Here we shall be calculating the astronomical age of planets that are related to Vedic astrological sciences … Thus this topic shall be calculating the Age of Planets, i.e. Age of earth, Age of Moon, Age of Jupiter, Age of Saturn, Age of Mercury, Age of Venus, Age of Mars and also the Age of the two shadow planets of Vedic astrology, i.e. the Age of Rahu and Age of Ketu …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Astronomical age of Sun” …
And this topic also relates to discussions of …
- Types of Pralaya … This discussion also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Naimittika Pralaya … And it also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Nitya Pralaya … This discussion also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Astronomical age of universe … And this discussion also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Astronomical age of sun … This discussion also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Unitary value of time …
And this topic also has elements of following previous topics …
- Aghora and Samantabhadra … This discussion also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Aghora and Ahumkara … And it also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Aghora and Ayaam or dimensions … And it also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Aghora and supreme knowledge … And it also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Aghora and Mann Brahma … And it also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Aghora and absence of differences … And it also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Rudra Deva … ALA Naad …
And this topic also has elements of following previously discussed topics …
- Ujjayi Naad … Sound of Victory … This discussion also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Ujjayi Naad and Brahmand Yoga … And it also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Ujjayi Naad and Chakravart … And it also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Ujjayi Naad and Mahamanava … And it also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Ujjayi Naad and Bhu Mahabhoot … And it also relates to the earlier topic of …
- Ujjayi Naad and Breath of Brahma …
The self realizations of this topic relate to the paths of travel of following accomplishment vehicles (i.e. Siddha bodies or Siddha Sharira) and their divine accomplishment worlds (or Siddha Loka or Siddha worlds) …
- Path of travel of “Crimson red body … Surya Sharira” …
- And this discussion also leads to and ends in an earlier topic of World of Crimson red body … Surya Loka …
- This topics discussion also passes through an earlier topic of Krishna Pingalam Sharira … Rudra Body …
- Above ends in the world of Rudra body as depicted through painted sketches and the same was also described in earlier topic of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad”, and also in the earlier topic of “From Ahum to ALA”, in addition to described state of another earlier topic of “Ahum to ALA … Continues” and was also described in earlier topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta” …
- This also relates to the path of travel of “Light pink body … Avyakta Sharira” …
- And path of travel as per link of above bullet point also ends in an earlier topic “World of light pink body … Avyakta” …
- This also relates to the path of travel of “Diamond white body … Brahma Sharira” …
- And path of travel as per link of above bullet point also ends in an earlier topic “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … Brahmaloka” …
- This also relates to the path of travel of “Ardhanarishwara Sharira … Sagun Atman” …
- And path of travel as per link of above bullet point also ends in an earlier topic “Guru Sthanam … Shivaloka” …
- This also relates to the path of travel of “Blue gem body and ether body” …
- And above also passes through the earlier topic of “Aghora and Akasha Mahabhoot”, and then it passes through the self realizations of another earlier topic of “Aghora and emanation of attributes”, and then through another earlier topic of “Aghora and Mann Brahma”, and then through the self realizations of another earlier topic of “Aghora, Sookshma Sharira and Manomaye Kosha”, and then through another earlier topic of “Sookshma Sharira Yoga Aghora” and it eventually ends in the topic of “Akasha Mahabhoot … Ether” …
- This also relates to the path of travel of “Light grey body … Vamadeva Sharira” …
- And path of travel as per link of above bullet point also ends in an earlier topic “Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … Vaikunth” …
- And this discussion also passes into the earlier topic of “Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga” as without it, the inner (or subtle) divinities of Maker’s Makings can never be directly cognized (I mean self realized) …
- This also relates to the path of travel of “Raudri Rudra Yoga … Sagun Swaroop Stithi” …
- And finally this discussion passes through the earlier discussions of “Swaroop Stithi … Brahmand” … This is when the aspirant actually self realizes the innermost divinities of the pristine nature of allness of Maker’s Makings, which are within the aspirant and the same divinities are also present beyond the aspirants tiny microcosm … This also is the last stage of holding earlier Siddhi (earlier accomplishments) as after this is the stage of “Swaroop Stithi … Nirguna” where accomplishments (Siddhi) of all earlier incarnations and that too right from the time when that aspirant had originally begun as a microcosm within the supreme genius of the Maker i.e. Maker’s Makings, are all let go of by that aspirant … And thus the aspirant walks alone and free of allness and her each part and just as the supreme hermit (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm, who in Vedas is also addressed as Brahman and which in English means as the attributeless infinite absolute being) ITself is …
And the path of all above self realization can only be entered into after the aspirant begins resting within the discussions of an earlier topic of “Myself within Myself” and thence that aspirant traverses the path which rests in discussions of another earlier topic of “Rudra within Rudra … Itself within Itself” and whilst that aspirant is also based upon the earlier topic of “Brahmpath … The last path” and then only does one’s existence finally end within a supreme inner sacrifice of a “full, final and permanent detachment from allness and her each part” and whilst that aspirant rests within the purviews of earlier topic of “Tyaga … End state of Brahmpath” and also in the earlier topic that had the header of “Brahmpath … End result” …
As also, this topic directly and/or indirectly refers to the following topics because these divinities are omnipresent i.e. they are present within and beyond each microcosm … These topics are as follows, but some of these topics are explicitly stated and some are omitted in below discussions …
- Akar … Sound of A … Then were the discussions within the topic of …
