Naad Brahm or Shabd Brahm literally means the Sounds of the Absolute or Brahm or Brahman. But since the entiretry of Maker’s Makings is naught but a self expression, self manifestation and self presence of the same Absolute, so this term also relates to those sounds which are of the primary states of Maker’s Makings. Thus the phrase Naad Brahm has a very vast meaning instead of what is is understood as of itas of now.
This topic shall discuss the statement “The Being beyond is Brahma” … This statement relates to Attributeless infinite being (Brahm or Brahman) who itself is the eternal, infinite, omnipresent, omnidirectional, omnipotent and omniparient one, who is also addressed as Brahm in Vedas … This self realization eventually leads to the accomplishment of a colorless siddha … Read more
This topic shall discuss the ancient and almost lost Vedic statement of Being in head is Brahma and its relation to Hiranyagarbha Sharira (body of golden womb of creation), Tatpurusha Sharira (or the body of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) , Dharmakaya Sharira (The body of plane of righteousness), Buddha Body of reality (Buddha Sharira), Buddha … Read more
This topic shall discuss the Vedic statement of “The Being in eye is Brahma” … And also discuss its relation to Sanskrit words like Anadi Shakti (or timeless divinity) who itself is Maya Shakti (or divinity or Shakti of creator deity, Pitamah Brahma Ji) … And also discuss its relation to concept of Womb of … Read more
In the final (self realized) reality, it is seen that form is formless and formless is form … This is just one of the self acquired aspects of knowledge that are arrived by self realization of the fact that “The being in heart is Brahma” … And this self realization only arrives when the subtle … Read more
In this topic we shall discuss the Guha Kaivalya, which means the cave of liberation that is present in the heart of all aspirants … Brahmsutra (or Brahmasutras or Brahma Sutras) chapter 4 subtly tell about this cave of heart … This cave has been named as Guha Kaivalya or Cave of Liberation within this … Read more
This topic is to close the discussion on knowledge of Naad Brahm, or sounds of Absolute … The name of Naad Brahman relates to sounds of original impressions or Samskara that were generated by Ichha Shakti (divinity of desires) of Pitamah Brahma Ji … Though there is a lot of untold part, but due to demands … Read more
Basis all earlier discussions that have been done till now, it stands absolutely clear that Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma are the root of all knowledge systems and texts of all religions of any of the triple times … NN-1 … Yoga Tantra is the root of all systems … All concepts of any … Read more
Dakaar is the “Sound of Da” … This is a Yogic sound … MM-1 … Dakaar Naad … This is the Sound of Bhagwan Sadashiva who is in an eternal union with Maa Adi Parashakti, both of who are present in the aspirant’s microcosm and simultaneously are also residing within the greater macrocosm, which … Read more
In this topic we shall discuss Khakaar Naad or the sound of Kha (or Kh of Sanskrit language) and where this sound also denotes Maa Adi Parashakti as Maa Sita, who herself is Yoga Maya, Yoga Mata and Yogeshwari within her state of being the Param Yogini inside the aspirant and that too whilst she … Read more
Here we shall discuss the concept of Ashta Siddhi and Mahashunya, from the self realization of 8th chakra. And then discuss that the same 8th chakra is also Devdutt (white horse of Kalki Bhagwan), white horse of Christ and Imam Mehdi, Pushpak Vimana, Garuda and it also relates to concept of Udumbara of Buddhist lore’s … Read more
Vajradanda or Vajradanda chakra is the golden colored staff of lightening which is present in-between the thousand petalled seventh chakra (or Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara) and the four petalled eighth chakra (which in an earlier topic was also told as Brahma Chakra and also told as Swatantra Chakra) as shown in below painted sketch … … Read more
This topic shall discuss the term Buddhata, which in English language means as Buddhahood … After attaining this state, is when an aspirant may become (or act) as a Sam Sam Buddha (which means a teaching Buddha) … HH-1 … Explaining the word “Buddhata” … The term Buddhata means “Buddhahood” … And it also … Read more
In this topic we shall discuss the the reason for Vedic temples to have a Kalash (which is called as Mandir Kalash and is also termed as a Kalasam) on their topmost part, which esoterically and from the point of view of inner sciences (inner paths or paths of self realizations) denotes the risen state … Read more
In this topic, we shall discuss what a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta means and then discuss the stage where a Yogi who is a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta transits the 8th plexus for 100th time and thus he completes 100th Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna, so as to be a Trisanku Yogi (Trisanku as written here, is also pronounced … Read more
Here we shall discuss the sound of Raam or Raam Naad as a path to 8th plexus (or eighth chakra of Atharvaveda) … And also discuss this path to be one that would lead to a unity of religions of now as every religious lore is directly or indirectly related to Raam Naad (Sound of … Read more
In this topic we shall discuss those Mantra’s of Atharvaveda chapter 10, which state about “Ashtachakra Navdvara” and thus discuss the final eighth chakra (or eighth plexus) and nine doors (or nine gates) of the human body … This is what makes the human body like a miniature state of Ayodhya Puri (i.e. Ayodhya is … Read more
Here we shall discuss the reason for rarity of knowers of science of 8th plexus, which within the present Brahma Kalpa had originated from the Manu (or Father of Man) of the first Manvantara. This Manu was addressed as Swayambhu Manu due to the fact that he was a mind born son of Brahma (creator … Read more
This entire set of topics shall discuss the 8th plexus or eighth chakra of Yoga whose knowledge is originally related to Atharvaveda, but sadly this knowledge is already lost from this world … Within Siddha sciences and their vast lore’s, the 8th chakra (or Ashtama Chakra) is also termed as Niralamba Chakra and Niralambasthana … … Read more
The symbols of this topic are discussed in brief and these discussion is only to the extent that relates to our current discussion … Thus whatever is discussed here is not the end of the story of this concept of Ouroboros … Some deeper discussions on these symbols shall also be taken up in later … Read more
Above figure represents the header of this discussion i.e. Body of Christ which gets accomplished only after successful accomplishment of Sound of Raam (or Raam Naad) … This body denotes the accomplishment of being a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya (i.e. a Man of Maker’s Medicine) who can also be termed as a Medicine Buddha … Once accomplished, … Read more
Above figure is only a representation of the Yin Yang Union or Yang Yin Union … This figure denotes the eternal union of masculine and feminine principles (or Yang and Yin respectively) to each other and just as this union has been since timeless eternity … But this figure also holds much deeper secrets … … Read more
