This is a Siddha Sharira that gets self manifested after the five vital airs (i.e. Panch Prana) and the five sub-vital airs (i.e. Panch Upa Prana) are already unioned to each other and that too whilst these vital airs are within their macro-neutral state to each other … Thus, this diamond white body denotes the stage of accomplishment of macro-neutrality of Prana and Upa Prana to each other … This can also be termed as Vidyut Sharira (body of lightening), Brahma Sharira (Body of Brahma) and as Sadyojata Sharira (or body of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) …
LL-1 … Diamond white body as proof of awakened Prana …
When the Pranamaye Kosha or Vital air sheath (and which can also be told as Pranamaya Kosha) that is present inside each aspirant’s physical vehicle gets awakened, then all five Prana and five Upa Prana unite to each other … But this unity is through various intermediary stages which I really don’t find necessary to discuss here because this topic relates to the finally unioned state of all these, which as such is the finally awakened state of Prana …
As long as the Prana’s and Upa Prana are separate to each other, they work as per their respective functions whilst they stay within the vital air sheath (or Pranamaye Kosha) of the aspirant … Thus this stage is the same as what we had discussed in an earlier topic of “Vital air sheath … Pranamaye Kosha” …
But after these Prana’s awaken, then during the process of awakening they begin uniting to each other and eventually reach their perfect non dual union which as such denotes the stage of a final awakening of Prana …
Once the final stage of this awakening arrives, then the diamond white body gets self manifested within the aspirant’s physical vehicle itself …
LL-1-B … Diamond white body as a proof of accomplishment of macro-equanimity …
During the final stages of awakening of Prana, these ten Prana’s are unioned to each other in a macro-equanimous way and as this happens, then all these also end up losing their earlier individualities … This macro-equanimity is the one which shows up as in a diamond white state …
LL-1-C … Colors of equanimity and macro-equanimity …
Anywhere in the Maker’s Makings if a diamond white light is seen, then it denotes macro-neutrality of that diamond white state to everything else …
Macro-neutrality means neutrality towards allness and her each part … Thus if a diamond white state or entity is seen anywhere within the Maker’s Makings, then this by itself is a proof that the diamond white state or entity is rooted in a state of perfect neutrality i.e. neutrality towards allness and her each part …
Neutrality is the state of equanimity and thus macro-neutrality also denotes the stage of attainment of macro-equanimity or in other words, equanimity towards allness and her each part …
Equanimity is towards one or another aspect or it can also be towards a single or a group of aspects (i.e. a corpus of aspects or a group of corpuses of various aspects) … This is of a very subtle white color …
Whereas macro-equanimity is towards allness and her each part and this as such is a state which is of a very bright diamond white color …
LL-1-D … Brahma Sharira as proof of return back to originality of Prana …
Prior to the original commencement stage of Maker’s Makings, the Prana’s were unioned to each other and that too whilst this union was resting in a state of macro-neutrality of Prana’s to each other …
And since at that stage which was prior to the timeless original origination of Maker’s Makings, the entirety of Prana was macro-neutral and since at that stage there was only one Prana, so the Prana was only one at that stage … Thus at that stage since there was only one Prana within all that was existent or better if I say non-existent at that stage, so that macro-equanimity (or macro-neutrality) of Prana was also a universal aspect of Prana … Due to this reason at that stage, Prana meant macro-equanimity only …
Thus when the aspirants Pranamaye Kosha or Vital air sheath becomes re-arrived at macro-equanimity then this condition also denotes the attainment of original state of Prana by that aspirant … And due to this reason as far as the vital air sheath of the aspirant is concerned, that aspirant is already deemed to have completed the full circle of its own evolutionary process from them macrocosmic point of view …
And due to completion of a full circle of evolutionary process from the macrocosmic point of view, that aspirant is also deemed to be the one who is already resting in a state of ripeness and rightness of entering into the next stage-less stage which as such is the state of final liberation …
Due to this reason, the diamond white body is also a proof of the fact that the holder of it has arrived at the finality or summit of evolution from where a final liberation can be achieved …
LL-1-D … Originality of Prana itself is the finality of Prana …
Originally the Prana was diamond white color … This was the state of perfect union of Prana within itself, to itself and to all that was at that stage …
But then the Prana desired to experience individuality and thus it became many … This desire is told in Vedic lore as follows …
Which means …
I am one, but I desire to be many (and thus many I eventually become)
Thus what is told in above discussion is “also” regarding the original oneness of Prana and then the later individualities which Prana adopts due to its own desires … This desire is also the proof of presence of consciousness, knowledge and activity principles on Prana i.e. it is the proof that Prana also holds the Chetan Shakti, Gyan Shakti and Kriya Shakti respectively … And since these three divinities (or Shakti) are of Bhagwan Shiva itself, so this is also the proof of presence of Shiva within the Prana and where Shiva itself is as Shakti whilst Shiva is present within the Prana … Thus ultimately it is through the self knowledge of vital air sheath (i.e. Pranamaye Kosha) that the Vedic states which is told below, gets self realized by any aspirant …
Shiva is Shakti and Shakti is Shiva
Thus it is “also” through the self realization of finality of Pranamaya Kosha (this finality is the diamond white body) which itself denotes the originality of Pranamaye Kosha, that the innermost meaning of above statement and its relation to process of evolution gets self realized by any aspirant …
And as the microcosm (aspirant) passes through the long course of evolutionary process and when the full circle of evolution gets completed, then that aspirant’s vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) also ends up arriving at the same original diamond white state of Prana … This is the stage of manifestation of the diamond white body within the aspirant physical vehicle itself …
LL-1-E … Prana is the only vitality or energy …
All energy that we know of in physical and metaphysical realms is of Prana … This is because Prana by itself is the only energy …
All energy which drives any of the animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate microcosms is of Prana only …
Thus it really does not matter whether we consider a human microcosm or we consider an animal (i.e. animals, birds, fishes, insects etc.) or a piece of rock or a planet or galaxy or even the divine beings and their worlds, it eventually is the energy of Prana that drives them …
LL-2-A … Holder of Prana is Prani … Prani is Jeeva … Any other is Nirjeeva … Number and Varna of Jeeva … Application of Gotra …
By definition, one who holds Prana is the one who comes under the purviews of the Sanskrit term “Prani” …
Only a Prani can come under the purviews of the term Jeeva (i.e. one who has life or one who is alive) …
That entity who is not holding or who is not under the influence of Prana is not a Prani and thus is also not a Jeeva … One who is not the Jeeva is Nirjeeva (i.e. dead) …
84 Lac (8.4 million) types of Jeeva’s (i.e. 84 Lac Yoni) as have been stated in Vedic lore are only told to be Jeeva’s as they hold or are under influence of Prana … Each microcosm and irrespective of whether that microcosm is animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate or supra-animate is Jeeva only …
Each Jeeva (or Jiva) is broadly based upon and within the four primary categories of Varna (i.e. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra) … There is no Jeeva who does not rest within these four Varnas … Thus each microcosm and irrespective of whether that microcosm is animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate or supra-animate, is also holding its own specific Varna … Each type of plant and vegetation, types of rocks, types of animals and also the divine beings are also holding their own Varna due to the fact that there is nothing which does not hold a Varna … Anything and anyone who is created by the creator, is holding these four Varnas … But one type of Varna is only applicable for one incarnation and due to this reason, across those many incarnations that a Jeeva takes during the course of its own evolutionary existence, different Varna’s are applicable to it …
Proceeding further to discuss the Gotra Parampara …
And since every part of macrocosmic speciology is also related to the seven sages of Vedic lore, so everything also holds their own specific lineage which originates from these seven sages … This lineage is the Gotra Parampara which is also applicable to everything and everyone irrespective of whether that thing or entity or person is an animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate or a supra-animate microcosm …
However Gotra does not apply to those ones who rest in those states which is beyond the Tapoloka i.e. subtle world of the seven sages and thus Gotra is not applicable to many Deva’s like Brahma etc. …
Unless those who rest within those states that are lower than Tapoloka (i.e. lower than the world of seven sages) adhere to requirements of Gotra Parampara (i.e. requirements as per lineage of their own respective sage, amongst the seven sages) their growth rates cannot be maintained higher than “1.08 per couple” which as such is the minimum growth rate that is needed to sustain and maintain the continuity of that society and civilization within the physical world system …
But the effects of this non compliance only show up after “1296 x 1.2 years (i.e. 1555.2 years)” of deviation from the Gotra Parampara (as per nadir time units of precession of equinoxes) …
But even when above is true, yet in almost all the cases the effects of this non compliance which as such is through a state of chaos shall start getting visible soon after or slightly prior “1296 x 1.1 years (i.e. 1425.6 years) from the time when this deviation has originally happened” … Rest shall be discussed in a later topic of Kaalchakra …
Proceeding further to discuss the Jeeva …
And since Prana is vitality, so an entity can only be termed as Jeeva if that entity holds Prana within its own microcosm and/or is the one who is under influence of vitality of Prana … Any other is a Nirjeeva …
Thus basis above, all the Galaxies, planets, trees, animals and all other parts of macrocosmic speciology are none other than Jeeva … And the proof of this fact is also subtly stated in Vedic lore where earth is a Devi or Goddess (Bhu Devi), Ocean is told as a Deva or God (Varuna Deva), Fire is also a Deva or God (Agni deva), Air is also a Deva or God only (Vayu Deva) … And Vedas also state that Deva Yoni (i.e. divine speciology) and all other discussed parts of speciology are also a part of the term Jeeva itself …
And due to all these being a part of the term Jeeva, so they all hold Prana in them … Due to this reason, since all animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate lesser and greater parts of the entire macrocosmic speciology is naught but one or another type of Jeeva, so they all hold Prana in them …
And since they are Jeeva, so they all holds their own specific quantum’s of conscious (Chetan Shakti), knowledge (Gyan Shakti) and activity (Kriya Shakti) principles within them … Depending upon ones evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchy is the type and quantum of these three principles held by any microcosm (Jeeva) …
And that microcosm, who holds none of the above listed three principles, is the Nirjeeva …
These three principles (i.e. divinities or Shakti) are also told as the Tri-Shakti (three divinities) of Bhagwan Shiva … And it eventually is from this trinity of divinities, that concept of trinity of all lore’s was originated …
However within its originality, this concept of three divinities is Yogic one … And since it is a Yogic concept and also since Yoga is a universal science whose finality itself is the universally auspicious Lord (i.e. Bhagwan Shiva) so this concept is also universally applicable …
LL-2-B … Prana or vitality is interconvertible …
Prana is divinity …
Proof of divinity is vitality …
