This topic also happens to be about my Eternal-Guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) Sriman Naaraayana (or the primordial being) who is also addressed as Bhagwan Sadashiva in Vedic Shaiva Lore’s … Here we discuss Shunya Brahman or in other words, the Zero which originally is Infinite and simultaneously, the infinite which itself is the Zero that primordially was …
ॐ सर्वेशां स्वस्तिर्भवतु ।
सर्वेशां शान्तिर्भवतु ।
सर्वेशां पुर्णंभवतु ।
सर्वेशां मङ्गलंभवतु ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu ।
Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu ।
Sarveshaam Poornam-Bhavatu ।
Sarveshaam Manggalam-Bhavatu ।
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ॥
AOM may all be healthy,
May all be peaceful,
May all be complete (wholesome – fulfilled),
May there be auspiciousness for all,
AOM Peace Peace Peace.
At that timelessly ancient stage when only the supreme auspicious-all (Paramshiva or Absolute) was all that was existent, the dimension of time was of timeless-eternity, the dimension of space was of undefined-infinity, dimension of direction was pathless omni-directionality and dimension of state was of the non-dual omnipresent …
And within the unioned corpus as was of these finalities of the four primary dimensions, was the omnipotent, omniscient, omnicompetent, omniparient, omnifarious, omnificent, omnium gatherum of the pristine-divinity (i.e. feminine principle or Maa Adi Parashakti) that eternally is of the ever-same timelessly-eternal divine being (i.e. masculine principle) …
Thus state the Vedas “without feminine principle (i.e. Ever-Allness or Shakti) there is no masculine principle (i.e. Ever-All or Shiva) and without Shiva there is no Shakti” …
Thus since the Maker’s Makings are naught but the self-expression of the Absolute, who itself is none other than the originally non-dual eternally-unioned state of Paramshiva and Adi Parashakti and where their monogenous-union is also such that neither can be distinguished from the other, so the path of Makers Makings can only be based upon the allness of Omnium-gatherum that ever is of the Omniprevalent-Omnibenevolent state of Absolute-Omnism which itself leads to the path of Absolute Monism of the Absolute non-dualism that itself is of the Absolute being …
But above can only be arrived through the path of intrinsic-pluralism which itself rests within the essential-monism, both of which are of the Supreme-Being’s original self-expression, which as such is what eventually led to the origination of the Maker’s Makings … And this also leads to the finality of path that is stated as Absolute Monism (Vedanta) of the Absolute non-dualism (Advaita) of the Supreme being … There is no higher path of union (Yoga Tantra) than this because of the fact that this path itself leads to the stage where an aspirant unites to the partless state of allness and her each part, in addition to the realization that the innermost essence of the aspirant (i.e. Atman) itself is pervader and enveloper of allness and her each part (i.e. the essence of aspirant or Atman is Brahman or the essence of allness and her each part) …
Continuing further …
As IT (Brahman) earlier was … As IT or Brahman self expressed …
As those timeless-unfathomable times when IT was all that was existent, IT only knew of IT’s own completeness (or fullness) through Itself and by Itself, because at this stage there was none other than IT …
Now read this paragraph carefully … This knowing of IT’s own completeness “through Itself and by Itself” is what led to its original self-expression, which as such is none other than the reason for self-manifestation of the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings which is being discussed here …
This original self-expression was of the Zero Infinite and simultaneously it was the Infinite Zero (Shunya Anantah, Anant Shunyah) which was addressed as Shunya Brahman during those long gone and past times as were of my much earlier incarnations …
This Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero which as such is the original self-expression ever-was and eternally remains as the original root of Maker’s Makings … This original self-expression itself was at a stage that was much prior to the time when the macrocosmic creation was not even manifested within her primordial empty state (i.e. voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya or macrocosmic voidness or Shunyata) … Thus from within IT was self-expressed its own original ITS’ness which as such was of Shunya Brahman and which became the original root of the Maker’s Makings that was yet to be at this stage …
And because IT was the eternal-timeless one, so IT’s own original self-expression could not have been any different … As also, since everything else was self-manifested from IT’s own original self-expression (i.e. Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero) which itself was based upon the same eternity as is of the “Absolute being (or Parambrahma)”, so the later stage as was of the self-manifestation of the entire macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm also ended up within the same eternity because all these also were intrinsic of that original self-expression only even they has self-shown themselves at a later stage …
This eternity of allness and her each part is also such that it has ever-been-there even when all the originated states continue to exist within their cyclic natures i.e. origination, temporary existence and then dissolution, in an endless yet ever different cycle + …
+ Explaining + of above paragraph … Even when the existence of the originated states seems to be within cycles and thus their existence seems to be broken at times, yet these cycles were continuous and unbroken by virtue of the fact that “death within one mode, condition and state of existence, only leads to an immediate birth within another mode, condition and state of existence” … Thus existence of any microcosm is based upon same eternity itself …
+ Continuing with above paragraph … Thus in the reality of things, birth, existence for a while and then death is only a hallucination because the Maker never made any non-eternal entity by virtue of the fact that the self-expressed (i.e. macrocosm and microcosm) also rests within the same eternity as is of the one who self-expresses (Supreme being) …
+ Continuing with above paragraph … Thus basis above, irrespective of the modes, conditions and states of existence that a microcosm may be resting in, it always continues as an eternally existent one and this itself due to the fact that the eternal creator could only lead to an eternity of existence of each of the created entities (i.e. all the microcosms) … And due to this reason, within the ultimate reality of existence of anything, there is nothing like a death … Irrespective of which condition, mode or state of existence that you may seem to be residing, you are an eternal entity only because this is how the Maker had made you by virtue of its own timeless self-expression that we know as the root of Maker’s Makings, in addition to being the original state of Maker’s Makings …
And since this self-expression was arrived within a state which was of timeless-eternity, undefined-infinity, pathless-omni-directionality and partless-omnipresence of the non-dual state of IT, so each of the microcosm’s who have only originated because of this self-expression, are naught but eternal entities and yet these microcosm’s also have to pass through each of the unitary values of these four primary dimensions of the macrocosmic creation ++ …
++ Explaining ++ of above paragraph … Each mode, condition and state of existence is based upon specific bandwidths (I mean specific ranges) of unitary values of the four primary dimensions of macrocosmic creation (i.e. time, space, direction and state) … As also, each microcosm has to pass through the entire ranges of these four primary macrocosmic dimensions, so as to experience them and thence know their individualities so as to further realize their dual natures … This realization of duality always happens prior a detachment to those specific unitary values can be arrived at by that microcosm (this is because unless you know the non-real nature of something which itself is through a direct experience of it, how can you even desire to detach from it) …
++ Continuing with above paragraph … Depending upon the unitary values of dimensions that are applicable to a mode, condition and state of existence, is the type of physical vehicle which gets adopted by a microcosm and that too, prior it begins residing within that particular mode, condition and state of existence … This itself leads to a situation where for entering into a particular mode, condition and state of existence, the microcosm needs to adopt a specific type of physical body and where the types of physical bodies that are adopted are also different for different modes, conditions and states of existence because different ranges or bandwidths of unitary values of dimensions are applying to each of these states of existence …
++ Continuing with above paragraph … And as the microcosm evolves, it also keeps moving into ever higher planes, where different unitary values of these dimensions apply and this in turn calls for adoption of another type of physical vehicle which is apt for the dimensional aspects of that mode, condition and state of existence (to which a microcosm has evolved) …
++ Continuing with above paragraph … As also, due to the intrinsic fullness (or completeness) of the evolutionary process, each microcosm has always had to pass through all the unitary values of the ranges of unitary values of these dimensions and thus it also ends up passing through all the worlds, planes of existences and universes and their modes, conditions and states of existence during the course of its own evolutionary existence … But because the physical vehicle that is needed at these different unitary values of dimensions (i.e. at different modes, conditions and states of existence) is of different characteristics (I mean of different subtlety or grossness or characteristics or qualities) so the physical vehicle that was adopted to reside at an earlier world system has to be given up prior entering into further mode, condition and state of existence (to which the microcosm has evolved whilst it was resting in the earlier world system itself) … This is what leads to the process of death of the physical vehicle which was adopted at the earlier world system … Thus a death of the physical vehicle always happens prior the microcosm can enter into a higher world system (i.e. the state, mode or condition of existence to which it has evolved, whilst is was resting at the earlier world system) … Thus is the reason for a cyclic nature of existence of any microcosm which has originated within the Maker’s Makings and this cyclic existence continues until that microcosm continues to exist within any of the worlds, planes or universes which are a part of the begun part of the macrocosm (i.e. Samsara or cyclic existence or macrocosmic matrix) …
++ Continuing with above paragraph … And since during the course of evolutionary process, each microcosm has to cross past (i.e. evolve beyond) all the modes, conditions and states of existence, so each microcosm also has to pass through all the ranges of unitary values of dimensions and the worlds where these ranges of unitary values apply … But since this transit through all ranges also takes an extremely long time, so this is what makes the evolutionary existence to be nothing short of being based within an undefined time span … Due to this undefined time span, even evolution is an eternal process and it continues until the entirety of allness and her each part, is finally detached …
