This topic continues from the previous one which had the header of “Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” … This is the fifth part of this series of topics on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … Hence aspirants must read the previous four topics prior entering into this one … Here we shall discuss the cave of consciousness, which can also be termed as Chitta Guha …
Cave of consciousness … Chitta Guha …
The eternal guide and his little student sat down in the cave of ether of heart and looked at those various caves which were present within it … The eternal guide then told his little student to closely observe the impressions that were visible within each of these caves …
As the little student observed closely, then at that moment itself all caves started turning brighter … When this happened, the eternal guide said … “Not only do these impressions reside within the consciousness orb (Chitta), but they are also present within grosser and subtler matter of any aspirants physical and subtle vehicles … So due to this reason, the same impressions shall also be seen within other caves that are also present within the womb of ether of heart (or Hridayakasha Garbha)” …
Then the eternal guide continued … “However, firstly we shall have to get rid of those impressions that are residing within the cave of consciousness because only after these impressions (that are present in the cave of consciousness) are disintegrated (or in other words, unseeded) then only can the other impressions (which also are present in the other caves of the same womb of ether of heart) be able to be unseeded and where this unseeding would also be without any effort, because the Nirguna Sharira (colorless body) shall have manifested (Note: Nirgun Sharira was already discussed in an earlier topic of “Swaroop Stithi … Nirguna”) …
The little student asked “is this all that needs to be done?”
To this query, the eternal guide said “first remains first … And amongst the first are the impressions which are to be unseeded from all these caves which are visible right now and from the middle position (where the eternal guide was sitting with his little student in the cave of womb of ether of heart) … These impressions need to be unseeded so as to cut of the aspirants links to entirety of four states of macrocosm” …
Note: These four states of macrocosm were discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT furthered ITself” and these were told to be as follows …
- Unbegun macrocosm … Or eternal macrocosm …
- Inertial macrocosm … Or inertial masses or Inert matter …
- Macro-neutral macrocosm … Or the greater whole or the diamond white colored macrocosm that separates the begun from unbegun macrocosm … This is a part of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (This face of Sadashiva is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Shiva and this itself is in addition to being simply termed as Sadyojata) …
- Begun macrocosm (i.e. macrocosmic matrix or cyclic existence or simply, Samsara)” …
The eternal guide continued further … “Only after these impressions of the caves which are visible right now have been unseeded, can we enter into those caves which as of now are hidden from our view … Unless these grosser visible impressions are unseeded, the subtler and also those invisible impressions which are also present within these caves would continue to remain hidden from our view and thus these would never be seen” …
The eternal guide kept continuing further … “And unless these invisible impressions (Adrishya Samskara) are seen, they cannot be unseeded … As also is a fact, that, unless these invisible impressions (Adrishya Samskara) are also unseeded, an aspirant can never be freed from all past Karmic merits (accumulated merits or Sanchit Karma) … Unless the Karmic merits are unseeded, the aspirant cannot ever attain-to the state of “freedom from Karma (Karma Mukti) … Unless Karma Mukti is arrived at, the final liberation (I.e. Kaivalya Moksha), which by itself denotes that stage and state of liberation from allness and her each part, which is told as Kaivalya, Moksha and Nirvana, can never be attained by an aspirant” …
And then the eternal guide continued further … “Unless an aspirant is liberated from all deeds and the entirety of their fruits which were accumulated by that aspirant, right from the timeless time when the aspirant was originally originated from within the genius of Maker’s Makings, what liberation is anybody talking about … Liberation cannot never be of fullness, completeness and from wholeness of allness, unless one is also free from all accumulated deeds and their fruits (i.e. unless one is a Karma Mukta, the liberation can never be a final liberation, or in other words, liberation from allness and her each part also includes the state of liberation from accumulated merits or Sanchit Karma)” …
The little student understood most of what was told to him, but he still had some doubts, so he asked “that means there also are hidden impressions?” …