- Akar … Continues … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Proceeding towards Akar … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- After stationed at Akar … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Okar … Sound of O … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Okar … Continues … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Makar … Sound of M … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Omkar … Sound of OM … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- The path to self realization of all above also passes through the topic of “OM and Patanjali Yoga Sutras” in addition to the discussions that were within another earlier topic of “OM and Prajnaparamita Mantra” (i.e. the Mantra of Buddha Prajnaparamita) …
- Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- World of Crimson red body … Surya Loka … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Aghora face of Sadashiva … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Pancha Mukha Sadashiva … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Relationship of Devi and Deva … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Chatush Pada Sadashiva Pradakshina … And then the discussions within the topic of …
- Sadashiva Pradakshina …
Actually there are 14 planets, each of which relates to the 14 levels of primary divinities of Maker’s Makings (which in Sanskrit lore is also told as i.e. Chatur Dus Bhuvanatmak Awastha of Brahmand), but I shall not be discussing only nine here (and thus I shall be omitting discussions on those five planets which are not used in Vedanga or Jyotish as of now) …
When we traverse the divinities of the nine planets of Vedic astrology, then since these divinities are the same macrocosmic divinities which are the base divinities of nine amongst the 14 planes (or these are the base divinities of those subtle hierarchies or relativities which make the macrocosmic ladder and until Brahmaloka) of the Maker’s Makings, so the path of that aspirant who traverses through these nine planets of astrology also passes through all above listed topics (But in no specific sequence of transit through these topics) …
Thus basis above, I also know that the fuller knowledge of Vedic astrology (Jyotish) and then its righteous practice can also be a path of final liberation or Kaivalya of that aspirant (i.e. Vedic astrology is also a path of liberation provided it is practiced in a righteous way) …
And above is because of the fact that Vedic astrological science is a path which leads to the self realization of the “self luminous absolute being (who in Sanskrit Vedic texts is also addressed as Swa Prakash and as Brahm)” and which itself is as it directly relates to the Vedic Mahavakya of Rig Veda which is told as “Prajnanam Brahma (which when interpreted in English can be stated as Self luminous is That) …
This was the reason for self realized sages who had distributed this knowledge of Vedic astrology to humanity, to name it as “Jyotish Shastra … The name Jyotish Shastra means as the scripture of the self luminous being or Brahman and who in Vedas is also addressed as the attributeless infinite one or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm)” … Jyotish Shastra is a limb of the vast lore’s of Veda, due to which they had also named it as Vedanga (i.e. a Limb of Veda) …
So with above as a base, we shall continue further …
95-AA-1 … Relation of our solar system to Five faces of Sadashiva …
In an earlier topic of “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva” we had discussed the following …
- Planet Jupiter relates to Tatpurusha face of Shiva … Thus Jupiter is the planet which forms along with the sun … As was discussed earlier, that sun was formed at Tatpurusha, but it had gotten manifested out of the center of Milky Way after it had travelled the 90 degrees anticlockwise arc to Vamadeva) … As the sun moves from Tatpurusha face (Eastern face of Sadashiva) and reaches Vamadeva (North face of Sadashiva), the Planet Jupiter which primarily is an accumulated gas, gets formed towards the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, so as to fill in the vacuum of energy that is caused by sun moving out of Tatpurusha face and proceeding to the Vamadeva face of Shiva …
- Thus basis above stated fact, the Sun actually relates to Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … Sun is the planetary ruler due to being the first planet …
- Moon and Planet Venus relate to Sadyojata … Moon is also addressed as the mind born child of Sadyojata face of Shiva from whom the four faced creator (i.e. Chatur Mukha Pitamah Brahma Ji) had self originated and thus the creator is also a Swayambhu (Swayambhu means self originated) … And Planet Venus is the child of moon … Thus Venus forms after the moon has formed because Venus is the child of moon and thus Venus is also like a child of creator (i.e. Chatur Mukha Pitamah Brahma Ji who is also self originated out of the same Sadyojata face) … And Venus is the great-grandchild of Brahma (or the creator) …
- Planet earth … Planet earth is originated out of the macro-element (Mahabhoot) of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva i.e. macro-elemental earth (or Bhu Mahabhoot) … And since macro-elements form out of the respective deities of the five faces of Sadashiva and since the deity of Sadyojata is none other than the creator of allness (i.e. Brahma), so earth forms as the first planet of Sadyojata face … And the moon forms out of the mind of Sadyojata, who itself is the one that Vedas have addressed as Brahmaloka (i.e. pristine abode of creator) …
- Planet Saturn originates out of Aghora who also self expresses itself as the self originated Rudra Deva … Since Rudra is a self originated Deva, so he is also addressed as Swayambhu (Shambhu) in Vedas … Then shortly afterwards, from Rudra Deva are originated the planets of Mars and Mercury … Mars and Earth are “almost” of the same age … By almost I mean, a little difference in times of their originations …
- Shadow planets Rahu and Ketu … These are shadow planets of Sun (which manifests out of the north facing Vamadeva face) and Saturn (which originates from the south facing Aghora face) respectively … Thus the shadow planet of Rahu is the shadow of the north facing Vamadeva face and being a shadow it manifests at the diagonally opposite south facing Aghora face of Sadashiva and Rahu is the ascending node of solar system because a “part (or Amsha)” always tries to move to towards its “fuller parental whole (or Amshi)” … And on the contrary, the shadow planet of Ketu is the shadow of the south facing Aghora face of Shiva, but due to being a shadow Ketu only manifests at the north facing Vamadeva face, so Ketu is the descending node of solar system because a “part (or Amsha)” always tries to move to towards its “fuller parental whole (or Amshi)” …
Expanding above bullet point … This process of Amsha (i.e. a part) moving towards its own Amshi (i.e. the fuller whole of the Amsha) is what evolution is … And when the Amsha finally merges to the Amshi, then it denotes end of existence of the Amsha, as an Amsha that it earlier was … This is because after this stage, the earlier Amsha is the Amshi itself … Just as a drop of water becomes the ocean after it merges to it, so does the Amsha become the Amshi, but only after that Amsha has merged its own consciousness to its own Amshi … This has been the basis of many Vedic and Yogic statements like the ones stated below …