++ Continuing with above paragraph … As also, the ratios of subtlety or grossness of the physical vehicle that you adopt to enter into a world, is directly proportional to the subtlety or grossness of the world where you are born, which itself is dependent upon the ranges of unitary values of dimensions that apply to that world … This is because of the fact that that the ratio of grossness or subtlety of the physical vehicle to the condition, mode or state of existence where the physical vehicle resides, is an eternally constant value across all the modes, conditions and states of existence that are present within the macrocosmic creation …
++ Continuing with above paragraph … Above also means that the physical vehicle that is adopted by you for entering a world is of a specific grossness or subtlety … And this grossness and subtlety of the physical vehicle is only dependent upon the grossness and subtlety of the world where that physical vehicle is born … Thus as you evolve and thence move on to subtler modes, states or conditions of existence, then you also need to adopt a subtler physical vehicle which is apt for that state of existence … This is what calls for the need to give up your current physical vehicle (of this world’s state, condition and mode of existence) prior you can even adopt the physical vehicle which is apt for that subtler world to which you have evolved or are to reside in, after your departure from this world … This is what leads to a cyclic mode of existence as the physical vehicle that is adopted for entering into a specific mode, condition and state of existence is unfit to move onto another mode, condition and state of existence, whilst it is still incarnated here … Thus is the reason for birth and death of any microcosm who rests within any part of the begun macrocosm and it was due to this reason, that the name of cyclic existence was originally stated as Mrityu Loka (or the world of death) … Thus ends this brief explanation which shall also be taken up in an expanded state in other topics of this text … Resuming again …
Original self expression of Brahman … Original origination of Maker’s Makings … Shunya Brahman …
Read this paragraph carefully … This stage of the original self-expression and thus the original origination of the Maker’s Makings itself was during those timeless-times which as such are beyond all imaginations, visualizations and calculations of even those who have claimed to know it during any stage of macrocosmic history … This is because during the entirety of macrocosmic history nobody has ever been able to calculate the original beginning of the Maker’s Makings because of the countless cycles of existence that have already taken place since the time when Maker had originally self-expressed, so as to originally commence its Makings … Thus say the Vedas, that there have been countless creators (Brahma’s) till now and thus there also have been countless multi-universal systems that have already come and gone …
That whose original beginning cannot be traced in history is none other than an eternal entity because in such a condition, it only remains as the timeless, fathomless and thus the undefined one … And it also was due to this reason the Vedic sages had claimed that the macrocosmic creation is an eternal entity …
And the Vedic sages had also stated, that even when the macrocosmic nature (i.e. Prakriti) is as eternal as the timeless-eternal being there only is, yet she is never denoting the state of final liberation because of the fact that a self-expression cannot even be the finality, as is of a liberated state … This is because liberation cannot even be liberation unless it is also liberated from the original self-expression, which itself led to self-manifestation of the Maker’s Makings … This means that within the finally liberated state, the aspirant is perfectly isolated from allness and her each part, including the original self-expression of the Absolute-Being (which led to self-origination of allness and her each part) … This perfect isolation from allness and her each part, including the original self-expression which is being discussed here, was termed as Kaivalya, which is also termed as Moksha, in addition being termed as emancipation or Nirvana and which is also addressed as Kaivalya Moksha within Vedic Lore’s …
And since that finality of perfect-isolation (i.e. liberation) is only related to the one who self-expresses (i.e. the attributeless-infinite being), so it was due to this reason, that the Vedic sages had also stated that even when the self-expression (i.e. Maker’s Makings including the macrocosmic creation) is not denoting the final liberation due to her ever changeful state, yet her inner relativities, hierarchies and ever changefulness can be used as a ladder to reach the eternally non-changeful, incomparable and thus non-relative and non-hierarchical attributeless-infinite being who is pervading and enveloping her allness and her each part … This is because the path to the eternally non-changeful perfectly-peaceful and thus supremely-blissful truth is also arrived through the path of conscious-discriminatory self-knowledge (I mean that knowledge which separates the real from the non-real) and which itself relates to these ever changeful state of grosser and subtler hierarchies of Maker’s Makings and was stated as “Not this Not this (i.e. which in Sanskrit language was told as Neti Neti)” within the Vedic Lore’s …
As an aspirant keeps evolving ever higher through this path of “Not this Not this (Neti Neti)” which itself relates to the step by step evolutionary travel through all the hierarchies of macrocosmic creation, then this path also leads to the same realization as is of the final truth (i.e. the attributeless infinite being) because the end realization cannot ever be any other than that of the ever-same eternal finality itself …
As also, because the origination of allness of Maker’s Makings was through the essence of the statement “Itself from Itself” and where this also was based within the primordial self-expression of the Absolute, which we had earlier termed as the knowledge of “Itself through Itself”, so this is what led to a state where the Maker’s Makings and her each part (i.e. each microcosm) were none other than an intrinsic part of the original self-expression and thus were a self-manifestation and self-presence of the same multifarious self-expression as was of the Absolute being itself … Thus the term Maker’s Makings also means the macrocosmic self-expressed state of the Maker (or Vishvaroop Brahma) in addition to the microcosmic aspects of the same self-expression (i.e. each microcosm) …
Since the self-expression of the Absolute-being itself was of IT’s own Pristine-Divinity, so the innermost nature of the entirety of Maker’s Makings is also none other than that Pristine-Divinity itself … Thus basis this discussion, each microcosm is naught but that same divinity which has manifested herself within a physical or non-physical state (i.e. as a physical and non-physical microcosm) … Thus all microcosm’s are naught but a “Thatness of That” or in other worlds, “ITS’ness of IT” and thus are none other than divine entities … This is an absolute fact which Gurudeva Gautama Buddha had told as “The innermost Buddha nature” …
Since the macrocosm and microcosm were both a direct and indirect self-expression of the Absolute, so this became the primary reason for the macrocosm and each microcosm to be none other than one or another form or formless state of the pristine-divinity as is of the same supreme or divine-being … This divinity was termed as Devi (Mother of allness) by the Vedic Sages and due to the same reason was arrived the term Maa Prakriti (which in English language means as Mother nature) which has been used in all ancient knowledge systems of this planet … In fact there is not even one indigenous knowledge system on this planet, who does not address nature as mother (because nature herself is the divinity of the self-expression of the divine being) …
And these ancient Vedic sages has also told that the divine and divinity cannot be separated from each other, just like the sun cannot be separated from its own light … This is what led to knowledge systems where Shiva (i.e. divine auspicious witness principle or Atman) and Shakti (the divinity auspiciousness of activity principle or Atma-Shakti) were told to be one and the same within ancient statements like “Shiva is Shakti and Shakti itself is Shiva” …
Irrespective of whether a microcosm is animate or inanimate or supra-animate or supra-inanimate, it is none other than a divine entity and this fact is always proved by each microcosm “to itself and through itself” prior that microcosm finally exits out of allness and her each part (i.e. prior it is fully liberated) …
As also, since the five macro-elements (i.e. Panch Mahabhoot) as are of earth, water, light, air and ether are a an intrinsic part of her, so these five in their subtle (non-apparent or non-manifest) and gross (apparent or manifest) states have also been revered in all ancient cultures due to the same eternal knowledge that was distributed by self-realized, all-realized Sages of Sanatan Dharma … This is how the pluralistic nature of original philosophy of way of life (Dharma) had manifested …
Thus due to the reasons stated in above paragraphs, during those ancient times, mother nature was considered as the divinity principle itself and thus she was even addressed as the greatest deity who rests within varied states of herself because she was deemed to be none other than an intrinsic part of the same original self-expression … It was also because of this philosophy which related to divinity of nature that the systems of all ancient cultures were based upon those ways of life which kept restoring nature as they kept taking things out of her womb (for their personal consumptions) … Not complying to this requirement is what has gone missing within the so-called modern-progressive times of now and it is due to this reason that all these modern systems shall eventually be seen to be backwardly moving and thus shall eventually be found to be regressive during the longer run of times … Unless the ways of material and immaterial progress (or physical and metaphysical evolution) have methods and systems which can restore that which has been taken out of the womb of mother nature, these ways of progress are only walking on a path which ultimately leads to regression … All of the so called modern ways shall also be proving this fact during the coming times when nature shall be turning really violent and that time is not very far from the nowness of now, when I write this text …
Macrocosmic nature is not a dead entity … I say this because of the fact that she is holding her own macrocosmic knowledge, conscious and activity principles and the same principles are also replicated within each of the microcosms (this is because of the fact that the macrocosm in its very subtle energy state is also resting within each microcosm) … Thus she won’t be tolerating this nonsense of humans for long and I know this fact basis my own personal experiences of the macrocosmic divinities of beyond … And looking at the regression of inner and outer elements which has already taken place in the name of material progress and where this is also coupled by the degenerate materialism that has already taken place in the name of spiritual progress, also makes me know that the time when a little bit of spanking shall be given to this worlds inhabitants is not very far from now …
