Mega evolved ones can also be addressed as Mahamanava (Maha Manava or Maha Manav) and Atimanava (Ati Manava or Ati Manav) as explained below … These ones are like the entire universe in universe (Universe within Universe) due to the fact, that they hold the entire capability (some even hold an even higher capability) as compared to the universe in which they manifest (i.e. arrive, mostly through the path of transmigration of soul as they are those who have already lost right to take birth from the womb of a physically present mother of those lower worlds) …
These are the rarest of rare beings in the entire macrocosmic creation and thus when they come down to a lower world (like this one), then even the divinities (divine beings, Gods, etc.,) of that world leave their forts (Temples, etc.,) to assist them and thus know their workings, which mostly are hidden and would get know after their effects have already started manifesting upon that world …
This topic continues from the previous one that had the header of “Law of Vedic trinity … Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh” …
AA) …
Discussions on the mega evolved being … Maha Manava … Ati Manava …
Here we shall discuss various aspects of the mega evolved being or highly evolved ones or incomparable beings … These ones have also been termed as Maha Manava and also as Ati Manava by some …
Regarding the words Maha Manava and Ati Manava …
Ati Manava (or Maha Manava) are subtly and mostly indirectly described to some level within the Vedic lore, but those descriptions are more as pointers than actual ones …
- Sanskrit word of Maha Manava (Maha Manav) … In the word Mahamanava (or Mahamanav or Maha Manava or Maha Manav) Maha means great and Manava means man … So, the Samskrit word Maha Manava literally means …
The great man amongst all men
But since within the purviews of the Vedic lore, there can never be two greats at the same time and that too within the same universe, so due to this reason, the Samskrit word of Mahamanav would finally mean as follows …
The great man amongst all men, beings and Gods
Note: But above definition definitely doesn’t mean, that these Maha Manav are Gods of their times …
- Samskrit word of Ati Manava (Ati Manav or Atimanav or Atimanava) … In the word Ati Manava, the word Ati means “beyond the beyond” and the word Manava means man (or human or being) … So, the Sanskrit word of Ati Manav would ultimately mean …
The man beyond the stages of being and non-being
And it also means …
Man beyond all men, beings and Gods
Note: Ati Manav is the real state of a mega evolved one, when that mega evolved one rests in a ceased state (i.e. as a flowless and thus a vast sized non-lighted ceased etheric field) … And contrary to this stated fact, when that same mega evolved being enters into a lower realm (which is mostly through the process of transmigration of souls), then that same mega evolved one who earlier on (i.e. within its ceased state) was Ati Manav, is called as Maha Manava … Thus, even the two discussed words of Maha Manava and Ati Manava mean the same, yet they relate to different conditions of the same being …
Thus, basis above …
- Prior entering into a cessation, the state of a mega evolved one is of Maha Manava …
- After entering into the state of cessation, the state of the mega evolved one is of Ati Manava …
- And after that same mega evolved one returns back to a lower realm (which could either be in a form or even a formless condition), that same mega evolved one is again addressed by the word of Mahamanava …
Basis self-realizations and proof from scriptures, this is how it is …
Brahmasutras chapter 4, subtly describes the innermost cave of heart (which itself is the cave of liberation or Kaivalya Guha) in which if a Yogi resides, then he would see a sea of light rising in front (or this cave of heart) …
And then that Yogi enters into that sea of light and further lifts upwards through the stages of self-realization of Omkar (Sound of OM or OM nada), and then through the sound of Raam (Raam Nada) and thence into the eighth chakra (Ashtama Chakra) …
Accomplished sages have associated this accomplishment as that of a Maha Manav …
Proceeding further …
But after accomplishment of above and thus qualifying to “be liberated (i.e. enter into Mukti), when that same Maha Manava refuses his (or her) final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha), then he begins walking on the path which ultimately lead to the state of being an Atimanava …
And after this, when billions and further years of existence pass in such a refusal (which is also repeated over many times, when that Maha Manav is granted those further chances to attain to that Moksha or liberation), that same Mahamanav attains the requisite evolutionary ripeness and rightness and enters into cessation of flows, after which he (or she) attains to the state of Ati Manav of our present discussion …
Ati Manav is a totally different affair that itself is of the mega evolved ones, who are being discussed here …
Here we shall discuss a minor part of that which was left hidden …
