This topic shall discuss the Zenith and Nadir points of Human age cycle and their break up … And with a slight reference to the installer (actually propagator) of Theosophy and the term Vishvaguru …
Above is the figure without an offset of 9 degrees precession arc … This offset has already been discussed in previous topic of “Offset of human ages” …
But since the offset is already there, so this figure is no longer valid … Thus this figure is shown here only to get an idea of the original state of Precessional circle i.e. prior the offset of 9 degrees arc had come by …
Since this offset of 9 degrees precession arc is of the present Age of Manu (which is also called as a Manvantar), so prior this Manvantara had come by, this offset was not there … And had the offset not been there, then 786 AD would have been the Nadir …
And because after offset comes into play, the human ages get bent (shift by arc that is equal to the arc of offset) and yet the Nadir point stays the same, so the year of 786 AD, would only become as the Offset Nadir as is depicted in the next figure …
Thus, in above figure, other than this time of 786 AD, rest all can be ignored …
Proceeding further …

But since there already is an offset that is applicable to the present Precessional cycle, so above figure describes the same precession cycle, but basis offset-Nadir point (which was discussed in previous topic of “Offset of human ages”) coming to play within the cycle of human ages (or precession circle) …
Above figure describe human age cycles (which in Sanskrit lore was called as a Manav Yuga Chakra), but basis offset of 9 degrees precession arc … As compared to the earlier figure, the human ages are bent by 9 degrees precession arc in above figure …
Due to this offset of precession, above figure shows two Nadir points and these are of …
- Offset-Nadir … 786 AD … This is the “Offset-ed state of original Nadir” … Thus it is stated as Offset-Nadir because it shows the offset of Nadir due to offset of precession circle …
- Nadir … But since the Nadir and Zenith points do not shift, so this is the position of original Nadir (prior the offset of 9 degrees precession arc was arrived at within the Precessional cycle) … And since this denotes the original nadir, so we have kept its original name of “Nadir” only …
And all stated times (years or dates) as shown in both above figures are only basis “unitary value of time” when world is resting at the Nadir phase of precession (i.e. 72 years per degrees change of precession) because Nadir is the cardinal point of Earth’s axial precession that is applicable at the time when I write this topic …
Note: Due to the fact that the offset of precession is already reflected in the precession cycle, so the second figure that shows both the points of Nadir (i.e. Nadir point and Offset-Nadir point) is the correct figure … So, we shall also be utilizing the second figure in discussions of this topic …
Proceeding further …
As shown in above figure, the Nadir point was passed in 1434 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and this Nadir point (of 1434 AD) was of the ascending cycle of precession (Krishna Paksha of Ahaata Chakra or in other words, the Agragaman Chakra) … Thus this is that part of human age cycle which is moving from the lowest or worst one (or human degenerate age or Manav Kaliyuga) to the highest or best human age cycle of human golden age (or Manav Satyuga) …
But since the human golden age (Manav Satyuga) which runs within the larger cycle of a divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) would only be as an age of sages (Guru Yuga) and since this itself is the case as of now, so the stated human golden age cycle of above figure is also none other than an age of sages only …
Proceeding further …
In this topic, we shall discuss the breakup of human age cycles at Nadir and Zenith points of precession, so as to lay down a base for many later discussions where we shall be directly referring to the discussions of this topic so as to mathematically derive those later values …
38-AA- Breakup of human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) …
This discussion shall be in two parts as stated below …
- Breakup of human ages at Offset-Nadir and Offset-Zenith line …
- Breakup of human ages at Nadir and Zenith line …
- And both these discussions shall be referring to the above given second figure (which had both the Offset-Nadir and Nadir points) …
38-AA-1 … Break up of human ages by Offset-Zenith and Offset-Nadir points …
If we see above shown second figure, then it is also known that the human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) is divided by the Offset-Zenith Offset-Nadir line in a ratio of 1 : 2 and where these ratios are like mirror images to each other when these are considered at the Zenith phase and Nadir phase of precession …
Since the ages are moving in a clockwise manner as shown in above figure, so during the progress of human age cycles (i.e. precession cycles) at the stage of Nadir phase (i.e. from 510 BC till 2082 AD, as is calculated later on in this topic), the ratio of 2 comes prior the ratio of 1 …
And the reverse of above breakup of human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) happens at the Zenith phase of precession …
Proceeding further …
The Manav Tretayuga (human age of trinity) has duration of 3,888 human solar years as per Nadir time units, (we have already calculated this value in section 36-BB-2 of the previous topic of “Time spans of human ages”) …
As shown in second figure above, all of the Offset-Nadir, Offset-Zenith, Nadir and Zenith points are passing through the currently ending human age of Manav Tretayuga (human age of trinity) …
