As was discussed earlier, Pradakshina means circumambulation … This is also called as Parikrama which is done by moving in a clockwise direction around anything holy … This Pradakshina or Parikrama also has four stages (or four aspects or four steps) which relate to the four cardinal faces of Sadashiva … Thus is the reason for header of this topic to also relate to Chatush Pada Pradakshina of Sadashiva or in other words, Chatush Pada Parikrama of Sadashiva … There is no higher act (or deed or Karma) that the Pradakshina which is discussed here … And this topic relates to the path of Raja Yoga and also relates to Pashupata Marg …
Pashupata Marg means as the path of Bhagwan Pashupatinath or the Lord of all macrocosmic speciology … Bhagwan Pashupatinath is one of the vast number of aspects of my Paramguru Shiva… The word Pashupatinath means as the lord of all animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra0animate being, who in Bible lore’s is also addressed as the Lord of Sheep …
This Pradakshina depends upon ones evolutionary standing … Thus depending upon any aspirant’s current evolutionary standing, is from where the aspirant starts this Pradakshina … This also means, that, depending upon the stage which the aspirants has completed until his or her last incarnation, is from where he or she would resume this Pradakshina in his or her current incarnation …
There is no higher attainment that what is discussed in this topic as this Pradakshina makes an aspirant enter into the stage of being an Avadhoot and where that Avadhoot rests in a Turiyateet Awastha (.e. he or she rests in the stage which is beyond the 4th level of consciousness or in other words, he or she rests in a stage, which is even beyond the 4th stage of consciousness (or Turiya Awastha) …
Above painting is describing Indraloka or the world of ruler of all divine worlds … The same Indraloka (or Indra Loka is also present inside the physical microcosm of each aspirant …
That “Inner Indraloka” is present inside the Ida Naadi or the left channel i.e. left-side divinity channel which runs upwards from the base of the spine and terminates at the third eye plexus (or Ajna Chakra) which is located close to area of middle of eyebrows of each aspirant) …
In Yoga, this channel is also termed as Moon channel or coldness channel as it balances the heat of its opposite divinity channel, which is known as Pingala Naadi or right channel or sun channel, whose Deva is Rudra …
So since Devaraja Indra (i.e. divine ruler Indra) is also present inside the Ida Naadi, so during those very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations and further stages of transmigrated incarnations (i.e. incarnations which are arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul), Devaraja Indra was also addressed as “Idandra Deva” which meant, the “inner divinity of Ida Naadi” …
As also, since I had become a Trisanku Yogi (actually the only Trisanku Yogi of this great-eon or Mahayuga) within Indra Loka which itself is self-originated from golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, so my Pradakshina around the five faces of Sadashiva (or Panch Mukha Shiva) can only commence from Indraloka, as is shown in above painting …
This is also how it actually was this time and during all of my earlier incarnations that were arrived by adopting the path of Parkaya Pravesh (i.e. transmigrated incarnations) that had followed after I became a Trisanku (as was discussed in the earlier topic of “8th plexus and Trisanku Yogi” and also in the earlier topic of “Rarity of knower’s of 8th plexus) …
Proceeding further…
In the earlier topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta”, we had discussed the following …
- Pradakshina of Panch Mukha Shiva (or in other words, circumambulation of five faces of Shiva) … This was as per Kashmir Shaivism …
- Pradakshina of Pancha Brahma (or in other words, the circumambulation of five Brahmas) … This circumambulation was as per Pancha Brahma Upanishad (or in simple words, a part of the vast lore’s of Vedanta) …
- But in that earlier topic (“Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta”) we had also discussed, that in both these circumambulation’s, the state of these five faces was seen whilst resting within the Aghora face of Shiva only … This is as these five which are realized in above paths are described whilst the Yogi is resting within the Aghora face of Sadashiva …
- And this state of resting in Aghora face whilst realizing these five faces (as described in Pancha Brahma Upanishad and Kashmir Shaivism) is also because of the fact that as of now the solar revolution arc is closer to the southernmost point of its path (this arc is around 179.28 degrees from the start of the revolution of sun around the central part of Akasha Ganga (or Milky Way Galaxy) … This arc of solar revolutionary cycle would be calculated in a later topic of Kaalchakra) … So due to this reason, as of now Aghora happens to be the main face which is applicable to this solar system …
