This topic is on the divinity of Yogic mathematics and where that end stage leads to the attainment of these four, i.e. Buddhatva (or Buddhata or Buddhahood), Brahmatva (Brahmahood) and Brahma Avadhoot (Avadhoota of Brahman or Brahmavadhuta) …
That sage who attains to this discussed divinity of Yogic mathematics, becomes all above … And yet he can choose to rest in either of above stated accomplishments … And yet Shivatva (Shivahood) is beyond these even when it is as their own finality …
This is an independent topic and yet is written in the series of topics on Yogic mathematics or Vaidik Mathematics …
About this topic …
This is a highly restricted topic as it describes those states of consciousness, that would only be termed as eccentric madness by present day community of medicinal sciences … Thus, aspirants are advised to be careful about this aspect of sickness, in addition to not discounting the extreme possibility of death of their physical vehicle, if they try to get into the real depths of this topic which as such are not explicitly told here (so as to save that remote chance of someone really entering into those implicitly told aspects) …
Whenever this knowledge comes to a world, that worlds always enters into the human golden age … That human golden age (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga), which runs inside the much larger time span of a divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) is termed as a Guru Yuga i.e. an age of sages …
Thus, during the run up to a Guru Yuga (Age of sages), a fullness of this Yogic knowledge is always manifested in the world … After it manifests and shines forth, all divinities (Devi and Deva) leave their forts (temples) and enter all lands so as to take part in the cleansing of that world and at the same time, all village deities (Gram Devi and Gram Devata) who much earlier on had left their villages (due to the highly degenerate effects of Kaliyuga) also begin returning back to their respective villages, so as to execute the cleansing from the grass root of human civilizations i.e. from villages …
This knowledge also leads to return of all Siddha’s and Rishi, Arhat, Bodhisattvas and Avadhoot … This return back to the world could either be within the subtle or gross realms … As also, all sorts of other divinities also begin entering into that world, where this knowledge manifests during the end part of change of a human age (i.e. Manav Yuga) and a divine age (i.e. Deva Yuga or Mahayuga) … And where this manifestation of knowledge, is also arrived at its fullness prior to the inauguration of any Guru Yuga (Manav Satyuga) … Within the run up to any Yuga, manifestation of this knowledge is one of the primary signs that the primary deity of that Yuga, who for this Kaliyuga is Bhagwan Jagannath, has already left his temple and has entered that world …
Prior to coming of this knowledge, Maa Mahakaali always comes in her fuller formless state … I saw that she has already come in her formless state, on 21st February 2022 and this also was one of the cosmic divine signs, that made me think, that, it’s about time to publish this part of the text, which itself was written more than a decade ago and was awaiting this sign to get published … But I have modified some of the originalities of that implicit part and this itself is due to the obvious reason that majority of humanity and also their those Gods who came during the time spans of this Kaliyuga, don’t really deserve it in its pristine state …
Guru Yuga (human golden age) is where there is a roar of Vedas, where Vyasa Peetha (Chatur Aamnaya Peetha) is the primary seat of learning, and whose sole Guru is Sriman Naaraayana (Sarveshvara) and where Sarveshvara (Sriman Naaraayana) is also universal King i.e. in a Guru Yuga, Sarveshvara (i.e. Lord of allness) is sitting in the Aamnaya Peetha, as the sole Guru and universal King of the triple worlds …
Proceeding further …
Until the previous topics of this series, we had discussed about the mathematics of divinities that relates to Brahma, Atma, Naaraayana and we had also told, that Shiva is beyond …
This topic is the final self-knowledge as far as Yogic Math in its pristine divinity, is concerned …
But in this topic, we shall not be discussing that ever-same Shiva (Universal auspiciousness) who itself is pristine divinity i.e. Maa Shakti (universal auspicious divinity of Shiva) … Thus this part of the knowledge would remain hidden in these discussions …
Many aspects of of this knowledge are already discussed in earlier topics, so I won’t be repeating them here … And many aspects of this knowledge are still pending, so they would be taken up here, but of course, less the discussions on Shivatva …
Through its own explicit and also implicit, gross and subtle, divine and regular ways, this topic shall prove it all …
Finality of Yogic mathematics … Shivatva … Shiva Tattva … Eternal auspicious Truth …
The final aspect, which as such is left untold in this topic, is the stage of Shivatva (Shivahood, i.e. being Shiva Tattva) … This is where an aspirant is like Ardhanarishwara (i.e. Half-Shiva and Half-Shakti) and where within the macrocosmic hierarchies, the evolutionary standing of that aspirant, is of Saguna Atman (attributed Atma) of all that ever was, is and could ever be …
Thus, basis above …
Shivatva is the final, beyond all finals … This is the corpus of the following …