Thus, Manav Tretayuga gets divided into two halves by each of the two lines that are of Offset-Zenith and Offset-Nadir and also are of Nadir Zenith points as shown in second figure above …
Proceeding further …
Due to the Offset-Nadir and Offset-Zenith line passing through Manav Tretayuga, Manav Tretayuga is divided into two halves … These halves are as follows …
- When this is considered at Offset-Nadir point : The ratios of these two halves are as follows …
Prior arrival at Offset-Nadir point : After arrival at Offset-Nadir point
2 : 1
2,592 human solar years : 1,296 human solar years
- When this is considered at Offset-Zenith point: The ratios of these two halves are as follows …
Prior arrival at Offset-Nadir point : After arrival at Offset-Nadir point
1 : 2
1,296 human solar years : 2,592 human solar years
Above divisions are as per the direction of movement of human age cycles (i.e. clockwise direction) as depicted in above figure …
38-AA-2 … Break up of human ages at Zenith and Nadir points …
If we see the second figure as shown above and thence compare it to the first figure, then it is clear that in the precession circle, even after 9 degree shift of precession arc, the Zenith and Nadir points remain at their earlier position …
By this I mean, that the Zenith and Nadir points stay at the uppermost and lowermost positions respectively, within the precession circle …
As such, since the Zenith-Nadir line does not shift by 9 degrees arc and this is even when human ages are shifted, so the breakup of human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) at Zenith-Nadir line, is also found to be as follows …
- When at Nadir point : The ratios of these two halves are as follows …
Prior arrival at Nadir point : After arrival at Nadir point
2.5 : 0.5
3,240 human solar years : 648 human solar years
- When at Zenith point: The ratios of these two halves are as follows …
Prior arrival at Nadir point : After arrival at Nadir point
0.5 : 2.5
648 human solar years : 3,240 human solar years
Above divisions are as per the direction of movement of human age cycles (i.e. clockwise direction) as depicted in above figure …
38-BB … Two aspects of Zenith-Nadir line and Offset-Zenith Offset-Nadir line dividing the human age of trinity …
Since only the human age of trinity falls within the Zenith-Nadir line and it simultaneously also falls within the line that is of Offset-Zenith and Offset-Nadir points, so Manav Tretayuga (human age of trinity) is the human age cycle where our current discussion on breakup of a human age cycle (or Manav Yuga Chakra) into two parts is applicable …
The discussed type of breakup only happens in the human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) as no other human age is divided by both the Zenith-Nadir line and Offset-Zenith and Offset-Nadir line …
And basis above figures, as far as any age cycle other than the human age of trinity, are concerned, their complete time spans shall be applicable to them … Thus there shall be no break of time in any of the human age (Manav Yuga) which are other than the human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) as is depicted in both of the above figures …
Above is because, other age cycles are not divided by any cardinal line and its offset-cardinal line simultaneously …
Proceeding further …
As also, due to the effects of the Zenith and Nadir phases of precession, when a world that is resting in human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) ends up crossing these any of the Zenith-Nadir points (or offset-Zenith Offset-Nadir point), then for calculation purposes of the human ages and their effects, following two different ways as have been stated below, would need to be considered …
- 1st way is to take the entire time span of the human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) as one unit … This value is used to calculate the time of commencement of change of a human age (Manav Yuga) …
- And the 2nd way is to take the time span of the human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) as two separate units and where these two separate units are separated by the Zenith-Nadir line and/or by the Offset-Zenith Offset-nadir line …
By this method, the derived time spans can be used to calculate a variety of details like advent of an awaited one, advent of someone who is to do a certain job in a world, time of manifestation of specific changes as per the specific requirements of future time spans, calculating various celestial aspects, and calculating various divine aspects, etc-etc …
Thus if the separation of the Zenith-Nadir or Offset-Zenith Offset-Nadir line is considered, then the breakup of this time span shall also be as per ratios that were given earlier …
And due to above …
- If the change of the human age of trinity to the next human age cycle (i.e. age of sages or human golden age) is considered, then the total time span of the human age of trinity shall have to be considered …
- And if some aspects of phases of human age of trinity which are prior to and after the Zenith-Nadir line (or prior to or after the Offset-Zenith and Offset-Nadir line) are to be calculated, then individual divisions of time spans of the human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) by the Zenith-Nadir or by Offset-Zenith Offset-Nadir line shall have to be taken into account as per our earlier stated ratios in section 38-AA-1 or 38-AA-2 …
- Thus depending upon what value we need to derive, is the line which would have to be considered …
38-CC … Effects of breakup due to Zenith-Nadir line and Offset-Zenith Offset-Nadir line …
Here we shall discuss some of the primary effects due to breakup of human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) and this discussion is also basis two ways as were discussed in section 38-BB above …
