In above figure, the upper Siddha body is of ether, but after the ether body has unioned to the golden colored light of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (or Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) … Thus if you want to know what it would be “prior to” its union to golden colored light of Hiranyagarbha (or Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, who is also called as Karya Brahma), then just imagine it without golden lighted specs within it (as it is shown in above painting) … But the ether body with golden specs in it is the final state of the ether body of our discussion … And the lower depicted Siddha body is the blue gem body of our current discussion, but above figure depicts it prior to the stage when this blue gem body is unioned to the golden colored light of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (or Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) … Thus, if you want to know what it would be “after” its union to golden colored light of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (or Tatpurusha face of Shiva), then just imagine it with golden lighted specs within it …
Both above Siddha bodies denote the stage which is after the accomplishment of Shakti Shiva Yoga and self realization of Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) within the physical vehicle itself … Both these have already been discussed in an earlier set of topics which had the header of “Shiva Taraka Naad” and also the topic of “Eighth plexus (or Ashtama Chakra)” … These vehicle get self manifested after the Shakti-Shiva Yoga (i.e. after Bhadri Bhadra Yoga) is already arrived at (and also accomplished) by the aspirant …
Primarily these two vehicles are secondary accomplishment vehicles (Siddha body) from one point of view …
And even when what is stated in above paragraph is true, yet these two are included in this topic that is only to discuss the primary accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira) that are self-manifested within the physical vehicle itself … This is due to the fact that these also are primary accomplishment vehicle from another point of view …
Thus basis above discussions, accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira or Siddha bodies) of our current discussion are those rare Siddha bodies which are both primary and secondary accomplishment vehicle …
NN-1 … Plane of ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) and Mind (Manas Tattva) …
Within this part of the macrocosmic creation, the mind is primarily inertial i.e. mind is based upon Tamoguna) … And due to being primarily inertial (Tamoguni) the color of mind is also none other than the color of inertia i.e. deep blue …
But since the red colored macrocosmic attribute of action (i.e. Rajoguna) is subtler than the blue colored macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna), so within the mind there also are seen red colored specs which denote the fact that Rajo Guna is pervading Tamoguna of the mind …
When the red colored Rajoguna and the blue colored Tamo Guna are unioned to each other and where these two arrive at their perfect balance to each other, then the purple colored ether gets self manifested … As since this union originally happens during the timeless primordial stages of origination of Maker’s Makings, so the ether also is none other than being a timeless entity … And after ether self manifests, then due to a balance of its expansive nature (due to presence of macrocosmic attribute of action or Rajoguna) and its contracting nature (due to presence of macrocosmic attribute of inertia or Tamoguna), everything gets stationed within ether itself …
NN-2 … Significance of accomplishment of ether body (Akasha Sharira) …
Because ether is already present since the timeless stages of self origination of the Maker’s Makings, so as the macrocosmic creation keeps self originating its later states, the ether which is already self originated also keeps accommodating them by pervading them and enveloping them … Ether pervades as it is subtler than all these later states of macrocosmic creation and ether envelopes them because after it gets self originated ether is also present everywhere … Thus, all later states of Maker’s Makings are found to be resting in the envelope of ether and also are found to be pervaded (permeated) by the same ether … It was due to this reason that Sanskrit texts have stated, that, within the macrocosmic creation ether is none other than an omnipresent entity and due to this reason, since ether is like limitless infinite skies, so it was named as Akash Mahabhoot … Akash Mahabhoot (ether or simply space) is the first macro-element (or Mahabhoot) to get originated within the Maker’s Makings …
And being the first macro-element (i.e. Mahabhoot), it also happens to be the base of origination of all of the other four macro-elements or Mahabhuta (i.e. air, fire, water and earth) …
Being the first macro-element to originate, ether also happens to be the envelope of all other elements … And since the original state is subtler than the later gross manifested states of Maker’s Makings (during origination, the elements keep turning grosser and thus the first macro-element i.e. ether can only be a subtler one), so ether being the subtler one also ends up pervading all other states of Maker’s Makings …
Whilst resting within the manifest state of macrocosmic creation, for us to self realize the first macro-element, all previous stages of other four macro-elements would need to be self realized by us … And it is due to this reason, ether is also the last macro-element to be self realized by any aspirant …
Thus basis above … If the ether is self realized by an aspirant, then this by itself is a proof that the aspirant has already gone beyond the other four macro-elements … And due to this reason, the accomplishment vehicle of ether as is being discussed here, is also the higher of all Siddha bodies that relate to any of the five macro-elements … Thus the very fact that an aspirant has accomplished the “body of ether (or ether body)” of our current discussion, is by itself a proof that the aspirant has gone beyond the hold of the macro-elements …