- As far as Saguna Brahman (attributed Brahman) is concerned, Shivatva denotes Saguna Brahman, who itself is as Saguna Atma (i.e. attributed state of one’s Atman) … In its completeness, this is both in Saguna Sakara Awastha (i.e. a state of being in an attributed form) and Saguna Nirakara ((i.e. being in an attributed formless state) …
- And the same Shivatva in its attributeless state, is Nirguna Brahman (the finally attributeless state of the absolute being) and thus, this is also what Vedic sages had told as Nirguna Nirakara Brahman (attributeless infinite supreme being) …
- Thus, basis above … The same Shivatva is Sakara (i.e. it is of a form) and it is also of Nirakara (i.e. of a formless condition) …
- And as matter of fact, the same Shivatva is also of emptiness (or zeroness) and it is also of fullness (or infiniteness) alike … That Shivatva is also a union of these two (i.e. emptiness and fullness) and thus, is is also denoting Shunya Brahman (i.e. zero infinite, which itself is infinite zero) …
- The same Shivatva is also in the form of a Lingam (the Sanskrit word of Lingam, means a symbol or that which points to something that itself is within and beyond it) … But in the state of Shivatva, that Linga is naught but that which is “Sarva-Lingatmak (i.e. Symbol of Atman of allness and her each part)” and this is what is as the finality of each Vaidik Shivalingam …
Proceeding further …
- That Shivatva is Shakti and Shiva in their eternal timeless, fathomless, indescribable yet realizable non-dual union …
- That Shivatva permeates and envelopes all of Pancha Deva (I.e. Surya or Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Devi and Ganesha) and this is why the four Vyas Peeth are also denoting Shivatva only …
- That Shivatva is the permeator and enveloper of Panch Krityam (i.e. all acts of origination, preservation, rejuvenation, nigraha and anugraha that could ever be in the entire macrocosm and its each microcosm) …
- That Shivatva is the one attained through Sadashiva Pradakshina … Lord Ganesha attained to it originally and during the entirety of the timeless history of Maker’s Makings, extremely rare Yogi’s have attained to it … And where that attainment of any Yogi, is also as a supreme-blessing of Paramguru Sadashiva and Param Gurudevi, Maa Adi Parashakti …
- That Shivatva is within and beyond the Maker’s Makings and her each part and yet is the innermost divinity of all Deva and Devi and their Deva Loka, Siddha and Siddha Loka, all beings and non-beings and their worlds, the entire multi-universe and beyond, which each Yogi of the final pathless partless path (Brahmpath) has always desired to attain …
- That undisclosed finality, which is told as Shivatva here, is the finality of all finalities, that any Yogi can ever attain to …
- That sage who attains to this discussed divinity of Yogic mathematics … Becomes all above … And yet only remains in Shivatva …
Proceeding further …
A sage who attains to Shivatva, stays as Shiva and Shakti within each atom and also within the entire multi-universe … And his consciousness (Chetna) also extends till beyond …
But, prior attaining to to Shivatva, all other explicitly and implicitly discussed aspects would have to be accomplished by that Yogi …
In a much-much earlier incarnation, which itself was within a much earlier Brahma Kalpa, and when I was a Shaiva, who was Shakta, Paramguru Shiva who himself is Param Gurudevi Maa Adi Parashakti, had said …
“O Yogi, when you reach the endless end of all ends, which itself is the Beginningless beginning of all beginnings and it yet it stands beyond all beginning and all ends … Then I would come to you … As your Shivatva”
Thus, I am unable to disclose that Shivatva aspect of Yogic mathematics, because at this stage, it still has not arrived in me and for me …
And I hope this does not take place this time, as I know that this tiny physical body that I hold in Kaliyuga, would not be able to take it nicely …
To attain Shivatva, this tiny and weak body of Kaliyuga is unfit and that the much larger and stronger physical vehicle, that is only available in a divine golden age (Satyuga), is more apt for it …
But yet I definitely know, that, at one point of time, He (Siva) would have to come come to grant me Shivatva, just as he had then said and which as such is the only thing that remains pending at the stage when I write this part of the text …
OM Namah Shivaya
OM Gauri Naaraayani Brahmini Namostute
Yogic mathematics as a path to Buddhatva, Brahmatva and Brahmavadhuta …
Buddhatva that is written here, is Narayanatva … Buddha was an Avatar of Naaraayana and thus Buddhatva cannot be any other than what is told here …
Here we shall discuss the discuss pristine divinity of Yogic mathematics in its finality and which itself is described by those vast expanses of innermost meanings of words that have been used in above header …
- Yogic Mathematics … A divine science Makings of Maker …
The entire origination, sustenance (during its progress as a macrocosm) and dissolution of macrocosmic creation (multi-universe) can be determined through Yogic mathematics …
The entirety of divinity of evolutionary process of each microcosm, right from the instant that the microcosm originated from within the genius of Makers Makings, till the end of it’s evolutionary process which includes its reincarnations across the vast plethora of dimensions of the Makers Makings and until its stands at the gateway of a final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) and after it enters into its final liberation, which itself is as a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part, and which has been termed as Kaivalya Moksha, can also be determined through Yogic mathematics …