Even the ancients who had learnt the ways and means to keep nature in balance, had only learnt after they faced the consequences of their misdeeds towards mother nature … And this itself was because these ancient civilizations also underwent through the phase of her spanking so as to realize a basic fact that their own inner nature itself is the outer-nature within which they live … Thus if you disturb one of these, then the other also follows suit because both these are also an intrinsic part of the same original self-expression as was of the Absolute …
As a matter of fact the macrocosmic mother nature is based upon her intrinsic-pluralism and she is simultaneously resting within her essential-monism … This fact is very clearly visible if anybody would observe the macrocosm and microcosm’s because this is how the omnifarious self-expression of the Absolute itself was … So all those philosophies which have not taken care of this fact and thus have deviated from ways of life that were supposed to rest within the vast envelopes of pluralistic monism, have always entered into one or another, inner and/or outer cyclic chaos because the macrocosm within you, itself is the same as the macrocosm within which you, your Gods-Satan’s, your texts, their propagators, your systems-practices and your leaders also reside … And this itself is because of the fact that the subtler macrocosm which is within you and which itself is the same as the macrocosmic creation within which your physical vehicle rests, are none other than one or another aspect of the same omnifarious yet monist completeness as was of the original self-expression of the attributeless infinite absolute being, which as of now is being discussed here …
Unless the ways of humanity are in perfect synchronism with the undivided allness of the subtle-macrocosm which itself is within them and which also is the macrocosmic creation within whose envelopes they themselves reside, humanity is only walking on a path that shall lead to a state of inner and/or outer chaos and where this chaos shall be continuously present even when it keeps cyclically moving through one or another way or walk of life of humanity and all parts of macrocosmic speciology who inhabit this planet …
Humanity as a whole was made to rest at the uppermost rung of the macrocosmic animate-speciological hierarchy of this part of the macrocosmic creation … The uppermost rung of the ladder of evolutionary hierarchy is that rung which holds the highest quantum of knowledge-conscious-activity principles within itself and thus it also has the capacity to generate maximum quantum of subtlety of flows and dynamism through itself … Due to this reason, it also holds the maximum capacity to generate “oneness to allness and her each part” in this part of the macrocosmic creation … Thus humans have also been termed as social animals by some (I mean during history, nobody has ever termed humans as anti-social animals, even when the presence of anti-social aspects is also found to be a fact when I study the impressional fields of the last few millenniums) …
Continuing with above paragraph … And this capacity of generating an inner subtlety which is within the uppermost part of speciology (which for this world is humanity itself) is also such that it by itself can compensate for (or nullify) all the grossness that could ever be generated by all other lower parts of macrocosmic speciology which resides within this part of the macrocosmic creation … But when humanity as a whole begins failing within the very reason for which they were evolved as the uppermost rung of ladder in this part of the macrocosmic creation, then the base reason for continuity of humanity within this part of the macrocosmic creation also begins failing … And because the root cannot have a further root of itself, so the root cause itself is the real cause which needs to be complied under all circumstances …
As also, since the present human age (human age of trinity or Manav Tretayuga) has already started turning towards the next one (i.e. age of sages or Guru Yuga), so sooner humanity realizes the omnifarious and thus pluralistic and yet a partless-completeness of the monist self-expression of the non-dual Absolute and thence change their ways of life from their current individualistic self-serving ways towards pluralistic all enveloping ways that need to be during any Guru Yuga (i.e. human golden age or Age of sages) , the better it is from them …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus if the flows and dynamism that humanity as a whole emanates out of themselves are not restored to a state of subtlety as is to be within the incoming human age of sages (Guru Yuga) and which is only possible by being based upon “oneness to allness and her each part”, then from the macrocosmic point of view, humanity shall only be seen to be failing as a whole during these times as are of this phase of change of the human age cycle itself (we shall be calculating this and many other times in a later topic) … This state when the uppermost part of macrocosmic speciology (who inhabits a world) begins failing from the macrocosmic point of view, is also the stage when manmade and natural disasters begin striking … This is as a condition of going against the root cause of origination of a speciological part, only leads to an inner and thence an outer chaos within that speciological part … And if that failing part of speciology happens to be the uppermost rung of macrocosmic speciology who inhabits that world system, then the chaos is also a worldwide one … All world wars that were fought during the last century were also because of the reasons that have been listed here and these reasons which have been listed here, itself are resting within the fact that the human microcosm itself is a direct reflection of that same original self-expression of was the supreme-being … This is also one of those vast number of reason for which the Bible also states that “Man is made in the image of God” …
Continuing with above paragraph … As also a fact, that when I study the seas of seas of grosser impressions (Samskaras) which reside within the consciousness plane of this world (Bhu Chitta) then it is already proved that humanity has already gotten deviated from the root cause that was of their origination within this part of the macrocosmic creation and this has also been the primary reason for the cyclic state of chaos that humans have been resting in ever since the last few millenniums when they had begun deviating from that which is stated here … This inner and outer chaos is also due to the fact that it eventually is the same macrocosm which is “within and beyond” the your own microcosm and where even when both these are apparent as different yet they are one and the same macrocosm as both itself are naught but direct or indirect manifestations of the same self-expression of the supreme-being, which is being discussed here …
Origination of primordial and primary states of Maker’s Makings from the self expression of Brahman …
Now we shall proceed further so as to discuss the self-expression and the further progression of its stages which in turn led to the self-origination and self-manifestation of the primordial and primary states of the Maker’s Makings, all of which continued within their real-nextness (i.e. step by step progress) …
The first effect of the self-expression of the absolute was of a state which was non-macrocosmic because it was within a condition that was prior the macrocosmic creation had even self-known herself in her very-subtle primordial empty state (i.e. emptiness) … This original self-expression was of the condition which denoted the unity of the primordial nature (voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) to the absolute-fullness as is of the attributeless-infinite Absolute itself … This is what was stated as Shunya Brahman i.e. Zero Infinite and simultaneously the Infinite Zero during those ancient times as were of my earlier incarnations …
When the non-dual Absolute originally self-expressed “itself through itself” as there was none other at this state to assist in this process, then the two primordial principles were separated out of the Absolute and yet they stayed as the intrinsic-unbroken-partless parts of the same pathless Absolute, just as they originally also were … These two primordial principles were of the ever-auspicious-all (or Paramshiva, who is also addressed as Brahman) which denoted the masculine (or fatherly principle or divine being) and its own ever-pristine-allness (or Adi Parashakti or Brahmini) which denoted the motherly (or feminine principle or divinity) … The term Brahmini (which means Absoluteness of the Absolute) is no longer used in today’s Vedic lore probably because it was lost in history …
Both these were of the absolute as both were an intrinsic part of the Absolute because of the fact that these both had been resting within their non-dual indistinguishable union which itself was within the Absolute only and thus both were denoting the “Absolute fullness of the Absolute” only … In fact during those very ancient times, the attributeless-infinite being was also termed as the eternal non-dual unity of the Absolute and its own Absoluteness …
And because both these were such unioned since eternity, so even when they had separated out, they still continued as the same Absolute only … This was because Paramshiva denoted the divine-being (Supreme Being or the Absolute) and Adi-Parashakti denoted the pristine-divinity (the Pristine-Beingness or the Absoluteness) both of which were intrinsic partless aspects of the same Absolute being only and where “one was the other and the other itself was the one there only was the eternal principle” … This eternal principle could only ensure an eternity of its own original self-expression, which itself ensured an eternity of all that was manifested out of that original self-expression … Thus these two only denote two different names of the ever-same divine-being there only is as the eternal principle and due to this reason, all that got originated due to this self-expression, were also deemed to be divine because of the fact that the divine being could not have led to origination of anything which was not as divine, as IT itself is … Thus the innermost nature of each originated microcosm is of the same pristine-divinity as is of the same Absolute or divine being and due to this reason, the pristine divinity of the divine being is eternally present within each microcosm … This self-realization by Vedic sages was the reason for adoption of non-violent ways of life, which in turn lead to the vegetarian food habits of followers of Sanatan Dharma and all later sects which originated out of it (now a day’s, these sects somehow call themselves as independent religions, which as such is a lie because of the fact that nobody can ever reject their own original roots) …
As they were emanated out of their earlier unioned state within the Absolute and thus were apparently seeming to be separated out of the Absolute, yet because they were the original inseparable ones, so they simultaneously kept resting within their eternal non-dual union … So even when they were emanated out of the Absolute yet they stayed united to each other even when they seemed to have separated from each other … This emanation itself was due to the original self-expression of the Absolute …
Discussion the original self expression of Brahman i.e. Shunya Brahman …
