Above figure describes the crimson red body or Surya Sharira or Solar vehicle… But after this figure was painted a few years back, the crimson red color is no longer crimson …
HH-1 … Manifestation of the crimson red body or Solar vehicle or Surya Sharira …
Soon after the successful transit of the Niralamb Chakra (8th plexus) and thence entering into Nirbija Samadhi (i.e. seedless absorption or absorption into that which is seedless), is self manifested the accomplishment vehicle (or Siddha body) of a crimson red color or the solar vehicle or accomplishment vehicle of sun …
This is the body which relates to sun (solar deity or Surya Deva) and this is the accomplishment vehicle which enters into the sun world (i.e. Surya Loka) …
HH-2 … Entry into sun world or world of solar deity or Surya Loka …
This is the Siddha Sharira (or accomplishment vehicle) which enters into the sun world (or Surya Loka) as this accomplishment vehicle itself is denoting the “rising state of sun” that is present within each aspirant …
This Siddha body denotes the state of rising of the inner sun within the aspirant …
When the subtle vehicle has arrived at Surya Loka or Sun world, then this Siddha body gets self manifested …
This Surya Loka is arrived after the golden body is already manifested (golden body is also termed as the Buddha body of reality has already been discussed in an earlier topic) …
HH-3 … Crimson red body or body of sun as commencement stage of exit path of Vedanta …
Vedanta says about this path where an aspirant self realizes and then enters into the sun world or Surya Loka and thence through a series of intermediary stages, that aspirant’s subtler accomplishment vehicle enters into Brahmaloka … This topic is the beginning of that path of Vedanta which leads to “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (or Brahmaloka and which in Shaiva Lore, is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Shiva)” and that too after the successful transit of the 8th plexus (or Ashtama Chakra, which in Siddha lore is also called as Niralambasthana) …
HH-4 … Within the sun world (or Surya Loka) …
This body is crimson red in color and is realized to be thus only when this body is already resting in the crimson-red color of the sun world …
If this vehicle enters the Sun world even once, then it goes there daily and this continues for a while …
If the aspirant is already resting within the last path, then when this body rests at the Sun world, vast rays of red-crimson light are let go from this body … And each of these rays has a diamond white light in its core …
Once this let go as per above paragraph is completed, then only does this body enter into further states that are to be traversed through prior to self realization and entry into the “attributed formless abode of the Maker or Brahma (or Sagun Brahma Loka)” … These further states are discussed in later topics of the current set of topics itself …
HH-5 … Characteristics of the crimson red body …
This Siddha body is a very highly vibrant one and it also seems as if huge quanta of energies are existent within it …
This also is a very high heat producing vehicle and due to this reason, when this body self manifests within the physical vehicle, then it seems like the whole body is on fire …
And at the stage when it enters the Sun world (Surya Loka) and then it begins resting there, then the whole physical vehicle seems is as if it is fire (each nerve is as if it is burning with an unbearable internal heat) …
Due to the severe heat and heat flows which are present inside this Siddha body, this is also the body which completely destroys the subtle afflictions of the aspirant’s “Panch Kosha (which in English language would translate to five sheaths)” and thus purifies them so as to make that aspirant qualify to go into those states which are beyond the Surya Loka (Sun world) …
And due to this reason, even when an aspirant may undergo through severe sufferings after this body gets self manifested within that aspirant, yet the end result of this Siddha body is none other than an afflictionless state …
This is one of the most troublesome Siddha bodies, but only until all the subtle afflictions are fully nullified (or dissoluted) due to the severe heat and heat flows which are present inside this Siddha body …
Until all of these afflictions are fully evicted out, this Siddha body also gives a feeling as if being raped by a supernatural force …
Topic continues …