That which is told as Yogic mathematics, is what Vaidik mathematics also means because of what we have already discussed in an earlier part of this set of topics and is also written below for easy reference …
- There has never been a Vedic Rishi, who was not a Yogi in the first place …
- There has never been a fully accomplished Yogi, whose finality of knowledge was other than what was told by any Vedic Rishi …
Thus, basis above …
- The root of all Vedic Rishi’s has always been Yoga … And thus Samadhi …
- The finality of each accomplished Yogi, is the finality of Vedas …
And basis above,
- Yoga and Samadhi (Yogic Absorption), is the base of all Vedic knowledge …
- Thus, Vedas are scriptures of the earlier self-realized sages, right from the grandfather and creator of allness (I.e. Pitamah Brahma) as he also was a Vedic Rishi during the time spans, that were of a much earlier stage of universe and when the present universe was not even existent … And it was due to his Yogic attainments, that the present day Brahma (creator) became the creator of this multi-universe … Present day Brahma also was a very high Yogi of a much earlier multi-universe, which had a different Brahma at that time …
- Thus, Vedas state, till date, there have been countless multi-universes (that have already been born and dissoluted) and their Brahmas and there would also be countless universes with their own respective Brahmas, in the eternity that still remains of the Makersmakings …
- Thus, basis above … The divinity of Yogic mathematics which would be discussed here, is also the divinity of mathematics of a Brahma of the multi-universe and this is what makes it a highly restricted knowledge so far as its fuller distribution within any of the gross, subtle, impressional and divine realms is concerned …
- Yogic mathematics … Path of Brahmahood … Path of Brahmatva …
And the sage who self-realizes these Yogic aspects of mathematics and that too through the path, whose root is of Yoga and Samadhi, it also the one who only remains with two options … These options are as listed below …
- To be a future Brahma … This can be after many-many future originations, progress and dissolutions of universes … Thus, it doesn’t happen immediately after the dissolution of the universe during whose time span the sage self-realized what is discussed here …
- To be an Avadhoota of the entire multi-universe … This can also happen soon after that sage de-incarnates from his then incarnation (i.e. that incarnation where he had sell-realized the divinity of mathematics through the path of Yoga and Samadhi) …
- There is no third option …
But to qualify to be any of above, the requirement of passing through the eighth chakra (Ashtama Chakra) which is also termed as Niralamba Chakra and is also called as Niralambasthana (or that which had no foundation or root or base) is a must … And where this path to eighth chakra has to also pass through the golden colored Vajradanda Chakra, whose sound is of Raam (i.e. Raam Naad or Rama Nada or Sound of Bhagwan Rama), which is also termed as Shiva Taraka Naad (or Shiva Taraka Nada or Shiva Taraka Mantra) … And this passing through the eighth plexus (eighth chakra) also needs to be completed for 101 times during the entirety of time spans of his reincarnations that ever were during the entirety of his existence, within the Makers Makings …
Through the path of Yoga Samadhi, this passing through the Ashtama Chakra (or eighth chakra or Niralamba Chakra), is what an “Inner Ashwamedha Yagya (or Aantrik Ashwamedha Yagya) actually means … Thus, since the requirement is to pass through the eighth chakra (Niralambasthana) for 101 times, so this also means, that, that sage who qualifies to attain to the finality of Brahmatva (Brahmahood) has to be the one who inwardly and successfully completes the 101st Inner Ashwamedha Yagna …
Such a sage can them choose either of above two options i.e. of being a future Brahma of a future multi-universe or to be the Avadhoota of the same multi-universe …
- Yogic mathematics … As a path to Buddhahood … Path of Buddhatva …
And since barring a handful of sages who choose to be an Avadhoota of the entirety of Makersmakings, almost all such sages eventually chose the first option as listed earlier on, i.e. to be the Brahma of a future multi-universe …
And this choice is even when, both these categories of sages rest in the same Brahmatva (or Brahmahood) which always passes through the stage of Buddhatva, which means Buddhahood (or Buddhata) or one who sees allness as if it were face to face with him …
This, that sage who chooses to be an Avadhoota (as discussed above), also attains to Buddhahood i.e. Buddhatva, which denotes that such a sage is also a holder of the knowledge of the origination, sustenance and dissolution of the multi-universe … And yet he chooses to not be the future Brahma …
This is why, Buddhahood (Buddhata) is also a rare accomplishment as almost all Yogi’s who attain to what is discussed here, have invariably chosen to be a future Brahma, of a future multi-universe …
Yogic aspects of Brahmatva and Buddhatva …
Thus, Basis above …
- Buddha is that Avadhoota who attains to Brahmatva (Brahmahood) and yet chooses to enter into Buddhata (Buddhatva or Buddhahood) so as to assist all aspirants by providing a path of evolution that finally leads to their emancipation …