Vitality is measured through measurement of its energy …
And energy is interconvertible into all forms and non forms that ever are originated within the supreme genius as is of the Maker’s Makings …
And basis above, since energy is rooted in Prana which as such is a state that can neither be created not destroyed, so energy is also the same …
By above I mean, energy can neither be created nor destroyed and yet since energy is an eternal entity, so to maintain its compliance to the “macrocosmic principle of eternal non-stagnation +++” energy keeps converting herself from one form to another and yet another, endlessly …
+++ Deviating a bit … As per the “macrocosmic principle of eternal non-stagnation” an entity is deemed to be stagnated when its condition or its emanated flows and dynamism are of a state of sameness to its own earlier state or the state of any entity that ever was present within any part of the Maker’s Makings …
+++ Continuing with above … This is what leads to a state where process of evolution (which itself is governed by the “macrocosmic principle of eternal evolution”) is also in an eternally changeful and yet an eternally unidirectional upwardly moving one … And it is also due to the same “principle of eternal non stagnation” of allness and her each part, that evolutionary existence of any microcosm is also ever changeful across all the ever changeful states, conditions and modes of existence that are present upon any of the every changeful worlds, planes and universes and ways of life (aka. religions) …
+++ Continuing with above … This is what makes the evolutionary existence of any microcosm to be like a train of eternal life and where that train of eternal life of any microcosm also ends up passing through all the ever changeful states, modes and conditions of existence that exist within any part of the Maker’s Makings … And this is what makes the root of the state where “an eternal change is all that remains as the only eternal constant” within the Maker’s Makings … Resuming again …
All that we see as any microcosm or here or beyond realms, is energy which has accumulated and then condensed into a form or formless state as is of that microcosm (which we observe) … And after the microcosm would have lived its destined lifetime, then when that microcosm would de-incarnate (or dissipate or dissolute) and thence get liberated, then the same root energy would again be arrived at … Until a microcosm keeps evolving, the root energy cannot ever be arrived at … And as far as the diamond white body is concerned, since it denotes the root nature of Prana (or original nature of Prana) as was prior to the stage of Prana’s dividing and becoming many, so this diamond white body also denotes the stage prior a final liberation of the aspirant (who holds the diamond white body) …
And finally for this discussion … As also a fact that after the full circle of evolution is already completed and then when the diamond white body is self manifested within the aspirants physical microcosm, then that microcosm’s vital air sheath (or Pranamaye Kosha) can never return back to its earlier divided state … This is because evolution is the only process which is uni-directionally upwards and thus when the finality of state of Prana (or vital air sheath) is already achieved, then the fall from this level is never possible during the pending eternity of existence of the Maker’s Makings i.e. during the entire time span of existence that remains after attainment of the diamond white Siddha Body, that microcosm who has attained the diamond white body keeps holding the diamond white body till unfathomable eternity of future existence of the Maker’s Makings (of which each microcosm is an intrinsic unbroken part) …
LL-2-C … Equanimity as the eternal and eternally peaceful path of evolution …
Irrespective of what any person or system may state, unless an inner state of equanimity to “allness and its each part” is arrived at by an aspirant, the clashes and chaos that individual-dualities always cause, can never be avoided … This is an absolute fact …
Thus the only eternally peaceful path of evolution is through adopting a way of life which is rooted in equanimity towards allness and her each part …
And the only way to rest in such a way of life, is by entering a system that is based upon and rested in the intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of the Maker’s Makings … Unless your ways of life are in systemic synchronism with the manifest and non manifest natures of macrocosmic creation in whose envelopes you life and who (i.e. macrocosmic creation) in her subtle impressional state is also present within your own microcosm, your life cannot ever be rooted in an inner calm … And unless you rest in an inner calm, outer peace (peace in your environment or society or land or world) cannot ever be attained by you …
Continuing with above paragraph … This is one of the primary reasons for individualism (monotheism of any type or form or formless nature) to never be a path (or reason) for ensuring long lasting inner calm and outer peace within the world and it is also due to the same reason, that after individualistic systems had entered this world a few millenniums ago, this world has always been resting in a cyclic state of chaos and peace and that too, across all ways of life that have ever been adopted by anyone during the last few millenniums … This is not how it was during my earlier incarnations and transmigrated incarnations (i.e. incarnations that are arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul) when this world was rooted in macro-equanimity and that too through a pluralistic yet monist way of life (i.e. way of life based upon the vast Vedic lore) …
LL-2-D … Various names of the Brahma Sharira …
This vehicle has been addressed through various names during human history …
- Vajra Sharira … Vajra Body … Lightening body …
- Vidyut Sharira … Electric body … This aspect of the diamond white body enters into Vidyut Loka (or world of cosmic lightening) as is stated in the Vedic lore) … This aspect of the diamond white body holds a very high amount of electric energy within it … After this accomplishment vehicle is self-manifested within an aspirant, then that aspirants skin also has a silvery white glow for a while …
- Pranamaye Kosha Siddhi Sharira … This body denotes the final accomplishment of the vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) …
- Sarva Samta Sharira … This means the macro-neutral body or the macro-equanimous body …
- Brahmaloka Sharira … The accomplishment vehicle which enters the pristine abode of the grandfather and creator of allness (Pitamah Brahma Ji) …
- Sadyojata Sharira … Sadyojata Sharira … The siddha body (accomplishment vehicle) which enters the diamond white colored, west facing Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
LL-3-A … Awakening of mind …
The awakening of mind is through the vital air sheath itself … Unless the vital air sheath begins resting in equanimity, awakening of mind can never happen …
That process of awakening is also via the rise of Kundalini Shakti through the mind and other components of the subtle body (Sookshma Sharira) and then the later stage which is through the physical body itself … And at this state of union of the vital airs, that they begin rising upwards (in a self luminous state) within the spine and eventually reach the 7th plexus … Only after this stage is the pure diamond white body self manifested within the aspirants microcosm …
As also when the Pranic force (or energy) which has arrived at macro-neutrality begins entering the central channel which has all the nerves coming out of it, then this Pranic energy in turn leads to macro-neutrality within all these primary nerves and their further sub-verves …
When this Pranic force (energy of diamond white color) has already entered into all nerve channels in its diamond white state, then it also leads to extinguishing of all individuality of flows within all these subtler nerve channels …
At this state various energy fields that earlier were existent within each of these subtle channels (subtle nerves) become diamond white in color … This diamond white corpus of subtler nerve channels that are formed, is the diamond white body …
LL-3-B … Manifestation process of the diamond white body …
If anything touches the diamond white colored macro-neutrality, then that thing loses its earlier individuality … When this happens, then that thing also becomes of a diamond white color …
And as a matter of fact, as soon as any individuality touches macro-neutrality, that individuality immediately loses its earlier individual nature and turns macro-neutral …
Thus if any individuality (of any type or color) touches the diamond white colored macro-neutrality, then that individuality immediately turns macro-neutral (i.e. it also becomes of diamond white color) …
As such, if even one aspect or one type of energy in any one subtle channel of the aspirant has arrived at perfect macro-neutrality, then that subtle channel can also lead to manifestation of the diamond white body of our current discussion …
Each subtle nerve (subtle vitality channel) has its own specific type of energy field and when any of these individualistic energy fields come in contact with macro-neutral (diamond white colored) flow that is being discussed here, then that individuality immediately becomes macro-neutral …
This transformation of individuality to macro-neutrality happens within one single moment itself … I.e. as soon as the contact of individuality to macro-neutrality happens, then within that moment that individuality becomes macro-neutral …
But the bodied state of diamond white color is only self-manifested when the diamond white light has entered into all the subtle channels (i.e. subtler nerves) within the body …
Thus basis above, the diamond white body is none other than the corpus of all subtle nerves of the aspirant within which the diamond white colored vitality has entered and has turned these subtler nerves into a macro-neutral state …
Thus the diamond white body which is being discussed here is the corpus of macro-neutrality that is present within all subtle channels of the physical body … Only when all the individuality of flows and dynamism of these subtle channels gets extinguished and thence the energy fields of these channels become diamond white in color, does the diamond white body get self manifested within any aspirant …
LL-3-C … Exit of the diamond white body from physical vehicle …
When this body exits out of the physical vehicle, then it never comes out in a single piece (as a full body) and I say so because it needs to be broken at the waist line (this break is at the belt meridians which have been described in acupuncture therapy) …
And at the breaking point, there are many highly shining colored lights (I mean, a shine that pinches the subtle eyes which view them) … These colors are of red, yellow, diamond white and blue …
After this body is already pulled out o-f the physical vehicle in its broken state and when this body is fully out of the physical vehicle, then these two parts again join back to each other … This paragraph is based upon what I did to take this body out of the physical vehicle …
Continuing with above paragraph … When this body had initially manifested within me, then due to its bright shine, it also led to disturbing the natural state of the physical body and at that time due to its sudden manifestation the natural energy fields of the physical vehicle were also getting severely disturbed …
Continuing with above paragraph … And in addition to above stated conditions during those initial stages of self manifestation of the diamond white body, the highly luminous state of this body was also such that it was illumining each of the subtle channels (subtle nerves) and their innermost divinities … But I really did not care about knowing them as by that time I had already known that eventually this diamond white vehicle is of Brahmaloka (i.e. pristine abode of Maker of allness) and thus it must be sent to Brahmaloka (or Sadyojata face of Shiva) itself …
Continuing with above paragraph … Plus if this body stays inside the physical vehicle, then because this body leads to manifestation of a perfect macro-neutrality within the aspirant and since macro-neutrality is not of the begun macrocosm in which the physical vehicle rests, so continuing ones incarnation would become an impossibility … And since I had to render my Gurudakshina which relates to distribution of this text, so with this thought I had also remained with no choice but to evict this body out of my physical vehicle and thus ensure continuity of the current incarnation so as to fulfill the requirements of the Gurudakshina for which the current return back as a transmigrated one was accomplished …
