This topic shall discuss the four dimensions (or Chatush Ayaam) … In these four discussed dimensions, every other concept of dimension (or Ayaam) can be accommodated … These four dimensions are time (or Kaal) and its eternal cycles (or Kaalchakra), Space (or Akasha) and its eternal cycles of expansions and contractions (or in other words, the Akashchakra), directions or ways of life or paths of evolutionary progress or paths of liberation (or Disha) and their eternal cycles (or in other words, the Dishachakra) and states or conditions of existence of all parts of macrocosmic speciology (or Dasha) and its eternal cycles (or Dashachakra, which accounts for all cycles of states through the macrocosmic hierarchy that itself is rooted in the ladder of gross and subtle aspects) …
And as a matter of fact, “only and only” the pluralistic monism (i.e. Bahuvaadi Advaita or concept of “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma“) which itself is of the Vedas (i.e. Vedic knowledge) has the capability to hold all above in such a state that their eternal non dual union is maintained within the entirety of macrocosmic creation and also maintained within her each microcosm (i.e. each Jeeva or each Pinda) …
This topic is in continuation with the previous one … “Reason for this part of text” …
Proceeding further …
Chatush Ayaam means the “four dimensions” …
But since in their manifested individualities as are within the macrocosmic creation, these dimensions are also cyclic, so the header of this topic also relates to their eternal cycles … These cycles could be termed as Chatush Ayaam Chakra or cycles of four dimensions …
These four dimensions or Chatush Ayaam are as follows …
- Time or Kaal … The cycles of time are what Kaalchakra really means …
- Space or Akasha … The cyclic expansion and contraction of space is what Akashchakra really means …
- Directions or ways of life or paths of evolution … The cycles of manifestations of ever newer paths of evolution (or ways of life or texts) is what Dishachakra really means …
- State or Dasha … The cyclic changes of all states including changes which relate to gross and subtle aspects is what Dashachakra really means …
4-AA … Limitations of discussions on this topic of Kaalchakra …
Since humanity as a whole has already degenerate more that the limit where a fuller knowledge of this subject could be rendered freely, so there are many aspects which I have intentionally not discussed here … And strangely I had to destroy those parts of knowledge even after I had already written them …
This was because I realized that if I publish the entire knowledge of Chatush Chakra or four cycles (which as such was around 12000 ++ pages instead of around 2500 which I would be publishing here) then there is a very big chance that the severely degenerate and thus deviated humanity would only utilize this knowledge towards their lower self serving and thus restricted ends, such as to make divine weapons so as to conquer others lands, women, children, economies, cultures, societies etc-etc … Those who don’t agree to what is written here are advised to analyze the history of the last few millenniums that have gone by and then find the correctness of my stated fact …
Proceeding further …
Everything that anyone of thinks, desires, holds emotions for and undergoes his or her deeds leads to a state where a subtle impression gets generated through these … Higher is a person based upon allness, subtler is the impression that is generated and thus subtler are those flows and dynamism which get emanated out of that person’s microcosm and into the enveloping greater macrocosm … Lower is a person based upon allness (or higher is a person based upon individualities), grosser is the impression that is generated and thus grosser are those flows and dynamism which get emanated out of that person’s microcosm and into the enveloping greater macrocosm … Grossness leads to an expansive state of individualism and thus a higher inter and intra competition between persons and thus there is also a higher chaos which gets caused by such individuals …
As far as the part of the macrocosmic creation (within which this planetary system is residing) is concerned, humans were placed at the uppermost rung of evolutionary ladder (or evolutionary process) that is applicable to this part of the universe …
And being rested at the uppermost rung of the evolutionary process, humanity was supposed to be based within so much subtlety of thoughts, desires, emotions and deeds that they could even counter (or balance) the entirety of grossness of flows and dynamism of these aspects (of thoughts, desires, emotions and deeds) as are emanated out of lower evolved forms of life which due to their lower evolutionary standings within the macrocosmic hierarchies are also incapable to hold and/or generate that higher quantum of subtlety … As such, humanity was placed in this part of the universe because their evolutionary standing was such that they could balance out all grosser flows and dynamism which are emanated by lower evolved forms of life that also rest in this planetary system …
That higher subtlety which only humanity can generate can only be arrived at when humanity gets based upon “oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” and this higher subtlety is just not possible to be generated by humanity whilst they are based within the present severely degenerate ways that primarily are based upon one or another form of individual-dualism … Individual-dualism means individualism of individuals and it also means individualism of individual-corpuses (like those of geographies, politics, economics, religions, faiths, texts, egoistic gods or Abhimani Devata, military-security systems, cultures, societies etc-etc) …
Unless humans get based on that for which they were originated within the Maker’s Makings, the reason for their continued peaceful existence would never be justified on the subtle consciousness plane of this planet (i.e. on Bhu Chitta) and in such a case, the need for the macrocosm to ensure a continuity of humanity within an inner calm and outer peace, would also fail … A severe non compliance to whatever is stated here has been the primary for a cyclic state of chaos across all ways and walks of life of humanity who has been inhabiting this planet during the last few millenniums …
And unless humans get based upon that for which they were originated in the first place (but through the ever-same supreme genius of Maker’s Makings), the reason for a peaceful state of existence of humanity would never be arrived … And in such a case, the fuller knowledge of Kaalchakra (or cycle of time) can never be rendered to (or attained by) them …