And when such an aspirant de-incarnates, then he (or she) cannot even be found to be existent within any state of the Maker’s Makings … This is the reason for ancient sages to meditate upon macro-elements as a path to a final exit from allness (i.e. path of Kaivalya Moksha) … And this is also because of the fact that if any macro-element (i.e. any Mahabhoot of ether, air, fire, water and earth) is self realized and then merged to, then because these macro-elements are beyond the scopes of the entirety of macrocosmic creation, so such an aspirant is also deemed to have gone farther than the entirety of macrocosmic creation, which as such is naught but a state of liberation (i.e. it is a state of Kaivalya) … And since ether is the first and primordial macrocosmic element and since everything rests within ether itself, so those aspirants who attain to ether and thus become holders of the ether body as is being discussed in this topic, are also those who have attained the finality of emancipation i.e. liberation from all that ever is during the timeless eternity that has already gone by and also a liberation from all that could ever be during the incalculable fathomless eternity that is yet to be of the Maker’s Makings …
NN-3 … Ether as a derivative of mind … Ether body and Blue gem body also a derivative of Mind …
Ether self manifests out of the balanced state of union of Tamoguna and Rajoguna … And since mind which is self manifested prior to this stage of balanced union of Tamoguna and Rajoguna (which leads to self origination of ether) so mind itself is the state where this union (of an “imbalanced” state of Tamoguna and Rajoguna) initially happens and thus from this point of view, ether gets self manifested out of the macrocosmic mind itself …
In above paragraph, I wrote the term “imbalanced state of union of Tamoguna and Rajoguna” because of the fact that mind is primarily inertial and where the imbalanced of union (of Tamoguna and Rajoguna) which leads to self origination of mind, itself is prior to the much later stage of balanced union (of the same Tamoguna and Rajoguna) which leads to the self origination of ether (or Akasha) …
Thus basis above, if the earlier state origination of mind has to be self realized, then the later originated state of ether shall have to be crossed over by that aspirant … This is because of the fact that evolution is the reciprocal course of self origination of the Maker’s Makings and thus later originated states are always self realized prior to the self realization of their parental (or primordial) states … Thus unless the ether body of our discussion is self realized and thence this ether body also merges to its own macrocosmic parental (i.e. macro-elemental ether or Akasha Mahabhoot), the later stage of self realization of mind cannot even happen for aspirant …
Thus basis this discussion, the plane of macrocosmic mind which is depicted within a painted sketch of earlier topics of “Aghora and Akasha Mahabhoot” is always self realized prior to the self realization of other earlier discussed topics as stated below …
- Aghora face of Sadashiva …
- After above is the self realization of “Aghora, Sookshma Sharira and Manomaye Kosha” …
- And then only is the realization of what was discussed in the earlier topic of “Aghora and emanation of macrocosmic attributes”, and also in another earlier topic of “Aghora and Mann Brahma” and also the earlier topic of “Aghora and Swayam Stithi of Guna”, etc. …
- This is also because the path of self realizations are none other than being “almost” opposite to the path of self origination of allness …
And thus ether can also be termed as a derivative of mind and where ether only self manifests after the balanced state of union of Tamoguna and Rajoguna is arrived at and where this union (of Tamoguna and Rajoguna) also happens within the macrocosmic plane of mind itself …
When within the macrocosmic mind the red colored Rajoguna and blue colored Tamoguna arrive at their balanced state of union (i.e. when these two end up perfectly balancing the other) then the purple colored ether gets self originated as the first macro-element (Mahabhoot) of the Maker’s Makings … And the microcosmic state of ether i.e. ether body (or Siddha body of ether) that self manifests within the aspirants physical vehicle itself is like a microcosmic form of the macrocosmic formless state of ether … And this ether body is also none other than being a derivative of the mind sheath (which in Sanskrit texts is also termed as Manomaye Kosha and which can also be called as Manomaya Kosha) of the aspirant …
NN-4 … Various states of Ether within various parts of Maker’s Makings …
Within this part of Maker’s Makings, ether is purple in color … But this is not the only state of ether when we consider it in other states of the same Maker’s Makings …
Within emptiness (Shunya Tattva), the same ether is also as a non-lighted state … This condition of ether is of sameness to the state of emptiness itself … Thus even when emptiness seems empty, yet it is holding ether within itself … And since it holds the primordial (or timelessly first) macro-element of ether, so this also means that all later states that get originated out of ether, are also held by Shunya Tattva (or emptiness), which itself is by virtue of it (i.e. emptiness or Shunyata) holding ether which as such is a base of self origination of all other macro-elements and their later manifestations as gross (or manifested) elements … This is the reason for Buddhist lore to state that “emptiness is also a state of fullness only” …
And when we see the same ether from within the self realization of the colorless infinite being (i.e. attributeless infinite being), then that same ether is of a colorless state and is also found to be indistinct from the colorless infinite being (i.e. attributeless infinite being or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) … This is the stage of self realization of a Vedic statement which was thus told …
Which means …
Macro-elemental ether (or the infinite skies or limitless space) is the Absolute
And which also means …
Akash Mahabhoot (i.e. Ether or space) is a self manifestation of the Absolute and thus is Akash Brahma
And since that attributeless-infinite absolute being (i.e. Parabrahman) and its three self expressions as the three primordial and primary attributes (i.e. Sattvaguna, Rajoguna and Tamoguna) are omnipresent and since Sattvaguna pervades the other two attributes (of Tamoguna and Rajoguna) which as such are the base of ether, so ether which itself is a self manifestation of these self expressed primordial attributes of the Absolute being, cannot even be any different from being an omnipresent entity …