Continuing with above paragraph … Plus most of the ones who realize this diamond white accomplishment vehicle fully, have never survive their incarnated lifetimes as they mostly de-incarnate and I was due to this reason, that Vedic sages had told that worship of Brahma (creator of allness) is not a good thing … So due to this knowledge also, I decided to evict this diamond white body and thence send it to Brahmaloka (abode of the grandfather creator of allness or Pitamah Brahma Ji or Sadyojata) … But during the process of evicting of this diamond white body from the physical vehicle, since it was not coming out naturally, so I had to break it in the middle …
Continuing with above paragraph … This was the basis of my statement that this body can never leave the physical vehicle if it is not broken at the waist area … And once these two broken parts are evicted out of the physical vehicle, then these two parts again join back into a single unit, which as such is the diamond white body of our discussion … This body travels to and thence merges to Brahmaloka … And after it merges to Brahmaloka (i.e. Sadyojata face), then that aspirant also understands the innermost meaning of the Vedic statement as given below …
Prana Brahma … Which means … Vitality is of the creator of allness
LL-4 … Six primary states of the diamond white body …
When the diamond white body manifests in its fullness, then it manifest within its own six primary states as are described in this part of the topic … These six states are manifested one by one and until the above painted state arrives, the manifestation of the diamond white body cannot even be deemed to be fully completed …
Only those aspirants who hold this diamond white accomplishment vehicle in all these six states, can be deemed to be the ones who have had a fuller self-manifestation of the discussions of this topic (i.e. diamond white body) within their own microcosm’s … Rest all (i.e. other aspirants) who do not hold the diamond white body in these described six states can only be deemed to be incomplete within their realizations as far as the diamond white body of our current discussion is concerned …
As also, those aspirants who are incomplete in their self realizations and yet they distribute their knowledge to other aspirants and that too where this distribution is devoid of a proper reference to the original source of this knowledge (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) only become instruments for expansion of individualism (i.e. monotheism in its any form) within the world … Such incomplete ones have never been and they also cannot ever be the ones who hold the capability to lead to inner calm and outer peace within the world …
All individualism (monotheism of any sort) was only spread by such aspirants as those who have already known the six primary states of the diamond white body (that would be discussed here) have also known that pluralistic monism is the way to inner calm and outer peace … Those who know these six types of self-manifestations of the diamond white body only relate to the pluralistic yet monist way of life, which itself relates to the path of allness to which the diamond white accomplishment vehicle actually refers to …
However this diamond-white accomplishment vehicle also holds some other aspects which have not been discussed here … Please bear this in mind whilst resting within the discussions of this topic …
This diamond white body also leads to “Swaroop Stithi” … Swaroop Stithi means “resting within one’s own innermost essentiality i.e. resting within one’s own essential nature and where the term essential nature only relates to the innermost essence (or Atman)” … Thus the diamond white body is also a path to the later self realization of Atman (i.e. the innermost essence) …
Depending on the path that is followed are the final realizations that are achieved … Thus basis above …
- If the path of any aspirant who has accomplished (or holds) the diamond white body was of lightness, then the aspirants diamond white body enters into the “macro-neutral, attributed-formless abode of Maker (or in other words, Sarva Sam Sagun Nirakaar Brahmaloka)” …
- If the path of any aspirant who has accomplished (or holds) the diamond white body was of lightness, then the final state in which the diamond white body enters shall only be emptiness of fullness and fullness of emptiness (I.e. Shunya Brahman or the Zero Infinite who itself is the Infinite Zero) … The same Shunya Brahman is also the one who is addressed as Sriman Naaraayana by Vaishnavas and Shunya Brahman is also the one who has been addressed as Sadashiva by Shaivas … And the divinity of that Shunya Brahman itself is the one who has been addressed as Maa Adi Parashakti by Shakta’s … Shunya Brahman is also the Parmeshvara and Parmeshvari of Ishwarvadi’s …And he same Shunya Brahman is also the Param Tattva of Yoga Tantra because beyond Shunya Brahman is the attributeless infinite being (which means as Brahman Brahm or or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) who as such is beyond the term Tattva due to Brahman only being as Sat (i.e. the realizable attributeless infinite yet the indescribable Truth) …
- If the path of any aspirant who has accomplished (or holds) the diamond white body was of the middle path (i.e. middle of lightness and darkness), then the final realization is of a very subtle smoke like grey colored state of indescribable expanses … That gray state is also the one which is addressed as Vamadeva Face of Sadashiva …
Now we come to the second part of our current discussion …
This part of our discussion shall be relating to all the spheres (Loka’) of union of diamond white body and it’s Sarva-Sam Siddhant (i.e. macro-neutrality principle) or the essence of knowledge of all Sampradaya …
The term Sampradaya has already been explained in an earlier topic which has the header of “What Parampara, Sampradaya, Bharata” …
LL-4-A … The very subtle white body … This is the vehicle of Para Prakriti or ninth sphere of Maker’s Makings …
This ninth sphere is also the sphere of Maa Adi Shakti of Shakta, and simultaneously also of the Shaiva paths … The same ninth sphere is also termed as cloud nine in Buddhist lore … And the same ninth sphere is of Buddha Samantabhadri of Tantric Buddhism …
Only those aspirants whose Buddhi (or knowledge) is already purified through severely hard Tapas, are the ones who become based “within and upon” Sattva Guna (i.e. macrocosmic attribute of neutrality) and such are the ones who attain to and thence begin resting within the ninth sphere … These highly evolved aspirants are also addressed as Bodhisattva in Buddhism and whilst such beings continue assisting others, they only await one last and final return back to the grosser physical realms prior they would also attain Nirvana … I was one of these ones only and my Gurudeva (Gautama Buddha) had given me a name which if translated in English would mean “Friend of allness” …
This accomplishment vehicle self-manifests when the aspirant’s inner nature becomes of a state which as such is of sameness to the beyond nature (or Para Prakriti) … This vehicle eventually merges to Para Prakriti (or beyond nature) …

Proceeding further …
When above stated vehicle enters into Para Prakriti (i.e. that state of mother nature which is beyond her own manifest state or Apra Prakriti) and transits through it, then the feeling could be described as if standing on the wings of a plane which is passing through a very subtle white cloud …
The Para Prakriti is painted at a later stage of this topic (Please see the left side of that painting whose left side denotes Para Prakriti and the circular orb which is painted on the right side is denoting Purusha or Masculine principle or conscious principle, which also rests within the envelopes of Para Prakriti) …
Based on experiences within beyond states, Satya Sai Baba holds this vehicle and whilst he is currently resting and meditating within Pashupatinath Loka (Lord of macrocosmic speciology or unbegun macrocosm) … Above figure shows this state …
Proceeding further …
As of now Satya Sai Baba is holding this accomplishment vehicle whilst his accomplishment vehicle also rests within the non-lighted envelope of unbegun macrocosm (i.e. Pashupatinath Loka) … He is also awaiting another return back to this world and due to this reason during that slightly distant future his return back to this world would definitely be there and I say so because he has still not attained the finality of the diamond white body or the body of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … And whilst he sits there in a lotus posture and continues to meditate endlessly, he stays in a state of deep Samadhi … I saw him during one of my subtler travels … Thus basis this I also know that he is a good saintly person whilst he was present upon this gross physical world not long ago …
LL-4-B … Diamond white body with subtle (very-light colored) blue light …

These blue lights are around each of the diamond white rays, the corpus of which is this Siddha body …
This body is like the one which is depicted in above painting …
This denotes a state where the aspirant enters into the sphere of macro-neutrality (or macro-neutral macrocosm which was discussed in an earlier topic of “As it furthered itself” … Macro-neutrality is the state which separates the begun and unbegun states of the macrocosmic creation (this was also discussed in the same earlier topic of “As it furthered itself”) …
Due to such an aspirant resting at the intersections of the begun and the unbegun, a very subtle light blue hue is seen around all the diamond white lighted subtler channels, the corpus of which is this body of a diamond white color …
This body relates to that state which as such is of intersections of the macro-neutral macrocosm and the unbegun macrocosm (Pashupatinath Loka or the lord of macrocosmic speciology) …
The formless principal macrocosmic state of this body was depicted in the painting of an earlier topic which had the header of “Hridayarandra … Devayana” where we had discussed the Vehicle of Deva’s or the Vehicle of divine beings and in that painting Indra Loka, Varuna Loka, Vidyut Loka, Varuna Loka and Pashupatinath Loka were also discussed …
This body denotes the stage which is of the completion stage” of Shakti Shiva Yoga and where the aspirant was more of a Shakta (worshipper of Devi or Shakti or pristine divinity) than a Shaiva (worshipper of Absolute divine or Shiva) …
As per experience during subtler-travels to those states which are beyond the begun state of macrocosmic creation, as of the nowness of now when I write this paragraph, Sai Baba of Shirdi is the one who is holding this Siddha body …
LL-4-C … Diamond white body whilst it rests within unbegun macrocosm (Pashupatinath Loka) … The body of Christ …
This is the next higher stage of the diamond white body …
This accomplishment body (Siddha body) was already discussed in the earlier topic which had the header of “Raam Naad and body of Christ” … But this part of the discussion is a step forward to that discussion of the subject earlier topic …
Since as of now Christ is the one who holds this body, so the evolutionary standing of Christ is also higher than the two saints who were discussed in above two parts of this topic …
This is where diamond white body is enveloped by the non-lighted state of the unbegun macrocosm … This is as shown below …

As per experiences of subtler-travel to beyond states of macrocosmic creation, Ishu (Jesus) holds this body …
This is also a body of a “Man of Maker’s medicine or in other words, Brahmic Ayurvedacharya or Medicine Buddha” i.e. those evolved ones who know the principles and process of eternal health and well being (supra-cosmic healing systems) of all parts of allness … As of now, Christ is one of those evolved men who hold the knowledge which makes them as “Men of Maker’s Medicine (i.e. Brahmic Ayurvedacharya or Medicine Buddha) …
Till this stage, the diamond white body is still having a bodied state because unbegun macrocosm does not lead to emptiness of body or in other words, unbodied state of the aspirant’s Siddha bodies is not arrived till this state of accomplishment of the Siddha body of our current discussion …
Thus those aspirants “who do not traverse to the macrocosmic voidness (or Sarva Shunya)” that is beyond the unbegun macrocosm (Achalit Brahmand, which was discussed in an earlier topic of “As it furthered itself”) are still holding a diamond white body which rests within a non-lighted envelope as is of unbegun macrocosm (or Achalit Brahmand or immovable macrocosm who also is the lord of macrocosmic speciology or Bhagwan Pashupatinath and is also the Lord of Biblical lore’s) …
Proceeding further …
This body also relates to the following …
- Yin Yang Yoga … Of Chinese systems …
- Bhadri Bhadra Yoga … Of Agama and Buddhist Tantric systems …