If we study above given second-figure (which has offset values of Zenith and Nadir) then it is clear that as of now the Nadir phase of precession is the one that is primarily applicable to this world …
And due to above, in above figure and in below calculations we have used Nadir time units only … Thus all stated years in above figure and below discussions are also related to Nadir time units …
Since the human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) gets divided in two separate ways (as were discussed section 38-AA-1 or 38-AA-2 above) so depending upon what value we need to derive, the ratio of this break of ages shall also be based upon the same ratios as were stated in section 38-AA-1 or 38-AA-2 …
38-CC-1 … When considering total time span of human age of trinity …
As was calculated in section 36-BB-2 of previous topic of “Time spans of human ages” at Nadir time units of precession, the time span of a human age of trinity is of 3,888 human solar years …
In Vedic lore, if we need to derive the intermediary time span that falls at beginning and end of a human age cycle, then following is the method of breakup of that age cycle …
Total time span = 10% (setting in time) + 100% (set time) + 10% (exit time)
This method is also related to an earlier discussion in the topic of “Breakup of human age cycles” and was also discussed in another topic “Breakup of divine ages” …
Thus, basis above method, the breakup of human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) would be as follows …
3,888 years = 324 (setting in time) + 3240 (set time) + 324 (exit time) years
Above time span (of 324 years of setting in time) denotes the initial phase of change of human age of trinity …
And when time span (of 324 years) is seen in what is shown in both of above figures, then it is clear that the next human age (i.e. age of sages or Guru-Yuga) is commencing in 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
And basis above calculation, the actual time when the change of the current human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) had commenced was as follows …
2082 AD – 324 years = 1758 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
Note: Above year has an error of a few months, so it is not exact time of change to age of sages (Guru Yuga) … This exact time shall be mathematically derived in a later topic …
Note: And as is discussed in some later topics, 1758 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) also denotes the Sandhikaal of exit time of the currently ending human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) … Thus 1758 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) was the time of initial change of current human age cycle (human age of trinity) to the next human age cycle (age of sages or human age of truth) …
Proceeding further …
This is to discuss this time span of 1758 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and its effects …
This phase was the stage when the industrial revolution began …
Thus, this also was the stage of time when humanity started getting into rational and scientific systems …
Above was in lieu of systems of the earlier age cycle (or Nadir phase of precession) which basically were based upon all sorts of fantasies, dogmas, imaginations and hallucination of beliefs within one or another greater entity who was called as a god who creates and/or sustains and/or runs the entirety of worlds (and all its creatures) …
And yet because of the effects of the Nadir phase of precession at those times, that god was very individualistic (monotheistic) and also very-very egoistic …
And even when that god was told to be the all powerful one, yet very strangely it also had an equal opposite aspect which was called as Satan and which proved that the God was not an unchallenged, incomparable one and thus was not the supreme one …
This duality was also due to the effects of dividing of the human age of trinity by the cardinal line (or Zenith-Nadir line) of precession cycle …
All concepts which originate during that phase of human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) that falls at the Nadir phase of precession always have this duality due to the fact that even the Gods (and their systems) which come by during the Nadir phase precession are very highly individually-dualistic and egoistic greater entities (Abhimani Devata) and which always have an equal opposite aspect, which is told as Satan …
And more strangely, even when each of these Gods who come by during the Nadir phase of precession of equinoxes state themselves as the all powerful ones, yet they have ever lacked the capability to continue their own established systems till eternity of existence of Maker’s Makings …
And due to above, all their told (or established) systems always have an end-time and also have an end-of-time which itself arrives very soon (I mean within a few millenniums only) …
38-CC-2 … When considering first part of breakup of human age of trinity by Offset-Zenith and Offset-Nadir line…
Here we shall consider the phase of currently running human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) that was prior to Offset-Nadir i.e. the time period of 2,592 years of Manav Tretayuga which falls prior to the Offset-Nadir point (of 786 AD) …
This stated time of 2,592 years is the same as what was discussed earlier (in section 38-AA-1) …
Thus as far as above shown figure of human age cycles stands, this discussion is on the first 2/3rd of the presently underway human age of trinity (i.e. Manav Tretayuga) which was passed by prior this world had transited the Offset-Nadir point of precession (of 786 AD) …
