This topic shall discuss the cycle of revolution of sun, or solar revolution, which is also termed as a galactic year …
This in this topic we shall be calculating the time span of a solar revolution (Revolution of sun) around the central non-lighted core of Milky Way Galaxy which itself is termed as a galactic year in modern astronomy …
This topic is also in continuity with the earlier one that had the header of “Sun originated or not” …
58-AA … Base of discussion on Solar revolution … Present state of expansion of Sun …
It was discussed in earlier topics that as of the present stage of axial precession (or earth’s axis), following is what is happening in this part of the universe where this planetary system is present …
- The time units are reducing … This can be seen from the discussions of earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” and comparing those discussions with the current stage of movement of age cycles as was discussed in the other topics of “Representation of human ages” …
- Within the earlier discussed topic of “What celestial measurement”, and also the earlier discussed topic of “Changes of shape of plane of existence”, and also the earlier discussed topic of “Dimensions of Milky Way”, and also the earlier discussed topic of “Length and Breadth of plane of existence” and also the earlier discussed topic of “Sameness of effects of dimensions” we had clearly discussed the fact that the unitary value of time is resting in a state that is inversely proportional to unitary value of space … Thus as of now since the time units are reducing, the space units would be seen to be increasing as of now …
- And due to above reason, space would also be found to be increasing as of now …
- So due to this reason, since the sun is the ruler of the planetary system, so space of sun would also have to be in line with the expansion of space in this part of the universe and which itself is due to reducing of unitary value of time in this part of the universe …
- So due to above reasons, as of now the sun would also be seen to be expanding its size …
Thus basis above, as of now the Sun of this planetary system should be seen to be expanding in size …
58-BB … Effect of expansion and contraction of Sun on its reserve energy …
When the sun expands, then it looks like as if its reserve energy is reducing and when the sun contracts, then it looks like its reserve-energy is increasing and this is also a cyclic process which follows the eternally cyclic nature of time or Kaalchakra of our discussion …
This process follows a time span of 2.16 million human solar years as per middle time units (i.e. half of a divine age cycle at middle time units) and it has continuously kept repeating itself within the present Brahma Kalpa (i.e. day-time of Brahma) …
But this expansion and contraction also has a direct bearing on planets of the solar system …
This process of expansion and contraction of sun also repeats itself 100 times during each solar half-cycle of sun …
58-CC … Half cycle of sun is one solar revolution around Milky Way Galaxy …
One half cycle of sun is the time span of completing one full revolution around the central non lighted part of the Milky Way Galaxy …
We have stated the time span of one solar revolution around the Milky Way Galaxy as half cycle of sun because of the fact that the “full cycle of sun is subtly related to two solar revolutions which esoterically are going on within the mathematical symbol of infinity …
58-DD … Calculation of one solar revolution …
As discussed above, one solar revolution of sun around the central non lighted part of the Milky Way Galaxy is equal to half solar cycle within the mathematical symbol of infinity as is esoterically referred to in the long gone and forgotten Vedic Kaalchakra …
The solar half-cycle within its full-path that is esoterically described by the symbol of infinity is also related to the divine age cycles (as were discussed in earlier topics of “Time spans of divine ages” …
The time span of solar revolution around the central non-lighted core of the Milky Way Galaxy can be calculated as follows …
100 half divine ages (or 50 full divine age cycles) is the time span of one solar revolution i.e. one half-cycle of sun within its esoterically described path of symbol of infinity is equal to 50 full divine ages (or 100 half divine ages) …
So basis above discussions, are below calculations …
- One divine age was calculated as 4.32 million human solar years … This is already given in an earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” …
- And thus, half divine age would be of 2.16 million human solar years …
Thus basis above … We shall calculate the time span of a solar revolution around the Milky Way galaxy …
58-DD-1 … One solar revolution at Middle time units of Precession …
The middle time units are the ones which have been used by all Vedic sages and basis these units, the time span of one solar revolution shall be as follows …
100 x 2.16 = 216 million human solar years …
This is the time of one revolution of sun around the central non-lighted core of the galaxy (as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes) …