- Knower of Brahman is Brahman (In Vedas, Brahman is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar and also as Brahm) … This is told as Brahm Swaroop i.e. the aspirant who attains this state “becomes like Brahman, and thus, is Brahman in a human form” and such an aspirant only continues as Brahman until the fathomless eternity that still remains of the Maker’s Makings and further until that which beyond this stage …
- Knower of Atman is Atman … This stage where an aspirant knows himself (or herself) to be none other than his or her innermost essence (i.e. Atman), is also the one who is told as Atma Swaroop i.e. the aspirant who attains this state “becomes like Atman, and thus, is Atman in a human form” and such an aspirant only continues as Atman until the fathomless eternity that still remains of the Maker’s Makings and further until that which beyond this stage …
- One who has known and united to his (or her) principal deity (i.e. worshipped divine being or Ishta Deva and/or the worshipped divinity or Ishta Devi) is none other than a human manifestation of that Deva or Devi that is worshipped and this is the state (or accomplishment) that in Sanskrit texts was told as Ishta Swaroop (which means “being a human manifestation of the same god and/or goddess that is worshipped) … Just as a drop of water becomes the ocean after it merges to the ocean, so is the aspirant his (or her) own deity (Ishta) after knowing and merging to that Ishta …
- We had “subtly discussed” above aspects within an earlier topic of “You are what you have self realized” …
- And the same fact is also subtly referred to within Vedic Mahavakya (Mahavakya means as the mega statement or the Great statement of Vedas) … Within the Vedic lore, the mega statement are told as follows within the four Vedas … The Mahavakya (or Great statement) of Yajurveda is of “Aham Brahmasmi, which means of I Am That”, The Mahavakya (or Great statement) of Samaveda is of “Tat Twam Asi, which means as “Thou Are That”, The Mahavakya (or Great statement) of Atharvaveda is of “Ayam Atma Brahma, which means as “This Is That” … There also is another Mahavakya (i.e. great statement) of “Sohum, which means as So Am I” and also the great statement of “Shivohum, which means as I Am Shiva” … All these great statements (i.e. Mahavakya) have already been discussed in earlier topics …
- And on similar lines, the knower of these nine astrological planets, is also none other than the one who is like these nine planets i.e. such an aspirant is the holder of the divinities of these nine astrological planets …
95-AA-2 … Origination process is of a path which is reverse of Pradakshina …
The origination process is anticlockwise i.e. Vaishnava Marg …
So due to this reason, the path of Vedic Pradakshina is clockwise … The clockwise path is also of Aghora Marg) and this is what was stated as Vedic Pradakshina … This Parikrama (or Pradakshina) also denotes the path of evolution which makes an aspirant return back to the point of origin (i.e. the point from where the aspirant had originally started off as a microcosm within the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings) …
As also a fact, that, the path of Vedic Pradakshina (or Parikrama) which denotes the right hand path (i.e. a movement in clockwise direction or moving in the Aghora Marg) is such because it is that which is reverse of path of origination that itself happened as per the Vama Marg (i.e. left hand path or path of anticlockwise movement) …
This origination happened as follows …
- First was the central, upward facing, colorless crystal like, Ishana face of Sadashiva who holds macro-element ether (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Akasha Mahabhoot), whose deity is Bhagwan Ganesh and whose Krityam is Anugraha (Blessing on allness) and whose Shakti (or divinity or power or energy) is Maa Adi Parashakti …
- Then was arrived the east facing, golden colored Tatpurusha face of Shiva, who holds the macro-element air (or Vayu Mahabhoot), whose deity is Maheshwara (The Sanskrit word Maheshwara literally means as the Great lord of allness) and whose Deva (or divine being) is Devaraja Indra (i.e. the ruler of divine worlds) and whose Krityam is Tirodhan (i.e. divinity of Veiling) and whose Shakti is Trikaali (i.e. divinity of entirety of the three times) …
- Then was arrived north facing, smoky colored Vamadeva face of Shiva, who holds the macro-elemental water (Jalam Mahabhoot or Aapah Mahabhoot), whose deity is Sri Bhagwan Vishnu and whose Krityam is Stithi (Preservation) and whose Shakti is Parashakti (i.e. divinity of beyond) …
Proceeding further …
- In between above two faces of Tatpurusha and Vamadeva, is arrived the stage of self presence of Aghora face, who holds the macro-elemental fire (Agni Mahabhoot) which is also called as “macro-elemental light (Prakash Mahabhoot) and macro-elemental heat-luminosity (Tejas Mahabhoot), whose deity is Shambhu Rudra Deva (who itself is the same as Sound of ALA or ALA Naad which was discussed in an earlier topic) and whose Krityam is Samhara (i.e. destructive rejuvenation and rejuvenating destruction) and whose Shakti is Gyan (knowledge of allness) …
Continuing with above bullet point on Aghora … Aghora is my Guru Pita since last many-many transmigrated incarnations (when I had also arrived to a physical realm by adopting the process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh) and also during those even earlier regular incarnations … The word Guru Pita means Fathering-Guide and it also means the Guiding-Father … So due to this reason, I find the need of elaborating on it … And this need is even more, as Aghora is the most mysterious and complete cardinal face of Sadashiva … I have stated this in earlier set of topics which relate to “Naad Brahm … Sounds of Absolute” …
Continuing with above paragraph … But even when Aghora face self originates itself soon after eastern face of Tatpurusha is self originated, yet it shifts to the southern side and thus is becomes a south facing face of Sadashiva and not the eastern or northern face as it should have been … This let go of its original point (or direction) of origination itself is due to supreme knowledge and detachment that Aghora face of Shiva holds …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus some scriptures describe Aghora as the face of supreme knowledge (supreme knowledge is of absolute detachment only) and it is also due to this reason, that some scriptures say Aghora is the 3rd face of Sadashiva … Aghora is told as the third face of Sadashiva as first face is Ishana face (colorless crystal like, centrally placed and upward looking face of Sadashiva), then 2nd face is of Tatpurusha (golden colored, eastern face of Sadashiva) and then is the 3rd face of Aghora (blue colored face of Sadashiva) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Aghora is the face whose philosophy can be which can be described as “do everything whilst based within a supreme knowledge of absolute detachment from allness and her each part” due to the fact that “allness is originated from ashes of previous destruction and allness is only proceeding to ashes that shall be remaining after the future destruction” … And since Aghora face of Sadashiva is the face which holds the “Samhara Krityam (i.e. the divine act of destructive rejuvenation and rejuvenating destruction), thus the philosophy of Aghora can be told as eternal cycles “From ashes … To Ashes” which itself denotes the eternal cyclic nature of allness and her each part, so the followers of Aghora don’t hold any attachment to anything of here, or beyond and this itself is the supremely liberating knowledge of Aghora face (Because detachment itself is the path to liberation) … And this is why all aspirants of Aghora path (i.e. Aghori Sadhu, Naga Sadhu and all other monks who relate to path of supreme detachment and absolute knowledge of the Aghora face) use ashes as their only clothing and they all are highest of mendicants and monks …