The breakup of 2,592 years is as follows …
2,592 years = 216 years (setting in time) + 2160 (set time) + 216 years (exit time)
Thus if we consider this stage and apply it to the stage which was just prior the arrival of this world at the Offset-Nadir point, then we get a time as follows …
786 AD – 216 (i.e. exit time of 2592 years) = 570 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
This time of 570 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) was the time of “Birth of Prophet Muhammad” of Islam who also was “last and final prophet” of this entire precession cycle …
The phrase ““last and final prophet” of the entire precession cycle” was stated for Prophet Muhammad, because after the stage of crossing past the Offset-Nadir phase of precession, the last phase of the human age of trinity or Manav Tretayuga gets commenced (i.e. 1,296 years after crossing over of Offset-Nadir point gets commenced) …
And since this phase directly leads to the next human age i.e. Age of sages (or human golden age or Guru Yuga), which itself is an age of pluralistic monism (i.e. the age where ways of life are rooted in Sanatan Dharma), so in the next age (which itself is an age of Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) there cannot even be any of the representatives (or Prophets) of any of the individualistic and egoistic God’s (or Satan’s) …
Due to this reason, the earlier case of individualistic and egoistic entities being Gods of times and just as it was prior the transit of the Offset-Nadir Offset-Zenith line of precession (i.e. prior 786 AD) shall no longer be valid after transit of this line (of Offset-Nadir Offset-Zenith) after 786 AD …
Due to this reason, the prophet who arrives just-prior the transit of the “Offset-Nadir Offset-Zenith line” is the last Prophet the entire precession cycle … And that last and final prophet was Muhammad …
The Offset-Nadir Offset-Zenith line denotes an offset of cardinal points (i.e. main points) of precession and thus is also denotes denotes a deviation from the pluralistic monist ways of working of the macrocosmic creation (or in other words, the Maker’s Makings) …
And this is why egoistic individualistic entities and their religions come by at this time when Nadir phase of running i.e. from 510 BC till 2982 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years and less 108 years from both these times (or in other worlds, from 402 BC till 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Thus after 786 AD, there can be no representative of any of the egoistic Gods and due to this reason, it has been stated that Prophet Muhammad was the last and final prophet of the current precession cycle …
Coming by of Prophet Mohammad was also as per that “call of time cycles (Kaalchakra)” which relates to Offset-Nadir phase of precession … And basis this it is also clear that Prophet Mohammad was also the one who was related to this Offset-Nadir phase of precession (or Agragaman) itself …
Proceeding further …
As this Nadir phase begins reaching the final half of its last phase of change which is leading to the commencement of the Age of Sages (or human age of truth or Guru Yuga), then the systems of Prophet Mohammad would be ending (of getting changed) in this world …
Thus, basis above, the end time of Islam as a religion (What I mean is an “end of Islam in its present state”) is going to be after 2028 AD, +/- 7 years (and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Since Prophet Mohammad had come by to this world as per the call of time cycles (Kaalchakra) of the Offset-Nadir phase, so his established systems would also be ending as per the call of the same time cycles only …
And this time shall be just as it is stated above (after 2028 AD, +/- 7 years and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Proceeding further …
Now we would verify above date of 2028 AD, +/- 7 years (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
And coincidentally, below calculation also holds weight as far as end of Islam (in its present form) is concerned …
Birth of Prophet Mohammad as calculated above … 570 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Prophet Mohammad had stated in his own Hadiths that Islam shall live for “1.5 days of Khuda Tala” i.e. 1.5 x 1000 lunar years = 1500 lunar years …
Allah Tala is also the same divine being who is addressed as Rudra Deva within the Vedas … I say so because I have known him through a direct cognition (when I had subtly travelled to Allah Tala some years back) … And this fact has been discussed in an earlier topic which can be seen here …
So basis above, we shall now convert 1500 Islamic lunar years into solar years …
This calculation is as per the present condition of solar revolution, but it is an approximate calculation … The actual one would be too long, so I have omitted it here …
{(1500 lunar year x 355 days) / 365.242 days} = 1457.9 human solar years
Adding 1457.9 years from 570 AD (i.e. time of Birth of Prophet Muhammad) gives a time line of 2027.9 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Anytime within +/- 7 years (and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) from above calculated timeline of 2027.9 AD, would see the fact that either Islam would be changing towards pluralistic monism (i.e. Systems of Guru Yuga or the systems of next human age cycle of Age of Sages) …
And if above does not happen, then it would is completely ending within this world …
And further to above paragraph … Anytime within 27 years from this above derived timeline would be the stage when this world shall see the end of Islam (in its current form) and the present state of this system of Prophet Mohammad (i.e. the last and final prophet of this entre precession cycle) would sleep for the entire next run of the precession cycle …