BB) …
State of Atimanava (mega evolved one) prior cessation of flows …
Main aspects of the state of a mega evolved one could be told as follows …
- Resting within the essence of wise words … These wise words have been discussed earlier on and were told as an inner condition where the aspirant rests within the essence of the statement …
There is nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be
Unless an aspirant rests within the essence of these wise words, that aspirant can never go beyond purviews of the universe in which that aspirant rests …
And unless that aspirant stands beyond the universe, the state of a mega evolved one can never be attained by that aspirant …
These wise words lead to a fullness of detachment from allness and her each part … Unless there is such a detachment, escape from the entirety of macrocosm, can never be attained by an aspirant … And unless suchness is attained, the stature of being a mega evolved one can never be accomplished …
Thus, during the long courses of their evolutions, all mega evolved ones have always rested within the essence of these words of wise …
And since these wise words relate to the “fullness of detachment from allness”, so this is why the paths that are ever laid down by any wise being, is always based upon detachment itself …
As a matter of fact, regarding detachment …
Detachment is never deemed as attained, unless it is to allness
In any other case, it would only be an un-attachment to one or another of those vast individualities and/or individual corpuses that exist within the Makers Makings …
Note: The word individualities as stated above, is easy to understand … But individual corpuses mean, like a family, culture, civilization, society, place, country, planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, religion, belief, faith, way of life, text or scripture, any system or anything else that is made by a corpus of individualities …
- Walking within the essence of the statement ‘Himself Within Himself’ … This is the same as what was discussed earlier on as the inward moving path of “Myself Within Myself” and where that path ultimately is of self-realization (Atma Gyan) and where self-realization only means as a direct cognition of the ever-same truth, which itself within and also is beyond the aspirant …
Unless the path is inward and where that inward path leads to one’s own innermost essence (innermost essential nature or soul or Atman), the self realization and further knowledge of working of allness which exists within the tiny microcosm of the aspirant is the same is also beyond that aspirants tiny microcosm, can never be attained … And unless this is attained, the stature of being a mega evolved one can never be accomplished …
Thus, during the long courses of their evolutions, all mega evolved ones have always rested within the essence of the statement Himself within Himself (or “Herself Within Herself” as the case of their genders may have been) …
- Impressionless state of their consciousness orbs (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) … Unless an aspirant has already attained the impressionless state of consciousness orb (or Chitta) of his (or her) Karana Sharira (i.e. causal body or Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Anandamaya Kosha), the stature of a mega evolved one can never be attained by that aspirant …
But such an attainment (or impressionless state of consciousness orb of causal body) would also need that the aspirant goes beyond the law of cause and effect and its governing principle (i.e. dependent origination) … And this state also means that the aspirant also begins standing beyond all principles, process and laws of Makers Makings …
Thus, unless the aspirant stands beyond all these, the high evolutionary standing of being a mega evolved one can never be attained …
And where this state of being impressionless (i.e. free of all impressions or Karma) would also need that the aspirant attain (and thus accomplish) the seedless absorption (i.e. Nirbija Samadhi, which has already been discussed in an earlier topic) …
And this state of Nirbeej Samadhi would also need the accomplishment of other types of Samadhi which are intermediate in its path (i.e. path of accomplishment of Nirbija Samadhi), some of which have already been discussed in an earlier topic of “Samadhi (or Yogic Absorption)” …
- A direct cognition of the principle of zero and principle of Infinity … Such a Samadhi also leads to a direct knowledge of the principle of zero and principle of Infinity …
And since a mega evolved one, ultimately rests in the state of infinite nature of zero (i.e. principle of zero infinite) and simultaneously also rests in the state of zero nature of infinity (i.e. principle of infinite zero), so as a minimum, a direct cognitions of these two principles is a must …
But a mega evolved one also holds the knowledge of all that was discussed in the earlier series of topics on Yogic mathematics (which was also named as the path of Vedic mathematics) … And much more as far as the application of this knowledge on macrocosm is concerned …