Continuing with above paragraph … There has never been any propagation of knowledge by any sage, who did not relate to Aghora and due to this reason, all knowledge systems are only possible to be known and distributed if the propagator of that system was a sage who related to Aghora … Without Aghora there is no “self realized and all realized knowledge” and without a “self realized and all realized knowledge” there cannot ever be any authentic scripture of a final liberation and without an authentic scripture, there cannot even be a path (Religion) of that scripture … And due to this reason, all accomplished ones (Siddha’s) have always stated that my Guru Pita “Aghora is the main face of Sadashiva” …
Now read this carefully … Continuing with above paragraph … But during the self origination process of Maker’s Makings, after Aghora face gets self-manifested and which itself is soon after Tatpurusha is self originated, Aghora only ends up travelling the full counter clockwise path of origination which travels from eastern face of Tatpurusha, then northern face of Vamadeva, then eastern face of Sadyojata and then after travelling through all the faces, Aghora finally settles at southern side where we know it as the blue colored Aghora face of Sadashiva and whose sound is of Ahum Naad …
Also read this carefully … And since Aghora is the only face which travels the full anticlockwise path of origination of allness, so it also holds the knowledge of entirety of allness and that too where this knowledge is right from the time when the Maker had originally commenced the process of self originating IT’s own supreme genius or Maker’s Makings …
- Then after above was arrived the Sadyojata face of Shiva, who holds macro-element earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) and whose deity is the “grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. Brahma) and whose Krityam is Utpatti (origination of allness in a gross state) and whose Shakti is Ichha (i.e. divinity of pristine desires) … Sadyojata becomes the western face of Sadashiva, but only after Aghora vacates the western side and shifts to the south and thus Aghora ends up becoming the southern face of Sadashiva … Thus Sadyojata actually is the youngest face of Sadashiva and so is it told in many scriptures …
Thus basis above, when we see the sequence of originations of these five faces, then their “origination hierarchy” is also found to be as follows …
- 1st face is of Ishana … It is centrally placed, upward looking and is colorless crystal like …
- 2nd face is of Tatpurusha … It is east looking face, golden colored …
- 3rd is of Aghora … It is a face that originated soon after Tatpurusha and then this faces travelled the entire anticlockwise path of self origination of other faces of Sadashiva, and finally it settled and became the southern face of Sadashiva …
- 4th is of Vamadeva … It is north looking face, smoky colored …
- 5th is of Sadyojata … It is the western face of Sadashiva and is the lastly self originated face of Sadashiva …
But after these four cardinal faces of Sadashiva settle down in their final directions (their final locations within Sadashiva) and then if we try to see their origination which itself happens within an anticlockwise direction, then their sequences of originations are only found to be as follows …
- First is the central, upward looking, Ishana face of Shiva …
- Second is the east facing, Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
- Third is north facing, Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
- Fourth is west facing, Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
- Fifth is south facing, Aghora face of Sadashiva …
- This is how their sequences shall be seen when we would observe the origination process (i.e. anticlockwise movement) of these five aces and from their finally placed directions within the five faces of Sadashiva (or Panch Mukha Sadashiva) … But this is not how it had happened …
Thus if we see the final placements of the five faces of Sadashiva after the anticlockwise movement within the process of origination of Maker’s Makings is already completed, then these shall be known to be stated above (where Aghora is the 5th face of Sadashiva and not the 3rd face of Sadashiva) …
Proceeding further …
Thus when we know above fact of counter clockwise origination process of allness, then we would also appreciate as to why is Pradakshina (Vedic Parikrama) done in a clockwise manner … Pradakshina denotes the path of evolutionary liberation and thus it can only be as a path which is reverse of this process of anticlockwise process of origination of allness and due to this reason Vedic Pradakshina is done in a clockwise manner …
And the reason for it being termed as Pradakshina (which is made up of two words of Pra which means “move forward” and Dakshina which means “south or right hand”) is also due to the reason that the southern face of Sadashiva i.e. Aghora, is the one which has completes the full round of origination process and thus its reverse path of travel (as it was during origination process of allness) is what Pradakshina really relates to … Thus origination is counterclockwise and Pradakshina which relates to moving in the southern direction (i.e. right hand side or side of Aghora) is a path which is reverse of origination …
And since Aghora is the only face which has travelled the entire path of origination of allness, so Pradakshina is named after the “Dakshina (southern) side” on which Aghora finally settles down after completion of process of origination of Maker’s Makings …
Proceeding further …
Thus the path of evolution which itself is denoted by Vedic Pradakshina, is exactly opposite to the path of origination of Maker’s Makings …
Thus whenever this fact gets subtly represented within the five faces of Sadashiva then the path of Pradakshina (or Vedic Parikrama) is done in a clockwise manner (i.e. moving towards the right hand side or southern direction of Aghora face) and origination is in an anticlockwise manner …
In all other cases, following remains as a fact …
- The path of origination is from up to down i.e. path from grossness to an ever higher subtlety is the path of evolution …
- And the path of evolution is from down to up i.e. path from original subtlety to an ever higher grossness is the path of origination of allness …
- And even if the up to down method of origination and down to up path of evolution is considered, then also the discussions of this topic would not change …
- But in this part of the topic, I shall not be taking up this path as this topic relates to cardinal faces, which also denote the omnipresent state of Sadashiva …
Note: Please note all above points very carefully, as they shall be forming the backbone of below discussions on age of nine planets of Vedic Jyotish (Jyotish is astrology) …
95-BB … Astronomical age of planets of Vedic astrology …