And this is also the time which is equal to half solar revolution within the esoteric mathematical symbol of infinity, that applies to the eternal existence of Sun … This is in line with what was discussed in previous topic of “Sun originated or not” where we had discussed that the Sun of this solar system is a manifested state of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (which when told in English language means as the Golden womb of macrocosmic creation) itself … As also, since Hiranyagarbha itself is none other than the Ishvara (which in in English language means as the Lord of allness) who itself is the innermost essence of infinity and thus is the Self luminous one, who is denoted by the Mahavakya (which in in English language means as the Great statement) of Prajnanam Brahma (which in English language means as “Self luminous is Brahman, or simply, Self luminous is That), so the sun cannot even be any different …
And this is also one of the reasons the path of this planetary Sun is esoterically told to be resting within the mathematical symbol of Infinity …
58-DD-2 … One solar revolution at Nadir time units of precession …
This value is calculated basis below discussions …
Time span at Nadir time units of precession = {(Time span at middle time units of precession / unitary value of time at middle of precession) x unitary value of time at Nadir of precession} …
So basis above, this time span is as follows …
{(216 / 66.6666667) x 72.0} = 233.28 million human solar years
Note: Unitary values of 66.6666667 and 72 are already discussed in the earlier topic of “Unitary value of time”, so please refer to that topic to know their derivations …
58-DD-3 … One solar revolution at Zenith of precession …
This value is calculated basis below discussions …
Time span at Zenith time units of precession = {(Time span at middle time units of precession / unitary value of time at middle of precession) x unitary value of time at Zenith of precession} …
So basis above, this time span is as follows …
{(216 / 66.6666667) x 61.3333333} = 198.72 million human solar years
Note: Unitary values of 66.6666667 and 61.3333333 are already discussed in the earlier topic of “Unitary value of time”, so please refer to that topic to know their derivations …
58-DD-4 … One solar revolution at current time units of precession …
By current time units I mean that which is derived by my observed yearly change of precession of 50.28 arc seconds and which was already discussed in an earlier topic of “Yearly change of precession” … And their methods and whose method was subtly discussed within the earlier topic of “What celestial measurement”, and was discussed within the earlier topic of “Cosmic measurements”, and was also discussed within the earlier topic of “Measurement method and limitation” and we had also discussed in in another earlier topic of “Utilization of subtleties” …
As also, since the Nadir point is closest to the current stage of precession, so we shall be using the Nadir point as a base in this calculation …
Time span at Current time units of precession = {(Time span at Nadir time units of precession / unitary value of time at Nadir of precession) x unitary value of time at current stage of precession} …
So basis above, this time span is as follows …
{(233.28 / 72) x 71.6} = 231.984 million human solar years
Note: Unitary values of 72 and 71.6 are already discussed in the earlier topic of “Unitary value of time”, so please refer to that topic to know their derivations …
If any astronomer would calculate the time span of one solar revolution around the central part of the galaxy, then above time span of 231.984 million human solar years shall be found …
And if those astronomical observations are correct, then above stated time span would be the time of one solar revolution i.e. one half-cycle of sun within its esoterically described path of infinity …
If the modern values are not in line with above derived value (of 231.984 million human solar years) then they need to be relooked as my calculated Kaalchakra values are absolute values as they are not dependent upon anything except the dimension of time …
I had given this knowledge of Kaalchakra during the Swayambhu Manvantar about 1.97 billion human solar years ago (as per middle time units) and when my name was of Ganitacharya (of simply Maharishi Ganit) …
This name was given to me by my then Gurudeva Swayambhu Manu as I was that sage who had originally taught celestial mathematics to this world, during the currently running Brahma Kalpa … And it is on my rendered knowledge that all astronomy, astrology and also astrophysics is based … I shall be proving this fact in later topics, with a few example derivations … I wrote “with a few example derivations” because everything cannot ever be told within a divine degenerate age cycle …
Plus to tell everything I shall also need to list those extremely veiled principles which cannot even be indirectly referred during the times of divine degenerate age cycles (or Kali Yuga or Deva Kaliyuga) because during a divine degenerate age cycle humanity has no capability to utilize that untold dual-use knowledge for betterment of allness and her each part …
Continues …