- And since the Mahakalpa (or Surya Samvatsara or 60 complete cycles of sun around the milky way galaxy) is the main cycle, so due to this reason, as of now and until the next many million years (exact time would be calculated in a later topic of Kaalchakra) the south facing Aghora face of Sadashiva, is also holding the divinity of all the five faces of Sadashiva … Thus all five faces of Sadashiva can be self realized whilst being based within Aghora itself …
- Thus those who rest in Aghora, can also self realize all of the five faces of Shiva as have been described in Kashmir Shaivism and in Vedanta (i.e. Pancha Brahma Upanishad) …
- Even Tibetan Bardo is a knowledge system that is acquired (I mean self realized) whilst resting in Aghora face of Sadashiva, whose “Sound is of Ahum (Ahum Naad) and who is the same as the one that Tibetan Bardo (i.e. Tibetan book of dead) addressed as Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra … Buddha Samantabhadra of Tibetan book of dead, is none other than Aghora face of Sadashiva … And since Bardo itself is the path of emancipation and since emancipation itself is what every authentic knowledge system finally relates to, so it is criminal to consider Tibetan Buddhism to be any different from the paths of Pancha Brahma Upanishad and Kashmiri Shaivism, both of which are authentic parts of Vedanta (or Absolute Monism of Absolute Non-Dualism) … Ultimately when Tibetan Lamas know what is told here, then they would agree that the root of Tibetan Buddhism is none other than that of Indian Lore’s, and especially of Vedanta and which itself is a partless part of the vast-vast Vedic lore … Thus at such times, they would also no longer remain Buddhists as they would begin moving to their own timeless root i.e. Vedas …
But in this topic, the path is of Vedic Pashupata Marg (i.e. Path of Bhagwan Pashupatinath) and this path is also of Raja Yoga and is also the same as what was discussed in the earlier topic of “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva” …
So this topic would discuss the same five faces of Sadashiva whilst resting in those states which are beyond (or out of) the Aghora face of Shiva …
And above stated facts are also the reason for there being a slight difference in the knowledge systems that relate to Raja Yoga and the paths of Pancha Brahma Upanishad and Kashmir Shaivism … But the fact still remains that all of these three paths are absolutely correct …
Pancha Brahma Upanishad and Kashmir Shaivism talk about these five faces whilst being based within (or the aspirants consciousness resting in) Aghora face of Sadashiva … And on the contrary, Pashupata Marg (and paths of Raja Yoga) describe them from those states which are of resting within each of these five faces … This is the only difference as ultimately all these knowledge systems, all of which eventually relate to the same five faces of Sadashiva itself …
Now with above as a base, I proceed further …
After these discussed Pradakshina which as such was a transit through the painted sketch of an earlier topic of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad” and which was furthered in the topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta”, the path to traverse further could have only been of Raja Yoga …
This topic describes the path of Sadashiva Pradakshina which is through the Pashupata Marg and which is also the same as the path of Pradakshina within Raja Yoga, both of which are intrinsic parts of the Vedic lore only …
With above as a base, I begin this topic …
DD-1 … Chatush Pada Pradakshina of Param Gurudeva, Bhagwan Sadashiva …
Chatush Pada means that which has “four steps” …
As discussed earlier, the word Pradakshina (or Parikrama) means a circumambulation … This Pradakshina (or Parikrama) is done in a clockwise direction around sacred places and deities …
And since I consider my Param Gurudeva Bhagwan Sadashiva as the most sacred one, so it is around Sadashiva that my Parikrama has always revolved across almost all my earlier incarnations and all my earlier transmigrated incarnations that have been till now …
During each of my returns as a transmigrated one, I have “always tried to” complete at least one Parikrama (or Pradakshina) around the four cardinal faces of Bhagwan Sadashiva …
