MM) … Following topics which relate to our discussion on “transmigration of soul” are deferred discussions as their base-knowledge needs to be laid down prior these can even be discussed … This is as there is a direct relation of transmigration to these deferred discussions …
- Transmigration (which is loosely termed as Virgin Birth) and Kaalchakra i.e. relationship of transmigration to Kaalchakra (i.e. cyclic nature of time) …
- Transmigration (which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh) and Parampara … Transmigration and its relationship to Varnashrama Vyavastha, Gotra and Kula Parampara (i.e. Kula-Devi, Kula-Devata and Kula-Pita) of the family lineage (i.e. Kula) where that transmigration takes place …
- Transmigration and its relationship to all religions and to some of their symbols … This topic shall be discussed but not explicitly, as I really do not find a need of describing it explicitly after telling it as it has been told in this text …
- Transmigration and its relationship to Bhu Devi (or Bhumi Mata or Mother Earth) … Those who do not belong to the lineage of Bhu Devi never qualify to enter into a Transmigration … Bhu-Devi is also addressed Maa Annapurna (In Vedic Upanishads) and she is also addressed as Gau-Mata (In Vedas), in addition to being addressed as Gaiya Mata in many lore’s of Hinduism and she is also addressed as Mother-Gaia in western Lore’s …
- Principle of transmigration of soul …
- Transmigration from across spheres as are done by the mega-evolved ones (Mahamanava) …
- Loss of right to take a regular birth and thus entering into the process of transmigration … This is after a transit through the 8th plexus (i.e. Ashtama Chakra of Atharvaveda chapter-10) …