Here we shall discuss the cave of mind (Manas Guha) which is present in the ‘cave of womb of ether of heart (or Hridayakasha Garbha)’ … And then also discuss the orb of mind, which is present in the heart and also in the brain area … And thus discuss the need of mind, characteristic of mind, cleansing of mind, function of mind through a study of mind …
This topic continues from the previous one which had the header of “Further cleansing of cave of ether of heart” … This is the nineteenth part of this series of restricted topics on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …

The cave of mind (Manas Guha) …
While walking towards the cave of mind, the eternal guide said … “What sound do you hear now as we keep getting closer to the cave of mind?” …
The little student said … “Ahum Naad … Sound of Ahum” …
The eternal guide said … “What sound do you hear from the cave of inertia” …
The little student said “Ahum Naad … Sound of Ahum” …
The eternal guide smiled and said … “See, this sound is common for Manas (i.e. the mind) and also for the inertia (Tamoguna) … And thus what color do you see of the mind?” …
The little student said … “Blue” …
The eternal guide said … “Blue throughout and towards both the cave of inertia (Tamoguna) and action (Rajoguna)” …
The little student said … “Yes, Blue with a surrounding light hue of pink, however the cave of mind is blue in color” …
The eternal guide said … “And what colors do you see within the mind cave” …
The little student said … “All the colors of Five Prana (or Panch Prana or five vital airs) and five sub vital airs (or five Upa Prana)” …
The eternal guide said … “The color of mind is deep blue, however mind works with the vital and sub vital airs and thus we see the vital and sub vital airs to be residing towards the cave of action (Rajoguna Guha) and thus are subtler when these vital airs are in the cave of ether of heart … And this is even when the vital airs (Prana) are originated from macrocosmic the quality of action (Rajoguna) … Quality of action (Rajo Guna) does not have any attachment, but this is only when the quality of action resides within its pristine or afflictionless state because in this pristine condition, this quality (of action) cannot be attached to anything … And this is the dharma of the three qualities (or Triguna) which as such is of detachment only … Detachment is intrinsic to all three macrocosmic qualities (or Triguna)” …
The little student asked … “What is a quality and how to differentiate it from any other aspect which is within the entirety of the four states of macrocosm?” …
The eternal guide smiled and said … “Quality is Dharma, which itself is as the … route to it … the route of it … the route from it” …
The little student asked … “Please clarify” …
The eternal guide said … “That quality which is intrinsically and extrinsically associated to each microcosm, since the timeless incalculable eternity and shall also remain so until the timeless fathomless eternity that still remains of the Maker’s Makings, is Dharma … And even when this quality remains associated to each microcosm, if it happens to be denoting the pristine nature, like these three macrocosmic qualities of neutrality of wisdom (Sattvaguna), action (Rajoguna) and inertia (Tamoguna), then it shall ever remain within a state of detachment to all there ever is permeated and/or enveloped by it and this detachment shall even be, when it may be visible to be apparently attached to allness and her each part, just as these three macrocosmic attributes, also are” …
The little student nodded in understanding … As the cave of wisdom pervaded all caves and it is still not attached or unattached to any of the caves, the cave of action pervades all the caves towards its lower or grosser side and still is not attached to any of the caves, the cave of inertia was also pervading all caves of the macro-elements and it is also not attached or unattached to any of the elements which lie on its grosser side …
The eternal guide said … “Yes, these are the three qualities (or Dharma) of the entire macrocosmic creation … Wisdom is within all microcosm’s and yet it is not attached to anything, action is within all microcosm’s and yet it is not attached to anything, inertia is also present within all microcosm’s and yet it also is not attached to any microcosm” …
The eternal guide further said … But to function, they need to be present in the aspect or microcosm and to ensure this, the neutral wisdom originated consciousness (Chitta) from within itself, so as to get attached and thus wisdom remained eternally free … Then, the consciousness (Chitta) originated knowledge from within itself, so as to get attached and thus consciousness (Chitta) also remained free from all aspects which were not of requirement of knowledge and still this knowledge ended up driving all the impressions which resided within the consciousness and yet remained detached from all of these impressions … As action originated Prana (or vital airs) from within itself, action remained free of attachments, because after this stage, the vital air began driving and ensuring the vitality of all that was originated at a stage which was later than this discussed one … As inertia formed the five Upa Prana (five sub vital airs), so inertia also remained free of attachments to everything else, even when all that was originated after this stage, only rested within inertia, so as to remain stable” …
The eternal guide further told … “Even though each of the five macro-elements (i.e. Panch Mahabhuta) were made from pervading of inertia, action and then wisdom, the the first originated macro-elements of ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) was the one in which all these eternally resided after they had entered into the begun state of the macrocosmic creation and the same residence in ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) also remained present within the cave of heart of the begun microcosm … Thus, this eternal quality which as such is of detachment, is also the Dharma of all that ever was begun within the Maker’s Makings and due to this Dharma, evolution from any state of existence also happens after the microcosm effects a detachment to that state of evolution … This is because, how can you evolve beyond something, whilst you are still inwardly attached to it … Thus, everything only evolves after it effects detachment … As also, it is due to this Dharma i.e. detachment, that each aspect has eternally been seeking its finally detached state, which as such is also termed as a final liberation and which eventually (finally) means as a stage of full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part, which itself denotes Kaivalya Moksha” …
And then the eternal guide said … “But the final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya), is only entered into after an aspirant inwardly detaches to the entirety of Maker’s Makings … Only after this detachment does any microcosm enter into that which is beyond the Makersmakings … That which is beyond the Maker’s Makings, can never be described in modes of descriptions, like words of languages or signs etc, because all these are only related to the Maker’s Makings and not to that beyond stage of Kaivalya (or Moksha)… To describe that which is beyond the purviews of Maker’s Makings, the mode of description also has to be of beyond … And since this beyond mode is not available within the Maker’s Makings, so that which is out of and thus beyond the entire multi-universe, has never been described in any scripture, till now and all that is available as a description of the beyond state, is only as a reference … Thus, even when the beyond state is definitely realizable, yet it remains as the eternally indescribable, as far as fullness of its description is concerned … And this is also such, that even when the final truth which is beyond the purviews of the Maker’s Makings, is pervading the entirety of Maker’s Makings and where this pervadement itself is due to its omnipresent nature, yet the I’ness (Ahamkara) does not know it, Ones inner Am’ness (Asmita) does not know it, the Prana (Pranamaya Kosha) does not know it, the knowledge (Vijyanmaya Kosha) does not know it and even the mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha) does not know it … And yet that truth is ever there, as the pervader and enveloper of I’ness, Am’ness, Prana, knowledge and mind” …