This phase of sleep of systems of Prophet Mohammad shall continue until 216 years would be again remaining from the next (subsequent) advent of the Offset-Nadir phase of precession (and which also needs to be calculated as per Nadir time units of precession of that next phase of precession) …
And since systems which relate to individualistic and thus egoistic Gods always come in and go out with a bang, so the turning point of Islam would also not be any different …
So here is my prophecy …
- Since after study of impressions (Samskaras) which reside in the consciousness plane of this world (Bhu Chitta) is is clear that the origin of Islam was from Sanatan Nigama Arya Dharma (i.e. that way of life, which rests within the Vedic lore) …
- At that time, “Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma (i.e. Vedas)” was already established in the “Land of Pitr (which means land of ancestors or learned ones)” … Sometime later on, this “Land of Pitr (Land of ancestors or learned ones)” came to be known as “Land of ancient Petra” which as of today is in Syria …
- Thus the return back of Islam would also be to the same “Sanatan Nigam Arya Dharma (i.e. Vedas)” and in the city of Petra itself (i.e. Pittr Desha or the land of ancestors) which as of today is in Syria …
- Thus in this process of ending of Islam (in its current state), Syria shall have to be destroyed prior it would again be remade …
- And since ancient Syria was until Iraq were one and it also includes some of the adjacent lands, so during the coming times, Iraq and those adjacent lands would also not be left out of this destruction of the “Land of Pittr (or Petra or present day Syria) …
And further analyzing above stated year … Of 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Last phase of change (as is discussed in 38-CC-3 below) of the current human age of trinity also starts about 108 years prior to commencement of Guru Yuga (around 2082 AD) …
And if we study this this phase as per above figure, then we see that it is directly leading to the inauguration of the “age of sages (Guru Yuga)” within this world …
And since as per above figure, the Guru Yuga is commencing around 2082 AD, so 108 years prior to this time brings us to the below stated year …
2082 AD – 108 = 1974 AD (also +/- 1 to 2.7 years)
1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) was the stage of time when the last phase of this change of currently underway human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) of the Nadir phase of precession has reached its “last and final phase (of 108 years)” of change to the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
This (1974 AD) was also the time of arrival (of a child) who was to prepare a physical vehicle for the later entry of a highly evolved sage from the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva in this world … In Vedic lore, the same Tatpurusha has also been addressed as the Great Lord (i.e. Maheshwara) aspect of Shiva and within the Shaiva Agama lore’s, the same Tatpurusha face is the one who has been addressed as Tatpurusha face of Shiva … And in the Vedic lore, the same Tatpurusha is also the one who has been addressed as Ishvara …
By above I mean, that around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) was the stage of birth of a child who was to prepare the physical vehicle of the later advent of the “Sage from Maheshwara (who in this text has also been addressed as the Sage of Maheshwara)” who would also be the Yuga Sthapak (who in some other topics has also been addressed as the Sthapak of Guru Yuga) …
Or in other words, this sage would be the one who would be installing the subtle yet strong foundations of the incoming age of sages in this world) …
Initial preparing of physical vehicle was required as that highly evolved sage (from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) who was to enter this world so as to lay down the foundational knowledge of the incoming “age of sages (Guru Yuga or human golden age)” could not have taken a regular birth …
Since this Sage of Tatpurusha could not have taken a regular birth (i.e. he could not have taken a birth from the womb of a physically present mother), so he also needed a readymade physical body to undergo through the very difficult process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Parkaya Pravesh) and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
Transmigration was discussed in earlier set of topics, which are listed here for easy reference …
- A Short note … And the discussions of another topic of …
- What is transmigration … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- As it Happened … And the discussions of another topic of …
- Change of entities … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- Process of transmigration … And the discussions of another topic of …
- What, how, when, where … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- Some other aspects” … And the discussions of another topic of …
- Helpers and other specifics … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- Deferred discussions …
Proceeding further …
As also since there are 4 steps (Pada Chatushtaya or 4 Pada’s) of everything, so these 108 years prior inauguration of the human age of truth or in other words, the age of sages (in 2082 AD) shall also have the same four steps of time …
The concept of these four Pada’s (or four steps) which applies to time, was discussed in the earlier topic of “Precession of equinoxes”, so please read that topic to know it …
Thus, basis above … The number of years of each step of this last phase of change is as follows …
