Here we would discuss the cave of action (Rajoguna Guha or Rajas Guha) which is also present in the womb of ether of heart (Hridayakasha Garbha) … And this part had to be written as a series due to different aspects that were discussed between the eternal guide who resides within that cave of heart which relates to emptiness (Shunyata), and the little student, who writes this text …
This topic continues from the previous one which had the header of “Udana Prana and Devadatta Upa Prana” … This is the thirteenth part of this series of topics on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
Since cave of action (Rajoguna Guha) directly relates to macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna), which itself is the primary source of drives that are rendered to allness and her each part, so this series of topics on the cave of action of heart (Rajoguna Guha) are also related to same macrocosmic attribute of action, which in Yogic and Vedic texts is also called as Rajo Guna, Rajas and in some Yogic lore’s, the same is also called as Asmita …
Rajoguna which also denotes Asmita directly relates to Rudra Deva, i.e. the highly actional and thus wrathful aspect of Panch Mukha Sadashiva and this is due to the direct relation of Rudra to the south facing, blue colored face of Sadashiva, which in Vedic lore (i.e. Lore’s of Nigama) and also in the Shaiva lore’s of Agama Marg, is addressed as the blue colored Aghora face of Shiva …
Cave of quality of action … Or Rajoguna Guha … Or Rajas Guha …
While both (the eternal guide and little student) were sitting within that bright and yet serene purple colored ether of the womb of the cave of the heart, the eternal guide pointed to a cave which was all red and bright, and told thus … “This is the cave of the quality of action (or Rajas Guha)” …
The little student looked and nodded in understanding …
The eternal guide said … “This is the cave where the quality of action (Rajoguna) resides and this is the cave from where the root of each action gets manifested … This also is the cave where each impression has to pass through, so as to propel that impression into such a higher energy that it enters the macro-inertial microcosm after breaking past the barrier of mind (Manas) and the barrier of quality of inertia (Tamoguna) … This is also the cave where all the ‘visible and hidden or invisible impressions (i.e. Drishya and Adrishya Samskara)’ have passed through and thus all impressions eventually have their subtler routes existing within this cave and this is what has led to these routes being eternally utilized by all impressions that have ever passed through this cave of action, prior they effected what they were supposed to effect” …
The eternal guide continued and told … “This is how it has been since eternity of this one’s (little student) existence and right from the time when he was begun as a microcosm, within the genius of Maker’s Makings … Thus, due to this reason, the paths of all impressions (Samskaras) which have gotten generated due to the earlier desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds, and which as such denote the Sanchit Karma (accumulated merit) right from the instant then a microcosm is begun within the genius of Makersmakings, are existent within this cave of action … So, due to this reason, unless this cave of action (Rajo Guna) is cleansed properly, no aspirant can ever get free of the Sanchit Karma (i.e. all merit that has accumulated ever since the stage when that aspirant was originally begun as a microcosm) … As also, unless these accumulated merits are unseeded, the final liberation, which as such is told as Kaivalya Moksha (and which as such is also meaning and referring to a final liberation, and which itself is arrived due to a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) would only remain a distant probability” …
Then the eternal guide said … “But as of now, because this cave is not unseeded of its impressions (i.e. this cave of not cleansed), we would only be studying this cave from the Cave of Prana, because to to enter this cave without cleansing is a very dangerous affair due to the fact, that, if an aspirant gets stuck within action and its hidden impressional routes, then that aspirant would only have to re-begin within the same original beginning, that originally was due to the original cause of origination of allness … And when one enters this cave after cleansing it, then Samadhi (or deeper meditative absorptions) are spontaneously arrived at some later stage of progress within the evolution process and where that Samadhi is also relates to and thus is of Asmita Samadhi (or Rajoguna Samadhi) … Asmita or simply Asmi, denotes Am’ness where an aspirant can just look at something and know all about it’s past, present and future” …