- And Pitamah Brahma is that Buddha, who attains to Buddhata (Buddhatva or Buddhahood) and thence chooses to enter into Brahmatva (Brahmahood) and thus becomes qualified to be the future Brahma, of a future multi-universe and thus assists in providing a solid ground for evolution and liberation (Kaivalya) to all beings …
- And a Brahmavadhuta is that sage, who leaves both of these and rests in detachment to even these higher of all accomplishments and yet stays in a state of perfection of Brahmatva …
Thus, basis above,
- Brahma is that Yogi, who attains to Buddhatva (Buddhata or Buddhahood) but yet retains his Brahmatva (Brahmahood) … Thus, Brahma originates the universe and yet is not within the pantheon of teachers and deities … And since he is not a teacher, so he cannot be a Devata who can be worshipped (just as it is told in Vedas, but sadly this part is twisted as far as the stated reason for Brahma not being worshipped, is concerned) …
- And Buddha is that Yogi who attains to Brahmatva (Brahmahood), but yet retains his Buddhatva (Buddhata or Buddhahood or being the knower of allness) … Thus, Buddha teaches and does not become the grandfather and creator of a future universe (i.e. a Buddha does not become the Brahma and instead only renders the path of righteous existence and a final exit from Brahmand or Makersmakings) … A Buddha is never born again in the physical realms and yet he exists eternally … And due to this reason, “he exists, yet does not associate to any mode of existence” and this is what leads to a state where a “Buddha is already eternally gone yet he remains as the permanently ungone one within the Makers Makings” …
- And on the contrary, a Brahmavadhuta is that Buddha (knower of allness) who attains to Brahmatva and and thus is also like Brahma manifest … And yet that sage does nothing due to being absolutely detached from all aspects that relate to suchness and non-suchness of Buddhatva and Brahmatva … And yet such sages can be recalled back into existence, for doing those jobs in which everyone (all higher beings) is either already failing or has already failed … Thus, a Brahmavadhuta is the final restorer of balance within the Maker’s Makings …
Thus basis above,
- A Brahma cannot take birth and thus cannot assist other beings in their evolutionary process across …
- A Buddha is beyond birth and death and yet comes by to assist other beings in their evolutionary process across, but this assistance is only until that Buddha is incarnated (i.e. prior he attains Nirvana or Parinirvana) … After this, his rendered path and knowledge stays for a while and thence starts degenerating, to ultimately not be beneficial …
- A Brahmavadhuta is that sage who attains to both Buddhatva and Brahmatva, and yet detaches to these two and thus he goes beyond the entirety of Makers Makings and also the Maker of allness … And yet, due to resting in perfect detachment even when he reaches a state, he can be recalled under very rare circumstances … This recall is due to the fact, that, a Brahmavadhuta is attributeless yet attributed (i.e. being both Saguna and Nirguna) and and simultaneously, being in form yet formless (i.e. being both in Sakara and Nirakara), for him both existence and non-existence are neither applicable nor not-applicable and this is what makes him reach a state, where he is like the entirety of Brahman, that was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT originally was” and all its self-expressions (that were discussed in an earlier topic of As IT eventually became) …
Thus, basis above …
What is told in Vedas to be related to Brahma, is also told in relation to a Buddha … As a few examples are the subtle Yogic references of ancient times, such as …
- Brahmakaya and Dharmakaya …
- The ancient Brahmanism and later Buddhism …
- Brahmahood (Brahmatva) and Buddhahood (Buddhata or Buddhatva) …
- Subtle references that denote sameness within Vedic astrology and Buddhist astrology …
- Vedic 100 rivers (which relate to the 100 sub-channels of the central channel or Sushmuna Naadi) and 100 deities of Buddhist lore and also the hundred seed syllable Mantra …
- 33 Koti Devata of Vedas, whose last Devata (or 33rd Devata) is Prajapati (i.e. Brahma) … And … 32 planes of existences of Buddhist lore and thence the final (i.e. 33rd) plane, which as such is of a Sam Sam Buddha …
- Panch Deva (five deities) of Vedic lore and five Buddha’s of Buddhist lore …
- Vajradanda and Vajrastra of Yogic and Vedic lore’s and Vajrayana of Buddhist lore …
- Ashtama Chakra of Vedic lore and Buddhata of Buddhas way …
- Raam Naad (Sound of Raam or Rama Nada or sound of word “Rama”) of Vedic lore and Ra seed syllable as is used by some Buddhist paths …
- Yama and Ganesha of Vedas and Buddhist lore’s …
- Hiranyagarbha Brahma of Vedic lore and Amitabha of Buddhist lore …
- OM of Vedic lore (and where the sound of AUM is told as the seed of Vedas) and other forms of writing of the same AOM in Buddhist lore (Because that which used the Vedic seed or OM or ॐ, cannot say that it is not related to much-much earlier Vedas) …
- I can keep continuing with this similarity, but it’s pointless to go any further … So … Etc-etc., …
- Yogic Math … Avadhoota of multi-universe … Brahmavadhuta … Finality of Brahmatva in the multi-universe …
And that Brahma Avadhoota (Like the Buddha), who willingly detaches from both above, is the one who attains the title of being the Avadhoota (or Avadhuta) of the entire multi-universe … But this time span is also restricted to a single Guru Yuga (Age of sages) … So, his time span is restricted to about 10,000 years only …
