Rudra Body) is denoting the accomplishment of where the aspirant in whose microcosm, this Siddha body self manifests, becomes like Rudra Deva in a human form (i.e. such an aspirant is like a Saguna Sakara Awastha of Rudra) … Thus, this Rudra body makes that aspirant as Rudra in an incarnated form of a human being … This is a very high attainment (i.e. accomplishment or Siddhi which gets accomplished as the Siddha Body of fullness of Rudra himself)” …
The eternal guide continued speaking … “When the red colored 1st vital air (or Apana Prana) unites to the blue colored 1st sub vital air (or Kurma Prana), then that aspirant also holds the attainment of both Rajo Guna (i.e. actional aspects) and Tamo Guna (i.e. inertial aspects) … And since in the middle of this the presence of macrocosmic quality of neutrality (or the macrocosmic quality of equanimity or simply, Sattva Guna), so such an aspirant also ends up holding the accomplishment of this quality of equanimity (or Sattvaguna) … And within the same union, since or Shunya (or Shunya Tattva or emptiness or Shunyata) is also present, so such an aspirant also holds the Siddhi (or accomplishment) of Shunya Tattva … Thus meditation on this 1st vital air and just as it is present within the vital air sheath and inside the root chakra (Mooladhara Chakra) can render many accomplishments (Siddhi) to an aspirant … And it is due to this reason, that, the 1st vital air holds a very important place in Yoga Tantra … And because lower desires lead to afflictions in this vital air, so there has never been any fully accomplished Yogi whose rendered knowledge systems have not told about the need of controlling the lower desires” …
The eternal guide continued speaking … “Thus, union of the 1st vital air which denotes the presence of macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna) to the 1st sub vital air, which denotes the presence of macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) and in whose middle is present the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (Sattva Guna) and emptiness (Shunya), is what was told as Krishna Pingalam state of Rudra Deva … That aspirant who has such a union of these vital and sub vital airs, is like Rudra Deva in a human form … As such an aspirant also walks the path of Rudra which as such is resting in the essence of statement “Myself Within Myself” and whose end result can be stated as the path which rests in the statement of “Rudra Within Rudra (or Itself Within Itself)” … And since Rudra only meditates on his own innermost essence (Atman), which itself is the essence of allness (Parabrahman), so that aspirant who has already accomplished whatever is told here, also walks the path of Rudra, and as Rudra in a human form … All these are related to the Siddhi’s (accomplishments) of the Mooladhara Chakra and the 1st vital air sub vital airs” …
The little student who was listening intently to this interesting lecture, nodded in understanding …
The eternal guide continued and said we shall now go to the root Chakra through this cave via the 1st sub vital air … And when we arrived there, the eternal guide continued “this root chakra or Mooladhara has a buzzing sound initially prior we entered here” …
The little student agreed as the bee sound was there …
And then the eternal guide continued after the student had nodded … “The first vital air divides into two parts and so does the 1st sub vital air also divide itself … Thus total four parts are formed and thus four petals are of the root chakra (Mooladhara Chakra) … And each petal of vital air is reverse in colors to each petal of the sub vital air and thus within the root chakra there are two sets of diagonally opposite petals of similarity of size and shapes … And all of these four petals (or root chakra) have a white background … In this lecture, we shall not discuss any other chakra, as that knowledge is not a part of the current topic” …
The little student nodded in agreement as this was also visible …
Separating Apana Prana from other vital airs … Clearing faults of Apana …
Then the eternal guide continued speaking … “When the 1st vital air and second vital air are mixed, then organs of both vital airs are in problem and the best method to separate these airs is to reside within the 1st sub vital air and pull these apart by the force of will and whilst resting in detachment to the act of separating these two i.e. this act needs to be done in detachment of the cause and also the effect … With this, the 1st vital would resume its characteristic downward flow and the 2nd vital air would resume its inward flow (which from the side of the first vital air would seem to be upwards) … And even if this is imagined or visualized, the results shall eventually be the same as separation of these two vital airs” …
And the eternal guide continued even further and said … “For those aspirants who cannot are unable to maintain celibacy, this method of separation shall lead to an effective maintenance of celibacy also, because once the 1st vital air and 1st sub vital air are freed from other unnecessary connections (like those of the 2nd vital air as discussed here), then the downward moving or lower heat also reduces, which in a longer run of time, also assists in maintenance of celibacy” …
And then the eternal guide caught the tiny hand of the little student and started walking, to again reach back into the middle of the cave of ether … And while facing towards the cave of Prana, both sat down in vast ether that was visible from there …