Plus in the current severely deviated state of all sounds of all human civilizations, even if humans are rendered this knowledge, they would never be able to utilize it for any job other that their own self-gains which itself are through another person’s or societies loss … The fuller knowledge of Kaalchakra is never rendered to those who do not rest in Brahmand Dharana and since humanity as a whole does not comply to this aspect, so I am unable to provide a fuller knowledge of this topic to humanity who inhabits this planet … And sadly enough, within the entirety of history of Maker’s Makings, not one egoistic God is holding this knowledge … And more sad is the fact that within the entirety of history of Maker’s Makings, not even a handful of aspirants have ever been blessed with this knowledge, so I also feel that when my train of eternal life moves on and goes beyond this part of the universe, then for humans to acquire that fuller knowledge would also be a very remote probability in any distant future … And since not even a handful of aspirants have fully known the four primary cycles i.e. cycle of time (or Kaalchakra), cycles of space (Akashchakra), cycle of directions or paths of evolution (or Dishachakra) and cycle of states of subtlety and grossness (or Dashachakra), so the time span for coming in of the next holder of this knowledge, would also be very-very long after my train of eternal life decides to move on and go beyond this physical and also the subtle world system …
Ever microcosm has its own train of eternal life … This is because of the fact that the Maker had thus blessed each part of his Making’s … And this blessing could be stated thus …
“Irrespective of any of the temporary aspects anyone may believe or is made to believe, each microcosm shall remain eternal because of the fact that in the greater reality, each microcosm is only as a train of eternal life” …
Continuing with above paragraph … And the fact would ever remain that the journey of each of these microcosmic trains of eternal life is multi-planetary, multi-planic (multi galactic), multi universal … So due to this reason, during the long-long course of evolution of each microcosm, his or her train would “also be” passing through all the divine worlds …
Continuing with above paragraph … And since this train of each microcosm itself is of eternal life, so irrespective of whatever you may have been believing or are made to believe by some scriptures, within the ultimate reality of things, each microcosm has ever stood as an eternal entity and this fact by itself is one of the primary amongst the supreme geniuses of the Maker’s Makings … And being eternal, you neither have any beginning nor any end … You just exist as the unbegun and unending and thus eternal driver of that train of eternal life whose journey eventually is through a multi-dimensional realm and which ultimately enters into the undefined Absolute being …
And since humanity has also miserably failed in whatever is stated above, so in this topic, I have removed all those parts by which humanity can make any weapon of a divine nature … And since those parts are not even referred to in these discussions even when they very much are applicable to this knowledge system of Kaalchakra (Cycle of time) so all my derivations and calculations would never be absolutely correct (I mean, till the last applicable decimal) …
Plus to prevent a self serving misuse of this knowledge by the deviated humanity of now, I have also intentionally deviated (modified) seven plus two concepts …
Due to above, following limitations are already placed in this text …
- All times have an error of “+/- 1 to 2.7 years” …
- And in some the intermediary stages of calculations of the Sandhikaal (Sandhikaal means the intermediary time span between two ages), this error expands to “7 +/- 1 to 2.7 years” …
- During the stage of the incoming change of the current human age cycle to the next one (i.e. of an Age of Sages or Guru Yuga), this error further expands to “27 +/- 1 to 2.7 years” …
- As also, at some places I have intentionally placed an error of 3888 human solar years … i.e. the time span of currently underway “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” which is calculated as per the currently applicable Nadir time units of precession of equinoxes …
- As also due to the inherent stage of the phase of current cycle of time, the Manvantar Chakra (which means as eternal cycles of the Age of Manu or Age of Adam) has an inherent error of 9 degrees arc of the Manvantar Chakra (Cycle of father of man or simply, the cycle of Adam)” … I have intentionally not utilized this at some places and have intentionally utilized it at some other places … And I have intentionally not resolved it because to resolve it, I would need to disclose some of the beyond principles which present day humanity, their spirit worlds and their angelic worlds do not even deserve to know as they no longer hold the capacity to utilize this knowledge in a way which rests in “oneness towards allness and her each part (i.e. utilize it in a way which benefits all parts of macrocosmic speciology which inhabits within all gross and subtle worlds)” …
- The Surya Samvatsara Chakra (i.e. 60 complete solar cycles around the Milky Way Galaxy) also has an error of 3888 human solar years (i.e. this error is exactly of the presently underway human age cycle and calculated as per currently applicable Nadir time units of precession) … This error is intentional kept in the calculations because if I were to rectify it, then there would be needed a disclosure of that common principle of the four primary macrocosmic dimensions (of time, space, direction and state) which can have a dual use (i.e. peaceful and wrathful use, through divine weapons) …
- And a few others undisclosed aspects (and also, a few other intentionally modified aspects) shall be referred to in various sub-parts of this topic …
- And even when above is true, yet the derived values shall remain very-very close to the real ones which are calculated through modern methods …
- Thus due to aforementioned aspects, in this topic I would not be disclosing some principles, even when I may (or may not) utilizes their knowledge …
And as a matter of fact … Unless the inhabitants of a world firmly rest in Brahmand Dharana, the knowledge of four primary dimensions cannot ever be rendered in full to that world …
And as a final note, following is a fact …
- Those who know finality of divinity of time (i.e. Kaal), also know Mahakaal Shiva to be none other than the divine aspect that Vedas address as Maheshwara (i.e. Maheshwara is another name of the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva , who itself is the attributed-formless condition of the Absolute being, or in other words Saguna Nirakaar Awastha of Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman) …
- Thus this knowledge of Kaalchakra can only be of the eternally unioned state of Mahakaal Shiva and Maa Mahakaali and due to this reason, the path of this knowledge rests in what was discussed in an earlier topic of “Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga” … Such aspirants also know the macro-elemental air (Vayu Mahabhoot) … Such aspirants are also the ones who have accomplished the golden body …