Thus, prior the Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) begins, such an Avadhuta arrives to lay down the foundation of the incoming Guru Yuga and thence he leaves (de-incarnates or goes in hibernation like that of remote forests or mountains) unless the people of the world hold onto him … But this hold cannot extend beyond that incarnation of such an Avadhoota (i.e. after that Avadhuta de-incarnates, the hold of his own followers is also extinguished) …
This absence of hold is due to the basis reason, that such a universal Avadhoot can never be restricted to a single world like this one …
And until that Avadhuta stays as the Avadhuta of the multi-universe, no other aspirant can become as him … Thus, his universal position, is also a singular one … But only until he stays so …
And as the Guru Yuga is coming to a close, he returns back in a subtle form, and them takes back his own laid down path (which he had laid down prior to the start of that Guru Yuga) and thence enters into the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) … After this stage, he never returns back, in any future that may still be pending of the Makers Makings …
Thus, after the Guru Yuga, whose foundation he had laid down (and thus he was the Yuga Sthapak of that Guru Yuga), completes its destined lifetime of about 10,000, he returns back in a subtle form, for one last time, so as to destroy that foundation that he himself had built and upon which that Guru Yuga was standing al that while of about 10,000 years …
And after this stage, he enters into the attributeless infinite being (Parabrahman) and thenceforth, stays free of allness and her each part and as the attributeless being (Nirguna Brahma), itself is …
Thus, he finally enters into Para Brahman, and thenceforth, only continues as Brahman and not as Makers Makings or her any part …
After he enters into Nirgun Nirakara Brahman, the universes can keep re-dissoluting and re-originating, he would never return back … Or in other words, his time of future return back is beyond calculations, analysis, imaginations and visualizations, of anyone, including of Brahma of the universe …
Such a sage denotes the finality of Brahmatva (Brahmahood), which as such is due to his isolation from allness and her each part, and where that isolation is also such, that he “only and only” remains in his oneness with Brahman …
Where every relationship ends and where all that remains is oneness with Brahman, is the finality of Brahmatva …
Such a sage (Avadhoota of the multi-universe) holds the capability to unite all divided parts of allness into a single greater part … Such an Avadhuta who rests in the finality of Brahmatva, never divides or becomes the reasons for divisions …
Thus, even when basis his laid down foundational knowledge, some later humans and other beings may cause divides, but in such a case also, his knowledge in its pristine state, is free of divisions …
Explanations of divinity of Yogic mathematics …
Here we shall be taking mathematics as a base for self-realizations that lead to the finality of divinity of mathematics, just as stated in the header of this topic …
And this is even when, this topic and its mathematics are rooted in self realizations of Yoga Samadhi … Yoga Samadhi denotes the finality of absorptions that an aspirant attains to through the path of Yoga Tantra and whose finality is of Mukti (liberation) which was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Types, aspects and path of Mukti” …
Thus, a knowledgeable and critical analysis of what is explicitly told here and also that which is implicitly referred to in this topic, is also the path of liberation (Moksha or Kaivalya or simply, Mukti) because this knowledge is that which was self-realized through Yoga Samadhi, which itself is the final stage of the path of liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) …
Those aspirants, who would intellectually analyze whatever is explicitly told here, would also become the knower’s of what is implicitly told here …
And such aspirants would eventually qualify to walk past that pathless partless path (Brahmanpath) that only a handful of microcosm have ever walked during the entirety of history of the Makers Makings … Such ones would be those who enter into Kaivalya (final liberation) and where that liberation can also be whilst they are still alive (i.e. Jeevanmukti or that liberation which one attains to whilst still incarnated in a physical bodied form) …
Thus, this knowledge is also the path of becoming a future Jeevanmukta …
BB) … Yogic mathematics of an ancient Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta …
In Swayambhu Manvantara when I was a student of Gurudeva (Swayambhu Manu), it was also because of this knowledge, that Gurudeva had named me as Ganit, which means divine mathematics, divinity of Yogic mathematics, divinity of mathematics of universe and mathematics of creator of allness … And since I have also continued as a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta, so I also remember it … Ever since …
Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta is that sage, who has either reached the summit of self-realization and then he consciously rejects his liberation, but for only a certain amount of time (as this rejection can never be permanent) … Or as a second option, he is that sage, who is already standing at the doorway of his liberation and is unable to enter into it within that incarnation … I was of the former category which is also termed as a Bodhisattva (In Buddhas way) …