The little student asked … “So, what was the need of manifestation (or origination) of the mind?” …
Need of mind … Characteristic of mind …
The eternal guide said … “Once the original state that was prior to self origination of the Maker’s Makings, divided itself as those countless parts that make the entirety of Maker’ Makings, some entity was needed to unite them all to each other and also unite them all to allness itself and this unity was needed even when these originated states were apparent as different … Mind is that which unites all parts of allness to each other and also unites all parts of allness to allness itself … This is because the mind itself is better of mediums available to effect oneness of allness and her each part” …
The eternal guide then said … “To effect oneness, all main aspects (or parts) of allness had to be present within the mind … Thus, quality of neutrality of wisdom (Sattva Guna) is present in the mind as consciousness (Chitta, which can also be termed as mind stuff) … And also are present the orbs of Knowledge (Vijyana), quality of action (Rajo Guna), quality of inertia (Tamo Guna) within the mind and this is in addition to presence of five vital airs (Panch Prana) and five sub vital airs (Panch Upa Prana) within the same mind … Even I’ness (Ahamkara) in its dissolved state is resting in the mind … And it is due to this reason, mind is the better of all mediums that is available in the path of union (Yoga) to allness and her each part … Even the five action senses (Gyanendriya) and five action senses (Karmendriya) are present alongside the ten orbs of Prana (i.e. five Prana and five Upa Prana) which are also present in the mind” …
The eternal guide further said … “But for mind to become capable to effect its union to allness, other aspects are also required … This capability comes from the presence of consciousness (Chitta) and knowledge (Vijyana) in the mind itself … Unless the right knowledge is had, the mind would only keep wandering into one or another amongst those ever changeful states of macrocosmic creation and in such a case, the reality can never be arrived at … Until the mind is stable and thus free of its useless continuous wanderings, the truth cannot ever be known because when the primary medium that is present inside the aspirant (as the aspirants mind sheath) is not fit to become as a path towards attaining the knowledge of real, how can the real be known … Thus was the reason for mind to be originated within the Maker’s Makings” …
The little student nodded in understanding … But asked a further query due to his doubts … “What is the relation of knowledge and consciousness and how is it important for this discussion” …
Relation of knowledge and consciousness …
The eternal guide replied and said … “As soon as the Maker’s Makings were originated, both consciousness and knowledge were originated in tandem, i.e. one after the other … At this stage of origination, consciousness was subtler than knowledge … This higher subtlety of consciousness in comparison to the subtlety of knowledge was because the consciousness had still not adopted impressions (Samskara) of the forming macrocosmic creation … In absence of adopted impressions, consciousness retained its much higher subtlety as compared to knowledge and mind … And thus, at that timeless incalculable time that was of the original stage of origination of a subtler state of Maker’s Makings, consciousness being subtler than knowledge, was also pervading knowledge … And thus, at that timeless original stage of origination of macrocosmic creation, consciousness could be seen to be residing within the knowledge i.e. consciousness was pervading knowledge and thus knowledge was enveloping consciousness … And at this stage of time, since consciousness was the pervader, so consciousness was also driving the knowledge … Thus at that time, knowledge of any path of evolution was not required to manifested, as consciousness itself was the entity that was driving knowledge, which in turn was driving the mind and others that we have already discussed at earlier stages of this entire topic of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” …
The eternal guide continued speaking … “But after the macrocosm started forming from its original impressional to its later subtler and then its even later grosser states of manifestations, the impressions of the forming states of macrocosmic creation, found their residence in the consciousness … Since these impressions related to the macrocosmic creation, so they were relatively grosser than the original pristine subtlety of macrocosmic plane of consciousness … After these impressions of the forming macrocosm and microcosm’s found their home within the macrocosmic consciousness, then they also lowered the resultant subtlety of the macrocosmic consciousness … At this stage, the knowledge began pervading consciousness, instead of the original condition that was of knowledge being pervaded by consciousness” …
The eternal guide continued and told … “This lowering of resultant subtlety kept happening more and more, as and when more and more grosser states of Makers Makings were originated (as grosser states, also had even grosser impressions, which after resting in consciousness, further lowered the subtlety of consciousness and thus made it grosser and grosser as times progressed during the process of origination of Maker’s Makings) … And eventually a stage was arrived where the consciousness became relatively grosser than knowledge, because knowledge never adopted these impressions … Knowledge only made these impressions knowledgeable enough, so they could decide where to reside and due to this knowledge, they resided in consciousness itself, because it was better to reside in the pervader (consciousness) than in the pervaded (knowledge) … This was because of the fact, that when residing within the pervader, which is also permeating the pervaded, the pervaded is also united to and this state leads to a higher quantum of oneness to allness and her each part, which every begun entity wants, including the impressions, always desires for” …
The eternal guide continued even further … “As long as the consciousness has impressions within it, the consciousness resides within a resultant subtlety which is of a higher grossness than the state of knowledge … This is as, these impressions being grosser entities, only end up lowering the net resultant subtlety (vibratory field) of the consciousness and thus when impressions (which as such are other than the final colorless state of the last impression) are still remaining in the consciousness, then consciousness becomes relatively grosser than knowledge and thus in such a state, knowledge pervades consciousness due to it having a greater net resultant grossness (as compared to consciousness) … This is also the stage, when the yellow colored knowledge is found to be pervading and thus present inside the matt white colored consciousness orb” …
Then the eternal guide further said … “During the course of evolution, as the aspirant keeps arriving at an ever higher inner subtlety, which itself is due to manifestation of an ever higher state of inner ‘oneness to allness and her each part’, the subtler impressions also keep getting generated … This manifestation of ever higher oneness, is within the mind, because of the fact, that, mind itself is the better of mediums to unite everything to everything, everyone to everyone and each one to everyone and also unite all these individualities to allness … When this happens, the desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds of that aspirant also begin relating to that ever higher state of oneness and this in turn leads to originations of subtler impressions that also begin resting in the same consciousness orb (Chitta) of the causal body (Antahkarana Chatushtaya) of the aspirant and the same subtler impressions are also reflected within the macrocosmic consciousness … This manifestation of impressional subtlety also increase the resultant subtlety of the consciousness … And due to the effects of macrocosmic principle of eternal evolution, which also has unidirectional upward effects, this increase of resultant subtlety of the consciousness keeps happening continuously within each aspirant … And as evolutionary process progresses, a state of subtlety arrives, where that aspirant qualifies to enter into the cave of heart, where ‘That one (the eternal guide)’ resides … And from this stage begins the path of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, whose end result is an unseeding of all impressions (Samskara) from the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha)” …