NN-5 … Ether body and blue gem body as secondary & primary Siddha bodies …
Since the ether is a secondary derivative arrived at after union of two qualities of macrocosmic nature i.e. Inertia and Action (or Tamoguna and Rajoguna respectively) is effected within the macrocosmic mind (Brahmic Manas), so the blue gem body and ether body that are being discussed here, only become as secondary Siddha bodies, especially when we consider the point of view of this paragraph …
Proceeding further …
But at the same time, because ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) is the primary (or original) macro-element of the macrocosmic creation, which when observed from within the macrocosmic creation is also found to be of a purple color, so from this point of view, the accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira) as are discussed within this topic are none other than primary accomplishment vehicles (Siddha bodies) only …
Even when ether is colorless in its finality which is beyond the purviews of the Maker’s Makings, but when the same ether is viewed whilst it rests within the begun (or originated) state of the Maker’s Makings, then that ether is only found to be of a purple color … And Purple color is only due to a perfect union of the red colored attribute of action (Rajoguna) to the blue colored attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) that only takes place within the colorless omnipresent envelope that itself is the original condition of ether (as it was prior to the self origination of Maker’s Makings) …
As also since plane of ether (Brahmic Akasha Kaya) is one of the four continuous (and thus omnipresent) planes of the macrocosmic creation, thus from this point of view also, the vehicles described within this topic, are primary (or main) accomplishment vehicles (Pradhan Siddha Sharira) … Since these vehicles relate to their own omnipresent states, so these vehicle also have restriction to travel anywhere within the entirety of Maker’s Makings … This is what makes the aspirant (who holds these accomplishment vehicles) to be capable to have the capability to subtly travel anywhere within the Maker’s Makings …
NN-6 … Accomplishment of Ether body and blue gem body …
Ether body is that Siddha body which relates to macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) … This ether which is also present within the aspirant as a pervader of the aspirants physical and subtler sheaths and the same fact is stated in Vedic lore through subtle means of utilizing terms like Ghatakash (ether of an earthen pot like physical body) and Mahakash (the ether that is beyond the physical body) and the same is also subtly stated in Yogic lore with terms like Hridayakasha (ether of the cave of heart) etc. …
Thus when we view the purple colored ether that is eternally present within an aspirant’s physical vehicle, then that ether is also holding a bodied state that we have termed as the Siddha body of ether (i.e. ether body) …
Proceeding further …
And when the blue colored mind unites to the macro-neutral state of vital air sheaths (as was discussed in earlier topics of “Pranamaye Kosha … Vital air sheath” and was also discussed in the topic of “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (which in Vedic lore is also called as Brahmaloka and which in Shaiva Agama’s is also called as the Sadyojata face of Shiva) and after this stage, if the unioned state of these two (i.e. mind and macro-neutral vital air sheath) enters into a further union to ether (which is also present inside the aspirants physical microcosm) then a very serene “light blue colored gem like Siddha body” gets self manifested within that aspirants microcosm … This is the blue gem body of our current discussion …
As also since this union which leads to self manifestation of the gem blue body also happens within the mind sheath itself, so due to this reason, the gem blue body of our discussion is also a derivative of the mind sheath (or Manomaya Kosha) only …
NN-7 … Three macrocosmic attributes … The base of our later discussions …
Prior we can go any further with this topic, we need to discuss the macrocosmic attributes, but at the same time, this discussion would only be to the extent that is related to this topic …
In this part of the topic, I shall only be discussing the main sections and thus this knowledge cannot ever be deemed to be a complete one …
Plus if I were to discuss the complete knowledge about below described aspects, then this topic may even run into a few thousand pages, which I don’t even find necessary … This is as if I were to write it fully, then it would only make such discussions to be none other a few thousand pages and that too with a hundred odd paintings of their intermediary states … And it is primarily due to this reason, that I have told this discussion cannot ever be deemed to be a complete one …
Tamoguna … Macrocosmic attribute of Inertia … Inertia means, “that which holds everything to itself, by itself, through itself and within itself” and thus Inertia is that which holds allness and its each part to itself … This is what prevents the eternal innermost unity of all parts of allness from fracturing … Tamoguna is the sleep, inactive, constrictive and restrictive state of nature … This has also been told as blue shift in modern astronomy … This is of a deep blue color and is the grosser amongst all of the three macrocosmic attributes as have been discussed in this part of the topic …
Rajoguna … Macrocosmic attribute of action … Action means “that which is self-actioned, self-propelled, self-propagating, self expansive and thus it is that which propels allness and its each part” to their ever higher or expansive states … This is comparable to the awakened, active and expansive state of nature … Rajoguna is of a red color … This has also been told as red shift in modern astronomy … Rajoguna is subtler than Tamoguna and thus Rajoguna (action) pervades Tamoguna (inertia) …
Inertia is only originated due to collision of actioned particles (Thus action is the parent of the child, which is inertia) … Action and inertia are self balancing each other due to the fact that when action increases its quantum, then at such a stage there also is a higher quantum of collision of actioned particles which in turn leads to self origination of a higher quantum of inertia … And vice versa of this statement is also true as when action reduces, then due to lesser quantum of collision of actioned states, the quantum of inertia which gets originated is also lesser …