- Tammo Tantra … Of Buddhist Tantric systems …
- This body also denotes the eternal union of Lord God (Holy Father) and Holy Spirit (or Biblical lore’s) and where this union happens within the aspirant’s physical vehicle itself which in turn makes that aspirant to be Christ principle whilst within a human form on the gross (or physical) world … This is what Jesus actually was whilst he was roaming this planet in a physical form …
- Shakti Shiva Yoga … Which has already been discussed in an earlier topic and whose sound was told of “Raam Naad (Sound of Raam)” and which is also termed as Sound of Lord Ram (Ram Naad) … This is the one of the later stages of accomplishments of Shakti Shiva Yoga …
- Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga … Of extremely ancient and already forgotten Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma (or in other words, Dharma) … All above accomplishments and their systems (Tantra) are related to this bullet point itself as this was the original knowledge which was rendered by those Yogi’s who had accomplished the Siddha Body of our current discussion …
Proceeding further …
The basic problem with degenerate ages is that since this body is of the Man of Maker’s Medicine (or in other words, Brahmic Ayurvedacharya or Medicine Buddha) which the degenerate forces of any divine degenerate age cycle (I.e. Deva Kaliyuga) can never tolerate, so due to this reason the holders of this body are either eliminated by the degenerate forces which act through inhabitants of that world or the holders of this body fall sick due to effects of degenerate forces and get thus the aspirants who hold this vehicle de-incarnate (i.e. get eliminated) from that world system … This has already happened to many aspirants who held the Siddha body (Siddha Sharira or accomplishment vehicle) which is being discussed here and Jesus was one of them on whom these degenerate forces had tried their hands (but these forces eventually failed) …
And once the holder of this body evolves over and enters the next stage of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga, then does the holder of this body manage to continue to live and complete the destined time spans of his (or her) current incarnation …
Thus basis above, unless the much later stage of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga which as such is beyond the state of the body of our discussion, is accomplished by a Yogi (aspirant) who holds the body of our current discussion, during any divine degenerate age cycle that aspirant would never be able to continue his (or her) incarnation …
And it is also due to this reason that this Siddha Body is also a very negative accomplishment vehicle for the aspirant who holds it without accomplishing the later stage of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga …
And those aspirants who did not comply to what is told here, were the ones who were made to exit from this world and where that exit itself was due to the effects of degenerate forces who can never tolerate that aspirant’s presence within any world (i.e. the one who holds this Siddha body is never tolerated by the degenerate forces which are always present on a world which is passing through divine degenerate age cycle) …
Proceeding further … Troubles of holder of the Siddha body of our discussions …
This is to discuss the stage when the holder of this Siddha body would be facing problems from the degenerate forces of any divine degenerate age cycle …
Since this part of the topic is a very important discussion, so please read it with utmost attention and caution (so you do not misinterpret what is explicitly told here and in addition to this you also correctly understand that which is implicitly referred to in below calculations and discussions) …
I also state many things in a very subtle implicit manner, as I don’t believe in spoon feeding anyone, so all that I do is lay down the foundational knowledge, and rest is up to the true aspirants to know through their own efforts and later self realizations … This is how my Gurujan of previous incarnations and previous transmigrated incarnations also were, when they were teaching me (i.e. their little student) … And “So am I ( Sohum)” …
But above without being a Guru of anyone during this transmigrated incarnation … This is because my Sanatan Gurudeva, Sriman Naaraayana has temporarily (i.e. for this transmigrated incarnation) taken back the Guru Tattva (i.e. essential ability to be a Guru of any other aspirant) from me and thus during the current transmigrated incarnation, I cannot even be a Guru of any aspirant of here or beyond … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
These problems are always faced by the holder of this accomplishment vehicle which is being discussed here and this is especially so during that stage of precession cycle (i.e. human age cycles) when that world system is resting in a condition which is of “18 degrees precession – (minus) 108 years” from the nadir point of precession of equinoxes (detailed derivations of below stated base values would be done in a later of Kaalchakra i.e. the knowledge of the eternally cyclic nature of time) …
18 degrees of precession which is told in above paragraph, is a time span as calculated below …
- 18 x 72 years = 1296 human solar years (at nadir of precession cycle or Ahaata Chakra) …
- 18 x 66.6666667 years = 1200 human solar years (at middle of precession cycle or Agragaman) …
- (1296 / 72) x 71.6 years = 1288.8 human solar years (at current stage of precession i.e. 2012 AD) …
And since during the current precession cycle, the nadir of precession was passed around 786 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years), so basis this the time span of troubles to the holder of this accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Body of Christ) would be as follows … Below calculations are basis the time units (unitary values of time) that are applicable to this world during the two main stages (i.e. at nadir and middle phase of precession) and also during current stage of human age cycles (i.e. precession cycles) …
- During Nadir phase of axial precession of earth’s axis … 1296 – 108 = 1188 years from nadir i.e. 786 AD +/- 1188 years (and this value shall also be based upon a time range of +/- 1 to 2.7 years) … So this time range is extending from 402 BC till 1974 AD and both these also have a range of +/- 1 to 2.7 years …cycle
- During middle phase of precession … (1296/1.08) – (108/1.08) = 1100 years from Nadir point i.e. 786 AD +/- 1100 years (and this value shall also be based upon a time range of +/- 1 to 2.7 years) … So this time range is extending from 314 BC till 1986 AD and both these also have a range of +/- 1 to 2.7 years … By the way 1987 AD is also a Biblical year (as it related to the Biblical end of current time prophecy where the phrase of “time times and half a time” is stated and this prophecy shall be discussed through calculations, but only in a later topic of Kaalchakra) …
- At current stage of precession … {(1296/72) x 71.6) – {(108/72) x 71.6) = 1181.4 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) … So this time range is extending from 396-397 BC till 1967-1968 AD and both these also have a range of +/- 1 to 2.7 years … This is a year of Hebrew Bible and the old testament and thus was the reason for the 6 day war which Israel had won even when that Land of Judah had face multiple invasion points at that time …
- Basis above, the rise of hood of terrorism (around 1987-1988 AD) and the land of ancient Judah (Land of Israel) being subjected to the six day war in 1967 AD are both related to the effects of the same degenerate forces that are always present and active during any degenerate age cycle (i.e. during any of the stages of progress of Deva Kaliyuga) … And this itself is due to the fact that if the next stage of evolution (as is from the accomplishment body of our discussion) is not achieved by an aspirant who already holds this body, then these troubles cannot be avoided by that aspirant (so to clear this problem from recurring during later times, I shall be discussing that next stage in a later topic of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga) …
Within above calculations, following was a fact …
- In above calculations I have not utilized the conventional way of calculation of time where an accounting for the theoretical zero year (i.e. 0 AD/BC) that falls in between 1 BC and 1 AD, is made … The reason for this shall also be detailed in the later topic of Kaalchakra …
- Since some of above calculations relate to the Jewish Bible (and old testament which primarily is also a Jewish scripture only as it was written in the Land of Judah or Land of Israel itself) so I have considered the Jewish new year of 786 AD as the base to derive above stated values …
- Plus in above calculations, I have omitted 9 subtle principles of cycles of time and these principles are also not discussed anywhere in this text (including the later category of topic of Kaalchakra) as I really do not trust the spiritual integrity of today’s humanity and their leaders (leaders of civilizations, societies, religions and lands) … As also, since declaring these principles would lead to a later stage of making of divine weapons (which are related to time and which hold the capability to annihilate this part of the universe itself) so to prevent that stage of total annihilation of this part of the universe by such divine weapons (which relate to knowledge of time), I have not even referred to those subtle divine principles in this text … Thus don’t blame me for not providing even a reference of those principles, instead do an introspection within your own selves and improve yourself to become capable to receive that knowledge of those untold principles of this text … Nobody can blame another person for not telling that for which the receiver itself is not fit to receive …
- Above bullet point is what places a limitation of a time range of 1 to 2.7 years in all calculations which relate to the human age cycles (or Precession cycle or Manav Yuga chakra), 7 years in all in all calculations which relate to the Deva Yuga chakra (or divine age cycles or Mahayuga chakra) and 9 years in all calculations which relate to the “Age of Manu (i.e. or the repetitive cycles of father of man or Manvantar) … As also is a fact, that, the sage who is addressed as Manu in Vedas, is also the same sage who is addressed as Adam in the Biblical lore’s and as that same sage is also called as Adum in the Islamic lore’s …
Thus basis above discussions, following is a fact …
- All those evolved aspirants who had held the vehicle of our current discussion during the above stated (or better if I say, calculated) time ranges, have always been troubled by the degenerate forces that are present during any divine degenerate age cycle and especially when the world system is resting in between the above stated ranges of time cycles which relate to the nadir point of the human age cycle (or Precession cycle or Manav Yuga Chakra) … There have been many evolved aspirants who had held this vehicle of our discussion, but all of them had life threatening whenever the holders of this accomplishment vehicle had arrived within the above stated (or calculated) time ranges … And sage whom this world addresses as Jesus, was only one of such sages who had faced those problems as he was also a holder of the accomplishment vehicle of our current discussion …
- As we had discussed earlier, that only after the holder of this accomplishment vehicle passes through the later stage of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga, does that holder walk free of effects of these very troublesome degenerate forces … All those holders of this vehicle who had not passed through the later evolutionary stage of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga, have always been subjected to problems especially when these holders (of the accomplishment vehicle of our current discussion) came to this world during above stated time ranges around the nadir point of precession … And Jesus was no exception to our discussed fact …
Proceeding further … This is to discuss the Reasons for manifestation of severe problems for the holders of this accomplishment vehicle …
This problematic state of the holders of this accomplishment vehicle is due to the fact, that the macrocosmic principal state of this accomplishment vehicle is the unbegun macrocosm (i.e. the immovable macrocosm or Achalit Brahmand) and thus this vehicle does not relate to either the begun macrocosm (in which this world exists) nor to the states which are beyond the unbegun state of the macrocosmic creation …