Thus, this topic can also be termed as divinity of mathematics of a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta and also as the divine mathematics of a fully accomplished Bodhisattva … First of who in this Kalpa (Day time of Pitamah Brahma), was named Ganit by his Gurudeva … And so has he also continued, even when in other incarnations he was named differently, either by his parents or by his them Guru’s …
Yogic mathematics related to Nasadiya Sukta of Rig Veda … Restricted part …
Here we would discuss that which is the state that was prior to origin allness …
Mathematics of Samadhi’s of darkness … Jada Samadhi …
Jada means root … Samadhi means absorption … So the word Jada Samadhi, means the absorption in the root (of allness) …
That root is of allness … That root is primordial … That root is like a pinpointed and thus a highly compacted state of allness and where the entire allness, is in that pinpointed state (like the tip of a pinhead) …
That root, which is highly compacted, is highly dense and its mass equal to the mass of entirety of Maker’s Makings, which is yet to originated out of it at this stage of our discussion …
At that stage, when only the root of allness (i.e. primordial nature) existed as primordial zeroness, zero was also in a highly compacted state …
That root held the entirety of macrocosmic vitality in it and where that vitality was also in the same highly compacted state …
That root was thus the root zero, which even though held a sea of zeros within it, yet it was of a size that was like the tip of a pinhead … And from this tip of pinhead like state of the root of allness, the entirety of multi-universe was originated through a path that is subtly told in below equation …
Primordial 0 = “0 + 0 + 0 + 0 … = singular 0 …
Zeros endlessly united to each other and compressed”
Darkness enveloping Darkness as told in Naasadiya Sukta of Rig Veda … Primordial 0 = “0 + 0 + 0 + 0 … Endlessly united to each other & compressed” …
That primordial zero, which was of primordial nature and which was like the tip of a pinhead, was made of countless number of zeros, all of who were resting in that same primordial zero and yet only the primordial zero was visible within a size that itself was of the tip of a pinhead …
And within that primordial nature, which itself was the primordial zero (Adi Shunya), all these endless number of zeros were also in their endlessly compressed state … Thus, only the primordial zeroness of primordial nature was visible at this time …
As also, within that that primordial nature, which itself was the primordial zero (Adi Shunya), all these endless number of zeros were also having a further endless sea of seas of zeros in them and which also were endlessly compressed and thus only a single tip of pinhead like state was visible …
At that time, there neither was a macrocosm nor any microcosm, neither was there any divine being, nor any divine world and there also was nothing else …
At that time, all that was visible, was the primordial zero …
And yet all these countless zeros were present inside that primordial zero itself …
That primordial zero was dark and the same darkness was also of all other zeros that were present inside that primordial zero …
Thus, Naasadiya Sukta states the phrase of “darkness enveloping darkness” as the primordial state that was prior to self-origination of the macrocosmic creation …
And since to enter this state and survive it, is a very rare probability, so to prevent other aspirants from perils of meditatively entering into that Bindu Shunya (pinpointed zeroness of root of allness, or primordial nature), which itself is like “zeroness enveloping zeroness”, the sage of Naasadiya Sukta has also used the phase of uncertainty, for existence and non-existence, within his statements like “ “who knows or not, etc. as is told there” …
That which is described in Naasadiya Sukta is Bindu Shunya (pinpointed state of primordial zeroness of primordial nature) and where that Bindu Shunya itself is holding in it, countless numbers of zeros (Shunya), each of who denote a full universe with all its planes of existences (galaxies, etc.) and worlds, and is also holding in it, all animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate (concepts etc.) and supra-animate (Gods, etc.) beings and their worlds … And where all these are as countless zeros, that reside within that pinpointed state of primordial zeroness, as was of primordial nature …
Since this state is the Jada (root) of allness, so its absorption was termed as Jada Samadhi … In Jada Samadhi, an aspirant can stay for very long time and yet not know that such a long time has already elapsed …
Vast Self-realization within Naasadiya Sukta of Rig Veda …
As far as number of words of any writing are concerned, Naasadiya Sukta of Rig Veda is one of the smallest ones …
But yet, when an aspirant gets into its self-realizations, then that aspirant only finds, that, a sea of knowledge is what it actually denotes …
This is what we would be discussing here …
Jada Samadhi … First part of self realization of allness of Maker’s Makings … Stage of Mahatam or Maha Tamas or Ghor Tamas …
Jada means root … Root of allness, is primordial nature …
Primordial nature is that state of mother nature, which was prior to origination of anything as a macrocosm or a microcosm … This state was of primordial state of zeroness, which itself was where that zeroness was also in a highly compressed state …