MM-1 … Kashi and Prayag Raj and their relation to Raam Naad … The same Kashi and Prayagraj is also present inside each aspirant … Above figure describes lights in the third eye plexus which self manifest at that stage where Shakti Shiva Yoga commences inside the third eye plexus … Thus above figure is … Read more
Here we shall discuss Nirbija Samadhi, which means “seedless absorption” or in other words, “absorption in the seedless one (i.e. Supreme being)” … And it is through this seedless absorption that the aspirant attains a freedom from all Samskaras (all impressions) that were earned by the aspirant by virtue of his/her earlier Karma and their … Read more
Above figure is of Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara (Bhagvan Ardhanarishvara or Ardhanari) who is eternally present in the third eye plexus of each aspirant … KK-1 … Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara … Guru Shiva and Guru Maa Shakti Within the third eye plexus, Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara of the Vedic lore is as depicted in above painting … Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara … Read more
Above figure denotes Pranamaye Manomaye Kosha Yoga i.e. Vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) union to the “Manomaye Kosha (i.e. the Mind sheath) and just as this union happens inside the aspirants physical vehicle (or Annamaye Kosha) itself … This is what leads to the inner rise (i.e. rise within the aspirant’s microcosm) of the Pot … Read more
Here we discuss the union of Bhadra to Bhadri by the path of Bhadra Bhadri Yoga (or Bhadri Bhadra Yoga) which is also termed as Shakti Shiva Yoga (or Shiva Shakti Yoga) and also as Samantabhadra Samantabhadri Yoga (or as Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga) … And this can also be termed as Mahadeva Mahadevi Yoga (or … Read more
This topic describes the Shakti Shiva Yoga (or this can also be told as, Shiva Shakti Yoga) that also happens within the plexus or Chakra … But here I have only described this union of Shakti and Shiva within two chakras i.e. Chakra of Third eye chakra (Ajna Chakra) and the crown plexus (Brahmarandra chakra … Read more
Here we shall discuss the two primary aspects of Maker and its Makings … These are told as Prakriti (or matter) or Pradhana (or Primordial or primary) or creation (or feminine principle) and Purusha or Spirit or self or Absolute or eternal or creator (masculine principle) … And their eternally unioned state i.e. Prakriti Purusha … Read more
Here we discuss Raam Bhadra or Ram Bhadra from the final fact that Ram Bhadra is Atman or in other words Rama is Atman (i.e. your innermost essence or Atman is none other that Lord Rama) … Raam Naad of Sound of Raam is heard during those stages of Shakti Shiva Yoga when … Read more
Here we shall discuss Raam Naad with respect to the fact that vehicle of “Sound of Raam” is the vehicle of Lord Rama and thus it is the Raam Yana or Rama Yana or Taraka Yana … All these are different names of the ever-same fully liberating auspicious vehicle of Lord Rama (or Lord Raam) … Read more
Here we discuss some of the self realizations during Shakti Shiva Yoga (or Raam Naad) such as Amrit Kalash, Pot of nectar, Kumbha, Consciousness pot etc. … This topic is in continuation from the preceding one … EE-1 … Rise of the “white pot of lighted butter” … Amrit Kalash, Pot of nectar, … Read more
In this topic we would discuss Shakti Shiva Yoga or Shiva Shakti Yoga or simply Shiva Yoga (Which actually means, Atma Siddhi or accomplishment of or attainment of self realization and union to one’s own innermost essence or Atman) … And their relation to Ecclesiastes 12 of Biblical lore … Above is the … Read more
This painted sketch shall also be utilized in later sub-parts of this topic, so keep it at the back of your mind until this set of topics Shiva Taraka Naad finally ends … Here we shall discuss the meanings of words like RA, Ra, Raam, Ram, Lord Ram, Roar of a thousand lions or lion’s … Read more
Raam Naad (or Ram Naad) is the Sound of Raam (or Sound of Ram) which itself is the Taraka Mantra (liberating Mantra) of Bhagwan Shiva … This sound is subtly denoting Bhagwan Ram (or Bhagwan Raam) who is also present as the innermost essence or Atman of each aspirant) … This topic shall discuss the … Read more
Here we shall discuss Shiva Taraka Mantra, Taraka Mantra, Taraka Naad, NaMaShiVaYa (or NaMaSiVaYa) … But Prior commencing this extremely esoteric and highly secretive knowledge system of any of the triple times, I, the little student bow’s down in all reverence to my Param Gurudeva and Ishta, Bhagwan Shiva … ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगंधिं … Read more
Patanjali Yoga Sutras eventually lead to an inner realization of Akar, Viraat, Vishva, Agni, Okar, Hiranyagarbha, Tejas, Vayu, Makar, Ishvara, Prajna , Aditya, Chetan Tattva & OM … All above and more aspects (as discussed in this topic) are eternally present inside each aspirants physical microcosm (physical body) itself and where this presence is in … Read more
Here we shall discuss Buddha Prajnaparamita, Prajnaparamita Mantra and some other aspects regarding Prajnaparamita … Above painting is describing the complete state of OM Naad i.e. the complete state of travel and further self realization of Akar, then the travel and self realization of Okar (Ukar) and then the travel and self realization … Read more
AA … What this topic … In this topic we shall be discussing the following … OM Naad … Sound of OM or AOM or AUM … The state of Omkar (i.e. the state of symbol and sound of OM) … This is inside the brain of each aspirant and its corresponding principal state is also … Read more
In this topic we shall be discussing Makar or sound of M (of AOM Naad or AUM Naad) … And the discussions within this topic shall be within purviews of Brahmatattva or Brahma Tattva which means “pristine element of Maker’s Makings” and which the Jivatman realizes within purviews of the Vedic statement of “OM Tat … Read more
Okar means the sound of O … This is the middle seed syllable of AOM (or AUM) which is related to the golden womb of macrocosmic creation or Hiranyagarbha Brahma … Okar is also the Karya Brahma or Doer Maker and the Golden egg whose divinity is Parashakti and Tirodhan Shakti … FF-1 … Okar … Read more
The painted sketch which was shown in the earlier part of this topic is also applicable to this one … This topic is to discuss the fact that Okar or Ukar or Sound of O which as such is Hiranyagarbha, itself is that who is addressed as Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, Maheshwara, Ishvara, Amitabha Buddha and … Read more
The state depicted by above painting is also a very bright golden colored one and that golden color is surrounded by very bright and bursting rays of orangish red light … But it does not seem so in above painting as the colors have faded over the years that have passed after this figure was … Read more
Here we discuss Akar or Golden mother, Gayatri Savitri principle, Ishvari and also as Savitri principle … state which is depicted in above painting is a very-very brightly lighted golden colored one and is like a million suns shining at the same time and due to this reason the aspirants travelling conscious vehicle (i.e. the … Read more