Due to this reason, they were again found to be united to each other after they had had apparently separated from each other when they had originally emanated out of the Absolute, which itself was due to the effects of the original self-expression of the Absolute … This re-united state of these two, was the primordial union of these two within the Maker’s Makings +++ …
And because these two were intrinsically unbroken-partless parts of the same Absolute, so within various knowledge systems, they are also considered as the same Absolute only … This is because of the fact that they stay as eternally un-fractured partless parts of that ever-same, self luminous attributeless infinite being (Absolute) …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … Whenever masculine and feminine principles unite, then their end result is of Zero Infinite which itself is the Infinite Zero and this is what was stated as Shunya Brahman from which the further stage of self-manifestation of the non-lighted state of primordial nature (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) was self-originated … This primordial nature was the primordial state of the macrocosmic creation that was yet to be at this stage … As the primordial nature emanated out of Shunya Brahman, she also remained with no choice but to rest within the vast envelopes of Shunya Brahman and this was in addition to fact that Shunya Brahman was also pervading her (i.e. Shunya Brahman was pervading the non-lighted primordial nature or emptiness or Zeroness of macrocosmic creation) …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … It is due to this reason that the ancient scriptures state that a union of Purusha (masculine principle) and Prakriti (feminine principle) leads to manifestation of primordial-voidness and yet that primordial-voidness is having an intrinsic fullness within her due to the fact that the Absolute-being who only denotes an Absolute-fullness, is pervading and enveloping that void state … This stage where the Absolute fullness of the being there only is, is pervading the primordial non-lighted state of voidness as was of this state of primordial nature, is what the original self-expression (or Shunya Brahman) actually means …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … Thus even when macrocosmic voidness is a state of non-lightness (or primordial emptiness of nature) but because the Absolute-fullness (as is of the self-luminous attributeless infinite being) is pervading her, so this state of union of primordial nature (or emptiness of allness) to the Absolute fullness (of the self-luminous Absolute) was termed as the original self-expression of “Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero” and where Zero and Infinite cannot be known separately from each other due to their perfectly unioned state …
Resuming again … Thus it was due to this reason, that Shunya-Brahman is a state which could be described thus, “Self-luminous enveloping and pervading non-lightness” or in other words this is the union of “Absolute-fullness (as is of the Absolute being) who is enveloping and pervading the primordial-voidness of allness (as is of the primordial nature) and that too at a stage where the primordial nature (other words, this can also be called as voidness of allness) is not yet independently existing from the self-expression of the Absolute-Being which is being discussed here …
Thus Shunya-Brahman also denotes the non-dual union of “Zero-Infinite who itself was the Infinite-Zero i.e. this state is of Shunya Anantah, Anant Shunyah” and this itself is the original self-expression of the Absolute …
During ancient times, this original self expression was told as the eternally unioned original state of the Maker to its Makings … And this stage of the original self-expression was even prior to the stage when the primordial nature (emptiness of allness or first state of macrocosmic creation) had even self-originated … Thus Shunya-Brahman was told to be denoting a state which was of the Maker’s Makings (as it is a self-expression of the Maker itself) and yet was told to be beyond the macrocosmic creation because at this stage the macrocosmic creation had not even commenced within her primordial state of macrocosmic voidness (i.e. voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya or the essential non-lighted state of primordial nature which is also stated as Shunya Tattva within the ancient texts of Sanskrit Lore’s) …
Due to this reason, the realizer of this state also remains with no choice but to consider Shunya Brahman as that part of Maker’s Makings and yet a stage which is non-macrocosmic or in other words, Shunya Brahman denotes a state which is beyond the scopes of the terms, macrocosmic and microcosmic creation … And yet because this state is the original self-expression of the Absolute (Maker), so it definitely is an intrinsic unbroken part of the Maker’s Makings …
Thus Shunya Brahman also denotes the timeless base of allness that was yet to manifest at this stage … At this stage, the union of Zero and Infinite is such that it is “Zero-Infinite and yet it also is the Infinite-Zero (i.e. Shunya Anantah, Anant-Shunyah)” or in other words, Shunya Brahman denotes the stage which was of “empty-full and full-empty” nature of the original self-expression of the Absolute being … The same Shunya-Brahman was also addressed as Sriman Naaraayana (i.e. the original progenitor, of the progenitor of allness i.e. Brahma) within the Vedic Vaishnava Lore’s … Sriman Naaraayana also happens to be my eternal divine-guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) … And since the same Shunya Brahman was also stated as Sadashiva within the Vedic Shaiva Lore’s, so Bhagwan Sadashiva is also my Eternal-Guide only …
Deviating a bit to discuss what exactly does this timeless union of Zero-Infinite and the Infinite-Zero signify …
- During meditations, if any aspirant (I mean the consciousness of the aspirant) reaches the self-realization of Zero (i.e. Shunya Tattva or essential emptiness) which itself is through the Shunya Samadhi (or meditative absorption within emptiness) and then if that aspirant (I mean the consciousness of the aspirant) has already begun resting within that Zero (I mean resting within emptiness or voidness that was realized earlier) then in this condition if the inner or real nature of Zero is analyzed, then it would be found that even when the singular-Zero which is being observed, is actually a Zero only, but yet that “Zero is holding infinite number of Zeros” ++++ within itself … Thus is the realization of an “Infinite nature of Zero” and this is even when that earlier Zero is still apparent as the same Zero that it earlier was self-realized to be …
- And after this realization of the infinite nature of Zero, if the aspirant (I mean the consciousness of the aspirant) begins resting within that infinite that is self-realized and then if the inner or real nature of that infinite is analyzed within that same meditative absorption (i.e. Samadhi) then it would be found that it really is none other than the same-Zero which was utilized as the base of this discussion (within the earlier bullet point) …
- ++++ Explaining ++++ of the earlier paragraph … A Zero can hold an infinite number of Zeros within it and yet be apparent as the same Zero that originally was realized … Thus is one of the characteristics of Zero, that it by itself is its own pervader (permeator) and enveloper and thus the path towards self-realization of Zero (Shunya) can never be any other than the inward-path which itself is based within the statement of “Myself within Myself” … This path of “Myself within Myself” is also because of the fact that you in your own primordial state, are that Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero itself, i.e. the original self-expression of the Absolute being which is being discussed here … And this is exactly how any aspirant self-realizes whenever that aspirants consciousness enters into a meditative trance (Samadhi or absorption) of the original self-expression of the Absolute …
Resuming again after above explanation … This realization leads to knowledge that the Zero itself is its own pervader (permeator) and enveloper (originator) …
But there is also the stage of further self-realization within the meditative absorption in Shunya Brahman (i.e. Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero) and this is where it is found that the originated itself is the originator i.e. the enveloper itself is the enveloped and pervaded itself is the pervader and both are as the inner nature of the aspirant (i.e. the realizer) itself …
And at this state of Samadhi, since the consciousness of the aspirant is residing in this state only, so the sight of the aspirant (i.e. aspirants consciousness) itself is seer (i.e. aspirant) and the seen (i.e. original self-expression of the Absolute) as these two (seer and seen) eventually become merged in the sight of the aspirant, which itself leads to a condition where the earlier state of duality (of the sight, seer and seen) also ends within the aspirants consciousness itself … And at this stage, just the Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero is all that eventually remains as the aspirant (i.e. the aspirants consciousness itself is Shunya Brahman at this time) …
Due to this reason within this stage, the aspirant (i.e. the aspirants consciousness) only sees itself to be the same “Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero” which as such is the original-self-expression of the Absolute that is being discussed here … This is the state of Asamprajnata Samadhi (or trance of Absolute non-lightness) as was termed by sages of those very-very ancient times that were of my much-much earlier incarnations … This is also the stage of fruiting of effects of the path of “oneness to allness and her each part” and this is what was stated as Brahmand Dharana within many of the systems of Yoga Tantra which are related to the eternal way of life or Sanatan Dharma …
As also, even when Zero is pervaded by infinite number of Zeros and thus that same Zero which is being realized is also found to be holding infinite number of Zero’s within it, yet that Zero still stays visible as the same Zero that originally was and simultaneously it also is found to be of an infinite nature … Thus is realized the essence of the statement “Emptiness of Fullness and Fullness of Emptiness” and this statement itself relates to the original self-expression of the Absolute being …
Due to the discussions of above paragraph, this stage could also be described as the “self-luminous (i.e. Absolute) pervading and enveloping non-lightness (primordial nature or macrocosmic voidness)” … This itself is the realization within Shunya Brahman who as such denotes the perfect union of these two, which itself is denoting the same original self-expression of the attributeless-infinite self-luminous Absolute being which is being discussed here …
Such is also the state of merging to Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero and thus is the aspirant’s condition within the “meditative absorption of Shunya-Brahman (i.e. Asamprajnata Samadhi or the trance within Absolute non-lightness)” …
But during meditations, Asamprajnata Samadhi is only arrived after the earlier stage of “meditative absorption on emptiness (Shunya-Samadhi)” is crossed over … As also a fact that Asamprajnata Samadhi (or Samadhi within Shunya Brahman) itself leads to the “Nirvikalpa Samadhi (or meditative trace which has no alternates)” where the seer, sight and seen become one and the same … This is the stage where “the aspirants consciousness is That (i.e. supremely-blissful, perfectly-peaceful Absolute)” …