Thus basis above we begin our calculations of Age of planets …
95-BB-1-A … Sun … The first celestial body …
The sun begins rejuvenating and re-assimilating itself within a time that is closer to the middle of the Naimittika Pralaya and that too just prior half time of Naimittika Pralaya has elapsed … Naimittika Pralaya has already been discussed earlier …
This takes place at the eastern face of Sadashiva, which is addressed as Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
And during this process, the sun moves to the north face of Sadashiva, which has been addressed as Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
And after travelling the 90 degrees arc from eastern face of Tatpurusha to northern face of Vamadeva, it eventually is from Vamadeva that the sun finally gets evicted out of its earlier location which was nearer to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy … Only after this does the sun manifest as the sun within the Milky Way Galaxy …
It was basis above fact that in the previous topic of “Astronomical age of sun”, the astronomical age of sun was calculated as 4.55531934 billion human solar years, as per currently applicable time units of precession …
Above time also denotes the start of the origination process of our solar system and where this origination itself is from the Sun …
This is as the Sun is the first celestial body to form within our solar system …
And from sun, every other celestial body of this solar system had directly or indirectly originated …
99-BB-1-B … Age of Shadow planet Rahu
Shadow planet Rahu forms as a shadow of the north face of Sadashiva i.e. Vamadeva, where the Sun finally manifests or shows up itself (within the Milky Way Galaxy) … And since Rahu is a shadow planet, so it is only visible at the diagonally opposite side from the northern face of Vamadeva, where Rahu originated … Thus Shadow planet of Rahu is of the southern face of Aghora …
And as a matter of fact, as is the age of the planet, so is the age of its shadow …
And shadow of a planet is always competing with the planet and this is more so, if the planet to which that shadow relates is of light like the sun …
Thus Sun (which denotes light) and Rahu (who denotes the dark shadow) are told to be enemies in astrology and thus Rahu is at the diagonally opposite side (i.e. Aghora) as compared to the sun (i.e. Vamadeva) …
And since Rahu is the shadow of sun, so Rahu is also told as the child of sun … And this is even when both Rahu and Sun are at diagonally opposite cardinal faces of Sadashiva …
99-BB-2 … Age of Planet Jupiter …
Jupiter forms at Tatpurusha where the sun also originates and thence the sun proceeds to Vamadeva face (i.e. 90 degrees arc of travel of sun from eastern face of Tatpurusha till the northern face of Vamadeva) …
And as soon as the sun reaches Vamadeva and thence the sun begins exiting out of the “central belt of the Milky Way” … This “central belt of the Milky Way” is actually a very deep gorge like state which is present inside the central mountain like line that is present in the middle of the Milky Way … This ridge of mountains is like a very high mountain range (inside the central line of Milky Way Galaxy) …
As soon as sun started moving from eastern face of Tatpurusha till the northern side of Vamadeva, Planet Jupiter forms from inside the sun and whilst the sun is at eastern side of Tatpurusha itself …
This Jupiter forms towards the eastern side of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, so as to fill in the vacuum that is caused due to the exit of sun and that too, soon after the sun begins internally travelling (i.e. travelling near the center of milky way and without showing up out of the central part of Milky way) from eastern face of Tatpurusha till the northern face of Vamadeva …
And this is when Planet Jupiter exits out of the sun and becomes the trailing planet of sun as the sun escapes out of the eastern face of Tatpurusha and begins travelling to the northern face of Vamadeva …
This origin of Jupiter is what makes it the first planet to originate in the solar system … And because it is the first planet that is formed prior to sun further travelling in its path (from the north facing Vamadeva face) and thence reaching the west facing Sadyojata face, so Jupiter is a gaseous planet +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … All planets which formed prior sun had reached to Sadyojata are primarily gaseous and Jupiter is the first amongst such planets …
+++ This is because of the fact that only when the sun arrives at Sadyojata, that the macro-elemental earth (which is of Sadyojata face only) is met by the sun and thus earthly (or gross or heavy matter) planets get originated …
+++ So all planets which originated prior to the sun reaching Sadyojata (whose element is earth) are primarily gaseous … Thus only after the sun had travelled from northern face of Vamadeva and thence had reached the western face of Sadyojata, that earthly (or solid or gross) planets were originated in the solar system …
+++ All solid planets (i.e. planets which have earthly matter) are placed towards the sun when viewed from Jupiter (i.e. first planet) … And all gaseous (or subtler) planets are placed away from sun when these are viewed from Jupiter …
Proceeding further …
Now we would calculate the time difference from origination of sun till origination of Jupiter …
This time difference was of “1 second till 14 seconds of time at Brahmaloka (i.e. the pristine abode of creator)” … “Number 14” denotes the time when divinities of Jupiter were incorporating the divinities of 14 levels of macrocosmic creation and “Number 1” denotes the original non dual nature (Advaita) of Jupiter, due to which it is the source of Non dual knowledge and which itself was the reason for Jupiter to be the Deva Guru (i.e. Guru of all divine beings, including the planets) …
This time of origination of Jupiter can be calculated as follows …
[{One day at Brahmaloka / (12 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds)} x 1 second]
[{4.32 billion / (12 x 60 x 60)} x 1] = 100,000 human solar years (At middle time units of precession)
But since the exit of sun was at North facing Vamadeva face, which denotes the zenith of precession, so we would need to convert above time span to Zenith time units … This is as follows …
{(100,000 / 66.6666667) x 61.3333333} = 92,000 human solar years (at Zenith time units of precession)
Thus the earliest point of start of origin of Jupiter was 92,000 human solar years after the original origination of sun at eastern face of Tatpurusha (i.e. prior the sun had manifested out of the central part of the Milky Way which itself was at the northern face of Vamadeva) …
Note: Values of 66.6666667 and 61.3333333 are directly taken from derivations of an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
Proceeding further …
And this process continues till 14 seconds at Brahmaloka, i.e. 14 x 92,000 = 1,288,000 human solar years after origination of sun …
So it was within above time range from stage of origin of sun, that Planet Jupiter (or Deva Guru Brihaspati) was originated …
So, Jupiter was already originated 4.55403054 billion solar years ago …
Proceeding further …