Here we shall discuss the stages which are prior Akar is arrived, when the aspirants consciousness is still proceeding towards Akar and just prior arrival at Akar (i.e. Sound of A) when the aspirants subtler vehicle travels in a position which is like Shashwat Pranam as discussed below … Above painting denotes the … Read more
Here we discuss Self realization of Akar, Path to Akar and Reason for Akar … We have already discussed in the previous sub-part of this topic that the sound of this state is of the letter “A” of Sanskrit language … Thus she represents the “A Naad (or the sound of A)” which itself represents … Read more
Since this discussion is also a pretty vast one, so it is divided into a few parts … Akar is the Sound of A (i.e. letter A of Sanskrit language) and it also denotes Devi Maa Gayatri in addition to denoting Woman of Apocalypse and Mother Mary of Christian lore’s and Yellow Kachina of Native … Read more
We shall now commence our discussions on OM Naad (Sound of OM) which also relate to Vedic Beeja Mantra, Brahmlingam, Vedic Beeja Brahm and Atma Lingam … This discussion is not exhaustive by any means as I have only listed a few of the aspects of OM and not the whole lot of them … … Read more
From this topic onwards and until we reach a much later stage where the mega statement (i.e. Mahavakya) of Vedas are discussed in all reasonable details, is the Brahmanpath or Brahma Path or Brahmpath (i.e. the Last Path or final path) … Thus this topic shall remain valid till the time when we enter into … Read more
Below topics stands deferred even when they had been passed through after all above were completed … This is because these are highly esoteric and restricted knowledge systems and thus these shall be discussed at the end part of text, which relates to self-realizations and realization of allness … Some of these are permanently deferred … Read more
Brahmanaad or Brahmnaad or Brahma Naad means the “primordial sound” and also means the “primordial sound of allness” … Brahmanaad is the same as “Makar”, Brahmari Pranayama or Humming bee breath of Yogic and Vedic lore’s … Brahmanaad … Primordial sound … A part of Omkar (OM Naad) … The sound of AOM (or … Read more
During the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) many words have lost their innermost meanings … And because these words have lost their innermost meaning, they are told as something different from what they actually denoted during those extremely ancient times … Emaho (or E-ma-ho or Ema-ho) is one of those words … … Read more
The earlier painted figure of Ujjayi Naad (sound of victory) where the dull yellow colored macro-elemental earth (i.e. Bhu Mahabhoot or Prithvi Mahabhoot) is shown shall remain valid for this discussion also … Here we also discuss relation of Ujjayi to Bhu Devi or Mother Earth … JJ … Ujjayi Naad, Bhu Mahabhoot, Prithvi … Read more
The figure of Ujjayi Naad as was shown in a painting of earlier sub-part of this discussion remains valid for this one also … This topic shall discuss Ujjayi Swaas or Breath of Brahma and the effects on universe due to Rechaka, Pooraka, Kumbhaka of breath of Brahma, which itself is the victorious Breath within … Read more
The figure of the first sub-part of this topic stands valid for this one also … This topic would discuss relation of Ujjayi Naad and Ujjayi Swaas to Dharana, Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness) and finally to Brahmand Yoga (union to allness) … GG-1 … Brahmand Yoga … Union to allness … Firstly we … Read more
The painting of first sub-part of this topic holds valid for this one also … So interested aspirant’s can refer to that topic and its painting for a better understanding of discussions of this one … In this part of our discussion on Ujjayi Naad, we shall be discussing the mega evolved one or Great … Read more
The figure of the earlier sub-part of this topic stands valid for this one also … Here we discuss the terms Chakravart, Chakravartin, Chakravartin Samraat and Anointed one and their relation to Ujjayi Naad of this discussion … FF-1 … Explaining Chakravartin Samraat (i.e. Yoga Chakravart) … As we had discussed in the earlier … Read more
This topic is also a pretty vast one, so I have divided it into parts … Here we discuss Ujjayi Naad or Sound of victory which is also termed as Ujjayi, Ujj and as sound of a victor of allness … In addition to above, this is also a very complicated, highly esoteric topic whose … Read more
In this part of the topic, we shall discuss the three protector Bodhisattva; i.e. Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri and Vajrapani, who have also been addressed as the “three great protectors” and also as “three protectors of Buddha” … And also discuss their relation to Vedic Trinity as stated in Puranic lore … Kotirudra Samhita 7.15 of … Read more
This topic is to discuss the fact about Mahadeva as Makkeshwar Mahadeva or the Shiva as the Lord of Mecca and as Kabaleshwar Mahadeva or Shiva as the lord of Kaba (or Kaaba) … Regarding above painting … This experience happened way back in 1996 when I still was a second mate of foreign going … Read more
This topic is discuss an experience regarding something that relates to existence Rudra across lore’s and especially with respect to the words Allah, Khuda, Khuda Tala and Allah Tala of Islam and thus prove that as far as the deity of Rudra is concerned, this deity is actually present across many lore’s … And thus … Read more
LL-1 … Above painting shows the light that forms at the top of brain and inside the skull bones after the aspirant has already successfully transited through the direct cognition’s (i.e. self-realizations) of earlier parts of this topic … This is the Light of ALA Naad or Light of Rudra that is eternally present within … Read more
Here we shall discuss the presence of Rudra across lore’s … Rudra or Shambhu (or Swayambhu) of Vedas is none other than Buddha ALA of Buddhist lore’s and in Islamic lore, the same Rudra is also addressed as Allah Tala (or Allah) … Sagun Sakaar Awastha (Attributed form condition or human form) of Rudra is … Read more
Above figure describes Rudra Deva (sound of ALA or ALA Naad) when the subtle travelling vehicle (of the aspirant who realizes this state) is stationed in closer proximity to central yellow orb of ALA as has been shown in above painting … Here we shall discuss the fact that Buddha ALA or ALA Buddha or … Read more
This topic is to discuss Rudra Deva of Vedas and whose sound is of ALA (ALA Naad) … ALA Buddha or Buddha ALA is the wrathful primordial Buddha of some of the sects of Buddhism … And also discuss other aspects of Rudra, like the facts that Rudra Deva itself is Shambhu or Swayambhu, Aja … Read more
The figure of earlier part of this topic which describes the path from Ahum to ALA is also applicable to this one, thus, this topic is in continuation to the previous one which has the header of “From Ahum to ALA” … This is the path of realization of twenty Brahma worlds of which 16 … Read more
The figure of earlier part of this topic (i.e. from Ahum Naad to ALA Naad) is also applicable to this one … Here we would discuss the how it is when the (Sookshma Sharira (or subtle body or astral vehicle or astral body) consciously proceeds from Ahum to ALA and some of the realizations therein … Read more
Since this is also a pretty vast topic, so I have divided it into parts … But this part of the topic would discuss the path of subtle vehicle when it proceeds from Ahum Naad to ALA Naad (Sound of ALA) and thence it self realizes what was told as Krishna Pingalam or Krishna Pingala … Read more
