In this topic we shall discuss the state of chaos that is always present during the change of any age cycle … Plus the fact still remains that there has never been anything other than a severe chaos, whenever a world has entered into the process of change of ages and where this fact is applicable to all of the age cycles, and not just to the human ages or the divine ages …
Once at a ships dry-dock (place of cyclic and major repairs of a ship) and whilst I was as that ship’s captain, I was sitting with two Greek superintendents with names Nikolas V. and V. Kakampuras (I don’t want to give their full names) both of who were also my friends since long …
Then there was a problem (delays) when we were finishing the job in that dry-dock and Niko being the ship repair manager from the ship owners side was a little tensed up due to inability to meet that deadline which owners had given for sailing of ship (due to a cargo fixture) …
It was at this time that Niko said “I don’t know why chaos always comes when something is finishing and next thing is starting” … What he meant was the chaos of intermediary time span of any two stages …
And then he explained to me that Chaos is a Greek word which means darkness and Chaos is also an ancient Greek deity …
But then I thought to myself, what a coincidence as the same condition is also there during the intermediary stages of change of human, divine and every other age cycle … So it is that deity called Chaos who comes by at the intermediary state of age cycles also …
And that which is told as darkness is what emptiness or Zeroness of the earlier definitions (of righteous and unrighteous ways) of life means, because when an age cycles begins its process of ending, then its ways of life also begin ending and simultaneously because the next age cycle is starting at this time, so the ways of life of that age cycle also begin entering that world, where the age if turning …
This leads to subtle collisions of the divinities of these two age cycles and as we had discussed in earlier topics that when any two differences meet, then their meeting point always has the non-lighted state of emptiness (which in Sanskrit language means as Shunya) … This is what was told as Chaos in Greek mythologies …
This darkness (or better if I say non-lightness) leads to an utter confusion and lack of leadership and due to darkness of (or absence of) ways to get over the problem of wide spread confusion that is prevalent at such times, many people begin crossing over the thin line which separates right and wrong, righteous and unrighteous, good and bad and/or all other suchness of aspects … This is effect of ancient concept of a deity called Chaos, especially when an age cycle is turning …
This is what would be discussed here but in relation to our current discussion on change of ages …
Moving on …
This discussion is valid for all age cycles right from the Manvantar (cycle of father of man), till the Deva Yuga Chakra (that is also called as Mahayuga Chakra and it means the same as a divine age cycles) and also for the current stage of change of Manav Yuga Chakra (which in English language means as a human age cycle) … But during the process of change of any of the Manav Yuga Chakra, the chaos is much lesser as compared to that which is during the change of other greater age cycles like those of an age of Manu (i.e. change of a Manvantara) and the changes of the Mahayuga (or in other words, the divine ages) …
49-AA … Chaos at stages of change of age cycles …
And because the divine age cycle is the primary cycle, so the chaos that is present during the change of divine ages is much-much higher than the chaos that is present during the changes of human ages cycles …
This chaos is only to fruit the accumulated merit (fruiting of impressions or Samskaras that were generated during the last divine age or human age) and thus turn them subtler so as to change their states to a higher subtlety and thus bring them to a stage where they can enter into the next divine age (or even a human age) cycle …
Whenever any impression fruits, then it turns subtler and thus it comes under a non-sameness to the impressions that were generated within the earlier ages … And because this fruiting is of those seas of seas of impressions which are already generated during the previous age cycle (and which relate to the previous age cycle) and since this fruiting also takes place within the very small time span of Sandhikaal (intermediary time span between two age cycles) and also because all the impressions that were generated during the entire earlier divine age (or human age) cycle need to be fruited at this stage, so this leads to a mass fruiting of impressions (faster rate of fruiting of impressions is there at this stage) which itself leads to a higher rate of change of dynamism within that world (in whose consciousness pane this fruiting is taking place) …
Since the worlds consciousness plane (Bhu Chitta) within which this mass fruiting is taking place it is the same consciousness plane to which the inhabitants of that world also relate, so when this fruiting begins during the “intermediary time span of any two changing age cycles (Sandhikaal)” then this is what leads to a certain higher confusion and thus chaos within the world system and this is also due to a higher rate of change of flows and dynamism per unity time span within that world …
And this is especially because of the fact that by the time any age changes, then seas of seas of impressions that relate to the outgoing divine age would need to be brought to a state which is apt for making them to be able to enter the next age cycle …
Thus to fruit these seas of seas of impressions that were generated during the last age cycle (or ending age cycle) a tandem fruiting of these seas of seas of impressions is needed and this sudden and tandem fruiting in turn leads to a change of flows and dynamism within that world, which as such only leads to a chaotic state in that world and especially within adherents of those systems which are related to the ending age cycle …
Each thought, emotion, desire and act which is done by anyone, leads to an impression to get manifested within the Chitta (which in other words means as the consciousness orb) of the aspirants Antahkarana Chatushtaya (which in English language means as the Bliss sheath and in Vedic lore, the same is also addressed as Anandamaya Kosha) …
This impression is also reflected in the consciousness plane of the world (Bhu Chitta) where that act is done …
And these impressions are also related to the system within which an aspirant is based so as to generate that impression …
Individualistic systems which get manifested within a world are those which are related to a specific human age cycle, so as that human age cycle progresses and then the individualistic systems which are primarily related to age cycle increase their memberships, ultimately so many impressions get generated within that individualistic system that it leads to a state of seas of seas of them to become present within that worlds consciousness plane (Bhu Chitta) …
And when that age cycle to which that system which led to generation of those seas of seas of impressions, begins to change to the next age cycle, then all these seas of seas of impressions also need to be fruited so as to make them arrive at a state which makes them apt to enter into the next age cycle …