Then the eternal guide told … “After all the impressions are finally unseeded and thus the consciousness becomes fully freed of impressions (except the last colorless impression), then the consciousness again becomes restored to its primordial subtlety, which as such is much higher than the subtlety of knowledge … This is also the stage when the subtler entity i.e. consciousness, again begins pervading knowledge and this condition is just as it originally was when the consciousness had manifested from within the supreme genius, that itself is and shall ever remain of the Makersmakings” …
Then the eternal guide said … “This is the stage when the white colored orb of consciousness (Chitta) would be again seen to be present within the yellow (which sometimes is also having red specs of action or Rajoguna, within it) orb of knowledge (Buddhi or Vijyana) … This is what was told as Bodhichitta by the Gurudeva of ‘This one’s (Little student)’ previous incarnation i.e. Gautama Buddha … Bodhichitta denotes the original primordial impressionless state of consciousness (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta)” …
Then the eternal guide said … “So is the relationship between knowledge and consciousness” …
The little student was amazed at this lecture and kept looking at the eternally smiling, divine face of the eternal guide … But he still had doubts, so he asked … “What is relation between Manas (mind), Vijyana (or knowledge or Buddhi), Prana and the three qualities of macrocosmic nature (i.e. Triguna)” …
Relationship of mind to knowledge, consciousness, Prana and to qualities …
The eternal guide said … “Listen to this carefully … But this query would be only be answered in brief because to answer it fully would require too many subtler details, which as such is not required for this discussion … Just the basics are enough to proceed into the path of knowing it all and where this knowing of all, is also through one’s own direct cognitions …
- Within the origination and later stages of progress of the macrocosmic creation, on one side of the quality of neutrality of wisdom (Sattvaguna), is present action (Rajoguna) and on the other side is inertia (Tamoguna) … Action and inertia, both originate at the same time from quality of neutrality of wisdom (Sattva Guna) and that too, where this origination of action (Rajo Guna) and inertia (Tamo Guna) is also such, that they perfectly balance each other in the same resultant neutrality (i.e. equanimity or Samta), as is of the quality of neutrality of wisdom (Sattvaguna) … This is how origination of qualities are simultaneous and spontaneously arrived at, within the genius of Makers Makings …
- And yet within the macrocosmic creation it seems as if the red colored action particles are colliding, then coming to a rest, which as such is apparent as the origination of the blue colored attribute of inertia … Thus, higher is the action, more would be the collisions between actioned particles and more would be the inertia that would be originated … And vice versa of this statement is also true … This is how the balance of action and inertia is maintained within the macrocosmic creation …
- Quality of action is from which the ‘five vital airs (or Panch Prana)’ were originated … Quality of inertia is from where ‘five sub vital airs (or Panch Upa Prana)’ were originated … And the quality of neutrality of wisdom, being subtler, pervades these other two qualities (of action and inertia) and thus, it also ends up indirectly pervading the vital airs that are originated from the qualities of action and inertia … This is how it looks like when studying the subtler components of the macrocosmic creation… Thus, in one or another, the qualities are the parental states of Prana …
- From the very subtle white colored quality of neutrality of wisdom (Sattvaguna) originates the matt white colored consciousness (Chitta) … When the light of subtle white colored quality of neutrality of wisdom (Sattva Guna) unites to the bright golden colored light (which is also enveloped by a bright red colored light of quality of action) of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of creation of allness) then is originated the yellow colored knowledge …
- Unioned state of quality of action and inertia leads to origination of two entities … When both the red colored quality of action and blue colored quality of inertia are perfectly balanced, i.e. these two qualities are equal in quantum, then originates the purple colored macro-elemental ether (Akasha) … And when inertia is higher than action, then originates the mind, so mind is basically an inertial entity and this is a matter of fact, even when the mind wanders continuously (until it is controlled) and thus it seems to be action based … When action is higher than inertia, then it leads to destruction of the entity within whom this condition manifests (or such a person becomes destructive) but this stage is not a part of the current discussion” …
- When action is miniscule as compared to neutrality of wisdom, then is originated the pink colored Avyakta … This same Avyakta is also addressed as Avyakta Prana and also as Avyakta Prakriti … And this is also the same as what happens to be addressed as Tusita Loka …
- When quality of neutrality of wisdom is perfectly balanced with the quality of inertia, then this denotes the attainment of Ardhanarishwara, who is also as an attributed form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of that aspirants innermost essence (or Atman) …
- When quality of action unites to knowledge and thus becomes of an orangish red color and thence it further unites to the quality of neutrality of wisdom, then is attained the Raudri Rudra Yoga Awastha within that aspirant … This is also a part of the vast knowledge of Sagun Swaroop Stithi of Vedic lore and also of the Yoga Tantra” …
Then, the eternal guide said … “Now with above as a base, is the answer of the query, of relationships …
- Mind is pervading Prana and yet Prana is the one which is propelling the mind into a direction (or way of life or path of evolution) that itself is rendered by knowledge and which itself is based upon the demands of fruiting of consciousness impressions and thus make these impressions subtler in this process of acts of vita air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha), mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha or Manomaye Kosha), knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaya Kosha or Vijyanmaye Kosha) and consciousness orb (Chitta) of the bliss sheath (Anandamaya Kosha or Anandmaye Kosha) …
- Knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaye Kosha) is pervading mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha) and yet mind is the one which takes knowledge to its finality of state of knowledge of allness (due to mind being a medium of unity to allness) and that too where this path is arrived by virtue of drives from vital air sheath (Pranamaya Kosha) and this is also as per the demands of fruiting of consciousness impressions, which itself is to make them subtler …
- And all these are happening within the purviews of the three attributes of macrocosmic creation (Triguna) because everything happens only in the purviews of these Triguna” …
The little student nodded in understanding … But then due to the knowledge that was held by the eternal guide, the student thought, he (eternal guide) cannot be like the way he seems to be or pretends to be, as an old hermit who is present in the cave of heart (or the little student) … So the student asked with folded hands … “Who exactly is the eternal guide and what is his reality, because what has been seen and known till now, is not a human or godly wisdom, it seems like something much beyond” …
Eternal guide tells about himself …
Then the eternal guide pointed to himself and said … “This one (eternal guide) is the formless infinite mind within an attributeless infinite state (Nirgun Nirakaar Awastha) and simultaneously also is as the macrocosmic plane of mind within the state of existence that itself is in an attributed formless condition (Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) and simultaneously is also as the orb of mind of Antahkarana Chatushtaya (Bliss sheath) of each animate microcosm, where That one (eternal guide) is also resting within an attributed form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha)” …