The title of this topic i.e. Sookshma Sharira Yoga Aghora, means the Yoga or Union of subtle body (or astral vehicle or astral body or Sookshma Sharira) to Aghora face of Sadashiva … When this union to Aghora (or Yoga to Aghora or Yoga Aghora) happens then all nineteen parts of subtle body dissolve into … Read more
This topic is to discuss the presence of systems which relate to Aghora face of Sadashiva or simply Aghora, within various paths of various knowledge systems that came by to this world … Here we discuss relation of Aghora to Plane of mind and also to the imaginary world of mind (or Manoloka) and also … Read more
XX … As far as Aghora and the first figure of this topic is concerned, below listed discussions are a fact … Here we shall discuss Aghora in relation to various other aspects from across lore’s, like Linga Sharira, Gyan Lingam, Blue Kachina, Emanation … 01 … Aghora is an emanation of Itself … … Read more
This topic is to denote the stage of union of Shakti and Shiva or in other words, a union of divinity to divine, and that too where this union happens inside the thousand petalled seventh plexus or crown plexus (or Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara) … Thus this topic shall discuss Shakti Shiva Yoga in Brahmarandra … Read more
VV … This part is to discuss the relationship of Aghora face of Shiva to subtle vehicle or Sookshma Sharira or astral vehicle or subtle body and its relation to mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha) … Then also discuss its travel, which is also termed as Astral travel or Sookshma Sharira Gaman … Sookshma Sharira means the … Read more
This topic is to discuss the Aghora and its relationship to macro-elemental ether or Akasha Mahabhoot or Plane of ether and also briefly relate to a Vedic statement of Akash Brahma or Akasha Brahma … UU-01 … On the printed page of above figure was painted the painted the first figure of this topic on … Read more
TT … This part of the topic is to discuss the emanation of three attributes (i.e. three qualities) which is cognized from within the Ahum Naad itself … Here we shall discuss emanation of macrocosmic attributes and their relation to Vedic statement of Guna Brahma or attributes are Absolute (this also means attributes are a self expression of the Absolute being) …
Discussing emanation of macrocosmic attributes from Aghora
We have already discussed most of what is depicted in above panting … As far as above painting stands, we had discussed the following …
The blue envelope as shown on the left side of above figure is of the “sound of Ahum (i.e. Ahum Naad)” who by itself is south facing blue colored Aghora face of Sadashiva …
The blue colored body as is shown in the right hand side of above figure, is the Sookshma Sharira, which also means as the astral vehicle (or astral body) … The astral body is also the symbolic-vehicle (i.e. Linga Sharira) which itself is present in every aspirant of any of the three times …
The red colored light which is emanating out of the blue envelope of Ahum Naad is denoting the macrocosmic quality of action (or macrocosmic attribute of activity or action or instability i.e. Rajoguna) …
The blue color which is being emanated out of the blue colored envelope of Ahum Naad is denoting macrocosmic quality of inertia (or macrocosmic attribute of inactivity or inertia or stability i.e. Tamoguna) …
And the white colored light which is emanating out of Ahum Naad is denoting the macrocosmic quality of neutrality (or macrocosmic attribute of purity or wisdom or Sattva Guna) …
And the purple colored light which is being emanated out of Ahum Naad is denoting the macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) from which the other four macro-elements (i.e. Air, fire, water and earth) emanate out at a later stage (these four later macro-elements are not shown here, but shall be discussed at a later stage of this text) …
Cycles of emanation of attributes or Triguna from Aghora and Guna Brahma
So with above as a base, we shall now briefly discuss the stage when the three primary macrocosmic attributes (i.e. three qualities of the entire macrocosmic nature or Triguna) begin emanating out of the Ahum and thus end up changing the characteristics of flows and dynamism within those planes, where these attributes get projected …
This is also the stage when various planes shall begin showing signs of activities that relate to these three macrocosmic attributes …
Now we shall state the timelines of these eternally cyclic emanations as are of these three macrocosmic attributes from within the Aghora face of Shiva …
As far as the precession cycles of this world system is concerned, this emanation as is shown in above painting always happens cyclically and is always based upon the below stated time spans …
Each 12,960 human solar years … As per nadir time units of precession …
Each 11,111.1 human solar years … As per zenith time units of axial precession of earth’s axis …
Each 12888 human solar years … As per currently applicable time units of precession … In this calculation I have utilized a yearly rate of change of precession as “50.28 arc seconds per year” which as such is an average of almost 2+ decades of observation while I was sailing at sea and where all these observations were “mostly” of Polaris (which means as the northern pole star or Uttari Dhruv) …
In a later topic which relates to the Vedic Kaalchakra, each of above stated values and their time units of precession shall be mathematically derived and that too by using those aspects which are stated in Vedanga and Jyotish Shastra…
This emanation always happens once within each of the planes of existences (Galaxies etc., as these are termed in modern astronomy) during the time span of one human age cycle (which in Sanskrit is called as a Manav Yuga) …
And this emanation of qualities always happens whenever the world system where knowledgeable-conscious-active animate-entities exist, enters into a state where it begins cutting the central line (i.e. middle plane) of its own galactic disc (i.e. the vertical mid-line of that plane) …
Thus basis above, just prior the world system moves from one side to another of the mid-plane of the galactic disc, is the stage when above shown emanation actually happens within that galaxy itself …
The path of a world system where knowledgeable-conscious-active animate-entities exist is always like a sinusoidal path and when that curve cuts the mid-plane of its own galactic disc, is the time when above figure actually happens …
This emanation lasts for 108/8 years i.e. 13.5 years on either side of the point which is discussed in previous paragraphs … As per Kaalchakra, the last time when it had happened is not very far from the time I write this topic …
Aghora and knowledge of Guna Brahma
Since the quality of inertia (i.e. Tamo Guna) has the highest contact to the manifest state of the macrocosmic creation, so it eventually is from Tamoguna that this emanation is primarily noticed …
And since Tamoguna itself is a part of Ahum Naad (Sound of Ahum), so the better of all states to study this is “Ahum Naad (i.e. the Aghora face)” itself … This also renders the self-realization that was discussed earlier and was termed as “Guna Brahma” …
Emanation of attributes from Aghora and Shakti Shiva Yoga or Bhadri Bhadra Yoga