But at the same time, the life span of inertia is lesser than the life span of action and due to this reason, once action starts reducing, then a stage always arrives where the quantum of inertia exceeds the quantum of action and if this increment of inertia continues in an uncontrolled and thus inertia keeps increasing, then inertia eventually takes over that macrocosmic (or microcosmic) state, which eventually leads to its end of time i.e. the stage where this discussion fructifies, eventually enters into its dissolution due to loss of action within it … We shall be taking up this fact in some greater detail, but would only be possible within a later topic which relates to origination, existence and dissolution of allness and her each part … By the term each part, I mean origination, existence and dissolution of each of the microcosm’s like a single universe, a plane of existence (or galaxy etc.), a world (planetary system) and every other beingness and entity (i.e. animate and inanimate microcosm’s) … And we shall also discuss the cyclic nature of suchness of origination, existence and dissolution of all parts of allness within another set of topics which relate to various types of Pralaya (i.e. end of times) where we shall be mathematically deriving and thus calculating their cyclic time spans also …
But action (Rajoguna) is grosser than the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (Sattvaguna) which as such is our next discussion …
Sattvaguna … Macrocosmic attribute of neutrality … Neutrality means, that which is at intersection points of each part of action and inertia and thus at the intersection point of any opposite (or different) aspect, is residing the same neutrality … Neutrality is like a very subtle white cloud like state … There is no white shift in astronomy as this is a state of balance and thus it cannot ever have a shifting …
It eventually is within neutrality that these two opposite attributes of the macrocosmic nature (i.e. opposite attributes of Tamoguna or inertia and Rajoguna or action) are balanced out … And due to this reason within the subtler states of Maker’s Makings, on one end of neutrality is seen Rajoguna and on the other end of neutrality is seen the Tamoguna … Never can these two (i.e. blue colored Tamoguna and red colored Rajoguna) be together except in stages of initial origination and final end of that macrocosmic and/or microcosmic state …
And where Rajoguna and Tamoguna directly meet each other and they also self balance each other, then at that point is seen the self manifested state of the purple colored ether …
And even when above discussion stands true, yet when these two (i.e. Rajoguna and Tamoguna) are completely fused to each other (i.e. they enter into their perfect non dual union to each other), then is self realized the white cloud like nature (i.e. ninth sphere or cloud nine) which as such is the state of Sattvaguna and within this Sattvaguna shall also be found its pervader i.e. emptiness (Sarva Shunya) … Thus, whenever Sattvaguna is self realized and yet the aspirant fails to self realize the “(pervader of Sattvaguna, i.e. voidness or emptiness)”, then that self realization can never be deemed to be a complete one …
Thus basis above, this self realization of Shunya Tattva is only arrived at by an aspirant after that aspirant has transited through the intermediary self realization of the very subtle white colored macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (Sattvaguna) and also the later stage of self realization of the Krishna Pingalam Sharira (Dark Tawny Siddha body) which we have already discussed in an earlier topic of “Krishna Pingalam Sharira (or Rudra body)” …
Thus prior any aspirant can self realize Shunya Tattva (elemental state of emptiness or in other words, voidness of allness), the self realization of Sattvaguna and Krishna Pingalam form of Rudra Deva would have to be passed through by that aspirant …
This Sattvaguna is of a very subtle white cloud like state … And action and inertia get balanced on either side of it … This Sattvaguna is also told as ninth sphere of macrocosmic creation, as cloud nine (in Buddhism) and as Para Prakriti, Adi Shakti in Tantric lore…
In the real middle of those states where the red and blue shifts of astronomy get neutralized within each other, is where this Sattvaguna can be seen … And since this is in the middle of these two “almost” equal opposite attributes of macrocosmic nature, so there cannot ever be a white shift in astronomy (except under special circumstances, which relate to special astronomical events like those of spreading of a subtle state during initial origination of it and this is where the white light would be seen to be moving across universal space, less its attribute which comes within the purviews of the term “shifting”) …
Shunya Tattva … Emptiness or voidness … Empty means, that which though is empty in itself, but it still is the one which holds allness within it … Thus, Shunya Tattva itself is the same which in its ultimate stage of self realization (or finality of self realization) was termed as Shunya Brahman (read the earlier topic of “As IT self manifested itself” to know more about Shunya Brahman”) …
Shunya Brahman is the state where the subtle primordial dissoluted state of allness is held within emptiness itself and thus in such a condition emptiness also denotes fullness (or completeness) and this is what was told as “Shunyata” by my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha … Shunyata of Buddha’s knowledge systems does not mean voidness as that Shunyata also holds the dissoluted state of allness within itself … The existence within the finality of realization of Shunyata (i.e. Shunya Brahman) is in an emanatory state and thus when stationed within Shunyata, the aspirant shall also self realize that from within Shunyata, various entities just emanate out (of Shunyata or Sarva Shunya), do their specific acts and thence de-emanate back to Shunyata … The entire multi-universe is naught but such an emanation only and it is due to this reason, the Vedic lore also states as follows …
Brahm Satyam Jagad Mithya
Which means …