And even when the Zero is still visible as the same Zero that was utilized as a base of this realization, yet each of the individual Zeros are also found to be resting within the envelope of the entire or undivided corpus of Zeros that is visible at this time … This realization in turn leads to the proof of the earlier statement that “Zero is its own pervader and enveloper”, which itself is how the original self-expression of the Absolute (I.e. Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero or Shunya Brahman) eventually is … Below is a crude example of this fact when we try to state it through mathematics …
0 + 0 + … 0, Till infinite number of times = 0 …
0 x 0 x … 0, Till infinite number of times = 0 …
0 / 0 / … 0, Till infinite number of times = 0 …
0 – 0 – … 0, Till infinite number of times = 0 …
Thus is the realization within meditative absorption or trance of Shunya Brahman, which itself is after the earlier stage of a meditative absorption within emptiness (Shunya Samadhi) , is crossed over by that aspirant …
Shunya Samadhi as was told in an earlier paragraph is only denoting an absorption within the primordial nature … The same primordial nature is addressed as macrocosmic voidness (i.e. voidness of macrocosmic creation) in this text and this term is also derived from the much earlier concept which related to “voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya” which originally was termed as the “essential Zeroness of macrocosmic allness (or Shunya Tattva)” within the Vedic lore …
Shunya Brahman … Some further discussions …
Proceeding further to discuss the origination of philosophy of Zero and Infinity and its original parent i.e. the vastly-pluralistic yet essentially-monist Yoga-Tantras of Dharma …
And it also was from this meditative trance of emptiness (i.e. Shunya Samadhi) which was undergone by highly evolved and seasoned Yogi’s during those ancient times, that the philosophy of Zero had originally originated …
Thus the root philosophy of Zero was not of Zero being a mathematical number, but it is a Vedic philosophical concept which itself was a by-product of the meditative trances on emptiness (i.e. Shunya Samadhi) that were undergone by the Yogi’s of those very-very ancient times …
During a much-much earlier incarnation which was within those long-long gone and past times and when I was known as Ganitacharya by my students and as Maharishi Ganit (the word Ganit means divine-mathematics) by my equals, the name “Ganit, which then meant divine-mathematics” was given to me by my Gurudeva, whom this world knows as Swayambhu Manu … Within the currently running Brahma Kalpa (i.e. one 12 hour period of day-time of Brahma which has a time span of 4.32 billion human solar years as per middle time units of precession … These time units shall be discussed later on), I was the one who had originally given this concept of an innermost divine nature of mathematics to humanity of those times and this knowledge was also based upon the same self-realizations that have been listed here … It also was due to this concept of Zero and Infinite, that my Gurudeva, Swayambhu Manu (i.e. Manu Maharaaj) had gave me the name of Ganit, which meant the divine-mathematics in those days …
Continued with above paragraph … And at a later time span, the same Ganitacharya self-decided to be reborn as one of the 60,000 “mind-born yet womb activated” children of one of the seven primary sages of those times, whom this world addresses as Brahmarishi Kratu Maharaaj (Kratu star is allegorically represented by star Dubhe in constellation of the great bear or Ursa Major) … And it was during this self-decided incarnation that the reborn Ganitacharya had firstly transited through the 8th plexus (8th Chakra or Ashtama Chakra) as is stated within one of the Mantras of Atharvaveda (chapter 10) and thus he also ended up losing his right to be born from the womb of a physical mother at any later time span … Since then he has kept returning back through the path of transmigration of soul which in ancient Sanskrit texts was told as Parkaya Pravesh) which as such is loosely termed as Virgin Birth (that is achieved by adopting the paths of the process of transmigration which shall be discussed at a later stage of this text) … And because of loss of right to take birth from the womb of a physically present mother, my Gotra (i.e. lineage which commences from one of the seven sages) has continued as Kratu Gotra only … Thus is the Gotra that I have held across those long-long time spans of almost 1.97 billion human solar years that have passed since the Ashtama Chakra (or Atharvaveda chapter 10) was firstly transited through … We shall be discussing the 8th plexus at a later stage of this text as the 8th plexus relates to and is also the root of many of the philosophies of today …
But at those times as were when I was known as Ganitacharya, because Zero (or void) was a vast philosophical concept instead of its currently restricted state of just being a mere mathematical number, this concept was a much subtler one as compared to the current mathematical one which holds a negligible subtlety (as compared to the original concept of Zero and Infinite) …
It is also due to this lessness of subtlety that the present gross state of mathematics has failed as far as assisting humanity in entering into self-realizations that are based upon the deeper or subtler “science of the soul (i.e. Atma Vijnana)” are concerned … And loss of the paths to this “science of the soul (i.e. Atma-Vijnana)” which itself is the knowledge of the “soul of allness and her each part” has been the root cause for humans entering into one or another individualistic system instead of the systems of allness that were available to humanity when the same “science of the soul (i.e. Atma Vijnana)” was available to them … And where this availability was also through the pristine-divinity to which the science of mathematics eventually relates …
Thus unlike how it has now become, during those ancient times, mathematics was also an authentic path to the self-realization of the Absolute and this itself was because of the fact that the innermost nature of mathematics is holding the Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero as is of the original self-expression of the Absolute being … Due to this reason, the innermost nature of mathematics is only based upon the entirety of pristine-divinity as is of the original self-expression of the ever-same divine being …
Thus in those ancient times, mathematics was known as a divine science and aspirants used to consider numerals (microcosm’s) to be none other than multifarious self-expressions of the same infinite being (non-numeral of infinity) and the numeral zero as the primordially empty of nature from whose envelopes the entire allness of numerals i.e. entire pluralistic yet monist corpus of numerals (or macrocosm) had eventually originated …
Within deeper meditative realizations, Zero (or Shunya) is like an endless circle of Zeroness (or in other words, this can also be termed as emptiness) where each Zero leads to another Zero in its unbroken continuity and where each of these Zeros are one and the same Zero that original was as primordial state of mother nature … And as this realization within Zeroness extends further, then it continues until the corpus of all Zeros has been arrived at by the aspirant and this is where it is further realized that the nature of the corpus of all these Zeros itself is the same Zero which was used as a base for this analysis … So it was due to this reason that an endless circle (i.e. O) was chosen as a symbol of Zero within later mathematics and that too in a condition, where the base of mathematics (i.e. Zero) was only resting within the self-realizations that have been discussed here … This is how the concept and symbol (i.e. 0) of Shunya (or Zero) was arrived within divine nature of mathematics as was at those very ancient times …
Further to above paragraph … And since within above realizations, zero itself was realized to be its own pervader and enveloper, so zero only denoted an endless circle, which as such became reinforced as the symbol of Zero (i.e. O) in later mathematics …
Continuing with above paragraph … And since the realizations which have been stated in above paragraph also led to nullification of all past or accumulated impressions (Sanchit-Samskaras) within the consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) of the Bliss sheath or causal body (which in Sanskrit language means as Anandmaye Kosha) of that aspirant +++++, so it was also deemed that the aspirant has already completed the circle of evolution (right from the time that aspirant was originated within the Maker’s Makings) because this stage of “impressionless consciousness (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta)” also denoted the end of existence within any part of the entire macrocosmic creation … Thus in such a condition the aspirant was also deemed to be the one who had already travelled the full circle of existence right from origination, till evolution and until end of existence (i.e. liberated when alive, which in Sanskrit language is called as Jivanmukti) … Thus was the reason for this symbol to be as an endless circle (i.e. O) where the evolutionary process itself leads to the primordial empty state of nature which itself was from where each microcosm had originally originated within the Maker’s Makings … Thus basis all above paragraphs, the endless circle (I.e. O) was universally accepted as the symbol of Shunya (emptiness or Zero) at those times as were of my much earlier incarnation …
+++++ Explaining +++++ of above paragraph … Each desire, thought, emotion and deeds leads to manifestation of an impression (Samskara) within the orb of consciousness (i.e. Chitta) which is present in your own causal body (i.e. Anandamaya Kosha) … As your evolution progresses, these impressions also keep expanding in numbers … This is your accumulated merit (Sanchit Karman) from which the destined merit (Prarabdha Karman) is arrived of your any future incarnation … Thus your currently continuing merit (i.e. Kriyamaan Karman) leads to your accumulate merit (Sanchit Karman) from which your destined merit (i.e. Prarabdha Karman) and future merits or acts (i.e. Aagami Karman) are arrived at …
+++++ Continuing with above paragraph … And all these merits lie as subtle impressions (Samskaras) within the consciousness orb (I.e. Chitta) of your own Bliss sheath (which in Sanskrit texts is called as Anandmaye Kosha and the same is also addressed as Antahkarana Chatushtaya) and they continue thus until they again arrive at their ripeness and rightness to fruit within your further desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds … But at the same time, the above discussed self-realization only leads to emptying out of all these merits except one … This exception is of the destined merit (Prarabdha Karman) as is of your current incarnation, because the destined merit of your current incarnation cannot be nullified until you finally arrive at a ripeness and rightness to leave your incarnated state … When these merits are nullified through the process of above trances which commence from the trance of emptiness (i.e. Shunya Samadhi), then it is like completing the full circle of your own evolutionary process right from the time when you were originally originated from within the primordial state of empty nature … This completion of full circle of existence, is what was denoted by the endless symbol of Zero (i.e. O) of the divine mathematics as was of those days …