108 / 4 = 27 years of each step
Adding 27 years to 1974 AD, we get 2001 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years … (Remember 9/11) …
And coincidentally, 27 years added to 2001 AD, also gives us a value of 2028 AD about which we have already discussed in earlier parts of this topic …
9/11 of 2001 AD was the stage when Islam entered into its end phase and its half time would be reaching around 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Anytime within next 27 years after 2028 AD (i.e. until 2054 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) Muhammad (Prophet of Islam) and his laid down system (In its present state) would enter into a stage of rest, but only if they don’t come in line with the requirements of pluralistic yet monist ways of life of the incoming age of sages …
Note: All above calculations are in line with the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad only, where he had told that lifetime of Islam is maximum 1500 lunar years … So I have only verified it through the most ancient knowledge of Vedic cycles of time (or Vedic Kaalchakra) …
Note continues: Thus this is not my knowledge, but I am only assisting to make the knowledge which was rendered Prophet Mohammad, more scientific … So do not make the mistake of calling this calculated time as my prophecy, because Prophet Muhammad is the one who had given it to humanity …
Just as it ever is during any end time, when this end is about to come by, then Islam would also remain with only two choices …
- 1st choice … Would be to turn towards pluralistic Monism which itself is of Sanatan Dharma and which also is the originality (or root) of Islam … In this choice, there shall only be “an end of Islam, as we know it now” …
- 2nd choice … This choice would only cut in if the 1st one listed above, is rejected … In this choice, there shall only be an end of Islam itself …
- 3rd choice … As per Kaalchakra, the stage when this 3rd choice was available is already over around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) when the last and final phase of Sandhikaal of the currently ending human age of trinity had cut in … Thus as of now this option is no longer available to this world …
38-CC-3 … When considering second part of breakup of human age of trinity …
This was after crossing past the Offset-Nadir point of 786 AD …
Here we shall consider that phase of the currently running human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) which was after the Offset-Nadir point was crossed over by this world system in 786 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Thus in this part of the topic, we shall be considering the time period of 1,296 years of Manav Tretayuga which was arrived after passing the Offset-Nadir point (or 786 AD) …
Thus this discussion is on the last 1/3rd part of the presently underway human age of trinity (i.e. Manav Tretayuga) …
Only after completion of this period would the currently running Manav Tretayuga (human age of trinity) end and the age of sages commence in this world …
Breakup of 1296 years is as follows …
108 years (setting in time) + 1080 years (set time) + 108 years (exit time)
Thus if we consider the end phase of the currently underway human age of trinity, then the calculation becomes as follows …
2082 AD – 108 = 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
This time span (of 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) was the stage when someone had come by to prepare a physical vehicle for a later descent of a later highly evolved sage from the Tatpurusha face (which itself was discussed in an earlier topic on Sadashiva … Tatpurusha is also addressed as Okar and the is also addressed as Ukar, (which itself is the sound of the middle syllable of A-O-M, i.e. the Sound of O) …
This preparation of a physical vehicle for that highly evolved sage from Tatpurusha was because that sage had already gone past the stage where he could have taken birth from the womb of a physically present mother and thus such a sage could have only entered into this physical world through the process of transmigration (which in Sanskrit language can also be termed as Parkaya Pravesh) …
Within any of the worlds where a Guru Yuga is to arrive, prior to the advent of that “age of sages (Guru Yuga)” a highly evolved sage from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva who in Vedas is also the one who is addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma … Hiranyagarbha Brahma itself is the one who is addressed as Maheshwara (which means as the Supreme Lord and it also means as the Great Lord) … And the same Maheshwara of Vedic lore, is also the one who has been addressed as Ishvara (or the Lord of Lord’s) … A highly evolved Sage for the world of Hiranyagarbha (which in English means as the golden womb of creation) , always descends to the world …
This descent of the Sage of Tatpurusha is to lay down a subtle yet strong foundations of those ways of life which shall be applicable during the time spans of incoming age of sages (or Guru Yuga) …
This also means that the Sage from Tatpurusha, comes by to very-subtly inaugurate that age of sages within the world (where he descends for this job only) …
The time span of someone coming by prepare an appropriate physical vehicle of the later transmigration of that sage was crossed over in 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) … This time span is exactly 108 human solar years prior to the inauguration of Guru Yuga in 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) …
Proceeding further …
The time span of 108 human solar years as is after 1974 AD and prior 2082 AD is the stage of final change of the currently underway human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) to the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