The ever steady (or ever non-changeful) Brahman (attributeless infinite being) is the truth and the ever moving (ever changeful) worlds (macrocosmic creation) are an illusion
The word Jagad in above statement means “That which moves” and thus the word Jagad also means “that which rests in an ever changeful state” …
And since within Shunyata everything has an emanatory existence, so this also shows the ever moving state of existence when residing within Shunyata … Due to this reason, Shunyata has also be told to be a part of macrocosmic creation itself and thus it is not even termed as the finality of Brahman (Attributeless infinite being) of Vedic lore … And yet the fact still remains that Shunyata (whose ultimate stage of self realization is of Shunya Brahman) itself is the last and final describable state because beyond Shunyata (Shunya Brahman) is Brahman (attributeless infinite being) which as such is the realizable, yet it is the indescribable one …
Shunyata holds this fullness of allness even prior the allness gets self manifested out of it and it also continues to hold allness, even after the allness is self manifested out of it (as emptiness is also the pervader and enveloper of allness of macrocosmic creation, so it eventually is to emptiness, that the macrocosmic creation and her each part is proceeding) …
And it also is to the same emptiness, that allness and its each part, would be returning back after these manifested states of allness have already lived out their destined time spans within the Maker’s Makings and thus they enter into their state of a final dissolution of allness (i.e. Mahapralaya) … Within the state of Mahapralaya (or the stage of dissolution of allness or the great dissolution) everything rests in Shunya Brahman (i.e. Shunyata of Buddhist ore) who as such is none other than Sriman Naaraayana of the much-much earlier Vedic lore (i.e. Shunyata of Buddhist lore itself is Shunya Brahman and which itself is that whom the Vedas address as Sriman Naaraayana) …
This emptiness also separates all actioned, all inertial and all neutral states, which in turn ends up keeping each of these macrocosmic states as individual ones and also maintains them as independent from each other and yet ensuring their interdependent upon each other, which itself is through emptiness within its fullness (i.e. fullness of emptiness itself is the root or base which ensures interdependence of allness to each other and to emptiness and thus meditations upon any of the principles of interdependence of Buddhist lore’s, would also lead to self realization of the same Shunyata or emptiness only) …
Eternal interdependence of all above … This interdependence of all above individual parts of allness, is because of that fact that individuality being unidirectional, cannot sustain itself because ultimately each individuality would only end up holding one or another type of excess or under’s within it (due to their individual existence, there also is a nonness of self balancing nature within any individuality and due to this reason, for an individuality to exist free of these excesses or under’s of flows and dynamism, their opposites are ever needed within the Maker’s Makings) …
And since individualism (individuality of any type) cannot sustain itself within its isolation to all other greater or lesser parts of allness (as it would lead to excesses of those types of flows and dynamism to which that individuality relates), so every individuality has always had its own opposing aspects and where these opposing aspects are also such that a series of these opposing aspects have to be present to balance out any single individuality … This is because exact sameness and exact oppositeness of any aspect to any other, is also deemed to be a stagnation from the macrocosmic point of view and stagnated entities always die out after entering into their stagnations …
Above is what leads to a highly pluralistic and ever changeful nature of allness and her each part and this itself is due to the fact that no entity can ever afford to be within a state of sameness to itself or to any other entity that ever was during the entirety of history of the Maker’s Makings …
As also, due to arrival at excesses (which are due to those aspects which are related or associated to) and under’s (which are due to those aspects which are rejected by any individuality), each individuality eventually arrives at excesses and under’s of flow and dynamism and thus each individuality also needs to be balanced through its own opposite individuality or a group of states which are different from it (and where all those individualities which make that group of states end up sharing a little bit of these individual flows, so as to balance out that opposite individuality) and thus neutralize its excess or under’s (of that individual state) … Thus every form of individualism (or monotheism) always has self opposing aspects within it (like there is a God and there also is a Satan in such individualistic or monotheistic systems) and these self opposing aspects are also to ensure the balance of opposites as is being discussed here …
Deviating a bit … But in reality that God itself is the Satan (we shall be discussing this fact in a later topic) and this is also because of the fact that unless this is how that God is, that God would only begin holding excesses or under’s within itself and thus would only end up self destroying itself … Plus the Satanic aspect of that God is also greater than its own Godly aspect … As also, whilst any individualistic entity (i.e. God of any monotheistic system or even those Gods which are of any of the other systems which is not based upon a “pluralistic monism”) acts as a God of a plane, then simultaneously that same entity also acts as a Satan of a higher plane (i.e. the plane which is immediately higher than the plane where it acts as God) … Resuming again …
If this self balancing nature is not there, then that individuality and its individual flows, would only end up causing a havoc to itself and also to all other individualities that are around it … This is one of the reasons, that after any form of individualism (or monotheism) gets manifested, then its opposite monotheism also gets originated within a few decades or centuries and it is due to this reason, that once any type of monotheism gets manifested, then the manifestation of another type of monotheism which relates to its opposite aspect, cannot even be avoided upon that world …