+++++ Continuing with above paragraph … So this endless symbol of Zero of mathematics had its application right from origination process till the entire evolutionary process and to the finally exit from the macrocosmic creation (i.e. liberated state) of each microcosm which was ever begun within the Maker’s Makings and thus was the reason for it to be accepted as the universal symbol of Zero in mathematics …
Continuing further to discuss the mathematical philosophy of symbol of Infinity …
And when the nature of Zero was already realized to be infinite and where the infinite (which was realized through observation of Zero or empty-state during Asamprajnata-Samadhi) was further realized as to be the same Zero itself, then only was arrived the philosophical concept of timeless-partless state of Infinity within which the Zeroness of each Zero is also resting in a non-dual union to all that ever is, including the innermost Zeroness which also is of all numerals (i.e. microcosms) ++++++ …
++++++ Explaining ++++++ of above paragraph … At those primordial times when only the Shunya (emptiness or Zeroness) was existing as the entirety of the macrocosmic creation, then the macrocosmic creation was like one big partless void … This void was the primordial state of the entire macrocosmic creation because at this time, the later stages of manifest and non-manifested states of allness were not yet originated … And it was from this primordial state of macrocosmic creation which itself was of emptiness (Zeroness), were originated all the numerals (microcosms) … This origination of numerals (microcosms) from the primordial Zeroness itself is because that primordial Zeroness of macrocosmic nature was also pervaded and enveloped by the original timeless infiniteness of Brahman (i.e. Absolute), who as such only denotes an eternal fullness (or completeness) … Thus the numeral which emanates out of primordial nature (i.e. macrocosmic voidness or voidness of allness that is yet to be), is also holding both the Zeroness (of primordial nature or macrocosmic voidness) and the infinity (of Absolute fullness of the Absolute being) within its own inner nature itself …
++++++ Continuing with above paragraph … Thus from infinite was self-expressed the “Zero-Infinite, Infinite- Zero” (i.e. Shunya-Brahman) and from Shunya-Brahman was self-originated the primordial-Zeroness (macrocosmic voidness or primordial nature) … This primordial Zeroness was the Zeroness of macrocosmic nature (i.e. primordial-nature or empty state of macrocosmic nature) which was prior the macrocosmic creation had even commenced through its origination process … And from within the primordial-Zero were originated all numerals (microcosm’s) … These numerals (microcosm’s) could only originate out of the primordial zero (i.e. macrocosmic state of voidness) due to the intrinsic fullness of Zero which itself was due to the fact that Zero was pervaded and enveloped by the Infinite being who only denotes an Absolute-fullness …
++++++ And that primordial Zero (macrocosmic voidness) being the subtler of all numerals (microcosms), also ended up being the pervader (permeator) and enveloper (home) of all numerals … It was due to this reason that the innermost core (or innermost nature) of all numerals (microcosm’s) is of emptiness only … And simultaneously because the numerals also originate within -the vast envelopes of emptiness, so emptiness is also the enveloper of these numerals (microcosms) … Thus the inner core or the innermost nature of each numeral itself is of a state which is none other than Zeroness and where the Zeroness itself is of an infinite nature and simultaneously Infinity itself is of a nature of Zeroness … Thus is the philosophical concept of Shunya-Brahman which itself was arrived due to self-realizations of this state by Yogi’s (Sages and Seers) of those extremely ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations …
Resuming again from where we had last left … Prior the Zeroness of primordially empty state of macrocosmic nature was self-manifested, only the originality of the partless infinite was existing … And as the Infinite self-expressed itself, the intermediary state that was in-between the original-infinite-attributeless and the primordial-Zero state of nature and which as such was of “Zero-Infinite and Infinite-Zero (i.e. Shunya Anantah, Anant Shunyah)” was arrived … This is the one which got addressed as Shunya-Brahman by the sages of those ancient times as were of my much earlier incarnations …
Shunya-Brahman is the stage where the Zero itself is the infinite that originally was as the Absolute-fullness of the attributeless supreme-being and simultaneously the infinite itself is the Zero that primordially was as the macrocosmic voidness (or primordial empty state of nature) …
Thus the primordially empty state of nature (i.e. Zero or voidness or Shunya-Tattva or Sarva Shunya) was self-manifested out of the original infinite (i.e. Brahman) but only after the intermediary state which as such was of the original self-expression of the Absolute being and which denoted a perfect union of the Zero and the infinite (i.e. Shunya-Brahman “Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero”) was crossed over during the process of origination of the Maker’s Makings …
From this intermediary state of “Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero” the macrocosmic voidness (voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) was self-manifested, which further led to the origination of each numeral (i.e. each microcosm) … This origination of numerals (i.e. microcosms) from the primordial nature (macrocosmic voidness) was also because of the fact that an infinite fullness is inherently present within the primordial nature (i.e. voidness of allness or the primordial-Zero), which itself was due to the presence of the infinite pervader of it (attributeless infinite being or Parabrahman who denoted an Absolute Fullness) and thus in such a state, that macrocosmic voidness also denoted an essential fullness …
This state where “emptiness is having a fullness within it” was also of Shunya Brahman and it is due to this reason, that some Buddhist sects state that “emptiness is also full” and the same was also stated by the much earlier Upanishads where the sages had originally told that the “Nihil of Nihilists itself is the Full of Fullists” … All such statements are denoting the same original self-expression of the Absolute (or Shunya Brahman) only …
Proceeding further to discuss the origination of symbol of Infinity and its divine Yogic philosophy …
And since the infinity by itself is enveloping (or holding) infinite numbers of Zeros within it, so was arrived the endless knotted allegorical symbol of two zeros joined together, which came to be known as the symbol of infinity in later mathematics … But even when this endless knotted symbol was told to be of infinity in later mathematics, yet it only meant Shunya-Brahman because of the fact that the infinite stays as the eternally undefined one due to its realizable yet indescribable and thus its non-symbolized nature …
Continuing with above paragraph … But during those ancient times and when I gave this philosophy, the symbol of endless knot which currently is told to be of the infinite, only denoted Shunya-Brahman because within the divine nature of mathematics and its parental Yogic philosophy, Infinite is the undefined and thus that Infinite cannot ever presented in a restricted state of a symbol … Thus since those timeless eternities which have already gone by and those unfathomable eternities that are yet to be arrived, Infinite has never ever had nor can it ever have a symbol except in subtler philosophy where also it can only be referred to, because it has always stayed as eternally undefined one …
And yet in mathematics it was referred to within a allegorically symbolized state of two self-supporting zeros which were conjoined to each other in the form of an endless knot and where that endless knot was only denoting the self-supporting nature of infinite numbers of Zeros which exist within the self-realization of the original self-expression of the Absolute being (i.e. Shunya Brahman) …
Thus within the mathematical symbol of infinity, two Zeros were symbolically shown to be merged to each other in an endless knot which itself was to depict that these have been self-supporting each other from a time that is much prior the stage when any beginning of the primordial Zero (i.e. macrocosmic voidness as was discussed in earlier paragraphs) within its independent state (or individual state) from the attributeless-infinite originality had even arrived …
And in this symbol of endless knot which was made by two zeros, each zero was also allegorically indicating infinite number of zeros that were already resting within it (because of the fact that Zero is its own pervader and enveloper) … Thus was the reason for arriving at the specific mathematical symbol of infinity where two zeros are merged together in an endless loop and yet within the deeper philosophy of ancient Yogic Lore’s, this symbol only denoted the primordial self-expression of the Absolute, i.e. Zero infinite, Infinite Zero, because the infinite can neither be defined nor can it be symbolized nor can it ever be restricted in the limited nature of a symbol or numeral …
But as of now, even when humanity knows the mathematical symbol of infinity, yet they have already forgotten its original philosophy which only related to Shunya Brahman (i.e. original self-expression of the attributeless infinite being) and thus I remained with no choice but to add its discussion within the current topic which relates to the original self-expression of the Absolute which as such is what the mathematical symbol of infinity is denoting from the point of view of its original philosophy …
Proceeding further to discuss the original divine Yogic philosophy of numerals …
At those times as were of my much earlier incarnation, after these extreme ends of philosophy of mathematics (i.e. Zero and infinity) were already placed in their correct palaces, were the later concept of numerals and their dualities arrived within philosophy of divine-mathematics …
As also, each numeral (microcosm) was only originated out of the non-dual state of Zero Infinite and Infinite Zero … This origination was only after that numeral separated out of the earlier non-duality which was of it whilst it was resting within an un-manifest state if it, whilst it was resting inside the same Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero and where this separation itself was to ensure an apparently independent state of existence of these individual and thus dual numerals …
Thus this separation led to a state where each individual numeral was naught but holding a dual nature within its originated state …
And yet because the Absolute-being and its Pristine-beingness were eternally pervading (permeating) each numeral (microcosm) that was begun within the Maker’s Makings, so that same numeral also denoted a perfect-non-duality of the Absolute being when its innermost essence was considered (i.e. innermost pervader of each numeral or microcosm was the Absolute being only) …
Thus if any numeral (aspirant) has to self-realize its own reality, then the only option is to walk through the inward-path which itself leads to its own innermost essence (Atman) and where the innermost in other words, essence itself is the essence of allness (Brahman) … And it is due to this reason that the path to the self-realization of your own non-numeric reality (i.e. your own partless Atman, which in its own finality is none other than Brahman or Absolute only ), cannot be any other than that of “Myself within Myself” …