The little student said “But the orb of mind within the causal body is blue in color and the eternal guide is not even that color” …
The eternal guide pointed to itself and said … “Color of orb of mind of Antahkarana, is the same as what is currently unioned to by the aspirant … Thus, those aspirants who reside in unity to subtle white colored ,ninth sphere of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. those aspirants who reside in unity to the Para Prakriti), That one (eternal guide) is of a white color … And those aspirants who reside in unity to blue colored, eighth sphere of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. those aspirants who reside in unity to the 8th sphere of Apra Prakriti), ‘That one (eternal guide)’ is of a blue color … And those aspirants who reside in unity to reddish orange colored, seventh sphere of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. those aspirants who reside in unity to the 7th sphere of Apra Prakriti), ‘That one (eternal guide)’ is of a reddish orange color … And same is for any other state of union by an aspirant, because as is the state of mother nature (Maa Prakriti) that is unioned to, at any time, so is the color of ‘That one (the eternal guide) at such a time, and that too, whilst “That one (eternal guide) is present within the cave of heart of such an aspirant … So, colors are immaterial for “That one (eternal guide)” …
Then the eternal guide further said after pointing to itself … “For the ones who have believed in ‘That one’s (eternal guide)’ blue color, then for such aspirants ‘That one (eternal guide)’ manifests as a blue color … For the ones who have believed ‘That one (eternal guide)’ comes as a Guru, then for such aspirants, ‘That one (eternal guide)’ comes as an old hermit within their own hearts … For the ones who have desired ‘That one (eternal guide)’ to be as a married person, then ‘That one (eternal guide)’ comes as a married person for those ones … For those ones who have desired ‘That one (eternal guide)’ comes as a form or formless god or deity, then ‘That one (eternal guide)’ manifests as the form of formless deity for those who have requested for suchness … For those who have desired ‘That one (eternal guide)’ comes as a prophet or messiah, then ‘That one (eternal guide)’ also comes to those aspirants per their wishes … And for the ones who have desired ‘That one (eternal guide)’ should come as a savior of righteousness or an incarnation of a lord of lords, then for such ones, ‘That one (eternal guide)’ comes as a savior of righteousness or an incarnation of a lord of lords … As is desired by masses, so is how ‘That one’ comes by within an aspirants cave of heart, who also enters that world only for this job of manifesting of That one (eternal guide) within his (or her) cave of heart” …
The little student asked … “So who are you?” …
The eternal guide replied … “Orb of mind of “this one’s (little students) causal body (Antahkarana)” …
The little student was not convinced … But at that time, he had no proof to prove it otherwise, so he just kept quite …
As it is … Beyond Gods of today …
The little student asked … “As was told much earlier on regarding the state is of Nirgun Nirbija Awastha (Attributeless impressionless state which as such is beyond the stage of Nirbija Samadhi), so does ‘That one (eternal guide)’ also reside there” …
The eternal guide smiled and replied … “Each has to walk the last path alone … This word ‘Alone’, eventually means being in freedom (independence) from all that is or could ever be and which includes everything and everyone, including paths, texts, relationships, Gods etc-etc … Since all these are within the Maker’s Makings, so they cannot be beyond and thus to go beyond, all that was of the Maker’s Makings, which itself is as a self expression, self manifestation and self presence of the ever-same Supreme being, has ever had to le left back (i.e. let go or detached) when one is walking beyond the doorway of exit of the Makersmakings … And since each who has ever walked through the final doorway of exit (from allness) has eternally had to walk alone and under his (or her) own meritless merit (because even the merits that were earned earlier on, are absent in this state) so as to become finally free within that supremely isolated state as is of beyond, so even ‘That one (eternal guide)’ won’t be there in that state … And would yet be present … This is because, That one (eternal guide) exists within allness, each part of allness and also beyond allness … That state of beyond, is where nothing, including Gods of any of the triple times, exist as that beyond state is only of the attributeless infinite being (Brahman) exists … In that state which is beyond the entirety of Makersmakings, only the attributeless infinite being (Parabrahman), is the one who exists, as the supremely alone and thus the absolutely free one” …
The little student again asked again to clarify … “So the Gods are also not there in that state of beyond … Does this also mean that none of the Gods have ever exited out of the Makers Makings and that, they are also stuck up within one or another state of the same Makers Makings” …
The eternal guide just smiled and did not even reply …
The little student again asked … “So have the Gods have not exited out of allness and her each part and thus does this also mean, that, they have not yet attained to their final liberation (Nirvana) which was also told as a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (Kaivalya Moksha)” …
The eternal guide smiled and replied … “Listen carefully … How can someone exit while it is still resting within a belief system of a world, like this one … How can someone exit into that pathless partless Absolute being, when it still is telling the practices and procedures i.e. paths of conduct, within its own centered scripture … How can someone exit from allness and her each part, when it is still is sending its prophets and messiahs within one or another world system, that itself is a part of allness … How can someone exit when it has not exited in reality … How can someone exit, when it has not even shown any signs of exit from a system, which is still centers upon itself … How can someone exit when it is still believed as all there really is, which is only denoting the Makers Makings and not that which is beyond and is also free of allness and her each part … How can someone exit when it still is a vibratory field, as is of a verse that denotes it … How can someone exit when it still holds unto its own rendered center or a centered system or faith or practice … How can someone exit if it has still not merged to its innermost essence (Atman), which itself is the innermost attributeless infinite essence of allness (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) … The one who has already exited out of the entirety of Maker’s Makings, does not show such characteristics because of the fact, that, the one who has already gone beyond allness, also remains isolated from allness itself, which none of the Gods of today or ever, have ever attained to” …
The little student asked … “So what was the need of such beliefs and systems or even their greater entities (Gods), who show the path of liberation, even when they themselves are not liberated … How can someone show a path to that, which has still not be attained by him (or her)” …
The eternal guide replied … “Even when everything seems to as is told by This one (little student) and even when everything seems to be different from others and their told paths, yet they all are direct self expressions of the same Absolute being … The self expression always proceeds towards the one whose self expression it is … And thus the paths of these direct self expressions (path told by various Gods) also happens to be a direct route to the supreme being (i.e. the one who has self expressed them as Gods of times)” …