As an example … Christianity relates to Aghora face of Shiva which itself denotes inertia (Tamoguna) and Islam relates to Rudra Deva who denotes action (Rajoguna) and these two are also self balancing each other …
And if any individuality cannot “peacefully” self balance itself within its own generated opposite (or another opposite system which gets self manifested for this kind of balance) then there is a rise of fundamentalism, fanaticism and chaos within that individuality …
Due to this fundamentalism, there are clashes between individualities (or their adherents) which in turn makes their flows meet and thus in such a state of chaos is also arrived a state of balance because in such a state also, these individualities are only letting go of their excesses within each other (so as to balance themselves out of their earlier excesses and under’s of flows and dynamism) …
These mergers of individualistic flows and dynamism can either be by peaceful means of exchanges, like debates, co-operation to others, trade, social and/or cultural exchanges, intellectual or any other means … And if peaceful exchanges do not yield results (of balancing our the excess and under’s of each of these individualities) then the finality of any exchange is of war, because even during fighting there happens an exchange … Due to this reason, as any world’s systems keep degenerating into an ever higher individualism (or monotheism) these wars also keep happening at regular intervals within that world (i.e. chaos keeps manifesting in a cyclic fashion and eventually a state arrives where this chaos is present in a vast number of conditions of existence upon that world, like intellectualism, religions, economics, military, social, cultural, civilizational etc.) … As of now within this world, this chaos is already multi-conditional and thus unless humanity chooses those ways of life which rest within pluralistic monism, the future stages of fighting’s, clashes and wars of intellectual, economic, social and military natures cannot even be avoided (This stage is not very far from the time when I write this paragraph) …
And it is due to this reason, that individualism (or monotheism) of any sort has never been and cannot ever be a reason of long lasting inner calm (within the inhabitants of a world) and outer peace (within the world) … For the last few millenniums, this world has been passing through this phase only …
By individualism I mean any form of monotheism, be it of a religious nature or even of other natures which relate to aspects of intellectual, political, geological, geopolitical, economic-trade, military-security-safety, cultural-societal-social and civilizational natures or even of aspects which relate to race, creed or sex or any other type (of individualism) …
The only way to a long lasting inner calm (within the inhabitants of a world) and outer peace (within the world) is through adopting a way of life that rests within a state of sameness to intrinsic pluralism and simultaneously also rests within an essential monism, both of which are of the Maker’s Makings …
As also, unless it rests within a pluralistic monism, it never enters into a perfection of interdependence of its existence to the Maker’s Makings and in such a state of nonness of perfection of interdependence, it also cannot be termed as an eternal entity …
Thus all systems which are individualistic always have their end of time …
And on the contrary, that system which is of pluralistic monism is having an eternally cyclic nature of time and thus such a system the ever changeful one (due to being pluralistic) and yet is the eternal (Sanatan) way of life (Dharma) due to being Monist … This primarily is why Hinduism was named as Sanatan Dharma by ancient sages …
NN-8 … Variations of ether body and blue gem body …
Now with above as a base, we shall be proceeding further …
None of my discussed Siddha bodies are related to any form or formless state of individualism i.e. none of these Siddha bodies are related to monotheism of any of the types discussed above …
Due to these two Siddha bodies being none other than derivatives from one point of view as was discussed earlier on in this topic, both these bodies i.e. ether body and gem blue body, also have their variations …
These variations are as discussed in below topics …
NN-8-A … Shakti Shiva Yoga … The base of Gem blue body and ether body …

Shakti Shiva Yoga has already been discussed earlier and one of its stages is as described in above painting … Thus shows the condition which is prior to the manifestation of white light at the top of head (which we have already discussed in the earlier topic of “Raam Naad and Pranamaye Manomaye Yoga”, and the earlier discussion upon “Shiva Shakti Yoga and also the earlier topic of Bhadra Bhadri Yoga” … Above painted state is that which is prior to the manifestation of white light on top of Bhadra’s head (as was depicted in the sketch of two earlier topics who names have been told above …
From above painted stage of Shiva Shiva Yoga, are self originated the Gem blue body and ether body of our current discussion …
NN-8-B … Ether body (Akasha Sharira) and its variations …
In this topic I shall only discuss two primary states of the ether body, as to discuss all is an utter impossibility … Plus I feel too lazy to paint all those intermediary states which are present within the two conditions which have been discussed in this part of the topic …
NN-8-B-1 … Initial stages of self manifestation of the ether body …
This body self manifests from the initial state of union of Krishna Pingalam Sharira (i.e. Dark Tawny siddha body) as was discussed in an earlier topic …
Thus our earlier discussed Rudra Sharira (or Krishna Pingalam Sharira), itself is the base of the later origination of the purple colored ether body which is being discussed here … Thus only after accomplishment of the Krishna Pingalam Sharira (as was discussed in an earlier topic) does this ether body get accomplished by that aspirant …
And yet even when the purple colored ether is originated with our earlier discussed Krishna Pingalam Sharira as its immediately preceding accomplishment, yet this ether body is only denoting the perfect balanced united condition of the macrocosmic attribute of action (i.e. Rajoguna) and the macrocosmic attribute of inertia (i.e. Tamoguna) …
