This topic shall discuss the fact that Mahakalpa Pralaya or Maha Kalpa Pralaya that takes place at the end of Surya Samvatsara is the reason for manifestation of that which modern astronomy calls as CMB or Cosmic microwave background …
At the end of a Surya Samvatsara is arrived the Maha Kalpa Pralaya (or Mahakalpa Pralaya) which is also a part of Nitya Pralaya … This Maha Kalpa Pralaya is discussed here and also in a later topic of Nitya Pralaya (In that later topic, it is termed as Surya Samvatsara Anta Pralaya) …
Surya Samvatsara is the same as what has been called as Mahakalpa and it can also be written as a Maha Kalpa …
Surya Samvatsara is already discussed in previous topic of “Calculate Surya Samvatsara” and was also discussed in another topic of “Surya Samvatsara and Manu Smriti” … This topic is in continuity with above two topics …
In this very short topic, we shall be discussing what happens at and after the stage of completion or end of a Surya Samvatsara …
As was discussed earlier that a Surya Samvatsara is denoting “60 full-cycles of sun within its esoteric path which runs within a shape like that of the mathematical symbol of infinity” and we had also discussed that this “time span is twice that of a solar revolution” which we had calculated in an earlier topic of “Calculating solar revolution” …
63-AA … Completion time of Surya Samvatsara or Maha Kalpa Pralaya …
Surya Samvatsara was already calculated in previous topics (shown in two links above) as 25,920 human solar years (at middle time units of precession of equinoxes) …
At completion time of a Surya Samvatsara, the “macro-elemental fire (i.e. Agni Mahabhoot)” which is also addressed as “macro-elemental light (i.e. Prakash Mahabhoot”) and as “macro-elemental heat-luminosity (Tejas Mahabhoot)” is the one which gets affected …
Thus this is the stage of sudden destruction by macro-elemental-light (Prakash Mahabhoot) whose manifestation is as heat-luminosity and as fire …
This is the stage which leads to a wide spread destruction of this part of the universe …
63-BB … Absorption of manifest light or Prakat Prakash …
When a Surya Samvatsara completes, then the deity of Sun (who in Sanskrit is also addressed as Surya Deva and in simple words, the same deity of sun can also be addressed as the Sun God) … Deity of sun has already been discussed in a previous topic of “Crimson red body … Surya Sharira” and was also discussed in the previous topic of “World of crimson red body … Surya Loka” is the one who plays the main role …
At this stage all manifest light (Prakat Prakash or the light that we see as of now) which was emitted out of the Sun during that Surya Samvatsara, gets returned back to its own original or parental state (of impressional light or Samskarik Prakash) …
When the manifest light starts returning back to its own original or parental state of impressional light (Samskarik Prakash), then as this stage progresses, eventually all light that was emitted out during that Surya Samvatsara gets reabsorbed or returned back to its parental impressional state …
And after this return back of manifest light (Prakat Prakash) to its parental impressional light state (Samskarik Prakash Awastha), all earlier light that was present within that part of the universe, is no longer visible i.e. it is no longer as manifest light (Prakat Prakash) as that light is then resting in an impressional state which as such is beyond capabilities to see by ordinary human vision …
63-CC … Return back of manifest light and refreshing of universe …
As the manifest light (Prakat Prakash) returns back to its parental impressional state (i.e. return back to Samskarik Prakash Awastha) and since light is the middle of five macro-elements (Pancha Mahabhoot or simply Pancha Bhoota) of earth, water, fire (or light or heat-luminosity), air and ether, so due to this reason, all other elements also start getting refreshed in this process …
Thus this stage is of refreshing of the universe also …
And once the manifest light of the last Surya Samvatsara is already returned back to its original or parental state (of impressional light), then that manifest light is no longer a part of the “manifest part of the macrocosmic creation” … This is because of the fact that when that earlier manifest light returns back to its parental impressional state, then that light actually ends up becoming a part of the impressional (or parental) macrocosm from which the manifest macrocosm had originated …
Proceeding further …
Thus after this stage of absorption, if anybody tries to find where that manifest light has gone, then the subtle impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) would need to be found …
As was discussed in earlier topics that the subtle impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) itself is the universe which is present within the microcosm of each aspirant and this is even when the physical-microcosm (of the aspirant’s) is also resting within the envelopes of the physical (or manifest) macrocosm …
63-DD … Regarding subtle impressional macrocosm … Of impressional light …
The subtle impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) is present inside the microcosm of each aspirant …
This subtle impressional macrocosm is the parental macrocosm from which the entire manifest multi-universe, including each microcosm, was originated …
Thus to find this impressional macrocosm, there can be two ways …
- 1st way … This is of inward path of path of self realization … This renders a direct cognition of the impressional macrocosm and thus the ones who self realizes this also knows exactly how this impressional macrocosm is resting within the macrocosm consciousness … In this way all the original impressions which were generated out of the “Ichha Shakti of Brahma (i.e. divinity of pristine desires of the creator” to create the macrocosm and her each microcosm) can also be studied … Thus such an aspirant eventually becomes the knower of those impressions (Samskaras) which led to origination of the “manifest state of Maker’s Makings”… Thus by this path the aspirant actually becomes a one who has directly cognized the “root of origination the manifest state of Maker’s Makings”… And this is also the stage of knowing that the “manifest light is not an eternal method of knowing allness” of the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings as there really is no instrument ever possible which can see those “timeless-original impressions (Prachin Samskaras)” which were generated by “Ichha Shakti of Brahma” and to which the manifest light returns back (as impressional light or Samskarik Prakash) …
- 2nd way … This is the outward path or the path of actual observation, including by utilization of “scientific instruments (i.e. Mahayantra’s)” … In this method the root state of origination cannot be known, but the aspirant shall know that there is something like a vast subtle vibratory ocean from which this manifest universe had originally originated … Modern scientific paths (I mean astronomy and astrophysics etc.) term this condition as the CMB or Cosmic Wave Background …
Continues …