Then the eternal guide continued and told … “As also, since there actually are too many self expressions of the same Absolute being, so there also are to many path to proceed towards that same Absolute being and where the controlling entity (God) of each of these paths, knows that its own path leads to the Supreme being itself … This is the beauty of the intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist genius of the Makings of Maker and this is also the reason for a vast diversity of options, that relate to differences and thus hierarchy of of paths, flows and dynamism within the makings of maker … That is the beauty of unity within diversity and just as it ever is, within the Pluralistic monism as is of the supreme genius as is of the Makersmakings” …
Then the little student again asked the eternal guide … “So, that really means, that the Gods themselves are not liberated and probably that is why, advent of religions itself became the primary reason for maximum chaos that humanity of this world has passed through during the last few millenniums … Isn’t it?” …
The eternal guide just smiled and said … “When the non liberated ones talk about liberation, then liberation of their adherents cannot happen … This is the reason of a later state of cycles of chaos and peace that these adherents cause within a world (i.e. in the world where these adherents stay) … That is why, such paths also say, liberation would take place after the end time arrives (i.e. during the end time, the liberation would take place) because they all are lying about the fact, that how can someone talk about something, without even attaining to it … And to hide their incompetence regarding effecting liberation of their adherents, such gods are always egoistic (Abhimani Devata) and supremacist who don’t like to be questioned about their authenticity … And this is why, the ancient Vedic sages used to say, be careful of the egoistic Gods … But such egoistic Gods always come by during a divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga Chakra) because their advent is also needed to ensure that degeneration comes by to a world, who has entered into a divine degenerate age cycle” …
The little student wanted a clear cut answer and not an endlessly circular one, so he asked again … “So that really means as Gods also have not yet attained to their finally liberated states” …
The eternal guide replied … “Cosmic laws as in sameness upon all … How can something or someone, irrespective of whether it is a form or is formless, be beyond the Makers Makings, when it is still centering a path (of a scripture) unto itself … How can something or someone, irrespective of whether it is within a form or is formless, and yet be egoistic or non egoistic, be able to correctly tell the path to that which is attributeless infinite (Nirgun Nirakaar) and thus is beyond all suchness and non-suchness of ego and egoless aspects … How can something or someone, irrespective of whether it is a form or is formless, be beyond the Makers Makings, when it still has not gotten isolated from the entirety of Makersmakings … How can something or someone, irrespective of whether it is a form or is formless, be beyond the Makers Makings, when it has still not walked the past pathless partless path (Brahmanpath), alone and that too, whilst in perfect isolation from allness and her each part … How can something or someone, irrespective of whether it is a form or is formless, be liberated (i.e. be a Mukta), when it has still not arrived at that state, which as such is beyond allness and her each part, and which also includes beyondness from texts, paths and all other aspects that relate to Nitti-Gritties of paths and everything else that these religions talk about … How can something or someone, irrespective of whether it is a form or is formless, claim itself to be the state of liberation, when it itself is not showing such signs within its own rendered (or given) scripture … And how can something or someone, irrespective of whether it is a form or is formless, be beyond the allness of Makers Makings, when it still has an individual path within the same Makers Makings and thus is also proving its presence in the Makers Makings as an individualistic entity” …
The little student was still not fully satisfied, so he again asked … “So, that means, Gods who are individualistic can never termed as those which are liberated from allness and her each part … And does this also mean, that they also cannot be as creator of allness” …
The eternal guide smiled and replied … “How can something or someone, irrespective of whether it is a form or is formless and which is individualistic and is also egoistic, create something like the monist state of Makersmakings … How can that which is not as the state which it claims to have created, be believed as truthful … How can that which is not truthful, be non dualistic as the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) … How can that which claims itself to be the creator of allness, not be manifested as all parts of allness … How can that, which claims itself to be the originator of all, be restricted to one path or one scripture or even one set of scriptures … How can that which claims itself to be the creator of all, be divisive to its non followers and also be biased to his good and bad followers … How can that which claims itself to be the creator of all, not be the creator of so called lower (or satanic) aspects which are also present within the genius of Makers Makings … How can that who claims itself to be the creator of all, not be able to handle all his own created entities and thus save them from chaos, even when his own created entities are only resting within his own creation … How can that who claims itself to be the creator of all, be ‘all that’, even when his own condition as stated in his own scripture and the state of his rendered system (i.e. text, faith etc.) and followers, has never been able to prove his universality as is claimed by him, within his own scripture itself … How can that who claims to be the creator of all, say those things in his scripture and path, which does not prove his truthfulness towards his claimed supremacist aspect of being the creator of all” …
The little student was still not clear, but by this time he had known that this query is leading to an endless circle, which though is pointing to the truth that he wants to know, but not explicitly … So, he just kept quite …
The cave of mind and its Prana …
And then, the guide caught the little hand of the little student, pointed to the cave of mind and said “Now, we shall first see this cave of mind, from the cave of action” …
The eternal guide asked … “What is visible as of now?” …
The little student said … “All colors of Prana and Upa Prana are visible as orbs within the mind and many subtle nerves (or Naadi) of various colors are originating from these colors of Prana and Upa Prana … The five action senses (Karmendriya) and five knowledge senses (Gyanendriya) are also seen with these orbs of Prana and Upa Prana, all of which are also resting within the mind itself” …
Then the little student looked up to the eternal guide to find out if this was correct from the point of view of the eternal guide …
The eternal guide motioned to continue … So the little student continued … “All these colors of five Gyanendriya (five knowledge senses) and five Karmendriya (five action senses) are in sameness to the colors of their own respective Panch Prana (or five vital airs) and Panch Upa Prana (or five sub vital airs) and are pervaded by other aspects, like the three qualities (Triguna), Knowledge (Buddhi), Consciousness (Chitta), Mind (Manas), etc … And all these are finally enveloped by the quality of inertia (Tamoguna)” …
Then the little student looked up to the eternal guide and asked … “Why is this so?” …
The eternal guide smiled and replied … “That discussion would have to be saved for a later stage” …
Studying the condition of mind, through the study of the cave of mind …
And then the eternal guide asked … “Are any apparent channels or hidden channels or any apparent impressions or hidden impressions also visible within this cave of mind” …
The little student replied … “Yes, all channels which already are unseeded are still within the mind, all impressions which are unseeded are still within the mind … All these are like dark colored ashes, which clearly clearly denote their burnt and thus their already unseeded states and this is even when they are still present in the mind” …