Thus eventually in the reality of things which relate to the self manifestation of this body, it originated after the accomplishment of the Krishna Pingalam Sharira (i.e. Dark Tawny Siddha body) and yet it only relates to the perfect balanced unioned states of the two macrocosmic attributes of Rajoguna and Tamoguna …
NN-8-B-2 … Purple colored ether body, prior to its union to Hiranyagarbha …

This is the preliminary stage of self manifestation of the ether body (Purple body) within the aspirant’s physical vehicle …
This stage is prior to the time when the same purple colored ether body unites to the golden colored self-luminous Hiranyagarbha (golden womb of creation) … This is the stage of this body which is depicted in above painting …
At such a state, the purple ether body is resting within the envelopes of its own parental state i.e. the blue colored mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha) …
This is one of the variations of this Siddha body which relates to Akasha Mahabhoot (i.e. macro-elemental ether) … This body is of the same purple color which as such is the color of macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) within this part of the macrocosmic creation …
But since the purple color of ether is only when ether is present within the macrocosmic creation, so this purple colored ether body is only found to be present within the aspirant, until the aspirant’s consciousness is still resting within the envelope of the macrocosm (i.e. entire macrocosmic creation), i.e. only until the aspirants consciousness has still not gone beyond the envelopes of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation, does the above painted state of purple body remain present within the aspirants microcosm …
This bright purple colored ether body is when macrocosmic attributes of action and inertia are unioned to each other in equal proportions i.e. if a self balancing union of action and inertia happens within the aspirant’s microcosm and that too whilst the aspirant is still resting within the purviews of the blue colored macrocosmic plane of mind (Brahmic Manas Tattva or Manas Kaya) then it leads to a self manifestation of the purple colored ether body as is shown in above painting …
Proceeding further …
This is the body of a Chakravartin who holds the Akasha Siddhi (i.e. one who holds the accomplishment of macro-elemental ether or Akasha Mahabhuta) …
During a much-much earlier incarnation, I was one such Yoga Chakravartin, who also had the name which relates to Akasha Mahabhoot … He is also described about within the Vedic lore …
NN-8-B-3 … Purple body (Ether body) after its union to golden Hiranyagarbha …

Above figure depicts the same purple colored ether body (Akasha Mahabhoot Siddha Sharira) and that too after the ether body unites to the golden colored self luminous Hiranyagarbha Brahma …
This is the final state of union of the ether body as beyond this state, it does not retain its purple color …
And once the ether body becomes absorbed in a state as is depicted in above figure, then it also enters into the stage of next topic where we have described the macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) …
And once in union to Akasha Mahabhoot, that ether body loses its earlier form (i.e. bodied state) and enters into a sameness to the state of macro-elemental ether (i.e. after such a union, that ether body itself is none other than macro-elemental ether or Akasha Mahabhoot) as is discussed in the next topic (i.e. after this one completes) …
But above painted sketch is incomplete … In above painted sketch, I have not painted the golden colored surrounding envelope (i.e. golden light around this purple colored ether body is not painted in above figure) … I did not paint this golden envelope because something must be left to personal self realizations of deserving aspirants …
NN-8-B-4 … Ether body union to golden Hiranyagarbha … Brahmic Avadhoot …
Hiranyagarbha is the Ishvara (i.e. The God of all Gods of triple times) …
So when ether body merges to Ishvara (i.e. Hiranyagarbha) as is depicted in the earlier painted sketch (of NN-8-B-3) then that aspirant acquires the capability to roam all subtle worlds, like human form of Ishvara (Sagun Sakaar aspect of Ishvara) … He attains the state of “Brahmavdhoot (i.e. the Avadhoot of the entirety of Maker’s Makings)” … Above painting denotes this state only …
NN-8-C … Blue gem body and its variations …
The term blue “gem” is used for this Siddha body as it looks like a blue colored highly polished gem only … It is a very smooth surfaced body which shines like a blue colored gem within the aspirant’s physical vehicle itself (i.e. after it manifests within the aspirants physical vehicle, then it shines like a very highly polished gem inside the aspirants physical vehicle) …
In this part of the topic, I shall try to keep these discussions as brief as possible but without compromising on their main parts …
NN-8-C-1 … Blue Gem body is of a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya …
This blue gem body is a variation of Ahumkara … It denotes the state of Vishuddha Ahumkara (i.e. purified state of I’ness or Ahamkara of the aspirant) … Thus only those aspirants who have already attained to the Vishuddha Ahumkara, end up holding this body …
Thus due to being a Siddha body of Vishuddha Ahumkara, so this body also denotes the aspirants accomplishment of being a Man of Maker’s Medicine (i.e. Brahmic Ayurvedacharya) …
Thus that aspirant who does not hold this body can never be termed as a “Man of Maker’s Medicine (i.e. Brahmic Ayurvedacharya)” or as a “Man of Absolute Medicine (i.e. Brahmic Ayurvedacharya or Medicine Buddha)” …
One of the primary characteristics of such ones is that they “never heal the undeserving” and “never fail from granting good health to the deserving” …
NN-8-C-2 … Initial stages of self manifestation of the blue gem body …

Within its initially manifested state, the blue gem body is as depicted in above painting …
This is the stage prior to when the same blue gem body merges to the golden colored self lighted Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of macrocosmic creation) …
NN-8-C-3 … Gem blue body union to mind sheath …

When the gem blue body is seen whilst the aspirants consciousness is resting within the mind sheath, then the same gem blue body is seen to be enveloped by the blue light of the mind sheath … Above painting described this condition …
