Dakaar is the “Sound of Da” … This is a Yogic sound …
MM-1 … Dakaar Naad …
This is the Sound of Bhagwan Sadashiva who is in an eternal union with Maa Adi Parashakti, both of who are present in the aspirant’s microcosm and simultaneously are also residing within the greater macrocosm, which also is within and beyond each aspirant …
When the consciousness Pot (which in this texts is also termed as Chetan Kalash) of the aspirant which itself is told as the white pot of lighted butter (and also told as the Pot of nectar) eventually goes out of (or goes beyond) the 8th plexus for three and half times, then each time it goes out, is heard the sound of Da (syllable of Da of Sanskrit language) …
This sound of Da is like a thunder which has the sound of Samskrit syllable of Da …
And to take out this sound is extremely difficult because it has to come from below the Adams apple whilst utilizing the epiglottis to cause that internal thunder and that too whilst speaking the Sanskrit syllable of Da … And since to exactly replicate this sound of Da in speech is extremely difficult, so I shall end this topic here with below statement …
ॐ ड
Salutations to Bhagwan Sadashiva
Salutations to Maa Adi Parashakti
This Mantra denotes the following …
Eternal non dual union of my Param Gurudeva and my Param Gurudevi,
Eternal non dual union of my Ishta Deva and my Ishta Devi,
The Zero who itself is the Infinite that eventually and eternally is
The Infinite who itself is the Zero that originally is
In this Mantra …
Sadashiva is Shunya Brahman
Sadashiva is Bhagwan Vishvakarman
Sadashiva is Sriman Naaraayana
Sadashiva is Maa Adi Parashakti
Sadashiva is Vishvaroop Brahma (i.e. Maker’s Makings or Brahmand)
Sadashiva is the Purusha and Sadashiva is also Prakriti
Sadashiva is Paramshiva, Param Tattva, Parabrahman, Parambrahma and Paramatman
Sadashiva is Yoga Tantra, Yoga Rishi, Yoga Guru, Yoga Tattva, Maheshwara and Yogeshwara
Sadashiva is eternal-all … And also the unfathomable, beyond all …
This is the most powerful Mantra ever, as it relates to both the divine (Sadashiva) and divinity (Adi Parashakti) of 8th plexus (final plexus which is also termed as Niralamb Chakra and which in Siddha Lore is also called as Niralambasthana) …
It relates to all religions, sects, all their texts and heavens as it by itself is the final essence of all these …
And this is also the most beneficial Mantra during change of human age cycles i.e. our current times …
This is my Supreme-Accomplishment (Param-Siddhi) which I leave in this world for the current and all future generations of true aspirants who would come to this world during the entire time span of the incoming Guru Yuga …
And when that incoming Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) is about to complete its destined time span of about 10 millenniums from 2082 AD, I shall come back in a subtle form and take back this Param-Siddhi of mine, so as to again give way to unrighteousness to take over this world … Yet again … And just as it is to be after Guru Yuga (i.e. human golden age) completes its destined time span in this world …
Until humanity chants this Mantra, that Demon called Kali and his degenerate effects would not enter this world …
When substantial part of humanity begins chanting it in their heart and if possible, all times, then the demon called Kali (holder of divine degenerate age) would be subdued in a short time …
All degeneration that has ever taken place can end by just chanting this mantra in your hearts …
And with this Mantra the sufferings which always come by during change of human age, can also be countered to a very-very large extent and thus the chaos during the coming times of change of human ages (Manav Yuga), can also be reduced substantially …
But not to eat meats, drink alcohol and take others women (or men) when in this practice or else the effects would be very bad
MM-2 … Sound of Da and eighth plexus …
Now I shall describe this Mantra’s relationship to the 8th plexus (or Ashtama Chakra) as shown in above painting …
If we break up this Mantra, then we get the following seed syllables …
AOM and Da …
Or in other words,
Three seed syllables are clubbed together and one seed syllable is alone …
This is the same as positioning of petals of the 8th plexus (Niralamb Chakra) …
And each of these petals of 8th plexus (Niralambasthana) are rooted in these four syllable Mantra itself …
The three petals shown on one side, relate to three seed syllables of A-O-M (or AUM) …
And the singular petal relates to the singular seed syllable Da of this Mantra …
Thus this Mantra is the supremely liberating one because it only denotes the Sound which is heard when already past the eighth chakra and thus it is nothing but the Param Siddhi (Supreme Accomplishment) of Kaivalya Moksha … Kaivalya Moksha means a stage of final liberation due to full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part …
And finally … During the incoming human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) as shall be of the age of sages (Guru Yuga), many of those vast numbers of self realized, all realized sages (Rishi’s) of the Vedic and Agama lore would be returning back to this world so as to lay down and/or expand specific foundations of knowledge, consciousness and pure activity (i.e. ways of life) that would be needed for the unbroken continuity of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) across its entire destined time span of about 10 millenniums …
Thus as far as the incoming time cycles are concerned, that earlier stage where there was needed an advent of prophets who as such are naught but puppets of egoistic individualistic (monotheistic) Gods, be deemed over …
And thus, the time of fully independent (Swatantra) and thus fully liberated (emancipated) sages by whose name the incoming human age cycles is known as an age of sages (Guru Yuga), is already at hand as far as this world system is concerned …
And as a matter of fact, each of those returned sages (Rishi) would also leave their respective Siddhi (attainment) within this world and that too for the entire pending time span of that incoming Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) which as would become fully manifested in this world around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and whose last phase of change is already commencing on/around 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) as per the currently followed Gregorian calendar …
As a matter of fact, it eventually is due to these acts of supreme detachment and ultimate let go by those future returned, self realized, all realized sages (Rishi’s) of Nigama and Agama Lore’s of Sanatan Dharma and where each of them would also be leaving their Siddhi within this world and that too, for the entire time span of the incoming age of sages, that the incoming human age cycle is known as the Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) within the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
Guru Yuga is that human golden age cycle (Manav Satyuga) which has a time span of about 10 millenniums and which continues to run within the purviews of the larger divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) that has a destined time span of 4.32 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) …
And as that incoming age of sages draws to a close (i.e. around 10 millenniums after 2082 AD), then each of these sages who had left their Siddhi, would shall also return back in a subtle form and take back their Siddhi … And this would be the same as what I would also be doing at that stage of eternal cycles of time …
This is how it has ever been during any of the earlier Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) and this is how it would also be during the incoming age of sages …
That’s all …