- Those who know finality of divinity of space (i.e. Akasha), know Bhagwan Ganapati, the son of Shiva and Shakti … Such ones also know the Akasha Mahabhoot (or in other words, the macro-elemental ether) and also the Ishana face of Sadashiva … Such aspirant’s are also the ones who have accomplished (or they are the ones who hold) the ether body, in addition to the accomplishment of the gem blue body (i.e. the accomplishment vehicle of a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya or a Man of Maker’s Medicine) and they eventually become as the accomplished ones of the colorless body …
- Those who know the finality of divinity of direction or ways of life (i.e. Disha), know Sriman Naaraayana … Thus such sages also know Vamadeva face of Sadashiva and macro-elemental macrocosmic waters (Jalam or Ap Mahabhoot or Aapah Mahabhoot) … Such ones also know Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara … Such aspirants are also those who have accomplished the Ardhanarishwara Sharira (or in other words, they hold the Siddhi of Sagun Atman) and this is in addition to being ones who hold the Vamadeva Sharira (which in a previous topic was also termed as the Light grey body) …
- Those who know the finality of divinity of state (i.e. Dasha), know Pitamah Brahma Ji (i.e. macrocosmic origination principle) … Such ones hold the diamond white body and this is in addition to being the accomplished ones of the Subtle white body, which itself is in addition to holding the accomplishment of the light pink body … And due to this reason of holding these two Siddha bodies, they also know Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, which is also addressed as the Abode of creator (or Brahmaloka) and such ones are also those who have had a direct cognition of the Ninth sphere or Para Prakriti … And in addition to this they are also the ones who have self realized the Avyakta …
- They are also the ones who have self known their own Vital air sheath (which in Sanskrit Language is also called as Pranamaye Kosha and which in Sanskrit is also pronounced as Pranamaya Kosha) …
- Such are the ones who have self known the macro-elemental earth (or Bhu Mahabhoot) …
- Those who are enroute to know the cycles of all four above listed dimensions (i.e. four primary cycles or Chatush Chakra), would be the ones who would be knower’s of Devaraja Indra (i.e. macrocosmic Kingship principle) and Maa Trikaali (i.e. divinity of the triplicity of time) … They are the ones who would also become knower’s of the knowledge sheath (which in Sanskrit Language is also called as Vijyanmaye Kosha) and they are also the ones who are already enroute to accomplishment of the 100th Ashwamedha Yajna (i.e. 100th transit of the 8th plexus via the path of the 101st channel or golden channel or Vajradanda) …
- At the current stage of solar cycle, those who know the unity of all above and also know the reason for unity of all above, know Aghora face of Sadashiva (or in other words, Aghora face of Shiva) and Rudra Deva (whose sound is of ALA and thus we had also discussed Rudra as ALA Naad) … Such are the ones who have self known the macro-elemental fire (Agni Mahabhoot or Tejas) … They also hold the accomplishment of the Krishna Pingala Sharira, which itself is in addition to the accomplishment of Pingala Sharira, and they also are those who have already known their Mind sheath (which in Sanskrit Language is also called as Manomaye Kosha) …
- And those who have self known and thus accomplished all of above, know Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva and Maa Adi Parashakti … Such sages are the ones who are like a physical (or human) incarnation (or a manifestation) of Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva and Maa Adi Parashakti …
- And those who know either of above, are as physical incarnations (or a physical manifestation) of the deities and divinities of those states which are known by them (as are listed in above mentioned bullet points) …
Those who know neither of above are those who are still evolving to either of above …
And those who are still evolving (as they know neither of above) and are also based upon one or another sort of individualism, are those who still have a long way to go prior they could even self realize any one amongst that which is discussed in either of above bullet points … As of now, all of leaders (political, spiritual, religious, economic, military, societal, cultural, intellectual etc.) belong to this category only … This leads to a severe limitation in rendering the fullness of knowledge of Chatush Chakra (i.e. knowledge of four cycles or time, space, direction and state) as is discussed below and especially the limitation of rendering a fuller knowledge of Kaalchakra as Kaal or time itself is the primordial macrocosmic dimension …
4-BB … Chatush Chakra of Chatush Ayaam … Four cycles of Four dimensions …
There are four primary dimensions of the Maker’s Makings and each of these four dimensions have their own cycles … These four cycles are as follows …
- Kaalchakra … Cycle of time (Kaal) … This relates to cycles of ages (i.e. human age, divine age and other ages which shall be discussed at later stages of this topic on Kaalchakra) …
- Akashchakra … Cycle of space … This relates to cycles of expansions and contractions of space …
- Dishachakra … Cycles of directions of ways of life (Disha) … This leads to cycles of manifestation of newer systems and extinguishing (or end) of redundant (or older unfit) systems …
- Dashachakra … Cycles of states (Dasha) … This leads to manifestation of cycles of grossness and subtlety of systems … Thus this also includes cycles of gross and subtle, originations (incarnation or manifestation), changes of originated states (evolutionary cycles) and destructions (or dissolutions or de-incarnation) of existent states …
But in this topic I shall primarily be relating to the Kaalchakra (or the eternal cycle of time) as this itself is the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings … And since time is the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings, so from this dimension of time, the knowledge of cycles (or Chakras) of the other three dimensions can also be calculated to a large extent … I wrote the phase “large extent” as fullness of knowledge of other cycles would need the knowledge of other three dimensions also …
4-CC … Finality of four primary dimensions …
The final states of these four primary dimensions are as follows …
- Kaal … Time … The finality of this dimension is of eternity … The origination, end and time span of existence of the eternal can never be calculated …
- Akasha … Space … The finality of this dimension is of infinity … The expanses of the infinite can never be calculated …
- Disha … Directionalities or ways of life … The finality of this dimension is of omni-directionality … The scope or ranges of applicability of the omnidirectional way of life, can never be fully known …