The eternal guide continued telling … “Thus, without Asmita Samadhi, which as such is an absorption within the macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajo Guna), the omniscience can never manifest … But for omniscience to get manifested, there also need to be other aspects of Samadhi, which relate to knowledge (Vijyana), consciousness (Chitta), Manas (Mind), Prana (vital airs), I’ness (Ahamkara), etc., that as such are not a part of this topic, so we won’t discuss them here … But the fact always remains, that, unless Asmita, which relates to macrocosmic quality of action (Rajas) is attained, the innermost truth of realizations that relate to form, formlessness, state or non states, aspect and aspectless states can never be attained … And since the path of Asmita invariably passes through the unseeding of the paths of impressions as are within this cave of action (Rajoguna Guha), so this cave of action remains as a very important cave within the cave of womb of ether of heart (Hridayakasha Garbha) … Unless absorption within the quality of action is arrived (i.e. unless Rajoguna Samadhi or Asmita Samadhi is arrived at), path of attainment of omniscience can never be opened up … That aspirant who attain to omniscience, also attains to Buddhahood (which in other words, is also called as the stage of attainment of Buddhata)” …
Enter into the cave of action … Rajoguna Guha …
Then the eternal guide again caught the hand of student, motioned with hand to get up and start walking towards the Cave of Prana … Both the eternal guide and student arrived within the Cave of Prana and then they both resided within the 5th vital air (Vyana Prana) … And then the eternal guide said … “See the routes of all impressions that have ever passed the cave of action, to be present within this cave of quality of action” …
The little student saw and said … “But, these routes are also based in three aspects (shapes) … One type of route is straight, second type is sinusoidal and last type of routes are of the routes which are connecting all these routes” …
The eternal guide smiled while looking at the little student, and then said …
- The one which is straight is the route of those impressions that related to those desires which had resided within the macrocosmic quality of neutrality (or quality of wisdom or Sattva Guna) … However nothing is perfectly straight, because for anything to originate, some amount of quality of action (Rajoguna) has to be rested in and thus, no matter how little it may be, some sinusoidal movement is always there in everything that relates to any path of travel, including of thoughts …
- The one which is sinusoidal is the route which relates to various thoughts that got generated from those desires that were related to the macrocosmic quality of action (Rajoguna) …
- And the lattermost type of route that was seen is the one which is merging all these routes … This is of the macrocosmic quality of inertia (Tamoguna) which was for those deeds which were done within a residing in the macrocosmic quality of inertia (Tamo Guna) … This route which relates to inertia (Tamas) is the one which keeps everything joined (or united or in oneness) to each other … This is because, as far as the three macrocosmic attributes (Triguna) are concerned, inertia is the one which unites these attributes to everything and also unites everything to these attributes …
- Thus, when we see the totality of this discussed part, then we also know that all of these three routes are for each of the three macrocosmic qualities (Triguna)” …
The eternal guide then smiled and said … “Is the matrix like state of these routes also visible within the cave of action of our current study?” …
The little student replied … “Yes, after they enter the cave of action, each straight (of quality of neutrality or quality of wisdom) merges with the sinusoidal (of quality of action) and then this combination also merges to the connecting routes (of quality of inertia) prior any of these finally exit this cave of action” …
The eternal guide replied … “Each aspect of neutral wisdom is within thoughts which have to be within deeds that are done whilst resting in neutrality and thus what exits from here (cave of action), are the cause of further deeds, which are also governed by desires and thoughts (which had led to origination of those deeds) and which further has within it, the much subtler neutrality of wisdom that is visible as a straight line path in the cave of action … Neutrality (of wisdom) pervades (or permeates) action, which further pervades (or permeates) inertia and thus within the blue colored inertia, is visible the red colored action and within the red colored action is visible the subtle white colored neutrality (or wisdom) … But at the same time, this matrix of channels which are visible in this cave of action, also proves that the neutrality is entrapped in action, but because neutrality is much subtler than action, so even when it seems to be entrapped, yet it is not in any way limited by action” …