And since Planet Jupiter is the first planet, so Jupiter has always been addressed as Guru (i.e. the senior most one who becomes a Guide of all because of the fact that he is the one who has seen it all, known it all, studied and analyzed it all and thus is the ideal teacher or Guru of all) …
And teacher always stays in the middle of all students (and all those who need guidance, including the planets) so Jupiter became the 5th planet amongst the nine of astronomy and astrology …
And since Guru (Jupiter) is the greatest after the ruler (i.e. Sun), so amongst planets, Jupiter also has the largest size …
And since Guru is the holder of the path of supremely liberating knowledge, so Guru is also the subtler of all (finer than all) … Thus Guru (Jupiter) is also the most subtle (i.e. least amount of solid matter per unit volume of Jupiter) amongst all nine planets of astrology and also astronomy …
And since Guru (i.e. Jupiter) directly relates to the ruler (i.e. Sun), so Jupiter is the one who also originated soon after the sun was originally originated at Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (which is also addressed as Ishvara) …
But Jupiter is not the only planet which originated prior the sun had manifested in the Milky way galaxy … The other astrological planet which has manifested soon after Jupiter was Saturn … And also the astronomical planet of Neptune was originated around the same time as Planet Earth …
Jupiter is originated out of the subtlety (subtle divinity or subtle energy component) of sun, but less the Tejas Shakti (divinity of heat-luminosity) of sun … Thus Jupiter and sun complement each other in running this planetary system …
And since Jupiter relates to Tatpurusha, whose macro-element is air (Vayu Mahabhoot), so Jupiter should be a very windy planet …
Important note: And since a planet also holds characteristics of that face of Sadashiva, which is previous to the face of Sadashiva to which that planet relates, so Jupiter also holds characteristics of Ishana face of Sadashiva and thus Jupiter is also relates to the macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) of Ishana … Please apply the same discussed fact to every other planet of our discussion to know their primary characteristics (I won’t be doing this discussion in any of the below discussed planets or else the size of this topic would increase by hundreds of pages) …
99-CC-1 … Age of earth …
After the sun originated out of the north facing Vamadeva and then it started moving counter-clockwise, it eventually reached the western face of Sadyojata …
The time taken to travel this path of 90 degrees arc from northern face of Vamadeva till the western face of Sadyojata, was of 1/4th of 1/10th of time of solar revolution … Thus is because at this stage the sun was still not fully formed as the ball like state in which we know it, and thus the speed of sun was very fast at this time … Number ten relates to 10 primary directions (which we have already discussed in earlier topics) …
In section 57-DD-4 of an earlier topic of “Calculating solar revolution”, we had calculated this time span as 216 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) … And since Sadyojata denotes the middle point of precession, so we shall be using this time of 216 million (at middle time units of precession) directly in below calculations …
Proceeding further …
1/4th of 1/10th of time of solar revolution becomes as follows …
((216/10) / 4} = 0.0054 billion …
Thus, the age of earth is as follows …
4.55531934 – 0.0054 = 4.54991934 billion human solar years
99-CC-2 … Age of Moon …
Moon was also originated at western face of Sadyojata …
And from origination time of earth, the difference of time span of moon is of a range of “1 to 14 times above used value” … This is because of the following reasons …
- Number 14 denotes the time that is taken for absorption of divinities of 14 levels of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Chatur Dus Bhuvanatmak Brahmand) by the Moon … Moon denotes strength and thus moon holds the strength of divinities of these 14 levels of macrocosmic creation also …
- By the time the 7th level came (7th denotes arrival at earthly plane) the moon was already fully formed …
- And by the timer 14 level came, the moon was already placed in its orbit around earth …
So Moon started originating is as follows …
4.54991934 – 0.0054 = 4.54451934 billion human solar years
And the process of origination of moon had fully completed by the time the divinities of all 7 levels of macrocosmic creation were absorbed by it … This time was as follows …
4.54991934 – (7 x 0.0054) = 4.51211934 billion human solar years
Proceeding further …
And moon was already placed in its orbit around earth by the time the divinities of all 14 levels of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Chatur Dus Bhuvanatmak Brahmand) were absorbed by it … So this value becomes as follows …
4.54991934 – (14 x 0.0054) = 4.47431934 billion human solar years
Above was the time from now, when moon was placed in its orbit around earth … And so has the Moon continued in its orbit till now (But with minor variations, which naturally come by as “Change is the only constant within the macrocosmic creation”) …
Note: And the same method can be used to calculate time of moons of other planets …
99-CC-3 … Age of Venus …
Following is a fact about Venus …
- Moon had originated from the mind of Sadyojata …
- And Venus had also originated from Sadyojata and Venus was also as a child of the moon …
- So we can calculate age of Venus from the age of moon itself …
Time difference of Venus from origination of moon was as follows …
Age of Venus = Age of moon – 0.0054 billion human solar years
So age of Venus is as follows …
4.51211934 – 0.0054 = 4.50671934 billion human solar years
95-DD … Ages of planets of Aghora face of Sadashiva …
As was discussed in an earlier topic of “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva”, that Planets of Saturn, Mars and Mercury are of Aghora face of Sadashiva and thus are also of Rudra Deva (as Rudra self manifests out of Aghora only) …
And we had discussed above that in between the stages of self origination of Tatpurusha and Vamadeva, Aghora face had self manifested as the 3rd face of Sadashiva … And we had discussed above, that after self manifestation as the 3rd face of Sadashiva, Aghora travelled the full anticlockwise path to reach the south side of Sadashiva and thus became the southern face of Sadashiva …
We had also discussed above, that Deva Guru Brihaspati (Planet Jupiter) was originated as the first planet of this solar system …
So now we proceed further …
95-DD-1 … Age of Saturn …
As soon as Jupiter was originated at eastern side of Tatpurusha, then in between the time span which the sun took to travel from eastern face of Tatpurusha till northern face of Vamadeva, Aghora was originated …
And soon after this stage, was originated planet Saturn which relates to Aghora face of Sadashiva … The time of origination of Saturn was as follows …
Age of Saturn = Age of Sun – (0.0054 / 2) billion human solar years
So above becomes …
Age of sun – 0.0027 billion human solar years
4.55531934 billion – 0.0027 = 4.55261934 billion human solar years
Thus Saturn was originated soon after origination of Jupiter …
Saturn is the righteous judge of the planetary system …
So basis above are the following facts …
- Since Saturn had originated prior the origination of earth, so Saturn is older than earth …