The eternal guide replied “yes behind these visible ones, but real nextness of evolution ends here … Real nextness is for evolution and evolution ends within the macrocosmic matrix (i.e. begun macrocosm) as the ‘one process there only is, as evolution’, is only within the macrocosmic matrix (i.e. cyclic existence or Samsara) … And once an aspirant walks beyond this requirement of maintenance of real nextness of evolutionary process, then that aspirant also walks beyond the cyclic mode of existence (i.e. mode of existence which is related to birth and rebirth, which can happen in this world or even in any other subtle or divine world) … Cyclic mode of existence is only within the begun macrocosm, so once any aspirant evolved beyond the cyclic mode of existence, then that aspirant also moves beyond the begun macrocosm (i.e. macrocosmic matrix or Samsara)” …
The student understood this and nodded in affirmation …
Eternal guide explains impressions or Samskaras of cave of consciousness …
The eternal guide said “Whatever any aspirant (and also any other microcosm) desires, thinks about, his (or her) emotions) and whatever he or she does, leads to generation of an impression (Samskara) within the consciousness orb of causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) of that aspirant … And the same impression is also reflected within the macrocosmic plane of consciousness because the same macrocosm within its own subtle impressional state is also present inside each microcosm (aspirant) … Thus, whatever anyone desires, thinks or does leads to a subtle impression to get generated inside that persons consciousness orb (of causal body) and the same impression is also reflected in the macrocosmic plane of consciousness” …
The eternal guide continued further … “As an aspirant keeps evolving across incarnations which are here and are also beyond this plane of existence, these impressions also become more and more subtle in addition to becoming higher in number (due to higher number of deeds, thoughts, emotions and desires that are undergone by an aspirant across those incarnations) and these impressions keep accumulating in the same consciousness orb of the aspirants bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha) … If the aspirants evolutionary process is mostly based upon deeds that relate to the term “oneness towards allness”, then these impressions also are mostly subtler … And If the aspirants evolutionary process is mostly based upon deeds that relate to the term “individualities (i.e. individuals individuality or individuality of a corpus)”, then these impressions also are mostly grosser … Subtler impressions veil the truth to a lesser extent and grosser impressions to a larger extent so such aspirants have a higher ignorance regarding reality … But irrespective of grosser or subtler impressions that any aspirant may hold, some veiling of truth is always there until that aspirant completely unseed’s all these impressions which are present within his (or her) consciousness orb of bliss sheath” …
The eternal guide kept telling thus … So to unveil the truth (i.e. to know the truth through self realization), these accumulated impressions (Sanchit Samskara) would need to be unseeded and Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra is the main path to that unseeding (of impressions), which itself is the prerequisite for unveiling of the truth to any aspirant … This unveil always happens through the path of self realization i.e. the path of a direct cognition of of one’s reality (or in other words, self-realization or realization of ‘Who Am I’)” …
The eternal guide continued speaking … “Thus, the path of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra is also the root or foundation of self realization of Vedic Mahavakya, like that of Aham Brahmasmi (which in simple words, means as I Am That), You Are That (Tat Tvam Asi), This Is That (which in Sanskrit texts is told as Ayam Atma Brahma), So Am I (which in Sanskrit texts is told as Soham) and also the self realization of the Mahavakya of Shiva Am I (Auspicious I Am or simply, Shivoham) … Unless all these impressions are unseeded, the finality of knowledge which itself is of these great statements of Vedas (Vedic Mahavakya) cannot ever be known by anyone … Thus is also the importance of this path of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” …
And then the eternal guide continued further … “Because these impressions are generated due to the effects of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds, so these impressional fields are also related to evolutionary (or worldly) matters … And due to this reason, they also relate to ignorance of that reality, which as such is much-much beyond worldly things … The ignorant ones also believe in hierarchies and dualities of this or that as the final truth … Due to this reason, such ones keep jumping positions and beliefs, just like half witted monkeys that keep jumping from one branch (of life and of evolution) to another thinking that the other branch is greener … And since these impressions are also related to such things, so they also are like inanimate half witted monkeys which have been generated (and thus programmed to be such) by the aspirant itself and that too, for engaging the aspirant in all matters which are related to dualities of sorts, like this is better than that, God and Satan, good and bad, high and low and all such nonsense which doesn’t even exist in the universally eternal reality … All these hierarchies and dualities eventually become reasons for troubles because they hamper ones evolution into those states which are beyond the four states of macrocosm (i.e. they hamper self realization of emptiness or primordial state of nature)” …