This Parikrama has already continued in an unbroken way across all my returns as a transmigrated one and the same has also been the case in “many of” the even earlier regular incarnations that were prior to the evolutionary stages when I had not lost the right to take a regular birth (i.e. prior to the evolutionary standing when I had not lost the right to take a birth from the womb of a physically present mother and where this loss of right itself was due to the self realization and thence a further transit through the Ashtama Chakra (or 8th plexus) which has already been discussed in the earlier set of topics on “Ashtama Chakra … Eighth plexus”) …
Completion of Parikrama around Sadashiva is the main goal of each transmigrated incarnation … And below discussion is the path of successful completion of it this time around too … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
So basis this completion which this time around was done during the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) I also know that to complete this Parikrama, the divine age cycle (or Mahayuga, which is also called as a Deva Yuga) of that time of completion does not matter …
Thus it does not matter whether the cycle of time is of a divine age of truth (Satyuga or Kritayuga or simply the divine golden age) or it is of the divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga), any Yogi who stays firm within and upon the path to Sadashiva, can compete this circumambulation (i.e. Pradakshina or Parikrama) around the four cardinal faces of Sadashiva and that too, irrespective of the human or divine age cycle (or Mahayuga)that is underway at that time …
But at the same time, due to subtly and grossly manifested degenerate forces that are present during any of the “divine degenerate age cycles (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga)”, during the path of this Pradakshina (or Parikrama) a Yogi would definitely be subjected to a much-much higher quantum of sufferings as compared to the condition when the same Pradakshina would be done during the better age cycles (i.e. ages that are other than the divine degenerate age cycle or Deva Kaliyuga) …
DD-2 … Requirements of Chatush Pada Sadashiva Pradakshina or Chatush Pada Parikrama of Sadashiva …
Since I am the only Yogi of this Mahayuga Chakra (i.e. the current running time span of 4 divine ages which have a time span of 4.32 million human solar years as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes) who had attained the state of being a Trisanku due to “willingly” accepting a temporary fall of evolutionary standing, which itself was for honoring the word of assurance of Pitamah Brahma Ji to Indra Deva and whilst my Siddha Sharira was resting at Indraloka (i.e. world of ruler of divine worlds) so my Parikrama could not have begun from anywhere other than Indraloka …
Thus to commence the Chatush Pada Parikrama of Sadashiva (or Chatush Pada Sadashiva Pradakshina), Indraloka had to be returned back …
Trisanku Yogi is already explained in earlier topic of “8th plexus and Trisanku Yogi” and the same is also referred to in another earlier topic of “Rarity of knower’s of 8th plexus” …
And this time around since I have returned back from the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva from where Devaraja Indra (and Indraloka) had self manifested, so this Parikrama can never be deemed to be completed, unless the consciousness re-arrives either at Indraloka or at Tatpurusha face of Shiva …
Continuing with above paragraph … Since Indra and Indraloka have been self manifested from the same Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, so Indraloka is also a part of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (or Ishvara) … Thus if any aspirant returns back to Indraloka or to Tatpurusha, it amounts to the same return back to Tatpurusha face …
As also, since the same face can never be reached twice in any single incarnation (or even in any single transmigrated incarnation) and since Tatpurusha (or Maheshwara) was already self realized by me earlier on in this incarnation itself (See the earlier topic of “Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva”) so once the consciousness was stationed at Vamadeva (as was discussed in the earlier topic of “Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … Vaikunth”), the only way for the consciousness to reach back to the start point of this transmigrated incarnation and thus begin the Parikrama during this incarnation, was to either reach Indraloka or reach Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (i.e. Dharmakaya) … But since the latter was already completed (during the time of completion of the earlier topic of “Tatpurusha face of Shiva”), so only the former (i.e. Indraloka) could have been returned back to prior commencing of the Chatush Pada Pradakshina as is being discussed here …