- Dasha … State (of grossness and subtlety) … The finality of this dimension is of omnipresence … The omnipresent can never be described even when it is already self realized … Plus to know the omnipresent being (i.e. attributeless infinite being or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm), the need to subtly travel beyond the Maker’s Makings is never there (because that omnipresent is also within and around each aspirant) …
Now we shall discuss the unity of finality of all above …
- Maa Shakti … Omnipotence … That who denotes unity of final state (or finality) of all above dimensions, is the pristine divinity or Maa Shakti … She denotes the pristine activity …
- Shaktimaan … The omnipotent one … One who is the Absolute consciousness which rests within an eternal unity to all above dimensions, is the one who is the holder of omnipotence (i.e. the Omnipotent) … But the term omnipotent only refers to the ever same Supreme being …
- Unity of omnipotence and omnipotent one … That which leads to this stage is knowledge principle … One who is such, is denoting Supreme knowledge because knowledge is the one which unites the activity principle (of Devi or Maa Shakti or pristine divinity) to the conscious principle (or Shiva or Supreme being or Deva) …
- He is Shiva … He is Shakti … Women aspirants please substitute She and Her for He and His as is stated here … One whose mind (Manas), knowledge (which is also called as Vijyana or Vijnana or Buddhi), vitality (or vital airs which are also named as Prana), consciousness (which is also termed as Chitta), I’ness (which is also called as Ahamkara) is unioned to his (or her) own inner vitality (Prana), is the one who is resting within the eternal unity of both of above … He is Shiva and He is also Shakti … He is all that was discussed till now in this topic … Such a sage is both Shiva and Shakti (i.e. Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara) manifest in a human form and thus such a sage is like “Sagun Sakaar Awastha (Attributed form state) of his own innermost essence (or Atman) which in such a stage of evolution, is also self realized as “Brahman (i.e. the innermost essence of allness and her each part)” …
4-DD … Chatur Ayaam … Four dimensions …
Now with above as a base, we shall discuss these four dimensions of time (Kaal), space (Akasha), direction (Disha or way of life) and state (Dasha) … Every dimension can be placed within these four dimensions of Maker’s Makings …
- Kaal … Time …
Time is the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation … Time is also an instrument of Mother Nature, in addition to being her weapon also … By Mother Nature I mean Maa Prakriti who herself is the self manifested state of the “pristine divinity (Maa Adi Parashakti)” which itself is of the “Absolute being (Shiva)” …
Mother Nature never shares the knowledge of time (i.e. knowledge of time as an instrument and as a weapon) with any of the “individualistic or egoistic gods (Abhimani Devata)” and thus none of these egoistic gods or their representatives have ever been able to control time …
Due to above mentioned reason, when a cycle of time (i.e. an age cycle) changes, then these egoistic gods are only found to be powerless as far as controlling the severities of effects that the change of times leads to … And since egoistic systems are individualistic, so these systems are not even capable to rest in allness and this is what leads to a state of chaos in them (which is like their end times only as such systems rarely survive a change of age) whenever an age cycle turns to the next …
Due to above mentioned reasons, every individualistic (or monotheistic) system which is centered by these egoistic gods (Abhimani Devata) has always had a theory of an end time and also a final end of their times … Within the systems of these egoistic gods, this theory of an end time is implanted at the commencement stage of that system itself and thus when that system begins upon a world, it already has the theory of an end time of itself … This is due to the fact that the centered entity (and its propagator) already know that their centered system (or faith) in its currently installed individualistic state has no capacity to last till eternity and thus would be failing whenever that age cycle in which that system was installed, would begin turning …
Thus due to above, whenever an age cycles begin entering in a stage of a final turning to the next one, all religious places of such systems are always shut down for a while … So when this happens, then humanity should know that the age which that system (or faith or way of life) was serving, is nearing its end time … And so is that individualistic system … When what is discussed here starts becoming visible in a world, then it by itself is a roof that such a system (or faith) is also nearing the end time of its current phase of existence (I mean end of existence “in its current state” upon that world) …
In such a case, either that system would have to change itself (i.e. change its practices, procedures, codes, rituals, etc.) to the requirements of the next age cycle … Or perish … There is no third choice …
Continuing with above paragraph … And because most of the systems only end up changing themselves as per the demands of the incoming cycle (or next cycle) of time, so most of such systems always have prophecies of the re-coming of a greater one who would be restoring that system in a better state or in other words, a state which is apt for that system to move into the incoming or next cycle of time (or age cycle) …
Time also happens to be the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings and due to this reason the other three primary dimensions i.e. Akasha (Space), Disha (Direction or path or ways of life) and Dasha (State) are dependent upon time itself … Due to this reason, when any of the time cycles change to the next one, these other three dimensions also undergo through their changes so as to come in line with the changed state of time … And since time is ever moving (or ever changeful) so there really is no way that the dimensions can ever be non changeful …
Thus due to above, following is what happens with other three dimensions …
- Dimension of direction (ways of life, texts, codes of societies etc.) is also ever changeful … And due to this reason, there can never be any text which can claim that it has not been amended during history … Even the laws of a land, codes of societies, beliefs and faiths undergo a change due to this reason …
- Dimension of space … This is also ever changeful and thus the unitary values of space would also be seen to be non constant … This is what leads to cyclic expansion and contraction of space component of a universe and also expansion and contraction of all celestial bodies …
- Dimension of state … State also changes of everything … Thus what an entity was during history is not how that same entity would be in any future … This change is also a continuously happening process …
- All these changes of the other three primary macrocosmic dimensions (i.e. direction or ways of life, space and state) are due to the changes of the macrocosmic primordial dimension i.e. Time (or Kaal) …