And since the path of self realization of that earlier series of topics on Mathematics of Samadhi is also rooted in the earlier discussed series of topics on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, so the path of this topic (i.e. the earlier discussed series of topic on Hridayakasha Garbha) would also have to be accomplished …
But along with this, a mega evolved one also needs to accomplish the paths of some other higher Yoga Tantra (like Brahmarandra Guha Tantra, etc.,) about which this text doesn’t hold any description (because the present day humanity is not ready for such a higher knowledge that relates to the caves of the thousand petalled lotus at top of brain) …
- Knowledge of control over one’s own emanated flows and dynamism … As any aspirant keeps attaining an ever higher evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchy, that aspirant also keep emanating an ever higher quantum of flows and dynamism from himself (or herself) … Thus, as the process of evolution progresses, each aspirant keeps attaining a fuller state of flows and dynamism out of his (or) her own microcosm …
And as the evolution is a continuous and universal process, these emanated flows of the aspirant, ultimately start becoming such that the universe cannot handle it … This is the stage when that aspirant remains with no choice but to willfully reduce his (or her) emanated flows so as to continue within the universe without causing a havoc due to excesses of that aspirant’s own emanated flows (which as such are emanated into the universe itself) …
But as the evolution further progresses, a stage eventually arrives where even after the aspirant willingly (willfully) reduces those emanated flows, but still those emanated flows are too much to the universe to handle from its single point of origin (which relates to that aspirant who is emanating such vast quantum of flows and dynamism from his or her own microcosm) …
This is the stage of attainment of cosmic status of being a mega evolved one who as such is like a universe within the universe and thus that mega evolved one can no longer continue within that universe where his (or her) physical vehicle resides at that time …
And this itself is because of the fact, no matter how much reduction may be done by a mega evolved one, his (or her) capacity to emanate flows and dynamism is either equal to that of the universe or could even be higher than the universe … And yet this fullness of capability may not seem so, as that mega evolved one is has reduced these emanations willingly and where these emanated flows and dynamism are only an iota of the real capability of that mega evolved one …
And then a stage also arrives, where even after emanating an iota of the real capability of flows and dynamism, these emanated flows are still very high for the fragile physical vehicle which is held by the mega evolved one (actually the physical body is an extremely fragile entity, especially when we compare it to the subtle body and/or the causal body) …
And if at such a stage of evolution, that aspirant (i.e. mega evolved being) who in reality has already reached a ripeness and rightness to be liberated (i.e. to attain to Kaivalya or Moksha), but he (or she) still doesn’t desire to be liberated (i.e. enter into Kaivalya or Moksha), then this is the stage, when a mega evolved one finally decides to exit of that incarnated state and thence enter into a state of cessation of flows, after which that mega evolved one just hangs like a ceased (or lifeless) non-lighted etheric field that is also attached to the etheric of the same universe within which he (or she) had attained to that mega evolved state of evolution …
Thus, basis above …
- It is clear that much prior this state of entering into cessation of flows and dynamism, which itself is after the stage where the quantum of flows that such an aspirant is capable to emanate, have arrived at a sameness to the flows of the entire universe (where that aspirant then resides), the aspirant had already started entering into a state of partial cessation of its flows (i.e. some part of that flow causing capacity is already ceased by that aspirant willingly, even while that aspirant is still continuing as an animate microcosm, within the universe) …
- However when the state arrives where the intrinsic flow causing capacity of that aspirant is nearing to or is equal to or even a case where it is greater than the flows that are held by the universe in which that aspirant is then residing, then the universe also begins requesting that aspirant to cease its flows completely …
This is because such a large quantum of flows cannot be held within the universe (as there may even be a great burst of the worlds or planes or even the universe, if these flows are inadvertently brought to their fullness and/or are increased to the maximum capacity) by that aspirant …