Unless this full circle around the four cardinal faces of Sadashiva gets completed, the Parikrama cannot even be deemed as fully complete …
This was where the divine assistance of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu who self manifests from Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, was received by his own little student (i.e. the one who is writing this text) …
And it was due to this blessing of Vamadeva face of Shiva (but this blessing was rendered through my Sanatan Gurudeva Sri Vishnu) that the start point of the Parikrama around Sadashiva was arrived at during this incarnation … And this is what is discussed below …
DD-3 … Commencement of Pradakshina …
This is a return back to Indraloka after self realization of Rudra Deva (ALA Naad) …
Above painting (i.e. the 1st painting of the current topic) describes Indraloka i.e. world of the ruler of divine worlds …
The ruler of divine worlds, i.e. Devaraja Indra, self-manifests from the golden colored Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) …
Devaraja Indra was also addressed as “Idandra Deva” which means the inner ruler of Ida Naadi … This name was given to Devaraja Indra (i.e. ruler of divine worlds) as he is also present as the divine ruler inside “Ida Naadi (or Moon channel or coldness channel or left channel)” which is present near the central channel (or neutral channel or Sushumna Naadi which runs inside the spinal column of each aspirant) …
Indraloka was arrived at through the path which was discussed in the earlier topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta” …
This is the stage from where my Pradakshina (i.e. Parikrama) around all cardinal faces of Sadashiva and their deities, was commenced and this is what has been discussed all below sub-parts of this part of the topic …
In below figure …
Black arrow denotes the start of Pradakshina around Sadashiva
Maroon arrow denotes the end of Pradakshina around Sadashiva
Green arrows denote the path (or stages) of Pradakshina around Sadashiva
Other arrows are denoting self origin of states and/or links of various states

Note 1 … Since this figure relates to that which is present within all that is as Maker’s Makings and her each part and since it also relates to that which is beyond the Maker’s Makings, so this discussion would also remain free of directions and yet because we live in a world where the dimension of direction is definitely effective, so the directionalities would need to be accounted for … So in this figure, as far as the transit through these five faces of Sadashiva is concerned, the directions don’t’ matter and yet since the Pradakshina can only be in a clockwise manner around the five faces of Sadashiva, so directions of faces would have to be accounted for due to this reason …
Note 2 … Since this figure is after completion of transit of the earlier described paths (i.e. the Path of Pancha Brahma Upanishad and the path of Kashmiri Shaivism which was discussed in the earlier topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina (as per Vedanta)” where the end result was of a re-arrival at Indraloka (i.e. world of ruler of divine worlds), so the start point of this part of Pradakshina as shown in above figure cannot be from any other than from Indraloka itself …
Note 3 … Since this figure relates to the five faces of Sadashiva which are outward facing (outward facing from the central Ishana face of Sadashiva) and its path is the inward path (i.e. the path towards the innermost essence or Atman), so the Vedas which would be applicable to this figure would be reverse of what are told for the four cardinal faces of Sadashiva in some texts of Raja Yoga … This fact was already discussed in the earlier topic of “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva” …
Note 4 … This figure also denotes the end stage of the path which was discussed in the earlier topic of “Brahmpath … The Last path” …
Note 5 … Thus this figure is denoting the end stage of the path of Kaivalya Moksha i.e. this figure denotes the end stage of the path which leads to a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part” … From a Vedantic point of view, this figure also denotes the path of a Shaiva Avadhoot …
Note 6 … Basis above figure the following is also very clear … The knowledge of Bodhichitta as was given by my previous incarnation’s Gurudeva (i.e. Gautama Buddha) is none other than being the union of divinities of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva and Sadyojata faces of Sadashiva …
Note 7 … As was discussed in an earlier topic of “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva”, the five macro-elements (Pancha Mahabhoot) are also related to the Pancha Mukha Sadashiva (five faces of Sadashiva) as follows …