The eternal guide continued telling and said … “Pervader only pervades if it is detached to the pervaded, because if this is not so, then the pervader would only be as the pervaded … As long as the pervader can maintain its detachment to that which is pervaded by it, that pervader can never continue as the pervader … Or in other words, if the pervader attaches itself to the pervaded, then the pervader would also lose its higher subtlety (as compared to the pervaded) and thus that pervader would only become as the pervaded … And in such a case, the pervader would not be able to continues as the pervader, that it earlier was, till the stage when it adopted a higher grossness (which is of sameness to the grossness of the pervaded) … The pervader can only stay as the pervader, if it stays subtler than the pervaded and to maintain this higher subtlety (as compared to the pervaded) that pervader also needs to maintain its detachment to the pervaded, which it pervades … So due to this reason, when the pervader can no longer keep itself subtler than the pervaded, then that pervader also ceases to be as a pervader of the pervaded … As long as the pervader is subtler than the pervaded, it stays as the pervader and when that same pervader, due to its loss of detachment to the pervaded, can no longer keeps itself subtler than the pervaded, then the pervader loses its higher (subtler) status, after which it can no longer stays as the pervader, of the one (pervaded) that it pervades” …
The eternal guide then told further … Thus, when we see actional aspects of paths (channels) within this cave of action, then we also see the pervading very subtle white colored neutrality … And we also see, that the white colored neutrality, is much subtler and is also detached to the red colored action, that is pervaded by it, only because of its detachment to the red colored action (i.e. pervaded) … And the same is the relation of pervading action to the blue colored inertia (i.e. pervader) … Thus, irrespective of who the pervader is, the pervader (or one who permeates another entity) can only stay as the pervader of another entity (pervader or permeated) as long as the pervader can maintain its detachment to the pervaded … This detachment of the pervader to the one which its pervades, is right from the instant prior pervadement takes place and as long as the pervader is pervading the pervaded … This rule is applicable to all that ever is as a microcosm and macrocosm and it is an intrinsic part of the “macrocosmic principle of pervader and pervaded” …
Cave of action and knowledge of other aspects from it …
The eternal guide continued … “The condition of this matrix of impressional channels which are visible within the cave of action also denote the following …
- Desires are the root of everything …
- Thoughts and further emotions that get manifested, are directly related to the earlier desires …
- Deeds are manifested at a state which later than above two stages …
- And all this is related to the three attributes of macrocosmic nature (i.e. they all relate to three qualities of macrocosmic nature or Triguna) even when these channels of these three qualities are visible within the cave of action itself …
- And this also proves, that inertia is the one which unites everything … This, is why self realized, all realized sages had told that the macrocosmic creation is rooted in inertia …
- Inertia is the balance causing aspect, i.e. inertia is the attribute which leads to a balanced harmony within the microcosm and the same is also within the macrocosm … The cosmic laws don’t discriminate between anything that they act upon or regulate and this itself is due to the universal nature of cosmic laws … Thus, there can never be two sets of rules, one set of rules for the microcosm’s and another set of rules for the macrocosm because such a state would only lead to a severe disharmony between the macrocosm and microcosm and which in turn would make the lifetimes of each microcosm, like a living hell (whilst these microcosm are residing within the macrocosmic creation) … And this is why, inertia is the one which joins everything to itself and thus maintains a balance in addition to maintaining the universal applicability of macrocosmic laws on all that is present within the macrocosmic creation, and also the macrocosmic creation itself … Cosmic laws are not like human laws (manmade laws), different for different communities and lands … In fact when we come to see the reality of these nonsensical human made laws, then we also know that they also are a chaos causing aspect … And where this chaos also manifests in a cyclic state, of chaos and peace … And since the present human age cycle (Manav Yuga) is turning to the next one, which as such would be an age of sages (Guru Yuga), so this aspect of chaos that is caused by manmade laws, would also come to fore, gradually and surely … This aspect would be seen during coming times …
