Here we shall discuss cyclic changes in Earth’s orbit … Here we shall derive the time span for a cycle of change in earth’s revolution orbit around the sun (or time span of cyclic changes in Earth’s orbit or cyclic changes in Earth’s orbital eccentricity) …
The path of earth also expands and contracts by ratios of 1.08 to 2.16 of length to breadth of the earth’s orbit … These values were already discussed in earlier topic of “About Kaalchakra” and also in another earlier topic of “Calculating precession” and the same was also discussed for plane of existence in earlier topic of “Shape of plane of existence” and also in another earlier topic of “Changes of shape of plane of existence” …
Above ratios are the same as what was adjusted by Varaha Avatar of Sri Vishnu … This is why Varaha Avatar is told to be holding the earth out of the macrocosmic oceans and this as such is an allegorical expression of adjustment of Universe …
This topic is in continuity with the previous one of “Wobble of celestial circles” …
66-AA … Changes in Earth’s orbital eccentricity and its relation to Brahma’s time …
As far as this earth’s revolutionary orbit is considered, following is a fact …
Time span of expansion and contraction of earths revolution path is equal to “one second of time that is applicable at the pristine abode of creator” …
Above means that the time span of cyclic expansion and contraction of earths revolution path is of “1 second out of 24 hours of time span that is applicable at Brahmaloka” … Brahmaloka means the pristine abode of grandfather and creator of allness (or the pristine abode of Pitamah Brahma Ji) and it is also called as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, who in Shaiva lore’s is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Shiva …
66-BB-1 … Calculating one second at creators abode at middle time units …
The calculation of this topic is based upon middle time units of precession …
24 hours of time span as creators divine abode is having two components of equal time span …
These two components of equal time span are of “one 12 hour day-time + one 12 hour night-time” i.e. one Brahma Kalpa + 1 Brahma Ratri respectively …
In earlier topic of “Calculating Brahma Kalpa” we had derived the time of 4.32 billion human solar years for Brahma Kalpa (i.e. 12 hours of day-time at Brahmaloka) and we had also stated there that the Brahma Ratri (i.e. 12 hours of night-time at Brahmaloka) is also of the same duration …
So basis above, 24 hours of Brahmaloka (divine abode of creator) is as follows …
4.32 billion + 4.32 billion = 8.64 billion human solar years (or Or 8,640,000,000 human solar years) …
In earlier topic of “Calculating Brahma Kalpa” we had stated that above time span is of middle time units of precession of equinoxes (which have always been used by all Vedic sages in their time calculations) …
Proceeding further …
So one second of time of creator’s abode is of a value as is calculated below …
{8,640,000,000 / (24 x 60 x 60)} = 100,000 human solar years (as per the middle time units of earth’s axial precession)
Above shall be the value if anybody uses middle time units i.e. time units that were applicable at the re-commencement (or re-beginning) stage of this part of the universe as was after the last Pralaya (or the cyclic phase of destruction) … Types of Pralaya shall be discussed through mathematical calculations in a later topic …
66-BB-2 … Calculating changes in earth’s path for Nadir time units …
At Nadir time units, above value would become as follows …
{(Time at middle time units / unitary value at middle time units) x unitary value at Nadir time units}
So basis above method, we get the value of …
{(100,000 / 66.6666667) x 72} = 108,000 human solar years
Note: Values of 66.6666667 and 72 have been taken from earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
66-BB-3 … Calculating changes in earth’s path for Zenith time units …
At Zenith time units, above value would become as follows …
{(Time at middle time units / unitary value at middle time units) x unitary value at Zenith time units}
So basis above method, we get the value of …
{(100,000 / 66.6666667) x 61.3333333} = 91,999.9999 human solar years
Note: Values of 66.6666667 and 61.3333333 have been taken from earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
66-BB-4 … Calculating changes in earth’s path for current time units …
As per the currently applicable time units (i.e. 50.28 arc second Precessional change per year as I had observed at sea) above time span shall be as follows …
{(Time at Nadir time units / unitary value at Nadir time units) x unitary value at current time units}
So basis above method, we get the value of …
{(108,000 / 72) x 71.6} = 107,400 human solar years
And if we utilize middle time units as a base, then also the same end result would be reached …
{(100,000 / 66.6666667) x 71.6) = 107,400 human solar years
Note: Values of 66.6666667, 72 and 71.6 have been taken from earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
Note: Depending upon the unitary values (of the stage of precession) which is used by an observer, one of the four values as have been calculated above (in sections 66-BB-1, 66-BB-1, 66-BB-1 and 66-BB-1) shall be the time span of expansion and contraction of earths orbital path …
66-CC … Kaalchakra calculations provide absolute values …
Above calculated values for current, middle, nadir and Zenith of precession are Absolute values as these calculations are not dependent upon relativities of observations which are always present when using anything other than the primary dimension of macrocosmic creation i.e. the dimension of time …
Unless the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation (i.e. dimension of time or Kaal and its eternal cycles or Kaalchakra of Maker’s Makings) is utilized the relativities which are used in the base of such observations and the natural changes (due to atmospheric factors) within instruments that are used in observations shall always be there …
Thus there can never be a case, where these aspects can be fully nullified … And due to these reasons, if any of the physical instruments are used to derive any of the values that are discussed in this topic of Kaalchakra, then some errors shall always be present in those calculated or observed values (I mean final values) …
And since these calculated values are not dependent upon relativities and changes in instruments which are used for observation, so all of my calculated values are absolute ones …
Within the entire macrocosmic creation, other than Kaalchakra, there is no “unity principle (or principle of allness or principle of everything)” … And other than the knowledge of primary four dimensions (which in Sanskrit language can be called as Chatush Ayaam), there also is no other knowledge which can directly relate to the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation i.e. time (or Kaal) and its eternal cycles (i.e. eternal cycle of time or Kaalchakra) …
Thus if anybody wishes to know absolute values, then the only option is to let go of physical (scientific) instruments and get into the ways which relate to divine mathematics of the creator (we have briefly discuss this in mathematics of universe) … Other than this method of mathematics of creator, all derived or calculated or observed values would have their minor errors and due to this reason, such values can never be termed as Absolute ones …
I use no instrument as my method is only based upon the ancient science which relates to divine mathematics of creator (or mathematics of Maker’s Makings) … So all my calculated values are also not related to variables of relatives and/or atmospheric conditions or values which relate to vacuum (In reality and within the Maker’s Makings, there can never be a vacuum) …
Continues …