This is the stage, where through its own subtle ways, the universe begins requesting that mega evolved aspirant to either accept his (or her) final liberation or to enter into a cessation of flows and dynamism …
Note: In above paragraph, I wrote the phrase “universe begins requesting (and thus I did not write the word ‘instructing’) the mega evolved one”, because nothing (nobody) can ever instruct someone who already is its equal (or even greater) …
- And thus at this stage when the total flows and dynamism causing capability of that aspirant (i.e. the mega evolved being) is already equal to or is already higher than the universe (in whose envelopes that aspirants physical vehicle resides at that time), then the only two options for that aspirant (i.e. the mega evolved one) are to either detach from allness and her each part (i.e. accept to be liberated) or as a second option, willingly cease his (or her) flows completely and that too while that aspirant is still residing within that universe and is still holding his (or her) physical vehicle … The latter part is the difficult one …
This also is because, if the flows are not ceased, then that aspirant would not even be able to comply to the principle of eternal oneness, because if these flows inadvertently increase (from that iota of flow that are emanated at such a time and as compared to the actual flow causing capacity of that aspirant) or do not cease completely (as the case may be at that time), then it would be leading to damage (or even an extinction) of all that exists within the universe …
If that mega evolved one does not willingly cease its flows, then the quantum of these flows shall lead to more damage than good for other evolving ones who are residing within the universe …
This is because of the fact, that, as far as the flow and dynamism handling capability of the universe is concerned, that aspirant (mega evolved being) has already gone beyond (the handling capability of the universe in whose envelopes that aspirant resides at that time) … And thus that aspirant (mega evolved one) can no longer continue within that universe …
This is because, if that aspirant evolves any further than this stage (when the evolutionary standing is already equal to or is slightly higher than the universe), then it would only be leading to wide spread chaos within that entire universe and as a worst case scenario, even lead to the great burst of the universe …
CC) …
State of a mega evolved is the rarest of rare within the Makers Makings …
When such a mega evolved state of evolution gets attained, then that aspirant also remains with no choice but to begin to cease its flows completely and which itself is because of the limited capacity of the universe to have another etheric field within its own envelope and where that other etheric field is as big (or as capable) as the universe itself …
Thus, it is at such a stage, that the mega evolved aspirant begins willingly ceasing its flows and eventually arrives at a flowless state of its etheric …
But this process of cessation of flows and dynamism also takes a pretty long time to complete, because no aspirant can just cease immediately … And this is also a very painful one, which needs to be undertaken whilst resting in a totality of detachment, including to oneself …
And even when the beginning of this process of cessation of flows is within the physical realms (i.e. when the mega evolved one is still holding his physical body), yet a large part of this process gets completed within the subtle, thence the divine and thence the impressional realms …
This is what takes its time as far as completion of the process of cessation is concerned …
An immediate cessation shall also become the reason for severe shocks to that mega evolved aspirant who begins completely ceasing all emanated flows out of its own microcosm so as to enter into a final cessation … And thus the cessation is also a very gradual process that completes across all realms and all the dimensions of the Maker’s Makings …
Thus, basis above …
Such an aspirant who willingly enters into cessation and that too for the benefit of all others who reside within a universe, is termed as a mega-evolved one within this text …
Such aspirants are the ones who refuse to be liberated and this is even when they have already arrived at ripeness and rightness to be liberated and thus also are evolutionary ready to exit out of all modes of existence …
And as they continue within such a state of evolution, they eventually arrive at an etheric capability that is equal to (or could even be greater than) the etheric capability of the universe, within whose envelopes their physical body reside at that time …
And when such an evolutionary standing arrives, then they themselves (willingly) choose to undergo through the process of cessation due to the incapacity of the universe to handle their vast quantum’s of emanated flows and dynamism …
And thus, to save the universe and its inhabiting microcosm’s from a later stage of mass destruction, such mega evolved ones enter into a cessation of flows …
