Since this topic is on transmigration of soul and is a pretty vast one, so I have divided it into parts …
Some paintings of this text are quite old, so some of these paintings have gotten damaged during those long years that have passed after these were painted … This is one of those paintings …
AA … As it happened back then … Golden mother …
This happened in summer of 1981-1984 while the mangoes were still not ripe … I wrote 1981-1984 as I do not want to tell the actual time …
I (the physical vehicle) as a little child of fewer than 10 years old, went up to the roof of that house and fell down while plucking raw mangoes …
This mango tree was at the backyard of our house at Air Force Station, Halwara, Punjab (India) where Papa was the commanding officer a squadron …
This fall was because a strange looking (dangerous) dark shadow pushed the physical vehicle of the little child who has gone to the roof to pluck some green mangoes from the tree which was almost touching the roof of that house …
As the physical vehicle started falling to the ground, it flipped a full round and saw that dark shadow (This black shadow is not painted in above sketch as I do not want the readers to get sleepless nights) … At that time the black shadow was smiling and it also had a very nasty (sinister) expression …
After seeing that black shadow and whilst still falling from the roof, the little child called for assistance of Devi Maa (Pristine divinity or Pristine mother) …
The physical vehicle (of the little child) fell into an open, unused and thus dry kitchen drain and luckily the head did not hit the hard walls of that drain (otherwise it would have been a game over of this incarnation) …
The head of the physical vehicle (or that little child) went inside and hit the soft mud of the bottom of that drain, but this was only after the hands and knees had taken the initial hit (During this process I had 2 fractures in right leg … One of the knee cap and other in the index toe) …
Due to the fall the physical vehicle of that little child (i.e. donor of the physical vehicle) entered a state of inertial-consciousness as his physical vehicle lay face down in that dry kitchen drain …
As the donor’s (i.e. the little child) astral vehicle started exiting out of its own physical vehicle, the little student (who writes this text) entered into the process of occupying it …
In above painting, the donors (i.e. the little child) astral vehicle is shown in blue color (as this is what the color of the astral vehicle actually is) and the little students vehicle is shown as a golden color (as this is how it happened back then) …
And as the little child (i.e. donor of the physical vehicle) started leaving his own physical vehicle, “the little student” left the womb of the golden mother and entered that empty physical vehicle, so as to occupy it and thence animate it …
‘This little student (i.e. the one who writes this text) remains grateful to that little child (i.e. the one who donated its own physical vehicle) and thus he allowed this little student to fulfill the last and final pending part of the Guru Dakshina of an earlier incarnation …
Note: Guru Dakshina means a return gift of a student to his (or her) Guru and this is given by a student to his (or her) Guru in a way that is exactly the same as was asked for by his (or her) Guru and where the Guru can only ask for it after a successful completion of knowledge (or divinity) transfer to the student …
The golden mother was standing on the right hand side of the donors (i.e. little child) physical vehicle who lay face down in that open-dry kitchen drain … And to occupy that physical vehicle of the donor (i.e. little child), the little student emerged from the right hand side of the golden mother as shown in above painting … This is how it happened …
The golden mother is my real mother for this transmigrated incarnation as she had carried me within herself so as to bring me to this world from the plane of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (which in English language means as the golden womb of creation) …
The same Hiranyagarbha of Vedas is also addressed as the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … The Sanskrit word which is of Tatpurusha is made up of two words … The word “Tat means That” and the word “Purusha means the being there only is (or the supreme being)” … This name was used to address Tatpurusha as Tatpurusha face is the first attributed-formless (Sagun Nirakaar) self-manifestation of the Absolute being …
And the same Tatpurusha is also addressed as Maheshwara, which means the Great-Lord … But since within the Vedas there can only be one great, so what is told as Great (i.e. Maha) actually means the Supreme … Thus the word Great Lord (or Maheshwara) only means the Supreme-Lord …