- Akasha Mahabhoot (which means as the macro-elemental ether) … Akasha or ether is also related to the Ishaan face of Sadashiva (or (Eshana or Ishana face of Sadashiva) …
- Vayu Mahabhoot (macro-elemental air) … This relates to Tatpurusha face of Shiva (i.e. Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) …
- Agni Mahabhoot (macro-elemental fire or light) … This relates to Aghora face of Shiva (or Aghora face of Sadashiva) …
- Jal Mahabhoot (macro-elemental water) … This relates to Vamadeva face of Shiva (or Vamadeva face of Shiva) …
- Bhu Mahabhoot (macro-elemental earth) … This relates to Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (or Sadyojata face of Shiva) …
Proceeding further …
So with all earlier discussions of this topic as a base, I commence the discussions upon this part of the topic …
After return back to the start point of this transmigrated incarnation i.e. Indraloka, the path that was undergone through was as it has been discussed in this part of the topic …
This return back is already discussed in the earlier topic of “Sadashiva Parikrama (as per Vedanta)” and the final stage of it is also discussed in the earlier part of this topic (i.e. DD-2) in addition to what has been discussed in this part of the topic (i.e. DD-3) …
Irrespective of what anybody may interpret, below discussed was the path of the Chatush Pada Pradakshina …
Those aspirants who shall complete a self realization of (and thus complete a transit through) all earlier discussions of this entire text, would ultimately enter into what is discussed below …
It is from this concept of Chatush Pada Sadashiva Pradakshina that the concept of there being four steps (or Chatush Pada) of everything, had originated …
Proceeding further …
If anyone would analyze the topics that were prior to the current one, then following would be absolutely clear regarding Pada’s (i.e. steps or stages) of my Parikrama around the four cardinal faces of Bhagwan Sadashiva …
This Parikrama commenced from Indraloka as was discussed in the earlier topics of DD-2 and DD-3 …
Thus and due to this reason, below four steps were passed after crossing past the discussions of DD-3 …
DD-4 … Progress of Chatush Pada Sadashiva Pradakshina …
DD-4-A … 1st step of Pradakshina from Indraloka-Tatpurusha to Aghora …
After the earlier topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta” which in turn led to a self realization of “Indraloka” were arrived the below mentioned stages …
In its initial stages, it led to self realizations of many topics of which the “main ones” are stated below …
- Self realization of Emaho … This was discussed in the earlier topic of “Naad Brahm … Sound of Emaho” …
- Then was the transit through Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, which being a restricted topic, stands deferred as of now …
- Then was the stage of transit through the innermost cave of heart which was discussed in the earlier topic of “Guha Kaivalya … Cave of Isolation” and which led to the self realization of the topic of “The being in heart is Brahma” and also a realization of topic of “The being in eye is Brahma” …
- Then was the self realization of Akar … This was discussed in the earlier topic of “Akar … Sound of A”, then was the discussion in the topic of “Proceeding towards Akar”, and then was the discussion in the topic of “Akar continues” and then was the discussion in the topic of “After stationed in Akar” …
- Then was the self realization of Okar … This was discussed in earlier topic of “Okar … Sound of O”, then was the discussion in the topic of “Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva” and then was the discussion in the topic of “Okar … Continues” …
- Then was the self realization of Makar … This was discussed in the earlier topic of “Makar … Sound of M” and also discussed in the earlier topic of “Brahmanaad … Primordial sound of allness” …
- Then was the self realization of Omkar … This was discussed in the earlier topics of “Omkar … Sound of OM” which was also referred in the earlier topic of “OM and Prajnaparamita Mantra” and also in another earlier topic of “OM and Patanjali Yoga sutras” …
Then was the stage of self realization of “Shiva Taraka Naad (which we had also discussed as the Sound of Raam or Raam Naad)”, which was as a path between Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva and Aghora face of Sadashiva … This was the stage which led to an initial exit from Indraloka and then from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva through the path of the earlier topics on 8th plexus (i.e. Eighth Plexus, all of which have already been discussed earlier) …
And this was the one which led to the second step of the Parikrama, which as such was through the Aghora face of Sadashiva …