- If inertia was not there, then action would have been unrestricted and this would have only led to a havoc within the macrocosmic creation … And it was due to this reason, all that was ever begun within the Maker’s Makings, was placed within inertia … Thus, as far as the three macrocosmic attributes are concerned, inertia is the macrocosmic attribute in which everything is resting and this is what ensures that action has to pass through inertia, prior it can even reach the microcosm … This is why the ancient self realized, all realized sages had told, that the Makersmakings are an inertial creation of the creator …
- And all this also proves, that unless inertia is self realized, action can never be self realized and unless action is self realized, the neutral wisdom cannot be self realized … This is also because of the fact, that inertia is pervaded by action, which is further pervaded by neutral wisdom … And all these rest within the purple colored macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhuta), which itself is a byproduct of a balanced union between the red colored quality of action (Rajoguna) and the deep blue colored attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) both of which are pervaded by the very subtle, white cloud like state of neutrality of wisdom (Sattvaguna) … Thus, since everything rests within the envelope of ether (Akasha), so when any aspirants rest within the macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot), then this rule of sequences of self realizations does not apply, because from within ether, all are visible at the same time … This is also one of the advantages of study of ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) … Those aspirants who through their direct cognition, have known ether, also know the innermost essence of the Vedic state which the self realized, all realized sages had told as ‘Akasha Brahma’ … Such aspirants rest in their oneness to ether, which itself is infinite in its state and thus was also told by self realized, al realized sages to be a direct self expression of the attributeless infinite being (Brahman) …
- Those aspirants who rest in their inner oneness to ether, are the ones who become like ether, but as far as their mind (Manas), consciousness (Chitta), Buddhi (Knowledge), I’ness (Ahumkara) and vital airs (Prana) are concerned … As also, such an aspirant, rests in what was termed as ‘Akasha Bhavapan Awastha (which as such is an inner state in which the aspirant knows through a direct cognition, that he or she is none other than ether)’ … Thus, as far as the inner condition is such an aspirant stands, he or she is the ether, which is existent within a human form (of that aspirant who rests in Akasha Bhavapan) … This state is of being an ‘Akashatma’, that is, being the one whose innermost essence (Atman) itself is like the limitless infinite Akasha (or ether)” …
The little student understood whatever was told … But due to a doubt, he asked the eternal guide … “Why are the colors different of each of these routes of impressions ?” …
The eternal guide replied … “The Prana which are one, but were desired to be many, have in turn caused these different routes which are with their different impressions, within this cave of action … Since different impressions have different colors due to different vibratory bandwidths of deeds and since different vibrations have different colors and characteristics, so we see different color shades to be present within these different routes … As are the types of deeds, so are the colors of impressions … But these color characteristic of impressions and their routes are not a part of this discussion, so we shall save this aspect of discussion for a later time” …
And the guide continued “This is the matrix of colors is also within each microcosm and this matrix also reflects within each subtle nerve (or subtler channel or Nadi) which are present within the body and body parts of each microcosm and thus the various body parts and organs also have their own specific colors (or lights) which itself are as per the state of deeds, thoughts and desires which are active within that part of mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha) that is related to that particular organ” …
Cave of action and knowledge of Mind …
The eternal guide continued telling thus …
- Each cell of the physical vehicle (of every microcosm, animate or inanimate) has its own mind …
- The corpus of all cellular minds of an organ, is the mind sheath of that organ …
- The corpus of mind sheaths of all organs, is the mind sheath (i.e. Manomaye Kosha) of an aspirant …
- And the same aspect is also applicable to each microcosm and irrespective of whether that microcosm is inanimate or animate, physical or subtle or anything else that is deemed to be beyond these or as a permutation and combination of these … Thus, even those microcosm’s who reside within subtle realms, have their mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha) …