As such basis above, since this vehicle is a part of the immovable state of macrocosm, which itself is one of the four primary states of the macrocosmic creation, so within those time which relate to the nadir phase of precession (i.e. nadir stage of human age cycles as was calculated earlier on in the current discussion), the macrocosmic creation never lets the knower of any part of truth to survive for longer durations …
Thus the holders of this discussed vehicle are always eliminated by the macrocosmic creation and this elimination is also done through the inhabitants of that world system, who go berserk because of the declarations of such knower’s … Thus unless the Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga is entered into, the chances of survival of such knower’s and holder of this accomplishment body, are very rare within the periods mentioned above and even if they survive, they would be in all sorts of agonies due to the effects of the degenerate forces of nadir phase of time cycles …
And because this accomplishment vehicle is related to the unbegun macrocosm (or immovable macrocosm or acyclic existence), so once this accomplishment vehicle is already manifested, the aspirant has to exit its cyclic mode of existence after the destined time of the present incarnation completed fully … Thus, after that incarnation where this accomplishment vehicle had manifested within the aspirants physical vehicle, that aspirant cannot ever return back to any state of cyclic existence i.e. any existence within “no choice of choices” is over for that aspirant … This is because that aspirant enters into and thence continues within acyclic mode of existence, where there is a “free choice of choices” as far as further entry into cyclic modes of existence is concerned, so such ones always prophecies for their second time of return back … This second time of return back is also to undergo through the Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga only …
But because this accomplishment vehicle is still related to the unbegun macrocosm and thus this accomplishment vehicle is also a part of the macrocosmic creation, so this vehicle does not denote a state of final liberation which as such is the condition of “a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and its each part (which is termed as Kaivalya Moksha in Vedic lore)” …
As also, this accomplishment vehicle is a part of Devayana as unbegun macrocosm being a part of macrocosmic creation, also has a controller who also is within a formless state (this controller is Bhagwan Pashupatinath or lord of macrocosmic speciology) … And because Pashupatinath is the finality of non-lighted state of Devayana (or Mahayana), so this accomplishment vehicle also denotes the culmination of the non-lighted part of Devayana or the vehicle of Deva’s … Thus those aspirants who have already transited through all lower and higher worlds of Deva’s (these Deva worlds are also existent within their hierarchy of higher or lower subtlety) and thus have entered into the Pashupatinath Loka (i.e. unbegun macrocosm or lord of macrocosmic speciology), are the ones who hold this accomplishment vehicle …
Proceeding further … The discussed accomplishment vehicle and its effects on Pranamaye Kosha (Vital air sheath) …
When this vehicle forms whilst within an incarnated state, then this also leads to a state where the Pranic body (or vital air sheath) turns towards Visarga (Liberation) and thus Prana Shakti (Vitality or vital air sheath) starts to go beyond the crown plexus … But this is only if an inner detachment is maintained …
If detachment to allness is maintained, then Prana’s of the holder of this vehicle become Visargi (i.e. inner vitality turns towards liberation and this is the stage where the flows of the vital air sheath or Pranamaye Kosha begin entering into the state that is beyond the crown plexus) … And if at such a stage the aspirant can maintain a perfect detachment (i.e. detachment from allness and her each part) then only that aspirant enters into the later stage of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga prior to attaining the state of “liberation (Kaivalya) which could even whilst that aspirant is still alive (i.e. such an aspirant can even attain Jivanmukti)” …
But if an inner perfection of detachment (i.e. detachment to allness and her each part)” is not there at the time when this accomplishment vehicle self manifests within the physical vehicle of the aspirant, then that aspirant becomes devoid of the root of detachment to enter into the later stage of a final liberation … Thus such ones can even prophecies a future return back …
And those who get this body after their roll over from incarnated state i.e. in those cases where enough accumulated merit was achieved during ones previous incarnations from which this accomplishment vehicle could be arrived at, then such beingness continue within acyclic existence and could even become as Gods of future times … And this is how they continue until they also arrive at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness which that is necessary to walk that last path, alone and into the supreme isolation and which itself is through the later stage of accomplishment of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga …
That’s all for the current discussion … So now we move to the next one …
LL-4-D … The diamond white body enters into the ninth sphere …

Regarding above figure …
- The white colored circular orb is Purusha … The smaller circles shown in it denote the bubbly nature of Purusha … Within the ninth sphere, the Purusha who is self realized is the attributed-form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) and is simultaneously the attributed-formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) of the attributeless infinite Absolute being (or Brahman) … Thus in this topic at some places I shall call it by any of the two aspects which are described here as Purusha holds both these when Purusha is self realized whilst the aspirants subtler observing vehicle is stationed at the ninth sphere … Purusha is also the pervades (or permeator) of the ninth sphere of macrocosmic nature and thus due to this reason in above painting, Purusha is shown to be resting within the ninth sphere …
- The orange envelope around Purusha is denoting Avyakta (i.e. (i.e. golden womb of Maker’s Makings) non manifest, non present) or Maya Shakti (the divinity or Shakti of the creator of allness) or Avyakta Prana (non manifest non present vitality) or Avyakta Prakriti …
- The golden light as shown in above figure, is of Hiranyagarbha … But Hiranyagarbha envelopes the entire ninth sphere even when I have painted it only at the top in above figure (of the ninth sphere) …
- The golden light of Hiranyagarbha Brahma also pervades the ninth sphere … This is depicted as golden dots within the ninth sphere … Hiranyagarbha being grosser than Purusha of the ninth sphere, does not pervade Purusha and thus in above painting, no golden dots (which denote the light of Hiranyagarbha) are shown to be present inside the Purusha of the ninth sphere …
- The left hand side of above painting is the ninth sphere … This sphere is of a very subtle cloud like state of pure white color and of very vast expanses …
- So this was a short description … Further details are discussed at a later stage of this topic …
So with above as a base, we shall now proceed further …
It is from the ninth sphere that the entire macrocosmic creation of Apra Prakriti manifests (Apra Prakriti means, Manifest nature from the 1st till the 8th sphere) …
In this topic I have not painted the very subtle white body due to the fact that it is the same as what was painted in other sub-parts of the topic … But at the same time, when the macro-neutral body reaches this state (i.e. 9th sphere of Mother Nature or Para Prakriti) then that body is so subtle that it initially seems unbelievable … At this state the white body is almost transparent (well, mostly translucent) and is also almost see through and yet it is not a very brightly shining body as its condition is when that same diamond white body gets stationed at the pristine abode of the Maker (i.e. when it gets stationed at Brahmaloka, which in Agama Lore is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Shiva) …
In lieu of the condition of this body when it is stationed at the ninth sphere and to give a general idea about how it is at the ninth sphere of Maker’s Makings, I have painted the ninth sphere itself and that painted sketch is the one shown above …
The ninth sphere is that sphere of Mother nature which was the first to originate and thus during the course of evolution, this ninth sphere is also the last sphere of mother nature which would be self realized by an aspirant … As far as the manifest and non-manifest states of the macrocosmic creation are concerned, this sphere is the higher of all other spheres of Maa Prakriti (Mother Nature) … And beyond this sphere is the Avyakta Prakriti (non manifest, non present nature) which is also the Avyakta Prana (non manifest, non present divinity of vitality of Maker) who is also addressed as Maya Shakti of Brahma in Vedic lore and is also addressed as the primordial Buddha Samantabhadri in Buddhist Tantric lore’s …
Proceeding further … Ninth sphere as the last sphere of Mother Nature …
This topic is to discuss that state when the macro-neutral state of Pranic body (white body) enters into the Ninth Sphere, which as such is the “last and final realizable sphere” which comes under the purviews of the macrocosmic nature … I have written the term “last and final realizable sphere” here due to the fact that beyond the 9th sphere of our current discussion, is the entire macrocosmic creation is evolved over and thus those beyond states do not even come under the purviews of the macrocosmic creation and yet remain as one or another parts (or states) of the Maker’s Makings …
Proceeding further … Various names of the ninth sphere in different lore’s …
Across various knowledge systems, the same ninth sphere has also been addressed as follows …
- Para Prakriti … Beyond nature, Final sphere of Mother Nature, Finality of Mother Nature, the original sphere of Mother Nature etc. …
- Adi Shakti … Primordial divinity … Adi Devi or Primordial Mother …
- Cloud nine (in Buddhist lore’s) …
- Primordial Buddha Samanthabhadri (as stated within the Buddhist lore’s) …
- Sphere of Sattvaguna … I.e. sphere of macrocosmic attribute of neutrality of wisdom …
- Sphere of Bodhisattva … I say so as many Bodhisattvas reside within the ninth sphere …
- Sphere of self realization of the Vedic statement of “Guna Brahma or attributes are the creator of allness” …
- This sphere also leads to Purushartha Kosha directly, because the light of Purusha is also inherently and eternally present within this 9th sphere …
- Bodhisattva Kosha … This is also the sphere of “last time returners” i.e. those evolved aspirants who would be returning back for a last and final time to a grosser world system (like this one) prior they are finally emancipated …
- This can also be termed as Sagun Nirgun Kosha i.e. the sphere of attributed attributeless-ness …
- This sphere also related to the Yogic term of Dharmamegha or the cloud of righteous virtues or cloud of righteousness of way of life …
- The self realization of this sphere itself is the path to self realization of Bodhichitta … Thus this sphere also relates to the Bodhichitta … Thus unless this sphere is self realized, the later stage of self realization of Bodhichitta can never be arrived at by any aspirant …
- Akaran Kosha … The sphere where there is loss of all causes and their effects … When at this sphere, all causes which were undergone earlier on to enter this sphere are fully extinguished and at such a stage of evolution, just the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality of wisdom (Sattva Guna) is all that remains associated by an aspirant … And due to this loss of causes and their effects, this sphere could even be termed as the “Akaran Kosha (sphere where there is loss of causes)” …
- Etc-etc …
And beyond this ninth sphere of Mother Nature, is the sphere of Absoluteness or Hiranyagarbha Brahma or the pristine nature of the Absolute as is depicted in above painting …
Proceeding further … Requirements of realization and entry into the 9th sphere …
Unless an aspirant lets go of (or detaches from) the macrocosmic attributes of action and Inertia (i.e. the red colored Rajoguna and blue colored Tamoguna respectively) and thus that aspirant only becomes based upon the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (i.e. Sattva Guna), self realization of the ninth sphere cannot ever be arrived at … And unless something is self realized, entry into that state is also an impossibility … As far as this paragraph stands, no God or Godly system can ever assist anyone, as the effort has to be of the aspirant only …
Only those who have adopted and thence rested in Sattva Guna (i.e. macrocosmic attribute of neutrality of wisdom) as far as their own inner natures are concerned, are the ones who have ever entered into this sphere … This is also a hard fact …