The eternal guide smiled and then replied … “Unless the let go is from the mind, the emptiness (Shunyata) cannot be arrived by the aspirant as far as these or any other aspects are concerned … Unless the emptiness (Shunya Tattva) is arrived at, the Asmita (or Am’ness) cannot even be unseeded and thence detached … Unless the Asmita (or Am’ness) is detached, the impurities and afflictions of ‘I’ness (Ahamkara)’ would not be let go completely … And in such a case, the detachment is never complete … All this loss of detachment, is also due to the presence of unseeded states (ashes) within the mind … So, unless these are also detached, the detachment can never be projected towards allness and her each part … Unless one is detached from allness and her each part, fullness of liberation, which as such is as an ‘isolation from allness and her each part’ and is termed as Kaivalya or Moksha, can never be attained” …
Beginning stages of cleansing of mind …
The eternal guide then caught the hand of student and motioned to walk to the ether of heart (i.e. Akasha Mahabhoot of heart) … Then the eternal guide and little student arrived and sat within ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) and both looked at the blue glow of the mind which was surrounded by a light pink hue, through which the bright blue color of the cave of mind was visible” …
The eternal guide said … “These ashes which were seen in the mind, also need to be unseeded … But these ash like states are also denoting the completion of previous unseeding and yet they have remained in the mind and this is even when, they are not present anywhere else as of now” …
The little student asked for clarification … “How is this possible?” …
The eternal guide said … “During unseeing of impressions and channels, they pass within the fire of austerities (Yoga Agni) and become like burnt up entities (ashes) which though cannot fruit any further and thus cannot make an aspirant to enter into desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds that relate to them, but they can still lead to an attachment within the aspirant to those earlier desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds that earlier on were related to them … But as of now, even when many of those earlier desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds and their impressions and channels, are already detached, yet some still remain in the mind because mind is the entity that connects everything to everything and thus, due to these connections, some of these ash like states always end up getting stuck up within the mind” …
The eternal guide further told … “When these get stuck, then they also lead to some restriction of flows within the mind and this is what leads to a further state of stagnations, due to attenuation of the natural flows and dynamism of the mind and which in turn become as hindrances, especially when it comes to walking the last pathless partless path (Brahma Path) … Thus, these unseeded ashes can also become a reason for the aspirant ‘to not become able’ to exit out of allness and her each part, due to getting stuck in one or another aspect of allness … And once the mind is freed from suchness, then only does the aspirant qualify to go into that which is beyond allness and her each part, and whose path itself is the last path (or Brahm Path)” …
The little student asked … “How do these hold back the mind and what happens when these aspects hold back the mind” …
The eternal guide replied … “The mind is like a kite which even though still flying high, could again be pulled back due the restriction that these ashes lead to, but only until these (ashes) are still attached to the mind … Unless these ashes are evicted out, the mind can never arrive at its afflictionless and thus detached state and unless this happens, the last path (Brahmpath) which leads to that which is beyond allness, never opens up for that aspirant” …
The little student asked … “But, mind is the driver of the person and this we have already discussed” …
The eternal guide replied … “Mind drives only until the vital airs (i.e. Prana’s) keep propelling the mind in a direction that is rendered by knowledge (Buddhi or Vijyana) … Unless the mind of freed of allness, it can never soar to that which is beyond allness … And to be free of allness, the mind also has to be free of these unseeded impressions and their ask like states … Unless the mind is freed, what freedom can be attained, is anybody’s guess” …
The little student asked … “So is this why the cave of mind has these vital airs (i.e. Prana’s)” …
The eternal guide replied … “Prana’s propel the mind in a direction (path) this is rendered by knowledge and only then does the mind drive the physical vehicle … If restrictions of flows and dynamism of mind are there (due to these ashes), then some attenuation always takes place … And this leads to deviations from what is to be as a path of liberation (Muktimarg) … Due to this presence of ashes in the mind and the consequent attenuation, the Prana and knowledge also get attenuated, and this is what leads to deviations from the path of liberation (Mukti Marg) … Unless the mind is freed of all afflictions (which also includes these ashes), it would never be able to act as a perfect medium of the path of liberation … Only those who clear these restrictions in the mind, enter into their unrestricted, independent and thus liberated states” …
The little student asked … “So this also means, that those who have prophesized their future return, also prove that they have not cleared these ashes which could also be present within their mind vehicles” …
The eternal guide replied “Yes” … This is the primary reason for such returns and where these returns also are of very highly evolved entities because they still have some restrictions in their mind and where these restrictions also are mostly of detached aspects, which though are unseeded, but not fully and this mostly is because the same ash like states are still present in the mind of such entities” …
The eternal guide told further … “To eliminate even those remote possibilities of a future return, these ashes shall have to be detached … There is no other way to enter into that stage of liberation, which is termed as Karmamukti (liberation from Karma and Karma Phala or deeds and fruits or cause and effect) which is beyond all beyondness of allness and her each part” …
The little student was convinced and thus he said … “Please show the way of this cleansing” …
Cleansing of mind …
Then the eternal guide said … “Sweep these ashes into ether (Akash) of the heart and then from within ether (Akasha) send these ashes to the cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) … And when these are swept do not even look at these ashes, do not think of these ashes, do not feel these ashes, until these are fully ended … As also and as always, use the same impression of the earlier unseeding and which has kept fruiting till now and thus has arrived at a much higher subtlety within the cave of consciousness” …
The little student asked “While dong a job, how is it possible to not look, not feel, not think” …
The eternal guide said … “Believe that these ashes are not even there and it is just a sweep of hand within ether, as then the detachment shall remain” …
The little student asked … “What about the use of will power” …
The eternal guide said … “Will shall not manifest during this cleansing and when this cleaning has to be effected” …
The little student asked … “How can something be done without the utilization of will” …
The eternal guide said … “Reside within the middle of likes and dislikes, as the middle path has macro-equanimity (Sarva Samta), whose inner middle state is also of as Zero Infinity and and simultaneously is also of Infinite Zeroness which as such is the original self expression of the Absolute being (Parambrahma) and which the wise sages had also termed as ‘Shunya Brahman’ … Shunya Brahman is free of will because it is beyond the Makers Makings … And from within this Shunya Brahman, merge these ashes into the Yoga Agni (or fire of austerities) …. This as such is the final lesson for cleaning, including of the cave of mind” …
The little student asked … “And how to send these to the Yoga Agni Guha (or the cave of fire of austerities) from this condition” …