- The corpus of mind sheaths of entirety of microcosm’s that exist within the Makers Makings, is the plane of mind …
- Thus, the plane of mind has ever remained as the better of mediums to arrive at a state of ‘oneness of allness and her each part’ … And due to this, mind of each aspirant, which as such is a microcosmic state of the macrocosmic mind, is the better of all mediums that is available within the aspirant itself, when it comes to entering into the stage of ‘oneness towards allness and her each part’ …
- Thus, have accomplished Yogi’s stated, that ‘calm the mind to know I within’ and this statement was also told because of the fact, that, the mind itself is the better of mediums for any self realization, even if that self realization is related to the ‘essentiality of the I within (i.e. Atman)’ … Unless the mind is calmed, no direct cognition (i.e. self realization) of the ‘I within (i.e. Atman)’ or any other higher aspect, can be ever attained …
- And to calm the mind, action has to be lesser in the mind … For action to be lesser in the mind, this cave of action has to be unseeded of all its afflictions, which as such are primarily of the subtle and gross impressions and their channels (as are present in the cave of action) …
- Unless all these are unseeded, the cave of action can never arrive at its afflictionless state, and unless the cave of action arrives at its affliction state, wandering of mind can never be controlled and unless wanderings of mind are controlled (which also includes the mind sheaths of organs in addition the cellular minds), these vast number of differences of colors of impressions and channels within various parts of the cave of action, would only continue to be just as it is visible as of now … And unless this happens, various organs would also reflect similar differences of superimposition of colors, unto the main color of the vitality of that organ … Unless these differences are removed, the inner peace would never manifest” …
The little student understood and said … “Yes, organs also have a changeful shade of colors that is visible from here” …
The eternal guide said … “Ever changing shade of the principal color of the organ is due to an ever differing combination of desires which are working on the organ, so as to make it act within its each current deed … But as of now, the rate of change of these color and characteristics of flows is too high because of instability that is within the cave of action … Unless the cave of action is made to arrive at a state of freedom from its afflictions (i.e. impressions and their subtle channels), this rapidity of change of colors of organs would only continue to lead to absence of calm within the mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha)” …
Cave of action and knowledge of relation of desires to impressions …
The little student asked … “So, how does the body function, as per desires or as per impressions of the consciousness” …
The eternal guide said … “As per the resultant of both and many other factors, some of which would be told here … Desires cause those impressional fields which are specific to those desires to be attracted to the orb of consciousness (Chitta) of the causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) of an aspirant … And when the impression which is attracted to the cave of consciousness, are then fruited to their further subtleties (fruiting always leads to a further subtlety in impressions of Samskaras) then further desires are manifested within the aspirant … Thus, each fruiting of an impression (Samskara) also makes it subtler (Sookshma) … And and within that slightly higher subtlety is arrived within that fruited impression, further subtler desires are attracted to it, which lead to other subtler acts (i.e. acts based within a higher quantum of oneness to allness) … This is because the beginningless and thus endless and thus an eternity of relationship of impressions and desires, which as such is thus …
- Subtler desires lead to subtler impressions to get generated within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha) …
- Subtler impressions lead to subtler thoughts, emotions and deeds … By subtler it is meant, thus … That which has a higher quantum of oneness towards allness and her each part … Allness has a higher expanse of spread, and thus it is subtler … Concentration leads to grossness, thus when we concentrate our thoughts unto anything, then grossness of one or another form, is all that gets arrived at, initially … But since the end stage of concentration, is only as an expansion of consciousness and where this expansion is mostly sudden and thus spontaneous, so due to this reason Yoga Tantra has told to utilize concentration as an initial path, to lead to the later stage of meditation, which as such denotes the expanded state of consciousness and where this expanded state, eventually is directly related to the infinite state of consciousness … This infinite state of consciousness is Parabrahman (attributeless infinite being) and thus due to this reason, concentration is also an initial path of the later self realization of Brahman … This expanded infinite state of consciousness was also told as ‘Chidakash (i.e. the limitless infinite sky like state of consciousness)’ by the self realized, all realized sages of Vedic and also of the Yogic lore’s …