The original concept of divine nature of all numerals (i.e. microcosms and macrocosm) was just as it has been stated below …
- Numeral 1 … Within its higher state, it denotes manifest state of singularity (Non-duality) …
Continuing with above description of numeral 1 … And in its lower state it denotes the primary individuality and thus it was also considered as the primary reason for a later chaos which is always caused by dualities and where these dualities are only arrived due to an earlier presence of individualities … If there is no individuality of ways and processes of life, then there shall also remain no duality because of the fact that when there is an absence of all individualities, then allness is all that remains … And because allness has no individuality, so allness is also the incomparable state and thus it also holds no duality (allness is non-individual and thus is incomparable and Incomparable is a non-hierarchical and non-relative state and thus it cannot ever be based upon dualities) … In its uppermost or subtler of all philosophical concepts, this numeral denoted the Vedic statement “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahm or All this is the same Brahman, Brahman is all that is, everything is no other than the same non-dual Brahman” …
- Numeral 2 … In its higher state it denoted first of individual-corpuses (corpus formed due to the union of two numeral one’s) and where these unioned individualities self-support each other so as to increase their macrocosmic standings (i.e. there is an increment of macrocosmic hierarchical standing of numeral 2 as compared to numeral ones which make it) … This in its uppermost or subtler of all states was denoting the eternal perfectly-non-dual and thus the ultimate reality of union of Shiva and Shakti itself …
Continuing with above description of numeral 2 … And in the lower state of numeral 2, it also denoted the original duality of each individuality which is even when these individualities unite together and form a united-corpus … This duality is because the two numeral ones which unite to each other, only led to a separation of the originated numeral 2 from its original root i.e. the two numeral one’s from which numeral 2 had originated …
Continuing with above description of numeral 2 … Thus this numeral 2 also denoted the primary division of essential unity within the original singularity as was of earlier numeral one … Thus was arrived the concept where individuality was also considered of any individual-corpus because in the greater game of unions of numerals, any individual-corpus is also found to be an individuality only and where individuality always leads to manifestation of duality of one or another type … Thus in those days individuality was told to be of two types i.e. individual’s-individuality and individuality of united corpus and where both are equally regressive in their effects if they are considered individually (i.e. in a monotheistic way of life) … This aspect of an inherent regression was due to the inherent duality which always is within any individual-corpuses …
Continuing with above description of numeral 2 … This fact of duality that always exists within an individual corpus is very clearly visible in today’s world ,especially when we study the individualistic (in other words, this can also be termed as monotheistic) religions which claim that “only they shall be liberated and rest all are doomed to eternal hell” … And the same nonsense of egoism and thus divisive dualism of individualism is also very clearly visible in the politics, geographies, economics, security, social structures, individualistic cultures and regressive geopolitics of this world and where all this is because none of them or their ways of life relate to the originality as is of the undivided innermost essence (Atman) of all humanity and all parts of speciology which inhabit this planet … But this study only proves that even the individual-corpuses lead to manifestation of dualities, which eventually become as harbingers of divisions and thus become as originators of a later stage of inner and/or outer chaos within the world …
- Numeral 3 … In its higher state it denotes the essential unity within the trinity of macrocosmic attributes (i.e. action, inertia and neutrality) which itself are within the macrocosm and its each microcosm … This is because this unity of trinity of macrocosmic attributes, is eternally present within everything that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings … This numeral was also denoting the three worlds, three states, three times and three primary directions of progress … And it also referred to the three-bodies and three primary seed syllables (i.e. seed syllables of the symbol of OM) which shall be discussed in a later topic … And in the uppermost or subtler of all states, this numeral denotes the trinity of creator, preserver and destroyer and their trinity of divinities (or Shakti’s) …
Continuing with above description of numeral 3 … And in the lower state the same numeral 3 also denotes a furthering of duality into an endless lower spiral that was yet to follow from this stage of progress of ever-expansive individual-corpus of numerals … This lower state also denotes that even when the macrocosmic standing (or the macrocosmic displacement) of a microcosm (numeral) is increased within further unions, yet that unity cannot be fruitful during ones evolutionary process, unless the essential monism which rests within an ever expansive state of pluralism of the macrocosmic creation, is adopted within ones ways of life …
- Above three were the original numerals …
- These three further led to the other numerals as follows …
- Numeral 4 was of the four Vedas, four directions of Brahma’s heads and four Vedic monasteries where sages lived at those times (This is from where the concept of the current four Vedic monasteries or Aamnaya Peethas had originated) …
- Numeral five was of the five macro-elements, five vital airs, five sub-vital airs, five sheaths, five sense-organs (Gyanendriya) and five organs of action (Karmendriya) …
- Numeral six was of six paths of Vedic lore and six directions of these paths of Vedic Lore’s …
- Numeral 7 was of 7 upper planes of existence (including this physical plane) …
- Numeral 8 was of eight plexus’s and eight Puri that are within and beyond the aspirant and the eight directions and eight spheres of Apra Prakriti …
- Numeral 9 was primarily told to be of nine spheres which make the entire of macrocosmic creation (i.e. eight spheres were of Apra Prakriti and one last sphere of Para Prakriti) …
- Numeral 10 was of the ten wholesome directions …
- And so forth until numeral 14 which denoted the 14 levels of the macrocosmic mansion (I.e. Chatur-Dus Bhuvanatmak Brahmand) was arrived … And as this progressed, it reached numeral 24 which denoted the 24 Guna (attributes) and 24 parts of Samkhya …
- After this stage was arrived the concept of other numerals in a staged manner … Some of the important philosophical numerals were of 27 which denoted the 27 constellations, 33 which denoted 33 types of divinities which were present within each microcosm and the macrocosm, numeral 100 (100 sub-divinities in the energy channels of the body) and then numeral 101 which denoted the Golden Hiranyagarbha Brahma (or in other words, the primordial and eternal state of golden womb of creation and then it progressed further and eventually this count reached till numeral 1000 (which denotes 1000 types of divinities of 1000 seed syllables of the thousand petalled lotus) … Thus was the progress of philosophical numbers of those times …
- And from this philosophy, was arrived the current science of mathematics … Thus the innermost root of mathematics is Vedic philosophy itself …
- The concept of Zero and Infinity and from numeral 1 until numeral 9 was given by Ganitacharya who at that time was only resting within the vastly-enveloping divine guidance of Manu Maharaaj himself (Manu Maharaaj is also known as Adam within the Biblical Lore’s and he is also Aadum of Islamic Lore’s) … And numerals beyond 9 were evolved by the philosophical concepts of other sages who arrived at some later times …
- And all these numerals were also told to be referring to the same original self-expression as was of the Absolute-being and which as such is being discussed here … This was because of the fact that the root of origin of numerals (microcosm’s) was none other than the same original self-expression of the Absolute, who was addressed as Shunya Brahman in those very ancient times …
After this stage where Zero, Infinite and numerals from 1 till 9 were already defined, there was neither any stopping to philosophy of Samadhi nor was there any stoppage to mathematics of numerals … So this is how the numerals came from the earlier stage of philosophy, which itself was rooted within the Yoga Tantras (i.e. knowledge of Samadhi or meditative absorptions) of Sanatan Dharma … Thus Yoga Tantras of Sanatan Dharma were the root of all later philosophies and Yogic philosophy itself became the parent of mathematics and thus Yoga itself is reason of original origination of symbols and numerals of mathematics …
Thus the science of mathematics is none other than being a divinely-philosophical science which has the capacity to lead the aspirants into their finally liberated states, but provided the essential philosophical subtlety of this science is rested in and is complied to in your ways of life …
Due to this innermost base of mathematics, which itself is of original self-expression of the Absolute Being (i.e. Shunya Brahman or Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero) the science of mathematics is also the path to self-realization of the Attributeless-Infinite Absolute being, who itself is denoting the Absolute fullness of the Absolute and this science of mathematics can also be utilized as a base to self-realize the primordial beingness of the Absolute-Being, which as such is of voidness of allness (macrocosmic voidness or Sarva Shunya … Or the essential Zeroness of allness or Shunya Tattva) …
Due to the fact that the root of mathematics is a divine one, during those very ancient times as were of my much earlier incarnations, mathematics was also known as an authentic path towards the self-realization of the Ever-Auspicious-All (i.e. Shiva) and his own Ever-Pristine-Allness (Shakti) … It was also due to this divine nature of science of mathematics that Vedic Mantras (meters) have had their specifics in them and this specification of Vedic Mantras (meters) also was due to the appreciation of the fact that the essential innermost divinity of mathematics cannot be ignored during any state of one’s evolutionary process … Thus is the reason for specific meters and their types within Veda Mantras … Other characteristics and reasons for these characteristics of Veda Mantras shall be discussed later (If I find a need to do so within later topics) …
Continuing with above paragraph … And even the original concepts of divisions, multiplications, additions and subtractions as are employed in mathematics were Yogic concepts which were based upon a very divine Yogic philosophy … We shall be discussing these within two principles which shall be outlined in two later topics of this text …