The eternal guide smiled and said … “Within each union, including of the corpus of all opposites (including of likes and dislikes), is residing the same state of Shunya Brahman … In such a condition, the mind is also resting in the same Zeroness of Infinity and Infiniteness of Zero and this condition is also beyond Shunya Tattva (Emptiness) … In such a condition, will or other such aspects are absent … This is a state which is beyond the allness itself, because it denotes a condition that was prior to the original origination of allness and thus all aspects that relate to allness and/or her any part, are absent there … If anything is effected from this state of Shunya Brahman, then there is neither a cause nor an effect of it (for the one who effects) and yet the final results shall get effected, which in our case, is of a final cleansing of al caves of heart, via the medium of the cave of mind” …
The eternal guide continued and told … “Mind in its essential nature is empty of attachments … Emptiness (Shunyata) is the essential nature of mind … The finality of this emptiness (voidness), is the same Shunya Brahman and this is also where, emptiness itself is Infinite and the Infinity itself is empty of allness … Thus, when anything is done from this state, then it fails to have any further generation of cause and effect … If there are no cause and effects, then there also is no generation of anything that can bind an aspirant … This is the state which is the base of the later entry into pathless path of liberation (i.e. Brahmpath)” …
The eternal guide further said … “These ash like states of unseeded impressions denote the second intermediary state of emptiness and thus they relate to the original macrocosm (unbegun or eternal macrocosm) from which the other three states of macrocosm, i.e. the non lighted Inert matter (or inertial mass), macrocosmic matrix (or cyclic existence or Samsara) and the macro-neutral macrocosm (diamond white colored macrocosm), had originated … And since the eternal macrocosm only denotes an eternal existence, which in turn denotes an acyclic mode of existence, so these ashes which relate to the eternal original state of macrocosm, also denote the same aspect of acyclic existence … Thus, they are also a proof that the aspirant who has such ash like states of unseeded impressions and their channels, within his (or her) own mind, is actually the one who has gone beyond the cyclic mode of existence (and thus such an aspirant has also gone beyond Samsara or begun macrocosm) and is actually resting within the unbegun or the original state of macrocosm, where that aspirants existence is acyclic (i.e. free of cycles of birth and death) … But at the same time, even when it denotes acyclic existence, yet it definitely is not denoting a state of final liberation (Kaivalya), which as such is a condition of a ‘full, final and permanent isolation (liberation or Moksha) from allness and her each part’ … Thus, these ash like states of earlier unseeded impressions do not denote a final liberation, even when they definitely denote the attainment of an acyclic existence by that aspirant, which also means a freedom from cyclic mode of existence (i.e. freedom from cycles of endless births and deaths)” …
The eternal guide further said … “Just remember that neither were the impressions that were unseeded earlier on, of ‘this one (little student)’ … Nor are these ashes of those unseeded impressions, of ‘this one (little student)’ … These are of the little child whose physical vehicle was taken over through the path of transmigration of soul (Parkaya Pravesh) … As also, the entry into this physical realm was only to render the Gurudakshina of previous incarnations, for which an afflictionless state of mind remains paramount, and which can also be arrived at through the path that is told here” …
The little student asked … “So, all these cleanings are for that child who exited and not for this one (little student)?” …
The eternal guide replied pointing to the student … “This one (little student) has never even had any physical or subtle vehicle since many mega eons that have been until the nowness of now … So these ashes and their earlier impressions and channels, are only of the little child whose physical vehicle was taken over by this one (little student) through the process of transmigration and also, where this takeover of the physical vehicle of that little child was also by passing through the aspect of transmigration of soul (Parkaya Pravesh)” …
The little student asked … “So what did ‘this one’ have all this while?” …
The eternal guide replied … “Shall know soon” …
Basis the eternal guides present and many earlier replies to such queries, the little student understood that this part would have to be self realized by an aspirant… So, he asked nothing further …
Then the little student resided at what was told by the eternal guide, called the ashes of impressions and also of their unseeded channels in all the caves and while utilizing the same impression as was also utilized for earlier cleansings, detached from this thought after undergoing through whatever was told by the eternal guide …
And as soon as that desire was to let go from within that zero Infinity, which simultaneously also was Infinity Zero, all the pending impressions (and their ashes), all pending impression channels (and their ashes) and many other afflictions that were also present in a hidden and visible state in one or another of the caves of ether of heart, just charged into the cave of fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni Guha) and resided there …
Then, as soon as all these started charging towards the the cave of fire of austerities, the little student stopped looking at these ashes … And after this, all that remains as the little student, was a distant witness, who was neither a doer, nor a non doer and thus he could also not be a reaper or non reaper of his own desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds …
In this stage of being a distant (detached) witness, the little student rested, neither attached not detached to anything, including to whatever was happening within the cave of fire of austerities and also in the entire cave of ether” …
After some time has passed by, the eternal guide said “This is done … fully” …
And the eternal guide said … “Which cause was used to do this cleansing” …
The student said … “Nothing, except the original calling of these all channels and impressions and ashes and whatever else, and whilst using the same impression that was as the last result (last effect) of all previous cleansings” …
The eternal guide said … “That impression which is as a result of the previous cleansings, became the cause, and after completion of this cleansing, when it got further subtle, it by itself has manifested itself as the detached effect, because of the fact, that, when the doer is no longer a doer of his (or her) own doings, then the effect that gets manifested from the doing, is a detached one … And it is due to this effect, the aspirant also goes beyond the entirety of law of cause and effect and also goes beyond its governing macrocosmic principle, i.e. the principle of interdependent origination” …
And the eternal guide pointed out to that impression and said … “Look at the shine of that lone impression, which is all that is residing in the consciousness, as of now” …
The little student looked at that lone impression and asked … “Why this bright silvery shine, even when this impression is seeming translucent as of now?” …
The eternal guide said … “This is what the last and final impression (Antim Samskara) is like and after it is manifested as the end result of these cleansings … But this last impression can also be of (or closer to) a colorless state … This last impression is the proof of successful completion of processes of the womb of ether of heart (Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra)” …
And then the eternal guide continued … “This impression shall automatically and spontaneously come out of the Shivarandra (i.e. the secret crevice of Guru Shiva) and thence unseed spontaneously after transiting through the eighth chakra (Ashtama Chakra) … There is nothing more that needs to be done, as far as this last impression is concerned” …
The little student said … “So where will this last impression finally reach … Please tell the main stages of this path of dissolving of the last impression?” …