Not even an iota of all microcosm’s who have begun within the Makersmakings have attained the stature of a mega evolved one and thus, this is the rarest of rare accomplishment …
DD) …
Maha Manav rests in Brahmand Dharana … Ati Manav and Brahmand Yoga …
This stage of refusal to be liberated and the further acceptance to undergo through that very difficult process of cessation of flows and dynamism, also proves that such mega evolved ones are also resting within the fuller purviews of the phrase “an inner oneness towards allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” …
Brahmand Dharana is the state of a Maha Manava (i.e. the mega evolved one who enters a physical or subtle realms, for the benefit of all sentient beings) … Thus in reality, there has never been a Maha Manava (great man amongst all men, beings and Gods) who entered a lower realm and yet his (or her) whose path was any other than that of Brahmand Dharana …
Proceeding further …
And since Brahmand Dharana (an inner oneness to allness and her each part) only leads to the stage of entering into a fuller union with allness and her each part, which in Sanskrit lore is named as Brahmand Yoga (union to entire multi-universal macrocosm and where that macrocosm in a subtle impressional state, is present within that Yogi’s tiny microcosm), so a mega evolved one is never a being who has not attained to Brahmand Yoga …
This accomplishment was originally told by Sages as follows …
यथा पिण्डे तथा ब्रह्माण्डे यथा ब्रह्माण्डे तथा पिण्डे
Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde
As is a microcosm So is the macrocosm,
As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm
And as far as that highly evolved aspirant (mega evolve one) is concerned, above statement could also be termed as follows …
As is the aspirant So is the universe
As is the universe So is the aspirant
The mega evolved one is like a universe within universe
In previous topics, we have also discussed about this great statement and we had also stated that above Sanskrit statement is the root of Biblical statement which is told as follows …
As above So below
Not even an iota of microcosm’s (any microcosm, be it human or divine) have ever attained to the fuller stages of accomplishment of Brahmand Yoga, so such an evolutionary standing is also the rarest of rare amongst all those microcosm’s who have ever begun within the ever-same supreme genius that is and would ever remain of the Maker’s Makings …
EE) …
Jobs of Ati Manava after entering into a cessation of flows and dynamism …
After entering into a state of cessation, the Ati Manava (i.e. a mega evolved one) just hangs as a non-lighted (dark colored) vast sized etheric field that is resting out of the same universe where that Ati Manav had attained its mega evolved state of evolution … This condition is also whilst that highly evolved etheric field remains attached to the etheric field of that same universe …
Such highly evolve ones are then available to do those jobs within the Makers Makings, which cannot be done by any other microcosm … Some of the main jobs are as follows …
- Creator of allness (Being Pitamah Brahma) … Creation of newer worlds, planes of existence (Galaxies, etc.,) and universes … Thus, such ones take over the roles of being the creator deity (Brahma, who denotes Utpatti Krityam) of a future universe … This job is done by those who are ceased within the principles of Makers Makings …
- Preserver of allness (Being Sri Vishnu) … Sustenance and thus continuity of all that gets created and already already existent as various worlds, planes of existence (Galaxies, etc.,) universes and other parts of animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate aspects of macrocosmic speciology … Thus, such ones take over the roles of being Sri Vishnu (Stithi Krityam) of a future or an already existent universe (and thus they also take over the roles of being the preserver of all the planes and worlds that exist within that existent universe) … This job is done by those mega evolved ones who are ceased within the process (Tantra) of Maker’s Makings … These ones are related to and thus are present within both the 1st type (as discussed in preceding bullet point) and the 3rd type (as discussed in below bullet point) …
- Destructive rejuvenator of allness (Being Rudra) … Rejuvenation of redundant aspects and thus destruction of the created or existent worlds, planes of existence (Galaxies, etc.,) and universe and all other beings who reside in these … Thus, such ones take over the role of being the Rudra Deva (Samhara Krityam) of an existent universe … They are also responsible for prevention of buildup of excess and under’s in the universe (as per the already discussed law of excess and under) by destroying that part of excess which cannot be balanced at that time and thence rejuvenating that destroyed part, so as to refresh it of all its earlier stagnations (as per the law of stagnation) … This job is done by those mega evolved ones, who are ceased within the laws of Makers Makings …
Rest of this discussion shall be taken up in some later topics …
Continues …