Due to being compressed, even the I’ness (Ahamkara), knowledge (Vijyana), consciousness (Chetna), mind (Manas) and vitality (Prana) which are present in it, becomes compressed and the state of these is just like that of the primordial zeroness of root of allness …
When an aspirant enters into the stage of absorption in the primordial root of allness (i.e. non-lighted state of the primordial zero state of nature), that aspirants I’ness, knowledge, consciousness, mind and vitality also gets compressed … Due to being so compressed, all these arrive at their inertial state (i.e. state of long term rest) … And it is due to this reason, that the aspirant can stay in Jada Samadhi (i.e. absorption in primordial zeroness) for extremely long times …
Due to being in the root of allness, which itself is free of change (as is within the begun state of allness), so the state of an aspirant who enters the Jada Samadhi also doesn’t change (i.e. within Jada Samadhi, the aspirant doesn’t grow old, body and other subtle aspects remains in the same state that was when that aspirant had initially entered into Jada Samadhi) …
Since this is a condition of vast quantum of macrocosmic inertia that is also compressed in the same size of tip of pinhead, so this state is of Ghor Tamas (extreme inertia), which can also be termed as Maha Tamas (Great inertia) …
In this state of Jada Samadhi, even when the zero infinite is present, yet it is in a compressed state only … And this is what denotes the state of being Mahatam as was discussed in an earlier topic …
This is when the Prana (vitality) of that aspirant become compressed and unite to that primordial zeroness of Mother nature (Maa Prakriti) …
Shunya Samadhi … Second part of self-realization of Nasadiya Sukta …
Emanation of macrocosmic voidness from root nature
Zero Infinite … Shunya Brahman … 2nd part of Brahman’s original self-expression
0 = 0 + 0 + 0 … Endlessly … Sea of endless seas of zeros …
Shunya Ananta … Mahashunya …
When the aspirant sees only a single zeroness and thus does not see any of the pervading sea of zeros that are present in that zeroness, then this is what leads to a stage, where that aspirants mind enters into the six petalled lotus that is present as the uppermost amongst the three small lotuses that exist inside the Brahmarandra (Great crevice of creator of allness, which is present at the top of head) … This six petalled small sized lotus that is present inside the Brahma Randhra is mind plexus (or Manas Chakra) …
At this stage when that aspirants mind enters into the Manas chakra (Mind chakra), zero becomes individual and thus is not seen with that sea of zeroness that is also present in it (but is not visible at this stage) …
This is when the mind of that aspirant enters into the mind plexus (Manas Chakra), and thence it loses its individuality prior it merges with that Shunyata that is self-realized through the path and transit of the mind chakra (Manas chakra) …
This dissolving of mind (Manas) is what Mahapralaya (great dissolution) means … That great dissolution (Maha Pralaya) always comes at the end of each Brahma’s lifetime which is told to be of a duration of 311.040 trillion human solar years (as per middle unitary value of time of the axial precession cycle or cycle of precession of equinoxes) …
Thus, Mahapralaya is also self-realized through Shunya Samadhi …
Asamprajnata Samadhi … Third part of self realization of Naasadiya Sukta …
Sea of endless seas of zeros … 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 … Endlessly … Rooted in a single zero
Infinite Zero … Shunya Brahman … 1st part of Brahman’s original self-expression
Final aspect of Mahapralaya … Everything enters Sriman Naaraayana
During the phase of dissolution of allness, Shunya, which denotes the dissoluted state of allness, also ends up residing in the vast envelopes of Shunya Brahman, who itself is the macrocosmic state of Naaraayana and who also is that zero infinity, which itself is the infinite zero …
This is why Vedic sages say, that during Mahapralaya, all that was as macrocosm and microcosm, enters into dissolution (zeroness) and thence everything that was as the macrocosmic creation, rests in Naaraayana …
That stage in which everything rests is zero infinite, that itself is infinite zero … And this is what gets self-realized through Asamprajnata Samadhi … This state is of Shunya Brahman, which itself is the original self-expression of Brahman …
And the state in which everything rests in Shunya Brahman, is of Shunya, that is self-realized through Shunya Samadhi …
Kaal Samadhi … Corpus of self-realizations of Naasadiya Sukta of Rig Veda …
Kaal which means time, is the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation … Being primordial dimension it also relates to Primordial nature and thus its Samadhi is also Jada Samadhi …
Time is of two parts …
- In its originality, which itself is its finally realized state … It is the partless state of time, which as such is timeless in its beginning and fathomless in its end and thus this denotes an undefined state of eternity …
- In its state within the macrocosmic creation … It is as the eternally moving wheel of time or cycle of time or Kaalchakra … Thus, this aspect of time can be used in ones evolutionary process …
Kaal Samadhi as told here relates to the finality of time, that itself is as eternity …
The sage who enters into Kaal Samadhi, becomes eternity itself and whose lord is Bhagwan Mahakaal aspect of Guru Shiva and whose divinity is the divinity of Mahakala, who in Vedas has also been called as primary divinity or Mahakaali …
