अयम् आत्मा ब्रह्म is a Vedic Mahavakya of Atharvaveda, which in English can be written means Ayam Atma Brahma, Ayam Atman Brahm and Ayam Atman Brahman … IT means This Is That, Atman is Brahm and Atman is Brahman or in other words, This (Atman) is Supreme (Brahman) …
अयम् आत्मा ब्रह्म
Ayam Atma Brahma … Ayam Atman Brahman
This Is That … This Atman Is Brahman … Atman is Brahman
When spoken, this is as Ayam Atman Brahman, Ayam Atma Brahma, Ayam Atma Brahman, Ayam Atma Brahm and as AyamAtmaBrahm …
This is the essence of Atharvaveda, whose seat in this world (i.e. Aamnaya Peetha which in simple words, is also addressed as Vyasa Peetha) is northern Vedic monastery of Jyotir Math …
EE-1 … Meaning of Mahavakya of Ayam Atma Brahma … अयम् आत्मा ब्रह्म …
Ayam Atma Brahm (or Ayam Atman Brahman or Ayam Atma Brahman) means …
- This Is That …
- Atman Is Brahm …
- Atman is Brahman …
- This Is IT …
- This (Atman) is the That (Parambrahma or Brahman) …
In above statements …
- “This” does not mean any individual … It means Innermost essence or Atman of all …
- “IT”, is the Brahman (or the supreme omnipresent essence), who itself is the Atman (or in other words, the innermost essence) of all …
- “That”, is Brahman, who itself is as the Atman of all …
- Word “Supreme Being”, also means as Brahman (or Parabrahman), who is none other than the Atman of all …
- That which is told as “Brahma” is the one who is the creator of allness, but IT keeps ITself concealed (or veiled) in the background … Thus in reality everything is created by IT, but IT by ITself stays hidden within all that IT creates … This is as IT only is as the finally detached pervader and enveloper of allness and her each part and due to being detached, IT ITself is the Supreme Witness (Param Sakshi), Supreme Hermit (Param Sanyasi) and Supreme Sage (Param Rishi) who is addressed as Parabrahman (ands also addressed as Brahman) in Vedas and who eventually is the common innermost essence or self of all (Atman) …
And the same statement is also applicable to the fact which is of an eternal partless-unity of macrocosm and each microcosm and where vice-versa of this statement is also true …
This is due to the fact that “allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand or macrocosm and microcosm or Pinda)” is none other than a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the same attributeless infinite Absolute being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Swayam Prakash Brahman), who itself is That from which every originally originates, everything is proceeding to IT and IT is also where everything finally dissolves so as to be as IT ITself is, just like a drop of water becomes the ocean after dissolving into the ocean …
Parambrahma (as is stated in below discussions) is one of the alternate names that is utilized since timeless times, to address Brahman …
EE-2 … Ayam Atman Brahman … Ayam Atma Brahman … This Is That …
With above as a base, we commence these discussions on Ayam Atma Brahma (or Ayam Atman Brahman or Ayam Atma Brahman) …
One who is free of Is’ness, Not’ness, Is-not, Is-It and Is-It-Not”,
That who is free of I’ness, Am’ness, I Am and is also free of Am I?