As also, all this knowledge itself was due to Yoga which was undergone by the discovers of these facts … There has not been a single scripture which relates to Sanatan Dharma and yet was not related to Yoga … As also, there has been no sage in human history who was a self-realized, all-realized one and yet was not a Yogi … This is because Yoga has been the basis of human evolutionary history right from the timeless-times when humanity was arrived at this world after the advent of the “Creators Manas Putra (i.e. mind born child of Brahma)” whom we know as Manu Maharaaj within the original Vedic Lore’s … And the same Manu is also addressed as Adam in Jewish and Biblical Lore’s and as Aadum (or Adum) in Persian and Islamic Lore’s … There has never been a knowledge system which has not held traces of philosophies as were given by self-realized, all-realized Yogi’s of those ancient times which shall be referred to in this text, more than often …
The stage of “Zero-Infinite and Infinite-Zero (Shunya Anantah, Anant-Shunyah)” which was addressed as “Shunya-Brahman” during those ancient times also denoted the state of eternal union of the “Void-Completeness and Complete-Voidness (or Empty-Fullness and Full-Emptiness)” which as such is the eternal root from which the Maker’s Makings and her each part were self-originated as a reflection of its own self-expression … Thus states the Bible, “Man is made in the image of God” and I shall be touching upon the root concept of it, but within a later chapter because this statement only relates to the original philosophy of Hiranyagarbha (which in English means as the golden womb of creation) as was stated by Rig-Vedic sages of those very ancient times which shall be referred to in this text, more than often …
Proceeding further to discuss the specifics of the inward-path which leads to self-realization of Shunya Brahman …
A direct cognition of the stage of “Zero Infinite (i.e. Shunya Anantah)” is when resting within the six petalled mind-plexus (i.e. Manas Chakra) … The mind-plexus is the uppermost plexus amongst the three smaller plexus’s that reside within the thousand petalled lotus itself (i.e. the mind-plexus rests within the 7th plexus or Sahasrara chakra or Brahmarandra chakra) which is located at the top of the brain … However this direct cognition itself is through the intermediary state as is of vast expanses of macrocosmic voidness (voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) that a Yogi enters after his/her consciousness goes past the six petalled mind plexus …
And due to this reason, from the mind plexus the cognition of “Zero Infinite” as is told in earlier paragraph is not a direct one because of the fact that it is indirectly realized from the macrocosmic voidness (Shunya Tattva) that is beyond the mind-plexus (which rests within the crown plexus or 7th plexus itself) and in which the Yogi’s consciousness enters …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus at this stage, from within the macrocosm c voidness (Sarva Shunya) is seen the self-luminous which is pervading it and from within the combined state of these two yet a singular realizations (i.e. the “self-luminous pervading non-lightness”) is realized the Zero-Infinite part of Shunya Brahman (i.e. Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero) … It is due to this reason, the thousand petalled lotus has also been told as Zeroness-Plexus (or the Emptiness-Plexus or Shunya Chakra) within some of the Yogic streams of Dharma …
Continuing with above paragraph … And the final cognition which as such is of the stage of “Infinite Zero (i.e. Anant Shunyah)” is when resting within the 8th plexus which is referred in a Mantra of Atharvaveda (chapter 10) and same is also referred to in Siddha Sciences as Niralambasthana (or the independent place or the place which holds no contact to anything, but itself) … As also, unlike how it now is believed to be, during those timeless times as were of my much earlier incarnations, Vedic and Siddha ways (i.e. Nigama and Agama ways respectively) were not different from each other, as both were only leading to the same final truth and thus were deemed to be like two eyes of the same body …
So this was the description of the path towards realizations of the primordial timeless self-expression of the Maker, which itself is denoting that state which was prior the macrocosmic creation was even begun within an empty state i.e. this discussion relates to a stage which was even before the self-origination of the primordial nature or macrocosmic voidness as a separate entity from the Zero infinite and infinite Zero (or Shunya Brahman or the original self-expression of the Absolute-being) was arrived at within the Maker’s Makings …
Thus, Shunya Brahman by itself is the original divinity of the original self-expression of the Maker and thus is denoting that stage of Maker’s Makings which was prior the macrocosmic creation had even commenced through its originally empty state (macrocosmic voidness) …
And it was from Shunya Brahman (Zero Infinite and Infinite Zero) that the primordial nature (or macrocosmic voidness or voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) was self-manifested
Thus basis the discussions that have been done till now, following is a fact …
- The attributeless-infinite Absolute-being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm who in Vedas is also addressed as Brahman) denotes the stage of “self-luminous enveloping and pervading its own self-luminosity” …
- The Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero (Shunya Brahman or empty-fullness, full-emptiness) denotes the stage of the original self-expression of the Absolute, which as such is of “self-luminous enveloping and pervading the non-lightness” …
- The macrocosmic voidness (Primordial nature or voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya or Shunya Tattva) denotes the state of “non-lightness enveloping non-lightness” …
- This is how these are realized during deeper meditations (I mean Samadhi or absorptions) …
Realization of Shunya Brahman (i.e. the original self-expression of the Absolute) is through the earlier stage of Asamprajnata Samadhi i.e. absorption within non-lightness and where the term non-lightness does not denote darkness … Thus even when Asamprajnata Samadhi does not directly denote the Shunya-Brahman, yet the self-realization of Shunya Brahman is definitely through the Asamprajnata Samadhi only …
In darkness there is a total absence of knowledge-conscious-activity principles and because the non-lighted state of Shunya-Brahman has no such aspect (of absence of the knowledge-conscious-activity principles) within it, so in no way does the term non-lightness denote a state of darkness …
Proceeding further to discuss how it really is when Shunya-Brahman is self-realized by the aspirant …
At this stage of realization of Shunya Brahman (i.e. Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero), an extremely subtle (extremely fine) colorless light is seen to be pervading the non-lightness which is entered into by the aspirant (i.e. the consciousness of the aspirant) … Within this realization, the non-lightness denotes the macrocosmic voidness (voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) and the colorless extremely subtle pervader of macrocosmic voidness, is the self-luminous who shines within its own self-luminosity and yet does not show itself up until the aspirant really arrives at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to self-realize IT and that to through a direct cognition of IT’s divinity only (i.e. the divine is still not visible) … This realization is through the 8th plexus (or Ashtama Chakra) as is mentioned in one of the Atharvaveda Mantras (chapter 10) …
This realization is like looking at the sunlight and thence knowing the sun and not directly knowing the sun as the sun, because that sun is your own innermost essence who is only watching its own divinity only (i.e. sunlight) …
Thus due to above reason, the attributeless-infinite being is definitely realizable but it stays indescribable because in this realization as is of the Absolute-being (Brahman or IT), IT itself is your own innermost essence (Atman), who own views IT’s own divinity so as to know IT through Itself and whilst walking on the path of “Itself within Itself” …
From within Shunya Brahman (i.e. Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero) was self-manifested the primordial nature (macrocosmic voidness) which as such was a state of “non-lightness enveloping non-lightness” and which itself was the primordial state of the yet to begin macrocosmic creation … It was from within the macrocosmic voidness which itself was the primordial or first state of the macrocosmic creation, all other states of the macrocosmic creation were self-originated … Thus to know Shunya Brahman during your evolutionary process, an inner emptiness (i.e. detachment from all worldly nonsense) is paramount and thus was the importance of Pratyahara as is stated in Yogic Lore’s …
And finally …
Shunya Brahman is my Eternal-Guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) Sriman Naaraayana (or the primordial being) as is stated in the Vedic Lore …
Shunya Brahman is from where Sri Bhagwan Krishna descended to this world and whilst he was as a portion of this state itself (manifestation of a fuller condition of Shunya Brahman is not possible within a human form) and yet he was the full incarnation (Poorna-Avatar) of this state …
The same Shunya Brahman is also addressed as Sadashiva within this text because this is how it actually is … Thus Sri Bhagwan Krishna was the human manifestation of formless five faces of Sadashiva itself i.e. Sri Bhagwan Krishna was a form-formless (Sakaar Nirakaari) and simultaneously a formless-form (Nirakaar Sakaari) manifestation of Shunya Brahman (i.e. Sadashiva or in other words, Panch Mukha Sadashiva) itself … The former was his human form and the latter was his Viraat Roop (i.e. his macrocosmic form, which he showed to Arjun and a few others whilst within the battlefield of Mahabharata war) …
I did not write above by any analysis, but through a direct cognition of this fact during meditative absorptions (Samadhi) because eventually everyone shall have to pass through Shunya Brahman during their own evolutionary process prior they eventually qualify to exit out of the allness of Maker’s Makings …
It is never possible to enter into a realization of the finality (i.e. the attributeless-infinite being) unless this stage of Shunya Brahman is passed or crossed over by an aspirant and where this crossing over itself is by the blessing grace that is rendered by the “Viraat Roop (macrocosmic form)” of Sri Bhagwan Krishna itself and not by any other deity …
This blessing is also after the aspirant has self-realized the 8th plexus which is stated within one of the Atharvaveda Mantras and which is also stated as “Niralambasthana (rootless place, foundationless place, independent place etc.)” and Niralamb chakra (which also means as the independent plexus) in the vast Siddha lore’s of Sanatan Dharma …
When the aspirant (i.e. consciousness of the aspirant) is with Sri Bhagwan Krishna’s macrocosmic-form (Viraat-Roop) then it is like sitting on his palm and looking up to see him, whilst he looks down smiling at that aspirant (i.e. the aspirant consciousness) … At this stage, the comparison of size of aspirant and palm of Sri Bhagwan Krishna’s macrocosmic-form (Viraat Roop) is like a single cell in your own physical vehicle …
Thus Shunya-Brahman of Yogi’s as is discussed here, itself is the Viraat of the other texts of Vedic Lore’s …
In Nasadiya Sukta of Rig-Veda, a phrase of “non-lightness enveloping non-lightness” is stated …
In Nasadiya Sukta of Rig-Veda, a phrase of “non-lightness enveloping non-lightness” is stated … In this phrase, the former non-lightness is of Shunya-Brahman and the latter non-lightness is of macrocosmic voidness (Sarva Shunya or Shunya Tattva) which shall be discussed in the next topic …
That’s all for now …