This denotes that the aspirants mind is freed of afflictions (Vritti) and thus has entered into its afflictionless state … Thus accomplishment of this condition of the blue gem Siddha body denotes afflictionless state of aspirants mind sheath (i.e. it denotes the Vrittihina Awastha of Mind sheath or Manomaye Kosha of the aspirant) …
But this stage still does not denote the stage of accomplishment where that aspirant becomes a “Man of Maker’s Medicine (Brahmic Ayurvedacharya)” …
NN-8-C-4 … Blue gem body of a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya …

Above is the condition of the blue gem body which denotes the accomplishment of being a “Man of Maker’s Medicine (Brahmic Ayurvedacharya)” …
At such a stage, inside the blue gem body is a diamond white light and the blue gem body itself stays in union to the blue colored mind sheath (or Manomaye Kosha) of the aspirant …
Union to the blue gem body of the diamond white light (which denotes macro-equanimity) grants the power to heal without being karmically affected and the further union of the blue colored mind sheath to the blue gem body ensures oneness of that aspirant to allness and her each part …
It eventually is this union of diamond white light, blue gem body and mind sheath that makes such an aspirant to hold the power to heal allness and yet not be affected by such actions … Thus such an aspirant can also be termed as a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya (or the Man of Maker’s medicine or Man of Absolute medicine) …
After this attainment, the aspirant also holds the capability to even heal the macrocosmic fields (and not just a human microcosm) of their afflictions … But at the same time, such aspirant never heal the undeserving and they also never leave the deserving from being healed …
And yet at the same time, they also know that poor health is also beneficial in the evolutionary process because during such stages of poor health, it is also possible to fruit a large number of earlier acquired “lower merits (or demerits)” and thus be evolved over such earlier demerits (that were earned during the earlier stages of one’s own evolutionary process) … Thus if such is the case of a patient where as far as the patients evolutionary process is concerned, if bad health is more beneficial as compared to good health, then a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya would never heal such a patient … As such, in those cases where a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya knows that poor health would be more beneficial to the patient evolutionary process as compared to a good health, then that Brahmic Ayurvedacharya would not even heal that person …
Thus during the history that has gone by, there have been many-many cases where a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya never healed anyone as he never found a person, who evolutionary process would have really gotten benefitted from good health … This is why some of them have been tortured and even killed by humans of their times … But they don’t even care as they know, that if it helps anyone’s evolutionary process by being sick, then it is better to be sick as compared to the state of being healthy …
But the limitation of above condition of the Blue Gem Siddha body is that when the next stage arrives, then this ability to heal also vanishes …
NN-8-C-5 … After union of Blue gem body to Hiranyagarbha …

This is the final condition of the blue gem body which can be discussed here … This painted sketch depicts that condition of the blue gem body after it unites to the golden light of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (Golden womb of macrocosmic creation) …
But at the same time, above painted sketch is incomplete … In above painted sketch, I have not painted the golden colored envelope (i.e. golden light which is also present around this blue gem Siddha body is not painted in above figure) … I did not paint this golden envelope because something must be left to personal self realizations of deserving aspirants …
NN-9 … Variation in sequences of manifestation of gem blue body and ether body …
We shall discuss this in two cases … These are as below …
1st case … Inertial condition of the aspirant … If the aspirant is primarily resting in an inertial state i.e. the aspirant is more related to Tamoguna (as mostly is my case during this transmigrated incarnations) than to Rajoguna (action) then within the microcosm (i.e. physical vehicle) of such an aspirant, the blue gem body (i.e. body of a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya) would self manifest prior to the stage of self manifestation of the ether body (or body of Akasha Mahabhoot) … This was my case during the current transmigrated incarnation … This also proves to me that I am more a Tamoguni than a Rajoguni …
Such aspirants also prefer not to come in front of the world until they remain with no other choice i.e. they lead only when they know that all others on that world have already failed in restoring the evolutionary process and ways of life to their correctness … And yet they would leave as soon as they have done their job as they don’t like action (due to being primarily based in inertia) …
As also, such aspirants never let out their wisdom unless they remain with no choice …
2nd case … Actional condition of the aspirant … And if the aspirant is primarily actional i.e. the aspirant is more related to Rajoguna (as mostly was my case during earlier transmigrated incarnations) than to Rajoguna (action) then within the microcosm (i.e. physical vehicle) of such an aspirant, the ether body (i.e. body of Akasha Mahabhoot) would self manifest prior to the stage of self manifestation of the gem blue body (or body of Brahmic Ayurvedacharya) … This was my case during many of the earlier transmigrated incarnations …
If such aspirants are self realized, then they would make very good (I mean highly righteous) leaders who would also have the capability to set things right even upon a highly degenerate world … As also due to being primarily actional, they prefer to do good things for that worlds inhabitants, but this goodness shall only manifest, if the holder of the ether body is also a self realized one …
In addition to above … Very stubborn Yogi are the only ones who can also hold the ether body and in such Yogi’s also, the ether body would self manifest prior to the blue gem body …
Topic continues further …