And the white semi-circular lines as shown in above painting are denoting the union of the white colored Bhadri (or Maa Shakti) to blue colored Bhagwan Bhadra (or Bhagwan Shiva) … It eventually is from the ecstasy of their union that this emanation takes place …
SS-1 … The path of Aghora leads to self-realization of all that ever was, is and could ever be within the Maker’s Makings and this is in addition to the direct cognition of the final pervader and enveloper of allness and her each part (i.e. attributeless infinite being or Brahman) … Thus the path of … Read more
RR) … Aghora we have already discussed to some extent, so this is the furthering of the same discussion … Here we shall discuss the Vedic statement of Mann Brahma or mind is the Absolute (this also means mind is a self expression of the Absolute being) when seen within the self realization of sound … Read more
This topic is to discuss the fact that Aghora face of Sadashiva itself is the state where an aspirant arrives at supreme knowledge or in other worlds, the aspirant acquires Gyan or Jnana and Gyan Shakti (or Jnana Shakti) … The word Supreme knowledge means, knowledge of primordial and principal states of Maker’s Makings (which … Read more
PP) … Prakriti means nature and nature itself is the mother of all that is as a manifest and non-manifest macrocosm and its each part (i.e. Microcosm) … So within Vedic lore, Mother nature (or Prakriti) was also addressed as Pradhan (Pradhana or principal) … Prakriti is of two main categories, Apra and Para i.e. … Read more
OO) … Guna means attributes … But here is means the three macrocosmic attributes … Swayam Sthiti means self present, self sustaining and self existent … So in this topic we shall be discussing the relationship of Aghora (Ahum Naad) and the self-sustaining nature of the three attributes of macrocosmic creation … These three are attribute … Read more
This topic is to discuss the relationship of Aghora face of Sadashiva to Manas (or Mind) and path of union or Yoga or Yoga Tantra … We had also discussed earlier on that mind is an intrinsically unbroken partless-part of Aghora itself … Nature of Mind or Manas and meaning of Yoga … Mind … Read more
In reality, form and formless are related to each other … Form is formless … Formless is form … And both these are only enroute to their union to voidness, from which they had originally originated … Absorption of form and formless into emptiness, is also a path of absence of of form and formless … Read more
In line with that which is referred many a times within these discussions on Aghora, until this topic it is already pretty clear that Aghora face of Sadashiva is also the base of many knowledge systems that had come by to this world during the last few millenniums … All differences in understandings of concepts … Read more
Eternal means that which has no end and thus is the endless … The endless itself is the Beginningless … Unless it is the beginningless, it cannot even be the endless due to the fact that, if it is a begun state, then it would also have an end … That which is endless and … Read more
JJ) … In this topic, we shall discuss the relation between the Aghora face of Sadashiva (who was also discussed as the Sound of Ahum or Ahum Naad who is also addressed as Buddha Samantabhadra) to that part of the Biblical lore where the statement of “I Am That I Am” is given … In the … Read more
Ayaam (or Aayaam or Ayam) means dimensions … These dimensions are also related to Aghora face of Sadashiva … Every dimension which is listed in any text can broadly be placed within the four primary dimensions (or Chatush Ayaam) of the macrocosmic creation … These four dimensions are as follows … Time … The eternal … Read more
HH … In this very short topic we shall discuss the dimension of time after an aspirants subtle body (the blue colored subtle vehicle or Sookshma Sharira as was shown in the earlier painting of Ahum Naad) eventually ends up merging to the Aghora face of Sadashiva … Uniting to the condition that was discussed … Read more
GG) … Here we shall be discussing the relationship of Buddhist lore to all above discussions … Ahum Naad is same as what was discussed in an earlier topic of Aghora face of Sadashiva, and the same Aghora is also addressed as the primordial Buddha Samanthabhadra +++ during some later times of progress of Buddhism … Samanthabhadra … Read more
Ahumkara (or Ahamkara) is also self realized through Aghora face of Sadashiva … This is as Ahumkara (or Ahamkara) is also a part of Aghora face, which would be discussed here … The painted sketch of earlier topic of “Path of Ahum Naad” is also applicable to this one … Ahumkara and Aghora FF … Read more
The origin of Ahum Naad (i.e. Sound of Ahum) is from Brahmanaad (which is the same as what was also told as Makar or Sound of M) … Brahmanaad is also termed as Brahmnaad, Brahma Naad, Brahma Nada, Brahmanadam and Brahm Nada … Thus Ahum Naad is a part of Brahmanaad (or ) … And Brahmanaad … Read more
DD) … Now we shall discuss the term “Naad or Nada” … This is also known as Shabd or Shabda … Thus Nada Brahman or Nada Brahm or Naad Brahm or Nada Brahma can also be addressed as Shabd Brahm or Shabd Brahma or Shabda Brahma or Shabda Brahman … Naad is Shabd or Shabda which means … Read more
In this part we shall discuss the path of sound of macrocosmic and microcosmic I’ness (i.e. Ahum Naad or Aham Naad) and why/how it got corrupted during the last five millenniums as were of the divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) … We shall also briefly discuss completeness of path of a Vedic Mahavakya, which … Read more
Here we shall discuss the Aghora face of Sadashiva, who is also addressed as Aghora face of Shiva and also as Aghora face …
Aghora face of Sadashiva or Aghora face of Shiva or Ahum Naad is the sound of macrocosmic I’ness and microcosmic I’ness …
This topic discusses Aghora face of Sadashiva which is also addressed as Aghora face of Shiva, Aghora face or simply as Aghora … Since this is also a very vast topic, so I have divided into a few parts …
The state which is depicted in above figure was self-realized many years ago … This painting is a pretty old one and since it was left unattended for a quite a long time, so it has gotten wrinkled during those long-years that have passed after it was originally painted …
I consider ‘Ahum Naad (i.e. Aghora face of Sadashiva)’ as my formless Gurupita … The word Gurupita means “father-guide and guiding-father” …
This figure also describes the final stage of astral travelling (Sookshma Sharira Gaman) and that too in a state that is just prior the blue vehicle (or subtle vehicle or Sookshma Sharira) dissolves into its own cause i.e. the sound of Ahum (Ahum Naad or Aghora face of Sadashiva) …
Even though this state relates to macrocosmic nature, but the sound of it is only referring to the conscious-knowledge-activity principle (Chaitanya Siddhant) that is within each microcosm and is also pervading and enveloping the entire macrocosmic creation …
This sound of Ahum denotes the macrocosmic and microcosmic I’ness … Both these I’ness are one and the same due to the fact that their sound is of Ahum only … Thus in reality, what is within an aspirant (microcosm) is what is present in the greater macrocosmic creation, and vice-versa of this statement is also true …