Then the eternal guide looked down at his little student, who was listening carefully at that time, and the guide continued further … “As such, even when these impressional fields that reside within the consciousness orb of the bliss sheath (Anandmaye Kosha) are let go, then until some time after this let go, they keep causing troubles to that aspirant (who has let go of these impressions) … The troubles which these impressions cause is because they wish an adoption by the aspirants consciousness and these half witted monkeys try their best to get adopted, which may even lead to certain amount of troubles for that aspirant … It is due to this reason, that there has never been a true aspirant who has not faced some strange types of sufferings for a certain period of time whilst that aspirant was walking those paths which lead to unseeding of these half witted moneys, aka, impressions” …
The eternal guide continued even further … “Each impression has a specific bandwidth of subtlety and each of these bandwidths of subtleties also have their own specific sub-plane within the same macrocosmic plane of consciousness … Each of these sub-planes, also has it’s own egoistic controller (Abhimani Devata) … So when these impressions are getting detached, then the entities who control the planes of these impressions also hit back at that aspirant who is detaching from their controlled sub-planes of consciousness due to that aspirant detaching from those impressions that rest within the controlled plane of that entity” …
The eternal guide continued … “And since the three subtle channels of Ida Naadi (moon channel or coldness channel), Pingala Naadi (Sun channel or hotness channel) and Sushumna Naadi (neutral channel) are the main ones, so when these egoistic controllers of those sub-planes of consciousness to whom the detached impression relate, come to know that such and such aspirant is detaching from their controlled planes, so they invariably try to gain an entry into such aspirant’s microcosm, which eventually would be through any of these three channels … This is why whenever any aspirant enters into those highly secretive and esoteric systems of detachment from allness, which also include detachment from all impressions (i.e. detachment from all accumulated merit), then these egoistic controlling entities of the planes of these impressions always try to regain their hold through these three primary subtle channels of that aspirant … And this is the reason for sudden bursts to be felt in these three channels whenever such attempts of regaining a hold are made by such egoistic entities” …
The eternal guide continued … “These egoistic entities and controllers of those sub-planes of the plane of consciousness whose impressions are being detached (or have already been detached) always try their best to regain their hold unto such an aspirant and thus not lose their memberships … And as a matter of fact, almost all aspirants who have walked the path of a final detachment, have always felt such burst of energies in these three channels and their seven chakras … Some Yogic texts rightly state that these energy bursts in any or all of seven chakras denote the activation of Kundalini (serpentine force) of the aspirant, but this is only the visible reason for such bursts and not the hidden (or invisible) one … The invisible reason is just as is told here … Though the fact also remains that when the Kundalini begins rising upwards (i.e. it begins rising upwards from the base of spine till the top of head) then also these bursts would be felt in any (or all) of the seven chakras, but this aspect is also due to such egoistic controllers only and due to the fact that they try to retain their memberships” …
Commencing unseeding of impressions of cave of consciousness (Chitta Guha) …
The eternal guide pointed to the cave of the consciousness and said “We shall now unseed these impressions by disintegrating these within the Yoga Agni or the fire of austerities and then he pointed to a cave with a bright crimson glow” …
Note: This cave of fire of austerities was such that it was also having many other color shades which cannot even be described, because those colors are not available in this gross world …
The eternal guide said “sweep these impressions from this direction and send all these impressions into the Yoga Agni Guha (or the fire of your austerities) and most importantly, just prior you do this act, you also have to mentally detach to ‘all there is within this cave of ether and beyond’ … As also, whilst you are doing this job and until you complete it, remain in that detachment” …