Proceeding further … Condition of the white body when stationed at the ninth sphere …
When the subtle body has arrived at the ninth sphere, then it is of a white colored state which has microscopic specs of yellow light within it and this itself is because of the fact that an entry to this sphere of only through the earlier transit of the yellow colored plane of knowledge (Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kaya or Brahmic Buddhi Kaya) …
Proceeding further … Condition of the causal body when the aspirants subtler white colored vehicle is stationed at the ninth sphere …
Whilst the white colored subtler vehicle which enters this sphere, is about to get stationed at this sphere, then at this stage the causal body of the aspirant also begins separating from the thumb like pit of heart … This causal body stays separated until the white colored vehicle of our discussion continues to rest at the ninth sphere …
Once the causal body separates out, then even the “orb of consciousness of the causal body (i.e. orb of Chitta of Antahkarana Chatushtaya)” is also separated from the aspirant … And because the impressions (Samskaras) that earlier were earned by the aspirant and till this stage were resting within the consciousness orb (of Anandmaye Kosha) also get separated, so due to this reason the aspirant eventually arrives at a causeless state (Akaran Awastha) … Bu causeless state I mean the “impressionless state of consciousness (I.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta)” and which as such denotes that condition where all past impressions (Samskaras) which were generated due to the aspirants own cause and effects (Karma and Karma Phala) also get extinguished and only one very subtle white colored impression is all that remains and within this text, this is the impression which we have termed as “the last and final impression (Antim Samskara)” …
The ninth sphere denotes a state of neutrality to all there ever is and since neutrality is neither attributed (or Sagun) nor is it attributeless (or Nirgun), so this sphere is also the Sagun Nirgun Kosha (the sphere which is attributed and also attributeless) … Thus this sphere also denotes the state which is in between the attributes and attributeless of various states of the Maker’s Makings …
Proceeding further … Some other aspects regarding the ninth sphere …
This sphere is the primordial and original sphere of macrocosmic creation and thus arrival at this sphere also denotes the end of existence within any of the four states of the macrocosmic creation … These four states of macrocosmic creation have already been discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT furthered itself” …
This is also the sphere of primordial divinity of Maker’s Makings, so this sphere could even be termed as Adi Shakti Kosha (or sphere of primordial divinity) … And because Adi-Shakti is the primary divinity or Devi, so this sphere could even be termed as Matri Kosha (The sphere of primordial divine mother) …
This is also the sphere of Mother Nature which is the root of propagation of Sattvaguna (i.e. macrocosmic attribute of neutrality) across the entirety of Maker’s Makings … Macrocosmic attribute of neutrality of wisdom (Sattva Guna) is the first attribute (Guna) of macrocosmic creation and it is from this attribute that the other two attributes i.e. attribute of action (Rajoguna) and attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) are originated … And because Sattvaguna itself is the original attribute and since the ninth sphere is the original sphere of this attribute of neutrality (Sattvaguna) so this ninth sphere could even be called as Guna Kosha (the sphere of first attribute or sphere of self origination and self propagation of macrocosmic attributes) …
One last and final return is inevitable for any aspirant who resides within this sphere as this sphere does not denote the final liberation which itself is of a state of “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha)” …
This sphere is the subtler amongst all other spheres of macrocosmic nature i.e. amongst all nine spheres, the ninth sphere is the subtler one …
This sphere is only transited through (i.e. one goes beyond this sphere) when the consciousness orb of the Bliss sheath (or causal body and which has also been called as Anandamaya Kosha) is freed from all impressions (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha) including the last and final impression which we have already discussed in earlier topics of this text …
And when the causal body has just one last impression remaining within it, then the aspirants subtle white vehicle enters in this sphere and that subtle white colored vehicle continues to rest in this sphere until the last impression is also evicted out of the consciousness … Thus an aspirants subtle white vehicle only continues to rest within this sphere to await its evolutionary ripeness and ripeness of time for one last and final return which itself is to evict that last and final impression so as to arrive at an impressionless state prior to an exit from this sphere … But there have also been some rare cases where those aspirants whose consciousness orbs already were impressionless had continued within this sphere even after attaining the impressionless state of consciousness (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) …
Proceeding further … Regarding above figure …
- The painted state on the left hand side represents the macrocosmic nature (or Prakriti) whilst she is within her beyond state (i.e. Para Awastha) … This denotes the feminine principle of beyond …
- The painted state on the right hand side which is shown as an orb of pure white color, is representing the Purusha in its Sagun Nirakaar Awastha (i.e. attributed formless state) … This denotes the masculine principle …
- The light pink light which is shown to be enveloping Purusha is the Avyakta Prana or the non manifest, non present vitality of Maker (non present means, that which is not independently present within the macrocosmic creation as it is only present in those states which are beyond the four primary states of the macrocosmic creation and yet this Avyakta Prana which also is the Avyakta Prakriti is definitely pervading all states of the macrocosmic creation as it is the subtler amongst all that is resting within the four states of the macrocosmic creation …
- After origination, since this light pinkish light (or Avyakta) is grosser than Purusha, so Purusha also ends up residing inside the light pink light of Avyakta Prana and it is due to this reason that the light pink light is depicted to be present at the peripheries of the white colored Purusha and whilst the Purusha is at the ninth sphere of the macrocosmic nature …
- From the Avyakta Prana is originated the Vyana Prana (i.e. the 5th Prana as was discussed in an earlier topic of “Vital air sheath … Pranamaye Kosha”) … Bu this I mean that Vyana Prana which envelopes the other Prana’s and thus is the Prana which is enveloping the physical body is one of the manifestations of Avyakta Prana itself …
- At the ninth sphere, nature is also of the same white color as the white Purusha … And since this union of the two (Prakriti and Purusha or feminine and masculine principles respectively) itself is through the Knowledge principle (as knowledge itself relates to is the unioned state of these two), so due to this reason, this sphere is also the one where knowledge principle itself is the conscious principle and the activity principle simultaneously the conscious principle is also the knowledge principle and activity principle and simultaneously the activity principle itself is the knowledge and conscious principles +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph …
+++ Activity principle is of Maa Prakriti (Mother Nature) …
+++ Conscious principle is of Purusha (The being there only is) …
+++ Knowledge principle is of both Prakriti and Purusha …
+++ Ninth sphere is the sphere of Mother Nature which is arrived at after transiting through the plane of knowledge (i.e. Knowledge principle) and the entry into the ninth sphere is only after the entirety of knowledge principle is already attained by the aspirant …
+++ And since knowledge principle is simultaneously of both of Prakriti and Purusha and since fullness of knowledge is only after arriving at the ninth sphere (as ninth sphere is only arrived after transit through the plane of knowledge), so the ninth sphere also denotes the perfect unioned state of knowledge principle (which is of both Prakriti and Purusha), the conscious principle (which is of Purusha) and activity principle (which is of Prakriti) …
+++ And it is due to this reason that ninth sphere also denotes the perfectly unioned state of Knowledge, conscious and activity principles and thus is also denotes the perfectly unioned state of Prakriti and Purusha … And since this kind of perfection of union cannot ever be attained without a let go of inertia and action (i.e. Tamoguna and Rajoguna respectively) and which itself is possible after only resting in neutrality (Sattvaguna), so whilst resting at the ninth sphere only Sattvaguna is all that is related to and it is due to this reason that whilst stationed at the ninth sphere, there is an utter absence of Rajoguna and Tamoguna …
+++ This absence of Rajoguna and Tamoguna is what leads to a state where knowledge, conscious and activity principles are no longer found to be within their individual states due to their merger to each other and thus they lose their earlier individual natures … And this is what leads to a state where knowledge is rooted in consciousness and activity, consciousness is rooted in knowledge and activity and activity is also none other than being rooted in consciousness and knowledge … This is what leads to a neutrality of these three whilst these three rest at the ninth sphere … Thus to self realize the ninth sphere, the aspirant must also be resting within a state of sameness to the ninth sphere (as is being discussed here) …
- From this left white part of below painting, the other two qualities i.e. qualities of action and inertia are manifested (these two macrocosmic qualities or attributes are not shown in above figure) … And it is from within this white nature, that consciousness and Buddhi are also self manifested (we have already discussed these self originations within an earlier topic) …
- The white colored orb of Mind as was within the fourfold inner subtle tool and was also shown in the painted sketch of an earlier topic (of Antahkarana Chatushtaya … Bliss sheath) is also related to the ninth sphere of our current discussion …
- The golden part is showing the Hiranyagarbha Brahma or the golden womb of creation (or Absoluteness or the pristine state of the Maker within its own Makings i.e. macrocosmic creation) …
Continuing with above bullet point … Light of Hiranyagarbha fills up the outer peripheries of the ninth sphere of macrocosmic nature (this condition is shown as golden light at top of the painted sketch of the ninth sphere, whereas the reality is that the golden colored light of Hiranyagarbha is all around the ninth sphere) … And the golden light of Hiranyagarbha also pervades the ninth sphere (this condition of golden colored light of Hiranyagarbha pervading the ninth sphere is shown as the golden dots within the painted sketch of the ninth sphere) …
Continuing with above paragraph … The Hiranyagarbha is much subtler than the ninth sphere of macrocosmic nature and thus Hiranyagarbha also pervades the white nature (or ninth sphere of macrocosmic creation) … This pervadement of ninth sphere by Hiranyagarbha in turn leads to a resultant to get generated from within the mind of macrocosmic nature … The resultant as the yellow colored plane of knowledge (Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kaya or the Brahmic Buddhi Kaya) … And because the plane of knowledge originates from the ninth sphere itself, so it becomes “one of the four +++” continuous planes of the Maker’s Makings …
+++ Explaining the four continuous planes of Maker’s Makings … These are …
+++ The plane of knowledge …
+++ Plane of mind …
+++ Plane of consciousness …
+++ Plane of ether …
Proceeding further … Self origination of ninth sphere and then the origination of knowledge, consciousness from the ninth sphere and the final restoration of Bodhichitta …
- The ninth sphere … Though initially it had seemed unbelievable, but as times progressed it was only found that it eventually was from the white orb (of Purusha) which itself is the self manifested state of the fourth amongst the four upper world of Brahmaloka that the ninth sphere of macrocosmic nature had originated …
