In this topic we shall derive the year of Birth of Prophet Muhammad as per Vedic Kaalchakra so as to prove that Vedic Kaalchakra is an all enveloping and all pervading science that definitely is not bound to religions and other similar stupidities … This also proves that knowledge of Vedic sages was universal one and not that which related to a single way of life or a single religion or any limited nonsense …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Crucifix of Jesus” …
115-AA … The base of this discussion on Advent of Prophet Muhammad …
We had discussed the following aspects in an earlier topic “Breakup of ages at Zenith and Nadir” …
- The Nadir-Zenith line passes through the “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” and thus this Zenith-Nadir line of Precession (or Ahaata Chakra) also divides the “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) into two parts … This fact is clearly seen in above figure …
- During the run of Precessional circle which relates to the ascending cycle (or ascending condition or Dakshinayan Marg) of the precession cycle (i.e. human age cycle or Agragaman chakra), the Offset-Nadir phase which runs within the “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” is divided into two parts which have their “ratios of time spans” as stated below …
Time prior Offset-Nadir : Time after Offset-Nadir = 2 : 1
This fact is also very clearly visible in above figure …
- And within the Offset-Zenith phase, during the run of the same Precessional cycle which relates to the “descending cycle (or descending condition or Uttarayan Marg) of the precession cycle (i.e. the human age cycles or Ahaata Chakra)” the Offset-Zenith phase which also runs within the “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” is also divided into two parts which have their “ratios of time spans” as stated below …
Time prior Offset-Zenith : Time after Offset-Zenith = 1 : 2
This fact is also very clearly visible in above figure …
Since at the time of our discussion, Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases were effective in this world and since both these are related to the cardinal Nadir point (of 1434 AD) of precession of equinoxes, so in this calculation we would be using Nadir time units …
115-BB … Birth of Prophet Muhammad …
Since Prophet Muhammad was born prior to transit through the Offset-Nadir point of earth’s axial precession (this was passed in 786 AD as is descried in above figure), so in this calculation we would have to take the “division of time span” which was prior to transit of Offset-Nadir point of precession of equinoxes …
So with above as a base, we begin these calculations …
In earlier topic of “Time spans of human ages” we had calculated the time span of “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” as 3,888 years (as per Nadir time units of axial precession) …
So now we shall divide above time of “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” as per above stated ratios of Offset-Nadir point … This is as follows …
Time prior to Offset-Nadir : Time after Offset-Nadir point = 2592: 1296 years
Above is because within the “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga of 3,888 years as per Nadir time units)” through which the Offset-Zenith and Offset-Nadir line passes, the time prior this world arrived at Offset-Nadir point was of “2 units” and time after Offset-Nadir point was crossed over was of “1 unit” (as discussed in section 115-AA above) …
Proceeding further …
And since prophet Muhammad had arrived prior to Nadir, so we shall have to take the part which has “2 units” i.e. 2,592 years (as per nadir time units or precession or Agragaman) …
And if we breakup this time of 2,592 years which had arrived prior Nadir as per the method which was given in an earlier topic of “Breakup of human age cycles” and also in another earlier topic of “Breakup of divine ages”, then it becomes as follows …
10% (setting in time) + 100% (set time) + 10% (exit time)
Thus, 2,592 years can be broken up as follows …
216 years (setting in time) + 2,160 years (set time) + 216 years (exit time)
Prophet Muhammad had arrived just prior Offset-Nadir point of 786 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) was passed by this world … So his advent can only be in the 216 years (of exit time) as calculated above …
Now we shall derive “Birth of Prophet Muhammad” …
786 AD – 216 years = 570 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
115-CC … My queries …
When the advent of a religion’s Prophet is as per the Vedic Kaalchakra, then how can his adherents be different from the earlier Vedic folks …
When above is what it is and is a fact that gets proved by Vedic Kaalchakra calculations of this topic, then how was the conversion of Vedic folks to Islam justified in history …
And if above is how it actually is, then who the hell are those who have been dividing the followers of these two philosophies …
Continues …