Then the eternal guide pointed in the right hand direction, pointed towards the cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) and said, “there” …
The little student swept in a way that all those impressions were swept and sent in the fire of the cave of fire of austerities and all this whilst the little student was mentally detached to all there was within the cave of ether … And beyond” …
As this act was done, the fire in the cave of austerities rose to a very bright lighted state … The little student saw, that all the swept impressions were now burning with crackling sounds in that cave of fire of austerities … A lot of these cracking sounds came at that time … A green flaming light eventually emerged and this green light was surrounded by a yellow light , then red, then blue and eventually a white flaming light … And finally when the unseeding was completed, then the color of the cave of fire of austerities again settled back to its original color” …
Then the eternal guide caught the hand of the little student and said “Now that’s done, so we would go back (so as to again enter into) the cave of the consciousness” …
Back in the cave of consciousness, the little student saw that bulk of impressions that were present earlier on, were already missing, to which the eternal guide said “the cave of consciousness was now in a preliminary state of becoming impressionless (or Nirbija Awastha)” …
The eternal guide smiled and told the little student … “The little child whose physical vehicle you had taken over through the process of transmigration of soul so that you could apparently-incarnate in this gross (physical) world, was also an evolved soul and that little child had also come to this world for his second last time … Thus his impressions had to be adopted by you (i.e. the little student) because you had taken over that physical vehicle by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (Parkaya Pravesh) … So, due to this reason, ‘this one (little student)’ had to take over that little child’s (i.e. donor of the physical vehicle) impressions” so he could also fulfill the requirements of his incarnations destined aspects” …
And then the eternal guide pointed to the student and said “thus due to the stated reason, ‘this one (i.e. little student)’ had no option but to adopt these impressions fully as the little child who gave his physical and other vehicles to this one (i.e. the little student) was also within that stage of evolution which was to make him detached from all his impressions and thence he was destined to only hold the ‘last and final impression (Antim Samskara) which is like an elongated octahedral transparent or translucent crystal that is pointed at one end” …
The eternal guide continued … “And thus, after you (little student) unseed all his impressions and then when only the last and final impression (Antim Samskara) is all that remains to be unseeded, then this last and final impression would be coming out of your Shivarandra (secret crevice of Shiva, that is located at the real middle of the bones at top of skull) … And thence this last and final impression would just evaporate and reach back to that same little child, whose physical vehicle you (little student) had taken over so as to enter this physical world through the process of transmigration (or Parkaya Pravesh) … And then at some later stage of time, that little child would be returning back for one last and final time, just as you have also returned back, this time around … All such aspirants eventually enter into Poorna Sannyasa (or a state of completeness of detachment from allness and her each part) … Poorna Sannyasa is the same as what was told as Kaivalya, Moksha and the same state of liberation is also named as Nirvana in Vedas and is also referred to within the Yoga Tantra” …
And then the eternal guide again looked down at his little student and said … “The proof of his (little child who had donated his physical vehicle to the little student who writes this text) high evolutionary standing can be very easily seen within the quantum (or strength) of Yoga Agni which is now manifested within this cave of fire of austerities of heart (which itself is present in the womb of cave of ether of heart or Hridayakasha Garbha)” …
The little student agreed as the fire was really very large and as the impressions were burning in that fire of austerities, they were also making a cracking sound in that large orb of fiery light that was of the cave of fire of austerities …
The eternal guide said “That little child (i.e. donor of physical vehicle) would also be liberated by the acts that you (little student) would be undergoing in this lecture of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … And the process of that little child’s liberation has already begun” …
The eternal guide continued … “Once the process of liberation is begun, it cannot ever be stopped … Due to this reason, it always leads to a final liberation … The same shall be the case of that little child who had donated his physical vehicle to you so you could enter this world through transmigration of soul (or Parkaya Pravesh)” …