Thus this stage was the one which moved from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva towards Aghora face of Sadashiva and thus an exit from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva which as such completed the first step of Pradakshina …
This path passed through the Hridaya Akasha Garbha Tantra, which led to self realization of “Guha Kaivalya“, which means as the Cave of Isolation of cave of liberation” …
This was through the path which was discussed in the earlier topics as stated below …
- What Shiva Taraka Naad … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- What Raam Naad … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad … Across paths … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Stages of Shakti Shiva Yoga … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Stages of Shakti Shiva Yoga … Continues … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad … The base … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad is of Raam Bhadra … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad and Prakriti Purusha Yoga … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Shakti Shiva Yoga in Plexus … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Shakti Shiva Yoga and Bhadri Bhadra Yoga … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad and Pranamaye Manomaye Yoga … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad and Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad and Nirbija Samadhi … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad, Prayagraj and Kashi … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad and Yin Yang union … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad and body of Christ … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad and Ouroboros …
And the self realization of the below listed topics …
- What Ashtama Chakra … 8th plexus … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Rarity of knower’s of 8th plexus … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- 8th plexus … Atharvaveda chapter 10 … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Raam Naad as a path to 8th plexus … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- 8th plexus and Trisanku Yogi … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- 8th plexus and Vedic temples … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- 8th plexus and Buddhata … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Vajradanda and later systems … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- 8th plexus across religious lore’s …
And the further topics as listed below belong to Tatpurusha only …
- The being in head is Brahma … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Yoga Tantra … Root of all systems … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Khakaar Naad … Sound of Kha … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Dakaar Naad … Sound of Da … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Naad Brahm … Endlessly ends …
Siddhi’s of Pradakshina from Tatpurusha to Aghora …
After above stages were crossed over, then the following Siddhi’s were arrived at and these Siddhi’s were also absorbed (i.e. dissolved) in their respective principal states … And after these Siddhi’s were dissolved into their respective principal states, I also became freed of these Siddhi’s …
- “Crimson red body … Surya Sharira” ultimately becomes absorbed into the “World of crimson red body … Surya Loka” …
DD-4-B … 2nd step of Pradakshina from Aghora to Sadyojata …
This was the stage of transit of Aghora face of Sadashiva and then Rudra Loka (Rudra Deva) both of which have been discussed in previous topics … This moved from Aghora face of Sadashiva towards Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
- Aghora face is discussed in earlier topic of “Aghora face of Sadashiva” and whose inner light was discussed in the earlier topic of “Aghora as higher of Yoga Tantras” …
- Rudra Deva is discussed in the earlier topic of “Rudra Deva … ALA Naad” and also discussed in the earlier topic of “Proceeding into ALA Naad” and whose inner light was discussed in the earlier topic of “Light of ALA Naad within” …
Siddhi’s of Pradakshina from Aghora to Sadyojata …
After above stages were crossed over, then the following Siddhi’s were arrived at and these Siddhi’s were also absorbed (i.e. dissolved) in their respective principal states … And after these Siddhi’s were dissolved into their respective principal states, I also became freed of these Siddhi’s …
- “Krishna Pingalam Sharira … Rudra Body” eventually gets absorbed into the Krishna Pingalam aspect of Rudra Deva whose painted sketch as discussed in the earlier topic of “From Ahum to ALA Naad” and whose discussion was expanded in another topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta” …