That who is the essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be Atman who is Parambrahma … This (Atman) is That (Brahman) …
One who eternally exists whilst free of terms like exist, not exist, exist-not-exist,
That who is eternal freedom from all states, modes and conditions of existence,
And that who is the ever-existent within the ever-existent Maker’s Makings,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
(Both Nature and the Being, are eternal and thus both are stated as ever-existent in above discussions)
One who is the colorless, beyond all known colors or nonness of colors,
That who is perfectly self-lighted, beyond light and lightless that are ever known,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
One who is beyond sight, sound, touch, heat-cold, smell and their inferences,
That who is beyond desires, thoughts, feelings, imaginations and deeds,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous Is That, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
One who is beyond principles, process and their further processes,
That who is beyond centers, centered entities, laws, systems and codes,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
One who is beyond the knowledge held by Gods, Satan’s and Deva’s,
That who is only known to the deities of beyond and a few self-wise sages,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
IT is neither fully describable nor fully not-describable and yet is the indescribable,
That who is known by realizations, inference and essence of Vedic knowledge,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am Brahman and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman as Parambrahma … This is That …
One who is beyond centers, centered entities and their propagated faiths,
That who is beyond beliefs, non-beliefs and is known only by inward path,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and You Are Brahman”,
Know that to be the Atman as Parambrahma … This is That …
One who is beyond the terms subtle, subtler and the describable subtlest,
One who is detached to the terms gross, grosser and grossest,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
One who is detached to allness, Not’ness and their intermediaries,
That is neither atomic, nor bodied nor macrocosmic, yet is in and beyond these,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman as Parambrahma … This is That …
One who is neither present, nor not present nor in any such individual terms,
That who is neither absent, nor not absent nor even in any such individual terms,
Is the omnipresent essence of “Self Luminous Is That, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman as Parambrahma … This is That …
One who has ever been in every past of all the earlier stages of progress of times,
That who would be in every future that is yet to come during any of future times,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
One who is in each individualistic stage of the past, present and future,
And yet is the eternal one, that is free of such individualities of triple times,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous Is Brahman, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
In Mahavakyas, IT is the commonality of inner meanings of “This, That and Thou,
That who is subtly referred through words like Is, IT, “not this – not this” and Am,
And is the inner essence of “Brahman is Self Luminous, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
One who rests within everything and everything also rests within IT,
That who is eternal, neither free nor bound, yet free of all dual’s and comparable’s,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
One who is in unbroken continuity within all parts and parcels of allness,
That who is simultaneously is continuous beyond allness too,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
One who cannot ever be unknown, after known just once,
That who is never known, until one sets on the path of self-wise ones,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
One who is the eternal-truth, conscious and bliss,
That who is the innermost knowledge, wisdom and basis of both these,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … This is That …
One who is free of individualities of I’ness and non I’ness,
That who is free of individualities of Am’ness and non Am’ness,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
IT is neither liberated nor non liberated as IT is beyond bondage and liberation,
That who is neither bound, nor unbound, as IT is beyond these limited terms,
And that simultaneously is also residing as the detached pervader of such states,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
One who is not individual not corpus and thus is detached from these,
That who is timeless-eternal, free and yet is completeness and fullness,
And is as a self-sustained fullness of Satchidanand, truth-conscious-bliss,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
One who is unborn, self present and eternal, beyond concepts of origin,
That who is neither ending, nor not ending and is endless beyond all ends,
And that who is simultaneously within, out of and also beyond such concepts,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
One who is described by the statement, Everything is Brahman,
That who is described by the statement, Brahman is all there is,
And that who is described by the statement, All this verily is Brahman,
That who is described as Satyam Jnanam Anantam or truth knowledge infinite,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
One who is equally seen in everything, within and beyond all states of nature,
That who is seen within and beyond all that is as macrocosm and microcosm,
Whose self expression, self manifestation, self presence is the Maker’s Makings,
Know that to be the Atman as Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
One who is neither present, nor absent nor even absent-present,
That who is beyond the terms present, absent and yet is very much there,
And is the inner essence of “Self Luminous IT Is, I Am That and That Thou Are”,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
One who is neither attainable, nor unattainable and beyond suchness it is,
That who is neither personal, nor impersonal and beyond suchness it is,
And that who is infinite, attributeless, and is beyond defined and undefined,
Know that to be the Atman … That Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
One who neither seems liberated nor seems non-liberated,
That who neither seems bound nor seems non-bound,
And that who is the ever-same common essence of all these told states,
Know that to be the one Atman … That Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
One who is Parampita, Parmeshvara and Paramdeva,
That who is Parammata, Parmeshwari and Paramdevi,
And that who is Paramguru, Paramnath and Paramartha,
Know that to be the one Atman … That Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
One who is Paramshiva, Paramvishnu and Paramatman,
That who is Paramshakti, Paramgarbha and Paramakasha,
And that who is Paramchetan, Paramgyan and Paramprajna,
Know that to be the one Atman … That Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
The supreme Purusha it is,
The eternal state of Prakriti it pervades and envelopes,
And that who is simultaneously also free of these two, as fully unseeded it is,
Know that to be the Atman as Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
One who is eternally liberated from comings, non comings and intermediaries,
That who is eternally liberated from goings, non goings and intermediaries,
And that who is eternally liberated from be-ing, non be-ing and intermediaries,
Know that to be the one Atman … That Parambrahma … Ayam Atma Brahma …
One who is neither present nor absent nor is intermediary of these two,
And yet IT simultaneously is the eternally present truth, within and beyond all,
And yet only the wise have ever known it and that to by the Vedic Mahavakya,
Know that to be Atman as Brahman … And as proof of knowing the Mahavakyas …
Continues …