The eternal guide then looked at the little student … This path of Hridayakasha Garbha only ends in a stage of final liberation, but provided that the aspirant has not ended up residing at the unioned state of the 8th sphere of the two mega entities (i.e. Prakriti and Purusha)” …
Then the eternal guide smiled, pointed to the little student and said … “like this one” …
The eternal guide continued further … Since earlier on, you had already resided at the unioned state of the 8th sphere of the two mega entities (i.e. Prakriti and Purusha), so at least after this transmigrated incarnation, you won’t be entering into a state of full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. Kaivalya)” … Those who rest at the unioned state of 8th sphere of these two mega entities (i.e. Prakriti and Purusha), never get liberated as they go beyond all dualities, including those of liberation and bondage, their concepts and and also their texts … Thus, for such ones, nothing matters, here and beyond here” …
The eternal guide continued … “But, even when you would not be returning back to any of the physical, subtle and divine realms, yet you would be existing as a colorless one (Nirguna Awastha) who as such is beyond the state of being a doer of deeds (and thus is also beyond the state of being a reaper of fruits) and yet such an aspirant is eternally existent, but only as a detached witness of all the plays and non-plays of allness and her each part (i.e. the entirety of Maker’s Makings, including her each microcosm) … This is what Karmamukti (freedom from deeds, their fruits and also their impressions) actually means and this is what is also told as Poorna Sannyasa (i.e. a state of renunciation of allness and her each part) … And the path to Karmamukti also starts from Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra which is being told here” …
Both the eternal guide and the little student smiled again at each other and continued their walk to the next cave …
The little student remembered and thought “that some years back, an astrologer who had his divine eye activated had also said, that, “the star charts of end stage of this lifetime show the state of being a complete hermit (or Poorna Sanyasi or one who walks away and thus goes beyond allness and her each part, including all gross, subtle and divine realms)” …
And then the eternal guide who read the thoughts, said “The time this stage is still pretty far … There still are many years to enter into this state of a full, final and permanent isolation from allness” …
Then the little student asked “ is this why the astrologers and palmists cannot predict my future … I have already met more than a few … So I ask” …
The eternal guide replied … “How can they accurately predict when they are looking at the charts of the donor of physical vehicle and not of this one (i.e. the little student who had taken over the physical vehicle of the donor and that too, a few years after the birth of the donor of the physical vehicle)” …
And then the eternal guide smiled and again caught the little hand of the little student as they commenced their walk to the next cave that was present within the cave of ether of the heart …
The further observation …
While walking the eternal guide suddenly stopped and said “look at the neutral wisdom and knowledge which are pervading consciousness within this cave” …
The little student looked and said “there is no hierarchy now within the wisdom … Knowledge has just two hierarchical levels … But still some amount of hierarchy within the consciousness” …
The eternal guide smiled, patted the back of the little student and said “look again when we return here (on our way back to cave of wisdom) after you have successfully completed the entirety of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … At that future stage, the consciousness would not be as a cave which is separate from knowledge and at that stage, the consciousness would only have one last impression in it, instead of a few that you see right now” …
The eternal guide continued … “That last impression that you would see at that later time, would be as the final impression that would get generated as a final effect of all the cause and effects of the entire disintegration exercise, that you would be doing within the Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra … This last or final impression would be denoting the end result of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra and eventually this final impression that would be forming at that time, would also exit out of your microcosm and reach back to its original holder, i.e. the little child who had donated his physical vehicle to you, so that you could transmigrate into it and complete your Guru Dakshina that remains pending since your previous transmigrated incarnation” …
And then, hand in hand, both the eternal guide and his little student continued their walk in silence, through the cave of ether of heart, within which all the other caves as are being discussed here, were present at their respective locations …
Continues …