- Then we had discussed another Siddha body which we had named as the “Tawny body … Pingala Sharira” … This finally gets absorbed into the Tawny part of the painted sketch of the earlier topic of “Light of ALA Naad within” and the absorption which also took place in the tawny sugarcane field like lights which were discussed through the painted sketch of the earlier topic of “Proceeding into ALA Naad” …
- “Light Pink body … Avyakta Sharira” was absorbed into the state of painted state of the topic of “World of light pink body … Avyakta” …
Thus was completed the self realization of path of Pradakshina from Aghora to Sadyojata …
DD-4-C … 3rd step of Pradakshina from Sadyojata to Vamadeva …
This was the stage of transit from Brahmaloka or Sadyojata face of Sadashiva and then to Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
- Sadyojata was discussed in the earlier topic of “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … Brahmaloka” … Then through a secret path, four headed human form of Pitamah Brahma Ji was self realized (Pitamah Brahma Ji is not painted in this text due to reasons that were told in the earlier topic of “Panch Brahma” …
- Vamadeva was discussed in the earlier topic of “Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … Vaikunth” …
Siddhi’s of Pradakshina from Sadyojata to Vamadeva …
After above stages were crossed over, then the following Siddhi’s were arrived at and these Siddhi’s were also absorbed (i.e. dissolved) in their respective principal states … And after these Siddhi’s were dissolved into their respective principal states, I also became freed of these Siddhi’s …
- “Diamond white body … Brahma Sharira” which was absorbed into Sadyojata as was discussed in an earlier topic of “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … Brahmaloka” …
- Sometime during this stage was also the self realization of the following topics … “Raam Naad and Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara”, then was discussion in another topic of “Raam Naad, Prayagraj and Kashi” and then was discussion in another topic of “Ardhanarishwara Sharira … Sagun Atman” … The Ardhanarishwara Sharira was then absorbed into the painted state of “Guru Sthanam … Shivaloka” …
- And from the topic of “Guru Sthanam (or Shivaloka)” was arrived Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
DD-4-D … 4th step of Pradakshina from Vamadeva to Indraloka …
This was the transit from Vamadeva face of Sadashiva to Indraloka from where this Pradakshina was started in the first place …
- Vamadeva face of Sadashiva is already discussed in the earlier topic of “Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … Vaikuntha” …
Siddhi’s of Pradakshina from Sadyojata to Vamadeva …
After above stages were crossed over, then the following Siddhi’s were arrived at and these Siddhi’s were also absorbed (i.e. dissolved) in their respective principal states … And after these Siddhi’s were dissolved into their respective principal states, I also became freed of these Siddhi’s …
- “Light grey body … Vamadeva Sharira” which ultimately was absorbed into the northern face of Vamadeva, which was discussed in the earlier topic of “Vamadeva face of Sadashiva” …
This completed the fourth stage of my Parikrama around the four cardinal faces of Sadashiva …
And since the next direction can only be to the start point of the Parikrama, so the next face which was self realized was of Indraloka (Devaraja Indra) who self manifests out of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva itself …
DD-4-E … Completion of Pradakshina around Sadashiva … Return back to Indraloka and then to Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
This was of the stage of return back to the start point i.e. Indraloka and thence to Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, from where I have returned to this world, this time around …
Devaraja Indra and Indraloka self manifests from Tatpurusha face of Shiva …
But this stage of circumambulation was only completed due to the blessings of Sri Vishnu as Vamadeva face of Sadashiva as it eventually was Vamadeva as Sri Vishnu who showed the secret route from Vamadeva face of Sadashiva to Indraloka …
And from Indraloka that consciousness again returned back to Tatpurusha which itself is the face of Sadashiva from where I have returned back to this world during the current transmigrated incarnation … Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva had already been discussed earlier …