This fruiting of those seas of seas of impressions also needs to take place within the Sandhikaal (Sandhikaal is discussed in a later topic) which as such is a time span of 10 percent of that age cycle which is ending at that time … This leads to a state where seas of seas of those impressions of the last age cycle and its systems need to be fruited in 1/10th the time in which they were generated …
Thus the mass fruiting of those seas of seas of impressions which are present in the consciousness plane of that world also needs to be done in 1/10th the time in which they were generated …
This is what leads to a sudden change flows and dynamism in that world and thus the consequent chaos as those systems which relate to the ending age cycle also need to end due to the change of ages as these systems can no longer derive those specific flows to which they have been relating during the phase of that cycle of time, which is ending as of now …
Seas of seas of impressions that were generated by the inhabitants of that world system during the last cycle of divine or human ages, would need to be fruited in tandem and that too within a limited time span that usually remains from the time when the process of change of ages commences or ends (this process has to be completed within the smaller time span of a Sandhikaal) …
This leads to a tandem fruiting of large number of impressions by the inhabitants of that world itself, so as to make them fit to enter into the next age cycle … And this in turn leads to rapid changes in subtle flows and dynamism within that world … And this in turn leads to a lesser or larger chaos to get manifested upon that world and where this chaos is also caused by those systems which were of the ending age cycle …
Thus whenever there is a time of change of ages then there is also a rapid change within the systems of that world … This change runs across all ways of life and thus is not limited to external aspects like geopolitical, geological, economic, military, newer discoveries, intellectual aspects and services alone …
During the change of an age cycle, newer technologies always come by and this is also to prepare the ground for later use of these technologies so as to lead to an end of an age (i.e. age which is ending at that time) and its adherents if they do not willingly adopt the ways of life of the next age cycle …
And when the incoming age is subtler than the outgoing age cycle, then scientific discoveries are very rapid and the reverse happens when the cycle is reverse … The former condition is where this world is standing as of now …
This rapid and tandem fruiting of those seas of seas of impressions leads to a state of subtlety of impressions and this being different from what these impressions were during the earlier age cycle, in turn leads to a change of flows and dynamism within that world system and thus the confusion always sets in at this stage …
As also to fruit these seas of seas of impressions and thus make them apt to enter into the next age cycle, all parts of the macrocosmic speciology who had built up those impressions, take part in this fruiting process … Thus even those souls which had died centuries ago have to return back for fruiting their part of the impressional mass … This leads to a sudden increase of population of that world and it is this stage which was told as resurrection of dead in many systems …
As the fruiting happens, it only leads to a state where the earlier systems (including beliefs etc.) which are unfit to enter the next age cycle, stop yielding their “earlier better results” and thus all systems of the earlier age, start becoming internally and externally chaotic …
And it is also at such times that some of the inhabitants (or some of the followers of such systems which relate to the ending age cycle) begin exiting out of those systems which have entered into chaos …
A system only becomes chaotic if it is unfit to enter into the next cycle of time and as these systems start getting chaotic, then ancient systems which are fit to enter the next age cycle, begin spreading upon that world …
This is was the reason for rapidity of spread of eastern systems to the western and middle eastern part of this world and the same was also the reason for displacement of Tibetans from their own land …
49-BB … Start and progress of chaos during change of age cycles …
This chaos is always started due to a clash of one individualistic system to some other (or all other) individualistic systems, but because the consciousness which holds all of the impressions of all systems, so some of this chaos always spills over to the pluralistic systems of that world also …
Thus in the last phase of this change of age, even the pluralistic system shall be entering into some sort of fundamentalism and fanaticism just as was entered by individualistic systems earlier on during this process of change of ages …
But at the same time, whenever an age of sages (i.e. Guru Yuga) is about to set in (as is the current stage of time) then as the individualistic systems keep arriving at an ever higher quantum of fanaticism, fundamentalism and internal chaos, the pluralistic systems also keep spreading rapidly within that world because the followers of individualism keep exiting out and also keep entering into that spreading pluralism of that time …
As it is also at this stage that ancient systems of Yoga (Yoga Tantra) spread so rapidly that even the societies which were rejecting them a few decades ago, begin adopting them as a way of life … Whenever this stage is seen, then the inhabitants of that world should deem this stage as pre-onset phase of the age of sages (Guru Yuga) in that world …
As far as the current human age cycles stand, following shall be seen as a fact … As the currently underway process of change from the current human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) to an age of sages (Guru-Yuga) keep progressing, then it would only be leading to an adoption of pluralistic monism within this world … This is also the stage of adoption of inward-paths (paths of self-realization which are based upon “Myself within Myself” and then when the same aspirant is resting within the path of “Itself Within itself”) …
Thus as this phase of change keeps progressing, the earlier outwardly paths (path of individualistic Gods) as were of the currently ending human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) would be seen to be ending either through peaceful means or even through wrathful means because the change of age can never be stopped by such egoistic Gods due to the fact that time is a weapon of Maa Adi Parashakti which she uses through her own self expressed state of Mother Nature (Maa Prakriti) and she never shares this weapon with any of the egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) of any of the triple times …
Thus when she uses her weapon of time, then none of these egoistic Gods can counter her as they hold no knowledge about this weapon of hers and due to this reason, she always wins in this process of change of ages and these egoistic Gods always succumb …
And since these egoistic Gods know about this fact which always happens during the phases of turn of human ages (which as such is termed as Sandhikaal in Vedic lore) so they have always had end time prophecies implanted within their own systems …
Chaos has ever been there during any of the previous change of ages and it would also be present during any future change of ages …
Continues …