As also, after the world system enters into this last and final leg of change of human ages, there cannot be any advent of any prophet of any religion that had originated during the entire time span which was after the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) went into her cyclic sleep of around nine millenniums, on/around 6990 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
This time (of 6990 BC) is also marked in above figure and it denotes the commencement of the descending cycle (Uttarayan Marg) of human degenerate age (Manav Kaliyuga) …
Proceeding further …
During the last leg of change which in the current precession cycle had commenced around 1974 AD, the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma or simply Dharma) begins her process of waking up from her long-long slumber of about 9 millenniums …
And because the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) is only based upon pluralistic monism (Bahuvadi Advaita) so when she just about starts walking up, then all individualistic systems (i.e. any form or formless state of monotheism) who also are none other than her own lesser or greater parts, start cracking up (i.e. start getting internally and externally chaotic) …
And when the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) finally wakes up and sits up on her bed (around 2028 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years), then all these individualistic parts shall start realizing their follies (of breaking up her vast-family whilst she was sleeping) … And thence they also begin preparing to enter into her own vast pluralistic yet monist envelopes …
This stage of a full and final merger of all individualistic systems of all egoistic Gods (which had only came by after the great grandmother of all philosophies went into her cyclic sleep of about nine millenniums) into pluralistic monism as is of the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) shall be seen to be manifested around the time of inauguration of the age of sages, i.e. around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) …
And since pluralistic yet monist ways of life are of the great grandmother of all philosophies (or Sanatan Dharma) has no place for any prophet of any of the individualistic and egoistic Gods, so after 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years (when the great grandmother had just about entered into her process of her waking up) the time of coming in of representatives (or Prophets or messengers) of egoistic gods is already over …
This is because after 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) the age of advent of highly evolved sages has commenced and this age of sages (Guru Yuga) shall also be lasting for the next “about” 10 millenniums as is shown in above figures …
Proceeding further …
In every Guru-Yuga, Sanatan Dharma is a way of life and the land of India is a Vishvaguru … The word Vishvaguru means, a Guru (Guide) of the entire world system …
Thus, the word Vishvaguru does not refer to a conqueror or one who subjugates all others or one who occupies others lands or one who converts others to his own ways of life …
This word Vishvaguru only means “one who shows the light unto the world” … Or in other words, “one who shows the path of light to the world” …
And due to this reason, this term (Vishvaguru) has no relationship whatsoever to any geographical, geopolitical, political, military, economic, social and religious or any other aspect …
All that this term relates denotes is “being a lighthouse of subtler knowledge unto the world” and thus a Vishvaguru is the lighthouse of ways of life i.e. who shows “correct ways of life to all walks of life of macrocosmic speciology who reside upon that world” …
The start of this stage is when Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma would be seen to be spreading all over the world …
As this stage arrives, then a very strong headed nationalist leader shall rise up in the land of India (as India is supposed to lead the Guru Yuga as a Vishvaguru, so a strong leader prior to this time is a necessity of time and its cycles) …
I expect above paragraph to fulfill within a stage of time as follows …
1974 AD + 1.5 human generations (as per Nadir time units)
And above is also equal to
1974 AD + {(108/4) x 1.5}
This time span would be as follows …
1974 + (27 x 1.5) = 2014.5 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
This leader shall also be the Yuga Poorak … Here the phrase “Yuga Poorak” means one who completes the presently underway Nadir phase of precession …
Note: 27 years denotes one generation at the currently applicable Nadir time units … And this when converted to Middle time units becomes as follows …
27 /1.08 = 25 human solar years …
Note: 25 years is the time span of one generation which was used by many scriptures who related to the knowledge which was originally rendered by Vedic sages …
Note: When divinities of age of sages have already entered the world, then democracy would be replaced by a divine monarchy (Monarchy of self realized sages, one of who would take up the job of being the divinely-anointed-kings) …
Sometime around above time span, would humanity realize their earlier follies of the last nine millenniums (follies that were committed after the great grandmother of all philosophies went into her cyclic sleep) …
And then would humanity begin uniting to each other and whilst being based upon below listed statements …
Be and let be
Live and let live
Exist and let exist
Evolve and let evolve
Flourish and let flourish
Nothing is mine or yours, it ours as a whole
And also the following …
