Brahmanaad or Brahmnaad or Brahma Naad means the “primordial sound” and also means the “primordial sound of allness” … Brahmanaad is the same as “Makar”, Brahmari Pranayama or Humming bee breath of Yogic and Vedic lore’s …
Brahmanaad … Primordial sound … A part of Omkar (OM Naad) …
The sound of AOM (or OM or AUM as it is also told) or simply, Omkar is made up of three seed syllables … These are as follows …
- Akar … The seed syllable of A …
- Okar … In Vedic lore, this is also termed as Ukar … The seed syllable of O (or U as it is also told) …
- Makar … The seed syllable of M … This is also termed as Brahmanaad that is being discussed here …
- Together these three i.e. when these three are in their non-dual monogenous union, are addressed as the sound and symbol of OM (or AOM or AUM) …
Brahma Naad or Brahmnaad, Brahmari, Humming bee breath and Makar …
Since Brahmanaad of our discussion itself is Makar (sound of M) of Vedas and Yoga, so I shall be discussing it with paintings in a later topic of OM Naad (or sound of AOM or AUM) … Thus as of now, this discussion stands deferred …
The same sound (or Brahmanaad) was incorporated within the Yoga Tantras of Sanatan Dharma and within these Yoga Tantras this Brahmanaad was utilized within “Brahmari (i.e. Brahmari Pranayama)” …
Thus in Yoga Tantra, even when it is stated as humming bee sound, yet it is to the concept of Brahmanaad that Brahmari Pranayama eventually relates …
This sound (i.e. Brahmanaad) is beginningless and endless and thus an eternally continuous low-humming sound of “Ummmmm” …
When the sound of “Ummmmm” is long, continuous and endless, then it is Brahmanaad or the sound of subtle-primordial-allness that also was prior gross-manifested-macrocosm had self-originated within the supreme genius that ever was, is and eternally remains of the Maker’s Makings …
And when the sound of “Um” becomes concentrated and thus becomes like the sound of “Hum”, then it denotes the self-manifested primary state of macrocosm (i.e. Adi Awastha of Brahmand) … Thus this sound denotes the macrocosm after its primordial self-expressed state is already arrived at …
And the first self-manifestation of the sound of HUM was as “Ahum Naad” which we have already discussed in an earlier topic of this text and the same sound is also present within the astral body (or in other words, the astral vehicle or Sookshma Sharira) of each aspirant …
And since the entire macrocosm in its subtle-impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) is also present within each aspirant, so Brahmanaad of our current discussion is also present within each aspirant’s microcosm …
That’s all for now …