- The knowledge of these changes of the four primary macrocosmic dimensions is what was told as Kaalchakra, Akashchakra, Dishachakra and Dashachakra …
Proceeding further …
The time in its originality (which itself is the finality of realization of time) is of eternity … This state of time is beyond the Maker’s Makings as it envelopes the entirety Maker’s Makings itself …
And when the same time enters into the Maker’s Makings, then it enters into a state of its vast numbers of unitary values, which in turn leads to its cyclic nature … This cyclic nature of time is of the Maker’s Makings and this state of cyclic nature of time is also pervaded by the eternal nature of time (as was discussed in previous paragraph) …
And basis above two paragraphs … Since the finality of time i.e. eternity, which as such is the pervader and enveloper of the Maker’s Makings, is also the pervader and enveloper of the cyclic nature of time (i.e. Kaalchakra) which is of the Maker’s Makings, so this is what makes these cycles of time to also be none other than eternal … Thus basis this, the phrase “cycle of time (or Kaalchakra)” actually means the eternal cycles of time … And since the eternal neither has a traceable (or calculable) beginning nor a fathomable end and since time itself is the primordial dimension of the Maker’s Makings, so the stages of an original beginning and the final end of Maker’s Makings are also beyond all calculations of this or any other world (including the divine worlds) …
And since the Gods and godly worlds are an intrinsic part of the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings, so even the Gods don’t know when the Maker’s Makings had originally begun or when it would finally end, yet they prove their ignorance in very subtle statements which itself are within their own scriptures … The proof of this ignorance is already provided in “almost” all scriptures where they say an end of time even when time really is a beginningless and thus is also an endless eternal entity, especially when we consider its finality (finality of time is of eternity only) … Thus basis this is a fact …
- There really cannot ever be an end of time … All that ends is a cycle of time
- When any cycle of time ends, all that was of that cycle of time, also ends
- To save an end of a system of an earlier cycle of time and thus save an end of its adherents, the choice is only to amend the ways of life as per the requirements of the incoming cycle of time
- When any cycle of time begins changing, then all those who do not adopt systems of the incoming cycle of time, are always evicted from a world … This always happens whenever the turn of an age cycle reaches its last phase of turn to the next cycle of time …
- History has held many proofs of what is stated here …
- As far as the present age cycle stands, its turn started around 324 years prior the time of a fuller manifestation of effects of the next cycle of time … This means this phase had started 1758 AD +/- 27 years (and +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
- And the last phase of change was manifested around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) whose middle stage would be crossed over by 2028 AD +/- 7 years (and +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
- Thus around the time ranges of 2028 AD (as are stated in the preceding bullet point) this world would be entering into a chaos …
- And since the incoming age cycle is of an age of sages (Guru Yuga) which itself is of that way of life which rests in pluralistic yet monist ways of macrocosmic creation and the Absolute being (Parambrahma), so humanity who rests within any form of individual-dualism, would be evicted due to the effects of divinities of the incoming age cycle … This eviction would be due to all sorts of problems which are related to all sorts of permutations and combinations of manmade, natural and divine aspects …
- When these problems begin around the time ranges of 2028 AD (as have been stated in an earlier bullet point of this discussions) and then the religious places get closed for a while, then humanity should know the fact as is stated below …
This is the end of an age of man (of the earlier human age cycle) … And its kinds
And when humans read this topic, then they would also know the fact …
This chaos is governed by the divinity of eternal cycles of time (Kaalchakra)
And when their godly places get closed for a while, then they would also know
Time is the weapon of Mother Nature, which she never shares with any God
And they would also appreciate the fact that Kaal (Time) is beyond their Gods
And those humans who wish to reduce the effects of chaos, that would begin entering this world soon after above stage gets accomplished during this change of human age cycle, should do the following
Adopt Pluralistic Monism i.e. Sanatan Vedic Arya way of life
This is as Pluralistic Monism is the way of life during each of the age of sages (Guru Yuga) that have ever been … And the next or incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) would not even be any different …
Unless this is done, the after the incoming chaos gets manifested, it would only spread across all ways and walks of life of humanity …
Proceeding further …
To discuss the incoming Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) … The Age of “Brahm Satyam, Jagad Mithya” …
Each microcosm is based upon a specific unitary value of time and thus the time span of cyclic existence of any microcosm, is also different from that of any other microcosm and due to this reason, no microcosm has ever had the exactly same lifespan as any other microcosm …
And since the other three primary dimensions of Maker’s Makings are dependent upon the primary dimension of time, so when different unitary values of time are applicable to all microcosms, so no microcosm ever has the same Dasha (state), Disha (ways of life or directionalities in which that microcosm rests at that time) and Akasha component (or expanses or size or the space component that a microcosm holds within itself) … These differences are also resting within the purviews of the “macrocosmic principle of “stagnation due to sameness” +++ …
+++ Explaining the “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness” of above paragraph …
As per the “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness”, the sameness of any microcosm of any now, to any earlier nowness that was of the same microcosm and of any other microcosm that ever was existent during the entirety of history of the Maker’s Makings, is also deemed to be a stagnation from the macrocosmic point of view …
And if any microcosm gets stagnated in a way as is discussed here, then this stagnation always leads to death (or de-incarnation or dissolution or dissipation of that microcosm) …
Proceeding further …
Above is what leads to a condition as stated below …
An eternal non sameness (or non constancy) of allness and her each part (i.e. each microcosm) is the only eternal macrocosmic constant”