Unless the ‘I that is within’ is still existent within a person, nothing can ever be deemed to be existent for that person … Or in other words, that person would not be able to realize anything if the I’ness itself is absent within that person … Thus unless I’ness is there in an aspirant, self-realization of anything is an utter impossibility … Thus is the importance of Ahum Naad of our discussion because this sound denotes both the macrocosmic and microcosmic I’ness …
As also, unless the “I that is within (i.e. the blue colored vehicle of above figure)” is dissolved into its primary macrocosmic cause (i.e. the formless blue colored state as the left side of above figure) existence in either of form or formless states, continues for that person …
And once the ‘I that is within’ is dissolved into its own primary macrocosmic cause, then “voidness of I’ness” is all that remains i.e. the aspirant ceases to be an individual microcosm, because such an aspirant knows the reality of the three statements which are listed here … Ahum (this word literally means I, and in a deeper sense it means as “ones innermost I’ness” or simply the “I within”), Ahum Asmi (which literally refers to the statement “I AM” and which subtly refers the another statement of “I exist … Eternally”)” and “Aham Brahmasmi, which in other words means as I am That (Here the word “That” means the “Absolute”) …
Such an aspirant walks away from all egoistic-Gods (Abhimani Devata) because he merges to the innermost essence of these two yet singular statements “I AM … And … I AM THAT” which as such was stated in Sanskrit as “Aham Asmi and within the much earlier Vedic lore, the same was also told also as Ahum Brahmasmi” …
The same was stated in Biblical lore as “I Am That I Am” and this also relates to the much-much earlier Vedic lore where the sages had told about Ahum Brahmasmi and Aham Asmi” … So I really do not believe that this is a Biblical statement as it directly relates to the much-much earlier and parental Vedic lore itself …
Deviating a bit … In fact if we take out all Biblical statements which were taken from the much-much earlier Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma and also take out those revelations that relate to Kaalchakra, then there shall be nothing substantial to read in the Bible, as most of it would get emptied out in this process … Thus even though I am not a Christian yet I consider the Bible as mine due to the fact that it is an accumulation of what was told by sages and seers of Sanatan Dharma itself … Basically if I were to state this fact politically and decently then I would say “Bible is a knowledge which is directly related to the much-much ancient Vedas” …
Resuming again … As also, once the I’ness of a person gets dissolved into its own primary macrocosmic cause (i.e. Aham Naad) then at such a state the entire macrocosmic creation become invalid for such a person …
This is because, without I’ness, the person cannot experience anything because the I’ness that is inherent within each person itself is the primary basis of all realizations and experiences that are undergone by any person …
Within each aspirant, this I’ness is the astral vehicle (which in Sanskrit language is termed as Sookshma Sharira) … Once the subtle vehicle is dissolved into its own primary macrocosmic cause (i.e. Ahum Naad) then the entire macrocosmic creation becomes invalid for that person … Thus such an aspirant also walks the path of “Myself within Myself” only …
And after such a state, if anyone were to ask the macrocosmic creation (or her any part or any-subtle being) about that aspirant, then the reply of the macrocosmic creation would only be as follows …
“He was, but now is not”
And If the aspirant is the one who had also self realized the unity of his (or her own microcosm to the subtle macrocosm which is present in his (or her) microcosm and thence the further unity of his (or her) inner subtle macrocosm to the outer greater manifested macrocosm, then above statement would be thus …
“He was, but now is not, because now he is none other than me … The macrocosm”
When the astral vehicle (and thus the mind, because mind itself is the main component of the astral body) dissolves into its own macrocosmic cause (i.e. Ahum Naad), then the aspirant mind is none other than the macrocosmic mind itself … This is the primary significance of self-realization of the Aghora face of Sadashiva especially after the stage of the aspirants mind (blue vehicle of above paragraph) dissolving into Sound of Ahum (or Ahum Naad) itself …
AA … Discussing Aghora face of Sadashiva
The formless state as is shown on the left side of above figure denotes the south facing “Aghora face of Sadashiva” … This face relates to Yajurveda …
So Sadashiva means the “auspicious-ever-all”, ever-auspicious-all and is also means the “ever-all-auspicious” …
And the blue colored body which is shown on the right hand side of above figure denotes the astral vehicle (Sookshma Sharira) of any aspirant … At a later stage we shall be discussing the astral vehicle and its components … The astral vehicle (of this little student) was facing to the north and thus the formless state of the face of Sadashiva as is shown in above figure is told to be south facing here …
Aghora means “not-wrathful or peaceful” …
The figure and sound is to which the path of any Aghori eventually relates … I was also a Yogi of Aghora Marg (I.e. an Aghori) during one of my earlier incarnations … And basis a direct experience of all six paths of Dharma, I can very rightly state that within the entire macrocosm (i.e. macrocosmic creation) there is no path better than that of Aghora because only this path has the supreme capacity to turn Tamoguna (macrocosmic attribute of inertia) into Sattvaguna (macrocosmic attribute of neutrality) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus for any divine degenerate age (Deva-Kaliyuga) which as such is an age of predominance of Tamoguna itself, Aghora is the better of all paths of evolution … Plus the path of Aghora is full of that knowledge and those absolute abilities which none of the other paths can ever provide to any aspirant …
Continuing with above paragraph … As also a fact that any aspirant who has not passed through the path of Aghora, cannot even be neutral towards dualities or dual-natures like that of God-Satan, good-bad, right-wrong, this-that, not-this and not-that and all such aspects) …
Continuing with above paragraph … If my Sanatan Gurudeva Sriman Naaraayana (i.e. eternal-guide Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) gives me a chance (i.e. he allows) I would prefer to leave the physical body of my current incarnation as an Aghori only because within the entire macrocosmic creation there is no path better than that of Aghora of face of Shiva which is being discussed here …
BB … Discussing Ahum Naad or Aghora face of Shiva
Here we shall discuss about Ahum Naad and its path which leads to self-realization of the finality of dimensions …
This sound of Ahum (i.e. Ahum Naad) which is being discussed here is also related to the “I’ness that the entre macrocosmic creation and her each part (i.e. each microcosm or aspirant)” was blessed with and that too from within the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings …
Thus this figure also relates to the macrocosmic and microcosm I’ness and where both these are eventually found to be the same when an aspirant accomplishes the path of Aghora face of Shiva as is being discussed here …