This is how the Maker’s Makings and its age cycles have ever been
This is how the ways of life are during any of the age of sages
All my above words are already written in stone … Take them for your good or leave them at your endless peril …
Above would lead to a vast spread of highly esoteric knowledge systems …
After this would be a further stage where some Siddha’s (accomplished sages) who as of now are living in isolated and remote areas and are still holding the most ancient knowledge systems, would be returning back to societies to make humanity change their ways of life …
And simultaneously, the taintless and pure (Khalsa) would rise and gain power …
During this run up the age of sages, Tibet shall also become a part of Greater-India (Mahabharata or Akhand Bharata or un-fractured India) …
And then Tibet shall also be renamed as Indrapuri (ancient name of Tibet, which means the “seat or land which is a reflection of the ruler of divine worlds within this planet itself”) …
The word Indrapuri means the “seat of Devaraja Indra” or the seat the king of all divine worlds (this is the original timeless name of Tibet) …
And simultaneously with above, New Delhi of today shall again be renamed as Indraprastha (i.e. the solid ground of Indra Deva … Solid ground which leads to the land of Indra Deva) …
After 2082 AD, humanity would be ready to welcome the new world which has a new way of life that shall be also be based upon what is stated below …
Brahmand Dharana … Eternal oneness of allness and her each part
Thus humanity would adopt the original timeless universal way of life
And yet rest within ancient Varnashram of Sanatan Dharma
And prior to when above actually begins manifesting in this world, the calendar of this world would change to a divine one i.e. they would be based upon Kaalchakra itself … And that new-calendar shall stay valid until expiry of age of sages …
This is how it has ever been “prior to and after” any of the cyclic advents of any of ages of sages (Guru Yuga) that have ever been within this of any other Brahma Kalpa …
And this is also how it would be during the coming times as would be after the inauguration of the incoming age of sages has already taken place in this world …
38-CC-4 … Calculation and significance of advent of New Age systems …
New age systems always acts as a bridge between the severely degenerate ways of life as are of the currently underway Nadir phase and the highly subtle ways of life as shall be during the incoming Guru Yuga …
In-between the discussions of 38-CC-1 and 38-CC-3, there is a minor phase of change and this is of their middle part i.e. the middle of 324 years and 108 years or in other words, 216 years prior the change of present human age cycle into the incoming age of ages …
This time had passed by as follows …
2082 AD – 216 = 1866 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
Above time span (1866 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) was the stage of commencement and advent of new age systems, primarily with the revival of Theosophy …
So basis above, I think the “Theosophy of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky” was due to this stage of change of human ages …
Thus it is also clear that “Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky” had also arrived due to the call of the same cycles of time (Kaalchakra) that are being discussed here …
These systems were brought about by subtle transmissions by those sages who had preserved these paths of knowledge across the entire dark times of humanity as were of the Nadir phase …
And this preservation was whilst these sages kept themselves away from all of those severely degenerate sounds of human civilizations of the presently ending Nadir phase of precession …
This isolation of sages was only preserve the knowledge in an immaculate form for humanity of the future (or incoming) advent of an age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
This preservation was only because of the fact that during the middle phase (or middle of 324 years and 108 years) as is being discussed here, these systems (of New Age) which eventually act like a bridge between the current Nadir phase and the incoming age of sages, have to be installed in all those parts of the world where individualism was ruling the roost, till then …
And thus prepare a solid ground for the sage of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva who is to arrive as per above discussions of section 38-CC-3 …
Proceeding further …
And as of today, when I see their generated “impressional fields (Samskaras)” that are reflected in the “consciousness plane of this world (Bhu Chitta)” then it is very clear that they (New age paths) have already done what they could have done …
Thus during the coming times, all these new age systems shall also begin refreshing themselves so as to get themselves into a state which is more apt to make them enter into the incoming age of sages …
Due to this reason and on contrary to what some people say that these systems are temporary, all these new age systems, including “Theosophy of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky” are here to stay …
These systems are the bridge between individualism (i.e. the ways of life of the currently underway Nadir phase of precession) and the Pluralistic Monism (i.e. ways of life during the incoming age of sages) …
But at the same time, their future stay shall be in a newer state which also is free from the corruption that has come into these systems after their founders (i.e. those who had originally learnt these knowledge systems from sages or from the transmissions of these sages) had returned back into their greater reality … Beyond …
Continues …