The eternal guide replied … “The path of eviction of this last impression would pass through many intermediary stages, some of which are of ‘Shiva Taraka Naad (which means, the liberating sound of Lord Shiva or Shiva Taraka Mantra and which as such is the sound of Raam Or Raam Naad)’ … From this stage, would arrive the next one, which as such is of ‘Ashtama Chakra (Eighth Plexus)’ and from there many Siddha Sharira (Siddha bodies) would spontaneously manifest within the physical vehicle and finally those Siddha body would merge to their respective formless Siddha worlds (Siddha Loka) … Once these Siddha Bodies are merged to their respective Siddha worlds, then only the aspirant becomes freed of allness … These Siddha bodies denote the presence of the macrocosmic states (i.e. macrocosm) within the aspirants microcosm itself ands thus when they merge to their respective macrocosmic principal states, then this condition also denotes a freedom from allness, which itself is the final liberation (Kaivalya)” …
Further study of the cave of mind …
The eternal guide then asked …“What is the color of the cave of mind now” …
The little student replied … “It is of a brighter (luminous) shade of blue, which is surrounded by lighter shade of pink color” …
The eternal guide smiled and said … “Good … Now from here see if any remnants of ashes or their channels or even the earlier impressions and their channels, still remain” …
The student looked at the face of the guide and said … “No” …
The eternal guide said smiling … “Since the cave of mind is finally clear, so we shall now enter the cave of mind” …
The little student asked … “What is the meaning of finally clear” …
The eternal guide motioned the student to get up and start walking as the eternal guide spoke … “Finally clear means … The consciousness, knowledge, qualities, vital airs and mind and everything else is afflictionless … And thus, in such a case, the elements also cannot be any other than clear … Afflictionless state denotes accomplishment of Atma Stithi (resting in oneness to ones own innermost essence or Atman and thus such an aspirant is like the Atman, and this is arrived at, even within his (or her) then incarnated state” …
The little student asked … “The cave of inertia still remains” …
The eternal guide said … “No, the cave of inertia is also fully clear, as when the mind is clear, then all other caves also become clear” …
The little student remembered an earlier lecture that the mind is the medium of connecting to allness, so he nodded in affirmative …
The eternal guide read the thoughts again and said … “Yes, the only complete medium is what the mind is and when the medium has no channels for these ashes or impressions, then all of the other caves also have no option but to let go of whatever was remaining within them, into the same fire of austerities (Yoga Agni)” …
The little student again asked … “But, why not just cleanse the mind alone and do the job one and for all … What was the need to get into this long job of cleansing other caves when the same cleansing could have been fully effected through cleansing of the mind alone?” …
The eternal guide said … “If just the mind is cleansed to simultaneously also cleanse all other caves, then due to suddenness of cleansing of all other caves along with the cleansing of the cave of mind, very high amounts of subtle shocks would come to all subtle vehicles of that aspirant … And these shocks also lead to various sufferings for such an aspirant and as a worst case scenario, the subtle shocks could even lead to de-incarnation of that aspirant” …
The little student remembered a much earlier lecture on subtler shocks and thus, he nodded in understanding …
Study of orb of mind … Of head and heart from the cave of mind …
The eternal guide and the little student re-entered into the cave of mind where the eternal guide motioned to get to the side where the cave of inertia is present and said … “We shall now get to the side where the cave of inertia is connecting to the cave of mind and then see across and through the cave of mind and until the cave of action” …
Once at the border of the cave of inertia and the cave of mind, the eternal guide said … “All Prana (or vital airs) and Upa Prana (or sub vital airs) are entering the cave of mind and thus they form small orbs around the cave of mind, which also are known as the Jnana Indriya (or the orbs of senses) and the Karma Indriya (or the orbs of deeds) … Even when these Gyanendriya and Karmendriya are seeming in an attributed form (I.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha), yet they actually are formless and thus in their reality, they actually are within an attributed formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha)” …
Then the eternal guide continued … “And at the same time, all these ten senses (i.e. five Gyanendriya and five Karmendriya) are residing in a state which is half within the orb of mind and half of these are visible around the orb of mind … Due to this half inside and half outside condition of five vital airs (Prana) and the five sub vital airs (Upa Prana) and also of the similar condition of five knowledge and action senses (five Gyanendriya and five Karmendriya), the mind resides inside the aspirants microcosm and is also connected to allness … This in turn ensures the eternal wandering of mind and this wandering continues until this aspect is tamed by an aspirant, which itself is by uniting to allness and her each part (i.e. by Brahmand Yoga)” …
The eternal guide continued … “These orbs of knowledge and action senses are governed by vital airs and sub vital airs and thus also are of the same colors of these vital airs” …
The eternal guide continued … “The flows within the orb of mind as such are from a particular vital to its sub vital air and all these flows are converging within the orb of mind such that the final resultant of flows and dynamism of all the vitals and sub vitals meets at the middle of the orb of mind … Thus, even when the orb of mind is having all flows from each vital air to its respective sub vital air, yet these flows could also be diverted within the middle of orb of mind, which as such is an intersection of these flows, within the middle of the orb of mind … This diverting of flows and dynamism is also as per the (vibratory fields of) desires and thoughts which are activating one or more Prana’s more than the others and is such that when these flows meet within the middle of the orb of mind, these flows then enter the respective orb of knowledge and deeds which is closer to the resultant vibratory field of these flows … Thus, if we study this carefully, then the possibilities of thoughts and deeds are very vast due to the nearly incalculable number of and types of permutations and combinations that could be possible within the orb of mind itself” …
Main function of mind and orb of mind …
The eternal guide continued … “Now coming to function of the orb of mind or subconscious mind or Manas of Antahkarana …
- The base function of mind (and thus, main function of orb of mind) is to act as a medium to each that is subtler and each that is grosser than the mind and at the same time ensure that any excess of one prana or vital air is balanced within the mind itself …
- Irrespective of any flow which exists within this orb of mind, the orb of mind is neutral to each aspect that rests within it … This is because, the final resultant of the entire corpus of flows and dynamism within the orb of mind, and just as it is manifested at the middle of the orb of mind, is of none other than neutrality …
- Thus, the mind could be the best friend of an aspirant and the same mind could also be worst foe … The former happens, when equanimity is as a way of life and latter is the state within those ways of life, that relate to individualism … Neutrality is better achieved by adopting the same path which is of the macrocosmic creation and which as such is none other than that of pluralistic monism …
- But irrespective of what path or type of path is adopted, in any case, the mind always remains as the better of mediums to connect to allness and her each part … And due to this reason, all the paths that relate to any of the Yoga Tantra (paths of union) is also related to this characteristic of mind i.e. mind as a medium to enter into a unity to allness and her each part … Unless this characteristic of mind is utilized within one’s path or ways of life, no union to anything can ever be arrived at … And this fact is also irrespective of what may be told or believed otherwise” …
Then the eternal guide said … “Thus completes the lecture on orb of mind (or Manas Guha) … So, now we shall discuss the cave of quality of inertia (Guha Tamas or Tamoguna Guha)” …