Thus when the aspirants subtler observing vehicle enters into the white colored Purusha who as such is depicted as a circular orb on the right hand side of above figure, then that white colored orb (or Purusha) also become a direct path to entry into fourth amongst the four upper world of Brahmaloka (i.e. abode of creator) …
And since the fourth amongst the four upper worlds of Brahmaloka is only denoting the accomplishment of the fourth Purushartha (i.e. Moksha or final liberation), so this figure of ninth sphere is also a path to a final liberation if any aspirant would enter into Purusha who is also residing at the ninth sphere …
Thus a final liberation (i.e. the fourth Purushartha, which as such is termed as Moksha or final liberation) is also possible to be arrived at through the self realization of the ninth sphere of Mother Nature …
- The plane of knowledge … The plane of knowledge is originated when the golden light of “Hiranyagarbha (i.e. golden womb of creation)” enters the white colored and very subtle ninth sphere of the mind of macrocosmic nature … The union of golden colored light of Hiranyagarbha (i.e. golden womb of macrocosmic creation) and subtle white colored light of ninth sphere, is the plane of knowledge …
And because this union of the golden light of Hiranyagarbha Brahma and the white light of the ninth sphere only happens at the outer peripheries of the white colored ninth sphere, so the yellow colored plane of knowledge is also found to be enveloping the peripheries of ninth sphere of macrocosmic nature … This yellow colored plane of knowledge is not depicted in above painting …
Thus it is due to the union of these two lights (i.e. yellow subtle light of Hiranyagarbha and the subtle white light of ninth sphere), the state which originates is the plane of knowledge which is of a very subtle yellow color …
Note: But on the right side of above figure where the Purusha is depicted (Purusha is shown to be enveloped by the light pink colored Avyakta Prana) the yellow light of knowledge is not shown to be the pervader of the white orb of Purusha … This is because the Hiranyagarbha (or golden egg) is grosser than the white Purusha and thus Hiranyagarbha cannot pervade Purusha (due to this reason, the golden light is not shown inside Purusha) … In fact it is Purusha who pervades Hiranyagarbha …
Note continues: Since our sun (i.e. sun of this solar system) is one of the many manifestations of Hiranyagarbha only, so state the Vedas that this planetary system has originated from the sun only … And since Purusha is the pervader of Hiranyagarbha (as discussed in previous paragraph) and since our planetary sun itself is a manifestation of Hiranyagarbha within this planetary system, so when we look inside the sun and observe the solar deity (as was shown in the painting of a previous topic of Surya Loka), then we see that the same white light of Purusha is also present around the solar deity (i.e. Surya Deva) …
Note continues: And due to this reason, is humanity would observe the innermost core of our sun, then also a white light would be seen to be present inside that core … That light is also of Purusha only (As Purusha is present inside the sun also due to Purusha also being the pervader of our sun) … Resuming again …
- Plane of consciousness … And when this ninth sphere of macrocosmic nature (Para Prakriti or Beyond nature) unites to the Purusha, then is originated the plane of consciousness (Brahmic Chitta Kaya), which also is one of the four continuous planes of macrocosmic creation … Thus consciousness is also related to the ninth sphere itself …
- Restoration of Bodhichitta … At the instant of origination of Chitta (consciousness), it is subtler than the plane of knowledge (Buddhi) … Thus at this time the consciousness pervades knowledge and thus the white colored consciousness is found to be resting inside the yellow colored knowledge at this state when both these (consciousness and knowledge) are originally originated …
But after the Chitta gets originated, it begins accepting impressions (Samskaras) of the originating macrocosmic creation and her various states and these impressions being relatively grosser that the original subtlety of consciousness (Chitta), which in turn lower the resultant subtlety of consciousness (Chitta) …
This leads to a state where consciousness (Chitta) loses its original higher subtlety and thus as it keeps adopting these impressions from the originating macrocosmic creation and thus the consciousness keeps turning ever grosser, a stage eventually arrives where it (consciousness) becomes relatively grosser than knowledge (Buddhi) … Thus at this time the yellow colored knowledge (Buddhi) starts pervading the matt-white colored consciousness due to which the yellow colored knowledge starts resting within the mat-white colored consciousness (Chitta) …
The entire process of evolution is to restore the consciousness within its pristine original purity i.e. to restore the consciousness to its original impressionless state (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) … And this original impressionless state itself is that where the consciousness gets restored to its original subtlety and thus it again begins pervading the knowledge (i.e. white colored consciousness is seen to be resting within the yellow colored knowledge) … This restoration of Chitta to its original subtlety and thence the Chitta pervading and thus resting within knowledge is the state which was told as that of Bodhichitta within those knowledge systems as were rendered by Gurudeva Gautam Buddha …
Bodhichitta thus denotes the stage of exit from allness of Maker’s Makings which itself is the state which was present prior the origination of Maker’s Makings … Thus when the consciousness is freed of all adopted impressions, then it is the stage of restoration of Bodhichitta … And since this was the original state or state that was prior to the origination of Maker’s Makings, so the restoration of Bodhichitta within any aspirant also denotes that the aspirant has already evolved and thence already gone past the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
Thus during the state which was prior to the origination of Maker’s Makings, Bodhichitta was already present and after the aspirant exits out of allness, then the same Bodhichitta is restored in its own originality (as was prior to the original origination of the Maker’s Makings) …
This state of restoration of Bodhichitta is also arrived after transiting through the state as is described in above painting and thence entering the white colored bubbly lotus like light of Purusha … As this lotus like state of light is entered into, it eventually takes the aspirant to the fourth amongst the four upper great white worlds, which have also been addressed as Mahabrahma worlds within the Buddhist lore …
The Purusha is a continuous state and is like a long tunnel like lotus shaped light which finally terminates at the fourth amongst the four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka … These four upper great white worlds are the ones whom Buddhist systems call as Mahabrahma worlds (i.e. four upper worlds of Brahmaloka are the worlds of Brahma Sanatkumara, Brahma Baka, Brahma Sahampati and Mahabrahma) …
This realization eventually leads the aspirant to its “own essential innermost and essential nature (i.e. this self realization leads the aspirant to attain his or her Swaroop Stithi)” …
And finally …
The wife of the founder of AWGP (All World Gayatri Parivaar) i.e. Maa Bhagwati Devi Sharma, is also holding this Siddha body and that too whilst that Siddha body which is held by her is directly related to ninth sphere of Maker’s Makings or the white cloud like state of Para Prakriti i.e. Loka of my Devi Maa (Maa Adi-Shakti) … And since this body is directly related to Devi Maa (Maa Adi Shakti), so it is no surprise to me that the AWGP followers address her as a divine manifestation of Devi Maa (i.e. Maa Adi Shakti) herself …
And as we had discussed in the previous topic that the founder of AWGP (i.e. Pundit Ji Sriram Sharma) is currently holding the Siddha body of Avyakta and as discussed in above paragraph that his wife is currently holding the Siddha Sharira of Para Prakriti, so basis this directly cognized fact it is also very clear that this couple who had founded the AWGP was definitely a divine one who had come by as per the call of time (Kaal) and its eternal cycles (Kaalchakra) …
And as a matter of fact, during any Kaliyuga, its actually very-very rare to find such a couple … I have never been to Gayatri Parivaar to learn from them, except once when I did go but only to get a series of Durlabh Upanishad (i.e. Rarely available Upanishad) which was translated (written) by Pundit Ji himself (as it was not available elsewhere) … This visit to their ashram was because one of my Gurudeva (who resides within a divine world) had told me to get that text from their ashram (which is at Noida in Delhi NCR) so as to know the relationship of that which is discussed in the next topic, to that which I have been addressing as the Guru Sthanam (or seat of Guru), which itself is the divine world of eternal union of Shiva to Shakti (or Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara) and which is also the same as what was told as Shivaloka (divine world of Bhagwan Shiva) …
It was during this visit to their ashram that I firstly saw their photo and at that time it also struck me that this was definitely not an ordinary couple … So to find out the innermost reality of their evolutionary standing, I began meditating so as to know that which is discussed in this and previous paragraphs … And after that direct cognition, I can vouch for the fact that this couple was unlike any other of this Kaliyuga …
LL-4-E … When the diamond white body unites to Hiranyagarbha Brahma …

Now we come to the next stage of our current discussion where the diamond white body merges to Hiranyagarbha Brahma …
I didn’t paint this state of the diamond white body … Instead I have painted that formless state which is of the diamond white body, but after it merges to Hiranyagarbha Brahma …
This stage of self realization denotes that the aspirant has already gone past the three earlier Purushartha’s and then that aspirant has already entry into the fourth Purushartha … These four Purushartha’s are stated as follows …
- Dharma …
- Artha …
- Kama …
- Moksha …
- These four have been discussed in some earlier topic also, but that discussion is only a very brief one and is something like waves on the surface of an ocean … So to know about them and the systems of utilizing these four as a path of final liberation, do some research yourself …
There are two primary aspects of Maker’s Makings and these are as follows …
- Prakriti … The divinity of being there only is … Thus Prakriti herself is Maa Shakti … Prakriti is as eternal as Purusha as Prakriti herself is the divinity (or Shakti) of Purusha … Without Prakriti (i.e. Maa Shakti) Purusha (i.e. Bhagwan Paramshiva) is incomplete and without Purusha, Prakriti is also incomplete … The perfect non-dual union of Prakriti and Purusha is the Maker’s Makings which as such is naught but a self expression of Purusha (or Brahman) and a self manifestation of Prakriti … And due to this reason, Maker’s Makings are none other than the self manifested state of the pristine divinity of the absolute being (Parambrahma) … This self manifested state of the absolute being is the one who is addressed as Maa Prakriti (Mother Nature) …
- Purusha … The being there only is … Thus Purusha itself is the Absolute being whose state within the Maker’s Makings was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” and whose originality was discussed in an even earlier topic of “As IT originally was” and whose original self expression was told in the earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” …
- The self expressed, self manifested and self present eternally unioned state of Prakriti and Purusha, is the Maker’s Makings and since Purusha is the root of this union (as Prakriti was the one who desired to unite to Purusha and not vice versa), so the Maker’s Makings have also been termed as the self expressed, self manifested and self present eternally unioned state of Purusha (i.e. Parabrahman) in Vedic lore and this text too …
In this stage the diamond white body merges to the Purusha who is present in the heart area … In the heart, Purusha is like a lotus of very subtle white light that bubbles (something like milk is boiled) and into this state, the diamond white vehicle merges … This leads to a direct transit of the diamond white light to the fourth amongst the upper four great white worlds of Brahmaloka (i.e. abode of Maker) … These four upper great white worlds denote the four Purushartha’s (as were detailed earlier on in this topic) … These four can also be termed as the Purushartha Kosha … It eventually is to these four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka (i.e. abode of creator) that the four Purushartha’s are related to and the fourth amongst these four upper great white worlds denotes the fourth Purushartha which is told as Moksha …