Without I’ness that an aspirant is blessed with and that too from within the supreme-genius as is of the Maker’s Makings, there can never be a realization of the finality of the four primary dimensions of the Maker’s Makings …
And without the realization of the finality of the four primary macrocosmic dimensions, that aspirant cannot even station himself (or herself) within the entirety of Maker’s Makings i.e. that aspirant can never enter into a state of Brahmand Yoga (or the state of union to allness and her each part) …
These four macrocosmic dimensions, their finalities and abilities that an aspirant gets blessed with when he (or she) is already unioned to these finalities, are as follows …
Dimension of Time (or Kaal) … The finality of this dimension of time (or Kaal) is eternity … That aspirant who merges to finality of this dimension is a Trikaal Drashta or the knower of three-times (i.e. knower of past-present-future) …
Above is the state of union to Mahakaal Shiva … The word Mahakaal means “Lord of Great-Time” but since in the Vedas there can only be one great, so the Great which is stated here, only means Supreme … Thus such an aspirant merges (or unites) to the Bhagwan Mahakaal (or supreme-time) who as such is the eternity itself and after this stage, that aspirant begins resting in that eternity itself …
Such an aspirant also knows the innermost meaning of Taraka Mantra of Paramguru Shiva … Taraka means that which liberates or makes an aspirant cross over the entirety of existence and non-existence and thus this word eventually means, that which leads an aspirant into Kaivalya Moksha …
This knowledge (of Shiva Taraka Mantra) is because that aspirant passes through the Vajradanda (i.e. the staff of Vajra) which is beyond the crown plexus (or 7th plexus or Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara) … It is in the Vajradanda Chakra that Taraka Mantra of Paramguru Shiva is self-realized … Taraka Mantra of Paramguru Shiva is of Raam Naad (which in English language means as the sound of Raam) which inside the Vajradanda as such is like a simultaneous roar of a million and more lions (also told as the roar of thousand lions) …
After transiting through the Vajradanda (i.e. the staff of lightening) that aspirant self-realizes the eternity as is of Mahakaal Shiva (i.e. Mahakaal state of my Paramguru, Bhagwan Sadashiva) and thus enters into that eternity itself … This lightening is held within the golden colored Vajradanda and entry into the Vajradanda leads to a state where that aspirant attains the state of “Mahakaal aspect of Shiva” itself …
This is also the state where the aspirant only exists as the supreme or eternal mind (Sanatan Manas Tattva) and this is even when that aspirant is still existing in an incarnated (physical) state … Those sages who had rested in the essence of this discussion were the ones who had originally told that mind is the only instrument which has the capability to simultaneously rest within the three times …
Time (or Kaal) is an instrument (or weapon) of Devi Maa (I.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) and she “never shares even an iota” of this instrument with any egoistic-God (Abhimani Devata) and yet she shares this instrument of time, with non-egoistic Gods (Anabhimani Devata) and few of her children (i.e. her worshippers or Shakta’s) …
That aspirant who becomes as is discussed in above paragraphs, also becomes an instrument of Maa Adi Parashakti (or the supreme mother of allness) in addition to being an instrument of Paramshiva (which means as the supreme being or Brahman) …
As also since the egoistic-Gods (Abhimani Devata) or those Gods who center those knowledge systems which relate to individualism (Monotheism of any sort) do not control time, so their rendered knowledge systems always have end-time theories (i.e. these systems can never last till eternity of cycles of time or Kaalchakra) …
An aspirant who knows through a direct-cognition about what is stated above, is Bhagwan Mahakaal Swaroop (i.e. the aspirant is an incarnated state of the Great-Time or Eternal-Time) in addition to being a Swaroop of Maa Mahakaali (i.e. the Great-Divinity of Great-Time) …
This is also the state of being Mann Brahma (or Mind is the Absolute or that aspirant is like the supreme mind) and that too whilst that aspirant is still existent in an incarnated state …
Dimension of Space (or Akasha) … The finality of the dimension of space is of Infinity (Ananta) … That aspirant who merges to the finality of dimension of space is a Sarvatra Drashta or the seer (and thus the knower) of allness and her each part because such an aspirant rests within its oneness to allness and her each part … This is the state of being Sadashiva in a manifest or incarnated state itself …
Such an aspirant is also the one who directly-cognizes the innermost meaning of a statement from Taittreya-Upanishad, which was stated thus by self-realized, all-realized sages … “Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahm or Truth Wisdom Infinite is the Absolute Being” …
The union to the finality of dimension of space leads an aspirant into the state of being the plane of knowledge (Gyanakash or Brahmic Mahat Vijyanmaye Kosha) even within an incarnated state … The knowledge sheath (which in Sanskrit language is told as Vijyanmaye Kosha or Buddhi Kosha) of such an aspirant eventually merges to OM Naad (or the Sound of OM) …
In addition to above paragraph, space is an instrument (or weapon) of Devi Maa (I.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) and she “never fully shares” this instrument with any egoistic-God (Abhimani Devata) and yet this instrument is shared with “non-egoistic Gods (i.e. Anabhimani Devata)” … That aspirant who is as discussed in above paragraphs, also becomes an instrument of Adi Parashakti (or the supreme mother of allness) in addition to being an instrument of Paramguru Paramdeva Paramshiva (i.e. the supreme being, who in Vedas is also addressed as Brahman) …
Furthering above paragraph … And because the egoistic-Gods (Abhimani Devata) who center knowledge systems which relate to individualism (i.e. monotheism of any sort) are not the controllers of infinite space, so their rendered knowledge systems always have difficulties during their commencement, propagation, existence and end-times and it is only due to this reason, that such individualistic systems always become chaotic during their entire existence right from their commencement till their end-times … This world is already passing through this phase of an end time of individualistic systems that had manifested during the current human age cycle (i.e. human age of trinity or Manav Tretayuga) and this shall be derived within the later topic of Kaalchakra …
This is also the state of an aspirant being knowledge principle itself i.e. the state of being Jnana Brahma (i.e. Knowledge is Absolute) itself and thus such aspirant always rest in the Absolute knowledge (Gyan Brahma) …
And simultaneously the aspirant also is holding the status of being Akasha Brahma (or the one who is united to the infinite skies of beyond, beyond the beyond and beyond all that is ever considered or is not-considered as beyond) …