- As compared to earth and moon, Saturn is a subtle planet and yet Saturn is grosser than Jupiter which as such is a gaseous planet …
- Thus Saturn is a planet that is of a balance of grossness and subtlety … This is what makes Saturn as a “Balanced Judge” of this part of the universe …
- Even the mass of Saturn is as follows …
Subtler matter (or components) : Grosser matter (or components) = 1 : 1 …
It is this balance which makes Saturn the Nyayadheesha (Judge) of this part of the universe because subtlety grants Saturn the wisdom of beyond and grossness grants Saturn the authority of deliver and straight forwardness that must be in a judge …
Proceeding further …
And Saturn finally reached its fully originated state as per below calculated timeline …
Age of Venus – 0.0054 billion human solar years
So the time when Saturn was fully formed was as follows …
4.50671934 – 0.0054 = 4.50131934 billion human solar years
Note: In above calculation we have not reduced the time of 0.0054 billion human solar years to Nadir time units, as the southern face of Sadashiva was still not active when Saturn had originated …
Note: After above state was crossed over, the matter of Venus was compressed and simultaneously Saturn escaped outwards and reached a position that was beyond the relative position of earth with respect to the sun … As Saturn flew outwards, it ended up getting its rings … These rings are 14 primarily and 108 secondary rings and 1008 tertiary rings … Thus it would not be incorrect to call Saturn as the judge of 14 levels of Maker’s Makings (Chatur Dus Bhuvanatmak Brahmand) in addition to being addressed as “Shri 108 Shani Deva” and also as “Shri 1008 Shani Deva” …
Note: And at this stage of escape of Saturn, from Saturn were originated the astronomical planets of Neptune and Pluto … Thus Neptune and Pluto are children of Saturn … But since I am not calculating the astronomical planets here (as I am only calculating the astrological planets), so I leave this calculation to interested aspirants …
95-DD-2 … Age of Ketu …
Ketu is the shadow planet of Aghora face, where Saturn belongs …
Shadow has the same age as the state to which that shadow relates …
And yet that shadow is projected onto the opposite side of Vamadeva …
Thus Ketu was told to be of Vamadeva face of Sadashiva (In the earlier topic of “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva“) which as such is the diagonally opposite face to Aghora where Ketu originates as a shadow …
So age of Ketu is the same as that of Saturn …
Important note prior proceeding any further: Once Sadyojata was arrived at and then the sun met up with the earth element which was present at Sadyojata and then the planet earth, its moon and the balancing planet (i.e. Saturn) were originated, then in the further path of sun, due to the higher grossness of earth element, the sun became heavier and its speed slowed down to its normal speed where it began completing one revolution of Milky way in 216 million years (as per middle time units of earth’s axial precession cycle) …
So due to this reason, we shall be using this time span to calculate the origination of rest of the planets of the solar system …
95-DD-3 … Age of Mars …
Following is about origination of Mars …
- Mars was originated from Rudra aspect (destructive and rejuvenating aspect) of Aghora face of Sadashiva and this origination was soon after the origination of Jupiter and Saturn …
- Thus planet Mars is almost as old as planet earth …
At the time of origination of Mars was of a very high turbulence of energies … When I try to study it subtly through the impressional fields (or Samskaras) of that time of origination of Mars (since these Samskaras or Impressions) are still present within the consciousness plane of this solar system), then it is very clear that Mars could only have been a “Dharma Senapati i.e. a righteous commander of planetary (military or destructive or security) forces … Thus in some later knowledge systems which had also originated from Vedanga and Jyotish of Vedic lore, Mars is also addressed as “Lord of War” …
Proceeding further …
Age of Mars is calculated as follows …
Age of Jupiter – {(0.216 billion / 4) / 10}
4.55403054 – 0.0054 = 4.54863054 billion human solar years
Note: 216 million human solar years is one revolution of sun, which becomes as 0.216 billion human solar years, as stated above … And division of four is for four quadrants … Number 10 relates to 10 primary directions …
Thus contrary to belief that Mars originated prior to earth, the origination of Mars was “very slightly” after planet earth was originated …
And Mars is originated out of Jupiter but only after planet Saturn was already originated and not out of sun as some texts state … Whilst getting propelled into its orbit beyond Jupiter, Saturn had let go of its grossness (i.e. physical elements) into two planets of whom the first one was of Mars and later one was of other was of Mercury …
Thus the specific gravity of Mars should also be lesser than that of Mercury …
95-DD-4 … Age of Mercury …
After Sadyojata or western face of Sadashiva where macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) is present was entered and thence crossed over by the sun, then due to the effects of earth element, sun also became heavier and compressed …
All planets which originated after this stage were thus heavier in their weight per unit volume which they held … And Mercury which originated after this stage, was no different from what is discussed here …
Eviction of Mercury from planet Saturn was also the stage when Saturn became lighter and thus it reached the ratios of gross and subtler components which we had discussed earlier on in this topic … So in this calculation, we shall be
After the sun had slowed down due to becoming heavy (as discussed in above paragraph) it reached a speed of travel of 216 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) to complete its one solar revolution and just as we had calculated in an earlier topic of “Calculating solar revolution” …
As Saturn flew outwards, then the second planet which got manifested out of the grosser (or solid) part of Saturn’s material composition, was planet Mercury …
And since this was the youngest planet of the solar system, so it was placed closest to the sun (Ruler of solar system) and this is what made Mercury as the “Young Yuvaraja (i.e. the young prince who stayed close to the ruler of the planetary system or sun) …
Thus the time of origin of Young prince (Mercury) of this solar system is as calculated below …
Age of Earth – (0.216 billion / 4)
4.54991934 –0.054 = 4.49591934 billion human solar years
Proceeding further …
And since mercury was the last planet (i.e. Youngest prince of the solar system or Yuvaraja), so its time can also be calculated from Age of Saturn as follows …
Age when Saturn finally reached its fully formed state – 0.0054
4.50131934 – 0.0054 = 4.49591934 billion human solar years
Both above calculated times are the same (4.49591934 billion human solar years) … This sameness also denotes the synchronism that is always there at the beginning and end of origination of anything (including the solar system) …
Thus basis above …
After 4.49591934 billion human solar years were passed by since now; no more planets were originated within our solar system …