- Prior the ‘limitless and thus infinite state of consciousness (i.e. Chidakash)’ is self realized by an aspirant, the mind of that aspirant also attains to its infinite innermost and thus its absolute nature … This is what was told in Vedas as the stage where the mind becomes infinite in its expanses and this is what was told by the self realized, all realized Vedic sages as Mann Brahma, or the mind itself is the absolute being when it is present in its supreme glory of being infinite in its expanses … This is an inner condition of the Yogi’s mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha), where that Yogi’s mind is in oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. oneness to the entirety of Makers Makings … And beyond) …
- But prior this stage arrives, the limited state of ether (Akasha) which is also present inside that Yogi’s microcosm, breaks its barriers and merges to the great sky of ether … This is what was told by the self realized, all realized Vedic sages and also by those fully accomplished Yogi’s (Siddha) as the stage where the Ghatakash (limited state of ether or the pot of ether which is a simile of the ether which is present inside the Yogi’s microcosm) breaks and unites in its non-dual oneness to the great ether (i.e. Akash Mahabhoot) of the Maker’s Makings … This great ether is of limitless expanses and was also named as Akasha Brahma by the same self realized, all realized Vedic sages and also by those fully accomplished Yogi’s (Siddha) … And the same Great ether was also named as Mahakash (of the great sky) in Vedas … Thus, this is also the stage where the Ghatakash (limited ether or pot like state of ether, that is present in the Yogi’s microcosm) breaks and unites to its own primordial and principal macrocosmic cause, which as such is the ‘great sky of ether, that was named as Mahakash (or Maha Akasha)’ … This is the stage where the Yogi becomes one, who in his (or her) human incarnated form, is none other than the limitless infinite ether and thus such a Yogi also knows the innermost essence of the Vedic statement, of Akasha Brahma (or ether itself is a self manifested state of the Absolute being) …
- When these deeds are completed, then subtler impressions get generated … And then this process keeps continuing endlessly in the same way as told here …
- Thus, subtler desires lead to subtler impressions to get generated in the consciousness orb of the bliss sheath (Anandmaye Kosha) and this leads to further thoughts, emotions and deeds which as such are in sameness to the vibratory bandwidth of that generated subtler impression … And these desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds then lead to fruiting of that impression, which then attracts a further desire to fruit it and where that desire has to be in sameness to the impressional vibratory bandwidth … And due to this, subtler impressions can never be fruited within grosser deeds and on similar lines, grosser impressions also cannot be fruited with subtler deeds … As are the impressions that exist within the consciousness orb of bliss sheath (or Karana Sharira or Anandamaya Kosha) of an aspirant, so shall be the subtlety and grossness of deeds that the aspirant would be undergoing through during a near or distant future and these deeds shall also be after that impression arrives at its ripeness and rightness that is also needed by it, to fruit further … This is the basis of what was told by self realized, all realized Vedic sages and was named as Agami Karma (or the deeds that an aspirant would be doing in future) …
- This is such that, desires attract impressions to them and impressions attract desires to them … Both in their tandem lead to thoughts, emotions and finally deeds are done by the holder of that impression and where those deeds are also in sameness of subtlety of the impression itself … Thus, as was told earlier on, as is the subtlety or grossness of an impression that is present within the consciousness orb of an aspirant, so shall be the subtlety or grossness of deeds which that aspirant would do, whenever that impression arrives at its ripeness and rightness, to fruit further … Subtler deeds are those which are done whilst resting within a higher quantum of ‘oneness towards allness and her each part’, and vice versa is for grosser deeds … Thus, grosser deeds relate to higher individuality, and vice versa is for subtler deeds” …
The little student nodded in understanding …