And above statement is applicable to all that has ever begun in a gross or subtle state within the Maker’s Makings …
This fact was very beautifully stated in the Vedic Lore … As follows …
Brahm Satyam, Jagad Mithya +++
Which means …
Brahman is truth and Jagad is an Illusion (non-true)
+++ Explaining the words Brahm and Jagad of above statement …
+++ Brahman (or Brahm) means the originality that was prior to the original self-origination of the Maker’s Makings and since Parabrahman is eternal, so Parabrahman (or Brahman) is also the finality that would be arrived at after the final ending of the Maker’s Makings …
Continuing with above paragraph … And the same Brahman is also the same finality (or truth) which pervades (permeates) and envelopes the Maker’s Makings ever since the timeless eternity (that has already passed from the instant of original origination of the Maker’s Makings) and this is also the same truth that would continue to pervade (permeate) and envelope the Maker’s Makings until the fathomless pending eternity (i.e. the undefined time span which is still pending for existence of the Maker’s Makings) so Brahman itself is the eternally changeless (or non-moving) one …
Continuing with above paragraph … And since it is the same Brahman (or Brahm) who originally was, continues to be and would also be the one to whom the entirety of Maker’s Makings would finally (or ultimately) return back to, so Brahman who is told as “truth (in above Vedic statement) is in fact the un-changeful one …
Due to this reason, above statement also means “The eternally changeless one, is truth” …
+++ Jagad (Jagat) is made up of two words, Ja and Gad (or Gat) …
The first word is of “Ja” which means that “who is originated (and it also means that who is self-originated)” and this word is the opposite of Sanskrit word of “Aj (or in other words, Aja)” which means “non originated yet self manifested” …
And the second word is “Gad (or Gat)” which means “that which moves (or that which is ever changeful)” …
Thus basis above, the word Jagad means that “the originated one who is eternally changeful” …
Or in other words, the eternally moving and thus the eternally evolving entity is Jagad …
Thus Jagad literally means, the macrocosm (Brahmand) and her each microcosm (Pinda) … And due to this reason, the word Jagad includes “the entire corpus all animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate entities … And Jagad also includes all worlds (including divine worlds), all planes of existence and all universes” …
Due to this reason, the word Jagad (or Jagat) only refers to the macrocosmic creation (and her each microcosm, right from a largest or biggest microcosm which as such is the universe and until the smallest microcosm which as such is the Anu or Atom) …
Proceeding further … Discussing Brahman from the point of view of time (Kaal) …
Brahman (Brahm) is that who is the eternal (timeless) one who permeates (pervades) and envelopes all unitary values and cycles of time and yet is beyond all calculations of its existence, origin and end …
Thus the eternal is ever present within and beyond each moment of time and thus the eternal is definitely the self-realizable, yet the unfathomable (incalculable) one beyond all descriptions and symbols …
That eternally non cyclic and thus non changeful attributeless infinite being, who pervades its own self manifestation as the attributed and thus calculable and yet eternal cycles of time, is Brahman … Thus the cycles of time (or Kaalchakra) is also a self expression of the eternal Absolutely divine and un-changeful Brahman and this is what makes Kaalchakra to be a divine knowledge …
This ever changeful nature of individualities of time, which itself is due to the ever changeful nature of unitary values of time, was the one which was told as “Kaalchakra or the eternal cycle of time” during those very ancient and already forgotten times as were of my much earlier incarnations and also those further transmigrated incarnations … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
During the Swayambhu Manvantar, about 1.97 billion years ago (as per middle time units of precession) when I was an insignificant little student of Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj and I was addressed as Maharishi Ganit (Ganit means divine mathematics) and also as Ganitacharya (Ganitacharya means teacher of divine mathematics) the knowledge of Kaalchakra (cycle of time), Akashchakra (cycle of space), Dishachakra (cycle of ways of life) and Dashachakra (cycle of subtle and gross states) was my rendered knowledge to the humanity of that time …
But unlike this time around when I have come by during a divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) and thus am restricted to a very large extent due to the demands of time and its current cycle, during that stage of time when I was addressed as Maharishi Ganit, I did not hold back any part of this knowledge …
- Akasha … Space …
Akasha or space is one of the three other primary dimensions of the Maker’s Makings …
Space in its finality is infinity (Ananta) … The infinite (Anant Brahman) is the omnipresent yet the undefined one who rests beyond the knowledge of cycles of space … And whilst being such omnipresent as the infinite space, IT is also beyond the reaches of imaginations and visualizations of mind …
Space in its finality is of infinity … This infinity is a state which also extends much beyond the limited space component of the macrocosmic creation … And since the finality of space (i.e. infinity) is also extending beyond the macrocosmic creation, so there really is no way of calculating or symbolizing the infinite because these methods only relate to the macrocosmic creation and not to that state which is beyond …
Due to this reason, the symbol of infinity of mathematics is not a symbol of the infinite as it only denotes the Zero-Infinite who itself is the Infinite-Zero and who as such is addressed as Shunya Brahman … We have discussed this in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” …
And when the same space is considered in its ever changeful unitary values, then that space is found to be cyclically expanding and contracting …
And since everything that was originated within the Maker’s Makings, is resting within the purviews of the dimension of space, so there really is nothing within the Maker’s Makings that does not undergoes through cycles of expansions and contractions upon a gross and subtle level of its existence …
Gross expansions and contractions are like increase and decrease of size of states and the same also happens on a subtle part of all microcosm’s like consciousness, knowledge, activity component within which all microcosm’s rest …
During those very ancient and already forgotten times as were of my much earlier incarnations (and also those further transmigrated incarnations), this is what was told as “Akashchakra (or eternal cycles of expansion and contraction of space that is present within and beyond each microcosm) …Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