But since change is the only constant in macrocosmic creation, so these planets have kept within their changeful states … Ever since …
And of the nine planets of astrology, Mercury is the youngest one and thus is the crown prince (Yuvraja) of this solar system, whose ruler (or King) is the sun, Guru (teacher) is Jupiter and Judge is Saturn …
95-EE … Completion of origin of our solar system … Planets enter into their revolution paths …
After coming in of existence of Planet Mercury, no further astrological planets came into existence within this solar system …
And then when the sun travelled from southern face of Aghora till the eastern face of Tatpurusha, the entire solar system came into being i.e. the above nine astrological planets were placed in their respective orbits …
This time was as follows …
Age of Mercury – (216 million / 4)
4.49591934 – 0.054 = 4.44191934 billion human solar years
Above was the stage when planets had already gotten into their orbits around the sun and at their respective locations within the solar system …
And the sea of dusty rocks which till this stage were a part of the planetary system, were mostly expelled out of the planetary part of solar system … This sea of rocks which “mostly” were of all sorts of smaller sizes (i.e. sizes smaller than planets) and shapes accumulated at an area which is just out our solar system … And this sea of rocks which envelopes the solar system and is present at its outermost fringes, is the one which grant the protective shield this is needed by the planetary system and its animate, conscious, knowledgeable and active speciology …
95-FF … Sea of rocks enveloping the solar system …
As discussed above, there is a sea of rocks which is enveloping our solar system and this sea is present at the outer fringes of our solar system …
In that sea, there are some rocks which are of a time span that was prior to the last Naimittika Pralaya and even prior to this time …
Thus these rocks are of those times which are as old as the previous Brahma Kalpa and they could even be of that time which is of an ever earlier Brahma Kalpa, but they cannot ever be of that time which was prior to the last Surya Samvatsara Anta Pralaya (which in other topics of this text is also termed as Mahakalpa Pralaya and in some parts of the vast number of lore’s of Sanatan Dharma, it is also called as Maha Kalpa Pralaya) which by itself is also an intrinsic part of Nitya Pralaya …
And due to this reason, the study which relates to “dating of these rocks” to determine the “age of a planet of the solar system” may not lead to correct age of the planet as these rocks can even be of that time which was prior to the last Naimittika Pralaya, which as such is of the last Brahma Kalpa and thus their ages would only be found to be over the time span of the entire solar system …
Thus astronomical dating of rocks is not the correct method to determining the age of a planet or the solar system …
Proceeding further …
Any rock that is older than the current Brahma Kalpa, is of the previous Brahma Kalpa … These rocks shall be of a “minimum age” as calculated below (but as per currently applicable time units of precession) …
Time passed in this Brahma Kalpa + Time of last Brahma Ratri
1,972,949,112 + 4,320,000,000 human solar years (as per middle time units)
So above becomes as …
6,292,949,112 human solar years … Or
6.292949112 billion Human solar years
Note: The value of 1,972,949,112 human solar years is taken from an earlier topic of “Time passed during Brahma Kalpa” and is as per middle time units (Basis 2011 AD) … And value of 4,320,000,000 human solar years is taken from an earlier topic of “Calculating Brahma Kalpa” and this is also as per middle time units …
Proceeding further …
Converting above value to current time units …
{(6.292949112 / 66.6666667) x 71.6} = 6.758627343 billion human solar years
Important Note: Most of the rocks that would be found on this planet (or on any other planet) shall be within the above time span of 6.758627343 billion human solar years from 2011 AD (as per currently applicable time units of precession) …
And all those rocks which are used in dating age of anything and which are older than above derived figure are related to the times which are even prior to the previous Brahma Ratri (i.e. they are of the time span of previous Brahma Kalpa or even earlier, depending upon their how old these rocks are) …
Thus none of such rocks can give the actual age of this planetary system as they relate to that time which is prior to the start point of this solar system itself …
Important note: But at the same time, if rocks as old as above derived value of time are really found (I mean the dating of these rocks is confirmed by modern methods) then humans should just make a Shivalingam out of them and worship them as they denote that part of universe which was so conscious, so knowledgeable and so active that it could save itself from the severe destruction that was during the last Naimittika Pralaya … Note this point carefully …
Proceeding further and continuing with above important note …
And if those rocks which are even older that above calculated time span, are found, then they must be deemed to be those which can (or are capable to) grant humanity a final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha) if these are properly sanctified by Vedic verses and through authentic (I mean Paramparik or timeless tradition holding) Brahmins and thence turned into Vedic Shivalingam …
I say so as the rocks which are even older than above calculated value are actually related to the stage of second last Brahma Kalpa and they could even be those which are of the second last Naimittika Pralaya or even beyond this time …
This means that they have been saved from two separate Naimittika Pralaya which itself means that their quotient of conscious principle (which itself is of the Absolute being), Knowledge principle (which itself is eternally unioned state of the absolute being and Mother Nature) and activity principle (which itself is of Mother Nature) was so high (I mean so expansive or so subtle) that they could not even be destroyed in two Naimittika Pralaya …
These rocks were the ones which Vedic sages used to look for and make Shivalingam’s out of them so as to liberate the entire humanity of their times … Thus I also feel that present day and future humans must not miss this opportunity of entering into a final liberation (if they can find such rocks and also get them sanctified as a Shivalingam by Vedic verses and through Paramparik Brahmins) …
Additional Note: Thus basis above, since these ancient rocks can even be of previous Brahma Kalpa or even prior to the time of previous Brahma Kalpa, so dating of ancient rocks is not the right way of finding the age of solar system … But at the same time this system of dating is a correct way of finding the “Astronomical age of universe” if it needs to be determined during any current “Surya Samvatsara” …
Final Note: Please carefully note the last part of this topic (95-FF) and comply (if you find it fit) because I did not write anything untrue here … This is how it was during those very ancient times that were of my previous transmigrated returns .(which means those return back to a gross physical realms by adopting the path of a transmigrated incarnation) to this planet … And where, transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
Continues …