Thus was completed the Pradakshina around Sadashiva for the 101st time since I had lost the right to take a regular birth i.e. from the time I lost right to take a birth from the womb of a physically present mother due to the first transit of the 8th plexus (or Niralambasthana) as is subtly told in Atharvaveda chapter 10 (and which has already been discussed in the earlier topic of “8th plexus … Atharvaveda chapter 10”) … After that 1st transit of the 8th plexus (or Niralamba Chakra) I have been returning back as a transmigrated one (i.e. returning back in an incarnated state by adopting the process of “Transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Parkaya Pravesh)” as was discussed in the earlier topics as listed below …
- A short note … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- What is transmigration … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- As it happened … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Change of entities … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Process of transmigration … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- What, How, When, Where … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Some other aspects … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Helpers and other specifics … Then we had discussed some other aspects in a further topic of …
- Deferred discussions …
In every transmigrated incarnation that has been after I was a little Manas Putra (i.e. mind activated yet womb born little child) of Brahmarishi Kratu, I have done this Pradakshina (i.e. circumambulation or Parikrama) of the subtle formless faces of Sadashiva … This continuity of Pradakshina has only continued due to one of the instructions and blessings of my father and Gurudeva of that time span whom the Vedic lore addresses as Brahmarishi Kratu …
And after being a Manas Putra of Brahmarishi Kratu, since I never took birth from a physical mother, so due to this I still hold his Gotra (i.e. Kratu Gotra) …
DD-5 … Ishana face of Sadashiva (Ishaan face of Sadashiva or Ishan face of Sadashiva) …
After self realization and then a transit of the 8th plexus (Ashtama Chakra) and then through a self realization and transit of a Yogi’s consciousness through all above stages, are arrived the following accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira or Siddha body) …
- Gem blue body and Akasha Sharira (which in English means as the Ether body) … These were discussed in the earlier topic of “Blue gem body and ether body” …
But the blue gem body had manifested much earlier than the ether body (as Blue gem body was manifested soon after the manifestation of Krishna Pingalam Sharira and the next stage of manifestation of the Tawny body or Nataraja Sharira, but in the earlier topic I had listed them together as they both relate to macro-elemental ether or Akasha Mahabhoot only) …
These two bodies finally merge to Akasha Mahabhoot (or macro-elemental ether) which was discussed in the earlier topic of “Akasha Mahabhoot … Ether” …
And since Akasha Mahabhoot (or ether) is the macro-element of Ishaan face of Shiva, so it is listed in this part of the topic itself …
- Prior to accomplishment of Akasha Sharira, is attained the blue gem body which was also discussed in the earlier topic of “Blue gem body and ether body” …
Then at some stage of transit (I am not sure which stage) are self manifested the below discussed Siddha bodies …
- Shamshan Kaali Mahakaal Sharira … This was not discussed in any topic, but was referred in an earlier topic as “Shamshan Kaali Mahakaal Yoga” … And then at some point of time of continuity of the evolutionary process, this gets absorbed into its own parental state which relates to same “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva” …
- Mahakaali Mahakaal Sharira … This was discussed in the earlier topic of “Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga” … And then at some point of time of continuity of the evolutionary process, this also gets absorbed into its own parental state which relates to same “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva” …
- Siddha body which denotes Swaroop Stithi (i.e. the Siddha body of one’s own essential innermost essence or Atman) … This was discussed in the earlier topic which has the heading of “Sagun Swaroop Stithi” and which eventually merges into the “supreme light (or Param Jyoti)” of Agyarandra which was discussed in the earlier topic of “Nirgunyana … Agyarandra” and thence it enters into its similar formless (macrocosmic parental) state …
- Colorless body … Which when translated in English means as the Nirguna Sharira … This is the bodiless body as it denotes the infinite consciousness …
- And finally, this colorless bodiless body unites and dissolves into Ishana face of Shiva (Ishaan face of Sadashiva) which we have already discussed in the earlier topic of “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva” …
The topic continues …