- Disha … Directions … Ways of life …
Disha or directions (or ways of life or paths of evolution) also is one of the three other primary dimensions of Maker’s Makings …
As a time cycle changes, the space component also changes and this leads to a need of newer ways of life for that change time and space cycle …
Thus at such a stage, depending upon the need of time and space components that are affecting the microcosm’s, a newer knowledge of a newer way of life which is apt for the incoming age cycle is also required … This is what leads to manifestation of a newer way of life (through a newer text etc.) on that world where an age cycle is already changing and when that change is already about to reach a final stage of change to the next age cycle …
Direction in its finality is omnidirectional … The omnidirectional is the one which pervades (permeates) and envelopes all other directions (or ways of life or paths of evolution) … And it is to the same omnidirectional that all directions (or ways of life) are related and also proceeding to …
During the human degenerate ages (Manav Kaliyuga) and divine degenerate ages (Deva Kaliyuga), the directions enter into their individualities and thus individualistic systems rule the roost …
But during the divine age of truth (Deva Satyuga or Deva Kritayuga) and the human golden ages (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga) omnidirectional ways of life rule the roost …
And since the present times are an intermediary state between the change from the current human degenerate age to the incoming human golden age cycle, so slowly but steadily humanity would seen to be moving towards omnidirectional ways of life which as such would be those ways of life which would be based upon Brahmand Dharana (Oneness towards allness and her each part) …
Thus the current stage of cycle of ages (or cycle of time) is that where individualistic systems (Monotheism) would be seen to be ending and pluralistic monism (Bahuvadi Advaita) would be seen to be manifesting … This would be rooted in concepts like stated below …
- Each microcosm is divine … This is as the divine (or Absolute) being could never have made anything that was not holding IT’s own pristine divinity …
- Everything is a self expression, self manifestation, self presence of the ever-same divine (or Absolute) being … Thus universe and its each part (right from the atom) is none other than being a divine entity …
Thus the systems of the incoming age cycle (i.e. Age of Sages) would also be rooted in a Vedic statement as told below …
Which means …
Within and around everything, everyone, everywhere is the same Absolute being
And humanity would be based upon and within the Mahavakya (or great statement of Vedic lore) that was told as Sohum, which also means …
I am an intrinsically unbroken partless particle of Him (Absolute Being)
So I am as divine as He itself is
I am He … He is Me … Sohum
In above discussions, the word “I” means all parts of macrocosmic speciology, here, beyond and also that which is beyond the beyond …
Thus the word “I” also includes all vegetation, animal life, spirit worlds, elements, physical-subtle-and-divine worlds and all that comes under the purviews of this all enveloping universal term of “I” …
Above are the guiding lights of ways of life that humanity would be based upon during the incoming Guru Yuga …
This is how each Guru Yuga (or age of sages or human age of truth) has ever been and this is also how the incoming one would also be …
Proceeding further … This is to discuss avoidance of chaos of ways of life …
And since individualism always tries to resist the change within itself, so the coming times would also be of all sorts of manmade, divine and natural chaos which adherents of individualistic systems would be leading to, but only at their own endless peril …
But this chaos can be very easily and to a very large extent avoided by adopting a pluralistic yet monist way of life which as such is based upon “Brahmand Dharana (Oneness towards allness and her each part)” …
Unless humanity as a whole adopts Brahmand Dharana (Oneness towards allness and her each part) which as such is the main system of the incoming human age cycle and which itself is rooted in Sanatan Dharma, the coming times would only be of a very severe chaos that would be seen to be present everywhere, within and beyond every human (i.e. across all humanity) and if humanity as a whole stays adamant and thus does not adopt Brahmand Dharana, then the chaos would also expand and begin entering (or spreading) into all walks and ways of life of humanity …
And since the stage of above paragraph is already knocking at this world’s door, so as of now humans only remain with the two below stated choices …
- 1st choice … Change to pluralistic monist ways of life … And save the incoming chaos to a very major extent … Such a way of life would be rooted in Sanatan Dharma as there never was, never is and never would be any other system which holds this aspect of pluralistic monism within it …
- 2nd choice … Don’t change to pluralistic monist ways of life and thus continue within all sorts of individualistic and thus dualistic systems … And get into that major chaos that is just around the corner because during the incoming human golden age (i.e. Age of Sages or Guru Yuga), individualism of any sort, would never have any place … Thus the coming time would also seen the end of all individualistic and thus self serving egoistic systems (or ways of life) …
- 3rd choice … There is no 3rd choice as of now … This is because of the fact that from 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) this world has already entered into the last and final phase of change of the current human age cycle (or Manav Yuga Chakra) to the incoming Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) … And since after this stage, the 3rd option has already expired, so I won’t even discuss it here …
- Thus basis above … At that stage of time when I would be publishing this text, humanity as a whole would only be remaining with above two choices as the stage of applicability of the third choice would have already expired by them …
- And ultimately … It would remain up to humanity as a whole to decide which of above two choices they would want to take in the near future …
But the fact still remains that when in pluralistic monism, the ways of life would only be rooted in the omnidirectional absolute being who envelopes and pervades (permeates) all directions (or ways of life) …
In the Vedic lore, that omnidirectional finality is the one who is addressed as Brahman …
The omnidirectional one is the eternal root (or base) of all paths of evolution and all ways of life … And thus IT is the knowable yet beyond words of knowledge (except seed syllable of OM) … And it is also due to this reason, the omnidirectional (Brahman) is the realizable and yet the eternally indescribable one (i.e. one who cannot ever be fully described) …
- Dasha … State …
This relates to Dasha or state of humanity as a whole …