Thus through the white colored Purusha of the heart as is described in above painted sketch, the same diamond white body directly enters into the fourth amongst the four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka … These four worlds of Brahmaloka shall be detailed with a painting, but at a later stage of this topic …
Thus this is the stage of arrival at Purushartha for that diamond white body and thus the aspirant …
The state inside the heart where Purusha resides is depicted in above painting of this discussion …
At the stage of self realization of above panted sketch, my eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva Sri Vishnu) who resides in the heart had stopped me from entering into the white colored lotus like state of Purusha which is enveloped by a golden light (as shown in above painting) … And this was because other spheres were still not arrived at (or realized) at this time of trying to enter the white colored light of Purusha of the heart …
As also, if any aspirant enters the white state as is shown in above figure, then that aspirants existence within all modes, conditions and states of existence is also fully ended … As such, since the other self realizations which relate to the fullness of knowledge of Maker and its Makings were still not arrived at (i.e. still not self realized), so my eternal guide stopped his little student from entering in the white part of this figure …
At a much later stage, the same white orb was also entered into, but this entry was from the fourth amongst the four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka and which is also termed as the Mahabrahma world (in Buddhist lore) … But this was only to self realize the fact that the light Purusha is a continuous state that starts from the heart of each aspirant and until the fourth of the four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka … Thus when the same Purusha as is present in the heart (and is depicted in above painted sketch) is entered into, then the aspirant directly proceeds to the fourth amongst the upper four great white worlds of Brahmaloka which is termed as the fourth Purushartha of Moksha (i.e. final liberation) in Vedic and Yogic lore and which is also termed as the fourth Mahabrahma world in Buddhist lore’s …
At that stage of entry into the white orb, it was found to be a continuous one across the entirety of Maker’s Makings and which ultimately leads to the fourth amongst the upper four great white worlds of Brahmaloka … This is the stage of self realization that this white orb is like a tubular structure that runs across the entirety of Maker’s Makings and whose final state (or termination point) is within the fourth amongst the upper four great white worlds of Brahmaloka itself …
Proceeding further …
In above figure, following are the parts …
- The golden color is of Hiranyagarbha or the golden womb of Maker’s Makings …
- The white colored light which as such is like a very subtle white colored lotus which rests within a golden envelope, is of Purusha of the heart …
- So above figure also denotes the Hiranyagarbha-Purusha Yoga (Hiranyagarbha union to Purusha) … This figure is showing the union of the white Purusha (Purushartha Kosha) to the Hiranyagarbha Brahma (or golden womb of macrocosmic creation) …
- As also, since the sound of the white Purusha is also of the same Sound of OM (or OM Naad) only and since OM itself is the Purusha and since this state of Purusha is present inside the heart of each aspirant, so this state was addressed as Purusha by the eternal guide …
- After a few years from the time when I had painted it, once when I looked at above figure, then at that time the central white part had the symbol of OM (ॐ) imprinted upon it … Above picture was taken at this time itself and if someone would observe it carefully (and through a subtle way), then that symbol of OM would be seen imprinted upon it … This symbol is not painted by me, but it manifested many years after this figure was painted …
Since Purusha is a formless state which above figure does not denote, so I even term this as the “Purusha Manas (i.e. Mind of Purusha or Maker’s Mind)” and I have also termed it as the “Chetan Manas (i.e. the conscious or awakened mind) of Purusha who resides within the heart of each aspirant …
Above is because of the following facts …
- Conscious principle … Chetan Siddhant … This is of Purusha …
- Activity principle … Kriya Siddhant … This is of Prakriti …
- Knowledge principle … Gyan Siddhant … This is of the unioned state of Purusha and Prakriti and thus knowledge can only be that which eternally relates to both the Purusha and all of the primary aspects of Prakriti … As such, if knowledge of any subtler or gross system becomes devoid of either of Prakriti or Purusha, then only does that knowledge systems become devoid of “oneness to allness and her each part” and this is what makes that knowledge system to become individualistic (monotheism of any type becomes manifested within that knowledge system) … And in such a state that knowledge system can never be termed as that which is complete (or leads to completeness of evolution and thence a final exit from the evolutionary process itself) …
- And that knowledge which is not complete also holds no capability to lead to fullness of knowledge of allness (Of Prakriti and Purusha) … So such knowledge systems eventually become based upon one or another type or form or formless state of individualism … Individualism only leads to one-up-manships and comparisons to other knowledge systems (and other ways of life) which itself becomes the reason for a future manifestation of a cyclic state of chaos i.e. endless alternating stages of chaos and peace …
Proceeding further … Process of self manifestation of Hiranyagarbha in heart …
Knowledge is of a yellow color …
Consciousness is of a white color …
As we had discussed in an earlier topic, that when consciousness (Chitta) becomes freed of all impressions, than that Chita re-arrives at its own original state as was prior to the timeless stage as was of the original commencement of the Maker’s Makings …
At above stage, since Chitta is subtler than knowledge, so consciousness again becomes the pervader (permeator) of the yellow colored knowledge … When this happens, then the yellow colored knowledge becomes supercharged by its pervader i.e. consciousness and it is at this time, that the earlier yellow colored knowledge begins shining in a golden colored state … This golden colored state is of Hiranyagarbha or the golden womb of macrocosmic creation … And it eventually is that that white colored consciousness who rests within the golden colored envelopes of Hiranyagarbha, is the one which denotes the Purusha and the fourth Purushartha …
Thus basis above, following is a fact …
- That consciousness which is not free of all impressions (or Samskaras) is the consciousness (or Chitta) … And that Chitta (or consciousness) which has already been freed of all past impressions and thus has arrived at its impressionless state (Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) is the Purusha …
- Hiranyagarbha (golden womb of creation) is the perfectly union state of the yellow colored knowledge and the white colored consciousness and that too after the consciousness is already freed of all past impressions … Thus Hiranyagarbha denotes the perfect state of original union of consciousness and knowledge as was prior to the stage when the consciousness had ended up adopting impressions within it …
- And Purusha denotes that consciousness (Chitta) which is impressionless …
- Due to above reasons, knowledge is of Hiranyagarbha Brahma who denotes union of knowledge to consciousness and consciousness is entirely (or only) of Purusha …
And the union of these two just as it originally was prior to the self manifestation of the Maker’s Makings from within the Hiranyagarbha (golden womb of Maker’s Makings) is what above figure eventually denotes …
Thus since the above figure denotes the state which was prior to the original self manifestation of the Maker’s Makings, so the self realization of above figure also means that the aspirant has evolved beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings … Such an aspirant is the one who could be deemed to be evolutionarily ready to enter into Brahmaloka, which as such is after the diamond white body as is discussed in the subsequent (next) topic is fully accomplished …
And finally for this discussion …
Arrival at a self realization of this state leads to a total quieting down of energies within the physical vehicle (i.e. the rising of Kundalini Shakti becomes very sober and peaceful) but this is only if the aspirant just at within the intersection of the white and golden colors as are depicted in above painting …
LL-4-F … Diamond white body with no other colors (within it or around it) … This is the next stage …
To see how this stage of the diamond white accomplishment vehicle looks like, please refer to the first painting of this topic …
This accomplishment vehicle denotes the sameness of aspirant to the pristine abode of the Maker i.e. Brahmaloka …
When the aspirants diamond white vehicle finally enters into a state of sameness to the arrives at a sameness to the pristine abode of the Maker i.e. Brahmaloka, then this vehicle is self realized … And this is the vehicle which eventually enters into Brahmaloka … And rests there till eternity … This is the stage of final attainment state of the diamond white accomplishment vehicle (i.e. this part of the topic described the final state of the diamond white Siddha Body) …
This is the stage when the diamond white body is not holding anything other than a vast number of shining diamond white lighted rays within it … This body is so luminous that initially seems unbelievable …
This is the accomplishment vehicle which enters the “Macro-neutral attributed-formless pristine abode of Maker (i.e. Sarva-Sam Sagun Nirakaar Brahmaloka)” … But this is only after it has merged to macrocosmic macro-neutrality and not prior to this stage … The Brahmaloka shall be discussed at a later stage of this topic …
This diamond white body is the one which enters into Brahmaloka … Thus it eventually is by virtue of holding this diamond white vehicle that the aspirant enters Brahmaloka even whilst still alive (as when the diamond white body of the aspirant enters into Brahmaloka, then that aspirant is also deemed to be stationed within Brahmaloka itself) …
And as a matter of fact, during macrocosmic history not even a handful of aspirant have ever held this diamond white body …
This also is the accomplishment vehicle which passes through the Vidyut Loka (electric world) freely … However at the time when it passes through the Vidyut Loka, it has a lighted blue envelope around it and its each subtle nerve (this was discussed in this topic earlier) … One of the aspirant’s who currently holds this state of diamond white body is Sai Baba of Shirdi and thus due to this reason, Sai Baba of Shirdi is also none other than a Siddha only …
This accomplishment vehicle also enters the ninth sphere and in such a case, golden specs of light are seen within the body and around it … Many of the last time returners have this body …
This accomplishment vehicle eventually leads to Swaroop Stithi of Sagun Nirgun Awastha … or … realization and thence an arrival at “ones innermost and essential attributed-attributeless nature” … Thus as far as accomplishments vehicles (Siddha Bodies) stand, this is the vehicle which is always held prior any aspirant prior that aspirant finally exits out of (by letting go of or detaching from) all attributed states (i.e. all attributes) and thence enters into the attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) and this is the stage of attainment of the colorless body (which shall be discussed at a later stage of the current set of topics) …
This accomplishment vehicle also renders a silvery hue to the skin of the physical vehicle of the aspirant who is a holder of this body …
This is one of the main Siddha Bodies …
Once this Siddha body enters into and thence transits through the ninth sphere so as to self realize those four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka, then after this self realization completes, through a secret route the four headed creator as is told in Vedic lore is also self realized … At this state I knew that there is nothing more to be ever known or done during any eternity of any future existence of the Maker’s Makings … At this stage I knew that the root purpose of my evolutionary existence was already fully accomplished …
Discussions continue …