The vast quantum of energies which exist within those dark colored microscopic specs that are floating everywhere in the universe, is Mahakali … Mahakaali is dark colored, yet not (because inside her is full of light) … These dark colored microscopic specs that are discussed here, have also been termed as Inertial masses (or Inert matter) in this text …
From Maha Kaali (i.e. vast quantum of energy fields that exist in each inertial mass) are originated all worlds and planes (Galaxies, etc.) … And Mahakaali rests in every universe as inert matter and within inert matter …
Proceeding further … To explain presence of Maa Maha Kali within inert matter …
And even when she rests as inert matter, yet that inert matter is Shiva and the vast quantum of energy that is held by each spec of inert matter, is Mahakaali … This is what was depicted in Sanatana Dharma, as Mahakaali standing on the chest of an unconscious Shiva … And this state is exactly what it is like in the Maker’s Makings, where Shiva (as Mahakala) as Inertial mass is inert (unconscious) and Maa Mahakaali as infinite energy that is present in sameness within each and every spec of inert mater, is standing on his chest …
Proceeding further to explain Maa Mahakaali as Inert matter …
We had discussed in some earlier topics, that when energy compresses to a very high extent, it forms matter … And if this compression which as such is of extremely vast quantum of energy, is sudden, then it forms matter that is inert in its nature … This inert matter is like a dark colored mattered state that is present everywhere in the universe …
Thus, from this point of view, which as such is related to the Shakta Marg (path of Shakta’s) and thus it relates to the knowledge of Makers Makings, in its highly and spontaneously compressed state, energy is matter and in the expansive state of mater, it is energy … This is what was discussed in an earlier topic of inter convertibility of matter and energy … And in that topic, we had also discussed that mater and energy are inter convertible …
Since originally only energy was there, so it eventually is energy from whom all matter including inert matter (or the dark colored matter which is floating all over the universe and which also flows due to a dark colored vast amount of energy field that is of it, when it exists as inert matter) originates … Thus eventually, it is energy who self-manifests as all that we know as gross and subtle matter (which also includes inert matter, that is present in a dark colored state across the universe and its parts) …
And that primordial energy of our current discussion, which as such is resting within a pristinely lighted state, that is also enveloped by a dark state, and which is omnipresent within and beyond the universe, is what Vedic sages had named as Kaali (or Mahakaali), the mother of allness … And from this point of view, that omnipresent, omnipotent and omnicompetent energy (which as such is named as Mahakaali) is the inert matter (unconscious Shiva) … And this is what Shakta’s also state, that divinity (Devi or Shakti) is the origin and the end in addition to being all that ever is or could ever be …
Proceeding further to sum up this discussion …
And this is why, the sages who had known both aspects of above discussions had also told as follows …
Shakti is Shiva … And simultaneously … Shiva is Shakti
Returning back to our discussion on Kaal Samadhi …
During Kaal Samadhi (i.e. absorption within the primordial dimension of time), these stated facts can be very easily known … And the finality of Kaal Samadhi is of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga, which we have already discussed in a much earlier topic …
One who accomplishes Kaal Samadhi, goes beyond Kaal (time) … Such a sage is known as a Kalatma (i.e. whose Atman is Kaal itself) …
Path of evolution is reverse, but not exactly, of path of origination …
Since sequence as told in above mentioned stages of self-realizations, are related to ones evolutionary process, so these would be seen to be in a reciprocal (reverse) order, if any aspirant observes them for the stages of self-origination of the multi-universe and its microcosmic diversity …
But since nothing can reach its sameness to anything that earlier was, so this reverse path is also not exactly reciprocal … Thus, even when evolution is reverse of origination, yet it is not exactly following the reciprocal path of origination …
Note: Exact reciprocal path would lead to arrival at sameness to an earlier state, which itself would become as a path of dissolution … This is because, within the entirety of time spans of existence of the Makers Makings, sameness of (state, condition etc.) of any now, to any earlier nowness (that ever was during the entirety of time spans of Maker’s Makings), would lead to a dissolution of that state (which reaches such a sameness) … Thus, what was at any time span during the entirety of history of Makers Makings can never be repeated again within the entirety of Makers Makings … And this law of non-sameness (or law of sameness, call it whatever you want, is applicable to all microcosm’s and across all microcosms that have ever begun within the supreme genius, of Makersmakings) …
Finality of Yogic Mathematics of Samadhi’s of lightness …
This part wouldn’t be discussed as it is highly restricted and thus is only meant for those rare aspirants who are appropriate vessels for this kind of restricted knowledge systems and their highly esoteric ways …
Thus ends this endless topic …