When the cycle of time changes, then the inner state of all microcosms also changes …
When the stage arrives where the dimension of state has reached its stage of change, then all sorts of dis-ease manifests within the world in humanity is still following the systems of the earlier age cycle …
And those physical bodies which are incapable to undergo through that change, eventually enter into a internal dis-ease and begin perishing …
And as this stage of time of change of human age continues, this dis-ease also overflows outwards and reached into the entire world if humans are not fit to pass into the incoming human age cycle …
For the stage of change of the present age cycle, this cycle of inner dis-ease would be based upon three phases of cycles … And with each phase separated by 100-108 years … This is the cyclic time when Maa Shamshan Kaali (Maa Mahakaali of charnel grounds) would enter the world and simultaneously Maa Chamunda (i.e. the divinity which prevents manifestation of inner dis-eases) would lift her blessings from the world … These two Devi’s (divine mothers) would be the ones who would ultimately initiate the change, within each human and beyond the human bodies i.e. within the world …
I add this paragraph during the final edit around the middle of 2020 AD … As far as the present phase of our discussed change is concerned, Maa Chamunda had lifted her blessing from this world on the “night of Vijay Dashmi of 2019 AD” … And then, within a month, the divinities of Maa Shamshan Kaali (i.e. Maa Mahakaali of cremation grounds) had entered this world … This phase would be lasting the entire decade from 2020 AD to 2030 AD, and slightly beyond and by that time this phase ends, this world would have already lost a substantial part of its human population … And if humanity does not pay heed to whatever is written in this topic, then a stage would come where due to lack of food, humans would eat humans to keep themselves alive (as this is what Maa Shamshan Kaali eventually leads to) …
Continuing with above paragraph … And the next stage can only be of the wrathful energies of Maa Mahakaali entering this world … But since I have not seen her entering, so it’s very difficult for me to give a time frame for this major amongst all major events that ever are or could ever be … But as a matter of fact, whenever Maa Mahakaali would enter, then would the real chaos start if humanity fails to pay a heed to whatever is written here and thus does not end up adopting pluralistic monism as a way of life prior to that time … And this is because, Maa Mahakaali is beyond control of all Gods, for she always does that which nobody had the power to do … And like any earlier time span, this time also her entry would be no different …
Moving further …
Thus when the human age (or Manav Yuga) is changing, then this change is what leads to a state of inner and outer chaos within each human … This is what leads to expansion of dis-ease (and also expansion of diseases) within humanity who is present at such times …
Thus at such a stage, those who are spiritually less evolved (or are less related to spirituality) eventually become harbingers of dis-ease for others … Thus during the change of a human age, the loss of support of dimension of state (which as such is due to manifestation of dis-ease) is always rooted in (or started from) individualistic and/or atheistic lands …
And at such times, those who are not rooted in systems or ways of life which relate to the incoming age cycle, also reach their end times …
Nature within us is the same nature within whose envelopes we rest … Thus when the inner and outer natures are changing as per the call of cycles of time, then those humans who are unfit to inwardly adapt to that change would be the ones who would perish … And so would their systems …
Better age cycles (like the incoming Age of Sages or Guru Yuga) have a higher subtlety quotient and thus have a higher oneness towards allness, which in turn makes such better age cycles to be more based upon “oneness towards allness” and thus these age cycles are also lesser based upon individualism (monotheism or egotism) …
Lesser age cycles (like the currently underway degenerate age cycle) have a higher quotient of grossness within them and thus these age cycles also hold a higher quantum of individualism (and egotism) within them … This leads to an expansion of individual-dualism within the world and thus during such lesser age cycles, the world starts getting divided into various imaginary and thus manmade parts … These individual parts could be geographical, political, religious, military, economic, cultural, civilizational, social and could also be based upon color, creed, race, sec or anything else … And since individualism always leads to problems with others, so during these lesser ages, there always is a cyclic state of chaos due to each individualistic system trying to prove one-up-manships over others …
And the reverse of above paragraphs state is always there within the better age cycles, like that of the incoming Guru Yuga …
All this is due to cycles of state which leads to a change in the inner grossness and subtlety of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds of each human …
And finally for this discussion on the “dimension of state (Dasha Ayaam)” …
- A human golden age never manifests through outwardly paths (outwardly paths also include the paths of egoistic Gods and their systems) …
- A human degenerate age never manifests whilst majority of humanity rests in inward paths … Inward paths are those paths that lead to your own innermost essence (or Atman), which itself is the “ever-same and common-universal essence of allness and her each part (or Brahman)” …
4-EE … Path of change …
A path of change can only be through the dimension of direction i.e. change of one’s ways of life because the other dimensions are incapable of rendering the path of change and this is especially so when the change of an age cycle arrives …
The stages of this could broadly be described as follows …
- Change direction (or ways of life) to pluralistic monism so as to change your inner space component (or inner expanse) … This accounts for knowledge of Brahmand Dharana so as to expand your consciousness quotient to that which is beyond your own limited microcosm and also beyond the limited expanses of your universe (mental and physical universe … Plus inner and outer universe) …
- Above leads to an inner subtlety … Thus your inner state also changes … And since what is within you, itself is the one which is beyond (or out of) you, so the environment also changes … And as times progress, you come in line with the requirements of the incoming Human age cycle
- (Manav Yuga Chakra) …
- Thus basis above, change of Disha changes your inner Akasha which changes your Dasha … And all these rest within the purviews of time …
- As a matter of fact, other than above there really is no better way of entering into the process of change of age cycles …
The discussions continue …