Directions or Paths of evolution (or Disha) … The finality of dimension of direction is of an omnidirectional state … Such an aspirant who reaches the finality of the macrocosmic dimension of direction is only that one who has accomplished all of the six primary paths of Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma … No other aspirant has ever reached this state of omni-directionality without successfully walking through the six primary paths of the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. six ways of life of Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) … Omnidirectional knowledge is that knowledge which rests within all the paths that ever are or could ever be within the entire macrocosmic creation and where that knowledge is arrived through by direct cognitions only …
Such an aspirant (who is discussed in above paragraph) is the one who is a Sarva Disha Darshi or the knower of all directions (or paths) …
As also, such an aspirant knows the innermost meaning of one of the Vedic mega-statement of “Satchidanand Brahm or Truth Conscious Bliss is the Absolute being (or Parabrahman)” …
Above is because of the fact that the union to finality of dimension of direction leads to a union of that aspirants consciousness orb (Chitta) to the “Chidakash (or the infinite consciousness of the Absolute being)” and thus such an aspirant becomes the Chidakash itself and that too whilst existing in an incarnated state … This is the state of being the “conscious principle (or Chetan Siddhant or Chetan Brahma)” itself and that too whilst resting in an incarnated state …
In addition to above discussions, direction is an instrument (or weapon) of Anabhimani Mahadeva (I.e. the non-egoistic great-lord) and he never has any restriction in sharing anything with anybody … And since he shares this with anybody who sincerely requests, so it is due to this reason that both the Deva’s (divine beings) and Asura (Satanic beings) can lay down their respective paths … But at the same time, Mahadeva only shares that path which is to be at that particular cycle of time …
Dimension of State (or Dasha) … The finality of this dimension is of omnipresence …
That aspirant who merges to the finality of this dimension is the one who enters into the state of Sarva Stithi i.e. residing in union to all that ever is known, unknown, neither known nor unknown, within the intermediary states of these three and beyond these four …
Such an aspirant knows the three primary and other secondary aspects of the Absolute Being (i.e. Parambrahma) which were discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …
Such a one is the “entire macrocosmic I’ness (I.e. entire Ahumkara) manifest in a human form” … This is to what Agora face of Sadashiva primarily relates … Such a one also qualifies to holds the knowledge of Maker’s Makings and is also the holder of all abilities … This is the state of being the I’ness principle (or Ahumkara Siddhant) which itself leads to a further state of being Guna Brahma (three attributes are the self manifestation of Absolute Being) and that too whilst resting in an incarnated state …
In addition to above paragraph, (the dimension of) state is an instrument (or weapon) of Anabhimani Mahadeva (I.e. the great-lord) and he never has any restriction in sharing anything with anybody … And since he shares this with anybody who sincerely requests, so it is due to this reason that both the Deva (divine beings) and Asura’s (Satanic beings) can lay down their respective paths, which itself becomes the reason for reaching the desired state that must be at that particular cycle of time …
Proceeding further …
Thus basis all above discussions, such an aspirant only enters into a union to the finalities of the four primary dimensions of the macrocosmic creation and where these are related to aspirants Antahkarana Chatushtaya itself (i.e. related to the four fold inner-subtle-tool of the aspirant itself) …
This four-fold inner-subtle tool (Anandmaye Kosha or Antahkarana Chatushtaya) is of the shape of a subtle Shivalingam which has four separate parts and where these parts are like orbs of different characteristics …
Mind (Mann) … This is the outermost orb and can even be infinite in its expanses … As far as Anandmaye Kosha is concerned, is the state of the aspirant, so is the characteristic (or color) of the mind orb …Thus I cannot state that this orb has this or that color, as I saw it changeful due to its unity to different macrocosmic states …
Knowledge (Buddhi or Vijyana) … This is the next orb (i.e. inside the mind orb) and is of a very subtle yellow color …
Consciousness (Chitta) … This is of a white color primarily but due to different colored impressions resting in it, so its color is changeful due to this reason … And in addition to this, the color of consciousness can also change due to different attributed that the aspirant is based in … Thus when an aspirant is primarily resting in attribute of inertia (i.e. Tamoguna) then the consciousness has a slight-blue (or light-blue) colored hue and when that’s same aspirant is resting in an actional state (i.e. resting in macrocosmic attribute of action or Rajoguna) then the consciousness orb has a slight reddish hue (or light-red color) … And when that same aspirant is resting primarily in macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (Sattvaguna) then the consciousness orb has a very subtle white colored hue … This is the second orb from inner side …
I’ness (Ahamkara) … This is of a deep blue color as is of the above painting and it is the innermost orb of the Bliss sheath (Antahkarana Chatushtaya, or simply the causal body) …
I shall be discussing these in detail in a later topic which relates to five sheaths (which in Sanskrit language is stated as Panch Kosha) …
Self realization within Aghora face of Sadashiva
Thus, Aghora face of Sadashiva as is being discussed here has the capability to deliver the self-realization of all above and that too in such way that the unity of microcosm (aspirant) and macrocosm (macrocosmic creation) is also self-realized by that aspirant … Thus, these self-realization (i.e. direct cognitions) are also resting within the purviews of the Mahavakya from Yajurveda, as stated below …
यथा पिण्डे तथा ब्रह्माण्डे यथा ब्रह्माण्डे तथा पिण्डे
As is microcosm So is the macrocosm, As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm
Bible also has a similar statement of …
“As above, so below”
This Biblical statement is also relating to the above mega statement of the much-much earlier knowledge of Yajurveda …
This realization can also set that aspirant unto the path of a Vedic statement “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahm” or in other words, “the reality of everything, everyone and everywhere is Brahman only” … This self realization is also a part of the same Brahmand Yoga only …
And it is due to the fullness of self-realization and realization of allness to which above great statement of Yajurveda relates, I have stated that there is no path better than that of Aghora … Thus all those who say bad things about path of Aghora (i.e. say bad things about Aghori) don’t even know the pristine state to which the path of Aghora face of Sadashiva actually relates …
Within the original state of the Maker’s Makings, everything was naught but an impressional-energy field … That energy field had its own original vibration which as such was of OM Naad (i.e. sound of OM) which shall be discussed at a later stage of this topic itself … And thus OM represented the originality of … Read more