Tatpurusha is of a golden color and those who live there also hold the golden accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Sharira) which is also depicted in above photo … This golden accomplishment vehicle as is discussed here, is also termed as the Buddha body of reality (within the Buddhist lore’s) and it is also not wrong to call it as the Dharmakaya Sharira … The same Siddha body can also be termed as Tatpurusha Sharira …
BB … Golden mother and transmigration of soul
I have always addressed the golden mother as the supreme mother of sound, form and light, because this is what her status really is within the Maker’s Makings …
The same golden mother is also known Akar in Vedic and Yogic Lore’s … The word Akar means “Form” and she was named such by sages because she is the first-human-form within the Maker’s Makings by virtue of being the eternal-consort of Hiranyagarbha Brahma i.e. the golden womb of macrocosmic creation …
The golden mother as shown in above painting, also means the original attributed-form (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of the Maker’s Makings and she also happens to be the holder of the first seed syllable of (i.e. syllable A) of the macrocosmic language (i.e. Samskrit) due to which she also represents the first sound of macrocosmic language (i.e. Sanskrit) … This is the reason why I have addressed her as the supreme mother of sound, form and light …
Within the physical body, her location is inside the brain and here she is seated in a state which is just below the Hiranyagarbha Brahma inside the brain itself …
Within the brain she is in her form as shown in above figure, but at this location I have seen her in a cross-legged seated position (i.e. sitting in Padmasana) … And her position is just below the Hiranyagarbha who as such is a golden colored highly-lighted orb which is enveloped by a red color … We shall be discussing these two in a later topic of OM Naad (which means as the Sound of AOM) …
She also represents the first seed syllable of the sound of OM … This is because her state has the endless sound of Aaaaaaaa …
And Hiranyagarbha Brahma of who she is an eternal-consort, has the sound of Okar (which in Yoga is also told as (Ukar) and which as such is the endless sound of Ooooo …
She is also addressed as Buddha Prajnaparamita within the knowledge that was given by the revered Gurudeva of my earlier incarnation i.e. Gautama Buddha …
She is also addressed as the “woman clothed with the sun” of the much-much later Biblical Lore’s i.e. the woman of the Apocalypse of chapter 12 of the book of revelations … But irrespective of whatever she is addressed as in the Biblical revelations, she actually is the Virgin Mary of much-much later Christian Lore’s and she is also the one from who the word “Israel” actually comes … I shall be discussing her in a later topic which relates to the Biblical fact “As Above, So Below” and which itself is related to a much-much earlier mega-statement of Yajurveda (i.e. Yajurveda Mahavakya) of “As is a microcosm, So is the macrocosm … As is the macrocosm, So is each microcosm” …
She is also addressed as the yellow Kachina by native Americans …
And she is also related to many-other ancient systems (of Aboriginal origins) as she has been an important deity of the knowledge that was originally rendered by Vedic sages and Yogi’s to which all aboriginal ways of life have related since those timeless times …
Since I happen to be her son, so I am also the bearer of the Apocalypse … The word Apocalypse actually means “revealing that which has been hidden since long” and hence this text …
The words Apocalypse and Armageddon do not have the same meaning and those who equate these words to be the same only prove their own ignorance to the words of their own texts …
Armageddon as is stated in Biblical Lore’s would not be happening on the physical plane (i.e. physical world or planet-earth) because any Armageddon only happens within the celestial planes (i.e. heavens of beyond) … This is because of the fact that physically manifested earth (and earthlings) do not even hold the capacity to survive an Armageddon (as is stated within the Bible) … And yet some remnants of that heavenly war (Armageddon) always enter the earthly plane and thus because of this reason, some chaos is always there on the earthly plane …
This world is already passing through this phase since the last few human generations (i.e. since the first parliament of religions was held in Chicago, USA in 1894 AD … I shall be proving this fact when I discuss the two halves (or half-stages) of the Apocalypse in a later topic of Kaalchakra … The middle of this stage was passed by in 1987-1988 with the advent of Al-Qaeda … Thus as of now the second mirror-half is underway of that Apocalypse … Due to this reason, this world has been living in the Apocalypse since over a century itself … Not knowing this fact has been the primary reason for Biblical scholars to misinterpret the verses of the Bible …