This topic shall discuss the changes in earth axis i.e. cyclic changes in obliquity of earth’s axis or in other words, changes in tilt of earth’s axis …
This topic is in continuity with the previous one of “Changes in earth’s orbit” …
In this topic we shall calculate time span of cyclic changes in tilt of earth’s axis or in other words, time span for cycles of obliquity of earth’s axis …
67-AA … Divine age cycles and earth’s cycles …
During those very ancient times, the divinity of macro-elemental earth (i.e. Bhu Mahabhoot, which in many Sanskrit texts is also called as Prithvi Mahabhoot) which as such is the subtler parental state of manifest planet earth, was addressed as Bhu Devi … She is also my “Kula Devi (divinity of family lineage)” …
The same Bhu Devi was also addressed as Devi Annapurna or deity of food and as Gau Mata (or Gaiya Maa) which means the deity who provides the nectars (Food) for existence of animate speciology … The same Gaiya Maa of Vedas came to be addressed as Mother Gaia in western lore’s where she was also believed to be the deity of earth …
Bhu Devi is also the consort (wife) of Sri Vishnu (i.e. the preservation principle) and thus her time span is also related to divine worlds (i.e. divine age cycles or Deva Yuga Chakra) … And it is due to this reason, that the same divine time is also related to planet earth in many ways …
Thus there is a direct relation between earth and divine time due to the divinity of earth being none other than Bhu Devi …
67-BB … Divine age cycles and tilt of earth’s axis or obliquity of earth’s axis at middle time units …
The tilt of earth’s axis is a mirror image of the divine ages (Mahayuga) … This is calculated as follows …
Each of the divine age cycle is of 4.32 million human solar years (this was already in section 46-DD-1 of earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages”) …
The time span of change of tilt of earth is 1/100th of a divine age (this is also derived from correspondence to 100 years in the age of Brahma) … So the time span of this becomes as follows …
4,320,000 / 100 = 43,200 human solar years …
This value is for the middle cycle of precession of equinoxes …
Proceeding further …
Since the tilt of earth’s axis is the mirror image of the divine age cycles (Chatur Yuga), so all our calculations would need to be reversed in their ways …
Thus from above value if the Nadir values need to be derived, then the procedure shall be reverse of what normally is adopted … I.e. the time units of Zenith of precession would need to be taken at Nadir cycle of precession and the time units of Nadir would need to be taken at Zenith cycle of precession and the middle remains the same as the eternal middle of earth’s axial precession …
Discussions of above paragraph would be the basis of all below calculations …
67-CC … Divine age cycles and tilt of earth’s axis at Nadir time units …
For calculating the value at Nadir point of precession, the value of Zenith would have to be used … So this calculation is as follows …
(43,200 / 66.6666667) x 61.3333333 = 39,744 human solar years …
67-DD … Divine age cycles and tilt of earth’s axis at Zenith time units …
For calculating the value at Zenith point of precession, the value of Nadir would have to be used … So this calculation is as follows …
(43,200 / 61.3333333) x 66.6666667 = 46,956.5 human solar years …
67-EE … Divine age cycles and tilt of earth’s axis at Current time units …
And at the present stage of precession, the value can be calculated as follows …
40,000 x (72/71.6) = 40,223.46 human solar years …
Note: In above calculations, the figures of 71.6, 72, 66.6666667 and 61.3333333 are taken from earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
Note: Above calculation is done in a way which is reverse of what it would normally be, the reason for which was already discussed in this topic …
Note: Thus depending upon which of the time units of precession get utilized, would be the finally calculated values for that stage of precession (i.e. Agragaman) …
Note: And basis above calculations, it is also very clear as that as far as this or any other value which is calculated by utilizing the ancient “science of cyclic nature of time (or Kaalchakra Vijyan) is concerned, there can never be a state where that calculated value would stay constant till eternity … This is because of the fact that as the precession cycle (or Ahaata Chakra) progresses and thus the applicable unitary values of time change, newer final values shall be arrived at … And this eternal change is also a part of the same fact that as far as macrocosmic creation (Maker’s Makings) is concerned, “an eternal change is the only eternal constant” … The same is also applicable for all that is ever calculated or observed by anyone and at any of the stages of progress of the eternal cycles of the triple times …
Note: And basis the same fact as is discussed above, there can never be anything which can be termed as a constant (of physics or any other science) and due to this reason, all of those “so-called-constants” are actually nothing but the eternal non constants … Thus the term “Constant” is a misnomer due to the fact that within the Maker’s Makings, there is no such thing except the “eternal constancy of the totality of energy and mass” of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation (i.e. this fact is not applicable for a single universe, but for the multi-universe as was subtly depicted in painted sketches of two earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond” and also in another earlier topic of “Ujjayi Naad … Sound of victory” …
Note: The maximum possible change in tilt is of 2.7 degrees arc (+/- 10%) … This is related to a specific principle which I don’t want to discuss in this text …
Continues …